go stmt 源码

  • 2022-07-15
  • 浏览 (1157)

golang stmt 代码


// Copyright 2021 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.

package noder

import (

// stmts creates nodes for a slice of statements that form a scope.
func (g *irgen) stmts(stmts []syntax.Stmt) []ir.Node {
	var nodes []ir.Node
	for _, stmt := range stmts {
		switch s := g.stmt(stmt).(type) {
		case nil: // EmptyStmt
		case *ir.BlockStmt:
			nodes = append(nodes, s.List...)
			nodes = append(nodes, s)
	return nodes

func (g *irgen) stmt(stmt syntax.Stmt) ir.Node {
	switch stmt := stmt.(type) {
	case nil, *syntax.EmptyStmt:
		return nil
	case *syntax.LabeledStmt:
		return g.labeledStmt(stmt)
	case *syntax.BlockStmt:
		return ir.NewBlockStmt(g.pos(stmt), g.blockStmt(stmt))
	case *syntax.ExprStmt:
		return wrapname(g.pos(stmt.X), g.expr(stmt.X))
	case *syntax.SendStmt:
		n := ir.NewSendStmt(g.pos(stmt), g.expr(stmt.Chan), g.expr(stmt.Value))
		if !g.delayTransform() {
		return n
	case *syntax.DeclStmt:
		if g.topFuncIsGeneric && len(stmt.DeclList) > 0 {
			if _, ok := stmt.DeclList[0].(*syntax.TypeDecl); ok {
				// TODO: remove this restriction. See issue 47631.
				base.ErrorfAt(g.pos(stmt), "type declarations inside generic functions are not currently supported")
		n := ir.NewBlockStmt(g.pos(stmt), nil)
		g.decls(&n.List, stmt.DeclList)
		return n

	case *syntax.AssignStmt:
		if stmt.Op != 0 && stmt.Op != syntax.Def {
			op := g.op(stmt.Op, binOps[:])
			var n *ir.AssignOpStmt
			if stmt.Rhs == nil {
				n = IncDec(g.pos(stmt), op, g.expr(stmt.Lhs))
			} else {
				// Eval rhs before lhs, for compatibility with noder1
				rhs := g.expr(stmt.Rhs)
				lhs := g.expr(stmt.Lhs)
				n = ir.NewAssignOpStmt(g.pos(stmt), op, lhs, rhs)
			if !g.delayTransform() {
			return n

		// Eval rhs before lhs, for compatibility with noder1
		rhs := g.exprList(stmt.Rhs)
		names, lhs := g.assignList(stmt.Lhs, stmt.Op == syntax.Def)

		if len(lhs) == 1 && len(rhs) == 1 {
			n := ir.NewAssignStmt(g.pos(stmt), lhs[0], rhs[0])
			n.Def = initDefn(n, names)

			if !g.delayTransform() {
				lhs, rhs := []ir.Node{n.X}, []ir.Node{n.Y}
				transformAssign(n, lhs, rhs)
				n.X, n.Y = lhs[0], rhs[0]
			return n

		n := ir.NewAssignListStmt(g.pos(stmt), ir.OAS2, lhs, rhs)
		n.Def = initDefn(n, names)
		if !g.delayTransform() {
			transformAssign(n, n.Lhs, n.Rhs)
		return n

	case *syntax.BranchStmt:
		return ir.NewBranchStmt(g.pos(stmt), g.tokOp(int(stmt.Tok), branchOps[:]), g.name(stmt.Label))
	case *syntax.CallStmt:
		return ir.NewGoDeferStmt(g.pos(stmt), g.tokOp(int(stmt.Tok), callOps[:]), g.expr(stmt.Call))
	case *syntax.ReturnStmt:
		n := ir.NewReturnStmt(g.pos(stmt), g.exprList(stmt.Results))
		if !g.delayTransform() {
		return n
	case *syntax.IfStmt:
		return g.ifStmt(stmt)
	case *syntax.ForStmt:
		return g.forStmt(stmt)
	case *syntax.SelectStmt:
		n := g.selectStmt(stmt)

		if !g.delayTransform() {
		return n
	case *syntax.SwitchStmt:
		return g.switchStmt(stmt)

		g.unhandled("statement", stmt)

// TODO(mdempsky): Investigate replacing with switch statements or dense arrays.

var branchOps = [...]ir.Op{
	syntax.Break:       ir.OBREAK,
	syntax.Continue:    ir.OCONTINUE,
	syntax.Fallthrough: ir.OFALL,
	syntax.Goto:        ir.OGOTO,

var callOps = [...]ir.Op{
	syntax.Defer: ir.ODEFER,
	syntax.Go:    ir.OGO,

func (g *irgen) tokOp(tok int, ops []ir.Op) ir.Op {
	// TODO(mdempsky): Validate.
	return ops[tok]

func (g *irgen) op(op syntax.Operator, ops []ir.Op) ir.Op {
	// TODO(mdempsky): Validate.
	return ops[op]

func (g *irgen) assignList(expr syntax.Expr, def bool) ([]*ir.Name, []ir.Node) {
	if !def {
		return nil, g.exprList(expr)

	var exprs []syntax.Expr
	if list, ok := expr.(*syntax.ListExpr); ok {
		exprs = list.ElemList
	} else {
		exprs = []syntax.Expr{expr}

	var names []*ir.Name
	res := make([]ir.Node, len(exprs))
	for i, expr := range exprs {
		expr := expr.(*syntax.Name)
		if expr.Value == "_" {
			res[i] = ir.BlankNode

		if obj, ok := g.info.Uses[expr]; ok {
			res[i] = g.obj(obj)

		name, _ := g.def(expr)
		names = append(names, name)
		res[i] = name

	return names, res

// initDefn marks the given names as declared by defn and populates
// its Init field with ODCL nodes. It then reports whether any names
// were so declared, which can be used to initialize defn.Def.
func initDefn(defn ir.InitNode, names []*ir.Name) bool {
	if len(names) == 0 {
		return false

	init := make([]ir.Node, len(names))
	for i, name := range names {
		name.Defn = defn
		init[i] = ir.NewDecl(name.Pos(), ir.ODCL, name)
	return true

func (g *irgen) blockStmt(stmt *syntax.BlockStmt) []ir.Node {
	return g.stmts(stmt.List)

func (g *irgen) ifStmt(stmt *syntax.IfStmt) ir.Node {
	init := g.stmt(stmt.Init)
	n := ir.NewIfStmt(g.pos(stmt), g.expr(stmt.Cond), g.blockStmt(stmt.Then), nil)
	if stmt.Else != nil {
		e := g.stmt(stmt.Else)
		if e.Op() == ir.OBLOCK {
			e := e.(*ir.BlockStmt)
			n.Else = e.List
		} else {
			n.Else = []ir.Node{e}
	return g.init(init, n)

// unpackTwo returns the first two nodes in list. If list has fewer
// than 2 nodes, then the missing nodes are replaced with nils.
func unpackTwo(list []ir.Node) (fst, snd ir.Node) {
	switch len(list) {
	case 0:
		return nil, nil
	case 1:
		return list[0], nil
		return list[0], list[1]

func (g *irgen) forStmt(stmt *syntax.ForStmt) ir.Node {
	if r, ok := stmt.Init.(*syntax.RangeClause); ok {
		names, lhs := g.assignList(r.Lhs, r.Def)
		key, value := unpackTwo(lhs)
		n := ir.NewRangeStmt(g.pos(r), key, value, g.expr(r.X), g.blockStmt(stmt.Body))
		n.Def = initDefn(n, names)
		if key != nil {
			transformCheckAssign(n, key)
		if value != nil {
			transformCheckAssign(n, value)
		return n

	return ir.NewForStmt(g.pos(stmt), g.stmt(stmt.Init), g.expr(stmt.Cond), g.stmt(stmt.Post), g.blockStmt(stmt.Body))

func (g *irgen) selectStmt(stmt *syntax.SelectStmt) ir.Node {
	body := make([]*ir.CommClause, len(stmt.Body))
	for i, clause := range stmt.Body {
		body[i] = ir.NewCommStmt(g.pos(clause), g.stmt(clause.Comm), g.stmts(clause.Body))
	return ir.NewSelectStmt(g.pos(stmt), body)

func (g *irgen) switchStmt(stmt *syntax.SwitchStmt) ir.Node {
	pos := g.pos(stmt)
	init := g.stmt(stmt.Init)

	var expr ir.Node
	switch tag := stmt.Tag.(type) {
	case *syntax.TypeSwitchGuard:
		var ident *ir.Ident
		if tag.Lhs != nil {
			ident = ir.NewIdent(g.pos(tag.Lhs), g.name(tag.Lhs))
		expr = ir.NewTypeSwitchGuard(pos, ident, g.expr(tag.X))
		expr = g.expr(tag)

	body := make([]*ir.CaseClause, len(stmt.Body))
	for i, clause := range stmt.Body {
		// Check for an implicit clause variable before
		// visiting body, because it may contain function
		// literals that reference it, and then it'll be
		// associated to the wrong function.
		// Also, override its position to the clause's colon, so that
		// dwarfgen can find the right scope for it later.
		// TODO(mdempsky): We should probably just store the scope
		// directly in the ir.Name.
		var cv *ir.Name
		if obj, ok := g.info.Implicits[clause]; ok {
			cv = g.obj(obj)
			assert(expr.Op() == ir.OTYPESW)
			cv.Defn = expr
		body[i] = ir.NewCaseStmt(g.pos(clause), g.exprList(clause.Cases), g.stmts(clause.Body))
		body[i].Var = cv

	return g.init(init, ir.NewSwitchStmt(pos, expr, body))

func (g *irgen) labeledStmt(label *syntax.LabeledStmt) ir.Node {
	sym := g.name(label.Label)
	lhs := ir.NewLabelStmt(g.pos(label), sym)
	ls := g.stmt(label.Stmt)

	// Attach label directly to control statement too.
	switch ls := ls.(type) {
	case *ir.ForStmt:
		ls.Label = sym
	case *ir.RangeStmt:
		ls.Label = sym
	case *ir.SelectStmt:
		ls.Label = sym
	case *ir.SwitchStmt:
		ls.Label = sym

	l := []ir.Node{lhs}
	if ls != nil {
		if ls.Op() == ir.OBLOCK {
			ls := ls.(*ir.BlockStmt)
			l = append(l, ls.List...)
		} else {
			l = append(l, ls)
	return ir.NewBlockStmt(src.NoXPos, l)

func (g *irgen) init(init ir.Node, stmt ir.InitNode) ir.InitNode {
	if init != nil {
	return stmt

func (g *irgen) name(name *syntax.Name) *types.Sym {
	if name == nil {
		return nil
	return typecheck.Lookup(name.Value)


go 源码目录


go codes 源码

go decl 源码

go export 源码

go expr 源码

go func 源码

go helpers 源码

go import 源码

go irgen 源码

go lex 源码

go lex_test 源码

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