tidb context 源码

  • 2022-09-19
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tidb context 代码


// Copyright 2015 PingCAP, Inc.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
//     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.

// Package mock is just for test only.
package mock

import (


var (
	_ sessionctx.Context  = (*Context)(nil)
	_ sqlexec.SQLExecutor = (*Context)(nil)

// Context represents mocked sessionctx.Context.
type Context struct {
	txn         wrapTxn    // mock global variable
	Store       kv.Storage // mock global variable
	ctx         context.Context
	sm          util.SessionManager
	is          sessionctx.InfoschemaMetaVersion
	values      map[fmt.Stringer]interface{}
	sessionVars *variable.SessionVars
	cancel      context.CancelFunc
	pcache      sessionctx.PlanCache
	level       kvrpcpb.DiskFullOpt

type wrapTxn struct {
	tsFuture oracle.Future

func (txn *wrapTxn) validOrPending() bool {
	return txn.tsFuture != nil || txn.Transaction.Valid()

func (txn *wrapTxn) pending() bool {
	return txn.Transaction == nil && txn.tsFuture != nil

// Wait creates a new kvTransaction
func (txn *wrapTxn) Wait(_ context.Context, sctx sessionctx.Context) (kv.Transaction, error) {
	if !txn.validOrPending() {
		return txn, errors.AddStack(kv.ErrInvalidTxn)
	if txn.pending() {
		ts, err := txn.tsFuture.Wait()
		if err != nil {
			return nil, err
		kvTxn, err := sctx.GetStore().Begin(tikv.WithStartTS(ts))
		if err != nil {
			return nil, errors.Trace(err)
		txn.Transaction = kvTxn
	return txn, nil

func (txn *wrapTxn) Valid() bool {
	return txn.Transaction != nil && txn.Transaction.Valid()

func (txn *wrapTxn) CacheTableInfo(id int64, info *model.TableInfo) {
	if txn.Transaction == nil {
	txn.Transaction.CacheTableInfo(id, info)

func (txn *wrapTxn) GetTableInfo(id int64) *model.TableInfo {
	if txn.Transaction == nil {
		return nil
	return txn.Transaction.GetTableInfo(id)

// Execute implements sqlexec.SQLExecutor Execute interface.
func (*Context) Execute(_ context.Context, _ string) ([]sqlexec.RecordSet, error) {
	return nil, errors.Errorf("Not Supported")

// ExecuteStmt implements sqlexec.SQLExecutor ExecuteStmt interface.
func (*Context) ExecuteStmt(_ context.Context, _ ast.StmtNode) (sqlexec.RecordSet, error) {
	return nil, errors.Errorf("Not Supported")

// SetDiskFullOpt sets allowed options of current operation in each TiKV disk usage level.
func (c *Context) SetDiskFullOpt(level kvrpcpb.DiskFullOpt) {
	c.level = level

// ClearDiskFullOpt clears allowed options of current operation in each TiKV disk usage level.
func (c *Context) ClearDiskFullOpt() {
	c.level = kvrpcpb.DiskFullOpt_NotAllowedOnFull

// ExecuteInternal implements sqlexec.SQLExecutor ExecuteInternal interface.
func (*Context) ExecuteInternal(_ context.Context, _ string, _ ...interface{}) (sqlexec.RecordSet, error) {
	return nil, errors.Errorf("Not Supported")

// ShowProcess implements sessionctx.Context ShowProcess interface.
func (*Context) ShowProcess() *util.ProcessInfo {
	return &util.ProcessInfo{}

// IsDDLOwner checks whether this session is DDL owner.
func (*Context) IsDDLOwner() bool {
	return true

// SetValue implements sessionctx.Context SetValue interface.
func (c *Context) SetValue(key fmt.Stringer, value interface{}) {
	c.values[key] = value

// Value implements sessionctx.Context Value interface.
func (c *Context) Value(key fmt.Stringer) interface{} {
	value := c.values[key]
	return value

// ClearValue implements sessionctx.Context ClearValue interface.
func (c *Context) ClearValue(key fmt.Stringer) {
	delete(c.values, key)

// HasDirtyContent implements sessionctx.Context ClearValue interface.
func (*Context) HasDirtyContent(_ int64) bool {
	return false

// GetSessionVars implements the sessionctx.Context GetSessionVars interface.
func (c *Context) GetSessionVars() *variable.SessionVars {
	return c.sessionVars

// Txn implements sessionctx.Context Txn interface.
func (c *Context) Txn(bool) (kv.Transaction, error) {
	return &c.txn, nil

// GetClient implements sessionctx.Context GetClient interface.
func (c *Context) GetClient() kv.Client {
	if c.Store == nil {
		return nil
	return c.Store.GetClient()

// GetMPPClient implements sessionctx.Context GetMPPClient interface.
func (c *Context) GetMPPClient() kv.MPPClient {
	if c.Store == nil {
		return nil
	return c.Store.GetMPPClient()

// GetInfoSchema implements sessionctx.Context GetInfoSchema interface.
func (c *Context) GetInfoSchema() sessionctx.InfoschemaMetaVersion {
	vars := c.GetSessionVars()
	if snap, ok := vars.SnapshotInfoschema.(sessionctx.InfoschemaMetaVersion); ok {
		return snap
	if vars.TxnCtx != nil && vars.InTxn() {
		if is, ok := vars.TxnCtx.InfoSchema.(sessionctx.InfoschemaMetaVersion); ok {
			return is
	if c.is == nil {
		c.is = MockInfoschema(nil)
	return c.is

// MockInfoschema only serves for test.
var MockInfoschema func(tbList []*model.TableInfo) sessionctx.InfoschemaMetaVersion

// GetDomainInfoSchema returns the latest information schema in domain
func (c *Context) GetDomainInfoSchema() sessionctx.InfoschemaMetaVersion {
	if c.is == nil {
		c.is = MockInfoschema(nil)
	return c.is

// GetBuiltinFunctionUsage implements sessionctx.Context GetBuiltinFunctionUsage interface.
func (*Context) GetBuiltinFunctionUsage() map[string]uint32 {
	return make(map[string]uint32)

// BuiltinFunctionUsageInc implements sessionctx.Context.
func (*Context) BuiltinFunctionUsageInc(_ string) {}

// GetGlobalSysVar implements GlobalVarAccessor GetGlobalSysVar interface.
func (*Context) GetGlobalSysVar(_ sessionctx.Context, name string) (string, error) {
	v := variable.GetSysVar(name)
	if v == nil {
		return "", variable.ErrUnknownSystemVar.GenWithStackByArgs(name)
	return v.Value, nil

// SetGlobalSysVar implements GlobalVarAccessor SetGlobalSysVar interface.
func (*Context) SetGlobalSysVar(_ sessionctx.Context, name string, value string) error {
	v := variable.GetSysVar(name)
	if v == nil {
		return variable.ErrUnknownSystemVar.GenWithStackByArgs(name)
	v.Value = value
	return nil

// GetPlanCache implements the sessionctx.Context interface.
func (c *Context) GetPlanCache(_ bool) sessionctx.PlanCache {
	return c.pcache

// NewTxn implements the sessionctx.Context interface.
func (c *Context) NewTxn(context.Context) error {
	if c.Store == nil {
		return errors.New("store is not set")
	if c.txn.Valid() {
		err := c.txn.Commit(c.ctx)
		if err != nil {
			return errors.Trace(err)

	txn, err := c.Store.Begin()
	if err != nil {
		return errors.Trace(err)
	c.txn.Transaction = txn
	return nil

// NewStaleTxnWithStartTS implements the sessionctx.Context interface.
func (c *Context) NewStaleTxnWithStartTS(ctx context.Context, _ uint64) error {
	return c.NewTxn(ctx)

// RefreshTxnCtx implements the sessionctx.Context interface.
func (c *Context) RefreshTxnCtx(ctx context.Context) error {
	return errors.Trace(c.NewTxn(ctx))

// RefreshVars implements the sessionctx.Context interface.
func (*Context) RefreshVars(_ context.Context) error {
	return nil

// RollbackTxn indicates an expected call of RollbackTxn.
func (c *Context) RollbackTxn(_ context.Context) {
	defer c.sessionVars.SetInTxn(false)
	if c.txn.Valid() {

// CommitTxn indicates an expected call of CommitTxn.
func (c *Context) CommitTxn(ctx context.Context) error {
	defer c.sessionVars.SetInTxn(false)
	if c.txn.Valid() {
		return c.txn.Commit(ctx)
	return nil

// GetStore gets the store of session.
func (c *Context) GetStore() kv.Storage {
	return c.Store

// GetSessionManager implements the sessionctx.Context interface.
func (c *Context) GetSessionManager() util.SessionManager {
	return c.sm

// SetSessionManager set the session manager.
func (c *Context) SetSessionManager(sm util.SessionManager) {
	c.sm = sm

// Cancel implements the Session interface.
func (c *Context) Cancel() {

// GoCtx returns standard sessionctx.Context that bind with current transaction.
func (c *Context) GoCtx() context.Context {
	return c.ctx

// StoreQueryFeedback stores the query feedback.
func (*Context) StoreQueryFeedback(_ interface{}) {}

// UpdateColStatsUsage updates the column stats usage.
func (*Context) UpdateColStatsUsage(_ []model.TableItemID) {}

// StoreIndexUsage strores the index usage information.
func (*Context) StoreIndexUsage(_ int64, _ int64, _ int64) {}

// GetTxnWriteThroughputSLI implements the sessionctx.Context interface.
func (*Context) GetTxnWriteThroughputSLI() *sli.TxnWriteThroughputSLI {
	return &sli.TxnWriteThroughputSLI{}

// StmtCommit implements the sessionctx.Context interface.
func (*Context) StmtCommit() {}

// StmtRollback implements the sessionctx.Context interface.
func (*Context) StmtRollback() {

// StmtGetMutation implements the sessionctx.Context interface.
func (*Context) StmtGetMutation(_ int64) *binlog.TableMutation {
	return nil

// AddTableLock implements the sessionctx.Context interface.
func (*Context) AddTableLock(_ []model.TableLockTpInfo) {

// ReleaseTableLocks implements the sessionctx.Context interface.
func (*Context) ReleaseTableLocks(_ []model.TableLockTpInfo) {

// ReleaseTableLockByTableIDs implements the sessionctx.Context interface.
func (*Context) ReleaseTableLockByTableIDs(_ []int64) {

// CheckTableLocked implements the sessionctx.Context interface.
func (*Context) CheckTableLocked(_ int64) (bool, model.TableLockType) {
	return false, model.TableLockNone

// GetAllTableLocks implements the sessionctx.Context interface.
func (*Context) GetAllTableLocks() []model.TableLockTpInfo {
	return nil

// ReleaseAllTableLocks implements the sessionctx.Context interface.
func (*Context) ReleaseAllTableLocks() {

// HasLockedTables implements the sessionctx.Context interface.
func (*Context) HasLockedTables() bool {
	return false

// PrepareTSFuture implements the sessionctx.Context interface.
func (c *Context) PrepareTSFuture(_ context.Context, future oracle.Future, _ string) error {
	c.txn.Transaction = nil
	c.txn.tsFuture = future
	return nil

// GetPreparedTxnFuture returns the TxnFuture if it is prepared.
// It returns nil otherwise.
func (c *Context) GetPreparedTxnFuture() sessionctx.TxnFuture {
	if !c.txn.validOrPending() {
		return nil
	return &c.txn

// GetStmtStats implements the sessionctx.Context interface.
func (*Context) GetStmtStats() *stmtstats.StatementStats {
	return nil

// GetAdvisoryLock acquires an advisory lock
func (*Context) GetAdvisoryLock(_ string, _ int64) error {
	return nil

// ReleaseAdvisoryLock releases an advisory lock
func (*Context) ReleaseAdvisoryLock(_ string) bool {
	return true

// ReleaseAllAdvisoryLocks releases all advisory locks
func (*Context) ReleaseAllAdvisoryLocks() int {
	return 0

// EncodeSessionStates implements sessionctx.Context EncodeSessionStates interface.
func (*Context) EncodeSessionStates(context.Context, sessionctx.Context, *sessionstates.SessionStates) error {
	return errors.Errorf("Not Supported")

// DecodeSessionStates implements sessionctx.Context DecodeSessionStates interface.
func (*Context) DecodeSessionStates(context.Context, sessionctx.Context, *sessionstates.SessionStates) error {
	return errors.Errorf("Not Supported")

// Close implements the sessionctx.Context interface.
func (*Context) Close() {}

// NewContext creates a new mocked sessionctx.Context.
func NewContext() *Context {
	ctx, cancel := context.WithCancel(context.Background())
	sctx := &Context{
		values:      make(map[fmt.Stringer]interface{}),
		sessionVars: variable.NewSessionVars(),
		ctx:         ctx,
		cancel:      cancel,
	sctx.sessionVars.InitChunkSize = 2
	sctx.sessionVars.MaxChunkSize = 32
	sctx.sessionVars.StmtCtx.TimeZone = time.UTC
	sctx.sessionVars.StmtCtx.MemTracker = memory.NewTracker(-1, -1)
	sctx.sessionVars.StmtCtx.DiskTracker = disk.NewTracker(-1, -1)
	sctx.sessionVars.GlobalVarsAccessor = variable.NewMockGlobalAccessor()
	sctx.sessionVars.EnablePaging = variable.DefTiDBEnablePaging
	sctx.sessionVars.MinPagingSize = variable.DefMinPagingSize
	sctx.sessionVars.CostModelVersion = variable.DefTiDBCostModelVer
	sctx.sessionVars.EnableChunkRPC = true
	if err := sctx.GetSessionVars().SetSystemVar(variable.MaxAllowedPacket, "67108864"); err != nil {
	if err := sctx.GetSessionVars().SetSystemVar(variable.CharacterSetConnection, "utf8mb4"); err != nil {
	return sctx

// HookKeyForTest is as alias, used by context.WithValue.
// golint forbits using string type as key in context.WithValue.
type HookKeyForTest string


tidb 源码目录


tidb client 源码

tidb iter 源码

tidb store 源码

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