tidb collector 源码
tidb collector 代码
// Copyright 2020 PingCAP, Inc. Licensed under Apache-2.0.
package summary
import (
berror "github.com/pingcap/errors"
const (
// BackupUnit tells summary in backup
BackupUnit = "backup"
// RestoreUnit tells summary in restore
RestoreUnit = "restore"
// TotalKV is a field we collect during backup/restore
TotalKV = "total kv"
// TotalBytes is a field we collect during backup/restore
TotalBytes = "total bytes"
// BackupDataSize is a field we collect after backup finish
BackupDataSize = "backup data size(after compressed)"
// RestoreDataSize is a field we collection after restore finish
RestoreDataSize = "restore data size(after compressed)"
// LogCollector collects infos into summary log.
type LogCollector interface {
SetUnit(unit string)
CollectSuccessUnit(name string, unitCount int, arg interface{})
CollectFailureUnit(name string, reason error)
CollectDuration(name string, t time.Duration)
CollectInt(name string, t int)
CollectUInt(name string, t uint64)
SetSuccessStatus(success bool)
Summary(name string)
Log(msg string, fields ...zap.Field)
type logFunc func(msg string, fields ...zap.Field)
var collector = NewLogCollector(log.Info)
// InitCollector initilize global collector instance.
func InitCollector( // revive:disable-line:flag-parameter
hasLogFile bool,
) {
logF := log.L().Info
if hasLogFile {
conf := new(log.Config)
// Always duplicate summary to stdout.
logger, _, err := log.InitLogger(conf)
if err == nil {
logF = func(msg string, fields ...zap.Field) {
logger.Info(msg, fields...)
log.Info(msg, fields...)
collector = NewLogCollector(logF)
type logCollector struct {
mu sync.Mutex
unit string
successUnitCount int
failureUnitCount int
successCosts map[string]time.Duration
successData map[string]uint64
failureReasons map[string]error
durations map[string]time.Duration
ints map[string]int
uints map[string]uint64
successStatus bool
startTime time.Time
log logFunc
// NewLogCollector returns a new LogCollector.
func NewLogCollector(logf logFunc) LogCollector {
return &logCollector{
successUnitCount: 0,
failureUnitCount: 0,
successCosts: make(map[string]time.Duration),
successData: make(map[string]uint64),
failureReasons: make(map[string]error),
durations: make(map[string]time.Duration),
ints: make(map[string]int),
uints: make(map[string]uint64),
log: logf,
startTime: time.Now(),
func (tc *logCollector) SetUnit(unit string) {
defer tc.mu.Unlock()
tc.unit = unit
func (tc *logCollector) CollectSuccessUnit(name string, unitCount int, arg interface{}) {
defer tc.mu.Unlock()
switch v := arg.(type) {
case time.Duration:
tc.successUnitCount += unitCount
tc.successCosts[name] += v
case uint64:
tc.successData[name] += v
func (tc *logCollector) CollectFailureUnit(name string, reason error) {
defer tc.mu.Unlock()
if _, ok := tc.failureReasons[name]; !ok {
tc.failureReasons[name] = reason
func (tc *logCollector) CollectDuration(name string, t time.Duration) {
defer tc.mu.Unlock()
tc.durations[name] += t
func (tc *logCollector) CollectInt(name string, t int) {
defer tc.mu.Unlock()
tc.ints[name] += t
func (tc *logCollector) CollectUInt(name string, t uint64) {
defer tc.mu.Unlock()
tc.uints[name] += t
func (tc *logCollector) SetSuccessStatus(success bool) {
defer tc.mu.Unlock()
tc.successStatus = success
func logKeyFor(key string) string {
return strings.ReplaceAll(key, " ", "-")
func (tc *logCollector) Summary(name string) {
defer func() {
tc.durations = make(map[string]time.Duration)
tc.ints = make(map[string]int)
tc.successCosts = make(map[string]time.Duration)
tc.failureReasons = make(map[string]error)
logFields := make([]zap.Field, 0, len(tc.durations)+len(tc.ints)+3)
logFields = append(logFields,
zap.Int("total-ranges", tc.failureUnitCount+tc.successUnitCount),
zap.Int("ranges-succeed", tc.successUnitCount),
zap.Int("ranges-failed", tc.failureUnitCount),
for key, val := range tc.durations {
logFields = append(logFields, zap.Duration(logKeyFor(key), val))
for key, val := range tc.ints {
logFields = append(logFields, zap.Int(logKeyFor(key), val))
for key, val := range tc.uints {
logFields = append(logFields, zap.Uint64(logKeyFor(key), val))
if len(tc.failureReasons) != 0 || !tc.successStatus {
var canceledUnits int
for unitName, reason := range tc.failureReasons {
if berror.Cause(reason) != context.Canceled {
logFields = append(logFields, zap.String("unit-name", unitName), zap.Error(reason))
} else {
// only print total number of cancel unit
log.Info("units canceled", zap.Int("cancel-unit", canceledUnits))
tc.log(name+" failed summary", logFields...)
totalDureTime := time.Since(tc.startTime)
logFields = append(logFields, zap.Duration("total-take", totalDureTime))
for name, data := range tc.successData {
if name == TotalBytes {
logFields = append(logFields,
zap.String("total-kv-size", units.HumanSize(float64(data))),
zap.String("average-speed", units.HumanSize(float64(data)/totalDureTime.Seconds())+"/s"))
if name == BackupDataSize {
if tc.failureUnitCount+tc.successUnitCount == 0 {
logFields = append(logFields, zap.String("Result", "Nothing to bakcup"))
} else {
logFields = append(logFields,
zap.String(logKeyFor(BackupDataSize), units.HumanSize(float64(data))))
if name == RestoreDataSize {
if tc.failureUnitCount+tc.successUnitCount == 0 {
logFields = append(logFields, zap.String("Result", "Nothing to restore"))
} else {
logFields = append(logFields,
zap.String(logKeyFor(RestoreDataSize), units.HumanSize(float64(data))))
logFields = append(logFields, zap.Uint64(logKeyFor(name), data))
tc.log(name+" success summary", logFields...)
func (tc *logCollector) Log(msg string, fields ...zap.Field) {
tc.log(msg, fields...)
// SetLogCollector allow pass LogCollector outside.
func SetLogCollector(l LogCollector) {
collector = l
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