harmony(鸿蒙)JS API Changes of the Web Subsystem

  • 2022-10-28
  • 浏览 (598)

JS API Changes of the Web Subsystem

The table below lists the APIs changes of the web subsystem in OpenHarmony 3.2 Beta1 over OpenHarmony 3.1 Release.

API Changes

Module Class Function Change Type
web WebAttribute onShowFileSelector(callback: (event?: { result: FileSelectorResult, fileSelector: FileSelectorParam }) => boolean): WebAttribute; Added
web WebAttribute webDebuggingAccess(webDebuggingAccess: boolean): WebAttribute; Added
web WebAttribute fileFromUrlAccess(fileFromUrlAccess: boolean): WebAttribute; Added
web WebAttribute onRenderExited(callback: (event?: { renderExitReason: RenderExitReason }) => void): WebAttribute; Added
web WebController getCookieManager() : WebCookie Added
web WebCookie deleteExpiredCookie(): void; Added
web WebCookie deleteSessionCookie(): void; Added
web WebCookie deleteEntireCookie(): void; Added
web WebCookie existCookie(): boolean; Added
web WebCookie getCookie(url: string): string; Added
web WebCookie saveCookieSync(): boolean; Added
web WebCookie putAcceptFileURICookieEnabled(accept: boolean): void; Added
web WebCookie putAcceptThirdPartyCookieEnabled(accept: boolean): void; Added
web WebCookie putAcceptCookieEnabled(accept: boolean): void; Added
web WebCookie isFileURICookieAllowed(): boolean; Added
web WebCookie isThirdPartyCookieAllowed(): boolean; Added
web WebCookie isCookieAllowed(): boolean; Added
web WebCookie setCookie(url: string, value: string): boolean; Added
web FileSelectorResult handleFileList(fileList: Array<string>): void; Added
web FileSelectorResult constructor(); Added
web FileSelectorParam isCapture(): boolean; Added
web FileSelectorParam getAcceptType(): Array<string>; Added
web FileSelectorParam getMode(): FileSelectorMode; Added
web FileSelectorParam getTitle(): string; Added
web FileSelectorParam constructor(); Added
web FileSelectorMode FileSaveMode Added
web FileSelectorMode FileOpenFolderMode Added
web FileSelectorMode FileOpenMultipleMode Added
web FileSelectorMode FileOpenMode Added
web RenderExitReason ProcessExitUnknown Added
web RenderExitReason ProcessOom Added
web RenderExitReason ProcessCrashed Added
web RenderExitReason ProcessWasKilled Added
web RenderExitReason ProcessAbnormalTermination Added
web CacheMode Default Added
web WebAttribute onFileSelectorShow(callback: (event?: { callback: Function, fileSelector: object }) => void): WebAttribute; Deprecated
web WebAttribute onSslErrorReceive(callback: (event?: { handler: Function, error: object }) => void): WebAttribute; Deprecated
web WebAttribute onRenderExited(callback: (event?: { detail: object }) => boolean): WebAttribute; Deprecated
web WebCookie saveCookie(); Deprecated
web WebCookie setCookie(); Deprecated



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