tidb schema 源码
tidb schema 代码
// Copyright 2016 PingCAP, Inc.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
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// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
package expression
import (
// KeyInfo stores the columns of one unique key or primary key.
type KeyInfo []*Column
// Clone copies the entire UniqueKey.
func (ki KeyInfo) Clone() KeyInfo {
result := make([]*Column, 0, len(ki))
for _, col := range ki {
result = append(result, col.Clone().(*Column))
return result
// String implements fmt.Stringer interface.
func (ki KeyInfo) String() string {
ukColStrs := make([]string, 0, len(ki))
for _, col := range ki {
ukColStrs = append(ukColStrs, col.String())
return "[" + strings.Join(ukColStrs, ",") + "]"
// Schema stands for the row schema and unique key information get from input.
type Schema struct {
Columns []*Column
Keys []KeyInfo
// UniqueKeys stores those unique indexes that allow null values, but Keys does not allow null values.
// since equivalence conditions can filter out null values, in this case a unique index with null values can be a Key.
UniqueKeys []KeyInfo
// String implements fmt.Stringer interface.
func (s *Schema) String() string {
colStrs := make([]string, 0, len(s.Columns))
for _, col := range s.Columns {
colStrs = append(colStrs, col.String())
ukStrs := make([]string, 0, len(s.Keys))
for _, key := range s.Keys {
ukStrs = append(ukStrs, key.String())
return "Column: [" + strings.Join(colStrs, ",") + "] Unique key: [" + strings.Join(ukStrs, ",") + "]"
// Clone copies the total schema.
func (s *Schema) Clone() *Schema {
cols := make([]*Column, 0, s.Len())
keys := make([]KeyInfo, 0, len(s.Keys))
for _, col := range s.Columns {
cols = append(cols, col.Clone().(*Column))
for _, key := range s.Keys {
keys = append(keys, key.Clone())
schema := NewSchema(cols...)
return schema
// ExprFromSchema checks if all columns of this expression are from the same schema.
func ExprFromSchema(expr Expression, schema *Schema) bool {
switch v := expr.(type) {
case *Column:
return schema.Contains(v)
case *ScalarFunction:
for _, arg := range v.GetArgs() {
if !ExprFromSchema(arg, schema) {
return false
return true
case *CorrelatedColumn, *Constant:
return true
return false
// RetrieveColumn retrieves column in expression from the columns in schema.
func (s *Schema) RetrieveColumn(col *Column) *Column {
index := s.ColumnIndex(col)
if index != -1 {
return s.Columns[index]
return nil
// IsUniqueKey checks if this column is a unique key.
func (s *Schema) IsUniqueKey(col *Column) bool {
for _, key := range s.Keys {
if len(key) == 1 && key[0].Equal(nil, col) {
return true
return false
// IsUnique checks if this column is a unique key which may contain duplicate nulls .
func (s *Schema) IsUnique(col *Column) bool {
for _, key := range s.UniqueKeys {
if len(key) == 1 && key[0].Equal(nil, col) {
return true
return false
// ColumnIndex finds the index for a column.
func (s *Schema) ColumnIndex(col *Column) int {
backupIdx := -1
for i, c := range s.Columns {
if c.UniqueID == col.UniqueID {
backupIdx = i
if c.IsPrefix {
// instead of returning a prefix column
// prefer to find a full column
// only clustered index table can meet this:
// same column `c1` maybe appear in both primary key and secondary index
// so secondary index itself can have two `c1` column one for indexKey and one for handle
return i
return backupIdx
// Contains checks if the schema contains the column.
func (s *Schema) Contains(col *Column) bool {
return s.ColumnIndex(col) != -1
// Len returns the number of columns in schema.
func (s *Schema) Len() int {
return len(s.Columns)
// Append append new column to the columns stored in schema.
func (s *Schema) Append(col ...*Column) {
s.Columns = append(s.Columns, col...)
// SetUniqueKeys will set the value of Schema.Keys.
func (s *Schema) SetUniqueKeys(keys []KeyInfo) {
s.Keys = keys
// ColumnsIndices will return a slice which contains the position of each column in schema.
// If there is one column that doesn't match, nil will be returned.
func (s *Schema) ColumnsIndices(cols []*Column) (ret []int) {
ret = make([]int, 0, len(cols))
for _, col := range cols {
pos := s.ColumnIndex(col)
if pos != -1 {
ret = append(ret, pos)
} else {
return nil
// ColumnsByIndices returns columns by multiple offsets.
// Callers should guarantee that all the offsets provided should be valid, which means offset should:
// 1. not smaller than 0, and
// 2. not exceed len(s.Columns)
func (s *Schema) ColumnsByIndices(offsets []int) []*Column {
cols := make([]*Column, 0, len(offsets))
for _, offset := range offsets {
cols = append(cols, s.Columns[offset])
return cols
// ExtractColGroups checks if column groups are from current schema, and returns
// offsets of those satisfied column groups.
func (s *Schema) ExtractColGroups(colGroups [][]*Column) ([][]int, []int) {
if len(colGroups) == 0 {
return nil, nil
extracted := make([][]int, 0, len(colGroups))
offsets := make([]int, 0, len(colGroups))
for i, g := range colGroups {
if j := s.ColumnsIndices(g); j != nil {
extracted = append(extracted, j)
offsets = append(offsets, i)
return extracted, offsets
// MergeSchema will merge two schema into one schema. We shouldn't need to consider unique keys.
// That will be processed in build_key_info.go.
func MergeSchema(lSchema, rSchema *Schema) *Schema {
if lSchema == nil && rSchema == nil {
return nil
if lSchema == nil {
return rSchema.Clone()
if rSchema == nil {
return lSchema.Clone()
tmpL := lSchema.Clone()
tmpR := rSchema.Clone()
ret := NewSchema(append(tmpL.Columns, tmpR.Columns...)...)
return ret
// GetUsedList shows whether each column in schema is contained in usedCols.
func GetUsedList(usedCols []*Column, schema *Schema) []bool {
tmpSchema := NewSchema(usedCols...)
used := make([]bool, schema.Len())
for i, col := range schema.Columns {
if !used[i] {
used[i] = tmpSchema.Contains(col)
// When cols are a generated expression col, compare them in terms of virtual expr.
if expr, ok := col.VirtualExpr.(*ScalarFunction); ok && used[i] {
for j, colToCompare := range schema.Columns {
if !used[j] && j != i && (expr).Equal(nil, colToCompare.VirtualExpr) && col.RetType.Equal(colToCompare.RetType) {
used[j] = true
return used
// NewSchema returns a schema made by its parameter.
func NewSchema(cols ...*Column) *Schema {
return &Schema{Columns: cols}
tidb builtin_arithmetic_vec 源码
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