spark StatsdReporter 源码
spark StatsdReporter 代码
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
* contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
* this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
* The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
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package org.apache.spark.metrics.sink
import{DatagramPacket, DatagramSocket, InetSocketAddress}
import java.nio.charset.StandardCharsets.UTF_8
import java.util.SortedMap
import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit
import scala.collection.JavaConverters._
import scala.util.{Failure, Success, Try}
import com.codahale.metrics._
import org.apache.spark.internal.Logging
* @see <a href="">
* StatsD metric types</a>
private[spark] object StatsdMetricType {
val COUNTER = "c"
val GAUGE = "g"
val TIMER = "ms"
val Set = "s"
private[spark] class StatsdReporter(
registry: MetricRegistry,
host: String = "",
port: Int = 8125,
prefix: String = "",
filter: MetricFilter = MetricFilter.ALL,
rateUnit: TimeUnit = TimeUnit.SECONDS,
durationUnit: TimeUnit = TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS)
extends ScheduledReporter(registry, "statsd-reporter", filter, rateUnit, durationUnit)
with Logging {
import StatsdMetricType._
private val address = new InetSocketAddress(host, port)
private val whitespace = "[\\s]+".r
override def report(
gauges: SortedMap[String, Gauge[_]],
counters: SortedMap[String, Counter],
histograms: SortedMap[String, Histogram],
meters: SortedMap[String, Meter],
timers: SortedMap[String, Timer]): Unit =
Try(new DatagramSocket) match {
case Failure(ioe: IOException) => logWarning("StatsD datagram socket construction failed",
NetUtils.wrapException(host, port, NetUtils.getHostname(), 0, ioe))
case Failure(e) => logWarning("StatsD datagram socket construction failed", e)
case Success(s) =>
implicit val socket = s
val localAddress = Try(socket.getLocalAddress).map(_.getHostAddress).getOrElse(null)
val localPort = socket.getLocalPort
Try {
gauges.entrySet.asScala.foreach(e => reportGauge(e.getKey, e.getValue))
counters.entrySet.asScala.foreach(e => reportCounter(e.getKey, e.getValue))
histograms.entrySet.asScala.foreach(e => reportHistogram(e.getKey, e.getValue))
meters.entrySet.asScala.foreach(e => reportMetered(e.getKey, e.getValue))
timers.entrySet.asScala.foreach(e => reportTimer(e.getKey, e.getValue))
} recover {
case ioe: IOException =>
logDebug(s"Unable to send packets to StatsD", NetUtils.wrapException(
address.getHostString, address.getPort, localAddress, localPort, ioe))
case e: Throwable => logDebug(s"Unable to send packets to StatsD at '$host:$port'", e)
Try(socket.close()) recover {
case ioe: IOException =>
logDebug("Error when close socket to StatsD", NetUtils.wrapException(
address.getHostString, address.getPort, localAddress, localPort, ioe))
case e: Throwable => logDebug("Error when close socket to StatsD", e)
private def reportGauge(name: String, gauge: Gauge[_])(implicit socket: DatagramSocket): Unit =
formatAny(gauge.getValue).foreach(v => send(fullName(name), v, GAUGE))
private def reportCounter(name: String, counter: Counter)(implicit socket: DatagramSocket): Unit =
send(fullName(name), format(counter.getCount), COUNTER)
private def reportHistogram(name: String, histogram: Histogram)
(implicit socket: DatagramSocket): Unit = {
val snapshot = histogram.getSnapshot
send(fullName(name, "count"), format(histogram.getCount), GAUGE)
send(fullName(name, "max"), format(snapshot.getMax), TIMER)
send(fullName(name, "mean"), format(snapshot.getMean), TIMER)
send(fullName(name, "min"), format(snapshot.getMin), TIMER)
send(fullName(name, "stddev"), format(snapshot.getStdDev), TIMER)
send(fullName(name, "p50"), format(snapshot.getMedian), TIMER)
send(fullName(name, "p75"), format(snapshot.get75thPercentile), TIMER)
send(fullName(name, "p95"), format(snapshot.get95thPercentile), TIMER)
send(fullName(name, "p98"), format(snapshot.get98thPercentile), TIMER)
send(fullName(name, "p99"), format(snapshot.get99thPercentile), TIMER)
send(fullName(name, "p999"), format(snapshot.get999thPercentile), TIMER)
private def reportMetered(name: String, meter: Metered)(implicit socket: DatagramSocket): Unit = {
send(fullName(name, "count"), format(meter.getCount), GAUGE)
send(fullName(name, "m1_rate"), format(convertRate(meter.getOneMinuteRate)), TIMER)
send(fullName(name, "m5_rate"), format(convertRate(meter.getFiveMinuteRate)), TIMER)
send(fullName(name, "m15_rate"), format(convertRate(meter.getFifteenMinuteRate)), TIMER)
send(fullName(name, "mean_rate"), format(convertRate(meter.getMeanRate)), TIMER)
private def reportTimer(name: String, timer: Timer)(implicit socket: DatagramSocket): Unit = {
val snapshot = timer.getSnapshot
send(fullName(name, "max"), format(convertDuration(snapshot.getMax)), TIMER)
send(fullName(name, "mean"), format(convertDuration(snapshot.getMean)), TIMER)
send(fullName(name, "min"), format(convertDuration(snapshot.getMin)), TIMER)
send(fullName(name, "stddev"), format(convertDuration(snapshot.getStdDev)), TIMER)
send(fullName(name, "p50"), format(convertDuration(snapshot.getMedian)), TIMER)
send(fullName(name, "p75"), format(convertDuration(snapshot.get75thPercentile)), TIMER)
send(fullName(name, "p95"), format(convertDuration(snapshot.get95thPercentile)), TIMER)
send(fullName(name, "p98"), format(convertDuration(snapshot.get98thPercentile)), TIMER)
send(fullName(name, "p99"), format(convertDuration(snapshot.get99thPercentile)), TIMER)
send(fullName(name, "p999"), format(convertDuration(snapshot.get999thPercentile)), TIMER)
reportMetered(name, timer)
private def send(name: String, value: String, metricType: String)
(implicit socket: DatagramSocket): Unit = {
val bytes = sanitize(s"$name:$value|$metricType").getBytes(UTF_8)
val packet = new DatagramPacket(bytes, bytes.length, address)
private def fullName(names: String*): String =, names : _*)
private def sanitize(s: String): String = whitespace.replaceAllIn(s, "-")
private def format(v: Any): String = formatAny(v).getOrElse("")
private def formatAny(v: Any): Option[String] =
v match {
case f: Float => Some("%2.2f".format(f))
case d: Double => Some("%2.2f".format(d))
case b: BigDecimal => Some("%2.2f".format(b))
case n: Number => Some(v.toString)
case _ => None
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8、 golang
9、 openharmony
10、 Vue中input框自动聚焦