spark RemoteBlockPushResolver 源码
spark RemoteBlockPushResolver 代码
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
* contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
* this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
* The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
* (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
* the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
import java.nio.ByteBuffer;
import java.nio.channels.FileChannel;
import java.nio.charset.StandardCharsets;
import java.nio.file.Files;
import java.nio.file.Path;
import java.nio.file.Paths;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Objects;
import java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentMap;
import java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentHashMap;
import java.util.concurrent.ExecutionException;
import java.util.concurrent.Executors;
import java.util.concurrent.ExecutorService;
import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit;
import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicReference;
import com.fasterxml.jackson.annotation.JsonCreator;
import com.fasterxml.jackson.annotation.JsonFormat;
import com.fasterxml.jackson.annotation.JsonProperty;
import com.fasterxml.jackson.core.JsonProcessingException;
import com.fasterxml.jackson.core.type.TypeReference;
import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.ObjectMapper;
import org.roaringbitmap.RoaringBitmap;
import org.slf4j.Logger;
import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;
* An implementation of {@link MergedShuffleFileManager} that provides the most essential shuffle
* service processing logic to support push based shuffle.
* @since 3.1.0
public class RemoteBlockPushResolver implements MergedShuffleFileManager {
private static final Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(RemoteBlockPushResolver.class);
public static final String MERGED_SHUFFLE_FILE_NAME_PREFIX = "shuffleMerged";
public static final String SHUFFLE_META_DELIMITER = ":";
public static final String MERGE_DIR_KEY = "mergeDir";
public static final String ATTEMPT_ID_KEY = "attemptId";
private static final int UNDEFINED_ATTEMPT_ID = -1;
private static final String DB_KEY_DELIMITER = ";";
private static final ErrorHandler.BlockPushErrorHandler ERROR_HANDLER = createErrorHandler();
// ByteBuffer to respond to client upon a successful merge of a pushed block
private static final ByteBuffer SUCCESS_RESPONSE =
new BlockPushReturnCode(, "").toByteBuffer().asReadOnlyBuffer();
private static final ObjectMapper mapper = new ObjectMapper();
* This a common prefix to the key for each app shuffle partition we add to leveldb, so they
* are easy to find, since leveldb lets you search based on prefix.
private static final String APP_ATTEMPT_PATH_KEY_PREFIX = "AppAttemptPathInfo";
private static final StoreVersion CURRENT_VERSION = new StoreVersion(1, 0);
* A concurrent hashmap where the key is the applicationId, and the value includes
* all the merged shuffle information for this application. AppShuffleInfo stores
* the application attemptId, merged shuffle local directories and the metadata
* for actively being merged shuffle partitions.
final ConcurrentMap<String, AppShuffleInfo> appsShuffleInfo;
private final ExecutorService mergedShuffleCleaner;
private final TransportConf conf;
private final long cleanerShutdownTimeout;
private final int minChunkSize;
private final int ioExceptionsThresholdDuringMerge;
private final LoadingCache<String, ShuffleIndexInformation> indexCache;
final File recoveryFile;
final DB db;
public RemoteBlockPushResolver(TransportConf conf, File recoveryFile) throws IOException {
this.conf = conf;
this.appsShuffleInfo = new ConcurrentHashMap<>();
this.mergedShuffleCleaner = Executors.newSingleThreadExecutor(
// Add `spark` prefix because it will run in NM in Yarn mode.
this.cleanerShutdownTimeout = conf.mergedShuffleCleanerShutdownTimeout();
this.minChunkSize = conf.minChunkSizeInMergedShuffleFile();
this.ioExceptionsThresholdDuringMerge = conf.ioExceptionsThresholdDuringMerge();
CacheLoader<String, ShuffleIndexInformation> indexCacheLoader =
new CacheLoader<String, ShuffleIndexInformation>() {
public ShuffleIndexInformation load(String filePath) throws IOException {
return new ShuffleIndexInformation(filePath);
indexCache = CacheBuilder.newBuilder()
.weigher((Weigher<String, ShuffleIndexInformation>)
(filePath, indexInfo) -> indexInfo.getRetainedMemorySize())
this.recoveryFile = recoveryFile;
String dbBackendName =
DBBackend dbBackend = DBBackend.byName(dbBackendName);
db = DBProvider.initDB(dbBackend, this.recoveryFile, CURRENT_VERSION, mapper);
if (db != null) {"Use {} as the implementation of {}",
protected static ErrorHandler.BlockPushErrorHandler createErrorHandler() {
return new ErrorHandler.BlockPushErrorHandler() {
// Explicitly use a shuffle service side error handler for handling exceptions.
// BlockPushNonException on the server side only has the response field set. It
// might require different handling logic compared with a client side error handler.
public boolean shouldLogError(Throwable t) {
return !(t instanceof BlockPushNonFatalFailure);
protected AppShuffleInfo validateAndGetAppShuffleInfo(String appId) {
// TODO: [SPARK-33236] Change the message when this service is able to handle NM restart
AppShuffleInfo appShuffleInfo = appsShuffleInfo.get(appId);
Preconditions.checkArgument(appShuffleInfo != null,
"application " + appId + " is not registered or NM was restarted.");
return appShuffleInfo;
* Given the appShuffleInfo, shuffleId, shuffleMergeId and reduceId that uniquely identifies
* a given shuffle partition of an application, retrieves the associated metadata. If not
* present and the corresponding merged shuffle does not exist, initializes the metadata.
AppShufflePartitionInfo getOrCreateAppShufflePartitionInfo(
AppShuffleInfo appShuffleInfo,
int shuffleId,
int shuffleMergeId,
int reduceId,
String blockId) throws BlockPushNonFatalFailure {
ConcurrentMap<Integer, AppShuffleMergePartitionsInfo> shuffles = appShuffleInfo.shuffles;
AppShuffleMergePartitionsInfo shufflePartitionsWithMergeId =
shuffles.compute(shuffleId, (id, mergePartitionsInfo) -> {
if (mergePartitionsInfo == null) {"{} attempt {} shuffle {} shuffleMerge {}: creating a new shuffle " +
"merge metadata", appShuffleInfo.appId, appShuffleInfo.attemptId, shuffleId,
return new AppShuffleMergePartitionsInfo(shuffleMergeId, false);
} else {
int latestShuffleMergeId = mergePartitionsInfo.shuffleMergeId;
if (latestShuffleMergeId > shuffleMergeId) {
// Reject the request as we have already seen a higher shuffleMergeId than the one
// in the current request.
throw new BlockPushNonFatalFailure(
new BlockPushReturnCode(, blockId).toByteBuffer(),
BlockPushNonFatalFailure.getErrorMsg(blockId, ReturnCode.STALE_BLOCK_PUSH));
} else if (latestShuffleMergeId < shuffleMergeId){
// Higher shuffleMergeId seen for the shuffle ID meaning new stage attempt is being
// run for the shuffle ID. Close and clean up old shuffleMergeId files,
// happens in the indeterminate stage retries
AppAttemptShuffleMergeId appAttemptShuffleMergeId =
new AppAttemptShuffleMergeId(
appShuffleInfo.appId, appShuffleInfo.attemptId, shuffleId, shuffleMergeId);"{}: creating a new shuffle merge metadata since received " +
"shuffleMergeId is higher than latest shuffleMergeId {}",
appAttemptShuffleMergeId, latestShuffleMergeId);
submitCleanupTask(() ->
appAttemptShuffleMergeId, mergePartitionsInfo.shuffleMergePartitions));
return new AppShuffleMergePartitionsInfo(shuffleMergeId, false);
} else {
// The request is for block with same shuffleMergeId as the latest shuffleMergeId
if (mergePartitionsInfo.isFinalized()) {
throw new BlockPushNonFatalFailure(
new BlockPushReturnCode(, blockId).toByteBuffer(),
BlockPushNonFatalFailure.getErrorMsg(blockId, ReturnCode.TOO_LATE_BLOCK_PUSH));
return mergePartitionsInfo;
Map<Integer, AppShufflePartitionInfo> shuffleMergePartitions =
return shuffleMergePartitions.computeIfAbsent(reduceId, key -> {
// It only gets here when the key is not present in the map. The first time the merge
// manager receives a pushed block for a given application shuffle partition.
File dataFile =
appShuffleInfo.getMergedShuffleDataFile(shuffleId, shuffleMergeId, reduceId);
File indexFile = new File(
appShuffleInfo.getMergedShuffleIndexFilePath(shuffleId, shuffleMergeId, reduceId));
File metaFile =
appShuffleInfo.getMergedShuffleMetaFile(shuffleId, shuffleMergeId, reduceId);
try {
return newAppShufflePartitionInfo(appShuffleInfo, shuffleId, shuffleMergeId, reduceId,
dataFile, indexFile, metaFile);
} catch (IOException e) {
logger.error("{} attempt {} shuffle {} shuffleMerge {}: cannot create merged shuffle " +
"partition with data file {}, index file {}, and meta file {}", appShuffleInfo.appId,
appShuffleInfo.attemptId, shuffleId, shuffleMergeId, dataFile.getAbsolutePath(),
indexFile.getAbsolutePath(), metaFile.getAbsolutePath());
throw new RuntimeException(
String.format("Cannot initialize merged shuffle partition for appId %s shuffleId %s "
+ "shuffleMergeId %s reduceId %s", appShuffleInfo.appId, shuffleId, shuffleMergeId,
reduceId), e);
AppShufflePartitionInfo newAppShufflePartitionInfo(
AppShuffleInfo appShuffleInfo,
int shuffleId,
int shuffleMergeId,
int reduceId,
File dataFile,
File indexFile,
File metaFile) throws IOException {
return new AppShufflePartitionInfo(new AppAttemptShuffleMergeId(
appShuffleInfo.appId, appShuffleInfo.attemptId, shuffleId, shuffleMergeId),
reduceId, dataFile, new MergeShuffleFile(indexFile), new MergeShuffleFile(metaFile));
public MergedBlockMeta getMergedBlockMeta(
String appId,
int shuffleId,
int shuffleMergeId,
int reduceId) {
AppShuffleInfo appShuffleInfo = validateAndGetAppShuffleInfo(appId);
AppShuffleMergePartitionsInfo partitionsInfo = appShuffleInfo.shuffles.get(shuffleId);
if (null != partitionsInfo && partitionsInfo.shuffleMergeId > shuffleMergeId) {
throw new RuntimeException(String.format(
"MergedBlockMeta fetch for shuffle %s with shuffleMergeId %s reduceId %s is %s",
shuffleId, shuffleMergeId, reduceId,
File indexFile = new File(
appShuffleInfo.getMergedShuffleIndexFilePath(shuffleId, shuffleMergeId, reduceId));
if (!indexFile.exists()) {
throw new RuntimeException(String.format(
"Merged shuffle index file %s not found", indexFile.getPath()));
int size = (int) indexFile.length();
// First entry is the zero offset
int numChunks = (size / Long.BYTES) - 1;
File metaFile = appShuffleInfo.getMergedShuffleMetaFile(shuffleId, shuffleMergeId, reduceId);
if (!metaFile.exists()) {
throw new RuntimeException(String.format("Merged shuffle meta file %s not found",
FileSegmentManagedBuffer chunkBitMaps =
new FileSegmentManagedBuffer(conf, metaFile, 0L, metaFile.length());
"{} shuffleId {} shuffleMergeId {} reduceId {} num chunks {}",
appId, shuffleId, shuffleMergeId, reduceId, numChunks);
return new MergedBlockMeta(numChunks, chunkBitMaps);
public ManagedBuffer getMergedBlockData(
String appId, int shuffleId, int shuffleMergeId, int reduceId, int chunkId) {
AppShuffleInfo appShuffleInfo = validateAndGetAppShuffleInfo(appId);
AppShuffleMergePartitionsInfo partitionsInfo = appShuffleInfo.shuffles.get(shuffleId);
if (null != partitionsInfo && partitionsInfo.shuffleMergeId > shuffleMergeId) {
throw new RuntimeException(String.format(
"MergedBlockData fetch for shuffle %s with shuffleMergeId %s reduceId %s is %s",
shuffleId, shuffleMergeId, reduceId,
File dataFile = appShuffleInfo.getMergedShuffleDataFile(shuffleId, shuffleMergeId, reduceId);
if (!dataFile.exists()) {
throw new RuntimeException(String.format("Merged shuffle data file %s not found",
String indexFilePath =
appShuffleInfo.getMergedShuffleIndexFilePath(shuffleId, shuffleMergeId, reduceId);
try {
// If we get here, the merged shuffle file should have been properly finalized. Thus we can
// use the file length to determine the size of the merged shuffle block.
ShuffleIndexInformation shuffleIndexInformation = indexCache.get(indexFilePath);
ShuffleIndexRecord shuffleIndexRecord = shuffleIndexInformation.getIndex(chunkId);
return new FileSegmentManagedBuffer(
conf, dataFile, shuffleIndexRecord.getOffset(), shuffleIndexRecord.getLength());
} catch (ExecutionException e) {
throw new RuntimeException(String.format(
"Failed to open merged shuffle index file %s", indexFilePath), e);
public String[] getMergedBlockDirs(String appId) {
AppShuffleInfo appShuffleInfo = validateAndGetAppShuffleInfo(appId);
return appShuffleInfo.appPathsInfo.activeLocalDirs;
private void removeOldApplicationAttemptsFromDb(AppShuffleInfo info) {
if (info.attemptId != UNDEFINED_ATTEMPT_ID) {
for (int formerAttemptId = 0; formerAttemptId < info.attemptId; formerAttemptId++) {
removeAppAttemptPathInfoFromDB(info.appId, formerAttemptId);
public void applicationRemoved(String appId, boolean cleanupLocalDirs) {"Application {} removed, cleanupLocalDirs = {}", appId, cleanupLocalDirs);
// Cleanup the DB within critical section to gain the consistency between
// DB and in-memory hashmap.
AtomicReference<AppShuffleInfo> ref = new AtomicReference<>(null);
appsShuffleInfo.compute(appId, (id, info) -> {
if (null != info) {
// Try cleaning up this application attempt local paths information
// and also the local paths information from former attempts in DB.
removeAppAttemptPathInfoFromDB(info.appId, info.attemptId);
// Return null to remove the entry
return null;
AppShuffleInfo appShuffleInfo = ref.get();
if (null != appShuffleInfo) {
() -> closeAndDeletePartitionsIfNeeded(appShuffleInfo, cleanupLocalDirs));
* Clean up the AppShufflePartitionInfo for a specific AppShuffleInfo.
* If cleanupLocalDirs is true, the merged shuffle files will also be deleted.
* The cleanup will be executed in the mergedShuffleCleaner thread.
void closeAndDeletePartitionsIfNeeded(
AppShuffleInfo appShuffleInfo,
boolean cleanupLocalDirs) {
appShuffleInfo.shuffles.forEach((shuffleId, shuffleInfo) -> shuffleInfo.shuffleMergePartitions
.forEach((shuffleMergeId, partitionInfo) -> {
synchronized (partitionInfo) {
if (cleanupLocalDirs) {
* Remove the application attempt local paths information from the DB. This method is being
* invoked within the lock from the ConcurrentHashmap appsShuffleInfo on the specific
* applicationId.
void removeAppAttemptPathInfoFromDB(String appId, int attemptId) {
AppAttemptId appAttemptId = new AppAttemptId(appId, attemptId);
if (db != null) {
try {
byte[] key = getDbAppAttemptPathsKey(appAttemptId);
} catch (Exception e) {
logger.error("Failed to remove the application attempt {} local path in DB",
appAttemptId, e);
* Remove the finalized shuffle partitions information for an application attempt from the DB
void removeAppShuffleInfoFromDB(AppShuffleInfo appShuffleInfo) {
if (db != null) {
appShuffleInfo.shuffles.forEach((shuffleId, shuffleInfo) ->
new AppAttemptShuffleMergeId(
appShuffleInfo.appId, appShuffleInfo.attemptId,
shuffleId, shuffleInfo.shuffleMergeId)));
* Clean up all the AppShufflePartitionInfo and the finalized shuffle partitions in DB for
* a specific shuffleMergeId. This is done since there is a higher shuffleMergeId request made
* for a shuffleId, therefore clean up older shuffleMergeId partitions. The cleanup will be
* executed the mergedShuffleCleaner thread.
void closeAndDeleteOutdatedPartitions(
AppAttemptShuffleMergeId appAttemptShuffleMergeId,
Map<Integer, AppShufflePartitionInfo> partitions) {
.forEach((partitionId, partitionInfo) -> {
synchronized (partitionInfo) {
* Remove the finalized shuffle partition information for a specific appAttemptShuffleMergeId
* @param appAttemptShuffleMergeId
void removeAppShufflePartitionInfoFromDB(AppAttemptShuffleMergeId appAttemptShuffleMergeId) {
if (db != null) {
try {
} catch (Exception e) {
logger.error("Error deleting {} from application shuffle merged partition info in DB",
appAttemptShuffleMergeId, e);
* Serially delete local dirs.
void deleteExecutorDirs(AppShuffleInfo appShuffleInfo) {
Path[] dirs =
.map(dir -> Paths.get(dir)).toArray(Path[]::new);
for (Path localDir : dirs) {
try {
if (Files.exists(localDir)) {
logger.debug("Successfully cleaned up directory: {}", localDir);
} catch (Exception e) {
logger.error("Failed to delete directory: {}", localDir, e);
public StreamCallbackWithID receiveBlockDataAsStream(PushBlockStream msg) {
AppShuffleInfo appShuffleInfo = validateAndGetAppShuffleInfo(msg.appId);
// Use string concatenation here to avoid the overhead with String.format on every
// pushed block.
final String streamId = OneForOneBlockPusher.SHUFFLE_PUSH_BLOCK_PREFIX + "_"
+ msg.shuffleId + "_" + msg.shuffleMergeId + "_" + msg.mapIndex + "_" + msg.reduceId;
if (appShuffleInfo.attemptId != msg.appAttemptId) {
// If this Block belongs to a former application attempt, it is considered late,
// as only the blocks from the current application attempt will be merged
throw new BlockPushNonFatalFailure(new BlockPushReturnCode(ReturnCode, streamId).toByteBuffer(),
BlockPushNonFatalFailure.getErrorMsg(streamId, ReturnCode.TOO_OLD_ATTEMPT_PUSH));
// Retrieve merged shuffle file metadata
AppShufflePartitionInfo partitionInfoBeforeCheck;
BlockPushNonFatalFailure failure = null;
try {
partitionInfoBeforeCheck = getOrCreateAppShufflePartitionInfo(appShuffleInfo, msg.shuffleId,
msg.shuffleMergeId, msg.reduceId, streamId);
} catch (BlockPushNonFatalFailure bpf) {
// Set partitionInfoBeforeCheck to null so that stale block push gets handled.
partitionInfoBeforeCheck = null;
failure = bpf;
// Here partitionInfo will be null in 3 cases:
// 1) The request is received for a block that has already been merged, this is possible due
// to the retry logic.
// 2) The request is received after the merged shuffle is finalized, thus is too late.
// 3) The request is received for a older shuffleMergeId, therefore the block push is rejected.
// For case 1, we will drain the data in the channel and just respond success
// to the client. This is required because the response of the previously merged
// block will be ignored by the client, per the logic in RetryingBlockFetcher.
// Note that the netty server should receive data for a given block id only from 1 channel
// at any time. The block should be pushed only from successful maps, thus there should be
// only 1 source for a given block at any time. Although the netty client might retry sending
// this block to the server multiple times, the data of the same block always arrives from the
// same channel thus the server should have already processed the previous request of this
// block before seeing it again in the channel. This guarantees that we can simply just
// check the bitmap to determine if a block is a duplicate or not.
// For case 2, we will also drain the data in the channel, but throw an exception in
// {@link}. This way,
// the client will be notified of the failure but the channel will remain active. Keeping
// the channel alive is important because the same channel could be reused by multiple map
// tasks in the executor JVM, which belongs to different stages. While one of the shuffles
// in these stages is finalized, the others might still be active. Tearing down the channel
// on the server side will disrupt these other on-going shuffle merges. It's also important
// to notify the client of the failure, so that it can properly halt pushing the remaining
// blocks upon receiving such failures to preserve resources on the server/client side.
// For case 3, we will also drain the data in the channel, but throw an exception in
// {@link}. This way,
// the client will be notified of the failure but the channel will remain active. It is
// important to notify the client of the failure, so that it can properly halt pushing the
// remaining blocks upon receiving such failures to preserve resources on the server/client
// side.
// Speculative execution would also raise a possible scenario with duplicate blocks. Although
// speculative execution would kill the slower task attempt, leading to only 1 task attempt
// succeeding in the end, there is no guarantee that only one copy of the block will be
// pushed. This is due to our handling of block push process outside of the map task, thus
// it is possible for the speculative task attempt to initiate the block push process before
// getting killed. When this happens, we need to distinguish the duplicate blocks as they
// arrive. More details on this is explained in later comments.
// Check if the given block is already merged by checking the bitmap against the given map
// index
final AppShufflePartitionInfo partitionInfo = failure != null ? null :
partitionInfoBeforeCheck.mapTracker.contains(msg.mapIndex) ? null : partitionInfoBeforeCheck;
if (partitionInfo != null) {
return new PushBlockStreamCallback(
this, appShuffleInfo, streamId, partitionInfo, msg.mapIndex);
} else {
final BlockPushNonFatalFailure finalFailure = failure;
// For a duplicate block or a block which is late or stale block from an older
// shuffleMergeId, respond back with a callback that handles them differently.
return new StreamCallbackWithID() {
public String getID() {
return streamId;
public void onData(String streamId, ByteBuffer buf) {
// Ignore the requests. It reaches here either when a request is received after the
// shuffle file is finalized or when a request is for a duplicate block.
public void onComplete(String streamId) {
// Throw non-fatal failure here so the block data is drained from channel and server
// responds the error code to the client.
if (finalFailure != null) {
throw finalFailure;
// For duplicate block that is received before the shuffle merge finalizes, the
// server should respond success to the client.
public void onFailure(String streamId, Throwable cause) {
public ByteBuffer getCompletionResponse() {
return SUCCESS_RESPONSE.duplicate();
public MergeStatuses finalizeShuffleMerge(FinalizeShuffleMerge msg) {"{} attempt {} shuffle {} shuffleMerge {}: finalize shuffle merge",
msg.appId, msg.appAttemptId, msg.shuffleId, msg.shuffleMergeId);
AppShuffleInfo appShuffleInfo = validateAndGetAppShuffleInfo(msg.appId);
if (appShuffleInfo.attemptId != msg.appAttemptId) {
// If finalizeShuffleMerge from a former application attempt, it is considered late,
// as only the finalizeShuffleMerge request from the current application attempt
// will be merged. Too old app attempt only being seen by an already failed
// app attempt, and no need use callback to return to client now, because
// the finalizeShuffleMerge in DAGScheduler has no retry policy, and don't
// use the BlockPushNonFatalFailure because it's the finalizeShuffleMerge
// related case, not the block push case, just throw it in server side now.
// TODO we may use a new exception class to include the finalizeShuffleMerge
// related case just as the BlockPushNonFatalFailure contains the block push cases.
throw new IllegalArgumentException(
String.format("The attempt id %s in this FinalizeShuffleMerge message does not match "
+ "with the current attempt id %s stored in shuffle service for application %s",
msg.appAttemptId, appShuffleInfo.attemptId, msg.appId));
AppAttemptShuffleMergeId appAttemptShuffleMergeId = new AppAttemptShuffleMergeId(
msg.appId, msg.appAttemptId, msg.shuffleId, msg.shuffleMergeId);
AtomicReference<Map<Integer, AppShufflePartitionInfo>> shuffleMergePartitionsRef =
new AtomicReference<>(null);
appShuffleInfo.shuffles.compute(msg.shuffleId, (shuffleId, mergePartitionsInfo) -> {
if (null != mergePartitionsInfo) {
if (msg.shuffleMergeId < mergePartitionsInfo.shuffleMergeId ||
mergePartitionsInfo.isFinalized()) {
throw new RuntimeException(String.format(
"Shuffle merge finalize request for shuffle %s with" + " shuffleMergeId %s is %s",
msg.shuffleId, msg.shuffleMergeId,
} else if (msg.shuffleMergeId > mergePartitionsInfo.shuffleMergeId) {
// If no blocks pushed for the finalizeShuffleMerge shuffleMergeId then return
// empty MergeStatuses but cleanup the older shuffleMergeId files.
submitCleanupTask(() ->
appAttemptShuffleMergeId, mergePartitionsInfo.shuffleMergePartitions));
} else {
// This block covers:
// 1. finalization of determinate stage
// 2. finalization of indeterminate stage if the shuffleMergeId related to it is the one
// for which the message is received.
// Update the DB for the finalized shuffle
// Even when the mergePartitionsInfo is null, we mark the shuffle as finalized but the results
// sent to the driver will be empty. This can happen when the service didn't receive any
// blocks for the shuffle yet and the driver didn't wait for enough time to finalize the
// shuffle.
return new AppShuffleMergePartitionsInfo(msg.shuffleMergeId, true);
Map<Integer, AppShufflePartitionInfo> shuffleMergePartitions = shuffleMergePartitionsRef.get();
MergeStatuses mergeStatuses;
if (null == shuffleMergePartitions || shuffleMergePartitions.isEmpty()) {
mergeStatuses =
new MergeStatuses(msg.shuffleId, msg.shuffleMergeId,
new RoaringBitmap[0], new int[0], new long[0]);
} else {
List<RoaringBitmap> bitmaps = new ArrayList<>(shuffleMergePartitions.size());
List<Integer> reduceIds = new ArrayList<>(shuffleMergePartitions.size());
List<Long> sizes = new ArrayList<>(shuffleMergePartitions.size());
for (AppShufflePartitionInfo partition: shuffleMergePartitions.values()) {
synchronized (partition) {
try {
logger.debug("{} attempt {} shuffle {} shuffleMerge {}: finalizing shuffle " +
"partition {} ", msg.appId, msg.appAttemptId, msg.shuffleId,
msg.shuffleMergeId, partition.reduceId);
// This can throw IOException which will marks this shuffle partition as not merged.
if (partition.mapTracker.getCardinality() > 0) {
logger.debug("{} attempt {} shuffle {} shuffleMerge {}: finalization results " +
"added for partition {} data size {} index size {} meta size {}",
msg.appId, msg.appAttemptId, msg.shuffleId,
msg.shuffleMergeId, partition.reduceId, partition.getLastChunkOffset(),
partition.indexFile.getPos(), partition.metaFile.getPos());
} catch (IOException ioe) {
logger.warn("{} attempt {} shuffle {} shuffleMerge {}: exception while " +
"finalizing shuffle partition {}", msg.appId, msg.appAttemptId, msg.shuffleId,
msg.shuffleMergeId, partition.reduceId);
} finally {
mergeStatuses = new MergeStatuses(msg.shuffleId, msg.shuffleMergeId,
bitmaps.toArray(new RoaringBitmap[bitmaps.size()]), Ints.toArray(reduceIds),
}"{} attempt {} shuffle {} shuffleMerge {}: finalization of shuffle merge completed",
msg.appId, msg.appAttemptId, msg.shuffleId, msg.shuffleMergeId);
return mergeStatuses;
public void registerExecutor(String appId, ExecutorShuffleInfo executorInfo) {
if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) {
logger.debug("register executor with RemoteBlockPushResolver {} local-dirs {} "
+ "num sub-dirs {} shuffleManager {}", appId, Arrays.toString(executorInfo.localDirs),
executorInfo.subDirsPerLocalDir, executorInfo.shuffleManager);
String shuffleManagerMeta = executorInfo.shuffleManager;
if (shuffleManagerMeta.contains(SHUFFLE_META_DELIMITER)) {
String mergeDirInfo =
shuffleManagerMeta.substring(shuffleManagerMeta.indexOf(SHUFFLE_META_DELIMITER) + 1);
try {
ObjectMapper mapper = new ObjectMapper();
TypeReference<Map<String, String>> typeRef
= new TypeReference<Map<String, String>>(){};
Map<String, String> metaMap = mapper.readValue(mergeDirInfo, typeRef);
String mergeDir = metaMap.get(MERGE_DIR_KEY);
int attemptId = Integer.valueOf(
metaMap.getOrDefault(ATTEMPT_ID_KEY, String.valueOf(UNDEFINED_ATTEMPT_ID)));
if (mergeDir == null) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException(
String.format("Failed to get the merge directory information from the " +
"shuffleManagerMeta %s in executor registration message", shuffleManagerMeta));
if (attemptId == UNDEFINED_ATTEMPT_ID) {
// When attemptId is -1, there is no attemptId stored in the ExecutorShuffleInfo.
// Only the first ExecutorRegister message can register the merge dirs.
// DB will also get updated with the registered local path information.
appsShuffleInfo.computeIfAbsent(appId, id -> {
AppPathsInfo appPathsInfo = new AppPathsInfo(appId, executorInfo.localDirs,
mergeDir, executorInfo.subDirsPerLocalDir);
writeAppPathsInfoToDb(appId, UNDEFINED_ATTEMPT_ID, appPathsInfo);
return new AppShuffleInfo(appId, UNDEFINED_ATTEMPT_ID, appPathsInfo);
} else {
// If attemptId is not -1, there is attemptId stored in the ExecutorShuffleInfo.
// The first ExecutorRegister message from the same application attempt wil register
// the merge dirs in External Shuffle Service. Any later ExecutorRegister message
// from the same application attempt will not override the merge dirs. But it can
// be overridden by ExecutorRegister message from newer application attempt,
// and former attempts' shuffle partitions information will also be cleaned up.
AtomicReference<AppShuffleInfo> originalAppShuffleInfo = new AtomicReference<>();
appsShuffleInfo.compute(appId, (id, appShuffleInfo) -> {
if (appShuffleInfo == null || attemptId > appShuffleInfo.attemptId) {
AppPathsInfo appPathsInfo = new AppPathsInfo(appId, executorInfo.localDirs,
mergeDir, executorInfo.subDirsPerLocalDir);
// Clean up the outdated App Attempt local path info in the DB and
// put the newly registered local path info from newer attempt into the DB.
if (appShuffleInfo != null) {
removeAppAttemptPathInfoFromDB(appId, appShuffleInfo.attemptId);
writeAppPathsInfoToDb(appId, attemptId, appPathsInfo);
appShuffleInfo =
new AppShuffleInfo(
appId, attemptId,
new AppPathsInfo(appId, executorInfo.localDirs,
mergeDir, executorInfo.subDirsPerLocalDir));
return appShuffleInfo;
if (originalAppShuffleInfo.get() != null) {
AppShuffleInfo appShuffleInfo = originalAppShuffleInfo.get();
logger.warn("Cleanup shuffle info and merged shuffle files for {}_{} as new " +
"application attempt registered", appId, appShuffleInfo.attemptId);
// Clean up all the merge shuffle related information in the DB for the former attempt
() -> closeAndDeletePartitionsIfNeeded(appShuffleInfo, true)
} catch (JsonProcessingException e) {
logger.warn("Failed to get the merge directory information from ExecutorShuffleInfo: ", e);
} else {
logger.warn("ExecutorShuffleInfo does not have the expected merge directory information");
* Shutdown mergedShuffleCleaner and close the DB during shutdown
public void close() {
if (!mergedShuffleCleaner.isShutdown()) {
// SPARK-40186:Use two phases shutdown refer to
// Use two phases shutdown can prevent new tasks and wait for executing tasks to
// complete gracefully, and once timeout is reached, we want to interrupt running tasks,
// so that they fail. This is to prevent updates to shuffle state db after it is closed.
try {
// Wait a while for existing tasks to terminate
if (!mergedShuffleCleaner.awaitTermination(cleanerShutdownTimeout, TimeUnit.SECONDS)) {
} catch (InterruptedException e) {"mergedShuffleCleaner is interrupted in the process of graceful shutdown", e);
if (db != null) {
try {
} catch (IOException e) {
logger.error("Exception closing leveldb with registered app paths info and "
+ "shuffle partition info", e);
* Call `shutdownNow` to stop all actively executing tasks and halts the
* processing of waiting tasks in `mergedShuffleCleaner`.
private void shutdownMergedShuffleCleanerNow() {
try {
List<Runnable> unfinishedTasks = mergedShuffleCleaner.shutdownNow();
logger.warn("There are still {} tasks not completed in mergedShuffleCleaner " +
"after {} seconds.", unfinishedTasks.size(), cleanerShutdownTimeout);
// Wait a while for tasks to respond to being cancelled
if (!mergedShuffleCleaner.awaitTermination(cleanerShutdownTimeout, TimeUnit.SECONDS)) {
logger.warn("mergedShuffleCleaner did not terminate in {} seconds.",
} catch (InterruptedException ignored) {
* Write the application attempt's local path information to the DB
private void writeAppPathsInfoToDb(String appId, int attemptId, AppPathsInfo appPathsInfo) {
if (db != null) {
AppAttemptId appAttemptId = new AppAttemptId(appId, attemptId);
try {
byte[] key = getDbAppAttemptPathsKey(appAttemptId);
String valueStr = mapper.writeValueAsString(appPathsInfo);
byte[] value = valueStr.getBytes(StandardCharsets.UTF_8);
db.put(key, value);
} catch (Exception e) {
logger.error("Error saving registered app paths info for {}", appAttemptId, e);
* Write the finalized shuffle merge partition information into the DB
private void writeAppAttemptShuffleMergeInfoToDB(
AppAttemptShuffleMergeId appAttemptShuffleMergeId) {
if (db != null) {
// Write AppAttemptShuffleMergeId into LevelDB for finalized shuffles
byte[] dbKey = getDbAppAttemptShufflePartitionKey(appAttemptShuffleMergeId);
db.put(dbKey, new byte[0]);
} catch (Exception e) {
logger.error("Error saving active app shuffle partition {}", appAttemptShuffleMergeId, e);
* Parse the DB key with the prefix and the expected return value type
private <T> T parseDbKey(String key, String prefix, Class<T> valueType) throws IOException {
String json = key.substring(prefix.length() + 1);
return mapper.readValue(json, valueType);
* Generate AppAttemptId from the DB key
private AppAttemptId parseDbAppAttemptPathsKey(String key) throws IOException {
return parseDbKey(key, APP_ATTEMPT_PATH_KEY_PREFIX, AppAttemptId.class);
* Generate AppAttemptShuffleMergeId from the DB key
private AppAttemptShuffleMergeId parseDbAppAttemptShufflePartitionKey(
String key) throws IOException {
return parseDbKey(
* Generate the DB key with the key object and the specified string prefix
private byte[] getDbKey(Object key, String prefix) throws IOException {
// We add a common prefix on all the keys so we can find them in the DB
String keyJsonString = prefix + DB_KEY_DELIMITER + mapper.writeValueAsString(key);
return keyJsonString.getBytes(StandardCharsets.UTF_8);
* Generate the DB key from AppAttemptShuffleMergeId object
private byte[] getDbAppAttemptShufflePartitionKey(
AppAttemptShuffleMergeId appAttemptShuffleMergeId) throws IOException {
* Generate the DB key from AppAttemptId object
private byte[] getDbAppAttemptPathsKey(AppAttemptId appAttemptId) throws IOException {
return getDbKey(appAttemptId, APP_ATTEMPT_PATH_KEY_PREFIX);
* Reload the DB to recover the meta data stored in the hashmap for merged shuffles.
* The application attempts local paths information will be firstly reloaded, and then
* the finalized shuffle merges will be updated.
* This method will also try deleting dangling key/values in DB, which includes:
* 1) Outdated application attempt local paths information as of some DB deletion failures
* 2) The deletion of finalized shuffle merges are triggered asynchronously, there can be cases
* that deletions miss the execution during restart. These finalized shuffle merges should have
* no relevant application attempts local paths information registered in the DB and the hashmap.
void reloadAndCleanUpAppShuffleInfo(DB db) throws IOException {"Reload applications merged shuffle information from DB");
List<byte[]> dbKeysToBeRemoved = new ArrayList<>();
* Reload application attempts local paths information.
List<byte[]> reloadActiveAppAttemptsPathInfo(DB db) throws IOException {
List<byte[]> dbKeysToBeRemoved = new ArrayList<>();
if (db != null) {
try (DBIterator itr = db.iterator()) {;
while (itr.hasNext()) {
Map.Entry<byte[], byte[]> entry =;
String key = new String(entry.getKey(), StandardCharsets.UTF_8);
if (!key.startsWith(APP_ATTEMPT_PATH_KEY_PREFIX)) {
AppAttemptId appAttemptId = parseDbAppAttemptPathsKey(key);
AppPathsInfo appPathsInfo = mapper.readValue(entry.getValue(), AppPathsInfo.class);
logger.debug("Reloading Application paths info for application {}", appAttemptId);
(appId, existingAppShuffleInfo) -> {
if (existingAppShuffleInfo == null ||
existingAppShuffleInfo.attemptId < appAttemptId.attemptId) {
if (existingAppShuffleInfo != null) {
AppAttemptId existingAppAttemptId = new AppAttemptId(
existingAppShuffleInfo.appId, existingAppShuffleInfo.attemptId);
try {
// Add the former outdated DB key to deletion list
} catch (IOException e) {
logger.error("Failed to get the DB key for {}", existingAppAttemptId, e);
return new AppShuffleInfo(
appAttemptId.appId, appAttemptId.attemptId, appPathsInfo);
} else {
// Add the current DB key to deletion list as it is outdated
return existingAppShuffleInfo;
return dbKeysToBeRemoved;
* Reload the finalized shuffle merges.
List<byte[]> reloadFinalizedAppAttemptsShuffleMergeInfo(DB db) throws IOException {
List<byte[]> dbKeysToBeRemoved = new ArrayList<>();
if (db != null) {
try (DBIterator itr = db.iterator()) {;
while (itr.hasNext()) {
Map.Entry<byte[], byte[]> entry =;
String key = new String(entry.getKey(), StandardCharsets.UTF_8);
AppAttemptShuffleMergeId partitionId = parseDbAppAttemptShufflePartitionKey(key);
logger.debug("Reloading finalized shuffle info for partitionId {}", partitionId);
AppShuffleInfo appShuffleInfo = appsShuffleInfo.get(partitionId.appId);
if (appShuffleInfo != null && appShuffleInfo.attemptId == partitionId.attemptId) {
(shuffleId, existingMergePartitionInfo) -> {
if (existingMergePartitionInfo == null ||
existingMergePartitionInfo.shuffleMergeId < partitionId.shuffleMergeId) {
if (existingMergePartitionInfo != null) {
AppAttemptShuffleMergeId appAttemptShuffleMergeId =
new AppAttemptShuffleMergeId(
appShuffleInfo.appId, appShuffleInfo.attemptId,
shuffleId, existingMergePartitionInfo.shuffleMergeId);
} catch (Exception e) {
logger.error("Error getting the DB key for {}",
appAttemptShuffleMergeId, e);
return new AppShuffleMergePartitionsInfo(partitionId.shuffleMergeId, true);
} else {
return existingMergePartitionInfo;
} else {
return dbKeysToBeRemoved;
* Clean up DB with a list of outdated keys collected during DB reload
void removeOutdatedKeyValuesInDB(List<byte[]> dbKeysToBeRemoved) {
(key) -> {
try {
} catch (Exception e) {
logger.error("Error deleting dangling key {} in DB", key, e);
* Submit a runnable task to the single thread cleanup executor service
void submitCleanupTask(Runnable task) {
* Check `mergedShuffleCleaner` is already shutdown.
boolean isCleanerShutdown() {
return mergedShuffleCleaner.isShutdown();
* Callback for push stream that handles blocks which are not already merged.
static class PushBlockStreamCallback implements StreamCallbackWithID {
private final RemoteBlockPushResolver mergeManager;
private final AppShuffleInfo appShuffleInfo;
private final String streamId;
private final int mapIndex;
private final AppShufflePartitionInfo partitionInfo;
private int length = 0;
// This indicates that this stream got the opportunity to write the blocks to the merged file.
// Once this is set to true and the stream encounters a failure then it will unset the
// currentMapId of the partition so that another stream can start merging the blocks to the
// partition. This is reset to false when the stream completes.
private boolean isWriting = false;
// Use on-heap instead of direct ByteBuffer since these buffers will be GC'ed very quickly
private List<ByteBuffer> deferredBufs;
private PushBlockStreamCallback(
RemoteBlockPushResolver mergeManager,
AppShuffleInfo appShuffleInfo,
String streamId,
AppShufflePartitionInfo partitionInfo,
int mapIndex) {
Preconditions.checkArgument(mergeManager != null);
this.mergeManager = mergeManager;
Preconditions.checkArgument(appShuffleInfo != null);
this.appShuffleInfo = appShuffleInfo;
this.streamId = streamId;
Preconditions.checkArgument(partitionInfo != null);
this.partitionInfo = partitionInfo;
this.mapIndex = mapIndex;
public String getID() {
return streamId;
public ByteBuffer getCompletionResponse() {
return SUCCESS_RESPONSE.duplicate();
* Write a ByteBuffer to the merged shuffle file. Here we keep track of the length of the
* block data written to file. In case of failure during writing block to file, we use the
* information tracked in partitionInfo to overwrite the corrupt block when writing the new
* block.
private void writeBuf(ByteBuffer buf) throws IOException {
while (buf.hasRemaining()) {
long updatedPos = partitionInfo.getDataFilePos() + length;
logger.debug("{} current pos {} updated pos {}", partitionInfo,
partitionInfo.getDataFilePos(), updatedPos);
length += partitionInfo.dataChannel.write(buf, updatedPos);
* There will be multiple streams of map blocks belonging to the same reduce partition. At any
* given point of time, only a single map stream can write its data to the merged file. Until
* this stream is completed, the other streams defer writing. This prevents corruption of
* merged data. This returns whether this stream is the active stream that can write to the
* merged file.
private boolean allowedToWrite() {
return partitionInfo.getCurrentMapIndex() < 0
|| partitionInfo.getCurrentMapIndex() == mapIndex;
* Returns if this is a duplicate block generated by speculative tasks. With speculative
* tasks, we could receive the same block from 2 different sources at the same time. One of
* them is going to be the first to set the currentMapIndex. When that block does so, it's
* going to see the currentMapIndex initially as -1. After it sets the currentMapIndex, it's
* going to write some data to disk, thus increasing the length counter. The other duplicate
* block is going to see the currentMapIndex already set to its mapIndex. However, it hasn't
* written any data yet. If the first block gets written completely and resets the
* currentMapIndex to -1 before the processing for the second block finishes, we can just
* check the bitmap to identify the second as a duplicate.
private boolean isDuplicateBlock() {
return (partitionInfo.getCurrentMapIndex() == mapIndex && length == 0)
|| partitionInfo.mapTracker.contains(mapIndex);
* This is only invoked when the stream is able to write. The stream first writes any deferred
* block parts buffered in memory.
private void writeDeferredBufs() throws IOException {
for (ByteBuffer deferredBuf : deferredBufs) {
deferredBufs = null;
* @throws IllegalStateException if the number of IOExceptions have exceeded threshold.
private void abortIfNecessary() {
if (partitionInfo.shouldAbort(mergeManager.ioExceptionsThresholdDuringMerge)) {
deferredBufs = null;
throw new IllegalStateException(String.format("%s when merging %s",
* This increments the number of IOExceptions and throws RuntimeException if it exceeds the
* threshold which will abort the merge of a particular shuffle partition.
private void incrementIOExceptionsAndAbortIfNecessary() {
// Update the count of IOExceptions
* If appShuffleMergePartitionsInfo is null or shuffleMergeId is
* greater than the request shuffleMergeId then it is a stale block push.
private boolean isStale(
AppShuffleMergePartitionsInfo appShuffleMergePartitionsInfo,
int shuffleMergeId) {
return null == appShuffleMergePartitionsInfo ||
appShuffleMergePartitionsInfo.shuffleMergeId > shuffleMergeId;
* If appShuffleMergePartitionsInfo is null or shuffleMergePartitions is set to
* INDETERMINATE_SHUFFLE_FINALIZED or if the reduceId is not in the map then the
* shuffle is already finalized. Therefore the block push is too late.
private boolean isTooLate(
AppShuffleMergePartitionsInfo appShuffleMergePartitionsInfo,
int reduceId) {
return null == appShuffleMergePartitionsInfo ||
appShuffleMergePartitionsInfo.isFinalized() ||
public void onData(String streamId, ByteBuffer buf) throws IOException {
// When handling the block data using StreamInterceptor, it can help to reduce the amount
// of data that needs to be buffered in memory since it does not wait till the completion
// of the frame before handling the message, thus releasing the ByteBuf earlier. However,
// this also means it would chunk a block into multiple buffers. Here, we want to preserve
// the benefit of handling the block data using StreamInterceptor as much as possible while
// providing the guarantee that one block would be continuously written to the merged
// shuffle file before the next block starts. For each shuffle partition, we would track
// the current map index to make sure only block matching the map index can be written to
// disk. If one server thread sees the block being handled is the current block, it would
// directly write the block to disk. Otherwise, it would buffer the block chunks in memory.
// If the block becomes the current block before we see the end of it, we would then dump
// all buffered block data to disk and write the remaining portions of the block directly
// to disk as well. This way, we avoid having to buffer the entirety of every blocks in
// memory, while still providing the necessary guarantee.
synchronized (partitionInfo) {
AppShuffleMergePartitionsInfo info =
if (isStale(info, partitionInfo.appAttemptShuffleMergeId.shuffleMergeId) ||
isTooLate(info, partitionInfo.reduceId)) {
deferredBufs = null;
// Check whether we can write to disk
if (allowedToWrite()) {
// Identify duplicate block generated by speculative tasks. We respond success to
// the client in cases of duplicate even though no data is written.
if (isDuplicateBlock()) {
deferredBufs = null;
logger.trace("{} onData writable", partitionInfo);
if (partitionInfo.getCurrentMapIndex() < 0) {
// If we got here, it's safe to write the block data to the merged shuffle file. We
// first write any deferred block.
isWriting = true;
try {
if (deferredBufs != null && !deferredBufs.isEmpty()) {
} catch (IOException ioe) {
// If the above doesn't throw a RuntimeException, then we propagate the IOException
// back to the client so the block could be retried.
throw ioe;
} else {
logger.trace("{} onData deferred", partitionInfo);
// If we cannot write to disk, we buffer the current block chunk in memory so it could
// potentially be written to disk later. We take our best effort without guarantee
// that the block will be written to disk. If the block data is divided into multiple
// chunks during TCP transportation, each #onData invocation is an attempt to write
// the block to disk. If the block is still not written to disk after all #onData
// invocations, the final #onComplete invocation is the last attempt to write the
// block to disk. If we still couldn't write this block to disk after this, we give up
// on this block push request and respond failure to client. We could potentially
// buffer the block longer or wait for a few iterations inside #onData or #onComplete
// to increase the chance of writing the block to disk, however this would incur more
// memory footprint or decrease the server processing throughput for the shuffle
// service. In addition, during test we observed that by randomizing the order in
// which clients sends block push requests batches, only ~0.5% blocks failed to be
// written to disk due to this reason. We thus decide to optimize for server
// throughput and memory usage.
if (deferredBufs == null) {
deferredBufs = new ArrayList<>();
// Write the buffer to the in-memory deferred cache. Since buf is a slice of a larger
// byte buffer, we cache only the relevant bytes not the entire large buffer to save
// memory.
ByteBuffer deferredBuf = ByteBuffer.allocate(buf.remaining());
public void onComplete(String streamId) throws IOException {
synchronized (partitionInfo) {
logger.trace("{} onComplete invoked", partitionInfo);
// Initially when this request got to the server, the shuffle merge finalize request
// was not received yet or this was the latest stage attempt (or latest shuffleMergeId)
// generating shuffle output for the shuffle ID. By the time we finish reading this
// message, the block request is either stale or too late. We should thus respond
// the error code to the client.
AppShuffleMergePartitionsInfo info =
if (isTooLate(info, partitionInfo.reduceId)) {
deferredBufs = null;
throw new BlockPushNonFatalFailure(
new BlockPushReturnCode(, streamId).toByteBuffer(),
BlockPushNonFatalFailure.getErrorMsg(streamId, ReturnCode.TOO_LATE_BLOCK_PUSH));
if (isStale(info, partitionInfo.appAttemptShuffleMergeId.shuffleMergeId)) {
deferredBufs = null;
throw new BlockPushNonFatalFailure(
new BlockPushReturnCode(, streamId).toByteBuffer(),
BlockPushNonFatalFailure.getErrorMsg(streamId, ReturnCode.STALE_BLOCK_PUSH));
// Check if we can commit this block
if (allowedToWrite()) {
// Identify duplicate block generated by speculative tasks. We respond success to
// the client in cases of duplicate even though no data is written.
if (isDuplicateBlock()) {
deferredBufs = null;
if (partitionInfo.getCurrentMapIndex() < 0) {
try {
if (deferredBufs != null && !deferredBufs.isEmpty()) {
isWriting = true;
} catch (IOException ioe) {
// If the above doesn't throw a RuntimeException, then we propagate the IOException
// back to the client so the block could be retried.
throw ioe;
long updatedPos = partitionInfo.getDataFilePos() + length;
boolean indexUpdated = false;
if (updatedPos - partitionInfo.getLastChunkOffset() >= mergeManager.minChunkSize) {
try {
partitionInfo.updateChunkInfo(updatedPos, mapIndex);
indexUpdated = true;
} catch (IOException ioe) {
// If the above doesn't throw a RuntimeException, then we do not propagate the
// IOException to the client. This may increase the chunk size however the increase is
// still limited because of the limit on the number of IOExceptions for a
// particular shuffle partition.
// update merged results
if (indexUpdated) {
} else {
deferredBufs = null;
throw new BlockPushNonFatalFailure(
new BlockPushReturnCode(, streamId)
.toByteBuffer(), BlockPushNonFatalFailure.getErrorMsg(
isWriting = false;
public void onFailure(String streamId, Throwable throwable) throws IOException {
if (ERROR_HANDLER.shouldLogError(throwable)) {
logger.error("Encountered issue when merging {}", streamId, throwable);
} else {
logger.debug("Encountered issue when merging {}", streamId, throwable);
// Only update partitionInfo if the failure corresponds to a valid request. If the
// request is too late, i.e. received after shuffle merge finalize or stale block push,
// #onFailure will also be triggered, and we can just ignore. Also, if we couldn't find
// an opportunity to write the block data to disk, we should also ignore here.
if (isWriting) {
synchronized (partitionInfo) {
AppShuffleMergePartitionsInfo info =
if (!isTooLate(info, partitionInfo.reduceId) &&
!isStale(info, partitionInfo.appAttemptShuffleMergeId.shuffleMergeId)) {
logger.debug("{} encountered failure", partitionInfo);
isWriting = false;
AppShufflePartitionInfo getPartitionInfo() {
return partitionInfo;
* Encodes an application attempt ID.
public static class AppAttemptId {
public final String appId;
public final int attemptId;
public AppAttemptId(
@JsonProperty("appId") String appId,
@JsonProperty("attemptId") int attemptId) {
this.appId = appId;
this.attemptId = attemptId;
public boolean equals(Object o) {
if (this == o) return true;
if (o == null || getClass() != o.getClass()) return false;
AppAttemptId appAttemptId = (AppAttemptId) o;
return attemptId == appAttemptId.attemptId &&
Objects.equals(appId, appAttemptId.appId);
public int hashCode() {
return Objects.hash(appId, attemptId);
public String toString() {
return String.format("Application %s_%s", appId, attemptId);
* Wrapper class to hold merged Shuffle related information for a specific shuffleMergeId
* required for the shuffles of indeterminate stages.
public static class AppShuffleMergePartitionsInfo {
// ConcurrentHashMap doesn't allow null for keys or values which is why this is required.
// Marker to identify finalized shuffle partitions.
private static final Map<Integer, AppShufflePartitionInfo> SHUFFLE_FINALIZED_MARKER =
private final int shuffleMergeId;
private final Map<Integer, AppShufflePartitionInfo> shuffleMergePartitions;
public AppShuffleMergePartitionsInfo(int shuffleMergeId, boolean shuffleFinalized) {
this.shuffleMergeId = shuffleMergeId;
this.shuffleMergePartitions = shuffleFinalized ? SHUFFLE_FINALIZED_MARKER :
new ConcurrentHashMap<>();
public Map<Integer, AppShufflePartitionInfo> getShuffleMergePartitions() {
return shuffleMergePartitions;
public boolean isFinalized() {
return shuffleMergePartitions == SHUFFLE_FINALIZED_MARKER;
* Encodes an application attempt shuffle merge ID.
public static class AppAttemptShuffleMergeId {
public final String appId;
public final int attemptId;
public final int shuffleId;
public final int shuffleMergeId;
public AppAttemptShuffleMergeId(
@JsonProperty("appId") String appId,
@JsonProperty("attemptId") int attemptId,
@JsonProperty("shuffleId") int shuffleId,
@JsonProperty("shuffleMergeId") int shuffleMergeId) {
Preconditions.checkArgument(appId != null, "app id is null");
this.appId = appId;
this.attemptId = attemptId;
this.shuffleId = shuffleId;
this.shuffleMergeId = shuffleMergeId;
public boolean equals(Object o) {
if (this == o) return true;
if (o == null || getClass() != o.getClass()) return false;
AppAttemptShuffleMergeId appAttemptShuffleMergeId = (AppAttemptShuffleMergeId) o;
return attemptId == appAttemptShuffleMergeId.attemptId &&
shuffleId == appAttemptShuffleMergeId.shuffleId &&
shuffleMergeId == appAttemptShuffleMergeId.shuffleMergeId &&
Objects.equals(appId, appAttemptShuffleMergeId.appId);
public int hashCode() {
return Objects.hash(appId, attemptId, shuffleId, shuffleMergeId);
public String toString() {
return String.format("Application %s_%s shuffleId %s shuffleMergeId %s",
appId, attemptId, shuffleId, shuffleMergeId);
/** Metadata tracked for an actively merged shuffle partition */
public static class AppShufflePartitionInfo {
private final AppAttemptShuffleMergeId appAttemptShuffleMergeId;
private final int reduceId;
private final File dataFile;
// The merged shuffle data file channel
public final FileChannel dataChannel;
// The index file for a particular merged shuffle contains the chunk offsets.
private final MergeShuffleFile indexFile;
// The meta file for a particular merged shuffle contains all the map indices that belong to
// every chunk. The entry per chunk is a serialized bitmap.
private final MergeShuffleFile metaFile;
// Location offset of the last successfully merged block for this shuffle partition
private long dataFilePos;
// Track the map index whose block is being merged for this shuffle partition
private int currentMapIndex;
// Bitmap tracking which mapper's blocks have been merged for this shuffle partition
private RoaringBitmap mapTracker;
// The offset for the last chunk tracked in the index file for this shuffle partition
private long lastChunkOffset;
private int lastMergedMapIndex = -1;
// Bitmap tracking which mapper's blocks are in the current shuffle chunk
private RoaringBitmap chunkTracker;
private int numIOExceptions = 0;
private boolean indexMetaUpdateFailed;
AppAttemptShuffleMergeId appAttemptShuffleMergeId,
int reduceId,
File dataFile,
MergeShuffleFile indexFile,
MergeShuffleFile metaFile) throws IOException {
this.appAttemptShuffleMergeId = appAttemptShuffleMergeId;
this.reduceId = reduceId;
// Create FileOutputStream with append mode set to false by default.
// This ensures that the file is always overwritten and not appended to even after the
// service is restarted. This is required as non-finalized merged shuffle blocks will be
// discarded during service restart.
this.dataChannel = new FileOutputStream(dataFile).getChannel();
this.dataFile = dataFile;
this.indexFile = indexFile;
this.metaFile = metaFile;
this.currentMapIndex = -1;
// Writing 0 offset so that we can reuse ShuffleIndexInformation.getIndex()
updateChunkInfo(0L, -1);
this.dataFilePos = 0;
this.mapTracker = new RoaringBitmap();
this.chunkTracker = new RoaringBitmap();
public long getDataFilePos() {
return dataFilePos;
public void setDataFilePos(long dataFilePos) {
logger.trace("{} current pos {} update pos {}", this, this.dataFilePos, dataFilePos);
this.dataFilePos = dataFilePos;
int getCurrentMapIndex() {
return currentMapIndex;
void setCurrentMapIndex(int mapIndex) {
logger.trace("{} mapIndex {} current mapIndex {}", this, currentMapIndex, mapIndex);
this.currentMapIndex = mapIndex;
long getLastChunkOffset() {
return lastChunkOffset;
void blockMerged(int mapIndex) {
logger.debug("{} updated merging mapIndex {}", this, mapIndex);
lastMergedMapIndex = mapIndex;
void resetChunkTracker() {
* Appends the chunk offset to the index file and adds the map index to the chunk tracker.
* @param chunkOffset the offset of the chunk in the data file.
* @param mapIndex the map index to be added to chunk tracker.
void updateChunkInfo(long chunkOffset, int mapIndex) throws IOException {
try {
logger.trace("{} index current {} updated {}", this, this.lastChunkOffset,
if (indexMetaUpdateFailed) {
// Chunk bitmap should be written to the meta file after the index file because if there are
// any exceptions during writing the offset to the index file, meta file should not be
// updated. If the update to the index file is successful but the update to meta file isn't
// then the index file position is not updated.
this.lastChunkOffset = chunkOffset;
indexMetaUpdateFailed = false;
} catch (IOException ioe) {
logger.warn("{} reduceId {} update to index/meta failed",
appAttemptShuffleMergeId, reduceId);
indexMetaUpdateFailed = true;
// Any exception here is propagated to the caller and the caller can decide whether to
// abort or not.
throw ioe;
private void writeChunkTracker(int mapIndex) throws IOException {
if (mapIndex == -1) {
logger.trace("{} mapIndex {} write chunk to meta file", this, mapIndex);
if (indexMetaUpdateFailed) {
metaFile.updatePos(metaFile.getChannel().position() - metaFile.getPos());
private void incrementIOExceptions() {
private boolean shouldAbort(int ioExceptionsThresholdDuringMerge) {
return numIOExceptions > ioExceptionsThresholdDuringMerge;
private void finalizePartition() throws IOException {
if (dataFilePos != lastChunkOffset) {
try {
updateChunkInfo(dataFilePos, lastMergedMapIndex);
} catch (IOException ioe) {
// Any exceptions here while updating the meta files can be ignored. If the files
// aren't successfully updated they will be truncated.
// Get rid of any partial block data at the end of the file. This could either
// be due to failure, or a request still being processed when the shuffle
// merge gets finalized, or any exceptions while updating index/meta files.
logger.trace("{} reduceId {} truncating files data {} index {} meta {}",
appAttemptShuffleMergeId, reduceId, lastChunkOffset,
indexFile.getPos(), metaFile.getPos());
void closeAllFilesAndDeleteIfNeeded(boolean delete) {
try {
if (dataChannel.isOpen()) {
if (delete) {
} catch (IOException ioe) {
logger.warn("Error closing data channel for {} reduceId {}",
appAttemptShuffleMergeId, reduceId);
try {
if (delete) {
} catch (IOException ioe) {
logger.warn("Error closing meta file for {} reduceId {}",
appAttemptShuffleMergeId, reduceId);
try {
if (delete) {
} catch (IOException ioe) {
logger.warn("Error closing index file for {} reduceId {}",
appAttemptShuffleMergeId, reduceId);
public String toString() {
return String.format("Application %s_%s shuffleId %s shuffleMergeId %s reduceId %s",
appAttemptShuffleMergeId.appId, appAttemptShuffleMergeId.attemptId,
appAttemptShuffleMergeId.shuffleId, appAttemptShuffleMergeId.shuffleMergeId,
protected void finalize() throws Throwable {
MergeShuffleFile getIndexFile() {
return indexFile;
MergeShuffleFile getMetaFile() {
return metaFile;
FileChannel getDataChannel() {
return dataChannel;
public RoaringBitmap getMapTracker() {
return mapTracker;
int getNumIOExceptions() {
return numIOExceptions;
* Wraps all the information related to the merge directory of an application.
public static class AppPathsInfo {
@JsonFormat(shape = JsonFormat.Shape.ARRAY)
private final String[] activeLocalDirs;
private final int subDirsPerLocalDir;
public AppPathsInfo(
@JsonFormat(shape = JsonFormat.Shape.ARRAY)
@JsonProperty("activeLocalDirs") String[] activeLocalDirs,
@JsonProperty("subDirsPerLocalDir") int subDirsPerLocalDir
) {
this.activeLocalDirs = activeLocalDirs;
this.subDirsPerLocalDir = subDirsPerLocalDir;
private AppPathsInfo(
String appId,
String[] localDirs,
String mergeDirectory,
int subDirsPerLocalDir) {
activeLocalDirs =
.map(localDir ->
// Merge directory is created at the same level as block-manager directory. The list of
// local directories that we get from ExecutorShuffleInfo are paths of each
// block-manager directory. The mergeDirectory is the merge directory name that we get
// from ExecutorShuffleInfo. To find out the merge directory location, we first find the
// parent dir of the block-manager directory and then append merge directory name to it.
this.subDirsPerLocalDir = subDirsPerLocalDir;
if (logger.isInfoEnabled()) {"Updated active local dirs {} and sub dirs {} for application {}",
Arrays.toString(activeLocalDirs),subDirsPerLocalDir, appId);
public boolean equals(Object o) {
if (this == o) return true;
if (o == null || getClass() != o.getClass()) return false;
AppPathsInfo appPathsInfo = (AppPathsInfo) o;
return subDirsPerLocalDir == appPathsInfo.subDirsPerLocalDir &&
Arrays.equals(activeLocalDirs, appPathsInfo.activeLocalDirs);
public int hashCode() {
return Objects.hash(subDirsPerLocalDir) * 41 + Arrays.hashCode(activeLocalDirs);
/** Merged Shuffle related information tracked for a specific application attempt */
public static class AppShuffleInfo {
final String appId;
final int attemptId;
private final AppPathsInfo appPathsInfo;
* 1. Key tracks shuffleId for an application
* 2. Value tracks the AppShuffleMergePartitionsInfo having shuffleMergeId and
* a Map tracking AppShufflePartitionInfo for all the shuffle partitions.
private final ConcurrentMap<Integer, AppShuffleMergePartitionsInfo> shuffles;
String appId,
int attemptId,
AppPathsInfo appPathsInfo) {
this.appId = appId;
this.attemptId = attemptId;
this.appPathsInfo = appPathsInfo;
shuffles = new ConcurrentHashMap<>();
public AppPathsInfo getAppPathsInfo() {
return appPathsInfo;
public ConcurrentMap<Integer, AppShuffleMergePartitionsInfo> getShuffles() {
return shuffles;
* The logic here is consistent with
* @see [[
*, scala.Option)]]
String getFilePath(String filename) {
String targetFile =
logger.debug("Get merged file {}", targetFile);
return targetFile;
private String generateFileName(
String appId,
int shuffleId,
int shuffleMergeId,
int reduceId) {
return String.format(
"%s_%s_%d_%d_%d", MERGED_SHUFFLE_FILE_NAME_PREFIX, appId, shuffleId,
shuffleMergeId, reduceId);
public File getMergedShuffleDataFile(
int shuffleId,
int shuffleMergeId,
int reduceId) {
String fileName = String.format("", generateFileName(appId, shuffleId,
shuffleMergeId, reduceId));
return new File(getFilePath(fileName));
public String getMergedShuffleIndexFilePath(
int shuffleId,
int shuffleMergeId,
int reduceId) {
String indexName = String.format("%s.index", generateFileName(appId, shuffleId,
shuffleMergeId, reduceId));
return getFilePath(indexName);
public File getMergedShuffleMetaFile(
int shuffleId,
int shuffleMergeId,
int reduceId) {
String metaName = String.format("%s.meta", generateFileName(appId, shuffleId,
shuffleMergeId, reduceId));
return new File(getFilePath(metaName));
public static class MergeShuffleFile {
private final FileChannel channel;
private final DataOutputStream dos;
private long pos;
private File file;
MergeShuffleFile(File file) throws IOException {
FileOutputStream fos = new FileOutputStream(file);
channel = fos.getChannel();
dos = new DataOutputStream(fos);
this.file = file;
private void updatePos(long numBytes) {
pos += numBytes;
void close() throws IOException {
if (channel.isOpen()) {
void delete() throws IOException {
try {
if (null != file) {
} finally {
file = null;
public DataOutputStream getDos() {
return dos;
FileChannel getChannel() {
return channel;
long getPos() {
return pos;
spark BlockFetchingListener 源码
spark BlockTransferListener 源码
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8、 golang
9、 openharmony
10、 Vue中input框自动聚焦