harmony 鸿蒙PageAbility Component Overview
PageAbility Component Overview
PageAbility is an application component that has the UI and supports user interaction.
When you create a PageAbility in DevEco Studio, DevEco Studio automatically creates template code. The capabilities related to the PageAbility are implemented through the featureAbility class, and the lifecycle callbacks are implemented through the callbacks in app.js or app.ets.
harmony 鸿蒙Using Explicit Want to Start an Application Component
harmony 鸿蒙Using Implicit Want to Open a Website
harmony 鸿蒙AbilityStage Component Container
harmony 鸿蒙Accessing a DataAbility
harmony 鸿蒙Accessing a DataShareExtensionAbility from the FA Model
harmony 鸿蒙AccessibilityExtensionAbility
harmony 鸿蒙Common action and entities Values
- 所属分类: 后端技术
- 本文标签:
2、 - 优质文章
3、 gate.io
8、 golang
9、 openharmony
10、 Vue中input框自动聚焦