kafka ConfigDef 源码

  • 2022-10-20
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kafka ConfigDef 代码


 * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
 * contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
 * this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
 * The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
 * (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
 * the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
 *    http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 * limitations under the License.
package org.apache.kafka.common.config;

import org.apache.kafka.common.config.types.Password;
import org.apache.kafka.common.utils.Utils;

import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.LinkedHashMap;
import java.util.LinkedList;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Locale;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Set;
import java.util.function.BiConsumer;
import java.util.function.Function;
import java.util.function.Supplier;
import java.util.regex.Pattern;
import java.util.stream.Collectors;

 * This class is used for specifying the set of expected configurations. For each configuration, you can specify
 * the name, the type, the default value, the documentation, the group information, the order in the group,
 * the width of the configuration value and the name suitable for display in the UI.
 * You can provide special validation logic used for single configuration validation by overriding {@link Validator}.
 * Moreover, you can specify the dependents of a configuration. The valid values and visibility of a configuration
 * may change according to the values of other configurations. You can override {@link Recommender} to get valid
 * values and set visibility of a configuration given the current configuration values.
 * <p/>
 * To use the class:
 * <p/>
 * <pre>
 * ConfigDef defs = new ConfigDef();
 * defs.define(&quot;config_with_default&quot;, Type.STRING, &quot;default string value&quot;, &quot;Configuration with default value.&quot;);
 * defs.define(&quot;config_with_validator&quot;, Type.INT, 42, Range.atLeast(0), &quot;Configuration with user provided validator.&quot;);
 * defs.define(&quot;config_with_dependents&quot;, Type.INT, &quot;Configuration with dependents.&quot;, &quot;group&quot;, 1, &quot;Config With Dependents&quot;, Arrays.asList(&quot;config_with_default&quot;,&quot;config_with_validator&quot;));
 * Map&lt;String, String&gt; props = new HashMap&lt;&gt;();
 * props.put(&quot;config_with_default&quot;, &quot;some value&quot;);
 * props.put(&quot;config_with_dependents&quot;, &quot;some other value&quot;);
 * Map&lt;String, Object&gt; configs = defs.parse(props);
 * // will return &quot;some value&quot;
 * String someConfig = (String) configs.get(&quot;config_with_default&quot;);
 * // will return default value of 42
 * int anotherConfig = (Integer) configs.get(&quot;config_with_validator&quot;);
 * To validate the full configuration, use:
 * List&lt;Config&gt; configs = defs.validate(props);
 * The {@link Config} contains updated configuration information given the current configuration values.
 * </pre>
 * <p/>
 * This class can be used standalone or in combination with {@link AbstractConfig} which provides some additional
 * functionality for accessing configs.
public class ConfigDef {

    private static final Pattern COMMA_WITH_WHITESPACE = Pattern.compile("\\s*,\\s*");

     * A unique Java object which represents the lack of a default value.
    public static final Object NO_DEFAULT_VALUE = new Object();

    private final Map<String, ConfigKey> configKeys;
    private final List<String> groups;
    private Set<String> configsWithNoParent;

    public ConfigDef() {
        configKeys = new LinkedHashMap<>();
        groups = new LinkedList<>();
        configsWithNoParent = null;

    public ConfigDef(ConfigDef base) {
        configKeys = new LinkedHashMap<>(base.configKeys);
        groups = new LinkedList<>(base.groups);
        // It is not safe to copy this from the parent because we may subsequently add to the set of configs and
        // invalidate this
        configsWithNoParent = null;

     * Returns unmodifiable set of properties names defined in this {@linkplain ConfigDef}
     * @return new unmodifiable {@link Set} instance containing the keys
    public Set<String> names() {
        return Collections.unmodifiableSet(configKeys.keySet());

    public Map<String, Object> defaultValues() {
        Map<String, Object> defaultValues = new HashMap<>();
        for (ConfigKey key : configKeys.values()) {
            if (key.defaultValue != NO_DEFAULT_VALUE)
                defaultValues.put(key.name, key.defaultValue);
        return defaultValues;

    public ConfigDef define(ConfigKey key) {
        if (configKeys.containsKey(key.name)) {
            throw new ConfigException("Configuration " + key.name + " is defined twice.");
        if (key.group != null && !groups.contains(key.group)) {
        configKeys.put(key.name, key);
        return this;

     * Define a new configuration
     * @param name          the name of the config parameter
     * @param type          the type of the config
     * @param defaultValue  the default value to use if this config isn't present
     * @param validator     the validator to use in checking the correctness of the config
     * @param importance    the importance of this config
     * @param documentation the documentation string for the config
     * @param group         the group this config belongs to
     * @param orderInGroup  the order of this config in the group
     * @param width         the width of the config
     * @param displayName   the name suitable for display
     * @param dependents    the configurations that are dependents of this configuration
     * @param recommender   the recommender provides valid values given the parent configuration values
     * @return This ConfigDef so you can chain calls
    public ConfigDef define(String name, Type type, Object defaultValue, Validator validator, Importance importance, String documentation,
                            String group, int orderInGroup, Width width, String displayName, List<String> dependents, Recommender recommender) {
        return define(new ConfigKey(name, type, defaultValue, validator, importance, documentation, group, orderInGroup, width, displayName, dependents, recommender, false));

     * Define a new configuration with no custom recommender
     * @param name          the name of the config parameter
     * @param type          the type of the config
     * @param defaultValue  the default value to use if this config isn't present
     * @param validator     the validator to use in checking the correctness of the config
     * @param importance    the importance of this config
     * @param documentation the documentation string for the config
     * @param group         the group this config belongs to
     * @param orderInGroup  the order of this config in the group
     * @param width         the width of the config
     * @param displayName   the name suitable for display
     * @param dependents    the configurations that are dependents of this configuration
     * @return This ConfigDef so you can chain calls
    public ConfigDef define(String name, Type type, Object defaultValue, Validator validator, Importance importance, String documentation,
                            String group, int orderInGroup, Width width, String displayName, List<String> dependents) {
        return define(name, type, defaultValue, validator, importance, documentation, group, orderInGroup, width, displayName, dependents, null);

     * Define a new configuration with no dependents
     * @param name          the name of the config parameter
     * @param type          the type of the config
     * @param defaultValue  the default value to use if this config isn't present
     * @param validator     the validator to use in checking the correctness of the config
     * @param importance    the importance of this config
     * @param documentation the documentation string for the config
     * @param group         the group this config belongs to
     * @param orderInGroup  the order of this config in the group
     * @param width         the width of the config
     * @param displayName   the name suitable for display
     * @param recommender   the recommender provides valid values given the parent configuration values
     * @return This ConfigDef so you can chain calls
    public ConfigDef define(String name, Type type, Object defaultValue, Validator validator, Importance importance, String documentation,
                            String group, int orderInGroup, Width width, String displayName, Recommender recommender) {
        return define(name, type, defaultValue, validator, importance, documentation, group, orderInGroup, width, displayName, Collections.emptyList(), recommender);

     * Define a new configuration with no dependents and no custom recommender
     * @param name          the name of the config parameter
     * @param type          the type of the config
     * @param defaultValue  the default value to use if this config isn't present
     * @param validator     the validator to use in checking the correctness of the config
     * @param importance    the importance of this config
     * @param documentation the documentation string for the config
     * @param group         the group this config belongs to
     * @param orderInGroup  the order of this config in the group
     * @param width         the width of the config
     * @param displayName   the name suitable for display
     * @return This ConfigDef so you can chain calls
    public ConfigDef define(String name, Type type, Object defaultValue, Validator validator, Importance importance, String documentation,
                            String group, int orderInGroup, Width width, String displayName) {
        return define(name, type, defaultValue, validator, importance, documentation, group, orderInGroup, width, displayName, Collections.<String>emptyList());

     * Define a new configuration with no special validation logic
     * @param name          the name of the config parameter
     * @param type          the type of the config
     * @param defaultValue  the default value to use if this config isn't present
     * @param importance    the importance of this config
     * @param documentation the documentation string for the config
     * @param group         the group this config belongs to
     * @param orderInGroup  the order of this config in the group
     * @param width         the width of the config
     * @param displayName   the name suitable for display
     * @param dependents    the configurations that are dependents of this configuration
     * @param recommender   the recommender provides valid values given the parent configuration values
     * @return This ConfigDef so you can chain calls
    public ConfigDef define(String name, Type type, Object defaultValue, Importance importance, String documentation,
                            String group, int orderInGroup, Width width, String displayName, List<String> dependents, Recommender recommender) {
        return define(name, type, defaultValue, null, importance, documentation, group, orderInGroup, width, displayName, dependents, recommender);

     * Define a new configuration with no special validation logic and no custom recommender
     * @param name          the name of the config parameter
     * @param type          the type of the config
     * @param defaultValue  the default value to use if this config isn't present
     * @param importance    the importance of this config
     * @param documentation the documentation string for the config
     * @param group         the group this config belongs to
     * @param orderInGroup  the order of this config in the group
     * @param width         the width of the config
     * @param displayName   the name suitable for display
     * @param dependents    the configurations that are dependents of this configuration
     * @return This ConfigDef so you can chain calls
    public ConfigDef define(String name, Type type, Object defaultValue, Importance importance, String documentation,
                            String group, int orderInGroup, Width width, String displayName, List<String> dependents) {
        return define(name, type, defaultValue, null, importance, documentation, group, orderInGroup, width, displayName, dependents, null);

     * Define a new configuration with no special validation logic and no custom recommender
     * @param name          the name of the config parameter
     * @param type          the type of the config
     * @param defaultValue  the default value to use if this config isn't present
     * @param importance    the importance of this config
     * @param documentation the documentation string for the config
     * @param group         the group this config belongs to
     * @param orderInGroup  the order of this config in the group
     * @param width         the width of the config
     * @param displayName   the name suitable for display
     * @param recommender   the recommender provides valid values given the parent configuration values
     * @return This ConfigDef so you can chain calls
    public ConfigDef define(String name, Type type, Object defaultValue, Importance importance, String documentation,
                            String group, int orderInGroup, Width width, String displayName, Recommender recommender) {
        return define(name, type, defaultValue, null, importance, documentation, group, orderInGroup, width, displayName, Collections.emptyList(), recommender);

     * Define a new configuration with no special validation logic, not dependents and no custom recommender
     * @param name          the name of the config parameter
     * @param type          the type of the config
     * @param defaultValue  the default value to use if this config isn't present
     * @param importance    the importance of this config
     * @param documentation the documentation string for the config
     * @param group         the group this config belongs to
     * @param orderInGroup  the order of this config in the group
     * @param width         the width of the config
     * @param displayName   the name suitable for display
     * @return This ConfigDef so you can chain calls
    public ConfigDef define(String name, Type type, Object defaultValue, Importance importance, String documentation,
                            String group, int orderInGroup, Width width, String displayName) {
        return define(name, type, defaultValue, null, importance, documentation, group, orderInGroup, width, displayName, Collections.<String>emptyList());

     * Define a new configuration with no default value and no special validation logic
     * @param name          the name of the config parameter
     * @param type          the type of the config
     * @param importance    the importance of this config
     * @param documentation the documentation string for the config
     * @param group         the group this config belongs to
     * @param orderInGroup  the order of this config in the group
     * @param width         the width of the config
     * @param displayName   the name suitable for display
     * @param dependents    the configurations that are dependents of this configuration
     * @param recommender   the recommender provides valid values given the parent configuration value
     * @return This ConfigDef so you can chain calls
    public ConfigDef define(String name, Type type, Importance importance, String documentation, String group, int orderInGroup,
                            Width width, String displayName, List<String> dependents, Recommender recommender) {
        return define(name, type, NO_DEFAULT_VALUE, null, importance, documentation, group, orderInGroup, width, displayName, dependents, recommender);

     * Define a new configuration with no default value, no special validation logic and no custom recommender
     * @param name          the name of the config parameter
     * @param type          the type of the config
     * @param importance    the importance of this config
     * @param documentation the documentation string for the config
     * @param group         the group this config belongs to
     * @param orderInGroup  the order of this config in the group
     * @param width         the width of the config
     * @param displayName   the name suitable for display
     * @param dependents    the configurations that are dependents of this configuration
     * @return This ConfigDef so you can chain calls
    public ConfigDef define(String name, Type type, Importance importance, String documentation, String group, int orderInGroup,
                            Width width, String displayName, List<String> dependents) {
        return define(name, type, NO_DEFAULT_VALUE, null, importance, documentation, group, orderInGroup, width, displayName, dependents, null);

     * Define a new configuration with no default value, no special validation logic and no custom recommender
     * @param name          the name of the config parameter
     * @param type          the type of the config
     * @param importance    the importance of this config
     * @param documentation the documentation string for the config
     * @param group         the group this config belongs to
     * @param orderInGroup  the order of this config in the group
     * @param width         the width of the config
     * @param displayName   the name suitable for display
     * @param recommender   the recommender provides valid values given the parent configuration value
     * @return This ConfigDef so you can chain calls
    public ConfigDef define(String name, Type type, Importance importance, String documentation, String group, int orderInGroup,
                            Width width, String displayName, Recommender recommender) {
        return define(name, type, NO_DEFAULT_VALUE, null, importance, documentation, group, orderInGroup, width, displayName, Collections.emptyList(), recommender);

     * Define a new configuration with no default value, no special validation logic, no dependents and no custom recommender
     * @param name          the name of the config parameter
     * @param type          the type of the config
     * @param importance    the importance of this config
     * @param documentation the documentation string for the config
     * @param group         the group this config belongs to
     * @param orderInGroup  the order of this config in the group
     * @param width         the width of the config
     * @param displayName   the name suitable for display
     * @return This ConfigDef so you can chain calls
    public ConfigDef define(String name, Type type, Importance importance, String documentation, String group, int orderInGroup,
                            Width width, String displayName) {
        return define(name, type, NO_DEFAULT_VALUE, null, importance, documentation, group, orderInGroup, width, displayName, Collections.<String>emptyList());

     * Define a new configuration with no group, no order in group, no width, no display name, no dependents and no custom recommender
     * @param name          the name of the config parameter
     * @param type          the type of the config
     * @param defaultValue  the default value to use if this config isn't present
     * @param validator     the validator to use in checking the correctness of the config
     * @param importance    the importance of this config
     * @param documentation the documentation string for the config
     * @return This ConfigDef so you can chain calls
    public ConfigDef define(String name, Type type, Object defaultValue, Validator validator, Importance importance, String documentation) {
        return define(name, type, defaultValue, validator, importance, documentation, null, -1, Width.NONE, name);

     * Define a new configuration with no special validation logic
     * @param name          The name of the config parameter
     * @param type          The type of the config
     * @param defaultValue  The default value to use if this config isn't present
     * @param importance    The importance of this config: is this something you will likely need to change.
     * @param documentation The documentation string for the config
     * @return This ConfigDef so you can chain calls
    public ConfigDef define(String name, Type type, Object defaultValue, Importance importance, String documentation) {
        return define(name, type, defaultValue, null, importance, documentation);

     * Define a new configuration with no default value and no special validation logic
     * @param name          The name of the config parameter
     * @param type          The type of the config
     * @param importance    The importance of this config: is this something you will likely need to change.
     * @param documentation The documentation string for the config
     * @return This ConfigDef so you can chain calls
    public ConfigDef define(String name, Type type, Importance importance, String documentation) {
        return define(name, type, NO_DEFAULT_VALUE, null, importance, documentation);

     * Define a new internal configuration. Internal configuration won't show up in the docs and aren't
     * intended for general use.
     * @param name              The name of the config parameter
     * @param type              The type of the config
     * @param defaultValue      The default value to use if this config isn't present
     * @param importance        The importance of this config (i.e. is this something you will likely need to change?)
     * @return This ConfigDef so you can chain calls
    public ConfigDef defineInternal(final String name, final Type type, final Object defaultValue, final Importance importance) {
        return define(new ConfigKey(name, type, defaultValue, null, importance, "", "", -1, Width.NONE, name, Collections.<String>emptyList(), null, true));

     * Define a new internal configuration. Internal configuration won't show up in the docs and aren't
     * intended for general use.
     * @param name              The name of the config parameter
     * @param type              The type of the config
     * @param defaultValue      The default value to use if this config isn't present
     * @param validator         The validator to use in checking the correctness of the config
     * @param importance        The importance of this config (i.e. is this something you will likely need to change?)
     * @param documentation     The documentation string for the config
     * @return This ConfigDef so you can chain calls
    public ConfigDef defineInternal(final String name, final Type type, final Object defaultValue, final Validator validator, final Importance importance, final String documentation) {
        return define(new ConfigKey(name, type, defaultValue, validator, importance, documentation, "", -1, Width.NONE, name, Collections.<String>emptyList(), null, true));

     * Get the configuration keys
     * @return a map containing all configuration keys
    public Map<String, ConfigKey> configKeys() {
        return configKeys;

     * Get the groups for the configuration
     * @return a list of group names
    public List<String> groups() {
        return groups;

     * Add standard SSL client configuration options.
     * @return this
    public ConfigDef withClientSslSupport() {
        return this;

     * Add standard SASL client configuration options.
     * @return this
    public ConfigDef withClientSaslSupport() {
        return this;

     * Parse and validate configs against this configuration definition. The input is a map of configs. It is expected
     * that the keys of the map are strings, but the values can either be strings or they may already be of the
     * appropriate type (int, string, etc). This will work equally well with either java.util.Properties instances or a
     * programmatically constructed map.
     * @param props The configs to parse and validate.
     * @return Parsed and validated configs. The key will be the config name and the value will be the value parsed into
     * the appropriate type (int, string, etc).
    public Map<String, Object> parse(Map<?, ?> props) {
        // Check all configurations are defined
        List<String> undefinedConfigKeys = undefinedDependentConfigs();
        if (!undefinedConfigKeys.isEmpty()) {
            String joined = Utils.join(undefinedConfigKeys, ",");
            throw new ConfigException("Some configurations in are referred in the dependents, but not defined: " + joined);
        // parse all known keys
        Map<String, Object> values = new HashMap<>();
        for (ConfigKey key : configKeys.values())
            values.put(key.name, parseValue(key, props.get(key.name), props.containsKey(key.name)));
        return values;

    Object parseValue(ConfigKey key, Object value, boolean isSet) {
        Object parsedValue;
        if (isSet) {
            parsedValue = parseType(key.name, value, key.type);
        // props map doesn't contain setting, the key is required because no default value specified - its an error
        } else if (NO_DEFAULT_VALUE.equals(key.defaultValue)) {
            throw new ConfigException("Missing required configuration \"" + key.name + "\" which has no default value.");
        } else {
            // otherwise assign setting its default value
            parsedValue = key.defaultValue;
        if (key.validator != null) {
            key.validator.ensureValid(key.name, parsedValue);
        return parsedValue;

     * Validate the current configuration values with the configuration definition.
     * @param props the current configuration values
     * @return List of Config, each Config contains the updated configuration information given
     * the current configuration values.
    public List<ConfigValue> validate(Map<String, String> props) {
        return new ArrayList<>(validateAll(props).values());

    public Map<String, ConfigValue> validateAll(Map<String, String> props) {
        Map<String, ConfigValue> configValues = new HashMap<>();
        for (String name: configKeys.keySet()) {
            configValues.put(name, new ConfigValue(name));

        List<String> undefinedConfigKeys = undefinedDependentConfigs();
        for (String undefinedConfigKey: undefinedConfigKeys) {
            ConfigValue undefinedConfigValue = new ConfigValue(undefinedConfigKey);
            undefinedConfigValue.addErrorMessage(undefinedConfigKey + " is referred in the dependents, but not defined.");
            configValues.put(undefinedConfigKey, undefinedConfigValue);

        Map<String, Object> parsed = parseForValidate(props, configValues);
        return validate(parsed, configValues);

    // package accessible for testing
    Map<String, Object> parseForValidate(Map<String, String> props, Map<String, ConfigValue> configValues) {
        Map<String, Object> parsed = new HashMap<>();
        Set<String> configsWithNoParent = getConfigsWithNoParent();
        for (String name: configsWithNoParent) {
            parseForValidate(name, props, parsed, configValues);
        return parsed;

    private Map<String, ConfigValue> validate(Map<String, Object> parsed, Map<String, ConfigValue> configValues) {
        Set<String> configsWithNoParent = getConfigsWithNoParent();
        for (String name: configsWithNoParent) {
            validate(name, parsed, configValues);
        return configValues;

    private List<String> undefinedDependentConfigs() {
        Set<String> undefinedConfigKeys = new HashSet<>();
        for (ConfigKey configKey : configKeys.values()) {
            for (String dependent: configKey.dependents) {
                if (!configKeys.containsKey(dependent)) {
        return new ArrayList<>(undefinedConfigKeys);

    // package accessible for testing
    Set<String> getConfigsWithNoParent() {
        if (this.configsWithNoParent != null) {
            return this.configsWithNoParent;
        Set<String> configsWithParent = new HashSet<>();

        for (ConfigKey configKey: configKeys.values()) {
            List<String> dependents = configKey.dependents;

        Set<String> configs = new HashSet<>(configKeys.keySet());
        this.configsWithNoParent = configs;
        return configs;

    private void parseForValidate(String name, Map<String, String> props, Map<String, Object> parsed, Map<String, ConfigValue> configs) {
        if (!configKeys.containsKey(name)) {
        ConfigKey key = configKeys.get(name);
        ConfigValue config = configs.get(name);

        Object value = null;
        if (props.containsKey(key.name)) {
            try {
                value = parseType(key.name, props.get(key.name), key.type);
            } catch (ConfigException e) {
        } else if (NO_DEFAULT_VALUE.equals(key.defaultValue)) {
            config.addErrorMessage("Missing required configuration \"" + key.name + "\" which has no default value.");
        } else {
            value = key.defaultValue;

        if (key.validator != null) {
            try {
                key.validator.ensureValid(key.name, value);
            } catch (ConfigException e) {
        parsed.put(name, value);
        for (String dependent: key.dependents) {
            parseForValidate(dependent, props, parsed, configs);

    private void validate(String name, Map<String, Object> parsed, Map<String, ConfigValue> configs) {
        if (!configKeys.containsKey(name)) {
        ConfigKey key = configKeys.get(name);
        ConfigValue value = configs.get(name);
        if (key.recommender != null) {
            try {
                List<Object> recommendedValues = key.recommender.validValues(name, parsed);
                List<Object> originalRecommendedValues = value.recommendedValues();
                if (!originalRecommendedValues.isEmpty()) {
                    Set<Object> originalRecommendedValueSet = new HashSet<>(originalRecommendedValues);
                    recommendedValues.removeIf(o -> !originalRecommendedValueSet.contains(o));
                value.visible(key.recommender.visible(name, parsed));
            } catch (ConfigException e) {

        configs.put(name, value);
        for (String dependent: key.dependents) {
            validate(dependent, parsed, configs);

     * Parse a value according to its expected type.
     * @param name  The config name
     * @param value The config value
     * @param type  The expected type
     * @return The parsed object
    public static Object parseType(String name, Object value, Type type) {
        try {
            if (value == null) return null;

            String trimmed = null;
            if (value instanceof String)
                trimmed = ((String) value).trim();

            switch (type) {
                case BOOLEAN:
                    if (value instanceof String) {
                        if (trimmed.equalsIgnoreCase("true"))
                            return true;
                        else if (trimmed.equalsIgnoreCase("false"))
                            return false;
                            throw new ConfigException(name, value, "Expected value to be either true or false");
                    } else if (value instanceof Boolean)
                        return value;
                        throw new ConfigException(name, value, "Expected value to be either true or false");
                case PASSWORD:
                    if (value instanceof Password)
                        return value;
                    else if (value instanceof String)
                        return new Password(trimmed);
                        throw new ConfigException(name, value, "Expected value to be a string, but it was a " + value.getClass().getName());
                case STRING:
                    if (value instanceof String)
                        return trimmed;
                        throw new ConfigException(name, value, "Expected value to be a string, but it was a " + value.getClass().getName());
                case INT:
                    if (value instanceof Integer) {
                        return value;
                    } else if (value instanceof String) {
                        return Integer.parseInt(trimmed);
                    } else {
                        throw new ConfigException(name, value, "Expected value to be a 32-bit integer, but it was a " + value.getClass().getName());
                case SHORT:
                    if (value instanceof Short) {
                        return value;
                    } else if (value instanceof String) {
                        return Short.parseShort(trimmed);
                    } else {
                        throw new ConfigException(name, value, "Expected value to be a 16-bit integer (short), but it was a " + value.getClass().getName());
                case LONG:
                    if (value instanceof Integer)
                        return ((Integer) value).longValue();
                    if (value instanceof Long)
                        return value;
                    else if (value instanceof String)
                        return Long.parseLong(trimmed);
                        throw new ConfigException(name, value, "Expected value to be a 64-bit integer (long), but it was a " + value.getClass().getName());
                case DOUBLE:
                    if (value instanceof Number)
                        return ((Number) value).doubleValue();
                    else if (value instanceof String)
                        return Double.parseDouble(trimmed);
                        throw new ConfigException(name, value, "Expected value to be a double, but it was a " + value.getClass().getName());
                case LIST:
                    if (value instanceof List)
                        return value;
                    else if (value instanceof String)
                        if (trimmed.isEmpty())
                            return Collections.emptyList();
                            return Arrays.asList(COMMA_WITH_WHITESPACE.split(trimmed, -1));
                        throw new ConfigException(name, value, "Expected a comma separated list.");
                case CLASS:
                    if (value instanceof Class)
                        return value;
                    else if (value instanceof String) {
                        ClassLoader contextOrKafkaClassLoader = Utils.getContextOrKafkaClassLoader();
                        // Use loadClass here instead of Class.forName because the name we use here may be an alias
                        // and not match the name of the class that gets loaded. If that happens, Class.forName can
                        // throw an exception.
                        Class<?> klass = contextOrKafkaClassLoader.loadClass(trimmed);
                        // Invoke forName here with the true name of the requested class to cause class
                        // initialization to take place.
                        return Class.forName(klass.getName(), true, contextOrKafkaClassLoader);
                    } else
                        throw new ConfigException(name, value, "Expected a Class instance or class name.");
                    throw new IllegalStateException("Unknown type.");
        } catch (NumberFormatException e) {
            throw new ConfigException(name, value, "Not a number of type " + type);
        } catch (ClassNotFoundException e) {
            throw new ConfigException(name, value, "Class " + value + " could not be found.");

    public static String convertToString(Object parsedValue, Type type) {
        if (parsedValue == null) {
            return null;

        if (type == null) {
            return parsedValue.toString();

        switch (type) {
            case BOOLEAN:
            case SHORT:
            case INT:
            case LONG:
            case DOUBLE:
            case STRING:
            case PASSWORD:
                return parsedValue.toString();
            case LIST:
                List<?> valueList = (List<?>) parsedValue;
                return Utils.join(valueList, ",");
            case CLASS:
                Class<?> clazz = (Class<?>) parsedValue;
                return clazz.getName();
                throw new IllegalStateException("Unknown type.");

     * Converts a map of config (key, value) pairs to a map of strings where each value
     * is converted to a string. This method should be used with care since it stores
     * actual password values to String. Values from this map should never be used in log entries.
    public static  Map<String, String> convertToStringMapWithPasswordValues(Map<String, ?> configs) {
        Map<String, String> result = new HashMap<>();
        for (Map.Entry<String, ?> entry : configs.entrySet()) {
            Object value = entry.getValue();
            String strValue;
            if (value instanceof Password)
                strValue = ((Password) value).value();
            else if (value instanceof List)
                strValue = convertToString(value, Type.LIST);
            else if (value instanceof Class)
                strValue = convertToString(value, Type.CLASS);
                strValue = convertToString(value, null);
            if (strValue != null)
                result.put(entry.getKey(), strValue);
        return result;

     * The config types
    public enum Type {

        public boolean isSensitive() {
            return this == PASSWORD;

     * The importance level for a configuration
    public enum Importance {

     * The width of a configuration value
    public enum Width {

     * This is used by the {@link #validate(Map)} to get valid values for a configuration given the current
     * configuration values in order to perform full configuration validation and visibility modification.
     * In case that there are dependencies between configurations, the valid values and visibility
     * for a configuration may change given the values of other configurations.
    public interface Recommender {

         * The valid values for the configuration given the current configuration values.
         * @param name The name of the configuration
         * @param parsedConfig The parsed configuration values
         * @return The list of valid values. To function properly, the returned objects should have the type
         * defined for the configuration using the recommender.
        List<Object> validValues(String name, Map<String, Object> parsedConfig);

         * Set the visibility of the configuration given the current configuration values.
         * @param name The name of the configuration
         * @param parsedConfig The parsed configuration values
         * @return The visibility of the configuration
        boolean visible(String name, Map<String, Object> parsedConfig);

     * Validation logic the user may provide to perform single configuration validation.
    public interface Validator {
         * Perform single configuration validation.
         * @param name The name of the configuration
         * @param value The value of the configuration
         * @throws ConfigException if the value is invalid.
        void ensureValid(String name, Object value);

     * Validation logic for numeric ranges
    public static class Range implements Validator {
        private final Number min;
        private final Number max;

         *  A numeric range with inclusive upper bound and inclusive lower bound
         * @param min  the lower bound
         * @param max  the upper bound
        private Range(Number min, Number max) {
            this.min = min;
            this.max = max;

         * A numeric range that checks only the lower bound
         * @param min The minimum acceptable value
        public static Range atLeast(Number min) {
            return new Range(min, null);

         * A numeric range that checks both the upper (inclusive) and lower bound
        public static Range between(Number min, Number max) {
            return new Range(min, max);

        public void ensureValid(String name, Object o) {
            if (o == null)
                throw new ConfigException(name, null, "Value must be non-null");
            Number n = (Number) o;
            if (min != null && n.doubleValue() < min.doubleValue())
                throw new ConfigException(name, o, "Value must be at least " + min);
            if (max != null && n.doubleValue() > max.doubleValue())
                throw new ConfigException(name, o, "Value must be no more than " + max);

        public String toString() {
            if (min == null && max == null)
                return "[...]";
            else if (min == null)
                return "[...," + max + "]";
            else if (max == null)
                return "[" + min + ",...]";
                return "[" + min + ",...," + max + "]";

    public static class ValidList implements Validator {

        final ValidString validString;

        private ValidList(List<String> validStrings) {
            this.validString = new ValidString(validStrings);

        public static ValidList in(String... validStrings) {
            return new ValidList(Arrays.asList(validStrings));

        public void ensureValid(final String name, final Object value) {
            List<String> values = (List<String>) value;
            for (String string : values) {
                validString.ensureValid(name, string);

        public String toString() {
            return validString.toString();

    public static class ValidString implements Validator {
        final List<String> validStrings;

        private ValidString(List<String> validStrings) {
            this.validStrings = validStrings;

        public static ValidString in(String... validStrings) {
            return new ValidString(Arrays.asList(validStrings));

        public void ensureValid(String name, Object o) {
            String s = (String) o;
            if (!validStrings.contains(s)) {
                throw new ConfigException(name, o, "String must be one of: " + Utils.join(validStrings, ", "));


        public String toString() {
            return "[" + Utils.join(validStrings, ", ") + "]";

    public static class CaseInsensitiveValidString implements Validator {

        final Set<String> validStrings;

        private CaseInsensitiveValidString(List<String> validStrings) {
            this.validStrings = validStrings.stream()
                .map(s -> s.toUpperCase(Locale.ROOT))

        public static CaseInsensitiveValidString in(String... validStrings) {
            return new CaseInsensitiveValidString(Arrays.asList(validStrings));

        public void ensureValid(String name, Object o) {
            String s = (String) o;
            if (s == null || !validStrings.contains(s.toUpperCase(Locale.ROOT))) {
                throw new ConfigException(name, o, "String must be one of (case insensitive): " + Utils.join(validStrings, ", "));

        public String toString() {
            return "(case insensitive) [" + Utils.join(validStrings, ", ") + "]";

    public static class NonNullValidator implements Validator {
        public void ensureValid(String name, Object value) {
            if (value == null) {
                // Pass in the string null to avoid the spotbugs warning
                throw new ConfigException(name, "null", "entry must be non null");

        public String toString() {
            return "non-null string";

    public static class LambdaValidator implements Validator {
        BiConsumer<String, Object> ensureValid;
        Supplier<String> toStringFunction;

        private LambdaValidator(BiConsumer<String, Object> ensureValid,
                                Supplier<String> toStringFunction) {
            this.ensureValid = ensureValid;
            this.toStringFunction = toStringFunction;

        public static LambdaValidator with(BiConsumer<String, Object> ensureValid,
                                           Supplier<String> toStringFunction) {
            return new LambdaValidator(ensureValid, toStringFunction);

        public void ensureValid(String name, Object value) {
            ensureValid.accept(name, value);

        public String toString() {
            return toStringFunction.get();

    public static class CompositeValidator implements Validator {
        private final List<Validator> validators;

        private CompositeValidator(List<Validator> validators) {
            this.validators = Collections.unmodifiableList(validators);

        public static CompositeValidator of(Validator... validators) {
            return new CompositeValidator(Arrays.asList(validators));

        public void ensureValid(String name, Object value) {
            for (Validator validator: validators) {
                validator.ensureValid(name, value);

        public String toString() {
            if (validators == null) return "";
            StringBuilder desc = new StringBuilder();
            for (Validator v: validators) {
                if (desc.length() > 0) {
                    desc.append(',').append(' ');
            return desc.toString();

    public static class NonEmptyString implements Validator {

        public void ensureValid(String name, Object o) {
            String s = (String) o;
            if (s != null && s.isEmpty()) {
                throw new ConfigException(name, o, "String must be non-empty");

        public String toString() {
            return "non-empty string";

    public static class NonEmptyStringWithoutControlChars implements Validator {

        public static NonEmptyStringWithoutControlChars nonEmptyStringWithoutControlChars() {
            return new NonEmptyStringWithoutControlChars();

        public void ensureValid(String name, Object value) {
            String s = (String) value;

            if (s == null) {
                // This can happen during creation of the config object due to no default value being defined for the
                // name configuration - a missing name parameter is caught when checking for mandatory parameters,
                // thus we can ok a null value here
            } else if (s.isEmpty()) {
                throw new ConfigException(name, value, "String may not be empty");

            // Check name string for illegal characters
            ArrayList<Integer> foundIllegalCharacters = new ArrayList<>();

            for (int i = 0; i < s.length(); i++) {
                if (Character.isISOControl(s.codePointAt(i))) {

            if (!foundIllegalCharacters.isEmpty()) {
                throw new ConfigException(name, value, "String may not contain control sequences but had the following ASCII chars: " + Utils.join(foundIllegalCharacters, ", "));

        public String toString() {
            return "non-empty string without ISO control characters";

    public static class ListSize implements Validator {
        final int maxSize;

        private ListSize(final int maxSize) {
            this.maxSize = maxSize;

        public static ListSize atMostOfSize(final int maxSize) {
            return new ListSize(maxSize);

        public void ensureValid(final String name, final Object value) {
            List<String> values = (List<String>) value;
            if (values.size() > maxSize) {
                throw new ConfigException(name, value, "exceeds maximum list size of [" + maxSize + "].");

        public String toString() {
            return "List containing maximum of " + maxSize + " elements";

    public static class ConfigKey {
        public final String name;
        public final Type type;
        public final String documentation;
        public final Object defaultValue;
        public final Validator validator;
        public final Importance importance;
        public final String group;
        public final int orderInGroup;
        public final Width width;
        public final String displayName;
        public final List<String> dependents;
        public final Recommender recommender;
        public final boolean internalConfig;

        public ConfigKey(String name, Type type, Object defaultValue, Validator validator,
                         Importance importance, String documentation, String group,
                         int orderInGroup, Width width, String displayName,
                         List<String> dependents, Recommender recommender,
                         boolean internalConfig) {
            this.name = name;
            this.type = type;
            this.defaultValue = NO_DEFAULT_VALUE.equals(defaultValue) ? NO_DEFAULT_VALUE : parseType(name, defaultValue, type);
            this.validator = validator;
            this.importance = importance;
            if (this.validator != null && hasDefault())
                this.validator.ensureValid(name, this.defaultValue);
            this.documentation = documentation;
            this.dependents = dependents;
            this.group = group;
            this.orderInGroup = orderInGroup;
            this.width = width;
            this.displayName = displayName;
            this.recommender = recommender;
            this.internalConfig = internalConfig;

        public boolean hasDefault() {
            return !NO_DEFAULT_VALUE.equals(this.defaultValue);

        public Type type() {
            return type;

    protected List<String> headers() {
        return Arrays.asList("Name", "Description", "Type", "Default", "Valid Values", "Importance");

    protected String getConfigValue(ConfigKey key, String headerName) {
        switch (headerName) {
            case "Name":
                return key.name;
            case "Description":
                return key.documentation;
            case "Type":
                return key.type.toString().toLowerCase(Locale.ROOT);
            case "Default":
                if (key.hasDefault()) {
                    if (key.defaultValue == null)
                        return "null";
                    String defaultValueStr = convertToString(key.defaultValue, key.type);
                    if (defaultValueStr.isEmpty())
                        return "\"\"";
                    else {
                        String suffix = "";
                        if (key.name.endsWith(".bytes")) {
                            suffix = niceMemoryUnits(((Number) key.defaultValue).longValue());
                        } else if (key.name.endsWith(".ms")) {
                            suffix = niceTimeUnits(((Number) key.defaultValue).longValue());
                        return defaultValueStr + suffix;
                } else
                    return "";
            case "Valid Values":
                return key.validator != null ? key.validator.toString() : "";
            case "Importance":
                return key.importance.toString().toLowerCase(Locale.ROOT);
                throw new RuntimeException("Can't find value for header '" + headerName + "' in " + key.name);

    static String niceMemoryUnits(long bytes) {
        long value = bytes;
        int i = 0;
        while (value != 0 && i < 4) {
            if (value % 1024L == 0) {
                value /= 1024L;
            } else {
        String resultFormat = " (" + value + " %s" + (value == 1 ? ")" : "s)");
        switch (i) {
            case 1:
                return String.format(resultFormat, "kibibyte");
            case 2:
                return String.format(resultFormat, "mebibyte");
            case 3:
                return String.format(resultFormat, "gibibyte");
            case 4:
                return String.format(resultFormat, "tebibyte");
                return "";

    static String niceTimeUnits(long millis) {
        long value = millis;
        long[] divisors = {1000, 60, 60, 24};
        String[] units = {"second", "minute", "hour", "day"};
        int i = 0;
        while (value != 0 && i < 4) {
            if (value % divisors[i] == 0) {
                value /= divisors[i];
            } else {
        if (i > 0) {
            return " (" + value + " " + units[i - 1] + (value > 1 ? "s)" : ")");
        return "";

    public String toHtmlTable() {
        return toHtmlTable(Collections.<String, String>emptyMap());

    private void addHeader(StringBuilder builder, String headerName) {

    private void addColumnValue(StringBuilder builder, String value) {

     * Converts this config into an HTML table that can be embedded into docs.
     * If <code>dynamicUpdateModes</code> is non-empty, a "Dynamic Update Mode" column
     * will be included n the table with the value of the update mode. Default
     * mode is "read-only".
     * @param dynamicUpdateModes Config name -&gt; update mode mapping
    public String toHtmlTable(Map<String, String> dynamicUpdateModes) {
        boolean hasUpdateModes = !dynamicUpdateModes.isEmpty();
        List<ConfigKey> configs = sortedConfigs();
        StringBuilder b = new StringBuilder();
        b.append("<table class=\"data-table\"><tbody>\n");
        // print column headers
        for (String headerName : headers()) {
            addHeader(b, headerName);
        if (hasUpdateModes)
            addHeader(b, "Dynamic Update Mode");
        for (ConfigKey key : configs) {
            if (key.internalConfig) {
            // print column values
            for (String headerName : headers()) {
                addColumnValue(b, getConfigValue(key, headerName));
            if (hasUpdateModes) {
                String updateMode = dynamicUpdateModes.get(key.name);
                if (updateMode == null)
                    updateMode = "read-only";
                addColumnValue(b, updateMode);
        return b.toString();

     * Get the configs formatted with reStructuredText, suitable for embedding in Sphinx
     * documentation.
    public String toRst() {
        StringBuilder b = new StringBuilder();
        for (ConfigKey key : sortedConfigs()) {
            if (key.internalConfig) {
            getConfigKeyRst(key, b);
        return b.toString();

     * Configs with new metadata (group, orderInGroup, dependents) formatted with reStructuredText, suitable for embedding in Sphinx
     * documentation.
    public String toEnrichedRst() {
        StringBuilder b = new StringBuilder();

        String lastKeyGroupName = "";
        for (ConfigKey key : sortedConfigs()) {
            if (key.internalConfig) {
            if (key.group != null) {
                if (!lastKeyGroupName.equalsIgnoreCase(key.group)) {

                    char[] underLine = new char[key.group.length()];
                    Arrays.fill(underLine, '^');
                    b.append(new String(underLine)).append("\n\n");
                lastKeyGroupName = key.group;

            getConfigKeyRst(key, b);

            if (key.dependents != null && key.dependents.size() > 0) {
                int j = 0;
                b.append("  * Dependents: ");
                for (String dependent : key.dependents) {
                    if (++j == key.dependents.size())
                        b.append("``, ");
        return b.toString();

     * Shared content on Rst and Enriched Rst.
    private void getConfigKeyRst(ConfigKey key, StringBuilder b) {
        if (key.documentation != null) {
            for (String docLine : key.documentation.split("\n")) {
                if (docLine.length() == 0) {
                b.append("  ").append(docLine).append("\n\n");
        } else {
        b.append("  * Type: ").append(getConfigValue(key, "Type")).append("\n");
        if (key.hasDefault()) {
            b.append("  * Default: ").append(getConfigValue(key, "Default")).append("\n");
        if (key.validator != null) {
            b.append("  * Valid Values: ").append(getConfigValue(key, "Valid Values")).append("\n");
        b.append("  * Importance: ").append(getConfigValue(key, "Importance")).append("\n");

     * Get a list of configs sorted taking the 'group' and 'orderInGroup' into account.
     * If grouping is not specified, the result will reflect "natural" order: listing required fields first, then ordering by importance, and finally by name.
    private List<ConfigKey> sortedConfigs() {
        final Map<String, Integer> groupOrd = new HashMap<>(groups.size());
        int ord = 0;
        for (String group: groups) {
            groupOrd.put(group, ord++);

        List<ConfigKey> configs = new ArrayList<>(configKeys.values());
        Collections.sort(configs, (k1, k2) -> compare(k1, k2, groupOrd));
        return configs;

    private int compare(ConfigKey k1, ConfigKey k2, Map<String, Integer> groupOrd) {
        int cmp = k1.group == null
            ? (k2.group == null ? 0 : -1)
            : (k2.group == null ? 1 : Integer.compare(groupOrd.get(k1.group), groupOrd.get(k2.group)));
        if (cmp == 0) {
            cmp = Integer.compare(k1.orderInGroup, k2.orderInGroup);
            if (cmp == 0) {
                // first take anything with no default value
                if (!k1.hasDefault() && k2.hasDefault())
                    cmp = -1;
                else if (!k2.hasDefault() && k1.hasDefault())
                    cmp = 1;
                else {
                    cmp = k1.importance.compareTo(k2.importance);
                    if (cmp == 0)
                        return k1.name.compareTo(k2.name);
        return cmp;

    public void embed(final String keyPrefix, final String groupPrefix, final int startingOrd, final ConfigDef child) {
        int orderInGroup = startingOrd;
        for (ConfigKey key : child.sortedConfigs()) {
            define(new ConfigKey(
                    keyPrefix + key.name,
                    embeddedValidator(keyPrefix, key.validator),
                    groupPrefix + (key.group == null ? "" : ": " + key.group),
                    embeddedDependents(keyPrefix, key.dependents),
                    embeddedRecommender(keyPrefix, key.recommender),

     * Returns a new validator instance that delegates to the base validator but unprefixes the config name along the way.
    private static Validator embeddedValidator(final String keyPrefix, final Validator base) {
        if (base == null) return null;
        return new Validator() {
            public void ensureValid(String name, Object value) {
                base.ensureValid(name.substring(keyPrefix.length()), value);

            public String toString() {
                return base.toString();

     * Updated list of dependent configs with the specified {@code prefix} added.
    private static List<String> embeddedDependents(final String keyPrefix, final List<String> dependents) {
        if (dependents == null) return null;
        final List<String> updatedDependents = new ArrayList<>(dependents.size());
        for (String dependent : dependents) {
            updatedDependents.add(keyPrefix + dependent);
        return updatedDependents;

     * Returns a new recommender instance that delegates to the base recommender but unprefixes the input parameters along the way.
    private static Recommender embeddedRecommender(final String keyPrefix, final Recommender base) {
        if (base == null) return null;
        return new Recommender() {
            private String unprefixed(String k) {
                return k.substring(keyPrefix.length());

            private Map<String, Object> unprefixed(Map<String, Object> parsedConfig) {
                final Map<String, Object> unprefixedParsedConfig = new HashMap<>(parsedConfig.size());
                for (Map.Entry<String, Object> e : parsedConfig.entrySet()) {
                    if (e.getKey().startsWith(keyPrefix)) {
                        unprefixedParsedConfig.put(unprefixed(e.getKey()), e.getValue());
                return unprefixedParsedConfig;

            public List<Object> validValues(String name, Map<String, Object> parsedConfig) {
                return base.validValues(unprefixed(name), unprefixed(parsedConfig));

            public boolean visible(String name, Map<String, Object> parsedConfig) {
                return base.visible(unprefixed(name), unprefixed(parsedConfig));

    public String toHtml() {
        return toHtml(Collections.emptyMap());

     * Converts this config into an HTML list that can be embedded into docs.
     * @param headerDepth The top level header depth in the generated HTML.
     * @param idGenerator A function for computing the HTML id attribute in the generated HTML from a given config name.
    public String toHtml(int headerDepth, Function<String, String> idGenerator) {
        return toHtml(headerDepth, idGenerator, Collections.emptyMap());

     * Converts this config into an HTML list that can be embedded into docs.
     * If <code>dynamicUpdateModes</code> is non-empty, a "Dynamic Update Mode" label
     * will be included in the config details with the value of the update mode. Default
     * mode is "read-only".
     * @param dynamicUpdateModes Config name -&gt; update mode mapping.
    public String toHtml(Map<String, String> dynamicUpdateModes) {
        return toHtml(4, Function.identity(), dynamicUpdateModes);

     * Converts this config into an HTML list that can be embedded into docs.
     * If <code>dynamicUpdateModes</code> is non-empty, a "Dynamic Update Mode" label
     * will be included in the config details with the value of the update mode. Default
     * mode is "read-only".
     * @param headerDepth The top level header depth in the generated HTML.
     * @param idGenerator A function for computing the HTML id attribute in the generated HTML from a given config name.
     * @param dynamicUpdateModes Config name -&gt; update mode mapping.
    public String toHtml(int headerDepth, Function<String, String> idGenerator,
                         Map<String, String> dynamicUpdateModes) {
        boolean hasUpdateModes = !dynamicUpdateModes.isEmpty();
        List<ConfigKey> configs = sortedConfigs();
        StringBuilder b = new StringBuilder();
        b.append("<ul class=\"config-list\">\n");
        for (ConfigKey key : configs) {
            if (key.internalConfig) {
            b.append(String.format("<h%1$d>" +
                    "<a id=\"%3$s\"></a><a id=\"%2$s\" href=\"#%2$s\">%3$s</a>" +
                    "</h%1$d>%n", headerDepth, idGenerator.apply(key.name), key.name));
            if (key.documentation != null) {
                b.append(key.documentation.replaceAll("\n", "<br>"));

            b.append("<table>" +
            for (String detail : headers()) {
                if (detail.equals("Name") || detail.equals("Description")) continue;
                addConfigDetail(b, detail, getConfigValue(key, detail));
            if (hasUpdateModes) {
                String updateMode = dynamicUpdateModes.get(key.name);
                if (updateMode == null)
                    updateMode = "read-only";
                addConfigDetail(b, "Update Mode", updateMode);
        return b.toString();

    private static void addConfigDetail(StringBuilder builder, String name, String value) {
        builder.append("<tr>" +
                "<th>" + name + ":</th>" +
                "<td>" + value + "</td>" +



kafka 源码目录


kafka AbstractConfig 源码

kafka Config 源码

kafka ConfigChangeCallback 源码

kafka ConfigData 源码

kafka ConfigException 源码

kafka ConfigResource 源码

kafka ConfigTransformer 源码

kafka ConfigTransformerResult 源码

kafka ConfigValue 源码

kafka LogLevelConfig 源码

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