greenplumn CCTEListEntry 源码

  • 2022-08-18
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greenplumn CCTEListEntry 代码


//	Greenplum Database
//	Copyright (C) 2011 Greenplum, Inc.
//	@filename:
//		CCTEListEntry.h
//	@doc:
//		Class representing the list of common table expression defined at a
//		query level
//	@test:

#ifndef GPDXL_CCTEListEntry_H
#define GPDXL_CCTEListEntry_H

#include "gpos/base.h"
#include "gpos/common/CHashMap.h"

#include "naucrates/dxl/operators/CDXLNode.h"

// fwd declaration
struct Query;
struct List;
struct RangeTblEntry;
struct CommonTableExpr;

using namespace gpos;

namespace gpdxl
// hash on character arrays
inline ULONG
HashStr(const CHAR *str)
	return gpos::HashByteArray((BYTE *) str, clib::Strlen(str));

// equality on character arrays
inline BOOL
StrEqual(const CHAR *str_a, const CHAR *str_b)
	return (0 == clib::Strcmp(str_a, str_b));

//	@class:
//		CCTEListEntry
//	@doc:
//		Class representing the list of common table expression defined at a
//		query level
class CCTEListEntry : public CRefCount
	// pair of DXL CTE producer and target list of the original CTE query
	struct SCTEProducerInfo
		const CDXLNode *m_cte_producer;
		List *m_target_list;

		// ctor
		SCTEProducerInfo(const CDXLNode *cte_producer, List *target_list)
			: m_cte_producer(cte_producer), m_target_list(target_list)

	// hash maps mapping CHAR *->SCTEProducerInfo
	using HMSzCTEInfo = CHashMap<CHAR, SCTEProducerInfo, HashStr, StrEqual,
								 CleanupNULL, CleanupDelete>;

	// query level where the CTEs are defined
	ULONG m_query_level;

	// CTE producers at that level indexed by their name
	HMSzCTEInfo *m_cte_info;

	// ctor: single CTE
	CCTEListEntry(CMemoryPool *mp, ULONG query_level, CommonTableExpr *cte,
				  CDXLNode *cte_producer);

	// ctor: multiple CTEs
	CCTEListEntry(CMemoryPool *mp, ULONG query_level, List *cte_list,
				  CDXLNodeArray *dxlnodes);

	// dtor
	~CCTEListEntry() override

	// the query level
	GetQueryLevel() const
		return m_query_level;

	// lookup CTE producer by its name
	const CDXLNode *GetCTEProducer(const CHAR *cte_str) const;

	// lookup CTE producer target list by its name
	List *GetCTEProducerTargetList(const CHAR *cte_str) const;

	// add a new CTE producer for this level
	void AddCTEProducer(CMemoryPool *mp, CommonTableExpr *cte,
						const CDXLNode *cte_producer);

// hash maps mapping ULONG -> CCTEListEntry
using HMUlCTEListEntry =
	CHashMap<ULONG, CCTEListEntry, gpos::HashValue<ULONG>, gpos::Equals<ULONG>,
			 CleanupDelete<ULONG>, CleanupRelease>;

// iterator
using HMIterUlCTEListEntry =
	CHashMapIter<ULONG, CCTEListEntry, gpos::HashValue<ULONG>,
				 gpos::Equals<ULONG>, CleanupDelete<ULONG>, CleanupRelease>;

}  // namespace gpdxl
#endif	// !GPDXL_CCTEListEntry_H



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