tidb dm_tracker 源码
tidb dm_tracker 代码
// Copyright 2022 PingCAP, Inc.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
// Copyright 2013 The ql Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
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package schematracker
import (
field_types "github.com/pingcap/tidb/parser/types"
pumpcli "github.com/pingcap/tidb/tidb-binlog/pump_client"
var _ ddl.DDL = SchemaTracker{}
// SchemaTracker is used to track schema changes by DM. It implements DDL interface and by applying DDL, it updates the
// table structure to keep tracked with upstream changes.
type SchemaTracker struct {
// NewSchemaTracker creates a SchemaTracker. lowerCaseTableNames has the same meaning as MySQL variable lower_case_table_names.
func NewSchemaTracker(lowerCaseTableNames int) SchemaTracker {
return SchemaTracker{
InfoStore: NewInfoStore(lowerCaseTableNames),
// CreateSchema implements the DDL interface.
func (d SchemaTracker) CreateSchema(ctx sessionctx.Context, stmt *ast.CreateDatabaseStmt) error {
// we only consider explicit charset/collate, if not found, fallback to default charset/collate.
charsetOpt := ast.CharsetOpt{}
for _, val := range stmt.Options {
switch val.Tp {
case ast.DatabaseOptionCharset:
charsetOpt.Chs = val.Value
case ast.DatabaseOptionCollate:
charsetOpt.Col = val.Value
chs, coll, err := ddl.ResolveCharsetCollation(charsetOpt)
if err != nil {
return errors.Trace(err)
dbInfo := &model.DBInfo{Name: stmt.Name, Charset: chs, Collate: coll}
onExist := ddl.OnExistError
if stmt.IfNotExists {
onExist = ddl.OnExistIgnore
return d.CreateSchemaWithInfo(ctx, dbInfo, onExist)
// CreateTestDB creates the `test` database, which is the default behavior of TiDB.
func (d SchemaTracker) CreateTestDB() {
_ = d.CreateSchema(nil, &ast.CreateDatabaseStmt{
Name: model.NewCIStr("test"),
// CreateSchemaWithInfo implements the DDL interface.
func (d SchemaTracker) CreateSchemaWithInfo(ctx sessionctx.Context, dbInfo *model.DBInfo, onExist ddl.OnExist) error {
oldInfo := d.SchemaByName(dbInfo.Name)
if oldInfo != nil {
if onExist == ddl.OnExistIgnore {
return nil
// not support MariaDB's CREATE OR REPLACE SCHEMA
return infoschema.ErrDatabaseExists.GenWithStackByArgs(dbInfo.Name)
return nil
// AlterSchema implements the DDL interface.
func (d SchemaTracker) AlterSchema(ctx sessionctx.Context, stmt *ast.AlterDatabaseStmt) error {
dbInfo := d.SchemaByName(stmt.Name)
if dbInfo == nil {
return infoschema.ErrDatabaseNotExists.GenWithStackByArgs(stmt.Name.O)
// Resolve target charset and collation from options.
var (
toCharset, toCollate string
err error
for _, val := range stmt.Options {
switch val.Tp {
case ast.DatabaseOptionCharset:
if toCharset == "" {
toCharset = val.Value
} else if toCharset != val.Value {
return dbterror.ErrConflictingDeclarations.GenWithStackByArgs(toCharset, val.Value)
case ast.DatabaseOptionCollate:
info, errGetCollate := collate.GetCollationByName(val.Value)
if errGetCollate != nil {
return errors.Trace(errGetCollate)
if toCharset == "" {
toCharset = info.CharsetName
} else if toCharset != info.CharsetName {
return dbterror.ErrConflictingDeclarations.GenWithStackByArgs(toCharset, info.CharsetName)
toCollate = info.Name
if toCharset == "" {
if toCollate, err = charset.GetDefaultCollation(toCharset); err != nil {
return errors.Trace(err)
dbInfo.Charset = toCharset
dbInfo.Collate = toCollate
return nil
// DropSchema implements the DDL interface.
func (d SchemaTracker) DropSchema(ctx sessionctx.Context, stmt *ast.DropDatabaseStmt) error {
ok := d.DeleteSchema(stmt.Name)
if !ok {
if stmt.IfExists {
return nil
return infoschema.ErrDatabaseDropExists.GenWithStackByArgs(stmt.Name)
return nil
// CreateTable implements the DDL interface.
func (d SchemaTracker) CreateTable(ctx sessionctx.Context, s *ast.CreateTableStmt) error {
ident := ast.Ident{Schema: s.Table.Schema, Name: s.Table.Name}
schema := d.SchemaByName(ident.Schema)
if schema == nil {
return infoschema.ErrDatabaseNotExists.GenWithStackByArgs(ident.Schema)
// suppress ErrTooLongKey
ctx.GetSessionVars().StrictSQLMode = false
// support drop PK
ctx.GetSessionVars().EnableClusteredIndex = variable.ClusteredIndexDefModeOff
var (
referTbl *model.TableInfo
err error
if s.ReferTable != nil {
referTbl, err = d.TableByName(s.ReferTable.Schema, s.ReferTable.Name)
if err != nil {
return infoschema.ErrTableNotExists.GenWithStackByArgs(s.ReferTable.Schema, s.ReferTable.Name)
// build tableInfo
var (
tbInfo *model.TableInfo
if s.ReferTable != nil {
tbInfo, err = ddl.BuildTableInfoWithLike(ctx, ident, referTbl, s)
} else {
tbInfo, err = ddl.BuildTableInfoWithStmt(ctx, s, schema.Charset, schema.Collate, nil)
if err != nil {
return errors.Trace(err)
// TODO: to reuse the constant fold of expression in partition range definition we use CheckTableInfoValidWithStmt,
// but it may also introduce unwanted limit check in DM's use case. Should check it later.
if err = ddl.CheckTableInfoValidWithStmt(ctx, tbInfo, s); err != nil {
return err
onExist := ddl.OnExistError
if s.IfNotExists {
onExist = ddl.OnExistIgnore
return d.CreateTableWithInfo(ctx, schema.Name, tbInfo, onExist)
// CreateTableWithInfo implements the DDL interface.
func (d SchemaTracker) CreateTableWithInfo(
ctx sessionctx.Context,
dbName model.CIStr,
info *model.TableInfo,
onExist ddl.OnExist,
) error {
schema := d.SchemaByName(dbName)
if schema == nil {
return infoschema.ErrDatabaseNotExists.GenWithStackByArgs(dbName)
oldTable, _ := d.TableByName(dbName, info.Name)
if oldTable != nil {
switch onExist {
case ddl.OnExistIgnore:
return nil
case ddl.OnExistReplace:
return d.PutTable(dbName, info)
return infoschema.ErrTableExists.GenWithStackByArgs(ast.Ident{Schema: dbName, Name: info.Name})
return d.PutTable(dbName, info)
// CreateView implements the DDL interface.
func (d SchemaTracker) CreateView(ctx sessionctx.Context, s *ast.CreateViewStmt) error {
viewInfo, err := ddl.BuildViewInfo(ctx, s)
if err != nil {
return err
cols := make([]*table.Column, len(s.Cols))
for i, v := range s.Cols {
cols[i] = table.ToColumn(&model.ColumnInfo{
Name: v,
ID: int64(i),
Offset: i,
State: model.StatePublic,
tbInfo, err := ddl.BuildTableInfo(ctx, s.ViewName.Name, cols, nil, "", "")
if err != nil {
return err
tbInfo.View = viewInfo
onExist := ddl.OnExistError
if s.OrReplace {
onExist = ddl.OnExistReplace
return d.CreateTableWithInfo(ctx, s.ViewName.Schema, tbInfo, onExist)
// DropTable implements the DDL interface.
func (d SchemaTracker) DropTable(ctx sessionctx.Context, stmt *ast.DropTableStmt) (err error) {
notExistTables := make([]string, 0, len(stmt.Tables))
for _, name := range stmt.Tables {
tb, err := d.TableByName(name.Schema, name.Name)
if err != nil || !tb.IsBaseTable() {
if stmt.IfExists {
id := ast.Ident{Schema: name.Schema, Name: name.Name}
notExistTables = append(notExistTables, id.String())
// For statement dropping multiple tables, we should return error after try to drop all tables.
// Without IF EXISTS, the statement drops all named tables that do exist, and returns an error indicating which
// nonexisting tables it was unable to drop.
// https://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/drop-table.html
_ = d.DeleteTable(name.Schema, name.Name)
if len(notExistTables) > 0 {
return infoschema.ErrTableDropExists.GenWithStackByArgs(strings.Join(notExistTables, ","))
return nil
// RecoverTable implements the DDL interface, which is no-op in DM's case.
func (d SchemaTracker) RecoverTable(ctx sessionctx.Context, recoverInfo *ddl.RecoverInfo) (err error) {
return nil
// FlashbackCluster implements the DDL interface, which is no-op in DM's case.
func (d SchemaTracker) FlashbackCluster(ctx sessionctx.Context, flashbackTS uint64) (err error) {
return nil
// DropView implements the DDL interface.
func (d SchemaTracker) DropView(ctx sessionctx.Context, stmt *ast.DropTableStmt) (err error) {
notExistTables := make([]string, 0, len(stmt.Tables))
for _, name := range stmt.Tables {
tb, err := d.TableByName(name.Schema, name.Name)
if err != nil {
if stmt.IfExists {
id := ast.Ident{Schema: name.Schema, Name: name.Name}
notExistTables = append(notExistTables, id.String())
// the behaviour is fast fail when type is wrong.
if !tb.IsView() {
return dbterror.ErrWrongObject.GenWithStackByArgs(name.Schema, name.Name, "VIEW")
_ = d.DeleteTable(name.Schema, name.Name)
if len(notExistTables) > 0 {
return infoschema.ErrTableDropExists.GenWithStackByArgs(strings.Join(notExistTables, ","))
return nil
// CreateIndex implements the DDL interface.
func (d SchemaTracker) CreateIndex(ctx sessionctx.Context, stmt *ast.CreateIndexStmt) error {
ident := ast.Ident{Schema: stmt.Table.Schema, Name: stmt.Table.Name}
return d.createIndex(ctx, ident, stmt.KeyType, model.NewCIStr(stmt.IndexName),
stmt.IndexPartSpecifications, stmt.IndexOption, stmt.IfNotExists)
// createIndex is shared by CreateIndex and AlterTable.
func (d SchemaTracker) createIndex(
ctx sessionctx.Context,
ti ast.Ident,
keyType ast.IndexKeyType,
indexName model.CIStr,
indexPartSpecifications []*ast.IndexPartSpecification,
indexOption *ast.IndexOption,
ifNotExists bool,
) error {
unique := keyType == ast.IndexKeyTypeUnique
tblInfo, err := d.TableByName(ti.Schema, ti.Name)
if err != nil {
return err
t := tables.MockTableFromMeta(tblInfo)
// Deal with anonymous index.
if len(indexName.L) == 0 {
colName := model.NewCIStr("expression_index")
if indexPartSpecifications[0].Column != nil {
colName = indexPartSpecifications[0].Column.Name
indexName = ddl.GetName4AnonymousIndex(t, colName, model.NewCIStr(""))
if indexInfo := tblInfo.FindIndexByName(indexName.L); indexInfo != nil {
if ifNotExists {
return nil
return dbterror.ErrDupKeyName.GenWithStack("index already exist %s", indexName)
hiddenCols, err := ddl.BuildHiddenColumnInfo(ctx, indexPartSpecifications, indexName, t.Meta(), t.Cols())
if err != nil {
return err
finalColumns := make([]*model.ColumnInfo, len(tblInfo.Columns), len(tblInfo.Columns)+len(hiddenCols))
copy(finalColumns, tblInfo.Columns)
finalColumns = append(finalColumns, hiddenCols...)
for _, hiddenCol := range hiddenCols {
ddl.InitAndAddColumnToTable(tblInfo, hiddenCol)
indexInfo, err := ddl.BuildIndexInfo(
if err != nil {
tblInfo.Columns = tblInfo.Columns[:len(tblInfo.Columns)-len(hiddenCols)]
return err
indexInfo.ID = ddl.AllocateIndexID(tblInfo)
tblInfo.Indices = append(tblInfo.Indices, indexInfo)
ddl.AddIndexColumnFlag(tblInfo, indexInfo)
return nil
// DropIndex implements the DDL interface.
func (d SchemaTracker) DropIndex(ctx sessionctx.Context, stmt *ast.DropIndexStmt) error {
ti := ast.Ident{Schema: stmt.Table.Schema, Name: stmt.Table.Name}
err := d.dropIndex(ctx, ti, model.NewCIStr(stmt.IndexName), stmt.IfExists)
if (infoschema.ErrDatabaseNotExists.Equal(err) || infoschema.ErrTableNotExists.Equal(err)) && stmt.IfExists {
err = nil
return err
// dropIndex is shared by DropIndex and AlterTable.
func (d SchemaTracker) dropIndex(ctx sessionctx.Context, ti ast.Ident, indexName model.CIStr, ifExists bool) error {
tblInfo, err := d.TableByName(ti.Schema, ti.Name)
if err != nil {
return infoschema.ErrTableNotExists.GenWithStackByArgs(ti.Schema, ti.Name)
indexInfo := tblInfo.FindIndexByName(indexName.L)
if indexInfo == nil {
if ifExists {
return nil
return dbterror.ErrCantDropFieldOrKey.GenWithStack("index %s doesn't exist", indexName)
err = ddl.CheckDropIndexOnAutoIncrementColumn(tblInfo, indexInfo)
if err != nil {
return err
newIndices := make([]*model.IndexInfo, 0, len(tblInfo.Indices))
for _, idx := range tblInfo.Indices {
if idx.Name.L != indexInfo.Name.L {
newIndices = append(newIndices, idx)
tblInfo.Indices = newIndices
ddl.DropIndexColumnFlag(tblInfo, indexInfo)
ddl.RemoveDependentHiddenColumns(tblInfo, indexInfo)
return nil
// addColumn is used by AlterTable.
func (d SchemaTracker) addColumn(ctx sessionctx.Context, ti ast.Ident, spec *ast.AlterTableSpec) error {
specNewColumn := spec.NewColumns[0]
schema := d.SchemaByName(ti.Schema)
if schema == nil {
return infoschema.ErrDatabaseNotExists.GenWithStackByArgs(ti.Schema)
tblInfo, err := d.TableByName(ti.Schema, ti.Name)
if err != nil {
return err
t := tables.MockTableFromMeta(tblInfo)
colName := specNewColumn.Name.Name.O
if col := table.FindCol(t.Cols(), colName); col != nil {
if spec.IfNotExists {
return nil
return infoschema.ErrColumnExists.GenWithStackByArgs(colName)
col, err := ddl.CreateNewColumn(ctx, ti, schema, spec, t, specNewColumn)
if err != nil {
return errors.Trace(err)
err = ddl.CheckAfterPositionExists(tblInfo, spec.Position)
if err != nil {
return errors.Trace(err)
columnInfo := ddl.InitAndAddColumnToTable(tblInfo, col.ColumnInfo)
offset, err := ddl.LocateOffsetToMove(columnInfo.Offset, spec.Position, tblInfo)
if err != nil {
return errors.Trace(err)
tblInfo.MoveColumnInfo(columnInfo.Offset, offset)
columnInfo.State = model.StatePublic
return nil
// dropColumn is used by AlterTable.
func (d *SchemaTracker) dropColumn(ctx sessionctx.Context, ti ast.Ident, spec *ast.AlterTableSpec) error {
tblInfo, err := d.TableByName(ti.Schema, ti.Name)
if err != nil {
return err
colName := spec.OldColumnName.Name
colInfo := tblInfo.FindPublicColumnByName(colName.L)
if colInfo == nil {
if spec.IfExists {
return nil
return dbterror.ErrCantDropFieldOrKey.GenWithStackByArgs(colName)
if len(tblInfo.Columns) == 1 {
return dbterror.ErrCantRemoveAllFields.GenWithStack("can't drop only column %s in table %s",
colName, tblInfo.Name)
// do drop column
tblInfo.MoveColumnInfo(colInfo.Offset, len(tblInfo.Columns)-1)
tblInfo.Columns = tblInfo.Columns[:len(tblInfo.Columns)-1]
newIndices := make([]*model.IndexInfo, 0, len(tblInfo.Indices))
for _, idx := range tblInfo.Indices {
i, _ := model.FindIndexColumnByName(idx.Columns, colName.L)
if i == -1 {
newIndices = append(newIndices, idx)
idx.Columns = append(idx.Columns[:i], idx.Columns[i+1:]...)
if len(idx.Columns) == 0 {
newIndices = append(newIndices, idx)
tblInfo.Indices = newIndices
return nil
// renameColumn is used by AlterTable.
func (d SchemaTracker) renameColumn(ctx sessionctx.Context, ident ast.Ident, spec *ast.AlterTableSpec) error {
oldColName := spec.OldColumnName.Name
newColName := spec.NewColumnName.Name
tblInfo, err := d.TableByName(ident.Schema, ident.Name)
if err != nil {
return err
tbl := tables.MockTableFromMeta(tblInfo)
oldCol := table.FindCol(tbl.VisibleCols(), oldColName.L)
if oldCol == nil {
return infoschema.ErrColumnNotExists.GenWithStackByArgs(oldColName, ident.Name)
if oldColName.L == newColName.L {
return nil
if newColName.L == model.ExtraHandleName.L {
return dbterror.ErrWrongColumnName.GenWithStackByArgs(newColName.L)
allCols := tbl.Cols()
colWithNewNameAlreadyExist := table.FindCol(allCols, newColName.L) != nil
if colWithNewNameAlreadyExist {
return infoschema.ErrColumnExists.GenWithStackByArgs(newColName)
if fkInfo := ddl.GetColumnForeignKeyInfo(oldColName.L, tbl.Meta().ForeignKeys); fkInfo != nil {
return dbterror.ErrFKIncompatibleColumns.GenWithStackByArgs(oldColName, fkInfo.Name)
// Check generated expression.
for _, col := range allCols {
if col.GeneratedExpr == nil {
dependedColNames := ddl.FindColumnNamesInExpr(col.GeneratedExpr)
for _, name := range dependedColNames {
if name.Name.L == oldColName.L {
if col.Hidden {
return dbterror.ErrDependentByFunctionalIndex.GenWithStackByArgs(oldColName.O)
return dbterror.ErrDependentByGeneratedColumn.GenWithStackByArgs(oldColName.O)
oldCol.Name = newColName
return nil
// alterColumn is used by AlterTable.
func (d SchemaTracker) alterColumn(ctx sessionctx.Context, ident ast.Ident, spec *ast.AlterTableSpec) error {
specNewColumn := spec.NewColumns[0]
tblInfo, err := d.TableByName(ident.Schema, ident.Name)
if err != nil {
return err
t := tables.MockTableFromMeta(tblInfo)
colName := specNewColumn.Name.Name
// Check whether alter column has existed.
oldCol := table.FindCol(t.Cols(), colName.L)
if oldCol == nil {
return dbterror.ErrBadField.GenWithStackByArgs(colName, ident.Name)
// Clean the NoDefaultValueFlag value.
if len(specNewColumn.Options) == 0 {
oldCol.DefaultIsExpr = false
err = oldCol.SetDefaultValue(nil)
if err != nil {
return errors.Trace(err)
} else {
_, err := ddl.SetDefaultValue(ctx, oldCol, specNewColumn.Options[0])
if err != nil {
return errors.Trace(err)
return nil
// modifyColumn is used by AlterTable.
func (d SchemaTracker) modifyColumn(ctx context.Context, sctx sessionctx.Context, ident ast.Ident, spec *ast.AlterTableSpec) error {
specNewColumn := spec.NewColumns[0]
if len(specNewColumn.Name.Schema.O) != 0 && ident.Schema.L != specNewColumn.Name.Schema.L {
return dbterror.ErrWrongDBName.GenWithStackByArgs(specNewColumn.Name.Schema.O)
if len(specNewColumn.Name.Table.O) != 0 && ident.Name.L != specNewColumn.Name.Table.L {
return dbterror.ErrWrongTableName.GenWithStackByArgs(specNewColumn.Name.Table.O)
return d.handleModifyColumn(ctx, sctx, ident, specNewColumn.Name.Name, spec)
// changeColumn is used by AlterTable.
func (d SchemaTracker) changeColumn(ctx context.Context, sctx sessionctx.Context, ident ast.Ident, spec *ast.AlterTableSpec) error {
specNewColumn := spec.NewColumns[0]
if len(specNewColumn.Name.Schema.O) != 0 && ident.Schema.L != specNewColumn.Name.Schema.L {
return dbterror.ErrWrongDBName.GenWithStackByArgs(specNewColumn.Name.Schema.O)
if len(spec.OldColumnName.Schema.O) != 0 && ident.Schema.L != spec.OldColumnName.Schema.L {
return dbterror.ErrWrongDBName.GenWithStackByArgs(spec.OldColumnName.Schema.O)
if len(specNewColumn.Name.Table.O) != 0 && ident.Name.L != specNewColumn.Name.Table.L {
return dbterror.ErrWrongTableName.GenWithStackByArgs(specNewColumn.Name.Table.O)
if len(spec.OldColumnName.Table.O) != 0 && ident.Name.L != spec.OldColumnName.Table.L {
return dbterror.ErrWrongTableName.GenWithStackByArgs(spec.OldColumnName.Table.O)
return d.handleModifyColumn(ctx, sctx, ident, spec.OldColumnName.Name, spec)
func (d SchemaTracker) handleModifyColumn(
ctx context.Context,
sctx sessionctx.Context,
ident ast.Ident,
originalColName model.CIStr,
spec *ast.AlterTableSpec,
) error {
tblInfo, err := d.TableByName(ident.Schema, ident.Name)
if err != nil {
return err
schema := d.SchemaByName(ident.Schema)
t := tables.MockTableFromMeta(tblInfo)
job, err := ddl.GetModifiableColumnJob(ctx, sctx, nil, ident, originalColName, schema, t, spec)
if err != nil {
if infoschema.ErrColumnNotExists.Equal(err) && spec.IfExists {
sctx.GetSessionVars().StmtCtx.AppendNote(infoschema.ErrColumnNotExists.GenWithStackByArgs(originalColName, ident.Name))
return nil
return errors.Trace(err)
newColInfo := *job.Args[0].(**model.ColumnInfo)
updatedAutoRandomBits := job.Args[4].(uint64)
tblInfo.AutoRandomBits = updatedAutoRandomBits
oldCol := table.FindCol(t.Cols(), originalColName.L).ColumnInfo
originDefVal, err := ddl.GetOriginDefaultValueForModifyColumn(sctx, newColInfo, oldCol)
if err != nil {
return errors.Trace(err)
if err = newColInfo.SetOriginDefaultValue(originDefVal); err != nil {
return errors.Trace(err)
// replace old column and its related index column in-place.
newColInfo.ID = ddl.AllocateColumnID(tblInfo)
newColInfo.Offset = oldCol.Offset
tblInfo.Columns[oldCol.Offset] = newColInfo
indexesToChange := ddl.FindRelatedIndexesToChange(tblInfo, oldCol.Name)
for _, info := range indexesToChange {
ddl.SetIdxColNameOffset(info.IndexInfo.Columns[info.Offset], newColInfo)
destOffset, err := ddl.LocateOffsetToMove(newColInfo.Offset, spec.Position, tblInfo)
if err != nil {
return errors.Trace(err)
tblInfo.MoveColumnInfo(newColInfo.Offset, destOffset)
newColInfo.State = model.StatePublic
return nil
// renameIndex is used by AlterTable.
func (d SchemaTracker) renameIndex(ctx sessionctx.Context, ident ast.Ident, spec *ast.AlterTableSpec) error {
tblInfo, err := d.TableByName(ident.Schema, ident.Name)
if err != nil {
return err
duplicate, err := ddl.ValidateRenameIndex(spec.FromKey, spec.ToKey, tblInfo)
if duplicate {
return nil
if err != nil {
return err
idx := tblInfo.FindIndexByName(spec.FromKey.L)
idx.Name = spec.ToKey
return nil
// addTablePartitions is used by AlterTable.
func (d SchemaTracker) addTablePartitions(ctx sessionctx.Context, ident ast.Ident, spec *ast.AlterTableSpec) error {
tblInfo, err := d.TableByName(ident.Schema, ident.Name)
if err != nil {
return errors.Trace(err)
pi := tblInfo.GetPartitionInfo()
if pi == nil {
return errors.Trace(dbterror.ErrPartitionMgmtOnNonpartitioned)
partInfo, err := ddl.BuildAddedPartitionInfo(ctx, tblInfo, spec)
if err != nil {
return errors.Trace(err)
tblInfo.Partition.Definitions = append(tblInfo.Partition.Definitions, partInfo.Definitions...)
return nil
// dropTablePartitions is used by AlterTable.
func (d SchemaTracker) dropTablePartition(ctx sessionctx.Context, ident ast.Ident, spec *ast.AlterTableSpec) error {
tblInfo, err := d.TableByName(ident.Schema, ident.Name)
if err != nil {
return errors.Trace(err)
pi := tblInfo.GetPartitionInfo()
if pi == nil {
return errors.Trace(dbterror.ErrPartitionMgmtOnNonpartitioned)
partNames := make([]string, len(spec.PartitionNames))
for i, partCIName := range spec.PartitionNames {
partNames[i] = partCIName.L
err = ddl.CheckDropTablePartition(tblInfo, partNames)
if err != nil {
if dbterror.ErrDropPartitionNonExistent.Equal(err) && spec.IfExists {
return nil
return errors.Trace(err)
newDefs := make([]model.PartitionDefinition, 0, len(tblInfo.Partition.Definitions)-len(partNames))
for _, def := range tblInfo.Partition.Definitions {
found := false
for _, partName := range partNames {
if def.Name.L == partName {
found = true
if !found {
newDefs = append(newDefs, def)
tblInfo.Partition.Definitions = newDefs
return nil
// createPrimaryKey is used by AlterTable.
func (d SchemaTracker) createPrimaryKey(
ctx sessionctx.Context,
ti ast.Ident,
indexName model.CIStr,
indexPartSpecifications []*ast.IndexPartSpecification,
indexOption *ast.IndexOption,
) error {
tblInfo, err := d.TableByName(ti.Schema, ti.Name)
if err != nil {
return errors.Trace(err)
indexName = model.NewCIStr(mysql.PrimaryKeyName)
if indexInfo := tblInfo.FindIndexByName(indexName.L); indexInfo != nil ||
// If the table's PKIsHandle is true, it also means that this table has a primary key.
tblInfo.PKIsHandle {
return infoschema.ErrMultiplePriKey
// Primary keys cannot include expression index parts. A primary key requires the generated column to be stored,
// but expression index parts are implemented as virtual generated columns, not stored generated columns.
for _, idxPart := range indexPartSpecifications {
if idxPart.Expr != nil {
return dbterror.ErrFunctionalIndexPrimaryKey
if _, err = ddl.CheckPKOnGeneratedColumn(tblInfo, indexPartSpecifications); err != nil {
return err
indexInfo, err := ddl.BuildIndexInfo(
if err != nil {
return errors.Trace(err)
indexInfo.ID = ddl.AllocateIndexID(tblInfo)
tblInfo.Indices = append(tblInfo.Indices, indexInfo)
// Set column index flag.
ddl.AddIndexColumnFlag(tblInfo, indexInfo)
if err = ddl.UpdateColsNull2NotNull(tblInfo, indexInfo); err != nil {
return errors.Trace(err)
return nil
// AlterTable implements the DDL interface.
func (d SchemaTracker) AlterTable(ctx context.Context, sctx sessionctx.Context, stmt *ast.AlterTableStmt) (err error) {
validSpecs, err := ddl.ResolveAlterTableSpec(sctx, stmt.Specs)
if err != nil {
return errors.Trace(err)
// TODO: reorder specs to follow MySQL's order, drop index -> drop column -> rename column -> add column -> add index
// https://github.com/mysql/mysql-server/blob/8d8c986e5716e38cb776b627a8eee9e92241b4ce/sql/sql_table.cc#L16698-L16714
ident := ast.Ident{Schema: stmt.Table.Schema, Name: stmt.Table.Name}
tblInfo, err := d.TableByName(ident.Schema, ident.Name)
if err != nil {
return errors.Trace(err)
// atomicity for multi-schema change
oldTblInfo := tblInfo.Clone()
defer func() {
if err != nil {
_ = d.PutTable(ident.Schema, oldTblInfo)
for _, spec := range validSpecs {
var handledCharsetOrCollate bool
switch spec.Tp {
case ast.AlterTableAddColumns:
err = d.addColumn(sctx, ident, spec)
case ast.AlterTableAddPartitions:
err = d.addTablePartitions(sctx, ident, spec)
case ast.AlterTableDropColumn:
err = d.dropColumn(sctx, ident, spec)
case ast.AlterTableDropIndex:
err = d.dropIndex(sctx, ident, model.NewCIStr(spec.Name), spec.IfExists)
case ast.AlterTableDropPrimaryKey:
err = d.dropIndex(sctx, ident, model.NewCIStr(mysql.PrimaryKeyName), spec.IfExists)
case ast.AlterTableRenameIndex:
err = d.renameIndex(sctx, ident, spec)
case ast.AlterTableDropPartition:
err = d.dropTablePartition(sctx, ident, spec)
case ast.AlterTableAddConstraint:
constr := spec.Constraint
switch spec.Constraint.Tp {
case ast.ConstraintKey, ast.ConstraintIndex:
err = d.createIndex(sctx, ident, ast.IndexKeyTypeNone, model.NewCIStr(constr.Name),
spec.Constraint.Keys, constr.Option, constr.IfNotExists)
case ast.ConstraintUniq, ast.ConstraintUniqIndex, ast.ConstraintUniqKey:
err = d.createIndex(sctx, ident, ast.IndexKeyTypeUnique, model.NewCIStr(constr.Name),
spec.Constraint.Keys, constr.Option, false) // IfNotExists should be not applied
case ast.ConstraintPrimaryKey:
err = d.createPrimaryKey(sctx, ident, model.NewCIStr(constr.Name), spec.Constraint.Keys, constr.Option)
case ast.ConstraintForeignKey,
// Nothing to do now.
case ast.AlterTableModifyColumn:
err = d.modifyColumn(ctx, sctx, ident, spec)
case ast.AlterTableChangeColumn:
err = d.changeColumn(ctx, sctx, ident, spec)
case ast.AlterTableRenameColumn:
err = d.renameColumn(sctx, ident, spec)
case ast.AlterTableAlterColumn:
err = d.alterColumn(sctx, ident, spec)
case ast.AlterTableRenameTable:
newIdent := ast.Ident{Schema: spec.NewTable.Schema, Name: spec.NewTable.Name}
err = d.renameTable(sctx, []ast.Ident{ident}, []ast.Ident{newIdent}, true)
case ast.AlterTableOption:
for i, opt := range spec.Options {
switch opt.Tp {
case ast.TableOptionShardRowID:
case ast.TableOptionAutoIncrement:
case ast.TableOptionAutoIdCache:
case ast.TableOptionAutoRandomBase:
case ast.TableOptionComment:
tblInfo.Comment = opt.StrValue
case ast.TableOptionCharset, ast.TableOptionCollate:
// getCharsetAndCollateInTableOption will get the last charset and collate in the options,
// so it should be handled only once.
if handledCharsetOrCollate {
var toCharset, toCollate string
toCharset, toCollate, err = ddl.GetCharsetAndCollateInTableOption(i, spec.Options)
if err != nil {
return err
needsOverwriteCols := ddl.NeedToOverwriteColCharset(spec.Options)
if toCharset != "" {
tblInfo.Charset = toCharset
if toCollate != "" {
tblInfo.Collate = toCollate
if needsOverwriteCols {
// update column charset.
for _, col := range tblInfo.Columns {
if field_types.HasCharset(&col.FieldType) {
} else {
handledCharsetOrCollate = true
case ast.TableOptionPlacementPolicy:
case ast.TableOptionEngine:
err = dbterror.ErrUnsupportedAlterTableOption
if err != nil {
return errors.Trace(err)
case ast.AlterTableIndexInvisible:
idx := tblInfo.FindIndexByName(spec.IndexName.L)
if idx == nil {
return errors.Trace(infoschema.ErrKeyNotExists.GenWithStackByArgs(spec.IndexName.O, ident.Name))
idx.Invisible = spec.Visibility == ast.IndexVisibilityInvisible
case ast.AlterTablePartitionOptions,
// Nothing to do now.
if err != nil {
return errors.Trace(err)
return err
// TruncateTable implements the DDL interface, it's no-op in DM's case.
func (SchemaTracker) TruncateTable(ctx sessionctx.Context, tableIdent ast.Ident) error {
return nil
// RenameTable implements the DDL interface.
func (d SchemaTracker) RenameTable(ctx sessionctx.Context, stmt *ast.RenameTableStmt) error {
oldIdents := make([]ast.Ident, 0, len(stmt.TableToTables))
newIdents := make([]ast.Ident, 0, len(stmt.TableToTables))
for _, tablePair := range stmt.TableToTables {
oldIdent := ast.Ident{Schema: tablePair.OldTable.Schema, Name: tablePair.OldTable.Name}
newIdent := ast.Ident{Schema: tablePair.NewTable.Schema, Name: tablePair.NewTable.Name}
oldIdents = append(oldIdents, oldIdent)
newIdents = append(newIdents, newIdent)
return d.renameTable(ctx, oldIdents, newIdents, false)
// renameTable is used by RenameTable and AlterTable.
func (d SchemaTracker) renameTable(ctx sessionctx.Context, oldIdents, newIdents []ast.Ident, isAlterTable bool) error {
tablesCache := make(map[string]int64)
is := InfoStoreAdaptor{inner: d.InfoStore}
for i := range oldIdents {
schema, _, err := ddl.ExtractTblInfos(is, oldIdents[i], newIdents[i], isAlterTable, tablesCache)
if err != nil {
return err
// no-op for ALTER TABLE RENAME t1 TO T1
if schema == nil && isAlterTable {
return nil
for i := range oldIdents {
tableInfo, err := d.TableByName(oldIdents[i].Schema, oldIdents[i].Name)
if err != nil {
return err
if err = d.DeleteTable(oldIdents[i].Schema, oldIdents[i].Name); err != nil {
return err
tableInfo.Name = newIdents[i].Name
if err = d.PutTable(newIdents[i].Schema, tableInfo); err != nil {
return err
return nil
// LockTables implements the DDL interface, it's no-op in DM's case.
func (SchemaTracker) LockTables(ctx sessionctx.Context, stmt *ast.LockTablesStmt) error {
return nil
// UnlockTables implements the DDL interface, it's no-op in DM's case.
func (SchemaTracker) UnlockTables(ctx sessionctx.Context, lockedTables []model.TableLockTpInfo) error {
return nil
// CleanupTableLock implements the DDL interface, it's no-op in DM's case.
func (SchemaTracker) CleanupTableLock(ctx sessionctx.Context, tables []*ast.TableName) error {
return nil
// UpdateTableReplicaInfo implements the DDL interface, it's no-op in DM's case.
func (d SchemaTracker) UpdateTableReplicaInfo(ctx sessionctx.Context, physicalID int64, available bool) error {
return nil
// RepairTable implements the DDL interface, it's no-op in DM's case.
func (d SchemaTracker) RepairTable(ctx sessionctx.Context, table *ast.TableName, createStmt *ast.CreateTableStmt) error {
return nil
// CreateSequence implements the DDL interface, it's no-op in DM's case.
func (d SchemaTracker) CreateSequence(ctx sessionctx.Context, stmt *ast.CreateSequenceStmt) error {
return nil
// DropSequence implements the DDL interface, it's no-op in DM's case.
func (d SchemaTracker) DropSequence(ctx sessionctx.Context, stmt *ast.DropSequenceStmt) (err error) {
return nil
// AlterSequence implements the DDL interface, it's no-op in DM's case.
func (SchemaTracker) AlterSequence(_ sessionctx.Context, _ *ast.AlterSequenceStmt) error {
return nil
// CreatePlacementPolicy implements the DDL interface, it's no-op in DM's case.
func (SchemaTracker) CreatePlacementPolicy(_ sessionctx.Context, _ *ast.CreatePlacementPolicyStmt) error {
return nil
// DropPlacementPolicy implements the DDL interface, it's no-op in DM's case.
func (SchemaTracker) DropPlacementPolicy(_ sessionctx.Context, _ *ast.DropPlacementPolicyStmt) error {
return nil
// AlterPlacementPolicy implements the DDL interface, it's no-op in DM's case.
func (SchemaTracker) AlterPlacementPolicy(ctx sessionctx.Context, stmt *ast.AlterPlacementPolicyStmt) error {
return nil
// BatchCreateTableWithInfo implements the DDL interface, it will call CreateTableWithInfo for each table.
func (d SchemaTracker) BatchCreateTableWithInfo(ctx sessionctx.Context, schema model.CIStr, info []*model.TableInfo, onExist ddl.OnExist) error {
for _, tableInfo := range info {
if err := d.CreateTableWithInfo(ctx, schema, tableInfo, onExist); err != nil {
return err
return nil
// CreatePlacementPolicyWithInfo implements the DDL interface, it's no-op in DM's case.
func (d SchemaTracker) CreatePlacementPolicyWithInfo(ctx sessionctx.Context, policy *model.PolicyInfo, onExist ddl.OnExist) error {
return nil
// Start implements the DDL interface, it's no-op in DM's case.
func (d SchemaTracker) Start(ctxPool *pools.ResourcePool) error {
return nil
// GetLease implements the DDL interface, it's no-op in DM's case.
func (d SchemaTracker) GetLease() time.Duration {
return 0
// Stats implements the DDL interface, it's no-op in DM's case.
func (d SchemaTracker) Stats(vars *variable.SessionVars) (map[string]interface{}, error) {
return nil, nil
// GetScope implements the DDL interface, it's no-op in DM's case.
func (d SchemaTracker) GetScope(status string) variable.ScopeFlag {
return 0
// Stop implements the DDL interface, it's no-op in DM's case.
func (d SchemaTracker) Stop() error {
return nil
// RegisterStatsHandle implements the DDL interface, it's no-op in DM's case.
func (SchemaTracker) RegisterStatsHandle(handle *handle.Handle) {}
// SchemaSyncer implements the DDL interface, it's no-op in DM's case.
func (SchemaTracker) SchemaSyncer() syncer.SchemaSyncer {
return nil
// OwnerManager implements the DDL interface, it's no-op in DM's case.
func (SchemaTracker) OwnerManager() owner.Manager {
return nil
// GetID implements the DDL interface, it's no-op in DM's case.
func (SchemaTracker) GetID() string {
return "schema-tracker"
// GetTableMaxHandle implements the DDL interface, it's no-op in DM's case.
func (SchemaTracker) GetTableMaxHandle(ctx *ddl.JobContext, startTS uint64, tbl table.PhysicalTable) (kv.Handle, bool, error) {
return nil, false, nil
// SetBinlogClient implements the DDL interface, it's no-op in DM's case.
func (SchemaTracker) SetBinlogClient(client *pumpcli.PumpsClient) {}
// GetHook implements the DDL interface, it's no-op in DM's case.
func (d SchemaTracker) GetHook() ddl.Callback {
return nil
// SetHook implements the DDL interface, it's no-op in DM's case.
func (SchemaTracker) SetHook(h ddl.Callback) {}
// GetInfoSchemaWithInterceptor implements the DDL interface.
func (SchemaTracker) GetInfoSchemaWithInterceptor(ctx sessionctx.Context) infoschema.InfoSchema {
panic("not implemented")
// DoDDLJob implements the DDL interface, it's no-op in DM's case.
func (SchemaTracker) DoDDLJob(ctx sessionctx.Context, job *model.Job) error {
return nil
// MoveJobFromQueue2Table implements the DDL interface, it's no-op in DM's case.
func (SchemaTracker) MoveJobFromQueue2Table(b bool) error {
panic("implement me")
// MoveJobFromTable2Queue implements the DDL interface, it's no-op in DM's case.
func (SchemaTracker) MoveJobFromTable2Queue() error {
panic("implement me")
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