tidb data_feature_usage 源码
tidb data_feature_usage 代码
// Copyright 2021 PingCAP, Inc.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
package telemetry
import (
m "github.com/pingcap/tidb/metrics"
// emptyClusterIndexUsage is empty ClusterIndexUsage, deprecated.
var emptyClusterIndexUsage = ClusterIndexUsage{}
type featureUsage struct {
// transaction usage information
Txn *TxnUsage `json:"txn"`
// cluster index usage information
// key is the first 6 characters of sha2(TABLE_NAME, 256)
ClusterIndex *ClusterIndexUsage `json:"clusterIndex"`
NewClusterIndex *NewClusterIndexUsage `json:"newClusterIndex"`
TemporaryTable bool `json:"temporaryTable"`
CTE *m.CTEUsageCounter `json:"cte"`
AccountLock *m.AccountLockCounter `json:"accountLock"`
CachedTable bool `json:"cachedTable"`
AutoCapture bool `json:"autoCapture"`
PlacementPolicyUsage *placementPolicyUsage `json:"placementPolicy"`
NonTransactionalUsage *m.NonTransactionalStmtCounter `json:"nonTransactional"`
GlobalKill bool `json:"globalKill"`
MultiSchemaChange *m.MultiSchemaChangeUsageCounter `json:"multiSchemaChange"`
TablePartition *m.TablePartitionUsageCounter `json:"tablePartition"`
LogBackup bool `json:"logBackup"`
EnablePaging bool `json:"enablePaging"`
EnableCostModelVer2 bool `json:"enableCostModelVer2"`
DDLUsageCounter *m.DDLUsageCounter `json:"DDLUsageCounter"`
type placementPolicyUsage struct {
NumPlacementPolicies uint64 `json:"numPlacementPolicies"`
NumDBWithPolicies uint64 `json:"numDBWithPolicies"`
NumTableWithPolicies uint64 `json:"numTableWithPolicies"`
// The number of partitions that policies are explicitly specified.
NumPartitionWithExplicitPolicies uint64 `json:"numPartitionWithExplicitPolicies"`
func getFeatureUsage(ctx context.Context, sctx sessionctx.Context) (*featureUsage, error) {
var usage featureUsage
var err error
usage.NewClusterIndex, usage.ClusterIndex, err = getClusterIndexUsageInfo(ctx, sctx)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
// transaction related feature
usage.Txn = getTxnUsageInfo(sctx)
usage.CTE = getCTEUsageInfo()
usage.AccountLock = getAccountLockUsageInfo()
usage.MultiSchemaChange = getMultiSchemaChangeUsageInfo()
usage.TablePartition = getTablePartitionUsageInfo()
usage.AutoCapture = getAutoCaptureUsageInfo(sctx)
collectFeatureUsageFromInfoschema(sctx, &usage)
usage.NonTransactionalUsage = getNonTransactionalUsage()
usage.GlobalKill = getGlobalKillUsageInfo()
usage.LogBackup = getLogBackupUsageInfo(sctx)
usage.EnablePaging = getPagingUsageInfo(sctx)
usage.EnableCostModelVer2 = getCostModelVer2UsageInfo(sctx)
usage.DDLUsageCounter = getAddIndexIngestUsageInfo()
return &usage, nil
// collectFeatureUsageFromInfoschema updates the usage for temporary table, cached table and placement policies.
func collectFeatureUsageFromInfoschema(ctx sessionctx.Context, usage *featureUsage) {
if usage.PlacementPolicyUsage == nil {
usage.PlacementPolicyUsage = &placementPolicyUsage{}
is := GetDomainInfoSchema(ctx)
for _, dbInfo := range is.AllSchemas() {
if dbInfo.PlacementPolicyRef != nil {
for _, tbInfo := range is.SchemaTables(dbInfo.Name) {
if tbInfo.Meta().TempTableType != model.TempTableNone {
usage.TemporaryTable = true
if tbInfo.Meta().TableCacheStatusType != model.TableCacheStatusDisable {
usage.CachedTable = true
if tbInfo.Meta().PlacementPolicyRef != nil {
partitions := tbInfo.Meta().GetPartitionInfo()
if partitions == nil {
for _, partitionInfo := range partitions.Definitions {
if partitionInfo.PlacementPolicyRef != nil {
usage.PlacementPolicyUsage.NumPlacementPolicies += uint64(len(is.AllPlacementPolicies()))
// GetDomainInfoSchema is used by the telemetry package to get the latest schema information
// while avoiding circle dependency with domain package.
var GetDomainInfoSchema func(sessionctx.Context) infoschema.InfoSchema
// ClusterIndexUsage records the usage info of all the tables, no more than 10k tables, deprecated.
type ClusterIndexUsage map[string]TableClusteredInfo
// TableClusteredInfo records the usage info of clusterindex of each table
type TableClusteredInfo struct {
IsClustered bool `json:"isClustered"` // True means CLUSTERED, False means NON_CLUSTERED
ClusterPKType string `json:"clusterPKType"` // INT means clustered PK type is int
// NON_INT means clustered PK type is not int
// NA means this field is no meaningful information
// NewClusterIndexUsage records the clustered index usage info of all the tables.
type NewClusterIndexUsage struct {
// The number of user's tables with clustered index enabled.
NumClusteredTables uint64 `json:"numClusteredTables"`
// The number of user's tables.
NumTotalTables uint64 `json:"numTotalTables"`
// getClusterIndexUsageInfo gets the ClusterIndex usage information. It's exported for future test.
func getClusterIndexUsageInfo(ctx context.Context, sctx sessionctx.Context) (ncu *NewClusterIndexUsage, cu *ClusterIndexUsage, err error) {
var newUsage NewClusterIndexUsage
exec := sctx.(sqlexec.RestrictedSQLExecutor)
// query INFORMATION_SCHEMA.tables to get the latest table information about ClusterIndex
rows, _, err := exec.ExecRestrictedSQL(ctx, nil, `
FROM information_schema.tables
if err != nil {
return nil, nil, err
defer func() {
if r := recover(); r != nil {
switch x := r.(type) {
case string:
err = errors.New(x)
case error:
err = x
err = errors.New("unknown failure")
err = sctx.RefreshTxnCtx(ctx)
if err != nil {
return nil, nil, err
// check ClusterIndex information for each table
// row: 0 = TIDB_PK_TYPE
for _, row := range rows {
if row.Len() < 1 {
if row.GetString(0) == "CLUSTERED" {
newUsage.NumTotalTables = uint64(len(rows))
return &newUsage, &emptyClusterIndexUsage, nil
// TxnUsage records the usage info of transaction related features, including
// async-commit, 1PC and counters of transactions committed with different protocols.
type TxnUsage struct {
AsyncCommitUsed bool `json:"asyncCommitUsed"`
OnePCUsed bool `json:"onePCUsed"`
TxnCommitCounter metrics.TxnCommitCounter `json:"txnCommitCounter"`
MutationCheckerUsed bool `json:"mutationCheckerUsed"`
AssertionLevel string `json:"assertionLevel"`
RcCheckTS bool `json:"rcCheckTS"`
RCWriteCheckTS bool `json:"rcWriteCheckTS"`
SavepointCounter int64 `json:"SavepointCounter"`
LazyUniqueCheckSetCounter int64 `json:"lazyUniqueCheckSetCounter"`
var initialTxnCommitCounter metrics.TxnCommitCounter
var initialCTECounter m.CTEUsageCounter
var initialAccountLockCounter m.AccountLockCounter
var initialNonTransactionalCounter m.NonTransactionalStmtCounter
var initialMultiSchemaChangeCounter m.MultiSchemaChangeUsageCounter
var initialTablePartitionCounter m.TablePartitionUsageCounter
var initialSavepointStmtCounter int64
var initialLazyPessimisticUniqueCheckSetCount int64
var initialDDLUsageCounter m.DDLUsageCounter
// getTxnUsageInfo gets the usage info of transaction related features. It's exported for tests.
func getTxnUsageInfo(ctx sessionctx.Context) *TxnUsage {
asyncCommitUsed := false
if val, err := ctx.GetSessionVars().GetGlobalSystemVar(variable.TiDBEnableAsyncCommit); err == nil {
asyncCommitUsed = val == variable.On
onePCUsed := false
if val, err := ctx.GetSessionVars().GetGlobalSystemVar(variable.TiDBEnable1PC); err == nil {
onePCUsed = val == variable.On
curr := metrics.GetTxnCommitCounter()
diff := curr.Sub(initialTxnCommitCounter)
mutationCheckerUsed := false
if val, err := ctx.GetSessionVars().GetGlobalSystemVar(variable.TiDBEnableMutationChecker); err == nil {
mutationCheckerUsed = val == variable.On
assertionUsed := ""
if val, err := ctx.GetSessionVars().GetGlobalSystemVar(variable.TiDBTxnAssertionLevel); err == nil {
assertionUsed = val
rcCheckTSUsed := false
if val, err := ctx.GetSessionVars().GetGlobalSystemVar(variable.TiDBRCReadCheckTS); err == nil {
rcCheckTSUsed = val == variable.On
rcWriteCheckTSUsed := false
if val, err := ctx.GetSessionVars().GetGlobalSystemVar(variable.TiDBRCWriteCheckTs); err == nil {
rcWriteCheckTSUsed = val == variable.On
currSavepointCount := m.GetSavepointStmtCounter()
diffSavepointCount := currSavepointCount - initialSavepointStmtCounter
currLazyUniqueCheckSetCount := m.GetLazyPessimisticUniqueCheckSetCounter()
diffLazyUniqueCheckSetCount := currLazyUniqueCheckSetCount - initialLazyPessimisticUniqueCheckSetCount
return &TxnUsage{asyncCommitUsed, onePCUsed, diff,
mutationCheckerUsed, assertionUsed, rcCheckTSUsed, rcWriteCheckTSUsed,
diffSavepointCount, diffLazyUniqueCheckSetCount,
func postReportTxnUsage() {
initialTxnCommitCounter = metrics.GetTxnCommitCounter()
func postReportCTEUsage() {
initialCTECounter = m.GetCTECounter()
func postReportAccountLockUsage() {
initialAccountLockCounter = m.GetAccountLockCounter()
// PostSavepointCount exports for testing.
func PostSavepointCount() {
initialSavepointStmtCounter = m.GetSavepointStmtCounter()
func postReportLazyPessimisticUniqueCheckSetCount() {
initialLazyPessimisticUniqueCheckSetCount = m.GetLazyPessimisticUniqueCheckSetCounter()
// getCTEUsageInfo gets the CTE usages.
func getCTEUsageInfo() *m.CTEUsageCounter {
curr := m.GetCTECounter()
diff := curr.Sub(initialCTECounter)
return &diff
// getAccountLockUsageInfo gets the AccountLock usages.
func getAccountLockUsageInfo() *m.AccountLockCounter {
curr := m.GetAccountLockCounter()
diff := curr.Sub(initialAccountLockCounter)
return &diff
func postReportMultiSchemaChangeUsage() {
initialMultiSchemaChangeCounter = m.GetMultiSchemaCounter()
func getMultiSchemaChangeUsageInfo() *m.MultiSchemaChangeUsageCounter {
curr := m.GetMultiSchemaCounter()
diff := curr.Sub(initialMultiSchemaChangeCounter)
return &diff
func postReportTablePartitionUsage() {
initialTablePartitionCounter = m.ResetTablePartitionCounter(initialTablePartitionCounter)
func postReportAddIndexIngestUsage() {
initialDDLUsageCounter = m.GetDDLUsageCounter()
func getTablePartitionUsageInfo() *m.TablePartitionUsageCounter {
curr := m.GetTablePartitionCounter()
diff := curr.Cal(initialTablePartitionCounter)
return &diff
// getAutoCaptureUsageInfo gets the 'Auto Capture' usage
func getAutoCaptureUsageInfo(ctx sessionctx.Context) bool {
if val, err := ctx.GetSessionVars().GetGlobalSystemVar(variable.TiDBCapturePlanBaseline); err == nil {
return val == variable.On
return false
func getNonTransactionalUsage() *m.NonTransactionalStmtCounter {
curr := m.GetNonTransactionalStmtCounter()
diff := curr.Sub(initialNonTransactionalCounter)
return &diff
func postReportNonTransactionalCounter() {
initialNonTransactionalCounter = m.GetNonTransactionalStmtCounter()
func getGlobalKillUsageInfo() bool {
return config.GetGlobalConfig().EnableGlobalKill
func getLogBackupUsageInfo(ctx sessionctx.Context) bool {
return utils.CheckLogBackupEnabled(ctx)
func getCostModelVer2UsageInfo(ctx sessionctx.Context) bool {
return ctx.GetSessionVars().CostModelVersion == 2
// getPagingUsageInfo gets the value of system variable `tidb_enable_paging`.
// This variable is set to true as default since v6.2.0. We want to know many
// users set it to false manually.
func getPagingUsageInfo(ctx sessionctx.Context) bool {
return ctx.GetSessionVars().EnablePaging
func getAddIndexIngestUsageInfo() *m.DDLUsageCounter {
curr := m.GetDDLUsageCounter()
diff := curr.Sub(initialDDLUsageCounter)
return &diff
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