tidb config 源码
tidb config 代码
// Copyright 2019 PingCAP, Inc.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
package config
import (
gomysql "github.com/go-sql-driver/mysql"
tidbcfg "github.com/pingcap/tidb/config"
filter "github.com/pingcap/tidb/util/table-filter"
router "github.com/pingcap/tidb/util/table-router"
const (
// ImportMode defines mode of import for tikv.
ImportMode = "import"
// NormalMode defines mode of normal for tikv.
NormalMode = "normal"
// BackendTiDB is a constant for choosing the "TiDB" backend in the configuration.
BackendTiDB = "tidb"
// BackendLocal is a constant for choosing the "Local" backup in the configuration.
// In this mode, we write & sort kv pairs with local storage and directly write them to tikv.
BackendLocal = "local"
// CheckpointDriverMySQL is a constant for choosing the "MySQL" checkpoint driver in the configuration.
CheckpointDriverMySQL = "mysql"
// CheckpointDriverFile is a constant for choosing the "File" checkpoint driver in the configuration.
CheckpointDriverFile = "file"
// ReplaceOnDup indicates using REPLACE INTO to insert data
ReplaceOnDup = "replace"
// IgnoreOnDup indicates using INSERT IGNORE INTO to insert data
IgnoreOnDup = "ignore"
// ErrorOnDup indicates using INSERT INTO to insert data, which would violate PK or UNIQUE constraint
ErrorOnDup = "error"
defaultDistSQLScanConcurrency = 15
defaultBuildStatsConcurrency = 20
defaultIndexSerialScanConcurrency = 20
defaultChecksumTableConcurrency = 2
defaultTableConcurrency = 6
defaultIndexConcurrency = 2
// defaultMetaSchemaName is the default database name used to store lightning metadata
defaultMetaSchemaName = "lightning_metadata"
defaultTaskInfoSchemaName = "lightning_task_info"
// autoDiskQuotaLocalReservedSpeed is the estimated size increase per
// millisecond per write thread the local backend may gain on all engines.
// This is used to compute the maximum size overshoot between two disk quota
// checks, if the first one has barely passed.
// With cron.check-disk-quota = 1m, region-concurrency = 40, this should
// contribute 2.3 GiB to the reserved size.
// autoDiskQuotaLocalReservedSpeed uint64 = 1 * units.KiB
defaultEngineMemCacheSize = 512 * units.MiB
defaultLocalWriterMemCacheSize = 128 * units.MiB
defaultCSVDataCharacterSet = "binary"
defaultCSVDataInvalidCharReplace = utf8.RuneError
var (
supportedStorageTypes = []string{"file", "local", "s3", "noop", "gcs", "gs"}
DefaultFilter = []string{
type DBStore struct {
Host string `toml:"host" json:"host"`
Port int `toml:"port" json:"port"`
User string `toml:"user" json:"user"`
Psw string `toml:"password" json:"-"`
StatusPort int `toml:"status-port" json:"status-port"`
PdAddr string `toml:"pd-addr" json:"pd-addr"`
StrSQLMode string `toml:"sql-mode" json:"sql-mode"`
TLS string `toml:"tls" json:"tls"`
Security *Security `toml:"security" json:"security"`
SQLMode mysql.SQLMode `toml:"-" json:"-"`
MaxAllowedPacket uint64 `toml:"max-allowed-packet" json:"max-allowed-packet"`
DistSQLScanConcurrency int `toml:"distsql-scan-concurrency" json:"distsql-scan-concurrency"`
BuildStatsConcurrency int `toml:"build-stats-concurrency" json:"build-stats-concurrency"`
IndexSerialScanConcurrency int `toml:"index-serial-scan-concurrency" json:"index-serial-scan-concurrency"`
ChecksumTableConcurrency int `toml:"checksum-table-concurrency" json:"checksum-table-concurrency"`
Vars map[string]string `toml:"-" json:"vars"`
type Config struct {
TaskID int64 `toml:"-" json:"id"`
App Lightning `toml:"lightning" json:"lightning"`
TiDB DBStore `toml:"tidb" json:"tidb"`
Checkpoint Checkpoint `toml:"checkpoint" json:"checkpoint"`
Mydumper MydumperRuntime `toml:"mydumper" json:"mydumper"`
TikvImporter TikvImporter `toml:"tikv-importer" json:"tikv-importer"`
PostRestore PostRestore `toml:"post-restore" json:"post-restore"`
Cron Cron `toml:"cron" json:"cron"`
Routes []*router.TableRule `toml:"routes" json:"routes"`
Security Security `toml:"security" json:"security"`
BWList filter.MySQLReplicationRules `toml:"black-white-list" json:"black-white-list"`
func (cfg *Config) String() string {
bytes, err := json.Marshal(cfg)
if err != nil {
log.L().Error("marshal config to json error", log.ShortError(err))
return string(bytes)
func (cfg *Config) ToTLS() (*common.TLS, error) {
hostPort := net.JoinHostPort(cfg.TiDB.Host, strconv.Itoa(cfg.TiDB.StatusPort))
return common.NewTLS(
type Lightning struct {
TableConcurrency int `toml:"table-concurrency" json:"table-concurrency"`
IndexConcurrency int `toml:"index-concurrency" json:"index-concurrency"`
RegionConcurrency int `toml:"region-concurrency" json:"region-concurrency"`
IOConcurrency int `toml:"io-concurrency" json:"io-concurrency"`
CheckRequirements bool `toml:"check-requirements" json:"check-requirements"`
MetaSchemaName string `toml:"meta-schema-name" json:"meta-schema-name"`
MaxError MaxError `toml:"max-error" json:"max-error"`
TaskInfoSchemaName string `toml:"task-info-schema-name" json:"task-info-schema-name"`
type PostOpLevel int
const (
OpLevelOff PostOpLevel = iota
func (t *PostOpLevel) UnmarshalTOML(v interface{}) error {
switch val := v.(type) {
case bool:
if val {
*t = OpLevelRequired
} else {
*t = OpLevelOff
case string:
return t.FromStringValue(val)
return errors.Errorf("invalid op level '%v', please choose valid option between ['off', 'optional', 'required']", v)
return nil
func (t PostOpLevel) MarshalText() ([]byte, error) {
return []byte(t.String()), nil
// parser command line parameter
func (t *PostOpLevel) FromStringValue(s string) error {
switch strings.ToLower(s) {
//nolint:goconst // This 'false' and other 'false's aren't the same.
case "off", "false":
*t = OpLevelOff
case "required", "true":
*t = OpLevelRequired
case "optional":
*t = OpLevelOptional
return errors.Errorf("invalid op level '%s', please choose valid option between ['off', 'optional', 'required']", s)
return nil
func (t *PostOpLevel) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) {
return []byte(`"` + t.String() + `"`), nil
func (t *PostOpLevel) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error {
return t.FromStringValue(strings.Trim(string(data), `"`))
func (t PostOpLevel) String() string {
switch t {
case OpLevelOff:
return "off"
case OpLevelOptional:
return "optional"
case OpLevelRequired:
return "required"
panic(fmt.Sprintf("invalid post process type '%d'", t))
type CheckpointKeepStrategy int
const (
// remove checkpoint data
CheckpointRemove CheckpointKeepStrategy = iota
// keep by rename checkpoint file/db according to task id
// keep checkpoint data unchanged
func (t *CheckpointKeepStrategy) UnmarshalTOML(v interface{}) error {
switch val := v.(type) {
case bool:
if val {
*t = CheckpointRename
} else {
*t = CheckpointRemove
case string:
return t.FromStringValue(val)
return errors.Errorf("invalid checkpoint keep strategy '%v', please choose valid option between ['remove', 'rename', 'origin']", v)
return nil
func (t CheckpointKeepStrategy) MarshalText() ([]byte, error) {
return []byte(t.String()), nil
// parser command line parameter
func (t *CheckpointKeepStrategy) FromStringValue(s string) error {
switch strings.ToLower(s) {
//nolint:goconst // This 'false' and other 'false's aren't the same.
case "remove", "false":
*t = CheckpointRemove
case "rename", "true":
*t = CheckpointRename
case "origin":
*t = CheckpointOrigin
return errors.Errorf("invalid checkpoint keep strategy '%s', please choose valid option between ['remove', 'rename', 'origin']", s)
return nil
func (t *CheckpointKeepStrategy) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) {
return []byte(`"` + t.String() + `"`), nil
func (t *CheckpointKeepStrategy) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error {
return t.FromStringValue(strings.Trim(string(data), `"`))
func (t CheckpointKeepStrategy) String() string {
switch t {
case CheckpointRemove:
return "remove"
case CheckpointRename:
return "rename"
case CheckpointOrigin:
return "origin"
panic(fmt.Sprintf("invalid post process type '%d'", t))
// MaxError configures the maximum number of acceptable errors per kind.
type MaxError struct {
// Syntax is the maximum number of syntax errors accepted.
// When tolerated, the file chunk causing syntax error will be skipped, and adds 1 to the counter.
// TODO Currently this is hard-coded to zero.
Syntax atomic.Int64 `toml:"syntax" json:"-"`
// Charset is the maximum number of character-set conversion errors accepted.
// When tolerated, and `data-invalid-char-replace` is not changed from "\ufffd",
// every invalid byte in the source file will be converted to U+FFFD and adds 1 to the counter.
// Note that a failed conversion a column's character set (e.g. UTF8-to-GBK conversion)
// is counted as a type error, not a charset error.
// TODO character-set conversion is not yet implemented.
Charset atomic.Int64 `toml:"charset" json:"-"`
// Type is the maximum number of type errors accepted.
// This includes strict-mode errors such as zero in dates, integer overflow, character string too long, etc.
// In TiDB backend, this also includes all possible SQL errors raised from INSERT,
// such as unique key conflict when `on-duplicate` is set to `error`.
// When tolerated, the row causing the error will be skipped, and adds 1 to the counter.
Type atomic.Int64 `toml:"type" json:"type"`
// Conflict is the maximum number of unique key conflicts in local backend accepted.
// When tolerated, every pair of conflict adds 1 to the counter.
// Those pairs will NOT be deleted from the target. Conflict resolution is performed separately.
// TODO Currently this is hard-coded to infinity.
Conflict atomic.Int64 `toml:"conflict" json:"-"`
func (cfg *MaxError) UnmarshalTOML(v interface{}) error {
switch val := v.(type) {
case int64:
// ignore val that is smaller than 0
if val < 0 {
val = 0
return nil
case map[string]interface{}:
// TODO support stuff like `max-error = { charset = 1000, type = 1000 }` if proved useful.
return errors.Errorf("invalid max-error '%v', should be an integer", v)
// DuplicateResolutionAlgorithm is the config type of how to resolve duplicates.
type DuplicateResolutionAlgorithm int
const (
// DupeResAlgNone doesn't detect duplicate.
DupeResAlgNone DuplicateResolutionAlgorithm = iota
// DupeResAlgRecord only records duplicate records to `lightning_task_info.conflict_error_v1` table on the target TiDB.
// DupeResAlgRemove records all duplicate records like the 'record' algorithm and remove all information related to the
// duplicated rows. Users need to analyze the lightning_task_info.conflict_error_v1 table to add back the correct rows.
func (dra *DuplicateResolutionAlgorithm) UnmarshalTOML(v interface{}) error {
if val, ok := v.(string); ok {
return dra.FromStringValue(val)
return errors.Errorf("invalid duplicate-resolution '%v', please choose valid option between ['record', 'none', 'remove']", v)
func (dra DuplicateResolutionAlgorithm) MarshalText() ([]byte, error) {
return []byte(dra.String()), nil
func (dra *DuplicateResolutionAlgorithm) FromStringValue(s string) error {
switch strings.ToLower(s) {
case "record":
*dra = DupeResAlgRecord
case "none":
*dra = DupeResAlgNone
case "remove":
*dra = DupeResAlgRemove
return errors.Errorf("invalid duplicate-resolution '%s', please choose valid option between ['record', 'none', 'remove']", s)
return nil
func (dra *DuplicateResolutionAlgorithm) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) {
return []byte(`"` + dra.String() + `"`), nil
func (dra *DuplicateResolutionAlgorithm) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error {
return dra.FromStringValue(strings.Trim(string(data), `"`))
func (dra DuplicateResolutionAlgorithm) String() string {
switch dra {
case DupeResAlgRecord:
return "record"
case DupeResAlgNone:
return "none"
case DupeResAlgRemove:
return "remove"
panic(fmt.Sprintf("invalid duplicate-resolution type '%d'", dra))
// PostRestore has some options which will be executed after kv restored.
type PostRestore struct {
Checksum PostOpLevel `toml:"checksum" json:"checksum"`
Analyze PostOpLevel `toml:"analyze" json:"analyze"`
Level1Compact bool `toml:"level-1-compact" json:"level-1-compact"`
PostProcessAtLast bool `toml:"post-process-at-last" json:"post-process-at-last"`
Compact bool `toml:"compact" json:"compact"`
type CSVConfig struct {
// Separator, Delimiter and Terminator should all be in utf8mb4 encoding.
Separator string `toml:"separator" json:"separator"`
Delimiter string `toml:"delimiter" json:"delimiter"`
Terminator string `toml:"terminator" json:"terminator"`
Null string `toml:"null" json:"null"`
Header bool `toml:"header" json:"header"`
TrimLastSep bool `toml:"trim-last-separator" json:"trim-last-separator"`
NotNull bool `toml:"not-null" json:"not-null"`
BackslashEscape bool `toml:"backslash-escape" json:"backslash-escape"`
type MydumperRuntime struct {
ReadBlockSize ByteSize `toml:"read-block-size" json:"read-block-size"`
BatchSize ByteSize `toml:"batch-size" json:"batch-size"`
BatchImportRatio float64 `toml:"batch-import-ratio" json:"batch-import-ratio"`
SourceDir string `toml:"data-source-dir" json:"data-source-dir"`
CharacterSet string `toml:"character-set" json:"character-set"`
CSV CSVConfig `toml:"csv" json:"csv"`
MaxRegionSize ByteSize `toml:"max-region-size" json:"max-region-size"`
Filter []string `toml:"filter" json:"filter"`
FileRouters []*FileRouteRule `toml:"files" json:"files"`
// Deprecated: only used to keep the compatibility.
NoSchema bool `toml:"no-schema" json:"no-schema"`
CaseSensitive bool `toml:"case-sensitive" json:"case-sensitive"`
StrictFormat bool `toml:"strict-format" json:"strict-format"`
DefaultFileRules bool `toml:"default-file-rules" json:"default-file-rules"`
IgnoreColumns AllIgnoreColumns `toml:"ignore-data-columns" json:"ignore-data-columns"`
// DataCharacterSet is the character set of the source file. Only CSV files are supported now. The following options are supported.
// - utf8mb4
// - GB18030
// - GBK: an extension of the GB2312 character set and is also known as Code Page 936.
// - binary: no attempt to convert the encoding.
// Leave DataCharacterSet empty will make it use `binary` by default.
DataCharacterSet string `toml:"data-character-set" json:"data-character-set"`
// DataInvalidCharReplace is the replacement characters for non-compatible characters, which shouldn't duplicate with the separators or line breaks.
// Changing the default value will result in increased parsing time. Non-compatible characters do not cause an increase in error.
DataInvalidCharReplace string `toml:"data-invalid-char-replace" json:"data-invalid-char-replace"`
type AllIgnoreColumns []*IgnoreColumns
type IgnoreColumns struct {
DB string `toml:"db" json:"db"`
Table string `toml:"table" json:"table"`
TableFilter []string `toml:"table-filter" json:"table-filter"`
Columns []string `toml:"columns" json:"columns"`
func (ic *IgnoreColumns) ColumnsMap() map[string]struct{} {
columnMap := make(map[string]struct{}, len(ic.Columns))
for _, c := range ic.Columns {
columnMap[c] = struct{}{}
return columnMap
// GetIgnoreColumns gets Ignore config by schema name/regex and table name/regex.
func (igCols AllIgnoreColumns) GetIgnoreColumns(db string, table string, caseSensitive bool) (*IgnoreColumns, error) {
if !caseSensitive {
db = strings.ToLower(db)
table = strings.ToLower(table)
for i, ig := range igCols {
if ig.DB == db && ig.Table == table {
return igCols[i], nil
f, err := filter.Parse(ig.TableFilter)
if err != nil {
return nil, common.ErrInvalidConfig.GenWithStack("invalid table filter %s in ignore columns", strings.Join(ig.TableFilter, ","))
if f.MatchTable(db, table) {
return igCols[i], nil
return &IgnoreColumns{Columns: make([]string, 0)}, nil
type FileRouteRule struct {
Pattern string `json:"pattern" toml:"pattern" yaml:"pattern"`
Path string `json:"path" toml:"path" yaml:"path"`
Schema string `json:"schema" toml:"schema" yaml:"schema"`
Table string `json:"table" toml:"table" yaml:"table"`
Type string `json:"type" toml:"type" yaml:"type"`
Key string `json:"key" toml:"key" yaml:"key"`
Compression string `json:"compression" toml:"compression" yaml:"compression"`
// unescape the schema/table name only used in lightning's internal logic now.
Unescape bool `json:"-" toml:"-" yaml:"-"`
// TODO: DataCharacterSet here can override the same field in [mydumper.csv] with a higher level.
// This could provide users a more flexible usage to configure different files with
// different data charsets.
// DataCharacterSet string `toml:"data-character-set" json:"data-character-set"`
type TikvImporter struct {
// Deprecated: only used to keep the compatibility.
Addr string `toml:"addr" json:"addr"`
Backend string `toml:"backend" json:"backend"`
OnDuplicate string `toml:"on-duplicate" json:"on-duplicate"`
MaxKVPairs int `toml:"max-kv-pairs" json:"max-kv-pairs"`
SendKVPairs int `toml:"send-kv-pairs" json:"send-kv-pairs"`
RegionSplitSize ByteSize `toml:"region-split-size" json:"region-split-size"`
RegionSplitKeys int `toml:"region-split-keys" json:"region-split-keys"`
SortedKVDir string `toml:"sorted-kv-dir" json:"sorted-kv-dir"`
DiskQuota ByteSize `toml:"disk-quota" json:"disk-quota"`
RangeConcurrency int `toml:"range-concurrency" json:"range-concurrency"`
DuplicateResolution DuplicateResolutionAlgorithm `toml:"duplicate-resolution" json:"duplicate-resolution"`
IncrementalImport bool `toml:"incremental-import" json:"incremental-import"`
EngineMemCacheSize ByteSize `toml:"engine-mem-cache-size" json:"engine-mem-cache-size"`
LocalWriterMemCacheSize ByteSize `toml:"local-writer-mem-cache-size" json:"local-writer-mem-cache-size"`
StoreWriteBWLimit ByteSize `toml:"store-write-bwlimit" json:"store-write-bwlimit"`
type Checkpoint struct {
Schema string `toml:"schema" json:"schema"`
DSN string `toml:"dsn" json:"-"` // DSN may contain password, don't expose this to JSON.
Driver string `toml:"driver" json:"driver"`
Enable bool `toml:"enable" json:"enable"`
KeepAfterSuccess CheckpointKeepStrategy `toml:"keep-after-success" json:"keep-after-success"`
type Cron struct {
SwitchMode Duration `toml:"switch-mode" json:"switch-mode"`
LogProgress Duration `toml:"log-progress" json:"log-progress"`
CheckDiskQuota Duration `toml:"check-disk-quota" json:"check-disk-quota"`
type Security struct {
CAPath string `toml:"ca-path" json:"ca-path"`
CertPath string `toml:"cert-path" json:"cert-path"`
KeyPath string `toml:"key-path" json:"key-path"`
// RedactInfoLog indicates that whether enabling redact log
RedactInfoLog bool `toml:"redact-info-log" json:"redact-info-log"`
// TLSConfigName is used to set tls config for lightning in DM, so we don't expose this field to user
// DM may running many lightning instances at same time, so we need to set different tls config name for each lightning
TLSConfigName string `toml:"-" json:"-"`
// When DM/engine uses lightning as a library, it can directly pass in the content
CABytes []byte `toml:"-" json:"-"`
CertBytes []byte `toml:"-" json:"-"`
KeyBytes []byte `toml:"-" json:"-"`
// RegisterMySQL registers the TLS config with name "cluster" or security.TLSConfigName
// for use in `sql.Open()`. This method is goroutine-safe.
func (sec *Security) RegisterMySQL() error {
if sec == nil {
return nil
tlsConfig, err := util.NewTLSConfig(
util.WithCertAndKeyPath(sec.CertPath, sec.KeyPath),
util.WithCertAndKeyContent(sec.CertBytes, sec.KeyBytes),
if err != nil {
return errors.Trace(err)
if tlsConfig != nil {
// error happens only when the key coincides with the built-in names.
_ = gomysql.RegisterTLSConfig(sec.TLSConfigName, tlsConfig)
return nil
// DeregisterMySQL deregisters the TLS config with security.TLSConfigName
func (sec *Security) DeregisterMySQL() {
if sec == nil || len(sec.CAPath) == 0 {
// A duration which can be deserialized from a TOML string.
// Implemented as https://github.com/BurntSushi/toml#using-the-encodingtextunmarshaler-interface
type Duration struct {
func (d *Duration) UnmarshalText(text []byte) error {
var err error
d.Duration, err = time.ParseDuration(string(text))
return errors.Trace(err)
func (d Duration) MarshalText() ([]byte, error) {
return []byte(d.String()), nil
func (d *Duration) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) {
return []byte(fmt.Sprintf(`"%s"`, d.Duration)), nil
// Charset defines character set
type Charset int
const (
Binary Charset = iota
// String return the string value of charset
func (c Charset) String() string {
switch c {
case Binary:
return "binary"
case UTF8MB4:
return "utf8mb4"
case GB18030:
return "gb18030"
case GBK:
return "gbk"
return "unknown_charset"
// ParseCharset parser character set for string
func ParseCharset(dataCharacterSet string) (Charset, error) {
switch strings.ToLower(dataCharacterSet) {
case "", "binary":
return Binary, nil
case "utf8mb4":
return UTF8MB4, nil
case "gb18030":
return GB18030, nil
case "gbk":
return GBK, nil
return Binary, errors.Errorf("found unsupported data-character-set: %s", dataCharacterSet)
func NewConfig() *Config {
return &Config{
App: Lightning{
RegionConcurrency: runtime.NumCPU(),
TableConcurrency: 0,
IndexConcurrency: 0,
IOConcurrency: 5,
CheckRequirements: true,
MaxError: MaxError{
Charset: *atomic.NewInt64(math.MaxInt64),
Conflict: *atomic.NewInt64(math.MaxInt64),
TaskInfoSchemaName: defaultTaskInfoSchemaName,
Checkpoint: Checkpoint{
Enable: true,
TiDB: DBStore{
Host: "",
User: "root",
StatusPort: 10080,
MaxAllowedPacket: defaultMaxAllowedPacket,
BuildStatsConcurrency: defaultBuildStatsConcurrency,
DistSQLScanConcurrency: defaultDistSQLScanConcurrency,
IndexSerialScanConcurrency: defaultIndexSerialScanConcurrency,
ChecksumTableConcurrency: defaultChecksumTableConcurrency,
Cron: Cron{
SwitchMode: Duration{Duration: 5 * time.Minute},
LogProgress: Duration{Duration: 5 * time.Minute},
CheckDiskQuota: Duration{Duration: 1 * time.Minute},
Mydumper: MydumperRuntime{
ReadBlockSize: ReadBlockSize,
CSV: CSVConfig{
Separator: ",",
Delimiter: `"`,
Header: true,
NotNull: false,
Null: `\N`,
BackslashEscape: true,
TrimLastSep: false,
StrictFormat: false,
MaxRegionSize: MaxRegionSize,
Filter: DefaultFilter,
DataCharacterSet: defaultCSVDataCharacterSet,
DataInvalidCharReplace: string(defaultCSVDataInvalidCharReplace),
TikvImporter: TikvImporter{
Backend: "",
OnDuplicate: ReplaceOnDup,
MaxKVPairs: 4096,
SendKVPairs: 32768,
RegionSplitSize: 0,
DiskQuota: ByteSize(math.MaxInt64),
DuplicateResolution: DupeResAlgNone,
PostRestore: PostRestore{
Checksum: OpLevelRequired,
Analyze: OpLevelOptional,
PostProcessAtLast: true,
// LoadFromGlobal resets the current configuration to the global settings.
func (cfg *Config) LoadFromGlobal(global *GlobalConfig) error {
if err := cfg.LoadFromTOML(global.ConfigFileContent); err != nil {
return err
cfg.TiDB.Host = global.TiDB.Host
cfg.TiDB.Port = global.TiDB.Port
cfg.TiDB.User = global.TiDB.User
cfg.TiDB.Psw = global.TiDB.Psw
cfg.TiDB.StatusPort = global.TiDB.StatusPort
cfg.TiDB.PdAddr = global.TiDB.PdAddr
cfg.Mydumper.NoSchema = global.Mydumper.NoSchema
cfg.Mydumper.SourceDir = global.Mydumper.SourceDir
cfg.Mydumper.Filter = global.Mydumper.Filter
cfg.TikvImporter.Backend = global.TikvImporter.Backend
cfg.TikvImporter.SortedKVDir = global.TikvImporter.SortedKVDir
cfg.Checkpoint.Enable = global.Checkpoint.Enable
cfg.PostRestore.Checksum = global.PostRestore.Checksum
cfg.PostRestore.Analyze = global.PostRestore.Analyze
cfg.App.CheckRequirements = global.App.CheckRequirements
cfg.Security = global.Security
cfg.Mydumper.IgnoreColumns = global.Mydumper.IgnoreColumns
return nil
// LoadFromTOML overwrites the current configuration by the TOML data
// If data contains toml items not in Config and GlobalConfig, return an error
// If data contains toml items not in Config, thus won't take effect, warn user
func (cfg *Config) LoadFromTOML(data []byte) error {
// bothUnused saves toml items not belong to Config nor GlobalConfig
var bothUnused []string
// warnItems saves legal toml items but won't effect
var warnItems []string
dataStr := string(data)
// Here we load toml into cfg, and rest logic is check unused keys
metaData, err := toml.Decode(dataStr, cfg)
if err != nil {
return errors.Trace(err)
unusedConfigKeys := metaData.Undecoded()
if len(unusedConfigKeys) == 0 {
return nil
// Now we deal with potential both-unused keys of Config and GlobalConfig struct
metaDataGlobal, err := toml.Decode(dataStr, &GlobalConfig{})
if err != nil {
return errors.Trace(err)
// Key type returned by metadata.Undecoded doesn't have a equality comparison,
// we convert them to string type instead, and this conversion is identical
unusedGlobalKeys := metaDataGlobal.Undecoded()
unusedGlobalKeyStrs := make(map[string]struct{})
for _, key := range unusedGlobalKeys {
unusedGlobalKeyStrs[key.String()] = struct{}{}
for _, key := range unusedConfigKeys {
keyStr := key.String()
if _, found := unusedGlobalKeyStrs[keyStr]; found {
bothUnused = append(bothUnused, keyStr)
} else {
warnItems = append(warnItems, keyStr)
if len(bothUnused) > 0 {
return errors.Errorf("config file contained unknown configuration options: %s",
strings.Join(bothUnused, ", "))
// Warn that some legal field of config file won't be overwritten, such as lightning.file
if len(warnItems) > 0 {
log.L().Warn("currently only per-task configuration can be applied, global configuration changes can only be made on startup",
zap.Strings("global config changes", warnItems))
return nil
// Adjust fixes the invalid or unspecified settings to reasonable valid values.
func (cfg *Config) Adjust(ctx context.Context) error {
// Reject problematic CSV configurations.
csv := &cfg.Mydumper.CSV
if len(csv.Separator) == 0 {
return common.ErrInvalidConfig.GenWithStack("`mydumper.csv.separator` must not be empty")
if len(csv.Delimiter) > 0 && (strings.HasPrefix(csv.Separator, csv.Delimiter) || strings.HasPrefix(csv.Delimiter, csv.Separator)) {
return common.ErrInvalidConfig.GenWithStack("`mydumper.csv.separator` and `mydumper.csv.delimiter` must not be prefix of each other")
if csv.BackslashEscape {
if csv.Separator == `\` {
return common.ErrInvalidConfig.GenWithStack("cannot use '\\' as CSV separator when `mydumper.csv.backslash-escape` is true")
if csv.Delimiter == `\` {
return common.ErrInvalidConfig.GenWithStack("cannot use '\\' as CSV delimiter when `mydumper.csv.backslash-escape` is true")
if csv.Terminator == `\` {
return common.ErrInvalidConfig.GenWithStack("cannot use '\\' as CSV terminator when `mydumper.csv.backslash-escape` is true")
// adjust file routing
for _, rule := range cfg.Mydumper.FileRouters {
if filepath.IsAbs(rule.Path) {
relPath, err := filepath.Rel(cfg.Mydumper.SourceDir, rule.Path)
if err != nil {
return common.ErrInvalidConfig.Wrap(err).
GenWithStack("cannot find relative path for file route path %s", rule.Path)
// ".." means that this path is not in source dir, so we should return an error
if strings.HasPrefix(relPath, "..") {
return common.ErrInvalidConfig.GenWithStack(
"file route path '%s' is not in source dir '%s'", rule.Path, cfg.Mydumper.SourceDir)
rule.Path = relPath
// enable default file route rule if no rules are set
if len(cfg.Mydumper.FileRouters) == 0 {
cfg.Mydumper.DefaultFileRules = true
if len(cfg.Mydumper.DataCharacterSet) == 0 {
cfg.Mydumper.DataCharacterSet = defaultCSVDataCharacterSet
charset, err1 := ParseCharset(cfg.Mydumper.DataCharacterSet)
if err1 != nil {
return common.ErrInvalidConfig.Wrap(err1).GenWithStack("invalid `mydumper.data-character-set`")
if charset == GBK || charset == GB18030 {
"incompatible strings may be encountered during the transcoding process and will be replaced, please be aware of the risk of not being able to retain the original information",
zap.String("source-character-set", charset.String()),
zap.ByteString("invalid-char-replacement", []byte(cfg.Mydumper.DataInvalidCharReplace)))
mustHaveInternalConnections, err := cfg.AdjustCommon()
if err != nil {
return err
// mydumper.filter and black-white-list cannot co-exist.
if cfg.HasLegacyBlackWhiteList() {
log.L().Warn("the config `black-white-list` has been deprecated, please replace with `mydumper.filter`")
if !common.StringSliceEqual(cfg.Mydumper.Filter, DefaultFilter) {
return common.ErrInvalidConfig.GenWithStack("`mydumper.filter` and `black-white-list` cannot be simultaneously defined")
for _, rule := range cfg.Routes {
if !cfg.Mydumper.CaseSensitive {
if err := rule.Valid(); err != nil {
return common.ErrInvalidConfig.Wrap(err).GenWithStack("file route rule is invalid")
if err := cfg.CheckAndAdjustTiDBPort(ctx, mustHaveInternalConnections); err != nil {
return err
return cfg.CheckAndAdjustFilePath()
func (cfg *Config) AdjustCommon() (bool, error) {
if cfg.TikvImporter.Backend == "" {
return false, common.ErrInvalidConfig.GenWithStack("tikv-importer.backend must not be empty!")
cfg.TikvImporter.Backend = strings.ToLower(cfg.TikvImporter.Backend)
mustHaveInternalConnections := true
switch cfg.TikvImporter.Backend {
case BackendTiDB:
mustHaveInternalConnections = false
cfg.PostRestore.Checksum = OpLevelOff
cfg.PostRestore.Analyze = OpLevelOff
cfg.PostRestore.Compact = false
case BackendLocal:
// RegionConcurrency > NumCPU is meaningless.
cpuCount := runtime.NumCPU()
if cfg.App.RegionConcurrency > cpuCount {
cfg.App.RegionConcurrency = cpuCount
return mustHaveInternalConnections, common.ErrInvalidConfig.GenWithStack("unsupported `tikv-importer.backend` (%s)", cfg.TikvImporter.Backend)
// TODO calculate these from the machine's free memory.
if cfg.TikvImporter.EngineMemCacheSize == 0 {
cfg.TikvImporter.EngineMemCacheSize = defaultEngineMemCacheSize
if cfg.TikvImporter.LocalWriterMemCacheSize == 0 {
cfg.TikvImporter.LocalWriterMemCacheSize = defaultLocalWriterMemCacheSize
if cfg.TikvImporter.Backend == BackendLocal {
if err := cfg.CheckAndAdjustForLocalBackend(); err != nil {
return mustHaveInternalConnections, err
} else {
cfg.TikvImporter.DuplicateResolution = DupeResAlgNone
if cfg.TikvImporter.Backend == BackendTiDB {
cfg.TikvImporter.OnDuplicate = strings.ToLower(cfg.TikvImporter.OnDuplicate)
switch cfg.TikvImporter.OnDuplicate {
case ReplaceOnDup, IgnoreOnDup, ErrorOnDup:
return mustHaveInternalConnections, common.ErrInvalidConfig.GenWithStack(
"unsupported `tikv-importer.on-duplicate` (%s)", cfg.TikvImporter.OnDuplicate)
var err error
cfg.TiDB.SQLMode, err = mysql.GetSQLMode(cfg.TiDB.StrSQLMode)
if err != nil {
return mustHaveInternalConnections, common.ErrInvalidConfig.Wrap(err).GenWithStack("`mydumper.tidb.sql_mode` must be a valid SQL_MODE")
if err := cfg.CheckAndAdjustSecurity(); err != nil {
return mustHaveInternalConnections, err
return mustHaveInternalConnections, err
func (cfg *Config) CheckAndAdjustForLocalBackend() error {
if len(cfg.TikvImporter.SortedKVDir) == 0 {
return common.ErrInvalidConfig.GenWithStack("tikv-importer.sorted-kv-dir must not be empty!")
storageSizeDir := filepath.Clean(cfg.TikvImporter.SortedKVDir)
sortedKVDirInfo, err := os.Stat(storageSizeDir)
switch {
case os.IsNotExist(err):
return nil
case err == nil:
if !sortedKVDirInfo.IsDir() {
return common.ErrInvalidConfig.
GenWithStack("tikv-importer.sorted-kv-dir ('%s') is not a directory", storageSizeDir)
return common.ErrInvalidConfig.Wrap(err).GenWithStack("invalid tikv-importer.sorted-kv-dir")
return nil
func (cfg *Config) DefaultVarsForTiDBBackend() {
if cfg.App.TableConcurrency == 0 {
cfg.App.TableConcurrency = cfg.App.RegionConcurrency
if cfg.App.IndexConcurrency == 0 {
cfg.App.IndexConcurrency = cfg.App.RegionConcurrency
func (cfg *Config) DefaultVarsForImporterAndLocalBackend() {
if cfg.App.IndexConcurrency == 0 {
cfg.App.IndexConcurrency = defaultIndexConcurrency
if cfg.App.TableConcurrency == 0 {
cfg.App.TableConcurrency = defaultTableConcurrency
if len(cfg.App.MetaSchemaName) == 0 {
cfg.App.MetaSchemaName = defaultMetaSchemaName
if cfg.TikvImporter.RangeConcurrency == 0 {
cfg.TikvImporter.RangeConcurrency = 16
if cfg.TiDB.BuildStatsConcurrency == 0 {
cfg.TiDB.BuildStatsConcurrency = defaultBuildStatsConcurrency
if cfg.TiDB.IndexSerialScanConcurrency == 0 {
cfg.TiDB.IndexSerialScanConcurrency = defaultIndexSerialScanConcurrency
if cfg.TiDB.ChecksumTableConcurrency == 0 {
cfg.TiDB.ChecksumTableConcurrency = defaultChecksumTableConcurrency
func (cfg *Config) CheckAndAdjustTiDBPort(ctx context.Context, mustHaveInternalConnections bool) error {
// automatically determine the TiDB port & PD address from TiDB settings
if mustHaveInternalConnections && (cfg.TiDB.Port <= 0 || len(cfg.TiDB.PdAddr) == 0) {
tls, err := cfg.ToTLS()
if err != nil {
return err
var settings tidbcfg.Config
err = tls.GetJSON(ctx, "/settings", &settings)
if err != nil {
return common.ErrInvalidConfig.Wrap(err).GenWithStack("cannot fetch settings from TiDB, please manually fill in `tidb.port` and `tidb.pd-addr`")
if cfg.TiDB.Port <= 0 {
cfg.TiDB.Port = int(settings.Port)
if len(cfg.TiDB.PdAddr) == 0 {
pdAddrs := strings.Split(settings.Path, ",")
cfg.TiDB.PdAddr = pdAddrs[0] // FIXME support multiple PDs once importer can.
if cfg.TiDB.Port <= 0 {
return common.ErrInvalidConfig.GenWithStack("invalid `tidb.port` setting")
if mustHaveInternalConnections && len(cfg.TiDB.PdAddr) == 0 {
return common.ErrInvalidConfig.GenWithStack("invalid `tidb.pd-addr` setting")
return nil
func (cfg *Config) CheckAndAdjustFilePath() error {
var u *url.URL
// An absolute Windows path like "C:\Users\XYZ" would be interpreted as
// an URL with scheme "C" and opaque data "\Users\XYZ".
// Therefore, we only perform URL parsing if we are sure the path is not
// an absolute Windows path.
// Here we use the `filepath.VolumeName` which can identify the "C:" part
// out of the path. On Linux this method always return an empty string.
// On Windows, the drive letter can only be single letters from "A:" to "Z:",
// so this won't mistake "S3:" as a Windows path.
if len(filepath.VolumeName(cfg.Mydumper.SourceDir)) == 0 {
var err error
u, err = url.Parse(cfg.Mydumper.SourceDir)
if err != nil {
return common.ErrInvalidConfig.Wrap(err).GenWithStack("cannot parse `mydumper.data-source-dir` %s", cfg.Mydumper.SourceDir)
} else {
u = &url.URL{}
// convert path and relative path to a valid file url
if u.Scheme == "" {
if cfg.Mydumper.SourceDir == "" {
return common.ErrInvalidConfig.GenWithStack("`mydumper.data-source-dir` is not set")
if !common.IsDirExists(cfg.Mydumper.SourceDir) {
return common.ErrInvalidConfig.GenWithStack("'%s': `mydumper.data-source-dir` does not exist", cfg.Mydumper.SourceDir)
absPath, err := filepath.Abs(cfg.Mydumper.SourceDir)
if err != nil {
return common.ErrInvalidConfig.Wrap(err).GenWithStack("covert data-source-dir '%s' to absolute path failed", cfg.Mydumper.SourceDir)
u.Path = filepath.ToSlash(absPath)
u.Scheme = "file"
cfg.Mydumper.SourceDir = u.String()
found := false
for _, t := range supportedStorageTypes {
if u.Scheme == t {
found = true
if !found {
return common.ErrInvalidConfig.GenWithStack(
"unsupported data-source-dir url '%s', supported storage types are %s",
cfg.Mydumper.SourceDir, strings.Join(supportedStorageTypes, ","))
return nil
func (cfg *Config) AdjustCheckPoint() {
if len(cfg.Checkpoint.Schema) == 0 {
cfg.Checkpoint.Schema = "tidb_lightning_checkpoint"
if len(cfg.Checkpoint.Driver) == 0 {
cfg.Checkpoint.Driver = CheckpointDriverFile
if len(cfg.Checkpoint.DSN) == 0 {
switch cfg.Checkpoint.Driver {
case CheckpointDriverMySQL:
param := common.MySQLConnectParam{
Host: cfg.TiDB.Host,
Port: cfg.TiDB.Port,
User: cfg.TiDB.User,
Password: cfg.TiDB.Psw,
SQLMode: mysql.DefaultSQLMode,
MaxAllowedPacket: defaultMaxAllowedPacket,
TLS: cfg.TiDB.TLS,
cfg.Checkpoint.DSN = param.ToDSN()
case CheckpointDriverFile:
cfg.Checkpoint.DSN = "/tmp/" + cfg.Checkpoint.Schema + ".pb"
func (cfg *Config) AdjustMydumper() {
if cfg.Mydumper.BatchImportRatio < 0.0 || cfg.Mydumper.BatchImportRatio >= 1.0 {
cfg.Mydumper.BatchImportRatio = 0.75
if cfg.Mydumper.ReadBlockSize <= 0 {
cfg.Mydumper.ReadBlockSize = ReadBlockSize
if len(cfg.Mydumper.CharacterSet) == 0 {
cfg.Mydumper.CharacterSet = "auto"
if len(cfg.Mydumper.IgnoreColumns) != 0 {
// Tolower columns cause we use Name.L to compare column in tidb.
for _, ig := range cfg.Mydumper.IgnoreColumns {
cols := make([]string, len(ig.Columns))
for i, col := range ig.Columns {
cols[i] = strings.ToLower(col)
ig.Columns = cols
func (cfg *Config) CheckAndAdjustSecurity() error {
if cfg.TiDB.Security == nil {
cfg.TiDB.Security = &cfg.Security
switch cfg.TiDB.TLS {
case "":
if len(cfg.TiDB.Security.CAPath) > 0 || len(cfg.TiDB.Security.CABytes) > 0 ||
len(cfg.TiDB.Security.CertPath) > 0 || len(cfg.TiDB.Security.CertBytes) > 0 ||
len(cfg.TiDB.Security.KeyPath) > 0 || len(cfg.TiDB.Security.KeyBytes) > 0 {
if cfg.TiDB.Security.TLSConfigName == "" {
cfg.TiDB.Security.TLSConfigName = uuid.NewString() // adjust this the default value
cfg.TiDB.TLS = cfg.TiDB.Security.TLSConfigName
} else {
cfg.TiDB.TLS = "false"
case "cluster":
if len(cfg.Security.CAPath) == 0 {
return common.ErrInvalidConfig.GenWithStack("cannot set `tidb.tls` to 'cluster' without a [security] section")
case "false", "skip-verify", "preferred":
return nil
return common.ErrInvalidConfig.GenWithStack("unsupported `tidb.tls` config %s", cfg.TiDB.TLS)
return nil
// HasLegacyBlackWhiteList checks whether the deprecated [black-white-list] section
// was defined.
func (cfg *Config) HasLegacyBlackWhiteList() bool {
return len(cfg.BWList.DoTables) != 0 || len(cfg.BWList.DoDBs) != 0 || len(cfg.BWList.IgnoreTables) != 0 || len(cfg.BWList.IgnoreDBs) != 0
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