harmony 鸿蒙Theme Framework Subsystem – Wallpaper Management Service Changelog

  • 2023-06-24
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Theme Framework Subsystem – Wallpaper Management Service Changelog

cl.wallpaper.1 Permission Change of getColorsSync, getMinHeightSync, getMinWidthSync, restore, and setImage

Changed the getColorsSync, getMinHeightSync, getMinWidthSync, restore, and setImage APIs to system APIs since API version 9.

You need to adapt your application based on the following information.

Change Impact

The JS API needs to be adapted for applications developed based on earlier versions. Otherwise, relevant functions will be affected.

  • Involved APIs:
    function getColorsSync(wallpaperType: WallpaperType): Array<RgbaColor>;
    function getMinHeightSync(): number;
    function getMinWidthSync(): number;
    function restore(wallpaperType: WallpaperType, callback: AsyncCallback<void>): void;
    function restore(wallpaperType: WallpaperType): Promise<void>;
    function setImage(source: string|image.PixelMap, wallpaperType: WallpaperType, callback: AsyncCallback<void>): void;
    function setImage(source: string|image.PixelMap, wallpaperType: WallpaperType): Promise<void>;
  • Before change:
     * Obtains the wallpaper colors for the wallpaper of the specified type. Returns rgbaColor type of array callback function.
     * @param wallpaperType Indicates the wallpaper type.
     * @returns { Array<RgbaColor> } the Array<RgbaColor> returned by the function.
     * @throws {BusinessError} 401 - parameter error.
     * @throws {BusinessError} 202 - permission verification failed, application which is not a system application uses system API.
     * @syscap SystemCapability.MiscServices.Wallpaper
     * @systemapi Hide this for inner system use.
     * @since 9
    function getColorsSync(wallpaperType: WallpaperType): Array<RgbaColor>;

     * Obtains the minimum height of the wallpaper. in pixels. returns 0 if no wallpaper has been set.
     * @returns { number } the number returned by the function.
     * @throws {BusinessError} 202 - permission verification failed, application which is not a system application uses system API.
     * @syscap SystemCapability.MiscServices.Wallpaper
     * @systemapi Hide this for inner system use.
     * @since 9
    function getMinHeightSync(): number;

     * Obtains the minimum width of the wallpaper. in pixels. returns 0 if no wallpaper has been set.
     * @returns { number } the number returned by the function.
     * @throws {BusinessError} 202 - permission verification failed, application which is not a system application uses system API.
     * @syscap SystemCapability.MiscServices.Wallpaper
     * @systemapi Hide this for inner system use.
     * @since 9
    function getMinWidthSync(): number;

     * Removes a wallpaper of the specified type and restores the default one.
     * @param wallpaperType Indicates the wallpaper type.
     * @throws {BusinessError} 401 - parameter error.
     * @throws {BusinessError} 201 - permission denied.
     * @throws {BusinessError} 202 - permission verification failed, application which is not a system application uses system API.
     * @permission ohos.permission.SET_WALLPAPER
     * @syscap SystemCapability.MiscServices.Wallpaper
     * @systemapi Hide this for inner system use.
     * @since 9
    function restore(wallpaperType: WallpaperType, callback: AsyncCallback<void>): void;

     * Removes a wallpaper of the specified type and restores the default one.
     * @param wallpaperType Indicates the wallpaper type.
     * @throws {BusinessError} 401 - parameter error.
     * @throws {BusinessError} 201 - permission denied.
     * @throws {BusinessError} 202 - permission verification failed, application which is not a system application uses system API.
     * @permission ohos.permission.SET_WALLPAPER
     * @syscap SystemCapability.MiscServices.Wallpaper
     * @systemapi Hide this for inner system use.
     * @since 9
    function restore(wallpaperType: WallpaperType): Promise<void>;
     * Sets a wallpaper of the specified type based on the uri path from a JPEG or PNG file or the pixel map of a PNG file.
     * @param source Indicates the uri path from a JPEG or PNG file or the pixel map of the PNG file.
     * @param wallpaperType Indicates the wallpaper type.
     * @throws {BusinessError} 401 - parameter error.
     * @throws {BusinessError} 201 - permission denied.
     * @throws {BusinessError} 202 - permission verification failed, application which is not a system application uses system API.
     * @permission ohos.permission.SET_WALLPAPER
     * @syscap SystemCapability.MiscServices.Wallpaper
     * @systemapi Hide this for inner system use.
     * @since 9
    function setImage(source: string|image.PixelMap, wallpaperType: WallpaperType, callback: AsyncCallback<void>): void;

     * Sets a wallpaper of the specified type based on the uri path from a JPEG or PNG file or the pixel map of a PNG file.
     * @param source Indicates the uri path from a JPEG or PNG file or the pixel map of the PNG file.
     * @param wallpaperType Indicates the wallpaper type.
     * @throws {BusinessError} 401 - parameter error.
     * @throws {BusinessError} 201 - permission denied.
     * @throws {BusinessError} 202 - permission verification failed, application which is not a system application uses system API.
     * @permission ohos.permission.SET_WALLPAPER
     * @syscap SystemCapability.MiscServices.Wallpaper
     * @systemapi Hide this for inner system use.
     * @since 9
    function setImage(source: string|image.PixelMap, wallpaperType: WallpaperType): Promise<void>;
  • After change:
     * Obtains the wallpaper colors for the wallpaper of the specified type. Returns rgbaColor type of array callback function.
     * @param wallpaperType Indicates the wallpaper type.
     * @returns { Array<RgbaColor> } the Array<RgbaColor> returned by the function.
     * @throws {BusinessError} 401 - parameter error.
     * @syscap SystemCapability.MiscServices.Wallpaper
     * @since 9
    function getColorsSync(wallpaperType: WallpaperType): Array<RgbaColor>;

     * Obtains the minimum height of the wallpaper. in pixels. returns 0 if no wallpaper has been set.
     * @returns { number } the number returned by the function.
     * @syscap SystemCapability.MiscServices.Wallpaper
     * @since 9
    function getMinHeightSync(): number;

     * Obtains the minimum width of the wallpaper. in pixels. returns 0 if no wallpaper has been set.
     * @returns { number } the number returned by the function.
     * @syscap SystemCapability.MiscServices.Wallpaper
     * @since 9
    function getMinWidthSync(): number;

     * Removes a wallpaper of the specified type and restores the default one.
     * @param wallpaperType Indicates the wallpaper type.
     * @throws {BusinessError} 401 - parameter error.
     * @throws {BusinessError} 201 - permission denied.
     * @permission ohos.permission.SET_WALLPAPER
     * @syscap SystemCapability.MiscServices.Wallpaper
     * @since 9
    function restore(wallpaperType: WallpaperType, callback: AsyncCallback<void>): void;

     * Removes a wallpaper of the specified type and restores the default one.
     * @param wallpaperType Indicates the wallpaper type.
     * @throws {BusinessError} 401 - parameter error.
     * @throws {BusinessError} 201 - permission denied.
     * @permission ohos.permission.SET_WALLPAPER
     * @syscap SystemCapability.MiscServices.Wallpaper
     * @since 9
    function restore(wallpaperType: WallpaperType): Promise<void>;
     * Sets a wallpaper of the specified type based on the uri path from a JPEG or PNG file or the pixel map of a PNG file.
     * @param source Indicates the uri path from a JPEG or PNG file or the pixel map of the PNG file.
     * @param wallpaperType Indicates the wallpaper type.
     * @throws {BusinessError} 401 - parameter error.
     * @throws {BusinessError} 201 - permission denied.
     * @permission ohos.permission.SET_WALLPAPER
     * @syscap SystemCapability.MiscServices.Wallpaper
     * @since 9
    function setImage(source: string|image.PixelMap, wallpaperType: WallpaperType, callback: AsyncCallback<void>): void;

     * Sets a wallpaper of the specified type based on the uri path from a JPEG or PNG file or the pixel map of a PNG file.
     * @param source Indicates the uri path from a JPEG or PNG file or the pixel map of the PNG file.
     * @param wallpaperType Indicates the wallpaper type.
     * @throws {BusinessError} 401 - parameter error.
     * @throws {BusinessError} 201 - permission denied.
     * @permission ohos.permission.SET_WALLPAPER
     * @syscap SystemCapability.MiscServices.Wallpaper
     * @since 9
    function setImage(source: string|image.PixelMap, wallpaperType: WallpaperType): Promise<void>;

Adaptation Guide

Make sure the APIs are only invoked by system applications.

The code snippet is as follows:

    try {
        let colors = wallpaper.getColorsSync(wallpaper.WallpaperType.WALLPAPER_SYSTEM);
        console.log(`success to getColorsSync: ${JSON.stringify(colors)}`);
    } catch (error) {
        console.error(`failed to getColorsSync because: ${JSON.stringify(error)}`);
    let minHeight = wallpaper.getMinHeightSync();
    let minWidth = wallpaper.getMinWidthSync();
    wallpaper.restore(wallpaper.WallpaperType.WALLPAPER_SYSTEM, (error) => {
        if (error) {
            console.error(`failed to restore because: ${JSON.stringify(error)}`);
        console.log(`success to restore.`);
    wallpaper.restore(wallpaper.WallpaperType.WALLPAPER_SYSTEM).then(() => {
        console.log(`success to restore.`);
      }).catch((error) => {
        console.error(`failed to restore because: ${JSON.stringify(error)}`);
    // The source type is string.
    let wallpaperPath = "/data/data/ohos.acts.aafwk.plrdtest.form/files/Cup_ic.jpg";
    wallpaper.setImage(wallpaperPath, wallpaper.WallpaperType.WALLPAPER_SYSTEM, (error) => {
        if (error) {
            console.error(`failed to setImage because: ${JSON.stringify(error)}`);
        console.log(`success to setImage.`);
    // The source type is string.
    let wallpaperPath = "/data/data/ohos.acts.aafwk.plrdtest.form/files/Cup_ic.jpg";
    wallpaper.setImage(wallpaperPath, wallpaper.WallpaperType.WALLPAPER_SYSTEM).then(() => {
        console.log(`success to setImage.`);
    }).catch((error) => {
        console.error(`failed to setImage because: ${JSON.stringify(error)}`);

cl.wallpaper.2 Deprecation of getIdSync, getFileSync, isChangeAllowed, isUserChangeAllowed, on, off, and RgbaColor

Deprecated the getIdSync, getFileSync, isChangeAllowed, isUserChangeAllowed, on, off, and RgbaColor APIs since API version 9.

You need to adapt your application based on the following information.

Change Impact

The APIs can no longer be used after being deleted.

  • Involved APIs:
    function getIdSync(wallpaperType: WallpaperType): number;
    function getFileSync(wallpaperType: WallpaperType): number;
    function isChangeAllowed(): boolean;
    function isUserChangeAllowed(): boolean;
    function on(type: 'colorChange', callback: (colors: Array<RgbaColor>, wallpaperType: WallpaperType) => void): void;
    function off(type: 'colorChange', callback?: (colors: Array<RgbaColor>, wallpaperType: WallpaperType) => void): void;
    interface RgbaColor {
        red: number;
        green: number;
        blue: number;
        alpha: number;
  • Before change:
    function getIdSync(wallpaperType: WallpaperType): number;
    function getFileSync(wallpaperType: WallpaperType): number;
    function isChangeAllowed(): boolean;
    function isUserChangeAllowed(): boolean;
    function on(type: 'colorChange', callback: (colors: Array<RgbaColor>, wallpaperType: WallpaperType) => void): void;
    function off(type: 'colorChange', callback?: (colors: Array<RgbaColor>, wallpaperType: WallpaperType) => void): void;
    interface RgbaColor {
        red: number;
        green: number;
        blue: number;
        alpha: number;
  • After change:

The APIs are deleted.

Adaptation Guide

Update the code so that the deprecated APIs are not used.


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