tidb mvcc 源码

  • 2022-09-19
  • 浏览 (609)

tidb mvcc 代码


// Copyright 2019-present PingCAP, Inc.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
//     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.

package mvcc

import (


var defaultEndian = binary.LittleEndian

// DBUserMeta is the user meta used in DB.
type DBUserMeta []byte

// DecodeLock decodes data to lock, the primary and value is copied, the secondaries are copied if async commit is enabled.
func DecodeLock(data []byte) (l Lock) {
	l.LockHdr = *(*LockHdr)(unsafe.Pointer(&data[0]))
	cursor := mvccLockHdrSize
	lockBuf := append([]byte{}, data[cursor:]...)
	l.Primary = lockBuf[:l.PrimaryLen]
	cursor = int(l.PrimaryLen)
	if l.LockHdr.SecondaryNum > 0 {
		l.Secondaries = make([][]byte, l.LockHdr.SecondaryNum)
		for i := uint32(0); i < l.LockHdr.SecondaryNum; i++ {
			keyLen := binary.LittleEndian.Uint16(lockBuf[cursor:])
			cursor += 2
			l.Secondaries[i] = lockBuf[cursor : cursor+int(keyLen)]
			cursor += int(keyLen)
	l.Value = lockBuf[cursor:]

// LockHdr holds fixed size fields for mvcc Lock.
type LockHdr struct {
	StartTS        uint64
	ForUpdateTS    uint64
	MinCommitTS    uint64
	TTL            uint32
	Op             uint8
	HasOldVer      bool
	PrimaryLen     uint16
	UseAsyncCommit bool
	SecondaryNum   uint32

const mvccLockHdrSize = int(unsafe.Sizeof(LockHdr{}))

// Lock is the structure for MVCC lock.
type Lock struct {
	Primary     []byte
	Value       []byte
	Secondaries [][]byte

// MarshalBinary implements encoding.BinaryMarshaler interface.
func (l *Lock) MarshalBinary() []byte {
	lockLen := mvccLockHdrSize + len(l.Primary) + len(l.Value)
	length := lockLen
	if l.LockHdr.SecondaryNum > 0 {
		for _, secondaryKey := range l.Secondaries {
			length += 2
			length += len(secondaryKey)
	buf := make([]byte, length)
	hdr := (*LockHdr)(unsafe.Pointer(&buf[0]))
	*hdr = l.LockHdr
	cursor := mvccLockHdrSize
	copy(buf[cursor:], l.Primary)
	cursor += len(l.Primary)
	if l.LockHdr.SecondaryNum > 0 {
		for _, secondaryKey := range l.Secondaries {
			binary.LittleEndian.PutUint16(buf[cursor:], uint16(len(secondaryKey)))
			cursor += 2
			copy(buf[cursor:], secondaryKey)
			cursor += len(secondaryKey)
	copy(buf[cursor:], l.Value)
	return buf

// ToLockInfo converts an mvcc Lock to kvrpcpb.LockInfo
func (l *Lock) ToLockInfo(key []byte) *kvrpcpb.LockInfo {
	return &kvrpcpb.LockInfo{
		PrimaryLock:     l.Primary,
		LockVersion:     l.StartTS,
		Key:             key,
		LockTtl:         uint64(l.TTL),
		LockType:        kvrpcpb.Op(l.Op),
		LockForUpdateTs: l.ForUpdateTS,
		UseAsyncCommit:  l.UseAsyncCommit,
		MinCommitTs:     l.MinCommitTS,
		Secondaries:     l.Secondaries,

// UserMeta value for lock.
const (
	LockUserMetaNoneByte   = 0
	LockUserMetaDeleteByte = 2

// UserMeta byte slices for lock.
var (
	LockUserMetaNone   = []byte{LockUserMetaNoneByte}
	LockUserMetaDelete = []byte{LockUserMetaDeleteByte}

// DecodeKeyTS decodes the TS in a key.
func DecodeKeyTS(buf []byte) uint64 {
	tsBin := buf[len(buf)-8:]
	_, ts, err := codec.DecodeUintDesc(tsBin)
	if err != nil {
	return ts

// NewDBUserMeta creates a new DBUserMeta.
func NewDBUserMeta(startTS, commitTS uint64) DBUserMeta {
	m := make(DBUserMeta, 16)
	defaultEndian.PutUint64(m, startTS)
	defaultEndian.PutUint64(m[8:], commitTS)
	return m

// CommitTS reads the commitTS from the DBUserMeta.
func (m DBUserMeta) CommitTS() uint64 {
	return defaultEndian.Uint64(m[8:])

// StartTS reads the startTS from the DBUserMeta.
func (m DBUserMeta) StartTS() uint64 {
	return defaultEndian.Uint64(m[:8])

// EncodeExtraTxnStatusKey encodes a extra transaction status key.
// It is only used for Rollback and Op_Lock.
func EncodeExtraTxnStatusKey(key []byte, startTS uint64) []byte {
	b := append([]byte{}, key...)
	ret := codec.EncodeUintDesc(b, startTS)
	return ret

// DecodeExtraTxnStatusKey decodes a extra transaction status key.
func DecodeExtraTxnStatusKey(extraKey []byte) (key []byte) {
	if len(extraKey) <= 9 {
		return nil
	key = append([]byte{}, extraKey[:len(extraKey)-8]...)


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