tidb expression 源码

  • 2022-09-19
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tidb expression 代码


// Copyright 2016 PingCAP, Inc.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
//     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.

package expression

import (
	goJSON "encoding/json"


// These are byte flags used for `HashCode()`.
const (
	constantFlag       byte = 0
	columnFlag         byte = 1
	scalarFunctionFlag byte = 3
	parameterFlag      byte = 4

// EvalAstExpr evaluates ast expression directly.
// Note: initialized in planner/core
// import expression and planner/core together to use EvalAstExpr
var EvalAstExpr func(sctx sessionctx.Context, expr ast.ExprNode) (types.Datum, error)

// RewriteAstExpr rewrites ast expression directly.
// Note: initialized in planner/core
// import expression and planner/core together to use EvalAstExpr
var RewriteAstExpr func(sctx sessionctx.Context, expr ast.ExprNode, schema *Schema, names types.NameSlice) (Expression, error)

// VecExpr contains all vectorized evaluation methods.
type VecExpr interface {
	// Vectorized returns if this expression supports vectorized evaluation.
	Vectorized() bool

	// VecEvalInt evaluates this expression in a vectorized manner.
	VecEvalInt(ctx sessionctx.Context, input *chunk.Chunk, result *chunk.Column) error

	// VecEvalReal evaluates this expression in a vectorized manner.
	VecEvalReal(ctx sessionctx.Context, input *chunk.Chunk, result *chunk.Column) error

	// VecEvalString evaluates this expression in a vectorized manner.
	VecEvalString(ctx sessionctx.Context, input *chunk.Chunk, result *chunk.Column) error

	// VecEvalDecimal evaluates this expression in a vectorized manner.
	VecEvalDecimal(ctx sessionctx.Context, input *chunk.Chunk, result *chunk.Column) error

	// VecEvalTime evaluates this expression in a vectorized manner.
	VecEvalTime(ctx sessionctx.Context, input *chunk.Chunk, result *chunk.Column) error

	// VecEvalDuration evaluates this expression in a vectorized manner.
	VecEvalDuration(ctx sessionctx.Context, input *chunk.Chunk, result *chunk.Column) error

	// VecEvalJSON evaluates this expression in a vectorized manner.
	VecEvalJSON(ctx sessionctx.Context, input *chunk.Chunk, result *chunk.Column) error

// ReverseExpr contains all resersed evaluation methods.
type ReverseExpr interface {
	// SupportReverseEval checks whether the builtinFunc support reverse evaluation.
	SupportReverseEval() bool

	// ReverseEval evaluates the only one column value with given function result.
	ReverseEval(sc *stmtctx.StatementContext, res types.Datum, rType types.RoundingType) (val types.Datum, err error)

// Expression represents all scalar expression in SQL.
type Expression interface {

	// Eval evaluates an expression through a row.
	Eval(row chunk.Row) (types.Datum, error)

	// EvalInt returns the int64 representation of expression.
	EvalInt(ctx sessionctx.Context, row chunk.Row) (val int64, isNull bool, err error)

	// EvalReal returns the float64 representation of expression.
	EvalReal(ctx sessionctx.Context, row chunk.Row) (val float64, isNull bool, err error)

	// EvalString returns the string representation of expression.
	EvalString(ctx sessionctx.Context, row chunk.Row) (val string, isNull bool, err error)

	// EvalDecimal returns the decimal representation of expression.
	EvalDecimal(ctx sessionctx.Context, row chunk.Row) (val *types.MyDecimal, isNull bool, err error)

	// EvalTime returns the DATE/DATETIME/TIMESTAMP representation of expression.
	EvalTime(ctx sessionctx.Context, row chunk.Row) (val types.Time, isNull bool, err error)

	// EvalDuration returns the duration representation of expression.
	EvalDuration(ctx sessionctx.Context, row chunk.Row) (val types.Duration, isNull bool, err error)

	// EvalJSON returns the JSON representation of expression.
	EvalJSON(ctx sessionctx.Context, row chunk.Row) (val types.BinaryJSON, isNull bool, err error)

	// GetType gets the type that the expression returns.
	GetType() *types.FieldType

	// Clone copies an expression totally.
	Clone() Expression

	// Equal checks whether two expressions are equal.
	Equal(ctx sessionctx.Context, e Expression) bool

	// IsCorrelated checks if this expression has correlated key.
	IsCorrelated() bool

	// ConstItem checks if this expression is constant item, regardless of query evaluation state.
	// An expression is constant item if it:
	// refers no tables.
	// refers no correlated column.
	// refers no subqueries that refers any tables.
	// refers no non-deterministic functions.
	// refers no statement parameters.
	// refers no param markers when prepare plan cache is enabled.
	ConstItem(sc *stmtctx.StatementContext) bool

	// Decorrelate try to decorrelate the expression by schema.
	Decorrelate(schema *Schema) Expression

	// ResolveIndices resolves indices by the given schema. It will copy the original expression and return the copied one.
	ResolveIndices(schema *Schema) (Expression, error)

	// resolveIndices is called inside the `ResolveIndices` It will perform on the expression itself.
	resolveIndices(schema *Schema) error

	// ResolveIndicesByVirtualExpr resolves indices by the given schema in terms of virual expression. It will copy the original expression and return the copied one.
	ResolveIndicesByVirtualExpr(schema *Schema) (Expression, bool)

	// resolveIndicesByVirtualExpr is called inside the `ResolveIndicesByVirtualExpr` It will perform on the expression itself.
	resolveIndicesByVirtualExpr(schema *Schema) bool

	// RemapColumn remaps columns with provided mapping and returns new expression
	RemapColumn(map[int64]*Column) (Expression, error)

	// ExplainInfo returns operator information to be explained.
	ExplainInfo() string

	// ExplainNormalizedInfo returns operator normalized information for generating digest.
	ExplainNormalizedInfo() string

	// HashCode creates the hashcode for expression which can be used to identify itself from other expression.
	// It generated as the following:
	// Constant: ConstantFlag+encoded value
	// Column: ColumnFlag+encoded value
	// ScalarFunction: SFFlag+encoded function name + encoded arg_1 + encoded arg_2 + ...
	HashCode(sc *stmtctx.StatementContext) []byte

	// MemoryUsage return the memory usage of Expression
	MemoryUsage() int64

// CNFExprs stands for a CNF expression.
type CNFExprs []Expression

// Clone clones itself.
func (e CNFExprs) Clone() CNFExprs {
	cnf := make(CNFExprs, 0, len(e))
	for _, expr := range e {
		cnf = append(cnf, expr.Clone())
	return cnf

// Shallow makes a shallow copy of itself.
func (e CNFExprs) Shallow() CNFExprs {
	cnf := make(CNFExprs, 0, len(e))
	cnf = append(cnf, e...)
	return cnf

func isColumnInOperand(c *Column) bool {
	return c.InOperand

// IsEQCondFromIn checks if an expression is equal condition converted from `[not] in (subq)`.
func IsEQCondFromIn(expr Expression) bool {
	sf, ok := expr.(*ScalarFunction)
	if !ok || sf.FuncName.L != ast.EQ {
		return false
	cols := make([]*Column, 0, 1)
	cols = ExtractColumnsFromExpressions(cols, sf.GetArgs(), isColumnInOperand)
	return len(cols) > 0

// ExprNotNull checks if an expression is possible to be null.
func ExprNotNull(expr Expression) bool {
	if c, ok := expr.(*Constant); ok {
		return !c.Value.IsNull()
	// For ScalarFunction, the result would not be correct until we support maintaining
	// NotNull flag for it.
	return mysql.HasNotNullFlag(expr.GetType().GetFlag())

// HandleOverflowOnSelection handles Overflow errors when evaluating selection filters.
// We should ignore overflow errors when evaluating selection conditions:
//	INSERT INTO t VALUES ("999999999999999999");
func HandleOverflowOnSelection(sc *stmtctx.StatementContext, val int64, err error) (int64, error) {
	if sc.InSelectStmt && err != nil && types.ErrOverflow.Equal(err) {
		return -1, nil
	return val, err

// EvalBool evaluates expression list to a boolean value. The first returned value
// indicates bool result of the expression list, the second returned value indicates
// whether the result of the expression list is null, it can only be true when the
// first returned values is false.
func EvalBool(ctx sessionctx.Context, exprList CNFExprs, row chunk.Row) (bool, bool, error) {
	hasNull := false
	for _, expr := range exprList {
		data, err := expr.Eval(row)
		if err != nil {
			return false, false, err
		if data.IsNull() {
			// For queries like `select a in (select a from s where t.b = s.b) from t`,
			// if result of `t.a = s.a` is null, we cannot return immediately until
			// we have checked if `t.b = s.b` is null or false, because it means
			// subquery is empty, and we should return false as the result of the whole
			// exprList in that case, instead of null.
			if !IsEQCondFromIn(expr) {
				return false, false, nil
			hasNull = true

		i, err := data.ToBool(ctx.GetSessionVars().StmtCtx)
		if err != nil {
			i, err = HandleOverflowOnSelection(ctx.GetSessionVars().StmtCtx, i, err)
			if err != nil {
				return false, false, err
		if i == 0 {
			return false, false, nil
	if hasNull {
		return false, true, nil
	return true, false, nil

var (
	defaultChunkSize = 1024
	selPool          = sync.Pool{
		New: func() interface{} {
			return make([]int, defaultChunkSize)
	zeroPool = sync.Pool{
		New: func() interface{} {
			return make([]int8, defaultChunkSize)

func allocSelSlice(n int) []int {
	if n > defaultChunkSize {
		return make([]int, n)
	return selPool.Get().([]int)

func deallocateSelSlice(sel []int) {
	if cap(sel) <= defaultChunkSize {

func allocZeroSlice(n int) []int8 {
	if n > defaultChunkSize {
		return make([]int8, n)
	return zeroPool.Get().([]int8)

func deallocateZeroSlice(isZero []int8) {
	if cap(isZero) <= defaultChunkSize {

// VecEvalBool does the same thing as EvalBool but it works in a vectorized manner.
func VecEvalBool(ctx sessionctx.Context, exprList CNFExprs, input *chunk.Chunk, selected, nulls []bool) ([]bool, []bool, error) {
	// If input.Sel() != nil, we will call input.SetSel(nil) to clear the sel slice in input chunk.
	// After the function finished, then we reset the input.Sel().
	// The caller will handle the input.Sel() and selected slices.
	defer input.SetSel(input.Sel())

	n := input.NumRows()
	selected = selected[:0]
	nulls = nulls[:0]
	for i := 0; i < n; i++ {
		selected = append(selected, false)
		nulls = append(nulls, false)

	sel := allocSelSlice(n)
	defer deallocateSelSlice(sel)
	sel = sel[:0]
	for i := 0; i < n; i++ {
		sel = append(sel, i)

	// In isZero slice, -1 means Null, 0 means zero, 1 means not zero
	isZero := allocZeroSlice(n)
	defer deallocateZeroSlice(isZero)
	for _, expr := range exprList {
		tp := expr.GetType()
		eType := tp.EvalType()
		if CanImplicitEvalReal(expr) {
			eType = types.ETReal
		buf, err := globalColumnAllocator.get()
		if err != nil {
			return nil, nil, err

		// Take the implicit evalReal path if possible.
		if CanImplicitEvalReal(expr) {
			if err := implicitEvalReal(ctx, expr, input, buf); err != nil {
				return nil, nil, err
		} else if err := EvalExpr(ctx, expr, eType, input, buf); err != nil {
			return nil, nil, err

		err = toBool(ctx.GetSessionVars().StmtCtx, tp, eType, buf, sel, isZero)
		if err != nil {
			return nil, nil, err

		j := 0
		isEQCondFromIn := IsEQCondFromIn(expr)
		for i := range sel {
			if isZero[i] == -1 {
				if eType != types.ETInt && !isEQCondFromIn {
				// In this case, we set this row to null and let it pass this filter.
				// The null flag may be set to false later by other expressions in some cases.
				nulls[sel[i]] = true
				sel[j] = sel[i]

			if isZero[i] == 0 {
			sel[j] = sel[i] // this row passes this filter
		sel = sel[:j]

	for _, i := range sel {
		if !nulls[i] {
			selected[i] = true

	return selected, nulls, nil

func toBool(sc *stmtctx.StatementContext, tp *types.FieldType, eType types.EvalType, buf *chunk.Column, sel []int, isZero []int8) error {
	switch eType {
	case types.ETInt:
		i64s := buf.Int64s()
		for i := range sel {
			if buf.IsNull(i) {
				isZero[i] = -1
			} else {
				if i64s[i] == 0 {
					isZero[i] = 0
				} else {
					isZero[i] = 1
	case types.ETReal:
		f64s := buf.Float64s()
		for i := range sel {
			if buf.IsNull(i) {
				isZero[i] = -1
			} else {
				if f64s[i] == 0 {
					isZero[i] = 0
				} else {
					isZero[i] = 1
	case types.ETDuration:
		d64s := buf.GoDurations()
		for i := range sel {
			if buf.IsNull(i) {
				isZero[i] = -1
			} else {
				if d64s[i] == 0 {
					isZero[i] = 0
				} else {
					isZero[i] = 1
	case types.ETDatetime, types.ETTimestamp:
		t64s := buf.Times()
		for i := range sel {
			if buf.IsNull(i) {
				isZero[i] = -1
			} else {
				if t64s[i].IsZero() {
					isZero[i] = 0
				} else {
					isZero[i] = 1
	case types.ETString:
		for i := range sel {
			if buf.IsNull(i) {
				isZero[i] = -1
			} else {
				var fVal float64
				var err error
				sVal := buf.GetString(i)
				if tp.Hybrid() {
					switch tp.GetType() {
					case mysql.TypeSet, mysql.TypeEnum:
						fVal = float64(len(sVal))
						if fVal == 0 {
							// The elements listed in the column specification are assigned index numbers, beginning
							// with 1. The index value of the empty string error value (distinguish from a "normal"
							// empty string) is 0. Thus we need to check whether it's an empty string error value when
							// `fVal==0`.
							for idx, elem := range tp.GetElems() {
								if elem == sVal {
									fVal = float64(idx + 1)
					case mysql.TypeBit:
						var bl types.BinaryLiteral = buf.GetBytes(i)
						iVal, err := bl.ToInt(sc)
						if err != nil {
							return err
						fVal = float64(iVal)
				} else {
					fVal, err = types.StrToFloat(sc, sVal, false)
					if err != nil {
						return err
				if fVal == 0 {
					isZero[i] = 0
				} else {
					isZero[i] = 1
	case types.ETDecimal:
		d64s := buf.Decimals()
		for i := range sel {
			if buf.IsNull(i) {
				isZero[i] = -1
			} else {
				if d64s[i].IsZero() {
					isZero[i] = 0
				} else {
					isZero[i] = 1
	case types.ETJson:
		for i := range sel {
			if buf.IsNull(i) {
				isZero[i] = -1
			} else {
				if buf.GetJSON(i).IsZero() {
					isZero[i] = 0
				} else {
					isZero[i] = 1
	return nil

func implicitEvalReal(ctx sessionctx.Context, expr Expression, input *chunk.Chunk, result *chunk.Column) (err error) {
	if expr.Vectorized() && ctx.GetSessionVars().EnableVectorizedExpression {
		err = expr.VecEvalReal(ctx, input, result)
	} else {
		ind, n := 0, input.NumRows()
		iter := chunk.NewIterator4Chunk(input)
		result.ResizeFloat64(n, false)
		f64s := result.Float64s()
		for it := iter.Begin(); it != iter.End(); it = iter.Next() {
			value, isNull, err := expr.EvalReal(ctx, it)
			if err != nil {
				return err
			if isNull {
				result.SetNull(ind, isNull)
			} else {
				f64s[ind] = value

// EvalExpr evaluates this expr according to its type.
// And it selects the method for evaluating expression based on
// the environment variables and whether the expression can be vectorized.
// Note: the input argument `evalType` is needed because of that when `expr` is
// of the hybrid type(ENUM/SET/BIT), we need the invoker decide the actual EvalType.
func EvalExpr(ctx sessionctx.Context, expr Expression, evalType types.EvalType, input *chunk.Chunk, result *chunk.Column) (err error) {
	if expr.Vectorized() && ctx.GetSessionVars().EnableVectorizedExpression {
		switch evalType {
		case types.ETInt:
			err = expr.VecEvalInt(ctx, input, result)
		case types.ETReal:
			err = expr.VecEvalReal(ctx, input, result)
		case types.ETDuration:
			err = expr.VecEvalDuration(ctx, input, result)
		case types.ETDatetime, types.ETTimestamp:
			err = expr.VecEvalTime(ctx, input, result)
		case types.ETString:
			err = expr.VecEvalString(ctx, input, result)
		case types.ETJson:
			err = expr.VecEvalJSON(ctx, input, result)
		case types.ETDecimal:
			err = expr.VecEvalDecimal(ctx, input, result)
			err = fmt.Errorf("invalid eval type %v", expr.GetType().EvalType())
	} else {
		ind, n := 0, input.NumRows()
		iter := chunk.NewIterator4Chunk(input)
		switch evalType {
		case types.ETInt:
			result.ResizeInt64(n, false)
			i64s := result.Int64s()
			for it := iter.Begin(); it != iter.End(); it = iter.Next() {
				value, isNull, err := expr.EvalInt(ctx, it)
				if err != nil {
					return err
				if isNull {
					result.SetNull(ind, isNull)
				} else {
					i64s[ind] = value
		case types.ETReal:
			result.ResizeFloat64(n, false)
			f64s := result.Float64s()
			for it := iter.Begin(); it != iter.End(); it = iter.Next() {
				value, isNull, err := expr.EvalReal(ctx, it)
				if err != nil {
					return err
				if isNull {
					result.SetNull(ind, isNull)
				} else {
					f64s[ind] = value
		case types.ETDuration:
			result.ResizeGoDuration(n, false)
			d64s := result.GoDurations()
			for it := iter.Begin(); it != iter.End(); it = iter.Next() {
				value, isNull, err := expr.EvalDuration(ctx, it)
				if err != nil {
					return err
				if isNull {
					result.SetNull(ind, isNull)
				} else {
					d64s[ind] = value.Duration
		case types.ETDatetime, types.ETTimestamp:
			result.ResizeTime(n, false)
			t64s := result.Times()
			for it := iter.Begin(); it != iter.End(); it = iter.Next() {
				value, isNull, err := expr.EvalTime(ctx, it)
				if err != nil {
					return err
				if isNull {
					result.SetNull(ind, isNull)
				} else {
					t64s[ind] = value
		case types.ETString:
			for it := iter.Begin(); it != iter.End(); it = iter.Next() {
				value, isNull, err := expr.EvalString(ctx, it)
				if err != nil {
					return err
				if isNull {
				} else {
		case types.ETJson:
			for it := iter.Begin(); it != iter.End(); it = iter.Next() {
				value, isNull, err := expr.EvalJSON(ctx, it)
				if err != nil {
					return err
				if isNull {
				} else {
		case types.ETDecimal:
			result.ResizeDecimal(n, false)
			d64s := result.Decimals()
			for it := iter.Begin(); it != iter.End(); it = iter.Next() {
				value, isNull, err := expr.EvalDecimal(ctx, it)
				if err != nil {
					return err
				if isNull {
					result.SetNull(ind, isNull)
				} else {
					d64s[ind] = *value
			err = fmt.Errorf("invalid eval type %v", expr.GetType().EvalType())

// composeConditionWithBinaryOp composes condition with binary operator into a balance deep tree, which benefits a lot for pb decoder/encoder.
func composeConditionWithBinaryOp(ctx sessionctx.Context, conditions []Expression, funcName string) Expression {
	length := len(conditions)
	if length == 0 {
		return nil
	if length == 1 {
		return conditions[0]
	expr := NewFunctionInternal(ctx, funcName,
		composeConditionWithBinaryOp(ctx, conditions[:length/2], funcName),
		composeConditionWithBinaryOp(ctx, conditions[length/2:], funcName))
	return expr

// ComposeCNFCondition composes CNF items into a balance deep CNF tree, which benefits a lot for pb decoder/encoder.
func ComposeCNFCondition(ctx sessionctx.Context, conditions ...Expression) Expression {
	return composeConditionWithBinaryOp(ctx, conditions, ast.LogicAnd)

// ComposeDNFCondition composes DNF items into a balance deep DNF tree.
func ComposeDNFCondition(ctx sessionctx.Context, conditions ...Expression) Expression {
	return composeConditionWithBinaryOp(ctx, conditions, ast.LogicOr)

func extractBinaryOpItems(conditions *ScalarFunction, funcName string) []Expression {
	var ret []Expression
	for _, arg := range conditions.GetArgs() {
		if sf, ok := arg.(*ScalarFunction); ok && sf.FuncName.L == funcName {
			ret = append(ret, extractBinaryOpItems(sf, funcName)...)
		} else {
			ret = append(ret, arg)
	return ret

// FlattenDNFConditions extracts DNF expression's leaf item.
// e.g. or(or(a=1, a=2), or(a=3, a=4)), we'll get [a=1, a=2, a=3, a=4].
func FlattenDNFConditions(DNFCondition *ScalarFunction) []Expression {
	return extractBinaryOpItems(DNFCondition, ast.LogicOr)

// FlattenCNFConditions extracts CNF expression's leaf item.
// e.g. and(and(a>1, a>2), and(a>3, a>4)), we'll get [a>1, a>2, a>3, a>4].
func FlattenCNFConditions(CNFCondition *ScalarFunction) []Expression {
	return extractBinaryOpItems(CNFCondition, ast.LogicAnd)

// Assignment represents a set assignment in Update, such as
// Update t set c1 = hex(12), c2 = c3 where c2 = 1
type Assignment struct {
	Col *Column
	// ColName indicates its original column name in table schema. It's used for outputting helping message when executing meets some errors.
	ColName model.CIStr
	Expr    Expression
	// LazyErr is used in statement like `INSERT INTO t1 (a) VALUES (1) ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE a= (SELECT b FROM source);`, ErrSubqueryMoreThan1Row
	// should be evaluated after the duplicate situation is detected in the executing procedure.
	LazyErr error

// VarAssignment represents a variable assignment in Set, such as set global a = 1.
type VarAssignment struct {
	Name        string
	Expr        Expression
	IsDefault   bool
	IsGlobal    bool
	IsSystem    bool
	ExtendValue *Constant

// splitNormalFormItems split CNF(conjunctive normal form) like "a and b and c", or DNF(disjunctive normal form) like "a or b or c"
func splitNormalFormItems(onExpr Expression, funcName string) []Expression {
	//nolint: revive
	switch v := onExpr.(type) {
	case *ScalarFunction:
		if v.FuncName.L == funcName {
			var ret []Expression
			for _, arg := range v.GetArgs() {
				ret = append(ret, splitNormalFormItems(arg, funcName)...)
			return ret
	return []Expression{onExpr}

// SplitCNFItems splits CNF items.
// CNF means conjunctive normal form, e.g. "a and b and c".
func SplitCNFItems(onExpr Expression) []Expression {
	return splitNormalFormItems(onExpr, ast.LogicAnd)

// SplitDNFItems splits DNF items.
// DNF means disjunctive normal form, e.g. "a or b or c".
func SplitDNFItems(onExpr Expression) []Expression {
	return splitNormalFormItems(onExpr, ast.LogicOr)

// EvaluateExprWithNull sets columns in schema as null and calculate the final result of the scalar function.
// If the Expression is a non-constant value, it means the result is unknown.
func EvaluateExprWithNull(ctx sessionctx.Context, schema *Schema, expr Expression) Expression {
	if MaybeOverOptimized4PlanCache(ctx, []Expression{expr}) {
		return expr
	return evaluateExprWithNull(ctx, schema, expr)

func evaluateExprWithNull(ctx sessionctx.Context, schema *Schema, expr Expression) Expression {
	switch x := expr.(type) {
	case *ScalarFunction:
		args := make([]Expression, len(x.GetArgs()))
		for i, arg := range x.GetArgs() {
			args[i] = evaluateExprWithNull(ctx, schema, arg)
		return NewFunctionInternal(ctx, x.FuncName.L, x.RetType.Clone(), args...)
	case *Column:
		if !schema.Contains(x) {
			return x
		return &Constant{Value: types.Datum{}, RetType: types.NewFieldType(mysql.TypeNull)}
	case *Constant:
		if x.DeferredExpr != nil {
			return FoldConstant(x)
	return expr

// TableInfo2SchemaAndNames converts the TableInfo to the schema and name slice.
func TableInfo2SchemaAndNames(ctx sessionctx.Context, dbName model.CIStr, tbl *model.TableInfo) (*Schema, []*types.FieldName, error) {
	cols, names, err := ColumnInfos2ColumnsAndNames(ctx, dbName, tbl.Name, tbl.Cols(), tbl)
	if err != nil {
		return nil, nil, err
	keys := make([]KeyInfo, 0, len(tbl.Indices)+1)
	for _, idx := range tbl.Indices {
		if !idx.Unique || idx.State != model.StatePublic {
		ok := true
		newKey := make([]*Column, 0, len(idx.Columns))
		for _, idxCol := range idx.Columns {
			find := false
			for i, col := range tbl.Columns {
				if idxCol.Name.L == col.Name.L {
					if !mysql.HasNotNullFlag(col.GetFlag()) {
					newKey = append(newKey, cols[i])
					find = true
			if !find {
				ok = false
		if ok {
			keys = append(keys, newKey)
	if tbl.PKIsHandle {
		for i, col := range tbl.Columns {
			if mysql.HasPriKeyFlag(col.GetFlag()) {
				keys = append(keys, KeyInfo{cols[i]})
	schema := NewSchema(cols...)
	return schema, names, nil

// ColumnInfos2ColumnsAndNames converts the ColumnInfo to the *Column and NameSlice.
func ColumnInfos2ColumnsAndNames(ctx sessionctx.Context, dbName, tblName model.CIStr, colInfos []*model.ColumnInfo, tblInfo *model.TableInfo) ([]*Column, types.NameSlice, error) {
	columns := make([]*Column, 0, len(colInfos))
	names := make([]*types.FieldName, 0, len(colInfos))
	for i, col := range colInfos {
		names = append(names, &types.FieldName{
			OrigTblName: tblName,
			OrigColName: col.Name,
			DBName:      dbName,
			TblName:     tblName,
			ColName:     col.Name,
		newCol := &Column{
			RetType:  col.FieldType.Clone(),
			ID:       col.ID,
			UniqueID: ctx.GetSessionVars().AllocPlanColumnID(),
			Index:    col.Offset,
			OrigName: names[i].String(),
			IsHidden: col.Hidden,
		columns = append(columns, newCol)
	// Resolve virtual generated column.
	mockSchema := NewSchema(columns...)
	// Ignore redundant warning here.
	save := ctx.GetSessionVars().StmtCtx.IgnoreTruncate
	defer func() {
		ctx.GetSessionVars().StmtCtx.IgnoreTruncate = save
	ctx.GetSessionVars().StmtCtx.IgnoreTruncate = true
	for i, col := range colInfos {
		if col.IsGenerated() && !col.GeneratedStored {
			expr, err := generatedexpr.ParseExpression(col.GeneratedExprString)
			if err != nil {
				return nil, nil, errors.Trace(err)
			expr, err = generatedexpr.SimpleResolveName(expr, tblInfo)
			if err != nil {
				return nil, nil, errors.Trace(err)
			e, err := RewriteAstExpr(ctx, expr, mockSchema, names)
			if err != nil {
				return nil, nil, errors.Trace(err)
			if e != nil {
				columns[i].VirtualExpr = e.Clone()
			columns[i].VirtualExpr, err = columns[i].VirtualExpr.ResolveIndices(mockSchema)
			if err != nil {
				return nil, nil, errors.Trace(err)
	return columns, names, nil

// NewValuesFunc creates a new values function.
func NewValuesFunc(ctx sessionctx.Context, offset int, retTp *types.FieldType) *ScalarFunction {
	fc := &valuesFunctionClass{baseFunctionClass{ast.Values, 0, 0}, offset, retTp}
	bt, err := fc.getFunction(ctx, nil)
	return &ScalarFunction{
		FuncName: model.NewCIStr(ast.Values),
		RetType:  retTp,
		Function: bt,

// IsBinaryLiteral checks whether an expression is a binary literal
func IsBinaryLiteral(expr Expression) bool {
	con, ok := expr.(*Constant)
	return ok && con.Value.Kind() == types.KindBinaryLiteral

// supported functions tracked by https://github.com/tikv/tikv/issues/5751
func scalarExprSupportedByTiKV(sf *ScalarFunction) bool {
	switch sf.FuncName.L {
		// op functions.
		ast.LogicAnd, ast.LogicOr, ast.LogicXor, ast.UnaryNot, ast.And, ast.Or, ast.Xor, ast.BitNeg, ast.LeftShift, ast.RightShift, ast.UnaryMinus,

		// compare functions.
		ast.LT, ast.LE, ast.EQ, ast.NE, ast.GE, ast.GT, ast.NullEQ, ast.In, ast.IsNull, ast.Like, ast.IsTruthWithoutNull, ast.IsTruthWithNull, ast.IsFalsity,
		// ast.Greatest, ast.Least, ast.Interval

		// arithmetical functions.
		ast.PI, /* ast.Truncate */
		ast.Plus, ast.Minus, ast.Mul, ast.Div, ast.Abs, ast.Mod,

		// math functions.
		ast.Ceil, ast.Ceiling, ast.Floor, ast.Sqrt, ast.Sign, ast.Ln, ast.Log, ast.Log2, ast.Log10, ast.Exp, ast.Pow,

		// Rust use the llvm math functions, which have different precision with Golang/MySQL(cmath)
		// open the following switchers if we implement them in coprocessor via `cmath`
		ast.Sin, ast.Asin, ast.Cos, ast.Acos /* ast.Tan */, ast.Atan, ast.Atan2, ast.Cot,
		ast.Radians, ast.Degrees, ast.Conv, ast.CRC32,

		// control flow functions.
		ast.Case, ast.If, ast.Ifnull, ast.Coalesce,

		// string functions.
		// ast.Bin, ast.Unhex, ast.Locate, ast.Ord, ast.Lpad, ast.Rpad,
		// ast.Trim, ast.FromBase64, ast.ToBase64, ast.Upper, ast.Lower, ast.InsertFunc,
		// ast.MakeSet, ast.SubstringIndex, ast.Instr, ast.Quote, ast.Oct,
		// ast.FindInSet, ast.Repeat,
		ast.Length, ast.BitLength, ast.Concat, ast.ConcatWS, ast.Replace, ast.ASCII, ast.Hex,
		ast.Reverse, ast.LTrim, ast.RTrim, ast.Strcmp, ast.Space, ast.Elt, ast.Field,
		InternalFuncFromBinary, InternalFuncToBinary, ast.Mid, ast.Substring, ast.Substr, ast.CharLength,
		ast.Right, /* ast.Left */

		// json functions.
		ast.JSONType, ast.JSONExtract, ast.JSONObject, ast.JSONArray, ast.JSONMerge, ast.JSONSet,
		ast.JSONInsert /*ast.JSONReplace,*/, ast.JSONRemove, ast.JSONLength,
		// FIXME: JSONUnquote is incompatible with Coprocessor

		// date functions.
		ast.Date, ast.Week /* ast.YearWeek, ast.ToSeconds */, ast.DateDiff,
		/* ast.TimeDiff, ast.AddTime,  ast.SubTime, */
		ast.MonthName, ast.MakeDate, ast.TimeToSec, ast.MakeTime,
		ast.Hour, ast.Minute, ast.Second, ast.MicroSecond, ast.Month,
		/* ast.DayName */ ast.DayOfMonth, ast.DayOfWeek, ast.DayOfYear,
		/* ast.Weekday */ ast.WeekOfYear, ast.Year,
		ast.FromDays,                  /* ast.ToDays */
		ast.PeriodAdd, ast.PeriodDiff, /*ast.TimestampDiff, ast.DateAdd, ast.FromUnixTime,*/
		/* ast.LastDay */

		// encryption functions.
		ast.MD5, ast.SHA1, ast.UncompressedLength,


		// misc functions.
		// TODO(#26942): enable functions below after them are fully tested in TiKV.
		/*ast.InetNtoa, ast.InetAton, ast.Inet6Ntoa, ast.Inet6Aton, ast.IsIPv4, ast.IsIPv4Compat, ast.IsIPv4Mapped, ast.IsIPv6,*/

		return true
	case ast.Round:
		switch sf.Function.PbCode() {
		case tipb.ScalarFuncSig_RoundReal, tipb.ScalarFuncSig_RoundInt, tipb.ScalarFuncSig_RoundDec:
			// We don't push round with frac due to mysql's round with frac has its special behavior:
			// https://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/mathematical-functions.html#function_round
			return true
	case ast.Rand:
		switch sf.Function.PbCode() {
		case tipb.ScalarFuncSig_RandWithSeedFirstGen:
			return true
	case ast.Regexp, ast.RegexpLike, ast.RegexpSubstr, ast.RegexpInStr, ast.RegexpReplace:
		funcCharset, funcCollation := sf.Function.CharsetAndCollation()
		if funcCharset == charset.CharsetBin && funcCollation == charset.CollationBin {
			return false
		return true
	return false

func canEnumPushdownPreliminarily(scalarFunc *ScalarFunction) bool {
	switch scalarFunc.FuncName.L {
	case ast.Cast:
		return scalarFunc.RetType.EvalType() == types.ETInt || scalarFunc.RetType.EvalType() == types.ETReal || scalarFunc.RetType.EvalType() == types.ETDecimal
		return false

func scalarExprSupportedByFlash(function *ScalarFunction) bool {
	switch function.FuncName.L {
	case ast.Floor, ast.Ceil, ast.Ceiling:
		switch function.Function.PbCode() {
		case tipb.ScalarFuncSig_FloorIntToDec, tipb.ScalarFuncSig_CeilIntToDec:
			return false
			return true
		ast.LogicOr, ast.LogicAnd, ast.UnaryNot, ast.BitNeg, ast.Xor, ast.And, ast.Or, ast.RightShift, ast.LeftShift,
		ast.GE, ast.LE, ast.EQ, ast.NE, ast.LT, ast.GT, ast.In, ast.IsNull, ast.Like, ast.Strcmp,
		ast.Plus, ast.Minus, ast.Div, ast.Mul, ast.Abs, ast.Mod,
		ast.If, ast.Ifnull, ast.Case,
		ast.Concat, ast.ConcatWS,
		ast.Date, ast.Year, ast.Month, ast.Day, ast.Quarter, ast.DayName, ast.MonthName,
		ast.DateDiff, ast.TimestampDiff, ast.DateFormat, ast.FromUnixTime,
		ast.DayOfWeek, ast.DayOfMonth, ast.DayOfYear, ast.LastDay, ast.WeekOfYear, ast.ToSeconds,
		ast.FromDays, ast.ToDays,

		ast.Sqrt, ast.Log, ast.Log2, ast.Log10, ast.Ln, ast.Exp, ast.Pow, ast.Sign,
		ast.Radians, ast.Degrees, ast.Conv, ast.CRC32,
		ast.JSONLength, ast.Repeat,
		ast.InetNtoa, ast.InetAton, ast.Inet6Ntoa, ast.Inet6Aton,
		ast.Coalesce, ast.ASCII, ast.Length, ast.Trim, ast.Position, ast.Format, ast.Elt,
		ast.LTrim, ast.RTrim, ast.Lpad, ast.Rpad, ast.Regexp,
		ast.Hour, ast.Minute, ast.Second, ast.MicroSecond,
		switch function.Function.PbCode() {
		case tipb.ScalarFuncSig_InDuration,
			return false
		return true
	case ast.Substr, ast.Substring, ast.Left, ast.Right, ast.CharLength, ast.SubstringIndex, ast.Reverse:
		switch function.Function.PbCode() {
			return true
	case ast.Cast:
		sourceType := function.GetArgs()[0].GetType()
		retType := function.RetType
		switch function.Function.PbCode() {
		case tipb.ScalarFuncSig_CastDecimalAsInt, tipb.ScalarFuncSig_CastIntAsInt, tipb.ScalarFuncSig_CastRealAsInt, tipb.ScalarFuncSig_CastTimeAsInt,
			tipb.ScalarFuncSig_CastStringAsInt /*, tipb.ScalarFuncSig_CastDurationAsInt, tipb.ScalarFuncSig_CastJsonAsInt*/ :
			// TiFlash cast only support cast to Int64 or the source type is the same as the target type
			return (sourceType.GetType() == retType.GetType() && mysql.HasUnsignedFlag(sourceType.GetFlag()) == mysql.HasUnsignedFlag(retType.GetFlag())) || retType.GetType() == mysql.TypeLonglong
		case tipb.ScalarFuncSig_CastIntAsReal, tipb.ScalarFuncSig_CastRealAsReal, tipb.ScalarFuncSig_CastStringAsReal, tipb.ScalarFuncSig_CastTimeAsReal: /*, tipb.ScalarFuncSig_CastDecimalAsReal,
			  tipb.ScalarFuncSig_CastDurationAsReal, tipb.ScalarFuncSig_CastJsonAsReal*/
			// TiFlash cast only support cast to Float64 or the source type is the same as the target type
			return sourceType.GetType() == retType.GetType() || retType.GetType() == mysql.TypeDouble
		case tipb.ScalarFuncSig_CastDecimalAsDecimal, tipb.ScalarFuncSig_CastIntAsDecimal, tipb.ScalarFuncSig_CastRealAsDecimal, tipb.ScalarFuncSig_CastTimeAsDecimal,
			tipb.ScalarFuncSig_CastStringAsDecimal /*, tipb.ScalarFuncSig_CastDurationAsDecimal, tipb.ScalarFuncSig_CastJsonAsDecimal*/ :
			return function.RetType.IsDecimalValid()
		case tipb.ScalarFuncSig_CastDecimalAsString, tipb.ScalarFuncSig_CastIntAsString, tipb.ScalarFuncSig_CastRealAsString, tipb.ScalarFuncSig_CastTimeAsString,
			tipb.ScalarFuncSig_CastStringAsString /*, tipb.ScalarFuncSig_CastDurationAsString, tipb.ScalarFuncSig_CastJsonAsString*/ :
			return true
		case tipb.ScalarFuncSig_CastDecimalAsTime, tipb.ScalarFuncSig_CastIntAsTime, tipb.ScalarFuncSig_CastRealAsTime, tipb.ScalarFuncSig_CastTimeAsTime,
			tipb.ScalarFuncSig_CastStringAsTime /*, tipb.ScalarFuncSig_CastDurationAsTime, tipb.ScalarFuncSig_CastJsonAsTime*/ :
			// ban the function of casting year type as time type pushing down to tiflash because of https://github.com/pingcap/tidb/issues/26215
			return function.GetArgs()[0].GetType().GetType() != mysql.TypeYear
		case tipb.ScalarFuncSig_CastTimeAsDuration:
			return retType.GetType() == mysql.TypeDuration
	case ast.DateAdd, ast.AddDate:
		switch function.Function.PbCode() {
		case tipb.ScalarFuncSig_AddDateDatetimeInt, tipb.ScalarFuncSig_AddDateStringInt, tipb.ScalarFuncSig_AddDateStringReal:
			return true
	case ast.DateSub, ast.SubDate:
		switch function.Function.PbCode() {
		case tipb.ScalarFuncSig_SubDateDatetimeInt, tipb.ScalarFuncSig_SubDateStringInt, tipb.ScalarFuncSig_SubDateStringReal:
			return true
	case ast.UnixTimestamp:
		switch function.Function.PbCode() {
		case tipb.ScalarFuncSig_UnixTimestampInt, tipb.ScalarFuncSig_UnixTimestampDec:
			return true
	case ast.Round:
		switch function.Function.PbCode() {
		case tipb.ScalarFuncSig_RoundInt, tipb.ScalarFuncSig_RoundReal, tipb.ScalarFuncSig_RoundDec,
			tipb.ScalarFuncSig_RoundWithFracInt, tipb.ScalarFuncSig_RoundWithFracReal, tipb.ScalarFuncSig_RoundWithFracDec:
			return true
	case ast.Extract:
		switch function.Function.PbCode() {
		case tipb.ScalarFuncSig_ExtractDatetime:
			return true
	case ast.Replace:
		switch function.Function.PbCode() {
		case tipb.ScalarFuncSig_Replace:
			return true
	case ast.StrToDate:
		switch function.Function.PbCode() {
			return true
			return false
	case ast.Upper, ast.Ucase, ast.Lower, ast.Lcase, ast.Space:
		return true
	case ast.Sysdate:
		return true
	case ast.Least, ast.Greatest:
		switch function.Function.PbCode() {
		case tipb.ScalarFuncSig_GreatestInt, tipb.ScalarFuncSig_GreatestReal,
			tipb.ScalarFuncSig_LeastInt, tipb.ScalarFuncSig_LeastReal:
			return true
	case ast.IsTruthWithNull, ast.IsTruthWithoutNull, ast.IsFalsity:
		return true
	case ast.Hex:
		return true
	case ast.GetFormat:
		return true
	return false

func scalarExprSupportedByTiDB(function *ScalarFunction) bool {
	// TiDB can support all functions, but TiPB may not include some functions.
	return scalarExprSupportedByTiKV(function) || scalarExprSupportedByFlash(function)

func canFuncBePushed(sf *ScalarFunction, storeType kv.StoreType) bool {
	// Use the failpoint to control whether to push down an expression in the integration test.
	// Push down all expression if the `failpoint expression` is `all`, otherwise, check
	// whether scalar function's name is contained in the enabled expression list (e.g.`ne,eq,lt`).
	// If neither of the above is true, switch to original logic.
	failpoint.Inject("PushDownTestSwitcher", func(val failpoint.Value) {
		enabled := val.(string)
		if enabled == "all" {
		exprs := strings.Split(enabled, ",")
		for _, expr := range exprs {
			if strings.ToLower(strings.TrimSpace(expr)) == sf.FuncName.L {

	ret := false

	switch storeType {
	case kv.TiFlash:
		ret = scalarExprSupportedByFlash(sf)
	case kv.TiKV:
		ret = scalarExprSupportedByTiKV(sf)
	case kv.TiDB:
		ret = scalarExprSupportedByTiDB(sf)
	case kv.UnSpecified:
		ret = scalarExprSupportedByTiDB(sf) || scalarExprSupportedByTiKV(sf) || scalarExprSupportedByFlash(sf)

	if ret {
		ret = IsPushDownEnabled(sf.FuncName.L, storeType)
	return ret

func storeTypeMask(storeType kv.StoreType) uint32 {
	if storeType == kv.UnSpecified {
		return 1<<kv.TiKV | 1<<kv.TiFlash | 1<<kv.TiDB
	return 1 << storeType

// IsPushDownEnabled returns true if the input expr is not in the expr_pushdown_blacklist
func IsPushDownEnabled(name string, storeType kv.StoreType) bool {
	value, exists := DefaultExprPushDownBlacklist.Load().(map[string]uint32)[name]
	if exists {
		mask := storeTypeMask(storeType)
		return !(value&mask == mask)

	if storeType != kv.TiFlash && name == ast.AggFuncApproxCountDistinct {
		// Can not push down approx_count_distinct to other store except tiflash by now.
		return false

	return true

// DefaultExprPushDownBlacklist indicates the expressions which can not be pushed down to TiKV.
var DefaultExprPushDownBlacklist *atomic.Value

func init() {
	DefaultExprPushDownBlacklist = new(atomic.Value)

func canScalarFuncPushDown(scalarFunc *ScalarFunction, pc PbConverter, storeType kv.StoreType) bool {
	pbCode := scalarFunc.Function.PbCode()
	// Check whether this function can be pushed.
	if unspecified := pbCode <= tipb.ScalarFuncSig_Unspecified; unspecified || !canFuncBePushed(scalarFunc, storeType) {
		if unspecified {
			failpoint.Inject("PanicIfPbCodeUnspecified", func() {
				panic(errors.Errorf("unspecified PbCode: %T", scalarFunc.Function))
		if pc.sc.InExplainStmt {
			storageName := storeType.Name()
			if storeType == kv.UnSpecified {
				storageName = "storage layer"
			pc.sc.AppendWarning(errors.New("Scalar function '" + scalarFunc.FuncName.L + "'(signature: " + scalarFunc.Function.PbCode().String() + ", return type: " + scalarFunc.RetType.CompactStr() + ") is not supported to push down to " + storageName + " now."))
		return false
	canEnumPush := canEnumPushdownPreliminarily(scalarFunc)
	// Check whether all of its parameters can be pushed.
	for _, arg := range scalarFunc.GetArgs() {
		if !canExprPushDown(arg, pc, storeType, canEnumPush) {
			return false

	if metadata := scalarFunc.Function.metadata(); metadata != nil {
		var err error
		_, err = proto.Marshal(metadata)
		if err != nil {
			logutil.BgLogger().Error("encode metadata", zap.Any("metadata", metadata), zap.Error(err))
			return false
	return true

func canExprPushDown(expr Expression, pc PbConverter, storeType kv.StoreType, canEnumPush bool) bool {
	if storeType == kv.TiFlash {
		switch expr.GetType().GetType() {
		case mysql.TypeEnum, mysql.TypeBit, mysql.TypeSet, mysql.TypeGeometry, mysql.TypeUnspecified:
			if expr.GetType().GetType() == mysql.TypeEnum && canEnumPush {
			if pc.sc.InExplainStmt {
				pc.sc.AppendWarning(errors.New("Expression about '" + expr.String() + "' can not be pushed to TiFlash because it contains unsupported calculation of type '" + types.TypeStr(expr.GetType().GetType()) + "'."))
			return false
		case mysql.TypeNewDecimal:
			if !expr.GetType().IsDecimalValid() {
				if pc.sc.InExplainStmt {
					pc.sc.AppendWarning(errors.New("Expression about '" + expr.String() + "' can not be pushed to TiFlash because it contains invalid decimal('" + strconv.Itoa(expr.GetType().GetFlen()) + "','" + strconv.Itoa(expr.GetType().GetDecimal()) + "')."))
				return false
	switch x := expr.(type) {
	case *CorrelatedColumn:
		return pc.conOrCorColToPBExpr(expr) != nil && pc.columnToPBExpr(&x.Column) != nil
	case *Constant:
		return pc.conOrCorColToPBExpr(expr) != nil
	case *Column:
		return pc.columnToPBExpr(x) != nil
	case *ScalarFunction:
		return canScalarFuncPushDown(x, pc, storeType)
	return false

// PushDownExprsWithExtraInfo split the input exprs into pushed and remained, pushed include all the exprs that can be pushed down
func PushDownExprsWithExtraInfo(sc *stmtctx.StatementContext, exprs []Expression, client kv.Client, storeType kv.StoreType, canEnumPush bool) (pushed []Expression, remained []Expression) {
	pc := PbConverter{sc: sc, client: client}
	for _, expr := range exprs {
		if canExprPushDown(expr, pc, storeType, canEnumPush) {
			pushed = append(pushed, expr)
		} else {
			remained = append(remained, expr)

// PushDownExprs split the input exprs into pushed and remained, pushed include all the exprs that can be pushed down
func PushDownExprs(sc *stmtctx.StatementContext, exprs []Expression, client kv.Client, storeType kv.StoreType) (pushed []Expression, remained []Expression) {
	return PushDownExprsWithExtraInfo(sc, exprs, client, storeType, false)

// CanExprsPushDownWithExtraInfo return true if all the expr in exprs can be pushed down
func CanExprsPushDownWithExtraInfo(sc *stmtctx.StatementContext, exprs []Expression, client kv.Client, storeType kv.StoreType, canEnumPush bool) bool {
	_, remained := PushDownExprsWithExtraInfo(sc, exprs, client, storeType, canEnumPush)
	return len(remained) == 0

// CanExprsPushDown return true if all the expr in exprs can be pushed down
func CanExprsPushDown(sc *stmtctx.StatementContext, exprs []Expression, client kv.Client, storeType kv.StoreType) bool {
	return CanExprsPushDownWithExtraInfo(sc, exprs, client, storeType, false)

// wrapWithIsTrue wraps `arg` with istrue function if the return type of expr is not
// type int, otherwise, returns `arg` directly.
// The `keepNull` controls what the istrue function will return when `arg` is null:
// 1. keepNull is true and arg is null, the istrue function returns null.
// 2. keepNull is false and arg is null, the istrue function returns 0.
// The `wrapForInt` indicates whether we need to wrapIsTrue for non-logical Expression with int type.
// TODO: remove this function. ScalarFunction should be newed in one place.
func wrapWithIsTrue(ctx sessionctx.Context, keepNull bool, arg Expression, wrapForInt bool) (Expression, error) {
	if arg.GetType().EvalType() == types.ETInt {
		if !wrapForInt {
			return arg, nil
		if child, ok := arg.(*ScalarFunction); ok {
			if _, isLogicalOp := logicalOps[child.FuncName.L]; isLogicalOp {
				return arg, nil
	var fc *isTrueOrFalseFunctionClass
	if keepNull {
		fc = &isTrueOrFalseFunctionClass{baseFunctionClass{ast.IsTruthWithNull, 1, 1}, opcode.IsTruth, keepNull}
	} else {
		fc = &isTrueOrFalseFunctionClass{baseFunctionClass{ast.IsTruthWithoutNull, 1, 1}, opcode.IsTruth, keepNull}
	f, err := fc.getFunction(ctx, []Expression{arg})
	if err != nil {
		return nil, err
	sf := &ScalarFunction{
		FuncName: model.NewCIStr(ast.IsTruthWithoutNull),
		Function: f,
		RetType:  f.getRetTp(),
	if keepNull {
		sf.FuncName = model.NewCIStr(ast.IsTruthWithNull)
	return FoldConstant(sf), nil

// PropagateType propagates the type information to the `expr`.
// Note: For now, we only propagate type for the function CastDecimalAsDouble.
// e.g.
// > create table t(a decimal(9, 8));
// > insert into t values(5.04600000)
// > select a/36000 from t;
// Type:       NEWDECIMAL
// Length:     15
// Decimals:   12
// +------------------+
// | 5.04600000/36000 |
// +------------------+
// |   0.000140166667 |
// +------------------+
// > select cast(a/36000 as double) as result from t;
// Type:       DOUBLE
// Length:     23
// Decimals:   31
// +----------------------+
// | result               |
// +----------------------+
// | 0.000140166666666666 |
// +----------------------+
// The expected `decimal` and `length` of the outer cast_as_double need to be
// propagated to the inner div.
func PropagateType(evalType types.EvalType, args ...Expression) {
	switch evalType {
	case types.ETReal:
		expr := args[0]
		oldFlen, oldDecimal := expr.GetType().GetFlen(), expr.GetType().GetDecimal()
		newFlen, newDecimal := setDataTypeDouble(expr.GetType().GetDecimal())
		// For float(M,D), double(M,D) or decimal(M,D), M must be >= D.
		if newFlen < newDecimal {
			newFlen = oldFlen - oldDecimal + newDecimal
		if oldFlen != newFlen || oldDecimal != newDecimal {
			if col, ok := args[0].(*Column); ok {
				newCol := col.Clone()
				newCol.(*Column).RetType = col.RetType.Clone()
				args[0] = newCol
			if col, ok := args[0].(*CorrelatedColumn); ok {
				newCol := col.Clone()
				newCol.(*CorrelatedColumn).RetType = col.RetType.Clone()
				args[0] = newCol
			if args[0].GetType().GetType() == mysql.TypeNewDecimal {
				if newDecimal > mysql.MaxDecimalScale {
					newDecimal = mysql.MaxDecimalScale

// Args2Expressions4Test converts these values to an expression list.
// This conversion is incomplete, so only use for test.
func Args2Expressions4Test(args ...interface{}) []Expression {
	exprs := make([]Expression, len(args))
	for i, v := range args {
		d := types.NewDatum(v)
		var ft *types.FieldType
		switch d.Kind() {
		case types.KindNull:
			ft = types.NewFieldType(mysql.TypeNull)
		case types.KindInt64:
			ft = types.NewFieldType(mysql.TypeLong)
		case types.KindUint64:
			ft = types.NewFieldType(mysql.TypeLong)
		case types.KindFloat64:
			ft = types.NewFieldType(mysql.TypeDouble)
		case types.KindString:
			ft = types.NewFieldType(mysql.TypeVarString)
			exprs[i] = nil
		exprs[i] = &Constant{Value: d, RetType: ft}
	return exprs


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tidb builtin_arithmetic 源码

tidb builtin_arithmetic_vec 源码

tidb builtin_cast 源码

tidb builtin_cast_vec 源码

tidb builtin_compare 源码

tidb builtin_compare_vec 源码

tidb builtin_compare_vec_generated 源码

tidb builtin_control 源码

tidb builtin_control_vec_generated 源码

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