tidb core_time 源码

  • 2022-09-19
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tidb core_time 代码


// Copyright 2016 PingCAP, Inc.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
//     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.

package types

import (
	gotime "time"


// CoreTime is the internal struct type for Time.
type CoreTime uint64

// ZeroCoreTime is the zero value for TimeInternal type.
var ZeroCoreTime = CoreTime(0)

// String implements fmt.Stringer.
func (t CoreTime) String() string {
	return fmt.Sprintf("{%d %d %d %d %d %d %d}", t.getYear(), t.getMonth(), t.getDay(), t.getHour(), t.getMinute(), t.getSecond(), t.getMicrosecond())

func (t CoreTime) getYear() uint16 {
	return uint16((uint64(t) & yearBitFieldMask) >> yearBitFieldOffset)

func (t *CoreTime) setYear(year uint16) {
	*(*uint64)(t) &= ^yearBitFieldMask
	*(*uint64)(t) |= (uint64(year) << yearBitFieldOffset) & yearBitFieldMask

// Year returns the year value.
func (t CoreTime) Year() int {
	return int(t.getYear())

func (t CoreTime) getMonth() uint8 {
	return uint8((uint64(t) & monthBitFieldMask) >> monthBitFieldOffset)

func (t *CoreTime) setMonth(month uint8) {
	*(*uint64)(t) &= ^monthBitFieldMask
	*(*uint64)(t) |= (uint64(month) << monthBitFieldOffset) & monthBitFieldMask

// Month returns the month value.
func (t CoreTime) Month() int {
	return int(t.getMonth())

func (t CoreTime) getDay() uint8 {
	return uint8((uint64(t) & dayBitFieldMask) >> dayBitFieldOffset)

func (t *CoreTime) setDay(day uint8) {
	*(*uint64)(t) &= ^dayBitFieldMask
	*(*uint64)(t) |= (uint64(day) << dayBitFieldOffset) & dayBitFieldMask

// Day returns the day value.
func (t CoreTime) Day() int {
	return int(t.getDay())

func (t CoreTime) getHour() uint8 {
	return uint8((uint64(t) & hourBitFieldMask) >> hourBitFieldOffset)

func (t *CoreTime) setHour(hour uint8) {
	*(*uint64)(t) &= ^hourBitFieldMask
	*(*uint64)(t) |= (uint64(hour) << hourBitFieldOffset) & hourBitFieldMask

// Hour returns the hour value.
func (t CoreTime) Hour() int {
	return int(t.getHour())

func (t CoreTime) getMinute() uint8 {
	return uint8((uint64(t) & minuteBitFieldMask) >> minuteBitFieldOffset)

func (t *CoreTime) setMinute(minute uint8) {
	*(*uint64)(t) &= ^minuteBitFieldMask
	*(*uint64)(t) |= (uint64(minute) << minuteBitFieldOffset) & minuteBitFieldMask

// Minute returns the minute value.
func (t CoreTime) Minute() int {
	return int(t.getMinute())

func (t CoreTime) getSecond() uint8 {
	return uint8((uint64(t) & secondBitFieldMask) >> secondBitFieldOffset)

func (t *CoreTime) setSecond(second uint8) {
	*(*uint64)(t) &= ^secondBitFieldMask
	*(*uint64)(t) |= (uint64(second) << secondBitFieldOffset) & secondBitFieldMask

// Second returns the second value.
func (t CoreTime) Second() int {
	return int(t.getSecond())

func (t CoreTime) getMicrosecond() uint32 {
	return uint32((uint64(t) & microsecondBitFieldMask) >> microsecondBitFieldOffset)

func (t *CoreTime) setMicrosecond(microsecond uint32) {
	*(*uint64)(t) &= ^microsecondBitFieldMask
	*(*uint64)(t) |= (uint64(microsecond) << microsecondBitFieldOffset) & microsecondBitFieldMask

// Microsecond returns the microsecond value.
func (t CoreTime) Microsecond() int {
	return int(t.getMicrosecond())

// Weekday returns weekday value.
func (t CoreTime) Weekday() gotime.Weekday {
	// No need to consider timezone, use the date directly.
	t1, err := t.GoTime(gotime.UTC)
	// allow invalid dates
	if err != nil {
		return t1.Weekday()
	return t1.Weekday()

// YearWeek returns year and week.
func (t CoreTime) YearWeek(mode int) (year int, week int) {
	behavior := weekMode(mode) | weekBehaviourYear
	return calcWeek(t, behavior)

// Week returns week value.
func (t CoreTime) Week(mode int) int {
	if t.getMonth() == 0 || t.getDay() == 0 {
		return 0
	_, week := calcWeek(t, weekMode(mode))
	return week

// YearDay returns year and day.
func (t CoreTime) YearDay() int {
	if t.getMonth() == 0 || t.getDay() == 0 {
		return 0
	year, month, day := t.Year(), t.Month(), t.Day()
	return calcDaynr(year, month, day) -
		calcDaynr(year, 1, 1) + 1

// GoTime converts Time to GoTime.
func (t CoreTime) GoTime(loc *gotime.Location) (gotime.Time, error) {
	// gotime.Time can't represent month 0 or day 0, date contains 0 would be converted to a nearest date,
	// For example, 2006-12-00 00:00:00 would become 2015-11-30 23:59:59.
	year, month, day, hour, minute, second, microsecond := t.Year(), t.Month(), t.Day(), t.Hour(), t.Minute(), t.Second(), t.Microsecond()
	tm := gotime.Date(year, gotime.Month(month), day, hour, minute, second, microsecond*1000, loc)
	year2, month2, day2 := tm.Date()
	hour2, minute2, second2 := tm.Clock()
	microsec2 := tm.Nanosecond() / 1000
	// This function will check the result, and return an error if it's not the same with the origin input .
	if year2 != year || int(month2) != month || day2 != day ||
		hour2 != hour || minute2 != minute || second2 != second ||
		microsec2 != microsecond {
		return tm, errors.Trace(ErrWrongValue.GenWithStackByArgs(TimeStr, t))
	return tm, nil

// FindZoneTransition check for one Time Zone transition within +/- 4h
// Currently the needed functions are not exported, if gotime.Location.lookup would be exported
// then it would be easy to use that directly
func FindZoneTransition(tIn gotime.Time) (gotime.Time, error) {
	// Check most common case first, DST transition on full hour.
	// round truncates away from zero!
	t2 := tIn.Round(gotime.Hour).Add(-1 * gotime.Hour)
	t1 := t2.Add(-1 * gotime.Second)
	_, offset1 := t1.Zone()
	_, offset2 := t2.Zone()
	if offset1 != offset2 {
		return t2, nil

	// Check if any offset change?
	t1 = tIn.Add(-4 * gotime.Hour)
	t2 = tIn.Add(4 * gotime.Hour)
	_, offset1 = t1.Zone()
	_, offset2 = t2.Zone()
	if offset1 == offset2 {
		return tIn, errors.Trace(ErrWrongValue.GenWithStackByArgs(TimeStr, tIn))

	// Check generic case, like for 'Australia/Lord_Howe'
	for t2.After(t1.Add(gotime.Second)) {
		t := t1.Add(t2.Sub(t1) / 2).Round(gotime.Second)
		_, offset := t.Zone()
		if offset == offset1 {
			t1 = t
		} else {
			t2 = t
	return t2, nil

// AdjustedGoTime converts Time to GoTime and adjust for invalid DST times
// like during the DST change with increased offset,
// normally moving to Daylight Saving Time.
// see https://github.com/pingcap/tidb/issues/28739
func (t CoreTime) AdjustedGoTime(loc *gotime.Location) (gotime.Time, error) {
	tm, err := t.GoTime(loc)
	if err == nil {
		return tm, nil

	tAdj, err2 := FindZoneTransition(tm)
	if err2 == nil {
		return tAdj, nil
	return tm, err

// IsLeapYear returns if it's leap year.
func (t CoreTime) IsLeapYear() bool {
	return isLeapYear(t.getYear())

func isLeapYear(year uint16) bool {
	return (year%4 == 0 && year%100 != 0) || year%400 == 0

var daysByMonth = [12]int{31, 28, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31}

// GetLastDay returns the last day of the month
func GetLastDay(year, month int) int {
	var day = 0
	if month > 0 && month <= 12 {
		day = daysByMonth[month-1]
	if month == 2 && isLeapYear(uint16(year)) {
		day = 29
	return day

func getFixDays(year, month, day int, ot gotime.Time) int {
	if (year != 0 || month != 0) && day == 0 {
		od := ot.Day()
		t := ot.AddDate(year, month, day)
		td := t.Day()
		if od != td {
			tm := int(t.Month()) - 1
			tMax := GetLastDay(t.Year(), tm)
			dd := tMax - od
			return dd
	return 0

// compareTime compare two Time.
// return:
//	0: if a == b
//	1: if a > b
// -1: if a < b
func compareTime(a, b CoreTime) int {
	ta := datetimeToUint64(a)
	tb := datetimeToUint64(b)

	switch {
	case ta < tb:
		return -1
	case ta > tb:
		return 1

	switch {
	case a.Microsecond() < b.Microsecond():
		return -1
	case a.Microsecond() > b.Microsecond():
		return 1

	return 0

// AddDate fix gap between mysql and golang api
// When we execute select date_add('2018-01-31',interval 1 month) in mysql we got 2018-02-28
// but in tidb we got 2018-03-03.
// Dig it and we found it's caused by golang api time.Date(year int, month Month, day, hour, min, sec, nsec int, loc *Location) Time ,
// it says October 32 converts to November 1 ,it conflicts with mysql.
// See https://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/date-and-time-functions.html#function_date-add
func AddDate(year, month, day int64, ot gotime.Time) (nt gotime.Time) {
	df := getFixDays(int(year), int(month), int(day), ot)
	if df != 0 {
		nt = ot.AddDate(int(year), int(month), df)
	} else {
		nt = ot.AddDate(int(year), int(month), int(day))
	return nt

func calcTimeFromSec(to *CoreTime, seconds, microseconds int) {
	to.setHour(uint8(seconds / 3600))
	seconds = seconds % 3600
	to.setMinute(uint8(seconds / 60))
	to.setSecond(uint8(seconds % 60))

const secondsIn24Hour = 86400

func calcTimeDiffInternal(t1 CoreTime, year, month, day, hour, minute, second, microsecond, sign int) (seconds, microseconds int, neg bool) {
	days := calcDaynr(t1.Year(), t1.Month(), t1.Day())
	days2 := calcDaynr(year, month, day)
	days -= sign * days2

	tmp := (int64(days)*secondsIn24Hour+
		1e6 +
		int64(t1.Microsecond()) - int64(sign)*int64(microsecond)

	if tmp < 0 {
		tmp = -tmp
		neg = true
	seconds = int(tmp / 1e6)
	microseconds = int(tmp % 1e6)

// calcTimeDiff calculates difference between two datetime values as seconds + microseconds.
// sign can be +1 or -1, and t2 is preprocessed with sign first.
func calcTimeTimeDiff(t1, t2 CoreTime, sign int) (seconds, microseconds int, neg bool) {
	return calcTimeDiffInternal(t1, t2.Year(), t2.Month(), t2.Day(), t2.Hour(), t2.Minute(), t2.Second(), t2.Microsecond(), sign)

// calcTimeDiff calculates difference between a datetime value and a duration as seconds + microseconds.
func calcTimeDurationDiff(t CoreTime, d Duration) (seconds, microseconds int, neg bool) {
	sign, hh, mm, ss, micro := splitDuration(d.Duration)
	return calcTimeDiffInternal(t, 0, 0, 0, hh, mm, ss, micro, -sign)

// datetimeToUint64 converts time value to integer in YYYYMMDDHHMMSS format.
func datetimeToUint64(t CoreTime) uint64 {
	return uint64(t.Year())*1e10 +
		uint64(t.Month())*1e8 +
		uint64(t.Day())*1e6 +
		uint64(t.Hour())*1e4 +
		uint64(t.Minute())*1e2 +

// calcDaynr calculates days since 0000-00-00.
func calcDaynr(year, month, day int) int {
	if year == 0 && month == 0 {
		return 0

	delsum := 365*year + 31*(month-1) + day
	if month <= 2 {
	} else {
		delsum -= (month*4 + 23) / 10
	temp := ((year/100 + 1) * 3) / 4
	return delsum + year/4 - temp

// DateDiff calculates number of days between two days.
func DateDiff(startTime, endTime CoreTime) int {
	return calcDaynr(startTime.Year(), startTime.Month(), startTime.Day()) - calcDaynr(endTime.Year(), endTime.Month(), endTime.Day())

// calcDaysInYear calculates days in one year, it works with 0 <= year <= 99.
func calcDaysInYear(year int) int {
	if (year&3) == 0 && (year%100 != 0 || (year%400 == 0 && (year != 0))) {
		return 366
	return 365

// calcWeekday calculates weekday from daynr, returns 0 for Monday, 1 for Tuesday ...
func calcWeekday(daynr int, sundayFirstDayOfWeek bool) int {
	daynr += 5
	if sundayFirstDayOfWeek {
	return daynr % 7

type weekBehaviour uint

const (
	// weekBehaviourMondayFirst set Monday as first day of week; otherwise Sunday is first day of week
	weekBehaviourMondayFirst weekBehaviour = 1 << iota
	// If set, Week is in range 1-53, otherwise Week is in range 0-53.
	// Note that this flag is only relevant if WEEK_JANUARY is not set.
	// If not set, Weeks are numbered according to ISO 8601:1988.
	// If set, the week that contains the first 'first-day-of-week' is week 1.

func (v weekBehaviour) test(flag weekBehaviour) bool {
	return (v & flag) != 0

func weekMode(mode int) weekBehaviour {
	weekFormat := weekBehaviour(mode & 7)
	if (weekFormat & weekBehaviourMondayFirst) == 0 {
		weekFormat ^= weekBehaviourFirstWeekday
	return weekFormat

// calcWeek calculates week and year for the time.
func calcWeek(t CoreTime, wb weekBehaviour) (year int, week int) {
	var days int
	ty, tm, td := int(t.getYear()), int(t.getMonth()), int(t.getDay())
	daynr := calcDaynr(ty, tm, td)
	firstDaynr := calcDaynr(ty, 1, 1)
	mondayFirst := wb.test(weekBehaviourMondayFirst)
	weekYear := wb.test(weekBehaviourYear)
	firstWeekday := wb.test(weekBehaviourFirstWeekday)

	weekday := calcWeekday(firstDaynr, !mondayFirst)

	year = ty

	if tm == 1 && td <= 7-weekday {
		if !weekYear &&
			((firstWeekday && weekday != 0) || (!firstWeekday && weekday >= 4)) {
			week = 0
		weekYear = true
		days = calcDaysInYear(year)
		firstDaynr -= days
		weekday = (weekday + 53*7 - days) % 7

	if (firstWeekday && weekday != 0) ||
		(!firstWeekday && weekday >= 4) {
		days = daynr - (firstDaynr + 7 - weekday)
	} else {
		days = daynr - (firstDaynr - weekday)

	if weekYear && days >= 52*7 {
		weekday = (weekday + calcDaysInYear(year)) % 7
		if (!firstWeekday && weekday < 4) ||
			(firstWeekday && weekday == 0) {
			week = 1
	week = days/7 + 1

// mixDateAndDuration mixes a date value and a duration value.
func mixDateAndDuration(date *CoreTime, dur Duration) {
	if dur.Duration >= 0 && dur.Hour() < 24 {
		_, hh, mm, ss, frac := splitDuration(dur.Duration)

	// Time is negative or outside of 24 hours internal.
	seconds, microseconds, _ := calcTimeDurationDiff(*date, dur)

	// If we want to use this function with arbitrary dates, this code will need
	// to cover cases when time is negative and "date < -time".

	days := seconds / secondsIn24Hour
	calcTimeFromSec(date, seconds%secondsIn24Hour, microseconds)
	year, month, day := getDateFromDaynr(uint(days))

var daysInMonth = []int{31, 28, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31}

// getDateFromDaynr changes a daynr to year, month and day,
// daynr 0 is returned as date 00.00.00
func getDateFromDaynr(daynr uint) (year uint, month uint, day uint) {
	if daynr <= 365 || daynr >= 3652500 {

	year = daynr * 100 / 36525
	temp := (((year-1)/100 + 1) * 3) / 4
	dayOfYear := daynr - year*365 - (year-1)/4 + temp

	daysInYear := calcDaysInYear(int(year))
	for dayOfYear > uint(daysInYear) {
		dayOfYear -= uint(daysInYear)
		daysInYear = calcDaysInYear(int(year))

	leapDay := uint(0)
	if daysInYear == 366 {
		if dayOfYear > 31+28 {
			if dayOfYear == 31+28 {
				// Handle leapyears leapday.
				leapDay = 1

	month = 1
	for _, days := range daysInMonth {
		if dayOfYear <= uint(days) {
		dayOfYear -= uint(days)

	day = dayOfYear + leapDay

const (
	intervalYEAR        = "YEAR"
	intervalQUARTER     = "QUARTER"
	intervalMONTH       = "MONTH"
	intervalWEEK        = "WEEK"
	intervalDAY         = "DAY"
	intervalHOUR        = "HOUR"
	intervalMINUTE      = "MINUTE"
	intervalSECOND      = "SECOND"

func timestampDiff(intervalType string, t1, t2 CoreTime) int64 {
	seconds, microseconds, neg := calcTimeTimeDiff(t2, t1, 1)
	months := uint(0)
	if intervalType == intervalYEAR || intervalType == intervalQUARTER ||
		intervalType == intervalMONTH {
		var (
			yearBeg, yearEnd, monthBeg, monthEnd, dayBeg, dayEnd uint
			secondBeg, secondEnd, microsecondBeg, microsecondEnd uint

		if neg {
			yearBeg = uint(t2.Year())
			yearEnd = uint(t1.Year())
			monthBeg = uint(t2.Month())
			monthEnd = uint(t1.Month())
			dayBeg = uint(t2.Day())
			dayEnd = uint(t1.Day())
			secondBeg = uint(t2.Hour()*3600 + t2.Minute()*60 + t2.Second())
			secondEnd = uint(t1.Hour()*3600 + t1.Minute()*60 + t1.Second())
			microsecondBeg = uint(t2.Microsecond())
			microsecondEnd = uint(t1.Microsecond())
		} else {
			yearBeg = uint(t1.Year())
			yearEnd = uint(t2.Year())
			monthBeg = uint(t1.Month())
			monthEnd = uint(t2.Month())
			dayBeg = uint(t1.Day())
			dayEnd = uint(t2.Day())
			secondBeg = uint(t1.Hour()*3600 + t1.Minute()*60 + t1.Second())
			secondEnd = uint(t2.Hour()*3600 + t2.Minute()*60 + t2.Second())
			microsecondBeg = uint(t1.Microsecond())
			microsecondEnd = uint(t2.Microsecond())

		// calc years
		years := yearEnd - yearBeg
		if monthEnd < monthBeg ||
			(monthEnd == monthBeg && dayEnd < dayBeg) {

		// calc months
		months = 12 * years
		if monthEnd < monthBeg ||
			(monthEnd == monthBeg && dayEnd < dayBeg) {
			months += 12 - (monthBeg - monthEnd)
		} else {
			months += monthEnd - monthBeg

		if dayEnd < dayBeg {
		} else if (dayEnd == dayBeg) &&
			((secondEnd < secondBeg) ||
				(secondEnd == secondBeg && microsecondEnd < microsecondBeg)) {

	negV := int64(1)
	if neg {
		negV = -1
	switch intervalType {
	case intervalYEAR:
		return int64(months) / 12 * negV
	case intervalQUARTER:
		return int64(months) / 3 * negV
	case intervalMONTH:
		return int64(months) * negV
	case intervalWEEK:
		return int64(seconds) / secondsIn24Hour / 7 * negV
	case intervalDAY:
		return int64(seconds) / secondsIn24Hour * negV
	case intervalHOUR:
		return int64(seconds) / 3600 * negV
	case intervalMINUTE:
		return int64(seconds) / 60 * negV
	case intervalSECOND:
		return int64(seconds) * negV
	case intervalMICROSECOND:
		// In MySQL difference between any two valid datetime values
		// in microseconds fits into longlong.
		return int64(seconds*1000000+microseconds) * negV

	return 0


tidb 源码目录


tidb binary_literal 源码

tidb compare 源码

tidb convert 源码

tidb datum 源码

tidb datum_eval 源码

tidb enum 源码

tidb errors 源码

tidb etc 源码

tidb eval_type 源码

tidb explain_format 源码

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