harmony 鸿蒙@ohos.telephony.observer (Observer)

  • 2022-08-09
  • 浏览 (697)

@ohos.telephony.observer (Observer)

The observer module provides event subscription management functions. You can register or unregister an observer that listens for the following events: network status change, signal status change, call status change, cellular data connection status, uplink and downlink data flow status of cellular data services, and SIM status change.


The initial APIs of this module are supported since API version 6. Newly added APIs will be marked with a superscript to indicate their earliest API version.

Modules to Import

import observer from '@ohos.telephony.observer';


on(type: \‘networkStateChange\’, callback: Callback<NetworkState>): void;

Registers an observer for network status change events. This API uses an asynchronous callback to return the execution result.

Required permission: ohos.permission.GET_NETWORK_INFO

System capability: SystemCapability.Telephony.StateRegistry


Name Type Mandatory Description
type string Yes Network status change event. This field has a fixed value of networkStateChange.
callback Callback<NetworkState> Yes Callback used to return the result. For details, see NetworkState.

Error codes

For details about the following error codes, see Telephony Error Codes.

ID Error Message
201 Permission denied.
401 Parameter error.
8300001 Invalid parameter value.
8300002 Operation failed. Cannot connect to service.
8300003 System internal error.
8300999 Unknown error code.


observer.on('networkStateChange', (data: observer.NetworkState) => {
    console.log("on networkStateChange, data:" + JSON.stringify(data));


on(type: \‘networkStateChange\’, options: { slotId: number }, callback: Callback<NetworkState>): void;

Registers an observer for network status change events of the SIM card in the specified slot. This API uses an asynchronous callback to return the execution result.

Required permission: ohos.permission.GET_NETWORK_INFO

System capability: SystemCapability.Telephony.StateRegistry


Name Type Mandatory Description
type string Yes Network status change event. This field has a fixed value of networkStateChange.
slotId number Yes Card slot ID.
- 0: card slot 1
- 1: card slot 2
callback Callback<NetworkState> Yes Callback used to return the result. For details, see NetworkState.

Error codes

For details about the following error codes, see Telephony Error Codes.

ID Error Message
201 Permission denied.
401 Parameter error.
8300001 Invalid parameter value.
8300002 Operation failed. Cannot connect to service.
8300003 System internal error.
8300999 Unknown error code.


class SlotId {
    slotId: number = 0
let id: SlotId = {slotId: 0}
observer.on('networkStateChange', id, (data: observer.NetworkState) => {
    console.log("on networkStateChange, data:" + JSON.stringify(data));


off(type: \‘networkStateChange\’, callback?: Callback<NetworkState>): void;

Unregisters the observer for network status change events. This API uses an asynchronous callback to return the execution result.


You can pass the callback of the on function if you want to cancel listening for a certain type of event. If you do not pass the callback, you will cancel listening for all events.

System capability: SystemCapability.Telephony.StateRegistry


Name Type Mandatory Description
type string Yes Network status change event. This field has a fixed value of networkStateChange.
callback Callback<NetworkState> No Callback used to return the result. For details, see NetworkState.

Error codes

For details about the following error codes, see Telephony Error Codes.

ID Error Message
401 Parameter error.
8300001 Invalid parameter value.
8300002 Operation failed. Cannot connect to service.
8300003 System internal error.
8300999 Unknown error code.


let callback: (data: observer.NetworkState) => void = (data: observer.NetworkState) => {
    console.log("on networkStateChange, data:" + JSON.stringify(data));
observer.on('networkStateChange', callback);
// You can pass the callback of the on method to cancel listening for a certain type of callback. If you do not pass the callback, you will cancel listening for all callbacks.
observer.off('networkStateChange', callback);


on(type: \‘signalInfoChange\’, callback: Callback<Array<SignalInformation>>): void;

Registers an observer for signal status change events. This API uses an asynchronous callback to return the execution result.

System capability: SystemCapability.Telephony.StateRegistry


Name Type Mandatory Description
type string Yes Signal status change event. This field has a fixed value of signalInfoChange.
callback Callback<Array<SignalInformation>> Yes Callback used to return the result. For details, see SignalInformation.

Error codes

For details about the following error codes, see Telephony Error Codes.

ID Error Message
401 Parameter error.
8300001 Invalid parameter value.
8300002 Operation failed. Cannot connect to service.
8300003 System internal error.
8300999 Unknown error code.


import radio from '@ohos.telephony.radio';

observer.on('signalInfoChange', (data: Array<radio.SignalInformation>) => {
    console.log("on signalInfoChange, data:" + JSON.stringify(data));


on(type: \‘signalInfoChange\’, options: { slotId: number }, callback: Callback<Array<SignalInformation>>): void;

Registers an observer for signal status change events of the SIM card in the specified slot. This API uses an asynchronous callback to return the execution result.

System capability: SystemCapability.Telephony.StateRegistry


Name Type Mandatory Description
type string Yes Signal status change event. This field has a fixed value of signalInfoChange.
slotId number Yes Card slot ID.
- 0: card slot 1
- 1: card slot 2
callback Callback<Array<SignalInformation>> Yes Callback used to return the result. For details, see SignalInformation.

Error codes

For details about the following error codes, see Telephony Error Codes.

ID Error Message
401 Parameter error.
8300001 Invalid parameter value.
8300002 Operation failed. Cannot connect to service.
8300003 System internal error.
8300999 Unknown error code.


import radio from '@ohos.telephony.radio';

class SlotId {
    slotId: number = 0
let id: SlotId = {slotId: 0}
observer.on('signalInfoChange', id, (data: Array<radio.SignalInformation>) => {
    console.log("on signalInfoChange, data:" + JSON.stringify(data));


off(type: \‘signalInfoChange\’, callback?: Callback<Array<SignalInformation>>): void;

Unregisters the observer for signal status change events. This API uses an asynchronous callback to return the execution result.


You can pass the callback of the on function if you want to cancel listening for a certain type of event. If you do not pass the callback, you will cancel listening for all events.

System capability: SystemCapability.Telephony.StateRegistry


Name Type Mandatory Description
type string Yes Signal status change event. This field has a fixed value of signalInfoChange.
callback Callback<Array<SignalInformation>> No Callback used to return the result. For details, see SignalInformation.

Error codes

For details about the following error codes, see Telephony Error Codes.

ID Error Message
401 Parameter error.
8300001 Invalid parameter value.
8300002 Operation failed. Cannot connect to service.
8300003 System internal error.
8300999 Unknown error code.


import radio from '@ohos.telephony.radio';

let callback: (data: Array<radio.SignalInformation>) => void = (data: Array<radio.SignalInformation>) => {
    console.log("on signalInfoChange, data:" + JSON.stringify(data));
observer.on('signalInfoChange', callback);
// You can pass the callback of the on method to cancel listening for a certain type of callback. If you do not pass the callback, you will cancel listening for all callbacks.
observer.off('signalInfoChange', callback);


on(type: \‘cellInfoChange\’, callback: Callback<Array<CellInformation>>): void;

Registers an observer for cell information change events. This API uses an asynchronous callback to return the result.

System API: This is a system API.

Required permissions: ohos.permission.LOCATION and ohos.permission.APPROXIMATELY_LOCATION

System capability: SystemCapability.Telephony.StateRegistry


Name Type Mandatory Description
type string Yes Cell information change event. This field has a fixed value of cellInfoChange.
callback Callback<Array<CellInformation>> Yes Callback used to return the result.

Error codes

For details about the following error codes, see Telephony Error Codes.

ID Error Message
201 Permission denied.
202 Non-system applications use system APIs.
401 Parameter error.
8300001 Invalid parameter value.
8300002 Operation failed. Cannot connect to service.
8300003 System internal error.
8300999 Unknown error code.


import radio from '@ohos.telephony.radio';

observer.on('cellInfoChange', (data: Array<radio.CellInformation>) => {
    console.log("on cellInfoChange, data:" + JSON.stringify(data));


on(type: \‘cellInfoChange\’, options: { slotId: number }, callback: Callback<Array<CellInformation>>): void;

Registers an observer for signal status change events of the SIM card in the specified slot. This API uses an asynchronous callback to return the execution result.

System API: This is a system API.

Required permissions: ohos.permission.LOCATION and ohos.permission.APPROXIMATELY_LOCATION

System capability: SystemCapability.Telephony.StateRegistry


Name Type Mandatory Description
type string Yes Cell information change event. This field has a fixed value of cellInfoChange.
slotId number Yes Card slot ID.
- 0: card slot 1
- 1: card slot 2
callback Callback<Array<CellInformation>> Yes Callback used to return the result.

Error codes

For details about the following error codes, see Telephony Error Codes.

ID Error Message
201 Permission denied.
202 Non-system applications use system APIs.
401 Parameter error.
8300001 Invalid parameter value.
8300002 Operation failed. Cannot connect to service.
8300003 System internal error.
8300999 Unknown error code.


import radio from '@ohos.telephony.radio';

class SlotId {
    slotId: number = 0
let id: SlotId = {slotId: 0}
observer.on('cellInfoChange', id, (data: Array<radio.CellInformation>) => {
    console.log("on cellInfoChange, data:" + JSON.stringify(data));


off(type: \‘cellInfoChange\’, callback?: Callback<Array<CellInformation>>): void;

Unregisters the observer for cell information change events. This API uses an asynchronous callback to return the result.


You can pass the callback of the on function if you want to cancel listening for a certain type of event. If you do not pass the callback, you will cancel listening for all events.

System API: This is a system API.

System capability: SystemCapability.Telephony.StateRegistry


Name Type Mandatory Description
type string Yes Cell information change event. This field has a fixed value of cellInfoChange.
callback Callback<Array<CellInformation>> No Callback used to return the result.

Error codes

For details about the following error codes, see Telephony Error Codes.

ID Error Message
202 Non-system applications use system APIs.
401 Parameter error.
8300001 Invalid parameter value.
8300002 Operation failed. Cannot connect to service.
8300003 System internal error.
8300999 Unknown error code.


import radio from '@ohos.telephony.radio';

let callback: (data: Array<radio.CellInformation>) => void = (data: Array<radio.CellInformation>) => {
    console.log("on cellInfoChange, data:" + JSON.stringify(data));
observer.on('cellInfoChange', callback);
// You can pass the callback of the on method to cancel listening for a certain type of callback. If you do not pass the callback, you will cancel listening for all callbacks.
observer.off('cellInfoChange', callback);


on(type: ‘callStateChange’, callback: Callback<{ state: CallState, number: string }>): void;

Registers an observer for call status change events. This API uses an asynchronous callback to return the execution result.

System capability: SystemCapability.Telephony.StateRegistry


Name Type Mandatory Description
type string Yes Call status change event. This field has a fixed value of callStateChange.
callback Callback<{ state: CallState, number: string }> Yes Callback function. For details, see CallState in call.
number: phone number.

Error codes

For details about the following error codes, see Telephony Error Codes.

ID Error Message
401 Parameter error.
8300001 Invalid parameter value.
8300002 Operation failed. Cannot connect to service.
8300003 System internal error.
8300999 Unknown error code.


import call from '@ohos.telephony.call';

class Value {
    state: call.CallState = call.CallState.CALL_STATE_UNKNOWN
    number: string = ""
observer.on('callStateChange', (value: Value) => {
    console.log("on callStateChange, state:" + value.state + ", number:" + value.number);


on(type: ‘callStateChange’, options: { slotId: number }, callback: Callback<{ state:CallState, number: string }>): void;

Registers an observer for call status change events. This API uses an asynchronous callback to return the execution result.

System capability: SystemCapability.Telephony.StateRegistry


Name Type Mandatory Description
type string Yes Call status change event. This field has a fixed value of callStateChange.
slotId number Yes Card slot ID.
- 0: card slot 1
- 1: card slot 2
callback Callback<{ state: CallState, number: string }> Yes Callback function. For details, see CallState in call.
number: phone number.

Error codes

For details about the following error codes, see Telephony Error Codes.

ID Error Message
401 Parameter error.
8300001 Invalid parameter value.
8300002 Operation failed. Cannot connect to service.
8300003 System internal error.
8300999 Unknown error code.


import call from '@ohos.telephony.call';

class Value {
    state: call.CallState = call.CallState.CALL_STATE_UNKNOWN
    number: string = ""
class SlotId {
    slotId: number = 0
let id: SlotId = {slotId: 0}
observer.on('callStateChange', id, (value: Value) => {
    console.log("on callStateChange, state:" + value.state + ", number:" + value.number);


off(type: ‘callStateChange’, callback?: Callback<{ state: CallState, number: string }>): void;

Unregisters the observer for call status change events. This API uses an asynchronous callback to return the execution result.


You can pass the callback of the on function if you want to cancel listening for a certain type of event. If you do not pass the callback, you will cancel listening for all events.

System capability: SystemCapability.Telephony.StateRegistry


Name Type Mandatory Description
type string Yes Call status change event. This field has a fixed value of callStateChange.
callback Callback<{ state: CallState, number: string }> No Callback function. For details, see CallState in call.
number: phone number.

Error codes

For details about the following error codes, see Telephony Error Codes.

ID Error Message
401 Parameter error.
8300001 Invalid parameter value.
8300002 Operation failed. Cannot connect to service.
8300003 System internal error.
8300999 Unknown error code.


import call from '@ohos.telephony.call';

class Value {
    state: call.CallState = call.CallState.CALL_STATE_UNKNOWN
    number: string = ""
let callback: (value: Value) => void = (value: Value) => {
    console.log("on callStateChange, state:" + value.state + ", number:" + value.number);
observer.on('callStateChange', callback);
// You can pass the callback of the on method to cancel listening for a certain type of callback. If you do not pass the callback, you will cancel listening for all callbacks.
observer.off('callStateChange', callback);


on(type: ‘cellularDataConnectionStateChange’, callback: Callback<{ state: DataConnectState, network: RatType}>): void;

Registers an observer for connection status change events of the cellular data link. This API uses an asynchronous callback to return the result.

System capability: SystemCapability.Telephony.StateRegistry


Name Type Mandatory Description
type string Yes Cellular data connection status event. This field has a fixed value of cellularDataConnectionStateChange.
callback Callback<{ state: DataConnectState, network: RatType }> Yes Callback used to return the result. For details, see DataConnectState and RadioTechnology.

Error codes

For details about the following error codes, see Telephony Error Codes.

ID Error Message
401 Parameter error.
8300001 Invalid parameter value.
8300002 Operation failed. Cannot connect to service.
8300003 System internal error.
8300999 Unknown error code.


import data from '@ohos.telephony.data';
import radio from '@ohos.telephony.radio';

class Value {
    state: data.DataConnectState = data.DataConnectState.DATA_STATE_UNKNOWN
    network: radio.RadioTechnology = radio.RadioTechnology.RADIO_TECHNOLOGY_UNKNOWN
observer.on('cellularDataConnectionStateChange', (value: Value) => {
    console.log("on cellularDataConnectionStateChange, state:" + value.state + ", network:" + value.network);


on(type: ‘cellularDataConnectionStateChange’, options: { slotId: number }, callback: Callback<{ state: DataConnectState, network: RatType }>): void;

Registers an observer for connection status change events of the cellular data link over the SIM card in the specified slot. This API uses an asynchronous callback to return the result.

System capability: SystemCapability.Telephony.StateRegistry


Name Type Mandatory Description
type string Yes Cellular data connection status event. This field has a fixed value of cellularDataConnectionStateChange.
slotId number Yes Card slot ID.
- 0: card slot 1
- 1: card slot 2
callback Callback<{ state: DataConnectState, network: RatType }> Yes Callback used to return the result. For details, see DataConnectState and RadioTechnology.

Error codes

For details about the following error codes, see Telephony Error Codes.

ID Error Message
401 Parameter error.
8300001 Invalid parameter value.
8300002 Operation failed. Cannot connect to service.
8300003 System internal error.
8300999 Unknown error code.


import data from '@ohos.telephony.data';
import radio from '@ohos.telephony.radio';

class Value {
    state: data.DataConnectState = data.DataConnectState.DATA_STATE_UNKNOWN
    network: radio.RadioTechnology = radio.RadioTechnology.RADIO_TECHNOLOGY_UNKNOWN
class SlotId {
    slotId: number = 0
let id: SlotId = {slotId: 0}
observer.on('cellularDataConnectionStateChange', id, (value: Value) => {
    console.log("on cellularDataConnectionStateChange, state:" + value.state + ", network:" + value.network);


off(type: ‘cellularDataConnectionStateChange’, callback?: Callback<{ state: DataConnectState, network: RatType}>): void;

Unregisters the observer for connection status change events of the cellular data link. This API uses an asynchronous callback to return the result.


You can pass the callback of the on function if you want to cancel listening for a certain type of event. If you do not pass the callback, you will cancel listening for all events.

System capability: SystemCapability.Telephony.StateRegistry


Name Type Mandatory Description
type string Yes Cellular data connection status event. This field has a fixed value of cellularDataConnectionStateChange.
callback Callback<{ state: DataConnectState, network: RatType }> No Callback used to return the result. For details, see DataConnectState and RadioTechnology.

Error codes

For details about the following error codes, see Telephony Error Codes.

ID Error Message
401 Parameter error.
8300001 Invalid parameter value.
8300002 Operation failed. Cannot connect to service.
8300003 System internal error.
8300999 Unknown error code.


import data from '@ohos.telephony.data';
import radio from '@ohos.telephony.radio';

class Value {
    state: data.DataConnectState = data.DataConnectState.DATA_STATE_UNKNOWN
    network: radio.RadioTechnology = radio.RadioTechnology.RADIO_TECHNOLOGY_UNKNOWN
let callback: (value: Value) => void = (value: Value) => {
    console.log("on cellularDataConnectionStateChange, state:" + value.state + ", network:" + value.network);
observer.on('cellularDataConnectionStateChange', callback);
// You can pass the callback of the on method to cancel listening for a certain type of callback. If you do not pass the callback, you will cancel listening for all callbacks.
observer.off('cellularDataConnectionStateChange', callback);


on(type: ‘cellularDataFlowChange’, callback: Callback<DataFlowType>): void;

Registers an observer for the uplink and downlink data flow status change events of the cellular data service. This API uses an asynchronous callback to return the result.

System capability: SystemCapability.Telephony.StateRegistry


Name Type Mandatory Description
type string Yes Cellular data flow change event. This field has a fixed value of cellularDataFlowChange.
callback Callback<DataFlowType> Yes Callback used to return the result. For details, see DataFlowType.

Error codes

For details about the following error codes, see Telephony Error Codes.

ID Error Message
401 Parameter error.
8300001 Invalid parameter value.
8300002 Operation failed. Cannot connect to service.
8300003 System internal error.
8300999 Unknown error code.


import data from '@ohos.telephony.data';

observer.on('cellularDataFlowChange', (data: data.DataFlowType) => {
    console.log("on networkStateChange, data:" + JSON.stringify(data));


on(type: ‘cellularDataFlowChange’, options: { slotId: number }, callback: Callback<DataFlowType>): void;

Registers an observer for the uplink and downlink data flow status change events of the cellular data service on the SIM card in the specified slot. This API uses an asynchronous callback to return the result.

System capability: SystemCapability.Telephony.StateRegistry


Name Type Mandatory Description
type string Yes Cellular data flow change event. This field has a fixed value of cellularDataFlowChange.
slotId number Yes Card slot ID.
- 0: card slot 1
- 1: card slot 2
callback Callback<DataFlowType> Yes Callback used to return the result. For details, see DataFlowType.

Error codes

For details about the following error codes, see Telephony Error Codes.

ID Error Message
401 Parameter error.
8300001 Invalid parameter value.
8300002 Operation failed. Cannot connect to service.
8300003 System internal error.
8300999 Unknown error code.


import data from '@ohos.telephony.data';

class SlotId {
    slotId: number = 0
let id: SlotId = {slotId: 0}
observer.on('cellularDataFlowChange', id, (data: data.DataFlowType) => {
    console.log("on cellularDataFlowChange, data:" + JSON.stringify(data));


off(type: ‘cellularDataFlowChange’, callback?: Callback<DataFlowType>): void;

Unregisters the observer for the uplink and downlink data flow status change events of the cellular data service. This API uses an asynchronous callback to return the result.


You can pass the callback of the on function if you want to cancel listening for a certain type of event. If you do not pass the callback, you will cancel listening for all events.

System capability: SystemCapability.Telephony.StateRegistry


Name Type Mandatory Description
type string Yes Cellular data flow change event. This field has a fixed value of cellularDataFlowChange.
callback Callback<DataFlowType> No Callback used to return the result. For details, see DataFlowType.

Error codes

For details about the following error codes, see Telephony Error Codes.

ID Error Message
401 Parameter error.
8300001 Invalid parameter value.
8300002 Operation failed. Cannot connect to service.
8300003 System internal error.
8300999 Unknown error code.


import data from '@ohos.telephony.data';

let callback: (data: data.DataFlowType) => void = (data: data.DataFlowType) => {
    console.log("on cellularDataFlowChange, data:" + JSON.stringify(data));
observer.on('cellularDataFlowChange', callback);
// You can pass the callback of the on method to cancel listening for a certain type of callback. If you do not pass the callback, you will cancel listening for all callbacks.
observer.off('cellularDataFlowChange', callback);


on(type: ‘simStateChange’, callback: Callback<SimStateData>): void;

Registers an observer for SIM card status change events. This API uses an asynchronous callback to return the result.

System capability: SystemCapability.Telephony.StateRegistry


Name Type Mandatory Description
type string Yes SIM status change event. This field has a fixed value of simStateChange.
callback Callback<SimStateData> Yes Callback used to return the result.

Error codes

For details about the following error codes, see Telephony Error Codes.

ID Error Message
401 Parameter error.
8300001 Invalid parameter value.
8300002 Operation failed. Cannot connect to service.
8300003 System internal error.
8300999 Unknown error code.


observer.on('simStateChange', (data: observer.SimStateData) => {
    console.log("on simStateChange, data:" + JSON.stringify(data));


on(type: ‘simStateChange’, options: { slotId: number }, callback: Callback<SimStateData>): void;

Registers an observer for status change events of the SIM card in the specified slot. This API uses an asynchronous callback to return the result.

System capability: SystemCapability.Telephony.StateRegistry


Name Type Mandatory Description
type string Yes SIM status change event. This field has a fixed value of simStateChange.
slotId number Yes Card slot ID.
- 0: card slot 1
- 1: card slot 2
callback Callback<SimStateData> Yes Callback used to return the result.

Error codes

For details about the following error codes, see Telephony Error Codes.

ID Error Message
401 Parameter error.
8300001 Invalid parameter value.
8300002 Operation failed. Cannot connect to service.
8300003 System internal error.
8300999 Unknown error code.


class SlotId {
    slotId: number = 0
let id: SlotId = {slotId: 0}
observer.on('simStateChange', id, (data: observer.SimStateData) => {
    console.log("on simStateChange, data:" + JSON.stringify(data));


off(type: ‘simStateChange’, callback?: Callback<SimStateData>): void;

Unregisters the observer for SIM card status change events. This API uses an asynchronous callback to return the result.


You can pass the callback of the on function if you want to cancel listening for a certain type of event. If you do not pass the callback, you will cancel listening for all events.

System capability: SystemCapability.Telephony.StateRegistry


Name Type Mandatory Description
type string Yes SIM status change event. This field has a fixed value of simStateChange.
callback Callback<SimStateData> No Callback used to return the result.

Error codes

For details about the following error codes, see Telephony Error Codes.

ID Error Message
401 Parameter error.
8300001 Invalid parameter value.
8300002 Operation failed. Cannot connect to service.
8300003 System internal error.
8300999 Unknown error code.


let callback: (data: observer.SimStateData) => void = (data: observer.SimStateData) => {
    console.log("on simStateChange, data:" + JSON.stringify(data));
observer.on('simStateChange', callback);
// You can pass the callback of the on method to cancel listening for a certain type of callback. If you do not pass the callback, you will cancel listening for all callbacks.
observer.off('simStateChange', callback);


on(type: ‘iccAccountInfoChange’, callback: Callback<void>): void;

Registers an observer for account information change events of the SIM card. This API uses an asynchronous callback to return the result.

System capability: SystemCapability.Telephony.StateRegistry


Name Type Mandatory Description
type string Yes Account information change event. This field has a fixed value of iccAccountInfoChange.
callback Callback<void> Yes Callback used to return the result.

Error codes

For details about the following error codes, see Telephony Error Codes.

ID Error Message
8300001 Invalid parameter value.
8300002 Operation failed. Cannot connect to service.
8300003 System internal error.
8300999 Unknown error code.


observer.on('iccAccountInfoChange', () => {
    console.log("on iccAccountInfoChange success");


off(type: ‘iccAccountInfoChange’, callback?: Callback<void>): void;

Unregisters the observer for account information change events of the SIM card. This API uses an asynchronous callback to return the result.


You can pass the callback of the on function if you want to cancel listening for a certain type of event. If you do not pass the callback, you will cancel listening for all events.

System capability: SystemCapability.Telephony.StateRegistry


Name Type Mandatory Description
type string Yes Account information change event. This field has a fixed value of iccAccountInfoChange.
callback Callback<void> No Callback used to return the result.

Error codes

For details about the following error codes, see Telephony Error Codes.

ID Error Message
8300001 Invalid parameter value.
8300002 Operation failed. Cannot connect to service.
8300003 System internal error.
8300999 Unknown error code.


let callback: () => void = () => {
    console.log("on iccAccountInfoChange success");
observer.on('iccAccountInfoChange', callback);
// You can pass the callback of the on method to cancel listening for a certain type of callback. If you do not pass the callback, you will cancel listening for all callbacks.
observer.off('iccAccountInfoChange', callback);


Enumerates SIM card lock types.

System capability: SystemCapability.Telephony.StateRegistry

Name Value Description
SIM_NONE 0 No lock.
SIM_PIN 1 PIN lock.
SIM_PUK 2 PUK lock.
SIM_PN_PIN 3 Network PIN lock.
SIM_PN_PUK 4 Network PUK lock.
SIM_PU_PIN 5 Subnet PIN lock.
SIM_PU_PUK 6 Subnet PUK lock.
SIM_PP_PIN 7 Service provider PIN lock.
SIM_PP_PUK 8 Service provider PUK lock.
SIM_PC_PIN 9 Organization PIN lock.
SIM_PC_PUK 10 Organization PUK lock.


Enumerates SIM card types and states.

System capability: SystemCapability.Telephony.StateRegistry

Name Type Mandatory Description
type CardType Yes SIM card type.
state SimState Yes SIM card state.
reason8+ LockReason Yes SIM card lock type.


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