spark HadoopDelegationTokenManager 源码

  • 2022-10-20
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spark HadoopDelegationTokenManager 代码


 * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
 * contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file distributed with
 * this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
 * The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
 * (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
 * the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 * limitations under the License.


import java.util.ServiceLoader
import java.util.concurrent.{ScheduledExecutorService, TimeUnit}

import scala.collection.mutable

import org.apache.hadoop.conf.Configuration
import{Credentials, UserGroupInformation}

import org.apache.spark.SparkConf
import org.apache.spark.deploy.SparkHadoopUtil
import org.apache.spark.internal.Logging
import org.apache.spark.internal.config._
import org.apache.spark.rpc.RpcEndpointRef
import org.apache.spark.scheduler.cluster.CoarseGrainedClusterMessages.UpdateDelegationTokens
import org.apache.spark.ui.UIUtils
import org.apache.spark.util.{ThreadUtils, Utils}

 * Manager for delegation tokens in a Spark application.
 * When delegation token renewal is enabled, this manager will make sure long-running apps can
 * run without interruption while accessing secured services. It periodically logs in to the KDC
 * with user-provided credentials, and contacts all the configured secure services to obtain
 * delegation tokens to be distributed to the rest of the application.
 * New delegation tokens are created once 75% of the renewal interval of the original tokens has
 * elapsed. The new tokens are sent to the Spark driver endpoint. The driver is tasked with
 * distributing the tokens to other processes that might need them.
 * Renewal can be enabled in two different ways: by providing a principal and keytab to Spark, or by
 * enabling renewal based on the local credential cache. The latter has the drawback that Spark
 * can't create new TGTs by itself, so the user has to manually update the Kerberos ticket cache
 * externally.
 * This class can also be used just to create delegation tokens, by calling the
 * `obtainDelegationTokens` method. This option does not require calling the `start` method nor
 * providing a driver reference, but leaves it up to the caller to distribute the tokens that were
 * generated.
private[spark] class HadoopDelegationTokenManager(
    protected val sparkConf: SparkConf,
    protected val hadoopConf: Configuration,
    protected val schedulerRef: RpcEndpointRef) extends Logging {

  private val principal = sparkConf.get(PRINCIPAL).orNull

  // The keytab can be a local: URI for cluster mode, so translate it to a regular path. If it is
  // needed later on, the code will check that it exists.
  private val keytab = sparkConf.get(KEYTAB).map { uri => new URI(uri).getPath() }.orNull

  require((principal == null) == (keytab == null),
    "Both principal and keytab must be defined, or neither.")

  private val delegationTokenProviders = loadProviders()
  logDebug("Using the following builtin delegation token providers: " +
    s"${delegationTokenProviders.keys.mkString(", ")}.")

  private var renewalExecutor: ScheduledExecutorService = _

  /** @return Whether delegation token renewal is enabled. */
  def renewalEnabled: Boolean = sparkConf.get(KERBEROS_RENEWAL_CREDENTIALS) match {
    case "keytab" => principal != null
    case "ccache" => UserGroupInformation.getCurrentUser().hasKerberosCredentials()
    case _ => false

   * Start the token renewer. Requires a principal and keytab. Upon start, the renewer will
   * obtain delegation tokens for all configured services and send them to the driver, and
   * set up tasks to periodically get fresh tokens as needed.
   * This method requires that a keytab has been provided to Spark, and will try to keep the
   * logged in user's TGT valid while this manager is active.
   * @return New set of delegation tokens created for the configured principal.
  def start(): Array[Byte] = {
    require(renewalEnabled, "Token renewal must be enabled to start the renewer.")
    require(schedulerRef != null, "Token renewal requires a scheduler endpoint.")
    renewalExecutor =
      ThreadUtils.newDaemonSingleThreadScheduledExecutor("Credential Renewal Thread")

    val ugi = UserGroupInformation.getCurrentUser()
    if (ugi.isFromKeytab()) {
      // In Hadoop 2.x, renewal of the keytab-based login seems to be automatic, but in Hadoop 3.x,
      // it is configurable (see hadoop.kerberos.keytab.login.autorenewal.enabled, added in
      // HADOOP-9567). This task will make sure that the user stays logged in regardless of that
      // configuration's value. Note that checkTGTAndReloginFromKeytab() is a no-op if the TGT does
      // not need to be renewed yet.
      val tgtRenewalTask = new Runnable() {
        override def run(): Unit = {
      val tgtRenewalPeriod = sparkConf.get(KERBEROS_RELOGIN_PERIOD)
      renewalExecutor.scheduleAtFixedRate(tgtRenewalTask, tgtRenewalPeriod, tgtRenewalPeriod,


  def stop(): Unit = {
    if (renewalExecutor != null) {

   * Fetch new delegation tokens for configured services, storing them in the given credentials.
   * @param creds Credentials object where to store the delegation tokens.
  def obtainDelegationTokens(creds: Credentials): Unit = {
    val currentUser = UserGroupInformation.getCurrentUser()
    val hasKerberosCreds = principal != null ||

    // Delegation tokens can only be obtained if the real user has Kerberos credentials, so
    // skip creation when those are not available.
    if (hasKerberosCreds) {
      val freshUGI = doLogin()
      freshUGI.doAs(new PrivilegedExceptionAction[Unit]() {
        override def run(): Unit = {
          val (newTokens, _) = obtainDelegationTokens()

   * Fetch new delegation tokens for configured services.
   * @return 2-tuple (credentials with new tokens, time by which the tokens must be renewed)
  private def obtainDelegationTokens(): (Credentials, Long) = {
    val creds = new Credentials()
    val nextRenewal = delegationTokenProviders.values.flatMap { provider =>
      if (provider.delegationTokensRequired(sparkConf, hadoopConf)) {
        provider.obtainDelegationTokens(hadoopConf, sparkConf, creds)
      } else {
        logDebug(s"Service ${provider.serviceName} does not require a token." +
          s" Check your configuration to see if security is disabled or not.")
    (creds, nextRenewal)

  // Visible for testing.
  def isProviderLoaded(serviceName: String): Boolean = {

  private def scheduleRenewal(delay: Long): Unit = {
    val _delay = math.max(0, delay)
    logInfo(s"Scheduling renewal in ${UIUtils.formatDuration(_delay)}.")

    val renewalTask = new Runnable() {
      override def run(): Unit = {
    renewalExecutor.schedule(renewalTask, _delay, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS)

   * Periodic task to login to the KDC and create new delegation tokens. Re-schedules itself
   * to fetch the next set of tokens when needed.
  private def updateTokensTask(): Array[Byte] = {
    try {
      val freshUGI = doLogin()
      val creds = obtainTokensAndScheduleRenewal(freshUGI)
      val tokens = SparkHadoopUtil.get.serialize(creds)

      logInfo("Updating delegation tokens.")
    } catch {
      case _: InterruptedException =>
        // Ignore, may happen if shutting down.
      case e: Exception =>
        val delay = TimeUnit.SECONDS.toMillis(sparkConf.get(CREDENTIALS_RENEWAL_RETRY_WAIT))
        logWarning(s"Failed to update tokens, will try again in ${UIUtils.formatDuration(delay)}!" +
          " If this happens too often tasks will fail.", e)

   * Obtain new delegation tokens from the available providers. Schedules a new task to fetch
   * new tokens before the new set expires.
   * @return Credentials containing the new tokens.
  private def obtainTokensAndScheduleRenewal(ugi: UserGroupInformation): Credentials = {
    ugi.doAs(new PrivilegedExceptionAction[Credentials]() {
      override def run(): Credentials = {
        val (creds, nextRenewal) = obtainDelegationTokens()

        // Calculate the time when new credentials should be created, based on the configured
        // ratio.
        val now = System.currentTimeMillis
        val ratio = sparkConf.get(CREDENTIALS_RENEWAL_INTERVAL_RATIO)
        val delay = (ratio * (nextRenewal - now)).toLong
        logInfo(s"Calculated delay on renewal is $delay, based on next renewal $nextRenewal " +
          s"and the ratio $ratio, and current time $now")

  private def doLogin(): UserGroupInformation = {
    if (principal != null) {
      logInfo(s"Attempting to login to KDC using principal: $principal")
      require(new File(keytab).isFile(), s"Cannot find keytab at $keytab.")
      val ugi = UserGroupInformation.loginUserFromKeytabAndReturnUGI(principal, keytab)
      logInfo("Successfully logged into KDC.")
    } else if (!SparkHadoopUtil.get.isProxyUser(UserGroupInformation.getCurrentUser())) {
      logInfo(s"Attempting to load user's ticket cache.")
      val ccache = sparkConf.getenv("KRB5CCNAME")
      val user = Option(sparkConf.getenv("KRB5PRINCIPAL")).getOrElse(
      UserGroupInformation.getUGIFromTicketCache(ccache, user)
    } else {

  private def loadProviders(): Map[String, HadoopDelegationTokenProvider] = {
    val loader = ServiceLoader.load(classOf[HadoopDelegationTokenProvider],
    val providers = mutable.ArrayBuffer[HadoopDelegationTokenProvider]()

    val iterator = loader.iterator
    while (iterator.hasNext) {
      try {
        providers +=
      } catch {
        case t: Throwable =>
          logDebug(s"Failed to load built in provider.", t)

    // Filter out providers for which{service}.enabled is false.
      .filter { p => HadoopDelegationTokenManager.isServiceEnabled(sparkConf, p.serviceName) }
      .map { p => (p.serviceName, p) }

private[spark] object HadoopDelegationTokenManager extends Logging {
  private val providerEnabledConfig = ""

  private val deprecatedProviderEnabledConfigs = List(

  def isServiceEnabled(sparkConf: SparkConf, serviceName: String): Boolean = {
    val key = providerEnabledConfig.format(serviceName)

    deprecatedProviderEnabledConfigs.foreach { pattern =>
      val deprecatedKey = pattern.format(serviceName)
      if (sparkConf.contains(deprecatedKey)) {
        logWarning(s"${deprecatedKey} is deprecated.  Please use ${key} instead.")

    val isEnabledDeprecated = deprecatedProviderEnabledConfigs.forall { pattern =>



spark 源码目录


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