tidb stream_status 源码
tidb stream_status 代码
// Copyright 2022 PingCAP, Inc. Licensed under Apache-2.0.
package stream
import (
backuppb "github.com/pingcap/kvproto/pkg/brpb"
. "github.com/pingcap/tidb/br/pkg/streamhelper"
pd "github.com/tikv/pd/client"
const WildCard = "*"
type TaskStatus struct {
// Info is the stream task information.
Info backuppb.StreamBackupTaskInfo
// paused checks whether the task is paused.
paused bool
// global checkpoint from storage
globalCheckpoint uint64
// Checkpoints collects the checkpoints.
Checkpoints []Checkpoint
// Total QPS of the task in recent seconds.
QPS float64
// Last error reported by the store.
LastErrors map[uint64]backuppb.StreamBackupError
type TaskPrinter interface {
AddTask(t TaskStatus)
// PrintTaskByTable make a TaskPrinter,
// which prints the task by the `Table` implement of the console.
func PrintTaskByTable(c glue.ConsoleOperations) TaskPrinter {
return &printByTable{console: c}
// PrintTaskWithJSON make a TaskPrinter,
// which prints tasks as json to the console directly.
func PrintTaskWithJSON(c glue.ConsoleOperations) TaskPrinter {
return &printByJSON{
console: c,
type printByTable struct {
console glue.ConsoleOperations
pendingTables []*glue.Table
// statusOK make a string like <green>●</green> <bold>{message}</bold>
func statusOK(message string) string {
return color.GreenString("●") + color.New(color.Bold).Sprintf(" %s", message)
// statusErr make a string like <red>○</red> <bold>{message}</bold>
func statusErr(message string) string {
return color.RedString("○") + color.New(color.Bold).Sprintf(" %s", message)
// statusBlock make a string like <yellow>●</yellow> <bold>{message}</bold>
func statusBlock(message string) string {
return color.YellowString("●") + color.New(color.Bold).Sprintf(" %s", message)
func (t *TaskStatus) colorfulStatusString() string {
// Maybe we need 3 kinds of status: ERROR/NORMAL/PAUSE.
// And should return "ERROR" when find error information in PD.
if t.paused && len(t.LastErrors) > 0 {
return statusErr("ERROR")
if t.paused {
return statusBlock("PAUSE")
return statusOK("NORMAL")
// GetCheckpoint calculates the checkpoint of the task.
func (t TaskStatus) GetMinStoreCheckpoint() Checkpoint {
initialized := false
checkpoint := Checkpoint{
TS: t.Info.StartTs,
for _, cp := range t.Checkpoints {
if cp.Type() == CheckpointTypeStore && (!initialized || cp.TS < checkpoint.TS) {
initialized = true
checkpoint = cp
if cp.Type() == CheckpointTypeGlobal {
return cp
return checkpoint
func (p *printByTable) AddTask(task TaskStatus) {
table := p.console.CreateTable()
table.Add("name", task.Info.Name)
table.Add("status", task.colorfulStatusString())
table.Add("start", fmt.Sprint(FormatDate(oracle.GetTimeFromTS(task.Info.StartTs))))
if task.Info.EndTs > 0 {
table.Add("end", fmt.Sprint(FormatDate(oracle.GetTimeFromTS(task.Info.EndTs))))
s := storage.FormatBackendURL(task.Info.GetStorage())
table.Add("storage", s.String())
table.Add("speed(est.)", fmt.Sprintf("%s ops/s", color.New(color.Bold).Sprintf("%.2f", task.QPS)))
now := time.Now()
formatTS := func(ts uint64) string {
pTime := oracle.GetTimeFromTS(ts)
gap := now.Sub(pTime).Round(time.Second)
gapColor := color.New(color.FgGreen)
if gap > 10*time.Minute {
gapColor = color.New(color.FgRed)
info := fmt.Sprintf("%s; gap=%s", FormatDate(pTime), gapColor.Sprint(gap))
return info
table.Add("checkpoint[global]", formatTS(task.globalCheckpoint))
p.addCheckpoints(&task, table, formatTS)
for store, e := range task.LastErrors {
table.Add(fmt.Sprintf("error[store=%d]", store), e.ErrorCode)
table.Add(fmt.Sprintf("error-happen-at[store=%d]", store), formatTS(oracle.ComposeTS(int64(e.HappenAt), 0)))
table.Add(fmt.Sprintf("error-message[store=%d]", store), e.ErrorMessage)
p.pendingTables = append(p.pendingTables, table)
func (p *printByTable) addCheckpoints(task *TaskStatus, table *glue.Table, formatTS func(uint64) string) {
cp := task.GetMinStoreCheckpoint()
if cp.Type() != CheckpointTypeGlobal {
for _, cp := range task.Checkpoints {
switch cp.Type() {
case CheckpointTypeStore:
table.Add(fmt.Sprintf("checkpoint[store=%d]", cp.ID), formatTS(cp.TS))
func (p *printByTable) PrintTasks() {
if len(p.pendingTables) == 0 {
p.console.Println(statusErr("No Task Yet."))
p.console.Println(statusOK(fmt.Sprintf("Total %d Tasks.", len(p.pendingTables))))
for i, t := range p.pendingTables {
p.console.Printf("> #%d <\n", i+1)
type printByJSON struct {
cache []TaskStatus
console glue.ConsoleOperations
func (p *printByJSON) AddTask(t TaskStatus) {
p.cache = append(p.cache, t)
func (p *printByJSON) PrintTasks() {
type storeProgress struct {
StoreID uint64 `json:"store_id"`
Checkpoint uint64 `json:"checkpoint"`
type storeLastError struct {
StoreID uint64 `json:"store_id"`
LastError backuppb.StreamBackupError `json:"last_error"`
type jsonTask struct {
Name string `json:"name"`
StartTS uint64 `json:"start_ts,omitempty"`
EndTS uint64 `json:"end_ts,omitempty"`
TableFilter []string `json:"table_filter"`
Progress []storeProgress `json:"progress"`
Storage string `json:"storage"`
CheckpointTS uint64 `json:"checkpoint"`
EstQPS float64 `json:"estimate_qps"`
LastErrors []storeLastError `json:"last_errors"`
taskToJSON := func(t TaskStatus) jsonTask {
s := storage.FormatBackendURL(t.Info.GetStorage())
sp := make([]storeProgress, 0, len(t.Checkpoints))
for _, checkpoint := range t.Checkpoints {
if checkpoint.Type() == CheckpointTypeStore {
sp = append(sp, storeProgress{
StoreID: checkpoint.ID,
Checkpoint: checkpoint.TS,
se := make([]storeLastError, 0, len(t.LastErrors))
for store, lastError := range t.LastErrors {
se = append(se, storeLastError{
StoreID: store,
LastError: lastError,
return jsonTask{
Name: t.Info.GetName(),
StartTS: t.Info.GetStartTs(),
EndTS: t.Info.GetEndTs(),
TableFilter: t.Info.GetTableFilter(),
Progress: sp,
Storage: s.String(),
CheckpointTS: t.globalCheckpoint,
EstQPS: t.QPS,
LastErrors: se,
mustMarshal := func(i interface{}) string {
r, err := json.Marshal(i)
if err != nil {
log.Panic("Failed to marshal a trivial struct to json", zap.Reflect("object", i), zap.Error(err))
return string(r)
tasks := make([]jsonTask, 0, len(p.cache))
for _, task := range p.cache {
tasks = append(tasks, taskToJSON(task))
var logCountSumRe = regexp.MustCompile(`tikv_(?:stream|log_backup)_handle_kv_batch_sum ([0-9]+)`)
type PDInfoProvider interface {
GetPDClient() pd.Client
GetTLSConfig() *tls.Config
// MaybeQPS get a number like the QPS of last seconds for each store via the prometheus interface.
// TODO: this is a temporary solution(aha, like in a Hackthon),
// we MUST find a better way for providing this information.
func MaybeQPS(ctx context.Context, mgr PDInfoProvider) (float64, error) {
c := mgr.GetPDClient()
prefix := "http://"
if mgr.GetTLSConfig() != nil {
prefix = "https://"
ss, err := c.GetAllStores(ctx)
if err != nil {
return 0, err
cli := httputil.NewClient(mgr.GetTLSConfig())
getCount := func(statusAddr string) (uint64, error) {
before, err := cli.Get(prefix + statusAddr + "/metrics")
if err != nil {
return 0, err
defer before.Body.Close()
data, err := io.ReadAll(before.Body)
if err != nil {
return 0, err
matches := logCountSumRe.FindSubmatch(data)
log.Info("get qps", zap.ByteStrings("matches", matches), logutil.Redact(zap.String("addr", statusAddr)))
if len(matches) < 2 {
return 42, nil
return strconv.ParseUint(string(matches[1]), 10, 64)
qpsMap := new(sync.Map)
eg, _ := errgroup.WithContext(ctx)
getQPS := func(s *metapb.Store) error {
if s.GetState() != metapb.StoreState_Up {
return nil
statusAddr := s.StatusAddress
c0, err := getCount(statusAddr)
if err != nil {
return errors.Annotatef(err, "failed to get count from %s", statusAddr)
start := time.Now()
time.Sleep(1 * time.Second)
c1, err := getCount(statusAddr)
if err != nil {
return errors.Annotatef(err, "failed to get count from %s", statusAddr)
elapsed := float64(time.Since(start)) / float64(time.Second)
log.Info("calc qps", zap.Uint64("diff", c1-c0), zap.Float64("elapsed", elapsed), zap.Uint64("c0", c0), zap.Uint64("c1", c1))
qpsMap.Store(s.GetId(), float64(c1-c0)/elapsed)
return nil
for _, s := range ss {
store := s
eg.Go(func() error {
return getQPS(store)
if err := eg.Wait(); err != nil {
log.Warn("failed to get est QPS", logutil.ShortError(err))
qps := 0.0
qpsMap.Range(func(key, value interface{}) bool {
qps += value.(float64)
return true
return qps, nil
// StatusController is the controller type (or context type) for the command `stream status`.
type StatusController struct {
meta *MetaDataClient
mgr PDInfoProvider
view TaskPrinter
// NewStatusContorller make a status controller via some resource accessors.
func NewStatusController(meta *MetaDataClient, mgr PDInfoProvider, view TaskPrinter) *StatusController {
return &StatusController{
meta: meta,
mgr: mgr,
view: view,
// fillTask queries and fills the extra information for a raw task.
func (ctl *StatusController) fillTask(ctx context.Context, task Task) (TaskStatus, error) {
var err error
s := TaskStatus{
Info: task.Info,
if s.paused, err = task.IsPaused(ctx); err != nil {
return s, errors.Annotatef(err, "failed to get pause status of task %s", s.Info.Name)
if s.Checkpoints, err = task.NextBackupTSList(ctx); err != nil {
return s, errors.Annotatef(err, "failed to get progress of task %s", s.Info.Name)
if s.globalCheckpoint, err = task.GetStorageCheckpoint(ctx); err != nil {
return s, errors.Annotatef(err, "failed to get storage checkpoint of task %s", s.Info.Name)
s.LastErrors, err = task.LastError(ctx)
if err != nil {
return s, err
s.QPS, err = MaybeQPS(ctx, ctl.mgr)
if err != nil {
return s, errors.Annotatef(err, "failed to get QPS of task %s", s.Info.Name)
return s, nil
// getTask fetches the task by the name, if the name is the wildcard ("*"), fetch all tasks.
func (ctl *StatusController) getTask(ctx context.Context, name string) ([]TaskStatus, error) {
if name == WildCard {
// get status about all of tasks
tasks, err := ctl.meta.GetAllTasks(ctx)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
result := make([]TaskStatus, 0, len(tasks))
for _, task := range tasks {
status, err := ctl.fillTask(ctx, task)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
result = append(result, status)
return result, nil
// get status about TaskName
task, err := ctl.meta.GetTask(ctx, name)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
status, err := ctl.fillTask(ctx, *task)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return []TaskStatus{status}, nil
func (ctl *StatusController) printToView(tasks []TaskStatus) {
for _, task := range tasks {
// PrintStatusOfTask prints the status of tasks with the name. When the name is *, print all tasks.
func (ctl *StatusController) PrintStatusOfTask(ctx context.Context, name string) error {
tasks, err := ctl.getTask(ctx, name)
if err != nil {
return err
return nil
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