kubernetes helpers_test 源码

  • 2022-09-18
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kubernetes helpers_test 代码


Copyright 2017 The Kubernetes Authors.

Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
You may obtain a copy of the License at


Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
limitations under the License.

package rbac_test

import (


	// install RBAC types
	_ "k8s.io/kubernetes/pkg/apis/rbac/install"

// TestHelpersRoundTrip confirms that the rbac.New* helper functions produce RBAC objects that match objects
// that have gone through conversion and defaulting.  This is required because these helper functions are
// used to create the bootstrap RBAC policy which is used during reconciliation.  If they produced objects
// that did not match, reconciliation would incorrectly add duplicate data to the cluster's RBAC policy.
func TestHelpersRoundTrip(t *testing.T) {
	rb := rbac.NewRoleBinding("role", "ns").Groups("g").SAs("ns", "sa").Users("u").BindingOrDie()
	rbcr := rbac.NewRoleBindingForClusterRole("role", "ns").Groups("g").SAs("ns", "sa").Users("u").BindingOrDie()
	crb := rbac.NewClusterBinding("role").Groups("g").SAs("ns", "sa").Users("u").BindingOrDie()

	role := &rbac.Role{
		Rules: []rbac.PolicyRule{
	clusterRole := &rbac.ClusterRole{
		Rules: []rbac.PolicyRule{

	for _, internalObj := range []runtime.Object{&rb, &rbcr, &crb, role, clusterRole} {
		v1Obj, err := legacyscheme.Scheme.ConvertToVersion(internalObj, v1.SchemeGroupVersion)
		if err != nil {
			t.Errorf("err on %T: %v", internalObj, err)
		roundTrippedObj, err := legacyscheme.Scheme.ConvertToVersion(v1Obj, rbac.SchemeGroupVersion)
		if err != nil {
			t.Errorf("err on %T: %v", internalObj, err)
		if !reflect.DeepEqual(internalObj, roundTrippedObj) {
			t.Errorf("err on %T: got difference:\n%s", internalObj, diff.ObjectDiff(internalObj, roundTrippedObj))

func TestResourceMatches(t *testing.T) {
	tests := []struct {
		name                      string
		ruleResources             []string
		combinedRequestedResource string
		requestedSubresource      string
		expected                  bool
			name:                      "all matches 01",
			ruleResources:             []string{"*"},
			combinedRequestedResource: "foo",
			expected:                  true,
			name:                      "checks all rules",
			ruleResources:             []string{"doesn't match", "*"},
			combinedRequestedResource: "foo",
			expected:                  true,
			name:                      "matches exact rule",
			ruleResources:             []string{"foo/bar"},
			combinedRequestedResource: "foo/bar",
			requestedSubresource:      "bar",
			expected:                  true,
			name:                      "matches exact rule 02",
			ruleResources:             []string{"foo/bar"},
			combinedRequestedResource: "foo",
			expected:                  false,
			name:                      "matches subresource",
			ruleResources:             []string{"*/scale"},
			combinedRequestedResource: "foo/scale",
			requestedSubresource:      "scale",
			expected:                  true,
			name:                      "doesn't match partial subresource hit",
			ruleResources:             []string{"foo/bar", "*/other"},
			combinedRequestedResource: "foo/other/segment",
			requestedSubresource:      "other/segment",
			expected:                  false,
			name:                      "matches subresource with multiple slashes",
			ruleResources:             []string{"*/other/segment"},
			combinedRequestedResource: "foo/other/segment",
			requestedSubresource:      "other/segment",
			expected:                  true,
			name:                      "doesn't fail on empty",
			ruleResources:             []string{""},
			combinedRequestedResource: "foo/other/segment",
			requestedSubresource:      "other/segment",
			expected:                  false,
			name:                      "doesn't fail on slash",
			ruleResources:             []string{"/"},
			combinedRequestedResource: "foo/other/segment",
			requestedSubresource:      "other/segment",
			expected:                  false,
			name:                      "doesn't fail on missing subresource",
			ruleResources:             []string{"*/"},
			combinedRequestedResource: "foo/other/segment",
			requestedSubresource:      "other/segment",
			expected:                  false,
			name:                      "doesn't match on not star",
			ruleResources:             []string{"*something/other/segment"},
			combinedRequestedResource: "foo/other/segment",
			requestedSubresource:      "other/segment",
			expected:                  false,
			name:                      "doesn't match on something else",
			ruleResources:             []string{"something/other/segment"},
			combinedRequestedResource: "foo/other/segment",
			requestedSubresource:      "other/segment",
			expected:                  false,

	for _, tc := range tests {
		t.Run(tc.name, func(t *testing.T) {
			rule := &rbac.PolicyRule{
				Resources: tc.ruleResources,
			actual := rbac.ResourceMatches(rule, tc.combinedRequestedResource, tc.requestedSubresource)
			if tc.expected != actual {
				t.Errorf("expected %v, got %v", tc.expected, actual)


func TestPolicyRuleBuilder(t *testing.T) {
	tests := []struct {
		testName   string
		verbs      []string
		groups     []string
		resources  []string
		names      []string
		urls       []string
		expected   bool
		policyRule rbac.PolicyRule
			testName:   "all empty",
			verbs:      nil,
			groups:     nil,
			resources:  nil,
			names:      nil,
			urls:       nil,
			expected:   false,
			policyRule: rbac.PolicyRule{},
			testName:  "normal resource case",
			verbs:     []string{"get"},
			groups:    []string{""},
			resources: []string{"pod"},
			names:     []string{"gakki"},
			urls:      nil,
			expected:  true,
			policyRule: rbac.PolicyRule{
				Verbs:           []string{"get"},
				APIGroups:       []string{""},
				Resources:       []string{"pod"},
				ResourceNames:   []string{"gakki"},
				NonResourceURLs: []string{},
			testName:  "normal noResourceURLs case",
			verbs:     []string{"get"},
			groups:    nil,
			resources: nil,
			names:     nil,
			urls:      []string{"/api/registry/healthz"},
			expected:  true,
			policyRule: rbac.PolicyRule{
				Verbs:           []string{"get"},
				APIGroups:       []string{},
				Resources:       []string{},
				ResourceNames:   []string{},
				NonResourceURLs: []string{"/api/registry/healthz"},
			testName:   "nonResourceURLs with no-empty groups",
			verbs:      []string{"get"},
			groups:     []string{""},
			resources:  nil,
			names:      nil,
			urls:       []string{"/api/registry/healthz"},
			expected:   false,
			policyRule: rbac.PolicyRule{},
			testName:   "nonResourceURLs with no-empty resources",
			verbs:      []string{"get"},
			groups:     nil,
			resources:  []string{"deployments", "secrets"},
			names:      nil,
			urls:       []string{"/api/registry/healthz"},
			expected:   false,
			policyRule: rbac.PolicyRule{},
			testName:   "nonResourceURLs with no-empty resourceNames",
			verbs:      []string{"get"},
			groups:     nil,
			resources:  nil,
			names:      []string{"gakki"},
			urls:       []string{"/api/registry/healthz"},
			expected:   false,
			policyRule: rbac.PolicyRule{},
			testName:   "resource without apiGroups",
			verbs:      []string{"get"},
			groups:     nil,
			resources:  []string{"pod"},
			names:      []string{""},
			urls:       nil,
			expected:   false,
			policyRule: rbac.PolicyRule{},
			testName:   "resourceNames with illegal verb",
			verbs:      []string{"list", "watch", "create", "deletecollection"},
			groups:     []string{""},
			resources:  []string{"pod"},
			names:      []string{"gakki"},
			urls:       nil,
			expected:   false,
			policyRule: rbac.PolicyRule{},
			testName:   "no nonResourceURLs nor resources",
			verbs:      []string{"get"},
			groups:     []string{"rbac.authorization.k8s.io"},
			resources:  nil,
			names:      []string{"gakki"},
			urls:       nil,
			expected:   false,
			policyRule: rbac.PolicyRule{},
	for _, tc := range tests {
		actual, err := rbac.NewRule(tc.verbs...).Groups(tc.groups...).Resources(tc.resources...).Names(tc.names...).URLs(tc.urls...).Rule()
		if err != nil {
			if tc.expected {
			} else {
		if !reflect.DeepEqual(actual, tc.policyRule) {
			t.Errorf("Expected %s got %s.", tc.policyRule, actual)


kubernetes 源码目录


kubernetes doc 源码

kubernetes helpers 源码

kubernetes register 源码

kubernetes types 源码

kubernetes zz_generated.deepcopy 源码

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