go WasmOps 源码

  • 2022-07-15
  • 浏览 (1156)

golang WasmOps 代码


// Copyright 2018 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.

//go:build ignore
// +build ignore

package main

import "strings"

var regNamesWasm = []string{




	// pseudo-registers

func init() {
	// Make map from reg names to reg integers.
	if len(regNamesWasm) > 64 {
		panic("too many registers")
	num := map[string]int{}
	for i, name := range regNamesWasm {
		num[name] = i
	buildReg := func(s string) regMask {
		m := regMask(0)
		for _, r := range strings.Split(s, " ") {
			if n, ok := num[r]; ok {
				m |= regMask(1) << uint(n)
			panic("register " + r + " not found")
		return m

	var (
		gp     = buildReg("R0 R1 R2 R3 R4 R5 R6 R7 R8 R9 R10 R11 R12 R13 R14 R15")
		fp32   = buildReg("F0 F1 F2 F3 F4 F5 F6 F7 F8 F9 F10 F11 F12 F13 F14 F15")
		fp64   = buildReg("F16 F17 F18 F19 F20 F21 F22 F23 F24 F25 F26 F27 F28 F29 F30 F31")
		gpsp   = gp | buildReg("SP")
		gpspsb = gpsp | buildReg("SB")
		// The "registers", which are actually local variables, can get clobbered
		// if we're switching goroutines, because it unwinds the WebAssembly stack.
		callerSave = gp | fp32 | fp64 | buildReg("g")

	// Common regInfo
	var (
		gp01      = regInfo{inputs: nil, outputs: []regMask{gp}}
		gp11      = regInfo{inputs: []regMask{gpsp}, outputs: []regMask{gp}}
		gp21      = regInfo{inputs: []regMask{gpsp, gpsp}, outputs: []regMask{gp}}
		gp31      = regInfo{inputs: []regMask{gpsp, gpsp, gpsp}, outputs: []regMask{gp}}
		fp32_01   = regInfo{inputs: nil, outputs: []regMask{fp32}}
		fp32_11   = regInfo{inputs: []regMask{fp32}, outputs: []regMask{fp32}}
		fp32_21   = regInfo{inputs: []regMask{fp32, fp32}, outputs: []regMask{fp32}}
		fp32_21gp = regInfo{inputs: []regMask{fp32, fp32}, outputs: []regMask{gp}}
		fp64_01   = regInfo{inputs: nil, outputs: []regMask{fp64}}
		fp64_11   = regInfo{inputs: []regMask{fp64}, outputs: []regMask{fp64}}
		fp64_21   = regInfo{inputs: []regMask{fp64, fp64}, outputs: []regMask{fp64}}
		fp64_21gp = regInfo{inputs: []regMask{fp64, fp64}, outputs: []regMask{gp}}
		gpload    = regInfo{inputs: []regMask{gpspsb, 0}, outputs: []regMask{gp}}
		gpstore   = regInfo{inputs: []regMask{gpspsb, gpsp, 0}}
		fp32load  = regInfo{inputs: []regMask{gpspsb, 0}, outputs: []regMask{fp32}}
		fp32store = regInfo{inputs: []regMask{gpspsb, fp32, 0}}
		fp64load  = regInfo{inputs: []regMask{gpspsb, 0}, outputs: []regMask{fp64}}
		fp64store = regInfo{inputs: []regMask{gpspsb, fp64, 0}}

	var WasmOps = []opData{
		{name: "LoweredStaticCall", argLength: 1, reg: regInfo{clobbers: callerSave}, aux: "CallOff", call: true},                                // call static function aux.(*obj.LSym). arg0=mem, auxint=argsize, returns mem
		{name: "LoweredTailCall", argLength: 1, reg: regInfo{clobbers: callerSave}, aux: "CallOff", call: true, tailCall: true},                  // tail call static function aux.(*obj.LSym). arg0=mem, auxint=argsize, returns mem
		{name: "LoweredClosureCall", argLength: 3, reg: regInfo{inputs: []regMask{gp, gp, 0}, clobbers: callerSave}, aux: "CallOff", call: true}, // call function via closure. arg0=codeptr, arg1=closure, arg2=mem, auxint=argsize, returns mem
		{name: "LoweredInterCall", argLength: 2, reg: regInfo{inputs: []regMask{gp}, clobbers: callerSave}, aux: "CallOff", call: true},          // call fn by pointer. arg0=codeptr, arg1=mem, auxint=argsize, returns mem

		{name: "LoweredAddr", argLength: 1, reg: gp11, aux: "SymOff", rematerializeable: true, symEffect: "Addr"}, // returns base+aux+auxint, arg0=base
		{name: "LoweredMove", argLength: 3, reg: regInfo{inputs: []regMask{gp, gp}}, aux: "Int64"},                // large move. arg0=dst, arg1=src, arg2=mem, auxint=len/8, returns mem
		{name: "LoweredZero", argLength: 2, reg: regInfo{inputs: []regMask{gp}}, aux: "Int64"},                    // large zeroing. arg0=start, arg1=mem, auxint=len/8, returns mem

		{name: "LoweredGetClosurePtr", reg: gp01},                                                                          // returns wasm.REG_CTXT, the closure pointer
		{name: "LoweredGetCallerPC", reg: gp01, rematerializeable: true},                                                   // returns the PC of the caller of the current function
		{name: "LoweredGetCallerSP", reg: gp01, rematerializeable: true},                                                   // returns the SP of the caller of the current function
		{name: "LoweredNilCheck", argLength: 2, reg: regInfo{inputs: []regMask{gp}}, nilCheck: true, faultOnNilArg0: true}, // panic if arg0 is nil. arg1=mem
		{name: "LoweredWB", argLength: 3, reg: regInfo{inputs: []regMask{gp, gp}}, aux: "Sym", symEffect: "None"},          // invokes runtime.gcWriteBarrier. arg0=destptr, arg1=srcptr, arg2=mem, aux=runtime.gcWriteBarrier

		// LoweredConvert converts between pointers and integers.
		// We have a special op for this so as to not confuse GCCallOff
		// (particularly stack maps). It takes a memory arg so it
		// gets correctly ordered with respect to GC safepoints.
		// arg0=ptr/int arg1=mem, output=int/ptr
		// TODO(neelance): LoweredConvert should not be necessary any more, since OpConvert does not need to be lowered any more (CL 108496).
		{name: "LoweredConvert", argLength: 2, reg: regInfo{inputs: []regMask{gp}, outputs: []regMask{gp}}},

		// The following are native WebAssembly instructions, see https://webassembly.github.io/spec/core/syntax/instructions.html

		{name: "Select", asm: "Select", argLength: 3, reg: gp31}, // returns arg0 if arg2 != 0, otherwise returns arg1

		{name: "I64Load8U", asm: "I64Load8U", argLength: 2, reg: gpload, aux: "Int64", typ: "UInt8"},    // read unsigned 8-bit integer from address arg0+aux, arg1=mem
		{name: "I64Load8S", asm: "I64Load8S", argLength: 2, reg: gpload, aux: "Int64", typ: "Int8"},     // read signed 8-bit integer from address arg0+aux, arg1=mem
		{name: "I64Load16U", asm: "I64Load16U", argLength: 2, reg: gpload, aux: "Int64", typ: "UInt16"}, // read unsigned 16-bit integer from address arg0+aux, arg1=mem
		{name: "I64Load16S", asm: "I64Load16S", argLength: 2, reg: gpload, aux: "Int64", typ: "Int16"},  // read signed 16-bit integer from address arg0+aux, arg1=mem
		{name: "I64Load32U", asm: "I64Load32U", argLength: 2, reg: gpload, aux: "Int64", typ: "UInt32"}, // read unsigned 32-bit integer from address arg0+aux, arg1=mem
		{name: "I64Load32S", asm: "I64Load32S", argLength: 2, reg: gpload, aux: "Int64", typ: "Int32"},  // read signed 32-bit integer from address arg0+aux, arg1=mem
		{name: "I64Load", asm: "I64Load", argLength: 2, reg: gpload, aux: "Int64", typ: "UInt64"},       // read 64-bit integer from address arg0+aux, arg1=mem
		{name: "I64Store8", asm: "I64Store8", argLength: 3, reg: gpstore, aux: "Int64", typ: "Mem"},     // store 8-bit integer arg1 at address arg0+aux, arg2=mem, returns mem
		{name: "I64Store16", asm: "I64Store16", argLength: 3, reg: gpstore, aux: "Int64", typ: "Mem"},   // store 16-bit integer arg1 at address arg0+aux, arg2=mem, returns mem
		{name: "I64Store32", asm: "I64Store32", argLength: 3, reg: gpstore, aux: "Int64", typ: "Mem"},   // store 32-bit integer arg1 at address arg0+aux, arg2=mem, returns mem
		{name: "I64Store", asm: "I64Store", argLength: 3, reg: gpstore, aux: "Int64", typ: "Mem"},       // store 64-bit integer arg1 at address arg0+aux, arg2=mem, returns mem

		{name: "F32Load", asm: "F32Load", argLength: 2, reg: fp32load, aux: "Int64", typ: "Float32"}, // read 32-bit float from address arg0+aux, arg1=mem
		{name: "F64Load", asm: "F64Load", argLength: 2, reg: fp64load, aux: "Int64", typ: "Float64"}, // read 64-bit float from address arg0+aux, arg1=mem
		{name: "F32Store", asm: "F32Store", argLength: 3, reg: fp32store, aux: "Int64", typ: "Mem"},  // store 32-bit float arg1 at address arg0+aux, arg2=mem, returns mem
		{name: "F64Store", asm: "F64Store", argLength: 3, reg: fp64store, aux: "Int64", typ: "Mem"},  // store 64-bit float arg1 at address arg0+aux, arg2=mem, returns mem

		{name: "I64Const", reg: gp01, aux: "Int64", rematerializeable: true, typ: "Int64"},        // returns the constant integer aux
		{name: "F32Const", reg: fp32_01, aux: "Float32", rematerializeable: true, typ: "Float32"}, // returns the constant float aux
		{name: "F64Const", reg: fp64_01, aux: "Float64", rematerializeable: true, typ: "Float64"}, // returns the constant float aux

		{name: "I64Eqz", asm: "I64Eqz", argLength: 1, reg: gp11, typ: "Bool"}, // arg0 == 0
		{name: "I64Eq", asm: "I64Eq", argLength: 2, reg: gp21, typ: "Bool"},   // arg0 == arg1
		{name: "I64Ne", asm: "I64Ne", argLength: 2, reg: gp21, typ: "Bool"},   // arg0 != arg1
		{name: "I64LtS", asm: "I64LtS", argLength: 2, reg: gp21, typ: "Bool"}, // arg0 < arg1 (signed)
		{name: "I64LtU", asm: "I64LtU", argLength: 2, reg: gp21, typ: "Bool"}, // arg0 < arg1 (unsigned)
		{name: "I64GtS", asm: "I64GtS", argLength: 2, reg: gp21, typ: "Bool"}, // arg0 > arg1 (signed)
		{name: "I64GtU", asm: "I64GtU", argLength: 2, reg: gp21, typ: "Bool"}, // arg0 > arg1 (unsigned)
		{name: "I64LeS", asm: "I64LeS", argLength: 2, reg: gp21, typ: "Bool"}, // arg0 <= arg1 (signed)
		{name: "I64LeU", asm: "I64LeU", argLength: 2, reg: gp21, typ: "Bool"}, // arg0 <= arg1 (unsigned)
		{name: "I64GeS", asm: "I64GeS", argLength: 2, reg: gp21, typ: "Bool"}, // arg0 >= arg1 (signed)
		{name: "I64GeU", asm: "I64GeU", argLength: 2, reg: gp21, typ: "Bool"}, // arg0 >= arg1 (unsigned)

		{name: "F32Eq", asm: "F32Eq", argLength: 2, reg: fp32_21gp, typ: "Bool"}, // arg0 == arg1
		{name: "F32Ne", asm: "F32Ne", argLength: 2, reg: fp32_21gp, typ: "Bool"}, // arg0 != arg1
		{name: "F32Lt", asm: "F32Lt", argLength: 2, reg: fp32_21gp, typ: "Bool"}, // arg0 < arg1
		{name: "F32Gt", asm: "F32Gt", argLength: 2, reg: fp32_21gp, typ: "Bool"}, // arg0 > arg1
		{name: "F32Le", asm: "F32Le", argLength: 2, reg: fp32_21gp, typ: "Bool"}, // arg0 <= arg1
		{name: "F32Ge", asm: "F32Ge", argLength: 2, reg: fp32_21gp, typ: "Bool"}, // arg0 >= arg1

		{name: "F64Eq", asm: "F64Eq", argLength: 2, reg: fp64_21gp, typ: "Bool"}, // arg0 == arg1
		{name: "F64Ne", asm: "F64Ne", argLength: 2, reg: fp64_21gp, typ: "Bool"}, // arg0 != arg1
		{name: "F64Lt", asm: "F64Lt", argLength: 2, reg: fp64_21gp, typ: "Bool"}, // arg0 < arg1
		{name: "F64Gt", asm: "F64Gt", argLength: 2, reg: fp64_21gp, typ: "Bool"}, // arg0 > arg1
		{name: "F64Le", asm: "F64Le", argLength: 2, reg: fp64_21gp, typ: "Bool"}, // arg0 <= arg1
		{name: "F64Ge", asm: "F64Ge", argLength: 2, reg: fp64_21gp, typ: "Bool"}, // arg0 >= arg1

		{name: "I64Add", asm: "I64Add", argLength: 2, reg: gp21, typ: "Int64"},                    // arg0 + arg1
		{name: "I64AddConst", asm: "I64Add", argLength: 1, reg: gp11, aux: "Int64", typ: "Int64"}, // arg0 + aux
		{name: "I64Sub", asm: "I64Sub", argLength: 2, reg: gp21, typ: "Int64"},                    // arg0 - arg1
		{name: "I64Mul", asm: "I64Mul", argLength: 2, reg: gp21, typ: "Int64"},                    // arg0 * arg1
		{name: "I64DivS", asm: "I64DivS", argLength: 2, reg: gp21, typ: "Int64"},                  // arg0 / arg1 (signed)
		{name: "I64DivU", asm: "I64DivU", argLength: 2, reg: gp21, typ: "Int64"},                  // arg0 / arg1 (unsigned)
		{name: "I64RemS", asm: "I64RemS", argLength: 2, reg: gp21, typ: "Int64"},                  // arg0 % arg1 (signed)
		{name: "I64RemU", asm: "I64RemU", argLength: 2, reg: gp21, typ: "Int64"},                  // arg0 % arg1 (unsigned)
		{name: "I64And", asm: "I64And", argLength: 2, reg: gp21, typ: "Int64"},                    // arg0 & arg1
		{name: "I64Or", asm: "I64Or", argLength: 2, reg: gp21, typ: "Int64"},                      // arg0 | arg1
		{name: "I64Xor", asm: "I64Xor", argLength: 2, reg: gp21, typ: "Int64"},                    // arg0 ^ arg1
		{name: "I64Shl", asm: "I64Shl", argLength: 2, reg: gp21, typ: "Int64"},                    // arg0 << (arg1 % 64)
		{name: "I64ShrS", asm: "I64ShrS", argLength: 2, reg: gp21, typ: "Int64"},                  // arg0 >> (arg1 % 64) (signed)
		{name: "I64ShrU", asm: "I64ShrU", argLength: 2, reg: gp21, typ: "Int64"},                  // arg0 >> (arg1 % 64) (unsigned)

		{name: "F32Neg", asm: "F32Neg", argLength: 1, reg: fp32_11, typ: "Float32"}, // -arg0
		{name: "F32Add", asm: "F32Add", argLength: 2, reg: fp32_21, typ: "Float32"}, // arg0 + arg1
		{name: "F32Sub", asm: "F32Sub", argLength: 2, reg: fp32_21, typ: "Float32"}, // arg0 - arg1
		{name: "F32Mul", asm: "F32Mul", argLength: 2, reg: fp32_21, typ: "Float32"}, // arg0 * arg1
		{name: "F32Div", asm: "F32Div", argLength: 2, reg: fp32_21, typ: "Float32"}, // arg0 / arg1

		{name: "F64Neg", asm: "F64Neg", argLength: 1, reg: fp64_11, typ: "Float64"}, // -arg0
		{name: "F64Add", asm: "F64Add", argLength: 2, reg: fp64_21, typ: "Float64"}, // arg0 + arg1
		{name: "F64Sub", asm: "F64Sub", argLength: 2, reg: fp64_21, typ: "Float64"}, // arg0 - arg1
		{name: "F64Mul", asm: "F64Mul", argLength: 2, reg: fp64_21, typ: "Float64"}, // arg0 * arg1
		{name: "F64Div", asm: "F64Div", argLength: 2, reg: fp64_21, typ: "Float64"}, // arg0 / arg1

		{name: "I64TruncSatF64S", asm: "I64TruncSatF64S", argLength: 1, reg: regInfo{inputs: []regMask{fp64}, outputs: []regMask{gp}}, typ: "Int64"}, // truncates the float arg0 to a signed integer (saturating)
		{name: "I64TruncSatF64U", asm: "I64TruncSatF64U", argLength: 1, reg: regInfo{inputs: []regMask{fp64}, outputs: []regMask{gp}}, typ: "Int64"}, // truncates the float arg0 to an unsigned integer (saturating)
		{name: "I64TruncSatF32S", asm: "I64TruncSatF32S", argLength: 1, reg: regInfo{inputs: []regMask{fp32}, outputs: []regMask{gp}}, typ: "Int64"}, // truncates the float arg0 to a signed integer (saturating)
		{name: "I64TruncSatF32U", asm: "I64TruncSatF32U", argLength: 1, reg: regInfo{inputs: []regMask{fp32}, outputs: []regMask{gp}}, typ: "Int64"}, // truncates the float arg0 to an unsigned integer (saturating)
		{name: "F32ConvertI64S", asm: "F32ConvertI64S", argLength: 1, reg: regInfo{inputs: []regMask{gp}, outputs: []regMask{fp32}}, typ: "Float32"}, // converts the signed integer arg0 to a float
		{name: "F32ConvertI64U", asm: "F32ConvertI64U", argLength: 1, reg: regInfo{inputs: []regMask{gp}, outputs: []regMask{fp32}}, typ: "Float32"}, // converts the unsigned integer arg0 to a float
		{name: "F64ConvertI64S", asm: "F64ConvertI64S", argLength: 1, reg: regInfo{inputs: []regMask{gp}, outputs: []regMask{fp64}}, typ: "Float64"}, // converts the signed integer arg0 to a float
		{name: "F64ConvertI64U", asm: "F64ConvertI64U", argLength: 1, reg: regInfo{inputs: []regMask{gp}, outputs: []regMask{fp64}}, typ: "Float64"}, // converts the unsigned integer arg0 to a float
		{name: "F32DemoteF64", asm: "F32DemoteF64", argLength: 1, reg: regInfo{inputs: []regMask{fp64}, outputs: []regMask{fp32}}, typ: "Float32"},
		{name: "F64PromoteF32", asm: "F64PromoteF32", argLength: 1, reg: regInfo{inputs: []regMask{fp32}, outputs: []regMask{fp64}}, typ: "Float64"},

		{name: "I64Extend8S", asm: "I64Extend8S", argLength: 1, reg: gp11, typ: "Int64"},   // sign-extend arg0 from 8 to 64 bit
		{name: "I64Extend16S", asm: "I64Extend16S", argLength: 1, reg: gp11, typ: "Int64"}, // sign-extend arg0 from 16 to 64 bit
		{name: "I64Extend32S", asm: "I64Extend32S", argLength: 1, reg: gp11, typ: "Int64"}, // sign-extend arg0 from 32 to 64 bit

		{name: "F32Sqrt", asm: "F32Sqrt", argLength: 1, reg: fp32_11, typ: "Float32"},         // sqrt(arg0)
		{name: "F32Trunc", asm: "F32Trunc", argLength: 1, reg: fp32_11, typ: "Float32"},       // trunc(arg0)
		{name: "F32Ceil", asm: "F32Ceil", argLength: 1, reg: fp32_11, typ: "Float32"},         // ceil(arg0)
		{name: "F32Floor", asm: "F32Floor", argLength: 1, reg: fp32_11, typ: "Float32"},       // floor(arg0)
		{name: "F32Nearest", asm: "F32Nearest", argLength: 1, reg: fp32_11, typ: "Float32"},   // round(arg0)
		{name: "F32Abs", asm: "F32Abs", argLength: 1, reg: fp32_11, typ: "Float32"},           // abs(arg0)
		{name: "F32Copysign", asm: "F32Copysign", argLength: 2, reg: fp32_21, typ: "Float32"}, // copysign(arg0, arg1)

		{name: "F64Sqrt", asm: "F64Sqrt", argLength: 1, reg: fp64_11, typ: "Float64"},         // sqrt(arg0)
		{name: "F64Trunc", asm: "F64Trunc", argLength: 1, reg: fp64_11, typ: "Float64"},       // trunc(arg0)
		{name: "F64Ceil", asm: "F64Ceil", argLength: 1, reg: fp64_11, typ: "Float64"},         // ceil(arg0)
		{name: "F64Floor", asm: "F64Floor", argLength: 1, reg: fp64_11, typ: "Float64"},       // floor(arg0)
		{name: "F64Nearest", asm: "F64Nearest", argLength: 1, reg: fp64_11, typ: "Float64"},   // round(arg0)
		{name: "F64Abs", asm: "F64Abs", argLength: 1, reg: fp64_11, typ: "Float64"},           // abs(arg0)
		{name: "F64Copysign", asm: "F64Copysign", argLength: 2, reg: fp64_21, typ: "Float64"}, // copysign(arg0, arg1)

		{name: "I64Ctz", asm: "I64Ctz", argLength: 1, reg: gp11, typ: "Int64"},       // ctz(arg0)
		{name: "I64Clz", asm: "I64Clz", argLength: 1, reg: gp11, typ: "Int64"},       // clz(arg0)
		{name: "I32Rotl", asm: "I32Rotl", argLength: 2, reg: gp21, typ: "Int32"},     // rotl(arg0, arg1)
		{name: "I64Rotl", asm: "I64Rotl", argLength: 2, reg: gp21, typ: "Int64"},     // rotl(arg0, arg1)
		{name: "I64Popcnt", asm: "I64Popcnt", argLength: 1, reg: gp11, typ: "Int64"}, // popcnt(arg0)

	archs = append(archs, arch{
		name:            "Wasm",
		pkg:             "cmd/internal/obj/wasm",
		genfile:         "../../wasm/ssa.go",
		ops:             WasmOps,
		blocks:          nil,
		regnames:        regNamesWasm,
		gpregmask:       gp,
		fpregmask:       fp32 | fp64,
		fp32regmask:     fp32,
		fp64regmask:     fp64,
		framepointerreg: -1, // not used
		linkreg:         -1, // not used


go 源码目录


go 386Ops 源码

go AMD64Ops 源码

go ARM64Ops 源码

go ARMOps 源码

go LOONG64Ops 源码

go MIPS64Ops 源码

go MIPSOps 源码

go PPC64Ops 源码

go RISCV64Ops 源码

go S390XOps 源码

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