kubernetes weighted_histogram_test 源码
kubernetes weighted_histogram_test 代码
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you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
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Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
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See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
limitations under the License.
package prometheusextension
import (
dto "github.com/prometheus/client_model/go"
// Float64Slice is a slice of float64 that sorts by magnitude
type Float64Slice []float64
func (fs Float64Slice) Len() int { return len(fs) }
func (fs Float64Slice) Less(i, j int) bool { return math.Abs(fs[i]) < math.Abs(fs[j]) }
func (fs Float64Slice) Swap(i, j int) { fs[i], fs[j] = fs[j], fs[i] }
// weightedHistogramSpecFunc returns a WeightedHistogram and the upper bounds
// to expect it to have.
// Every invocation of the same function returns the same histogram.
type weightedHistogramSpecFunc func() (wh WeightedObserver, upperBounds []float64)
// exerciseWeightedHistograms exercises a given collection of WeightedHistograms.
// Each histogram is given by a function that returns it, so that we can test
// that the Vec functions return the same result for the same input.
// For each histogram, with N upper bounds, the exercise provides two 2N+1 values:
// the upper bounds and values halfway between them (extended below the bottom and above
// the top). For the Jth value, there are J*m1 calls to ObserveWithWeight with m1
// chosen so that m1 * sum[1 <= J <= 2N+1] J is large enough to trigger several
// considerations of spilling from sumHot to sumCold.
// The ObserveWithWeight calls to the various histograms are interleaved to check
// that there is no interference between them.
func exerciseWeightedHistograms(t *testing.T, whSpecs ...weightedHistogramSpecFunc) {
var whos []weightedHistogramObs
expectations := []whExerciseExpectation{}
// Create expectations and specs of calls ot ObserveWithWeight
for whIdx, whSpec := range whSpecs {
wh, upperBounds := whSpec()
numUBs := len(upperBounds)
numWhos := numUBs*2 + 1
multSum := (numWhos * (numWhos + 1)) / 2
m1 := (-10 * initialHotCount) / multSum
terms := Float64Slice{}
ee := whExerciseExpectation{wh: wh,
upperBounds: upperBounds,
buckets: make([]uint64, numUBs),
addWHOs := func(val float64, weight uint64, mult, idx int) {
multipliedWeight := weight * uint64(mult)
terms = append(terms, val*float64(multipliedWeight))
t.Logf("For WH %d, adding obs val=%v, weight=%v, mult=%d, idx=%d", whIdx, val, weight, mult, idx)
for i := 0; i < mult; i++ {
whos = append(whos, weightedHistogramObs{whSpec, val, weight})
for j := idx; j < numUBs; j++ {
ee.buckets[j] += multipliedWeight
ee.count += multipliedWeight
for idx, ub := range upperBounds {
var val float64
if idx > 0 {
val = (upperBounds[idx-1] + ub) / 2
} else if numUBs > 1 {
val = (3*ub - upperBounds[1]) / 2
} else {
val = ub - 1
addWHOs(val, (1 << rand.Intn(40)), (2*idx+1)*m1, idx)
addWHOs(ub, (1 << rand.Intn(40)), (2*idx+2)*m1, idx)
val := upperBounds[numUBs-1] + 1
if numUBs > 1 {
val = (3*upperBounds[numUBs-1] - upperBounds[numUBs-2]) / 2
addWHOs(val, 1+uint64(rand.Intn(1000000)), (2*numUBs+1)*m1, numUBs)
for _, term := range terms {
ee.sum += term
t.Logf("Adding expectation %#+v", ee)
expectations = append(expectations, ee)
// Do the planned calls on ObserveWithWeight, in randomized order
for len(whos) > 0 {
var wi weightedHistogramObs
whos, wi = whosPick(whos)
wh, _ := wi.whSpec()
wh.ObserveWithWeight(wi.val, wi.weight)
// t.Logf("ObserveWithWeight(%v, %v) => %#+v", wi.val, wi.weight, wh)
// Check expectations
for idx, ee := range expectations {
wh := ee.wh
whAsMetric := wh.(prometheus.Metric)
var metric dto.Metric
actualHist := metric.GetHistogram()
if actualHist == nil {
t.Errorf("At idx=%d, Write produced nil Histogram", idx)
actualCount := actualHist.GetSampleCount()
if actualCount != ee.count {
t.Errorf("At idx=%d, expected count %v but got %v", idx, ee.count, actualCount)
actualBuckets := actualHist.GetBucket()
if len(ee.buckets) != len(actualBuckets) {
t.Errorf("At idx=%d, expected %v buckets but got %v", idx, len(ee.buckets), len(actualBuckets))
for j := 0; j < len(ee.buckets) && j < len(actualBuckets); j++ {
actualUB := actualBuckets[j].GetUpperBound()
actualCount := actualBuckets[j].GetCumulativeCount()
if ee.upperBounds[j] != actualUB {
t.Errorf("At idx=%d, bucket %d, expected upper bound %v but got %v, err=%v", idx, j, ee.upperBounds[j], actualUB, actualUB-ee.upperBounds[j])
if ee.buckets[j] != actualCount {
t.Errorf("At idx=%d, bucket %d expected count %d but got %d", idx, j, ee.buckets[j], actualCount)
actualSum := actualHist.GetSampleSum()
num := math.Abs(actualSum - ee.sum)
den := math.Max(math.Abs(actualSum), math.Abs(ee.sum))
if num > den/1e14 {
t.Errorf("At idx=%d, expected sum %v but got %v, err=%v", idx, ee.sum, actualSum, actualSum-ee.sum)
// weightedHistogramObs prescribes a call on WeightedHistogram::ObserveWithWeight
type weightedHistogramObs struct {
whSpec weightedHistogramSpecFunc
val float64
weight uint64
// whExerciseExpectation is the expected result from exercising a WeightedHistogram
type whExerciseExpectation struct {
wh WeightedObserver
upperBounds []float64
buckets []uint64
sum float64
count uint64
func whosPick(whos []weightedHistogramObs) ([]weightedHistogramObs, weightedHistogramObs) {
n := len(whos)
if n < 2 {
return whos[:0], whos[0]
idx := rand.Intn(n)
ans := whos[idx]
whos[idx] = whos[n-1]
return whos[:n-1], ans
func TestOneWeightedHistogram(t *testing.T) {
// First, some literal test cases
for _, testCase := range []struct {
name string
upperBounds []float64
{"one bucket", []float64{0.07}},
{"two buckets", []float64{0.07, 0.13}},
{"three buckets", []float64{0.07, 0.13, 1e6}},
} {
t.Run(testCase.name, func(t *testing.T) {
wh, err := NewWeightedHistogram(WeightedHistogramOpts{
Namespace: "testns",
Subsystem: "testsubsys",
Name: "testhist",
Help: "Me",
Buckets: testCase.upperBounds,
if err != nil {
exerciseWeightedHistograms(t, func() (WeightedObserver, []float64) { return wh, testCase.upperBounds })
// Now, some randomized test cases
for i := 0; i < 10; i++ {
name := fmt.Sprintf("random_case_%d", i)
t.Run(name, func(t *testing.T) {
nBounds := rand.Intn(10) + 1
ubs := []float64{}
var bound float64
for j := 0; j < nBounds; j++ {
bound += rand.Float64()
ubs = append(ubs, bound)
wh, err := NewWeightedHistogram(WeightedHistogramOpts{
Namespace: "testns",
Subsystem: "testsubsys",
Name: name,
Help: "Me",
Buckets: ubs,
ConstLabels: prometheus.Labels{"k0": "v0"},
if err != nil {
exerciseWeightedHistograms(t, func() (WeightedObserver, []float64) { return wh, ubs })
func TestWeightedHistogramVec(t *testing.T) {
ubs1 := []float64{0.07, 1.3, 1e6}
vec1 := NewWeightedHistogramVec(WeightedHistogramOpts{
Namespace: "testns",
Subsystem: "testsubsys",
Name: "vec1",
Help: "Me",
Buckets: ubs1,
ConstLabels: prometheus.Labels{"k0": "v0"},
}, "k1", "k2")
gen1 := func(lvs ...string) func() (WeightedObserver, []float64) {
return func() (WeightedObserver, []float64) { return vec1.WithLabelValues(lvs...), ubs1 }
ubs2 := []float64{-0.03, 0.71, 1e9}
vec2 := NewWeightedHistogramVec(WeightedHistogramOpts{
Namespace: "testns",
Subsystem: "testsubsys",
Name: "vec2",
Help: "Me",
Buckets: ubs2,
ConstLabels: prometheus.Labels{"j0": "u0"},
}, "j1", "j2")
gen2 := func(lvs ...string) func() (WeightedObserver, []float64) {
varLabels := prometheus.Labels{}
varLabels["j1"] = lvs[0]
varLabels["j2"] = lvs[1]
return func() (WeightedObserver, []float64) { return vec2.With(varLabels), ubs2 }
gen1("v11", "v21"),
gen1("v12", "v21"),
gen1("v12", "v22"),
gen2("a", "b"),
gen2("a", "c"),
gen2("b", "c"),
func BenchmarkWeightedHistogram(b *testing.B) {
wh, err := NewWeightedHistogram(WeightedHistogramOpts{
Namespace: "testns",
Subsystem: "testsubsys",
Name: "testhist",
Help: "Me",
Buckets: []float64{1, 2, 4, 8, 16},
if err != nil {
var x int
for i := 0; i < b.N; i++ {
wh.ObserveWithWeight(float64(x), uint64(i)%32+1)
x = (x + i) % 20
func BenchmarkHistogram(b *testing.B) {
hist := prometheus.NewHistogram(prometheus.HistogramOpts{
Namespace: "testns",
Subsystem: "testsubsys",
Name: "testhist",
Help: "Me",
Buckets: []float64{1, 2, 4, 8, 16},
var x int
for i := 0; i < b.N; i++ {
x = (x + i) % 20
kubernetes timing_histogram 源码
kubernetes timing_histogram_test 源码
kubernetes timing_histogram_vec 源码
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