harmony 鸿蒙cl.multimedia.av_session.001 Change of All av_session APIs to System APIs
cl.multimedia.av_session.001 Change of All av_session APIs to System APIs
All av_session APIs are changed to system APIs.
Change Impact
Non-system applications and applications without system API permission cannot call system APIs.
Key API/Component Changes
All APIs are changed to system APIs. The table below describes the APIs.
API/Enum/Variable | Type | Is System API |
SessionToken | interface | Yes |
AVMetadata | interface | Yes |
AVPlaybackState | interface | Yes |
PlaybackPosition | interface | Yes |
OutputDeviceInfo | interface | Yes |
AVSessionDescriptor | interface | Yes |
AVSessionController | interface | Yes |
AVControlCommand | interface | Yes |
createAVSession | function | Yes |
getAllSessionDescriptors | function | Yes |
createController | function | Yes |
castAudio | function | Yes |
on | function | Yes |
off | function | Yes |
sendSystemAVKeyEvent | function | Yes |
sendSystemControlCommand | function | Yes |
sessionId | variable | Yes |
setAVMetadata | function | Yes |
setAVPlaybackState | function | Yes |
setLaunchAbility | function | Yes |
getController | function | Yes |
getOutputDevice | function | Yes |
activate | function | Yes |
deactivate | function | Yes |
destroy | function | Yes |
getAVPlaybackState | function | Yes |
getAVMetadata | function | Yes |
getOutputDevice | function | Yes |
sendAVKeyEvent | function | Yes |
getLaunchAbility | function | Yes |
getRealPlaybackPositionSync | function | Yes |
isActive | function | Yes |
getValidCommands | function | Yes |
sendControlCommand | function | Yes |
AVSessionType | type | Yes |
AVControlCommandType | type | Yes |
LoopMode | enum | Yes |
PlaybackState | enum | Yes |
AVSessionErrorCode | enum | Yes |
harmony 鸿蒙Example Subsystem Changelog
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harmony 鸿蒙ArkUI Subsystem ChangeLog
harmony 鸿蒙Multimedia Subsystem Changelog
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- 所属分类: 后端技术
- 本文标签:
2、 - 优质文章
3、 gate.io
8、 golang
9、 openharmony
10、 Vue中input框自动聚焦