hadoop InodeTree 源码

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haddop InodeTree 代码


 * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
 * or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
 * distributed with this work for additional information
 * regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
 * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
 * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
 * with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
 * <p>
 * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
 * <p>
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 * limitations under the License.
package org.apache.hadoop.fs.viewfs;

import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.Comparator;
import java.util.Set;
import java.util.TreeSet;
import java.util.function.Function;
import org.apache.hadoop.util.Preconditions;
import java.io.FileNotFoundException;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.net.URI;
import java.net.URISyntaxException;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.LinkedList;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Map.Entry;

import org.apache.hadoop.classification.InterfaceAudience;
import org.apache.hadoop.classification.InterfaceStability;
import org.apache.hadoop.conf.Configuration;
import org.apache.hadoop.fs.FileAlreadyExistsException;
import org.apache.hadoop.fs.FileSystem;
import org.apache.hadoop.fs.Path;
import org.apache.hadoop.fs.UnsupportedFileSystemException;
import org.apache.hadoop.security.UserGroupInformation;
import org.apache.hadoop.util.StringUtils;
import org.slf4j.Logger;
import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;

 * InodeTree implements a mount-table as a tree of inodes.
 * It is used to implement ViewFs and ViewFileSystem.
 * In order to use it the caller must subclass it and implement
 * the abstract methods {@link #getTargetFileSystem(INodeDir)}, etc.
 * The mountable is initialized from the config variables as
 * specified in {@link ViewFs}
 * @param <T> is AbstractFileSystem or FileSystem
 * The two main methods are
 * {@link #InodeTree(Configuration, String, URI, boolean)} // constructor
 * {@link #resolve(String, boolean)}

public abstract class InodeTree<T> {
  private static final Logger LOGGER =

  enum ResultKind {

  static final Path SlashPath = new Path("/");
  // the root of the mount table
  private final INode<T> root;
  // the fallback filesystem
  private INodeLink<T> rootFallbackLink;
  // the homedir for this mount table
  private final String homedirPrefix;
  private List<MountPoint<T>> mountPoints = new ArrayList<MountPoint<T>>();
  private List<RegexMountPoint<T>> regexMountPointList =
      new ArrayList<RegexMountPoint<T>>();

  private final boolean isNestedMountPointSupported;

  public static class MountPoint<T> {
    String src;
    INodeLink<T> target;

    MountPoint(String srcPath, INodeLink<T> mountLink) {
      src = srcPath;
      target = mountLink;

     * Returns the source of mount point.
     * @return The source
    public String getSource() {
      return this.src;

     * Returns the target INode link.
     * @return The target INode link
    public INodeLink<T> getTarget() {
      return this.target;

   * Breaks file path into component names.
   * @param path
   * @return array of names component names
  static String[] breakIntoPathComponents(final String path) {
    return path == null ? null : path.split(Path.SEPARATOR);

   * Internal class for INode tree.
   * @param <T>
  abstract static class INode<T> {
    final String fullPath; // the full path to the root

    public INode(String pathToNode, UserGroupInformation aUgi) {
      fullPath = pathToNode;

    // INode forming the internal mount table directory tree
    // for ViewFileSystem. This internal directory tree is
    // constructed based on the mount table config entries
    // and is read only.
    abstract boolean isInternalDir();

    // INode linking to another filesystem. Represented
    // via mount table link config entries.
    boolean isLink() {
      return !isInternalDir();

     * Return the link if isLink.
     * @return will return null, for non links.
    INodeLink<T> getLink() {
      return null;

   * Internal class to represent an internal dir of the mount table.
   * @param <T>
  static class INodeDir<T> extends INode<T> {
    private final Map<String, INode<T>> children = new HashMap<>();
    private T internalDirFs = null; //filesystem of this internal directory
    private boolean isRoot = false;
    private INodeLink<T> fallbackLink = null;

    INodeDir(final String pathToNode, final UserGroupInformation aUgi) {
      super(pathToNode, aUgi);

    boolean isInternalDir() {
      return true;

    T getInternalDirFs() {
      return internalDirFs;

    void setInternalDirFs(T internalDirFs) {
      this.internalDirFs = internalDirFs;

    void setRoot(boolean root) {
      isRoot = root;

    boolean isRoot() {
      return isRoot;

    INodeLink<T> getFallbackLink() {
      return fallbackLink;

    void addFallbackLink(INodeLink<T> link) throws IOException {
      if (!isRoot) {
        throw new IOException("Fallback link can only be added for root");
      this.fallbackLink = link;

    Map<String, INode<T>> getChildren() {
      return Collections.unmodifiableMap(children);

    INode<T> resolveInternal(final String pathComponent) {
      return children.get(pathComponent);

    INodeDir<T> addDir(final String pathComponent,
        final UserGroupInformation aUgi) throws FileAlreadyExistsException {
      if (children.containsKey(pathComponent)) {
        throw new FileAlreadyExistsException();
      final INodeDir<T> newDir = new INodeDir<T>(fullPath +
          (isRoot() ? "" : "/") + pathComponent, aUgi);
      children.put(pathComponent, newDir);
      return newDir;

    void addLink(final String pathComponent, final INodeLink<T> link)
        throws FileAlreadyExistsException {
      if (children.containsKey(pathComponent)) {
        throw new FileAlreadyExistsException();
      children.put(pathComponent, link);

    void addDirLink(final String pathComponent, final INodeDirLink<T> dirLink) {
      children.put(pathComponent, dirLink);

   * Internal class to represent an INodeDir which also contains a INodeLink. This is used to support nested mount points
   * where an INode is internalDir but points to a mount link. The class is a subclass of INodeDir and the semantics are
   * as follows:
   * isLink(): true
   * isInternalDir(): true
   * @param <T>
  static class INodeDirLink<T> extends INodeDir<T> {
     * INodeLink wrapped in the INodeDir
    private final INodeLink<T> link;

    INodeDirLink(String pathToNode, UserGroupInformation aUgi, INodeLink<T> link) {
      super(pathToNode, aUgi);
      this.link = link;

    INodeLink<T> getLink() {
      return link;

     * True because the INodeDirLink also contains a INodeLink
    boolean isLink() {
      return true;

     * True because the INodeDirLink is internal node
    boolean isInternalDir() {
      return true;

   * Mount table link type.
  enum LinkType {
     * Link entry pointing to a single filesystem uri.
     * Config prefix: fs.viewfs.mounttable.<mnt_tbl_name>.link.<link_name>
     * Refer: {@link Constants#CONFIG_VIEWFS_LINK}
     * Fallback filesystem for the paths not mounted by
     * any single link entries.
     * Config prefix: fs.viewfs.mounttable.<mnt_tbl_name>.linkFallback
     * Refer: {@link Constants#CONFIG_VIEWFS_LINK_FALLBACK}
     * Link entry pointing to an union of two or more filesystem uris.
     * Config prefix: fs.viewfs.mounttable.<mnt_tbl_name>.linkMerge.<link_name>
     * Refer: {@link Constants#CONFIG_VIEWFS_LINK_MERGE}
     * Link entry for merging mount table's root with the
     * root of another filesystem.
     * Config prefix: fs.viewfs.mounttable.<mnt_tbl_name>.linkMergeSlash
     * Refer: {@link Constants#CONFIG_VIEWFS_LINK_MERGE_SLASH}
     * Link entry to write to multiple filesystems and read
     * from the closest filesystem.
     * Config prefix: fs.viewfs.mounttable.<mnt_tbl_name>.linkNfly
     * Refer: {@link Constants#CONFIG_VIEWFS_LINK_NFLY}
     * Link entry which source are regex exrepssions and target refer matched
     * group from source
     * Config prefix: fs.viewfs.mounttable.<mnt_tbl_name>.linkRegex
     * Refer: {@link Constants#CONFIG_VIEWFS_LINK_REGEX}

   * An internal class to represent a mount link.
   * A mount link can be single dir link or a merge dir link.

   * A merge dir link is  a merge (junction) of links to dirs:
   * example : merge of 2 dirs
   *     /users -&gt; hdfs:nn1//users
   *     /users -&gt; hdfs:nn2//users
   * For a merge, each target is checked to be dir when created but if target
   * is changed later it is then ignored (a dir with null entries)
  public static class INodeLink<T> extends INode<T> {
    final String[] targetDirLinkList;
    private T targetFileSystem;   // file system object created from the link.
    // Function to initialize file system. Only applicable for simple links
    private Function<URI, T> fileSystemInitMethod;
    private final Object lock = new Object();

     * Construct a mergeLink or nfly.
    INodeLink(final String pathToNode, final UserGroupInformation aUgi,
        final T targetMergeFs, final String[] aTargetDirLinkList) {
      super(pathToNode, aUgi);
      targetFileSystem = targetMergeFs;
      targetDirLinkList = aTargetDirLinkList;

     * Construct a simple link (i.e. not a mergeLink).
    INodeLink(final String pathToNode, final UserGroupInformation aUgi,
        Function<URI, T> createFileSystemMethod,
        final String aTargetDirLink) throws URISyntaxException {
      super(pathToNode, aUgi);
      targetFileSystem = null;
      targetDirLinkList = new String[1];
      targetDirLinkList[0] = new URI(aTargetDirLink).toString();
      this.fileSystemInitMethod = createFileSystemMethod;

     * Get the target of the link. If a merge link then it returned
     * as "," separated URI list.
     * @return the path.
    public Path getTargetLink() {
      StringBuilder result = new StringBuilder(targetDirLinkList[0].toString());
      // If merge link, use "," as separator between the merged URIs
      for (int i = 1; i < targetDirLinkList.length; ++i) {
      return new Path(result.toString());

    boolean isInternalDir() {
      return false;

    INodeLink<T> getLink() {
      return this;

     * Get the instance of FileSystem to use, creating one if needed.
     * @return An Initialized instance of T
     * @throws IOException raised on errors performing I/O.
    public T getTargetFileSystem() throws IOException {
      if (targetFileSystem != null) {
        return targetFileSystem;
      // For non NFLY and MERGE links, we initialize the FileSystem when the
      // corresponding mount path is accessed.
      if (targetDirLinkList.length == 1) {
        synchronized (lock) {
          if (targetFileSystem != null) {
            return targetFileSystem;
          targetFileSystem =
          if (targetFileSystem == null) {
            throw new IOException(
                "Could not initialize target File System for URI : " +
      return targetFileSystem;

  private void createLink(final String src, final String target,
      final LinkType linkType, final String settings,
      final UserGroupInformation aUgi,
      final Configuration config)
      throws URISyntaxException, IOException,
      FileAlreadyExistsException, UnsupportedFileSystemException {
    // Validate that src is valid absolute path
    final Path srcPath = new Path(src);
    if (!srcPath.isAbsoluteAndSchemeAuthorityNull()) {
      throw new IOException("ViewFs: Non absolute mount name in config:" + src);

    final String[] srcPaths = breakIntoPathComponents(src);
    // Make sure root is of INodeDir type before
    // adding any regular links to it.
    INodeDir<T> curInode = getRootDir();
    int i;
    // Ignore first initial slash, process all except last component
    for (i = 1; i < srcPaths.length - 1; i++) {
      final String iPath = srcPaths[i];
      INode<T> nextInode = curInode.resolveInternal(iPath);
      if (nextInode == null) {
        INodeDir<T> newDir = curInode.addDir(iPath, aUgi);
        nextInode = newDir;
      if (!nextInode.isInternalDir()) {
        if (isNestedMountPointSupported) {
          // nested mount detected, add a new INodeDirLink that wraps existing INodeLink to INodeTree and override existing INodelink
          INodeDirLink<T> dirLink = new INodeDirLink<T>(nextInode.fullPath, aUgi, (INodeLink<T>) nextInode);
          curInode.addDirLink(iPath, dirLink);
          curInode = dirLink;
        } else {
          // Error - expected a dir but got a link
          throw new FileAlreadyExistsException("Path " + nextInode.fullPath +
              " already exists as link");
      } else {
        curInode = (INodeDir<T>) nextInode;

    // Now process the last component
    // Add the link in 2 cases: does not exist or a link exists
    String iPath = srcPaths[i];// last component
    if (curInode.resolveInternal(iPath) != null) {
      //  directory/link already exists
      StringBuilder strB = new StringBuilder(srcPaths[0]);
      for (int j = 1; j <= i; ++j) {
      throw new FileAlreadyExistsException("Path " + strB +
          " already exists as dir; cannot create link here");

    final INodeLink<T> newLink;
    final String fullPath = curInode.fullPath + (curInode == root ? "" : "/")
        + iPath;
    switch (linkType) {
    case SINGLE:
      newLink = new INodeLink<T>(fullPath, aUgi,
          initAndGetTargetFs(), target);
    case MERGE_SLASH:
      // Link fallback and link merge slash configuration
      // are handled specially at InodeTree.
      throw new IllegalArgumentException("Unexpected linkType: " + linkType);
    case MERGE:
    case NFLY:
      final String[] targetUris = StringUtils.getStrings(target);
      newLink = new INodeLink<T>(fullPath, aUgi,
          getTargetFileSystem(settings, StringUtils.stringToURI(targetUris)),
      throw new IllegalArgumentException(linkType + ": Infeasible linkType");
    curInode.addLink(iPath, newLink);
    mountPoints.add(new MountPoint<T>(src, newLink));

   * The user of this class must subclass and implement the following
   * 3 abstract methods.
   * @return Function.
  protected abstract Function<URI, T> initAndGetTargetFs();

  protected abstract T getTargetFileSystem(INodeDir<T> dir)
      throws URISyntaxException, IOException;

  protected abstract T getTargetFileSystem(String settings, URI[] mergeFsURIs)
      throws UnsupportedFileSystemException, URISyntaxException, IOException;

  private INodeDir<T> getRootDir() {
    return (INodeDir<T>)root;

  private INodeLink<T> getRootLink() {
    return (INodeLink<T>)root;

  private boolean hasFallbackLink() {
    return rootFallbackLink != null;

   * @return true if the root represented as internalDir. In LinkMergeSlash,
   * there will be root to root mapping. So, root does not represent as
   * internalDir.
  public boolean isRootInternalDir() {
    return root.isInternalDir();

  public INodeLink<T> getRootFallbackLink() {
    return rootFallbackLink;

   * An internal class representing the ViewFileSystem mount table
   * link entries and their attributes.
   * @see LinkType
  private static class LinkEntry {
    private final String src;
    private final String target;
    private final LinkType linkType;
    private final String settings;
    private final UserGroupInformation ugi;
    private final Configuration config;

    LinkEntry(String src, String target, LinkType linkType, String settings,
        UserGroupInformation ugi, Configuration config) {
      this.src = src;
      this.target = target;
      this.linkType = linkType;
      this.settings = settings;
      this.ugi = ugi;
      this.config = config;

    String getSrc() {
      return src;

    String getTarget() {
      return target;

    LinkType getLinkType() {
      return linkType;

    boolean isLinkType(LinkType type) {
      return this.linkType == type;

    String getSettings() {
      return settings;

    UserGroupInformation getUgi() {
      return ugi;

    Configuration getConfig() {
      return config;

   * Create Inode Tree from the specified mount-table specified in Config.
   * @param config the mount table keys are prefixed with
   *               FsConstants.CONFIG_VIEWFS_PREFIX.
   * @param viewName the name of the mount table
   *                 if null use defaultMT name.
   * @param theUri heUri.
   * @param initingUriAsFallbackOnNoMounts initingUriAsFallbackOnNoMounts.
   * @throws UnsupportedFileSystemException file system for <code>uri</code> is
   *                                        not found.
   * @throws URISyntaxException if the URI does not have an authority
   *                            it is badly formed.
   * @throws FileAlreadyExistsException there is a file at the path specified
   *                                    or is discovered on one of its ancestors.
   * @throws IOException raised on errors performing I/O.
  protected InodeTree(final Configuration config, final String viewName,
      final URI theUri, boolean initingUriAsFallbackOnNoMounts)
      throws UnsupportedFileSystemException, URISyntaxException,
      FileAlreadyExistsException, IOException {
    String mountTableName = viewName;
    if (mountTableName == null) {
      mountTableName = ConfigUtil.getDefaultMountTableName(config);
    homedirPrefix = ConfigUtil.getHomeDirValue(config, mountTableName);
    isNestedMountPointSupported = ConfigUtil.isNestedMountPointSupported(config);

    boolean isMergeSlashConfigured = false;
    String mergeSlashTarget = null;
    List<LinkEntry> linkEntries = new LinkedList<>();

    final String mountTablePrefix =
        Constants.CONFIG_VIEWFS_PREFIX + "." + mountTableName + ".";
    final String linkPrefix = Constants.CONFIG_VIEWFS_LINK + ".";
    final String linkFallbackPrefix = Constants.CONFIG_VIEWFS_LINK_FALLBACK;
    final String linkMergePrefix = Constants.CONFIG_VIEWFS_LINK_MERGE + ".";
    final String linkMergeSlashPrefix =
    boolean gotMountTableEntry = false;
    final UserGroupInformation ugi = UserGroupInformation.getCurrentUser();
    for (Entry<String, String> si : config) {
      final String key = si.getKey();
      if (!key.startsWith(mountTablePrefix)) {

      gotMountTableEntry = true;
      LinkType linkType;
      String src = key.substring(mountTablePrefix.length());
      String settings = null;
      if (src.startsWith(linkPrefix)) {
        src = src.substring(linkPrefix.length());
        if (src.equals(SlashPath.toString())) {
          throw new UnsupportedFileSystemException("Unexpected mount table "
              + "link entry '" + key + "'. Use "
              + Constants.CONFIG_VIEWFS_LINK_MERGE_SLASH  + " instead!");
        linkType = LinkType.SINGLE;
      } else if (src.startsWith(linkFallbackPrefix)) {
        checkMntEntryKeyEqualsTarget(src, linkFallbackPrefix);
        linkType = LinkType.SINGLE_FALLBACK;
      } else if (src.startsWith(linkMergePrefix)) { // A merge link
        src = src.substring(linkMergePrefix.length());
        linkType = LinkType.MERGE;
      } else if (src.startsWith(linkMergeSlashPrefix)) {
        // This is a LinkMergeSlash entry. This entry should
        // not have any additional source path.
        checkMntEntryKeyEqualsTarget(src, linkMergeSlashPrefix);
        linkType = LinkType.MERGE_SLASH;
      } else if (src.startsWith(Constants.CONFIG_VIEWFS_LINK_NFLY)) {
        // prefix.settings.src
        src = src.substring(Constants.CONFIG_VIEWFS_LINK_NFLY.length() + 1);
        // settings.src
        settings = src.substring(0, src.indexOf('.'));
        // settings

        // settings.src
        src = src.substring(settings.length() + 1);
        // src

        linkType = LinkType.NFLY;
      } else if (src.startsWith(Constants.CONFIG_VIEWFS_LINK_REGEX)) {
            buildLinkRegexEntry(config, ugi, src, si.getValue()));
      } else if (src.startsWith(Constants.CONFIG_VIEWFS_HOMEDIR)) {
        // ignore - we set home dir from config
      } else {
        throw new IOException("ViewFs: Cannot initialize: Invalid entry in " +
            "Mount table in config: " + src);

      final String target = si.getValue();
      if (linkType != LinkType.MERGE_SLASH) {
        if (isMergeSlashConfigured) {
          throw new IOException("Mount table " + mountTableName
              + " has already been configured with a merge slash link. "
              + "A regular link should not be added.");
            new LinkEntry(src, target, linkType, settings, ugi, config));
      } else {
        if (!linkEntries.isEmpty()) {
          throw new IOException("Mount table " + mountTableName
              + " has already been configured with regular links. "
              + "A merge slash link should not be configured.");
        if (isMergeSlashConfigured) {
          throw new IOException("Mount table " + mountTableName
              + " has already been configured with a merge slash link. "
              + "Multiple merge slash links for the same mount table is "
              + "not allowed.");
        isMergeSlashConfigured = true;
        mergeSlashTarget = target;
    } // End of for loop.

    if (isMergeSlashConfigured) {
      root = new INodeLink<T>(mountTableName, ugi,
          initAndGetTargetFs(), mergeSlashTarget);
      mountPoints.add(new MountPoint<T>("/", (INodeLink<T>) root));
      rootFallbackLink = null;
    } else {
      root = new INodeDir<T>("/", UserGroupInformation.getCurrentUser());
      INodeLink<T> fallbackLink = null;

      for (LinkEntry le : getLinkEntries(linkEntries)) {
        switch (le.getLinkType()) {
        case SINGLE_FALLBACK:
          if (fallbackLink != null) {
            throw new IOException("Mount table " + mountTableName
                + " has already been configured with a link fallback. "
                + "Multiple fallback links for the same mount table is "
                + "not allowed.");
          fallbackLink = new INodeLink<T>(mountTableName, ugi,
              initAndGetTargetFs(), le.getTarget());
        case REGEX:
          createLink(le.getSrc(), le.getTarget(), le.getLinkType(),
              le.getSettings(), le.getUgi(), le.getConfig());
      rootFallbackLink = fallbackLink;

    if (!gotMountTableEntry) {
      if (!initingUriAsFallbackOnNoMounts) {
        throw new IOException(new StringBuilder(
            "ViewFs: Cannot initialize: Empty Mount table in config for ")
          .info("Empty mount table detected for {} and considering itself "
              + "as a linkFallback.", theUri);
      rootFallbackLink = new INodeLink<T>(mountTableName, ugi,
          initAndGetTargetFs(), theUri.toString());

   * Get collection of linkEntry. Sort mount point based on alphabetical order of the src paths.
   * The purpose is to group nested paths(shortest path always comes first) during INodeTree creation.
   * E.g. /foo is nested with /foo/bar so an INodeDirLink will be created at /foo.
   * @param linkEntries input linkEntries
   * @return sorted linkEntries
  private Collection<LinkEntry> getLinkEntries(List<LinkEntry> linkEntries) {
    Set<LinkEntry> sortedLinkEntries = new TreeSet<>(new Comparator<LinkEntry>() {
      public int compare(LinkEntry o1, LinkEntry o2) {
        if (o1 == null) {
          return -1;
        if (o2 == null) {
          return 1;
        String src1 = o1.getSrc();
        String src2=  o2.getSrc();
        return src1.compareTo(src2);
    return sortedLinkEntries;

  private void checkMntEntryKeyEqualsTarget(
      String mntEntryKey, String targetMntEntryKey) throws IOException {
    if (!mntEntryKey.equals(targetMntEntryKey)) {
      throw new IOException("ViewFs: Mount points initialization error." +
          " Invalid " + targetMntEntryKey +
          " entry in config: " + mntEntryKey);

  private void addRegexMountEntry(LinkEntry le) throws IOException {
    LOGGER.info("Add regex mount point:" + le.getSrc()
        + ", target:" + le.getTarget()
        + ", interceptor settings:" + le.getSettings());
    RegexMountPoint regexMountPoint =
        new RegexMountPoint<T>(
            this, le.getSrc(), le.getTarget(), le.getSettings());

  private LinkEntry buildLinkRegexEntry(
      Configuration config, UserGroupInformation ugi,
      String mntEntryStrippedKey, String mntEntryValue) {
    String linkKeyPath = null;
    String settings = null;
    final String linkRegexPrefix = Constants.CONFIG_VIEWFS_LINK_REGEX + ".";
    // settings#.linkKey
    String settingsAndLinkKeyPath =
    int settingLinkKeySepIndex = settingsAndLinkKeyPath
    if (settingLinkKeySepIndex == -1) {
      // There's no settings
      linkKeyPath = settingsAndLinkKeyPath;
      settings = null;
    } else {
      // settings#.linkKey style configuration
      // settings from settings#.linkKey
      settings =
          settingsAndLinkKeyPath.substring(0, settingLinkKeySepIndex);
      // linkKeyPath
      linkKeyPath = settingsAndLinkKeyPath.substring(
          settings.length() + RegexMountPoint.SETTING_SRCREGEX_SEP
    return new LinkEntry(
        linkKeyPath, mntEntryValue, LinkType.REGEX, settings, ugi, config);

   * Resolve returns ResolveResult.
   * The caller can continue the resolution of the remainingPath
   * in the targetFileSystem.
   * If the input pathname leads to link to another file system then
   * the targetFileSystem is the one denoted by the link (except it is
   * file system chrooted to link target.
   * If the input pathname leads to an internal mount-table entry then
   * the target file system is one that represents the internal inode.
  public static class ResolveResult<T> {
    final ResultKind kind;
    final T targetFileSystem;
    final String resolvedPath;
    final Path remainingPath;   // to resolve in the target FileSystem
    private final boolean isLastInternalDirLink;

    ResolveResult(final ResultKind k, final T targetFs, final String resolveP,
        final Path remainingP, boolean isLastIntenalDirLink) {
      kind = k;
      targetFileSystem = targetFs;
      resolvedPath = resolveP;
      remainingPath = remainingP;
      this.isLastInternalDirLink = isLastIntenalDirLink;

    // Internal dir path resolution completed within the mount table
    boolean isInternalDir() {
      return (kind == ResultKind.INTERNAL_DIR);

    // Indicates whether the internal dir path resolution completed at the link
    // or resolved due to fallback.
    boolean isLastInternalDirLink() {
      return this.isLastInternalDirLink;

   * Resolve the pathname p relative to root InodeDir.
   * @param p - input path
   * @param resolveLastComponent resolveLastComponent.
   * @return ResolveResult which allows further resolution of the remaining path
   * @throws IOException raised on errors performing I/O.
  public ResolveResult<T> resolve(final String p, final boolean resolveLastComponent)
      throws IOException {
    ResolveResult<T> resolveResult = null;
    String[] path = breakIntoPathComponents(p);
    if (path.length <= 1) { // special case for when path is "/"
      T targetFs = root.isInternalDir() ?
          : getRootLink().getTargetFileSystem();
      resolveResult = new ResolveResult<T>(ResultKind.INTERNAL_DIR,
          targetFs, root.fullPath, SlashPath, false);
      return resolveResult;

     * linkMergeSlash has been configured. The root of this mount table has
     * been linked to the root directory of a file system.
     * The first non-slash path component should be name of the mount table.
    if (!root.isInternalDir()) {
      Path remainingPath;
      StringBuilder remainingPathStr = new StringBuilder();
      // ignore first slash
      for (int i = 1; i < path.length; i++) {
      remainingPath = new Path(remainingPathStr.toString());
      resolveResult = new ResolveResult<T>(ResultKind.EXTERNAL_DIR,
          getRootLink().getTargetFileSystem(), root.fullPath, remainingPath,
      return resolveResult;
    INodeDir<T> curInode = getRootDir();

    // Try to resolve path in the regex mount point
    resolveResult = tryResolveInRegexMountpoint(p, resolveLastComponent);
    if (resolveResult != null) {
      return resolveResult;

    int i;
    INodeDirLink<T> lastResolvedDirLink = null;
    int lastResolvedDirLinkIndex = -1;
    // ignore first slash
    for (i = 1; i < path.length - (resolveLastComponent ? 0 : 1); i++) {
      INode<T> nextInode = curInode.resolveInternal(path[i]);
      if (nextInode == null) {
        // first resolve to dirlink for nested mount point
        if (isNestedMountPointSupported && lastResolvedDirLink != null) {
          return new ResolveResult<T>(ResultKind.EXTERNAL_DIR, lastResolvedDirLink.getLink().getTargetFileSystem(),
              lastResolvedDirLink.fullPath, getRemainingPath(path, i),true);
        if (hasFallbackLink()) {
          resolveResult = new ResolveResult<T>(ResultKind.EXTERNAL_DIR,
              getRootFallbackLink().getTargetFileSystem(), root.fullPath,
              new Path(p), false);
          return resolveResult;
        } else {
          StringBuilder failedAt = new StringBuilder(path[0]);
          for (int j = 1; j <= i; ++j) {
          throw (new FileNotFoundException(
              "File/Directory does not exist: " + failedAt.toString()));

      if (!nextInode.isInternalDir()) {
        final INodeLink<T> link = (INodeLink<T>) nextInode;
        final Path remainingPath = getRemainingPath(path, i + 1);
        resolveResult = new ResolveResult<T>(ResultKind.EXTERNAL_DIR,
            link.getTargetFileSystem(), nextInode.fullPath, remainingPath,
        return resolveResult;
      } else {
        curInode = (INodeDir<T>) nextInode;
        // track last resolved nest mount point.
        if (isNestedMountPointSupported && nextInode.isLink()) {
          lastResolvedDirLink = (INodeDirLink<T>) nextInode;
          lastResolvedDirLinkIndex = i;

    Path remainingPath;
    if (isNestedMountPointSupported && lastResolvedDirLink != null) {
      remainingPath = getRemainingPath(path, lastResolvedDirLinkIndex + 1);
      resolveResult = new ResolveResult<T>(ResultKind.EXTERNAL_DIR, lastResolvedDirLink.getLink().getTargetFileSystem(),
          lastResolvedDirLink.fullPath, remainingPath,true);
    } else {
      remainingPath = resolveLastComponent ? SlashPath : getRemainingPath(path, i);
      resolveResult = new ResolveResult<T>(ResultKind.INTERNAL_DIR, curInode.getInternalDirFs(),
          curInode.fullPath, remainingPath, false);
    return resolveResult;

   * Return remaining path from specified index to the end of the path array.
   * @param path An array of path components split by slash
   * @param startIndex the specified start index of the path array
   * @return remaining path.
  private Path getRemainingPath(String[] path, int startIndex) {
    Path remainingPath;
    if (startIndex >= path.length) {
      remainingPath = SlashPath;
    } else {
      StringBuilder remainingPathStr = new StringBuilder();
      for (int j = startIndex; j < path.length; j++) {
      remainingPath = new Path(remainingPathStr.toString());
    return remainingPath;

   * Walk through all regex mount points to see
   * whether the path match any regex expressions.
   *  E.g. link: ^/user/(?&lt;username&gt;\\w+) =&gt; s3://$user.apache.com/_${user}
   *  srcPath: is /user/hadoop/dir1
   *  resolveLastComponent: true
   *  then return value is s3://hadoop.apache.com/_hadoop
   * @param srcPath srcPath.
   * @param resolveLastComponent resolveLastComponent.
   * @return ResolveResult.
  protected ResolveResult<T> tryResolveInRegexMountpoint(final String srcPath,
      final boolean resolveLastComponent) {
    for (RegexMountPoint regexMountPoint : regexMountPointList) {
      ResolveResult resolveResult =
          regexMountPoint.resolve(srcPath, resolveLastComponent);
      if (resolveResult != null) {
        return resolveResult;
    return null;

   * Build resolve result.
   * Here's an example
   * Mountpoint: fs.viewfs.mounttable.mt
   *     .linkRegex.replaceresolveddstpath:_:-#.^/user/(??&lt;username&gt;\w+)
   * Value: /targetTestRoot/$username
   * Dir path to test:
   * viewfs://mt/user/hadoop_user1/hadoop_dir1
   * Expect path: /targetTestRoot/hadoop-user1/hadoop_dir1
   * resolvedPathStr: /user/hadoop_user1
   * targetOfResolvedPathStr: /targetTestRoot/hadoop-user1
   * remainingPath: /hadoop_dir1
   * @param resultKind resultKind.
   * @param resolvedPathStr resolvedPathStr.
   * @param targetOfResolvedPathStr targetOfResolvedPathStr.
   * @param remainingPath remainingPath.
   * @return targetFileSystem or null on exceptions.
  protected ResolveResult<T> buildResolveResultForRegexMountPoint(
      ResultKind resultKind, String resolvedPathStr,
      String targetOfResolvedPathStr, Path remainingPath) {
    try {
      T targetFs = initAndGetTargetFs()
          .apply(new URI(targetOfResolvedPathStr));
      if (targetFs == null) {
            "Not able to initialize target file system."
                + " ResultKind:%s, resolvedPathStr:%s,"
                + " targetOfResolvedPathStr:%s, remainingPath:%s,"
                + " will return null.",
            resultKind, resolvedPathStr, targetOfResolvedPathStr,
        return null;
      return new ResolveResult<T>(resultKind, targetFs, resolvedPathStr,
          remainingPath, true);
    } catch (URISyntaxException uex) {
          "Got Exception while build resolve result."
              + " ResultKind:%s, resolvedPathStr:%s,"
              + " targetOfResolvedPathStr:%s, remainingPath:%s,"
              + " will return null.",
          resultKind, resolvedPathStr, targetOfResolvedPathStr, remainingPath),
      return null;

  public List<MountPoint<T>> getMountPoints() {
    return mountPoints;

   * @return home dir value from mount table; null if no config value
   * was found.
  public String getHomeDirPrefixValue() {
    return homedirPrefix;


hadoop 源码目录


hadoop ChRootedFileSystem 源码

hadoop ChRootedFs 源码

hadoop ConfigUtil 源码

hadoop Constants 源码

hadoop FsGetter 源码

hadoop HCFSMountTableConfigLoader 源码

hadoop MountTableConfigLoader 源码

hadoop NflyFSystem 源码

hadoop NotInMountpointException 源码

hadoop RegexMountPoint 源码

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