greenplumn session_state 源码

  • 2022-08-18
  • 浏览 (273)


 * session_state.c
 *	 Implementation of the session state manager. Session state contains
 *	 session specific information such as memory usage of the session, number
 *	 of active processes in the session and so on. It is also used to indicate
 *	 if a session is runaway and therefore needs to cleanup its resources.
 * Copyright (c) 2014-Present VMware, Inc. or its affiliates.
 *	    src/backend/utils/session_state.c

#include "postgres.h"

#include "utils/memutils.h"
#include "cdb/cdbvars.h"
#include "miscadmin.h"
#include "port/atomics.h"
#include "storage/lwlock.h"
#include "storage/shmem.h"
#include "utils/session_state.h"
#include "utils/vmem_tracker.h"

#define SHMEM_SESSION_STATE_ARRAY "Session State Array"

/* Pointer to SessionStateArray instance in shared memory */
volatile SessionStateArray *AllSessionStateEntries = NULL;
/* Number of entries in the SessionStateArray */
static int SessionStateArrayEntryCount = 0;
 * A pointer to the entry in the array of SessionState that corresponds
 * to the SessionState of this session.
volatile SessionState *MySessionState = NULL;
/* Have we initialized the sessionState pointer */
bool sessionStateInited = false;

/* For checking if the process is deactivated before calling SessionState_Release */
extern bool isProcessActive;

/* Returns the size of the shared memory to allocate SessionStateArray */
 * Grabs one entry in the sessionStateArray for current session.
 * If the current session already has an entry, it just returns the
 * pointer to the previously grabbed entry.
static SessionState*
SessionState_Acquire(int sessionId)
	LWLockAcquire(SessionStateLock, LW_EXCLUSIVE);

	SessionState *cur = AllSessionStateEntries->usedList;

	while (cur != NULL && cur->sessionId != sessionId)
		Assert(INVALID_SESSION_ID != cur->sessionId);
		cur = cur->next;

	if (NULL == cur && NULL == AllSessionStateEntries->freeList)
						errmsg("too many sessions"),
						errdetail("Could not acquire resources for additional sessions."),
						errhint("Disconnect some sessions and try again.")));

	SessionState *acquired = cur;

	 * Nothing was acquired for this session from any other processes. Therefore,
	 * acquire a new entry, and reset its properties.
	if (NULL == acquired)
		acquired = AllSessionStateEntries->freeList;

		AllSessionStateEntries->freeList = acquired->next;

		acquired->next = AllSessionStateEntries->usedList;
		AllSessionStateEntries->usedList = acquired;
		Assert(AllSessionStateEntries->numSession <= AllSessionStateEntries->maxSession);

		acquired->sessionId = sessionId;
		acquired->runawayStatus = RunawayStatus_NotRunaway;
		acquired->sessionVmemRunaway = 0;
		acquired->commandCountRunaway = 0;
		acquired->pinCount = 0;
		acquired->sessionVmem = 0;
		acquired->cleanupCountdown = CLEANUP_COUNTDOWN_BEFORE_RUNAWAY;
		acquired->activeProcessCount = 0;
		acquired->idle_start = 0;
		acquired->latestCursorCommandId = 0;
		acquired->resGroupSlot = NULL;

		acquired->isModifiedSessionId = false;

		 * Make sure that the lock is reset to released. Note: this doesn't
		 * have a matching SpinLockAcquire. We are just resetting the lock
		 * as part of initialization

	Assert(NULL != acquired);
	int pinCount = pg_atomic_add_fetch_u32((pg_atomic_uint32 *) &acquired->pinCount, 1);

	ereport(gp_sessionstate_loglevel, (errmsg("SessionState_Acquire: pinCount: %d, activeProcessCount: %d",
			pinCount, acquired->activeProcessCount), errprintstack(true)));


	return acquired;

 * Releases the pinCount of a SessionState entry. If the pinCount
 * drops to 0, it puts the entry back to the freeList for reuse.
static void
SessionState_Release(SessionState *acquired)
	if (!sessionStateInited)
		Assert(NULL == acquired);

	Assert(NULL != acquired);
	Assert(0 < acquired->pinCount);
	Assert(acquired->sessionId == gp_session_id || acquired->isModifiedSessionId);

	LWLockAcquire(SessionStateLock, LW_EXCLUSIVE);

	Assert(acquired->activeProcessCount < acquired->pinCount);

	int pinCount = pg_atomic_sub_fetch_u32((pg_atomic_uint32 *) &acquired->pinCount, 1);

	ereport(gp_sessionstate_loglevel, (errmsg("SessionState_Release: pinCount: %d, activeProcessCount: %d",
			pinCount, acquired->activeProcessCount), errprintstack(true)));

	    /* Before this point the process should have been deactivated */
	Assert(acquired->activeProcessCount <= acquired->pinCount);
	Assert(0 <= acquired->pinCount);

	if (0 == acquired->pinCount)

		acquired->sessionId = INVALID_SESSION_ID;

		Assert(acquired->runawayStatus == RunawayStatus_NotRunaway);
		Assert(CLEANUP_COUNTDOWN_BEFORE_RUNAWAY == acquired->cleanupCountdown);
		Assert(0 == acquired->activeProcessCount);

		acquired->sessionVmem = 0;
		acquired->runawayStatus = RunawayStatus_NotRunaway;
		acquired->sessionVmemRunaway = 0;
		acquired->commandCountRunaway = 0;
		acquired->cleanupCountdown = CLEANUP_COUNTDOWN_BEFORE_RUNAWAY;
		acquired->activeProcessCount = 0;
		acquired->idle_start = 0;
		acquired->latestCursorCommandId = 0;
		acquired->resGroupSlot = NULL;

		acquired->isModifiedSessionId = false;

		SessionState *cur = AllSessionStateEntries->usedList;
		SessionState *prev = NULL;

		while (cur != acquired && cur != NULL)
			prev = cur;
			cur = cur->next;

		Assert(cur == acquired);

		/* grabbed is at the head of used list */
		if (NULL == prev)
			Assert(AllSessionStateEntries->usedList == acquired);
			AllSessionStateEntries->usedList = acquired->next;
			prev->next = cur->next;

		acquired->next = AllSessionStateEntries->freeList;
		AllSessionStateEntries->freeList = acquired;
		Assert(AllSessionStateEntries->numSession >= 0);


/* Returns the size of the SessionState array */
	SessionStateArrayEntryCount = MaxBackends;

	Size size = offsetof(SessionStateArray, sessions);
	size = add_size(size, mul_size(sizeof(SessionState),

	return size;

/* Allocates the shared memory SessionStateArray */
	bool	found = false;

	Size shmemSize = SessionState_ShmemSize();
	AllSessionStateEntries = (SessionStateArray *)
				ShmemInitStruct(SHMEM_SESSION_STATE_ARRAY, shmemSize, &found);

	Assert(found || !IsUnderPostmaster);

	if (!IsUnderPostmaster)
		MemSet(AllSessionStateEntries, 0, shmemSize);

		 * We're the first - initialize.
		AllSessionStateEntries->numSession = 0;
		AllSessionStateEntries->maxSession = SessionStateArrayEntryCount;

		/* Every entry of the array is free at this time */
		AllSessionStateEntries->freeList = (SessionState *) &AllSessionStateEntries->sessions[0];
		AllSessionStateEntries->usedList = NULL;

		 * Set all the entries' sessionId to invalid. Also, set the next pointer
		 * to point to the next entry in the array.
		SessionState *prev = (SessionState *) &AllSessionStateEntries->sessions[0];
		prev->sessionId = INVALID_SESSION_ID;
		prev->cleanupCountdown = CLEANUP_COUNTDOWN_BEFORE_RUNAWAY;

		for (int i = 1; i < AllSessionStateEntries->maxSession; i++)
			SessionState *cur = (SessionState *) &AllSessionStateEntries->sessions[i];

			cur->sessionId = INVALID_SESSION_ID;
			cur->cleanupCountdown = CLEANUP_COUNTDOWN_BEFORE_RUNAWAY;
			prev->next = cur;

			prev = cur;

		prev->next = NULL;

/* Initialize the SessionState for current session */
	Assert(NULL == MySessionState);

	if (INVALID_SESSION_ID == gp_session_id)


	MySessionState = SessionState_Acquire(gp_session_id);

	Assert(NULL != MySessionState);

	sessionStateInited = true;

/* Shutdown the SessionState for current session */
	Assert(INVALID_SESSION_ID == gp_session_id || NULL != MySessionState);

	Assert(INVALID_SESSION_ID == gp_session_id || sessionStateInited);

	SessionState_Release((SessionState *)MySessionState);

	MySessionState = NULL;

	sessionStateInited = false;

 * Returns true if the SessionState entry is acquired by a session
SessionState_IsAcquired(SessionState *sessionState)
	return sessionState->sessionId != INVALID_SESSION_ID;

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