airflow mappedoperator 源码

  • 2022-10-20
  • 浏览 (489)

airflow mappedoperator 代码


# Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
# or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
# distributed with this work for additional information
# regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
# to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
# "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
# with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
# software distributed under the License is distributed on an
# KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
# specific language governing permissions and limitations
# under the License.
from __future__ import annotations

import collections
import contextlib
import copy
import datetime
import warnings
from typing import TYPE_CHECKING, Any, ClassVar, Collection, Iterable, Iterator, Mapping, Sequence, Union

import attr
import pendulum
from sqlalchemy import func, or_
from sqlalchemy.orm.session import Session

from airflow import settings
from airflow.compat.functools import cache, cached_property
from airflow.exceptions import AirflowException, UnmappableOperator
from airflow.models.abstractoperator import (
from airflow.models.expandinput import (
from airflow.models.param import ParamsDict
from airflow.models.pool import Pool
from airflow.serialization.enums import DagAttributeTypes
from airflow.ti_deps.deps.base_ti_dep import BaseTIDep
from airflow.ti_deps.deps.mapped_task_expanded import MappedTaskIsExpanded
from airflow.typing_compat import Literal
from airflow.utils.context import Context, context_update_for_unmapped
from airflow.utils.helpers import is_container, prevent_duplicates
from airflow.utils.operator_resources import Resources
from airflow.utils.state import State, TaskInstanceState
from airflow.utils.trigger_rule import TriggerRule
from airflow.utils.types import NOTSET

    import jinja2  # Slow import.

    from airflow.models.baseoperator import BaseOperator, BaseOperatorLink
    from airflow.models.dag import DAG
    from airflow.models.operator import Operator
    from airflow.models.taskinstance import TaskInstance
    from airflow.models.xcom_arg import XComArg
    from airflow.utils.task_group import TaskGroup

ValidationSource = Union[Literal["expand"], Literal["partial"]]

def validate_mapping_kwargs(op: type[BaseOperator], func: ValidationSource, value: dict[str, Any]) -> None:
    # use a dict so order of args is same as code order
    unknown_args = value.copy()
    for klass in op.mro():
        init = klass.__init__  # type: ignore[misc]
            param_names = init._BaseOperatorMeta__param_names
        except AttributeError:
        for name in param_names:
            value = unknown_args.pop(name, NOTSET)
            if func != "expand":
            if value is NOTSET:
            if isinstance(value, get_mappable_types()):
            type_name = type(value).__name__
            error = f"{op.__name__}.expand() got an unexpected type {type_name!r} for keyword argument {name}"
            raise ValueError(error)
        if not unknown_args:
            return  # If we have no args left to check: stop looking at the MRO chain.

    if len(unknown_args) == 1:
        error = f"an unexpected keyword argument {unknown_args.popitem()[0]!r}"
        names = ", ".join(repr(n) for n in unknown_args)
        error = f"unexpected keyword arguments {names}"
    raise TypeError(f"{op.__name__}.{func}() got {error}")

def ensure_xcomarg_return_value(arg: Any) -> None:
    from airflow.models.xcom_arg import XCOM_RETURN_KEY, XComArg

    if isinstance(arg, XComArg):
        for operator, key in arg.iter_references():
            if key != XCOM_RETURN_KEY:
                raise ValueError(f"cannot map over XCom with custom key {key!r} from {operator}")
    elif not is_container(arg):
    elif isinstance(arg,
        for v in arg.values():
    elif isinstance(arg,
        for v in arg:

@attr.define(kw_only=True, repr=False)
class OperatorPartial:
    """An "intermediate state" returned by ``BaseOperator.partial()``.

    This only exists at DAG-parsing time; the only intended usage is for the
    user to call ``.expand()`` on it at some point (usually in a method chain) to
    create a ``MappedOperator`` to add into the DAG.

    operator_class: type[BaseOperator]
    kwargs: dict[str, Any]
    params: ParamsDict | dict

    _expand_called: bool = False  # Set when expand() is called to ease user debugging.

    def __attrs_post_init__(self):
        from airflow.operators.subdag import SubDagOperator

        if issubclass(self.operator_class, SubDagOperator):
            raise TypeError("Mapping over deprecated SubDagOperator is not supported")
        validate_mapping_kwargs(self.operator_class, "partial", self.kwargs)

    def __repr__(self) -> str:
        args = ", ".join(f"{k}={v!r}" for k, v in self.kwargs.items())
        return f"{self.operator_class.__name__}.partial({args})"

    def __del__(self):
        if not self._expand_called:
                task_id = repr(self.kwargs["task_id"])
            except KeyError:
                task_id = f"at {hex(id(self))}"
            warnings.warn(f"Task {task_id} was never mapped!")

    def expand(self, **mapped_kwargs: OperatorExpandArgument) -> MappedOperator:
        if not mapped_kwargs:
            raise TypeError("no arguments to expand against")
        validate_mapping_kwargs(self.operator_class, "expand", mapped_kwargs)
        prevent_duplicates(self.kwargs, mapped_kwargs, fail_reason="unmappable or already specified")
        # Since the input is already checked at parse time, we can set strict
        # to False to skip the checks on execution.
        return self._expand(DictOfListsExpandInput(mapped_kwargs), strict=False)

    def expand_kwargs(self, kwargs: OperatorExpandKwargsArgument, *, strict: bool = True) -> MappedOperator:
        from airflow.models.xcom_arg import XComArg

        if isinstance(kwargs,
            for item in kwargs:
                if not isinstance(item, (XComArg,
                    raise TypeError(f"expected XComArg or list[dict], not {type(kwargs).__name__}")
        elif not isinstance(kwargs, XComArg):
            raise TypeError(f"expected XComArg or list[dict], not {type(kwargs).__name__}")
        return self._expand(ListOfDictsExpandInput(kwargs), strict=strict)

    def _expand(self, expand_input: ExpandInput, *, strict: bool) -> MappedOperator:
        from airflow.operators.empty import EmptyOperator

        self._expand_called = True

        partial_kwargs = self.kwargs.copy()
        task_id = partial_kwargs.pop("task_id")
        dag = partial_kwargs.pop("dag")
        task_group = partial_kwargs.pop("task_group")
        start_date = partial_kwargs.pop("start_date")
        end_date = partial_kwargs.pop("end_date")

            operator_name = self.operator_class.custom_operator_name  # type: ignore
        except AttributeError:
            operator_name = self.operator_class.__name__

        op = MappedOperator(
            is_empty=issubclass(self.operator_class, EmptyOperator),
            # For classic operators, this points to expand_input because kwargs
            # to BaseOperator.expand() contribute to operator arguments.
        return op

    # Disable custom __getstate__ and __setstate__ generation since it interacts
    # badly with Airflow's DAG serialization and pickling. When a mapped task is
    # deserialized, subclasses are coerced into MappedOperator, but when it goes
    # through DAG pickling, all attributes defined in the subclasses are dropped
    # by attrs's custom state management. Since attrs does not do anything too
    # special here (the logic is only important for slots=True), we use Python's
    # built-in implementation, which works (as proven by good old BaseOperator).
class MappedOperator(AbstractOperator):
    """Object representing a mapped operator in a DAG."""

    # This attribute serves double purpose. For a "normal" operator instance
    # loaded from DAG, this holds the underlying non-mapped operator class that
    # can be used to create an unmapped operator for execution. For an operator
    # recreated from a serialized DAG, however, this holds the serialized data
    # that can be used to unmap this into a SerializedBaseOperator.
    operator_class: type[BaseOperator] | dict[str, Any]

    expand_input: ExpandInput
    partial_kwargs: dict[str, Any]

    # Needed for serialization.
    task_id: str
    params: ParamsDict | dict
    deps: frozenset[BaseTIDep]
    operator_extra_links: Collection[BaseOperatorLink]
    template_ext: Sequence[str]
    template_fields: Collection[str]
    template_fields_renderers: dict[str, str]
    ui_color: str
    ui_fgcolor: str
    _is_empty: bool
    _task_module: str
    _task_type: str
    _operator_name: str

    dag: DAG | None
    task_group: TaskGroup | None
    start_date: pendulum.DateTime | None
    end_date: pendulum.DateTime | None
    upstream_task_ids: set[str] = attr.ib(factory=set, init=False)
    downstream_task_ids: set[str] = attr.ib(factory=set, init=False)

    _disallow_kwargs_override: bool
    """Whether execution fails if ``expand_input`` has duplicates to ``partial_kwargs``.

    If *False*, values from ``expand_input`` under duplicate keys override those
    under corresponding keys in ``partial_kwargs``.

    _expand_input_attr: str
    """Where to get kwargs to calculate expansion length against.

    This should be a name to call ``getattr()`` on.

    is_mapped: ClassVar[bool] = True
    subdag: None = None  # Since we don't support SubDagOperator, this is always None.

    HIDE_ATTRS_FROM_UI: ClassVar[frozenset[str]] = AbstractOperator.HIDE_ATTRS_FROM_UI | frozenset(

    def __hash__(self):
        return id(self)

    def __repr__(self):
        return f"<Mapped({self._task_type}): {self.task_id}>"

    def __attrs_post_init__(self):
        from airflow.models.xcom_arg import XComArg

        if self.task_group:
        if self.dag:
        XComArg.apply_upstream_relationship(self, self.expand_input.value)
        for k, v in self.partial_kwargs.items():
            if k in self.template_fields:
                XComArg.apply_upstream_relationship(self, v)
        if self.partial_kwargs.get('sla') is not None:
            raise AirflowException(
                f"SLAs are unsupported with mapped tasks. Please set `sla=None` for task "

    def get_serialized_fields(cls):
        # Not using 'cls' here since we only want to serialize base fields.
        return frozenset(attr.fields_dict(MappedOperator)) - {
            "expand_input",  # This is needed to be able to accept XComArg.

    def deps_for(operator_class: type[BaseOperator]) -> frozenset[BaseTIDep]:
        operator_deps = operator_class.deps
        if not isinstance(operator_deps,
            raise UnmappableOperator(
                f"'deps' must be a set defined as a class-level variable on {operator_class.__name__}, "
                f"not a {type(operator_deps).__name__}"
        return operator_deps | {MappedTaskIsExpanded()}

    def task_type(self) -> str:
        """Implementing Operator."""
        return self._task_type

    def operator_name(self) -> str:
        return self._operator_name

    def inherits_from_empty_operator(self) -> bool:
        """Implementing Operator."""
        return self._is_empty

    def roots(self) -> Sequence[AbstractOperator]:
        """Implementing DAGNode."""
        return [self]

    def leaves(self) -> Sequence[AbstractOperator]:
        """Implementing DAGNode."""
        return [self]

    def owner(self) -> str:  # type: ignore[override]
        return self.partial_kwargs.get("owner", DEFAULT_OWNER)

    def email(self) -> None | str | Iterable[str]:
        return self.partial_kwargs.get("email")

    def trigger_rule(self) -> TriggerRule:
        return self.partial_kwargs.get("trigger_rule", DEFAULT_TRIGGER_RULE)

    def depends_on_past(self) -> bool:
        return bool(self.partial_kwargs.get("depends_on_past"))

    def ignore_first_depends_on_past(self) -> bool:
        value = self.partial_kwargs.get("ignore_first_depends_on_past", DEFAULT_IGNORE_FIRST_DEPENDS_ON_PAST)
        return bool(value)

    def wait_for_downstream(self) -> bool:
        return bool(self.partial_kwargs.get("wait_for_downstream"))

    def retries(self) -> int | None:
        return self.partial_kwargs.get("retries", DEFAULT_RETRIES)

    def queue(self) -> str:
        return self.partial_kwargs.get("queue", DEFAULT_QUEUE)

    def pool(self) -> str:
        return self.partial_kwargs.get("pool", Pool.DEFAULT_POOL_NAME)

    def pool_slots(self) -> str | None:
        return self.partial_kwargs.get("pool_slots", DEFAULT_POOL_SLOTS)

    def execution_timeout(self) -> datetime.timedelta | None:
        return self.partial_kwargs.get("execution_timeout")

    def max_retry_delay(self) -> datetime.timedelta | None:
        return self.partial_kwargs.get("max_retry_delay")

    def retry_delay(self) -> datetime.timedelta:
        return self.partial_kwargs.get("retry_delay", DEFAULT_RETRY_DELAY)

    def retry_exponential_backoff(self) -> bool:
        return bool(self.partial_kwargs.get("retry_exponential_backoff"))

    def priority_weight(self) -> int:  # type: ignore[override]
        return self.partial_kwargs.get("priority_weight", DEFAULT_PRIORITY_WEIGHT)

    def weight_rule(self) -> int:  # type: ignore[override]
        return self.partial_kwargs.get("weight_rule", DEFAULT_WEIGHT_RULE)

    def sla(self) -> datetime.timedelta | None:
        return self.partial_kwargs.get("sla")

    def max_active_tis_per_dag(self) -> int | None:
        return self.partial_kwargs.get("max_active_tis_per_dag")

    def resources(self) -> Resources | None:
        return self.partial_kwargs.get("resources")

    def on_execute_callback(self) -> TaskStateChangeCallback | None:
        return self.partial_kwargs.get("on_execute_callback")

    def on_failure_callback(self) -> TaskStateChangeCallback | None:
        return self.partial_kwargs.get("on_failure_callback")

    def on_retry_callback(self) -> TaskStateChangeCallback | None:
        return self.partial_kwargs.get("on_retry_callback")

    def on_success_callback(self) -> TaskStateChangeCallback | None:
        return self.partial_kwargs.get("on_success_callback")

    def run_as_user(self) -> str | None:
        return self.partial_kwargs.get("run_as_user")

    def executor_config(self) -> dict:
        return self.partial_kwargs.get("executor_config", {})

    @property  # type: ignore[override]
    def inlets(self) -> list[Any]:  # type: ignore[override]
        return self.partial_kwargs.get("inlets", [])

    def inlets(self, value: list[Any]) -> None:  # type: ignore[override]
        self.partial_kwargs["inlets"] = value

    @property  # type: ignore[override]
    def outlets(self) -> list[Any]:  # type: ignore[override]
        return self.partial_kwargs.get("outlets", [])

    def outlets(self, value: list[Any]) -> None:  # type: ignore[override]
        self.partial_kwargs["outlets"] = value

    def doc(self) -> str | None:
        return self.partial_kwargs.get("doc")

    def doc_md(self) -> str | None:
        return self.partial_kwargs.get("doc_md")

    def doc_json(self) -> str | None:
        return self.partial_kwargs.get("doc_json")

    def doc_yaml(self) -> str | None:
        return self.partial_kwargs.get("doc_yaml")

    def doc_rst(self) -> str | None:
        return self.partial_kwargs.get("doc_rst")

    def get_dag(self) -> DAG | None:
        """Implementing Operator."""
        return self.dag

    def output(self) -> XComArg:
        """Returns reference to XCom pushed by current operator"""
        from airflow.models.xcom_arg import XComArg

        return XComArg(operator=self)

    def serialize_for_task_group(self) -> tuple[DagAttributeTypes, Any]:
        """Implementing DAGNode."""
        return DagAttributeTypes.OP, self.task_id

    def _expand_mapped_kwargs(self, context: Context, session: Session) -> tuple[Mapping[str, Any], set[int]]:
        """Get the kwargs to create the unmapped operator.

        This exists because taskflow operators expand against op_kwargs, not the
        entire operator kwargs dict.
        return self._get_specified_expand_input().resolve(context, session)

    def _get_unmap_kwargs(self, mapped_kwargs: Mapping[str, Any], *, strict: bool) -> dict[str, Any]:
        """Get init kwargs to unmap the underlying operator class.

        :param mapped_kwargs: The dict returned by ``_expand_mapped_kwargs``.
        if strict:
                fail_reason="unmappable or already specified",

        # If params appears in the mapped kwargs, we need to merge it into the
        # partial params, overriding existing keys.
        params = copy.copy(self.params)
        with contextlib.suppress(KeyError):

        # Ordering is significant; mapped kwargs should override partial ones,
        # and the specially handled params should be respected.
        return {
            "task_id": self.task_id,
            "dag": self.dag,
            "task_group": self.task_group,
            "start_date": self.start_date,
            "end_date": self.end_date,
            "params": params,

    def unmap(self, resolve: None | Mapping[str, Any] | tuple[Context, Session]) -> BaseOperator:
        """Get the "normal" Operator after applying the current mapping.

        The *resolve* argument is only used if ``operator_class`` is a real
        class, i.e. if this operator is not serialized. If ``operator_class`` is
        not a class (i.e. this DAG has been deserialized), this returns a
        SerializedBaseOperator that "looks like" the actual unmapping result.

        If *resolve* is a two-tuple (context, session), the information is used
        to resolve the mapped arguments into init arguments. If it is a mapping,
        no resolving happens, the mapping directly provides those init arguments
        resolved from mapped kwargs.

        :meta private:
        if isinstance(self.operator_class, type):
            if isinstance(resolve,
                kwargs = resolve
            elif resolve is not None:
                kwargs, _ = self._expand_mapped_kwargs(*resolve)
                raise RuntimeError("cannot unmap a non-serialized operator without context")
            kwargs = self._get_unmap_kwargs(kwargs, strict=self._disallow_kwargs_override)
            op = self.operator_class(**kwargs, _airflow_from_mapped=True)
            # We need to overwrite task_id here because BaseOperator further
            # mangles the task_id based on the task hierarchy (namely, group_id
            # is prepended, and '__N' appended to deduplicate). This is hacky,
            # but better than duplicating the whole mangling logic.
            op.task_id = self.task_id
            return op

        # After a mapped operator is serialized, there's no real way to actually
        # unmap it since we've lost access to the underlying operator class.
        # This tries its best to simply "forward" all the attributes on this
        # mapped operator to a new SerializedBaseOperator instance.
        from airflow.serialization.serialized_objects import SerializedBaseOperator

        op = SerializedBaseOperator(task_id=self.task_id, params=self.params, _airflow_from_mapped=True)
        SerializedBaseOperator.populate_operator(op, self.operator_class)
        return op

    def _get_specified_expand_input(self) -> ExpandInput:
        """Input received from the expand call on the operator."""
        return getattr(self, self._expand_input_attr)

    def expand_mapped_task(self, run_id: str, *, session: Session) -> tuple[Sequence[TaskInstance], int]:
        """Create the mapped task instances for mapped task.

        :return: The newly created mapped TaskInstances (if any) in ascending order by map index, and the
            maximum map_index.
        from airflow.models.taskinstance import TaskInstance
        from airflow.settings import task_instance_mutation_hook

        total_length: int | None
            total_length = self._get_specified_expand_input().get_total_map_length(run_id, session=session)
        except NotFullyPopulated as e:
                "Cannot expand %r for run %s; missing upstream values: %s",
            total_length = None

        state: TaskInstanceState | None = None
        unmapped_ti: TaskInstance | None = (
                TaskInstance.dag_id == self.dag_id,
                TaskInstance.task_id == self.task_id,
                TaskInstance.run_id == run_id,
                TaskInstance.map_index == -1,
                or_(TaskInstance.state.in_(State.unfinished), TaskInstance.state.is_(None)),

        all_expanded_tis: list[TaskInstance] = []

        if unmapped_ti:
            # The unmapped task instance still exists and is unfinished, i.e. we
            # haven't tried to run it before.
            if total_length is None:
                # If the map length cannot be calculated (due to unavailable
                # upstream sources), fail the unmapped task.
                unmapped_ti.state = TaskInstanceState.UPSTREAM_FAILED
                indexes_to_map: Iterable[int] = ()
            elif total_length < 1:
                # If the upstream maps this to a zero-length value, simply mark
                # the unmapped task instance as SKIPPED (if needed).
                    "Marking %s as SKIPPED since the map has %d values to expand",
                unmapped_ti.state = TaskInstanceState.SKIPPED
                indexes_to_map = ()
                # Otherwise convert this into the first mapped index, and create
                # TaskInstance for other indexes.
                unmapped_ti.map_index = 0
                self.log.debug("Updated in place to become %s", unmapped_ti)
                indexes_to_map = range(1, total_length)
            state = unmapped_ti.state
        elif not total_length:
            # Nothing to fixup.
            indexes_to_map = ()
            # Only create "missing" ones.
            current_max_mapping = (
                    TaskInstance.dag_id == self.dag_id,
                    TaskInstance.task_id == self.task_id,
                    TaskInstance.run_id == run_id,
            indexes_to_map = range(current_max_mapping + 1, total_length)

        for index in indexes_to_map:
            # TODO: Make more efficient with bulk_insert_mappings/bulk_save_mappings.
            ti = TaskInstance(self, run_id=run_id, map_index=index, state=state)
            self.log.debug("Expanding TIs upserted %s", ti)
            ti = session.merge(ti)
            ti.refresh_from_task(self)  # session.merge() loses task information.

        # Coerce the None case to 0 -- these two are almost treated identically,
        # except the unmapped ti (if exists) is marked to different states.
        total_expanded_ti_count = total_length or 0

        # Set to "REMOVED" any (old) TaskInstances with map indices greater
        # than the current map value
            TaskInstance.dag_id == self.dag_id,
            TaskInstance.task_id == self.task_id,
            TaskInstance.run_id == run_id,
            TaskInstance.map_index >= total_expanded_ti_count,
        ).update({TaskInstance.state: TaskInstanceState.REMOVED})

        return all_expanded_tis, total_expanded_ti_count - 1

    def prepare_for_execution(self) -> MappedOperator:
        # Since a mapped operator cannot be used for execution, and an unmapped
        # BaseOperator needs to be created later (see render_template_fields),
        # we don't need to create a copy of the MappedOperator here.
        return self

    def iter_mapped_dependencies(self) -> Iterator[Operator]:
        """Upstream dependencies that provide XComs used by this task for task mapping."""
        from airflow.models.xcom_arg import XComArg

        for ref in XComArg.iter_xcom_args(self._get_specified_expand_input()):
            for operator, _ in ref.iter_references():
                yield operator

    def parse_time_mapped_ti_count(self) -> int | None:
        """Number of mapped TaskInstances that can be created at DagRun create time.

        This only considers literal mapped arguments, and would return *None*
        when any non-literal values are used for mapping.

        :return: None if non-literal mapped arg encountered, or the total
            number of mapped TIs this task should have.
        return self._get_specified_expand_input().get_parse_time_mapped_ti_count()

    def get_mapped_ti_count(self, run_id: str, *, session: Session) -> int | None:
        """Number of mapped TaskInstances that can be created at run time.

        This considers both literal and non-literal mapped arguments, and the
        result is therefore available when all depended tasks have finished. The
        return value should be identical to ``parse_time_mapped_ti_count`` if
        all mapped arguments are literal.

        :return: None if upstream tasks are not complete yet, or the total
            number of mapped TIs this task should have.
            return self._get_specified_expand_input().get_total_map_length(run_id, session=session)
        except NotFullyPopulated:
            return None

    def render_template_fields(
        context: Context,
        jinja_env: jinja2.Environment | None = None,
    ) -> None:
        """Template all attributes listed in *self.template_fields*.

        This updates *context* to reference the map-expanded task and relevant
        information, without modifying the mapped operator. The expanded task
        in *context* is then rendered in-place.

        :param context: Context dict with values to apply on content.
        :param jinja_env: Jinja environment to use for rendering.
        if not jinja_env:
            jinja_env = self.get_template_env()

        # Ideally we'd like to pass in session as an argument to this function,
        # but we can't easily change this function signature since operators
        # could override this. We can't use @provide_session since it closes and
        # expunges everything, which we don't want to do when we are so "deep"
        # in the weeds here. We don't close this session for the same reason.
        session = settings.Session()

        mapped_kwargs, seen_oids = self._expand_mapped_kwargs(context, session)
        unmapped_task = self.unmap(mapped_kwargs)
        context_update_for_unmapped(context, unmapped_task)



airflow 源码目录


airflow init 源码

airflow abstractoperator 源码

airflow base 源码

airflow baseoperator 源码

airflow connection 源码

airflow crypto 源码

airflow dag 源码

airflow dagbag 源码

airflow dagcode 源码

airflow dagparam 源码

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