greenplumn CJobStateMachine 源码
greenplumn CJobStateMachine 代码
// Greenplum Database
// Copyright (C) 2011 EMC Corp.
// @filename:
// CJobStateMachine.h
// @doc:
// State machine to execute actions and maintain state of
// optimization jobs;
#ifndef GPOPT_CJobStateMachine_H
#define GPOPT_CJobStateMachine_H
#include "gpos/base.h"
#include "gpos/common/CEnumSet.h"
#include "gpos/types.h"
#include "gpopt/base/CStateMachine.h"
#include "gpopt/engine/CEngine.h"
#include "gpopt/search/CSchedulerContext.h"
namespace gpopt
using namespace gpos;
// prototypes
class CJob;
class CSchedulerContext;
// @class:
// CJobStateMachine
// @doc:
// Optimization job state machine
// The class CJobStateMachine has a templated definition of the GPOS class
// CStateMachine. The template allows parameterizing the state machine
// with states and events enumerations. The final (terminating) state in
// the state machine is the last entry in the states enumeration.
// Job actions:
// The class CJobStateMachine also allows setting an action for each
// state. An action is a function to be executed when the state machine is
// in a given state. Setting actions happens inside the function
// CJobStateMachine::SetAction(). This function is called from the Init()
// function inside each job. The outcome of an action is an event, that
// may cause the state machine to remain in the same state (self-loop on
// current state), or move the state machine to a different state.
// Basic job state machine execution:
// The function that runs the state machine is CJobStateMachine::FRun().
// This is a simple loop that iteratively calls the action that
// corresponds to current state. Executing an action returns an event,
// which is used as input to move the state machine to a new (or same)
// state. The loop ends when the state machine reaches the final
// (terminating) state.
// State transitions:
// Each optimization job inlines the definition of its state machine at
// the top of its cpp file (see CJobGroupOptimization.cpp for an example).
// The state machine definition is primarily given by a state transition
// diagram represented as a square matrix of |states| x |states| entries.
// Each matrix entry contains an event that causes the transition of state
// machine from the state corresponding to the current row to the state
// corresponding to the current column. For example the entry at [row 1,
// column 2] contains an event e that causes the state machine to
// transition from state 1 to state 2. When executing the action defined
// by state 1, if the return result is the event e, the state machine
// advances to state 2. The state transition diagram must be carefully
// defined to avoid infinite loops that have no possible exists (e.g.,
// state 1 → state 2 → state 1).
template <class TEnumState, TEnumState estSentinel, class TEnumEvent,
TEnumEvent eevSentinel>
class CJobStateMachine
// pointer to job action function
using PFuncAction = TEnumEvent (*)(CSchedulerContext *, CJob *);
// shorthand for state machine
using SM = CStateMachine<TEnumState, estSentinel, TEnumEvent, eevSentinel>;
// array of actions corresponding to states
PFuncAction m_rgPfuncAction[estSentinel];
// job state machine
SM m_sm;
CJobStateMachine(const CJobStateMachine &) = delete;
// ctor
CJobStateMachine<TEnumState, estSentinel, TEnumEvent, eevSentinel>() =
// dtor
~CJobStateMachine() = default;
// initialize state machine
Init(const TEnumEvent rgfTransitions[estSentinel][estSentinel]
const WCHAR wszStates[estSentinel][GPOPT_FSM_NAME_LENGTH],
const WCHAR wszEvent[estSentinel][GPOPT_FSM_NAME_LENGTH]
#endif // GPOS_DEBUG
wszStates, wszEvent
#endif // GPOS_DEBUG
// match action with state
SetAction(TEnumState est, PFuncAction pfAction)
GPOS_ASSERT(nullptr != pfAction);
GPOS_ASSERT(nullptr == m_rgPfuncAction[est] &&
"Action has been already set");
m_rgPfuncAction[est] = pfAction;
// run the state machine
FRun(CSchedulerContext *psc, CJob *pjOwner)
GPOS_ASSERT(nullptr != psc);
GPOS_ASSERT(nullptr != pjOwner);
TEnumState estCurrent = estSentinel;
TEnumState estNext = estSentinel;
// check if current search stage is timed-out
if (psc->Peng()->PssCurrent()->FTimedOut())
// cleanup job state and terminate state machine
return true;
// find current state
estCurrent = m_sm.Estate();
// get the function associated with current state
PFuncAction pfunc = m_rgPfuncAction[estCurrent];
GPOS_ASSERT(nullptr != pfunc);
// execute the function to get an event
TEnumEvent eev = pfunc(psc, pjOwner);
// use the event to transition state machine
estNext = estCurrent;
BOOL fSucceeded GPOS_ASSERTS_ONLY = m_sm.FTransition(eev, estNext);
} while (estNext != estCurrent && estNext != m_sm.TesFinal());
return (estNext == m_sm.TesFinal());
// reset state machine
// initialize actions array
for (ULONG i = 0; i < estSentinel; i++)
m_rgPfuncAction[i] = nullptr;
// dump history
IOstream &
OsHistory(IOstream &os) const
return os;
// dump state machine diagram in graphviz format
IOstream &
OsDiagramToGraphviz(CMemoryPool *mp, IOstream &os,
const WCHAR *wszTitle) const
(void) m_sm.OsDiagramToGraphviz(mp, os, wszTitle);
return os;
// compute unreachable states
Unreachable(CMemoryPool *mp, TEnumState **ppestate, ULONG *pulSize) const
m_sm.Unreachable(mp, ppestate, pulSize);
#endif // GPOS_DEBUG
}; // class CJobStateMachine
} // namespace gpopt
#endif // !GPOPT_CJobStateMachine_H
// EOF
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