spark RadixSort 源码
spark RadixSort 代码
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package org.apache.spark.util.collection.unsafe.sort;
import org.apache.spark.unsafe.Platform;
import org.apache.spark.unsafe.array.LongArray;
public class RadixSort {
* Sorts a given array of longs using least-significant-digit radix sort. This routine assumes
* you have extra space at the end of the array at least equal to the number of records. The
* sort is destructive and may relocate the data positioned within the array.
* @param array array of long elements followed by at least that many empty slots.
* @param numRecords number of data records in the array.
* @param startByteIndex the first byte (in range [0, 7]) to sort each long by, counting from the
* least significant byte.
* @param endByteIndex the last byte (in range [0, 7]) to sort each long by, counting from the
* least significant byte. Must be greater than startByteIndex.
* @param desc whether this is a descending (binary-order) sort.
* @param signed whether this is a signed (two's complement) sort.
* @return The starting index of the sorted data within the given array. We return this instead
* of always copying the data back to position zero for efficiency.
public static int sort(
LongArray array, long numRecords, int startByteIndex, int endByteIndex,
boolean desc, boolean signed) {
assert startByteIndex >= 0 : "startByteIndex (" + startByteIndex + ") should >= 0";
assert endByteIndex <= 7 : "endByteIndex (" + endByteIndex + ") should <= 7";
assert endByteIndex > startByteIndex;
assert numRecords * 2 <= array.size();
long inIndex = 0;
long outIndex = numRecords;
if (numRecords > 0) {
long[][] counts = getCounts(array, numRecords, startByteIndex, endByteIndex);
for (int i = startByteIndex; i <= endByteIndex; i++) {
if (counts[i] != null) {
array, numRecords, counts[i], i, inIndex, outIndex,
desc, signed && i == endByteIndex);
long tmp = inIndex;
inIndex = outIndex;
outIndex = tmp;
return Ints.checkedCast(inIndex);
* Performs a partial sort by copying data into destination offsets for each byte value at the
* specified byte offset.
* @param array array to partially sort.
* @param numRecords number of data records in the array.
* @param counts counts for each byte value. This routine destructively modifies this array.
* @param byteIdx the byte in a long to sort at, counting from the least significant byte.
* @param inIndex the starting index in the array where input data is located.
* @param outIndex the starting index where sorted output data should be written.
* @param desc whether this is a descending (binary-order) sort.
* @param signed whether this is a signed (two's complement) sort (only applies to last byte).
private static void sortAtByte(
LongArray array, long numRecords, long[] counts, int byteIdx, long inIndex, long outIndex,
boolean desc, boolean signed) {
assert counts.length == 256;
long[] offsets = transformCountsToOffsets(
counts, numRecords, array.getBaseOffset() + outIndex * 8L, 8, desc, signed);
Object baseObject = array.getBaseObject();
long baseOffset = array.getBaseOffset() + inIndex * 8L;
long maxOffset = baseOffset + numRecords * 8L;
for (long offset = baseOffset; offset < maxOffset; offset += 8) {
long value = Platform.getLong(baseObject, offset);
int bucket = (int)((value >>> (byteIdx * 8)) & 0xff);
Platform.putLong(baseObject, offsets[bucket], value);
offsets[bucket] += 8;
* Computes a value histogram for each byte in the given array.
* @param array array to count records in.
* @param numRecords number of data records in the array.
* @param startByteIndex the first byte to compute counts for (the prior are skipped).
* @param endByteIndex the last byte to compute counts for.
* @return an array of eight 256-byte count arrays, one for each byte starting from the least
* significant byte. If the byte does not need sorting the array will be null.
private static long[][] getCounts(
LongArray array, long numRecords, int startByteIndex, int endByteIndex) {
long[][] counts = new long[8][];
// Optimization: do a fast pre-pass to determine which byte indices we can skip for sorting.
// If all the byte values at a particular index are the same we don't need to count it.
long bitwiseMax = 0;
long bitwiseMin = -1L;
long maxOffset = array.getBaseOffset() + numRecords * 8L;
Object baseObject = array.getBaseObject();
for (long offset = array.getBaseOffset(); offset < maxOffset; offset += 8) {
long value = Platform.getLong(baseObject, offset);
bitwiseMax |= value;
bitwiseMin &= value;
long bitsChanged = bitwiseMin ^ bitwiseMax;
// Compute counts for each byte index.
for (int i = startByteIndex; i <= endByteIndex; i++) {
if (((bitsChanged >>> (i * 8)) & 0xff) != 0) {
counts[i] = new long[256];
// TODO(ekl) consider computing all the counts in one pass.
for (long offset = array.getBaseOffset(); offset < maxOffset; offset += 8) {
counts[i][(int)((Platform.getLong(baseObject, offset) >>> (i * 8)) & 0xff)]++;
return counts;
* Transforms counts into the proper unsafe output offsets for the sort type.
* @param counts counts for each byte value. This routine destructively modifies this array.
* @param numRecords number of data records in the original data array.
* @param outputOffset output offset in bytes from the base array object.
* @param bytesPerRecord size of each record (8 for plain sort, 16 for key-prefix sort).
* @param desc whether this is a descending (binary-order) sort.
* @param signed whether this is a signed (two's complement) sort.
* @return the input counts array.
private static long[] transformCountsToOffsets(
long[] counts, long numRecords, long outputOffset, long bytesPerRecord,
boolean desc, boolean signed) {
assert counts.length == 256;
int start = signed ? 128 : 0; // output the negative records first (values 129-255).
if (desc) {
long pos = numRecords;
for (int i = start; i < start + 256; i++) {
pos -= counts[i & 0xff];
counts[i & 0xff] = outputOffset + pos * bytesPerRecord;
} else {
long pos = 0;
for (int i = start; i < start + 256; i++) {
long tmp = counts[i & 0xff];
counts[i & 0xff] = outputOffset + pos * bytesPerRecord;
pos += tmp;
return counts;
* Specialization of sort() for key-prefix arrays. In this type of array, each record consists
* of two longs, only the second of which is sorted on.
* @param startIndex starting index in the array to sort from. This parameter is not supported
* in the plain sort() implementation.
public static int sortKeyPrefixArray(
LongArray array,
long startIndex,
long numRecords,
int startByteIndex,
int endByteIndex,
boolean desc,
boolean signed) {
assert startByteIndex >= 0 : "startByteIndex (" + startByteIndex + ") should >= 0";
assert endByteIndex <= 7 : "endByteIndex (" + endByteIndex + ") should <= 7";
assert endByteIndex > startByteIndex;
assert numRecords * 4 <= array.size();
long inIndex = startIndex;
long outIndex = startIndex + numRecords * 2L;
if (numRecords > 0) {
long[][] counts = getKeyPrefixArrayCounts(
array, startIndex, numRecords, startByteIndex, endByteIndex);
for (int i = startByteIndex; i <= endByteIndex; i++) {
if (counts[i] != null) {
array, numRecords, counts[i], i, inIndex, outIndex,
desc, signed && i == endByteIndex);
long tmp = inIndex;
inIndex = outIndex;
outIndex = tmp;
return Ints.checkedCast(inIndex);
* Specialization of getCounts() for key-prefix arrays. We could probably combine this with
* getCounts with some added parameters but that seems to hurt in benchmarks.
private static long[][] getKeyPrefixArrayCounts(
LongArray array, long startIndex, long numRecords, int startByteIndex, int endByteIndex) {
long[][] counts = new long[8][];
long bitwiseMax = 0;
long bitwiseMin = -1L;
long baseOffset = array.getBaseOffset() + startIndex * 8L;
long limit = baseOffset + numRecords * 16L;
Object baseObject = array.getBaseObject();
for (long offset = baseOffset; offset < limit; offset += 16) {
long value = Platform.getLong(baseObject, offset + 8);
bitwiseMax |= value;
bitwiseMin &= value;
long bitsChanged = bitwiseMin ^ bitwiseMax;
for (int i = startByteIndex; i <= endByteIndex; i++) {
if (((bitsChanged >>> (i * 8)) & 0xff) != 0) {
counts[i] = new long[256];
for (long offset = baseOffset; offset < limit; offset += 16) {
counts[i][(int)((Platform.getLong(baseObject, offset + 8) >>> (i * 8)) & 0xff)]++;
return counts;
* Specialization of sortAtByte() for key-prefix arrays.
private static void sortKeyPrefixArrayAtByte(
LongArray array, long numRecords, long[] counts, int byteIdx, long inIndex, long outIndex,
boolean desc, boolean signed) {
assert counts.length == 256;
long[] offsets = transformCountsToOffsets(
counts, numRecords, array.getBaseOffset() + outIndex * 8L, 16, desc, signed);
Object baseObject = array.getBaseObject();
long baseOffset = array.getBaseOffset() + inIndex * 8L;
long maxOffset = baseOffset + numRecords * 16L;
for (long offset = baseOffset; offset < maxOffset; offset += 16) {
long key = Platform.getLong(baseObject, offset);
long prefix = Platform.getLong(baseObject, offset + 8);
int bucket = (int)((prefix >>> (byteIdx * 8)) & 0xff);
long dest = offsets[bucket];
Platform.putLong(baseObject, dest, key);
Platform.putLong(baseObject, dest + 8, prefix);
offsets[bucket] += 16;
spark RecordPointerAndKeyPrefix 源码
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