greenplumn pg_wchar 源码
greenplumn pg_wchar 代码
* pg_wchar.h
* multibyte-character support
* Portions Copyright (c) 1996-2019, PostgreSQL Global Development Group
* Portions Copyright (c) 1994, Regents of the University of California
* src/include/mb/pg_wchar.h
* This is used both by the backend and by libpq, but should not be
* included by libpq client programs. In particular, a libpq client
* should not assume that the encoding IDs used by the version of libpq
* it's linked to match up with the IDs declared here.
#ifndef PG_WCHAR_H
#define PG_WCHAR_H
* The pg_wchar type
typedef unsigned int pg_wchar;
* Maximum byte length of multibyte characters in any backend encoding
* various definitions for EUC
#define SS2 0x8e /* single shift 2 (JIS0201) */
#define SS3 0x8f /* single shift 3 (JIS0212) */
* SJIS validation macros
#define ISSJISHEAD(c) (((c) >= 0x81 && (c) <= 0x9f) || ((c) >= 0xe0 && (c) <= 0xfc))
#define ISSJISTAIL(c) (((c) >= 0x40 && (c) <= 0x7e) || ((c) >= 0x80 && (c) <= 0xfc))
* MULE Internal Encoding (MIC)
* This encoding follows the design used within XEmacs; it is meant to
* subsume many externally-defined character sets. Each character includes
* identification of the character set it belongs to, so the encoding is
* general but somewhat bulky.
* Currently PostgreSQL supports 5 types of MULE character sets:
* 1) 1-byte ASCII characters. Each byte is below 0x80.
* 2) "Official" single byte charsets such as ISO-8859-1 (Latin1).
* Each MULE character consists of 2 bytes: LC1 + C1, where LC1 is
* an identifier for the charset (in the range 0x81 to 0x8d) and C1
* is the character code (in the range 0xa0 to 0xff).
* 3) "Private" single byte charsets such as SISHENG. Each MULE
* character consists of 3 bytes: LCPRV1 + LC12 + C1, where LCPRV1
* is a private-charset flag, LC12 is an identifier for the charset,
* and C1 is the character code (in the range 0xa0 to 0xff).
* LCPRV1 is either 0x9a (if LC12 is in the range 0xa0 to 0xdf)
* or 0x9b (if LC12 is in the range 0xe0 to 0xef).
* 4) "Official" multibyte charsets such as JIS X0208. Each MULE
* character consists of 3 bytes: LC2 + C1 + C2, where LC2 is
* an identifier for the charset (in the range 0x90 to 0x99) and C1
* and C2 form the character code (each in the range 0xa0 to 0xff).
* 5) "Private" multibyte charsets such as CNS 11643-1992 Plane 3.
* Each MULE character consists of 4 bytes: LCPRV2 + LC22 + C1 + C2,
* where LCPRV2 is a private-charset flag, LC22 is an identifier for
* the charset, and C1 and C2 form the character code (each in the range
* 0xa0 to 0xff). LCPRV2 is either 0x9c (if LC22 is in the range 0xf0
* to 0xf4) or 0x9d (if LC22 is in the range 0xf5 to 0xfe).
* "Official" encodings are those that have been assigned code numbers by
* the XEmacs project; "private" encodings have Postgres-specific charset
* identifiers.
* See the "XEmacs Internals Manual", available at,
* for more details. Note that for historical reasons, Postgres'
* private-charset flag values do not match what XEmacs says they should be,
* so this isn't really exactly MULE (not that private charsets would be
* interoperable anyway).
* Note that XEmacs's implementation is different from what emacs does.
* We follow emacs's implementation, rather than XEmacs's.
* Charset identifiers (also called "leading bytes" in the MULE documentation)
* Charset IDs for official single byte encodings (0x81-0x8e)
#define LC_ISO8859_1 0x81 /* ISO8859 Latin 1 */
#define LC_ISO8859_2 0x82 /* ISO8859 Latin 2 */
#define LC_ISO8859_3 0x83 /* ISO8859 Latin 3 */
#define LC_ISO8859_4 0x84 /* ISO8859 Latin 4 */
#define LC_TIS620 0x85 /* Thai (not supported yet) */
#define LC_ISO8859_7 0x86 /* Greek (not supported yet) */
#define LC_ISO8859_6 0x87 /* Arabic (not supported yet) */
#define LC_ISO8859_8 0x88 /* Hebrew (not supported yet) */
#define LC_JISX0201K 0x89 /* Japanese 1 byte kana */
#define LC_JISX0201R 0x8a /* Japanese 1 byte Roman */
/* Note that 0x8b seems to be unused as of Emacs 20.7.
* However, there might be a chance that 0x8b could be used
* in later versions of Emacs.
#define LC_KOI8_R 0x8b /* Cyrillic KOI8-R */
#define LC_ISO8859_5 0x8c /* ISO8859 Cyrillic */
#define LC_ISO8859_9 0x8d /* ISO8859 Latin 5 (not supported yet) */
#define LC_ISO8859_15 0x8e /* ISO8859 Latin 15 (not supported yet) */
/* #define CONTROL_1 0x8f control characters (unused) */
/* Is a leading byte for "official" single byte encodings? */
#define IS_LC1(c) ((unsigned char)(c) >= 0x81 && (unsigned char)(c) <= 0x8d)
* Charset IDs for official multibyte encodings (0x90-0x99)
* 0x9a-0x9d are free. 0x9e and 0x9f are reserved.
#define LC_JISX0208_1978 0x90 /* Japanese Kanji, old JIS (not supported) */
#define LC_GB2312_80 0x91 /* Chinese */
#define LC_JISX0208 0x92 /* Japanese Kanji (JIS X 0208) */
#define LC_KS5601 0x93 /* Korean */
#define LC_JISX0212 0x94 /* Japanese Kanji (JIS X 0212) */
#define LC_CNS11643_1 0x95 /* CNS 11643-1992 Plane 1 */
#define LC_CNS11643_2 0x96 /* CNS 11643-1992 Plane 2 */
#define LC_JISX0213_1 0x97 /* Japanese Kanji (JIS X 0213 Plane 1)
* (not supported) */
#define LC_BIG5_1 0x98 /* Plane 1 Chinese traditional (not
* supported) */
#define LC_BIG5_2 0x99 /* Plane 1 Chinese traditional (not
* supported) */
/* Is a leading byte for "official" multibyte encodings? */
#define IS_LC2(c) ((unsigned char)(c) >= 0x90 && (unsigned char)(c) <= 0x99)
* Postgres-specific prefix bytes for "private" single byte encodings
* (According to the MULE docs, we should be using 0x9e for this)
#define LCPRV1_A 0x9a
#define LCPRV1_B 0x9b
#define IS_LCPRV1(c) ((unsigned char)(c) == LCPRV1_A || (unsigned char)(c) == LCPRV1_B)
#define IS_LCPRV1_A_RANGE(c) \
((unsigned char)(c) >= 0xa0 && (unsigned char)(c) <= 0xdf)
#define IS_LCPRV1_B_RANGE(c) \
((unsigned char)(c) >= 0xe0 && (unsigned char)(c) <= 0xef)
* Postgres-specific prefix bytes for "private" multibyte encodings
* (According to the MULE docs, we should be using 0x9f for this)
#define LCPRV2_A 0x9c
#define LCPRV2_B 0x9d
#define IS_LCPRV2(c) ((unsigned char)(c) == LCPRV2_A || (unsigned char)(c) == LCPRV2_B)
#define IS_LCPRV2_A_RANGE(c) \
((unsigned char)(c) >= 0xf0 && (unsigned char)(c) <= 0xf4)
#define IS_LCPRV2_B_RANGE(c) \
((unsigned char)(c) >= 0xf5 && (unsigned char)(c) <= 0xfe)
* Charset IDs for private single byte encodings (0xa0-0xef)
#define LC_SISHENG 0xa0 /* Chinese SiSheng characters for
* PinYin/ZhuYin (not supported) */
#define LC_IPA 0xa1 /* IPA (International Phonetic
* Association) (not supported) */
#define LC_VISCII_LOWER 0xa2 /* Vietnamese VISCII1.1 lower-case (not
* supported) */
#define LC_VISCII_UPPER 0xa3 /* Vietnamese VISCII1.1 upper-case (not
* supported) */
#define LC_ARABIC_DIGIT 0xa4 /* Arabic digit (not supported) */
#define LC_ARABIC_1_COLUMN 0xa5 /* Arabic 1-column (not supported) */
#define LC_ASCII_RIGHT_TO_LEFT 0xa6 /* ASCII (left half of ISO8859-1) with
* right-to-left direction (not
* supported) */
#define LC_LAO 0xa7 /* Lao characters (ISO10646 0E80..0EDF)
* (not supported) */
#define LC_ARABIC_2_COLUMN 0xa8 /* Arabic 1-column (not supported) */
* Charset IDs for private multibyte encodings (0xf0-0xff)
#define LC_INDIAN_1_COLUMN 0xf0 /* Indian charset for 1-column width
* glyphs (not supported) */
#define LC_TIBETAN_1_COLUMN 0xf1 /* Tibetan 1-column width glyphs (not
* supported) */
#define LC_UNICODE_SUBSET_2 0xf2 /* Unicode characters of the range
* U+2500..U+33FF. (not supported) */
#define LC_UNICODE_SUBSET_3 0xf3 /* Unicode characters of the range
* U+E000..U+FFFF. (not supported) */
#define LC_UNICODE_SUBSET 0xf4 /* Unicode characters of the range
* U+0100..U+24FF. (not supported) */
#define LC_ETHIOPIC 0xf5 /* Ethiopic characters (not supported) */
#define LC_CNS11643_3 0xf6 /* CNS 11643-1992 Plane 3 */
#define LC_CNS11643_4 0xf7 /* CNS 11643-1992 Plane 4 */
#define LC_CNS11643_5 0xf8 /* CNS 11643-1992 Plane 5 */
#define LC_CNS11643_6 0xf9 /* CNS 11643-1992 Plane 6 */
#define LC_CNS11643_7 0xfa /* CNS 11643-1992 Plane 7 */
#define LC_INDIAN_2_COLUMN 0xfb /* Indian charset for 2-column width
* glyphs (not supported) */
#define LC_TIBETAN 0xfc /* Tibetan (not supported) */
/* #define FREE 0xfd free (unused) */
/* #define FREE 0xfe free (unused) */
/* #define FREE 0xff free (unused) */
* end of MULE stuff
* PostgreSQL encoding identifiers
* WARNING: the order of this enum must be same as order of entries
* in the pg_enc2name_tbl[] array (in mb/encnames.c), and
* in the pg_wchar_table[] array (in mb/wchar.c)!
* If you add some encoding don't forget to check
* PG_SQL_ASCII is default encoding and must be = 0.
* XXX We must avoid renumbering any backend encoding until libpq's major
* version number is increased beyond 5; it turns out that the backend
* encoding IDs are effectively part of libpq's ABI as far as 8.2 initdb and
* psql are concerned.
typedef enum pg_enc
PG_EUC_JP, /* EUC for Japanese */
PG_EUC_CN, /* EUC for Chinese */
PG_EUC_KR, /* EUC for Korean */
PG_EUC_TW, /* EUC for Taiwan */
PG_EUC_JIS_2004, /* EUC-JIS-2004 */
PG_UTF8, /* Unicode UTF8 */
PG_MULE_INTERNAL, /* Mule internal code */
PG_LATIN1, /* ISO-8859-1 Latin 1 */
PG_LATIN2, /* ISO-8859-2 Latin 2 */
PG_LATIN3, /* ISO-8859-3 Latin 3 */
PG_LATIN4, /* ISO-8859-4 Latin 4 */
PG_LATIN5, /* ISO-8859-9 Latin 5 */
PG_LATIN6, /* ISO-8859-10 Latin6 */
PG_LATIN7, /* ISO-8859-13 Latin7 */
PG_LATIN8, /* ISO-8859-14 Latin8 */
PG_LATIN9, /* ISO-8859-15 Latin9 */
PG_LATIN10, /* ISO-8859-16 Latin10 */
PG_WIN1256, /* windows-1256 */
PG_WIN1258, /* Windows-1258 */
PG_WIN866, /* (MS-DOS CP866) */
PG_WIN874, /* windows-874 */
PG_KOI8R, /* KOI8-R */
PG_WIN1251, /* windows-1251 */
PG_WIN1252, /* windows-1252 */
PG_ISO_8859_5, /* ISO-8859-5 */
PG_ISO_8859_6, /* ISO-8859-6 */
PG_ISO_8859_7, /* ISO-8859-7 */
PG_ISO_8859_8, /* ISO-8859-8 */
PG_WIN1250, /* windows-1250 */
PG_WIN1253, /* windows-1253 */
PG_WIN1254, /* windows-1254 */
PG_WIN1255, /* windows-1255 */
PG_WIN1257, /* windows-1257 */
PG_KOI8U, /* KOI8-U */
/* PG_ENCODING_BE_LAST points to the above entry */
/* followings are for client encoding only */
PG_SJIS, /* Shift JIS (Windows-932) */
PG_BIG5, /* Big5 (Windows-950) */
PG_GBK, /* GBK (Windows-936) */
PG_UHC, /* UHC (Windows-949) */
PG_GB18030, /* GB18030 */
PG_JOHAB, /* EUC for Korean JOHAB */
PG_SHIFT_JIS_2004, /* Shift-JIS-2004 */
_PG_LAST_ENCODING_ /* mark only */
} pg_enc;
* Please use these tests before access to pg_encconv_tbl[]
* or to other places...
#define PG_VALID_BE_ENCODING(_enc) \
((_enc) >= 0 && (_enc) <= PG_ENCODING_BE_LAST)
((_enc) > PG_ENCODING_BE_LAST && (_enc) < _PG_LAST_ENCODING_)
#define PG_VALID_ENCODING(_enc) \
((_enc) >= 0 && (_enc) < _PG_LAST_ENCODING_)
/* On FE are possible all encodings */
* When converting strings between different encodings, we assume that space
* for converted result is 4-to-1 growth in the worst case. The rate for
* currently supported encoding pairs are within 3 (SJIS JIS X0201 half width
* kanna -> UTF8 is the worst case). So "4" should be enough for the moment.
* Note that this is not the same as the maximum character width in any
* particular encoding.
* Table for mapping an encoding number to official encoding name and
* possibly other subsidiary data. Be careful to check encoding number
* before accessing a table entry!
* if (PG_VALID_ENCODING(encoding))
* pg_enc2name_tbl[ encoding ];
typedef struct pg_enc2name
const char *name;
pg_enc encoding;
#ifdef WIN32
unsigned codepage; /* codepage for WIN32 */
} pg_enc2name;
extern const pg_enc2name pg_enc2name_tbl[];
* Encoding names for gettext
typedef struct pg_enc2gettext
pg_enc encoding;
const char *name;
} pg_enc2gettext;
extern const pg_enc2gettext pg_enc2gettext_tbl[];
* Encoding names for ICU
extern bool is_encoding_supported_by_icu(int encoding);
extern const char *get_encoding_name_for_icu(int encoding);
* pg_wchar stuff
typedef int (*mb2wchar_with_len_converter) (const unsigned char *from,
pg_wchar *to,
int len);
typedef int (*wchar2mb_with_len_converter) (const pg_wchar *from,
unsigned char *to,
int len);
typedef int (*mblen_converter) (const unsigned char *mbstr);
typedef int (*mbdisplaylen_converter) (const unsigned char *mbstr);
typedef bool (*mbcharacter_incrementer) (unsigned char *mbstr, int len);
typedef int (*mbverifier) (const unsigned char *mbstr, int len);
typedef struct
mb2wchar_with_len_converter mb2wchar_with_len; /* convert a multibyte
* string to a wchar */
wchar2mb_with_len_converter wchar2mb_with_len; /* convert a wchar string
* to a multibyte */
mblen_converter mblen; /* get byte length of a char */
mbdisplaylen_converter dsplen; /* get display width of a char */
mbverifier mbverify; /* verify multibyte sequence */
int maxmblen; /* max bytes for a char in this encoding */
} pg_wchar_tbl;
extern const pg_wchar_tbl pg_wchar_table[];
* Data structures for conversions between UTF-8 and other encodings
* (UtfToLocal() and LocalToUtf()). In these data structures, characters of
* either encoding are represented by uint32 words; hence we can only support
* characters up to 4 bytes long. For example, the byte sequence 0xC2 0x89
* would be represented by 0x0000C289, and 0xE8 0xA2 0xB4 by 0x00E8A2B4.
* There are three possible ways a character can be mapped:
* 1. Using a radix tree, from source to destination code.
* 2. Using a sorted array of source -> destination code pairs. This
* method is used for "combining" characters. There are so few of
* them that building a radix tree would be wasteful.
* 3. Using a conversion function.
* Radix tree for character conversion.
* Logically, this is actually four different radix trees, for 1-byte,
* 2-byte, 3-byte and 4-byte inputs. The 1-byte tree is a simple lookup
* table from source to target code. The 2-byte tree consists of two levels:
* one lookup table for the first byte, where the value in the lookup table
* points to a lookup table for the second byte. And so on.
* Physically, all the trees are stored in one big array, in 'chars16' or
* 'chars32', depending on the maximum value that needs to be represented. For
* each level in each tree, we also store lower and upper bound of allowed
* values - values outside those bounds are considered invalid, and are left
* out of the tables.
* In the intermediate levels of the trees, the values stored are offsets
* into the chars[16|32] array.
* In the beginning of the chars[16|32] array, there is always a number of
* zeros, so that you safely follow an index from an intermediate table
* without explicitly checking for a zero. Following a zero any number of
* times will always bring you to the dummy, all-zeros table in the
* beginning. This helps to shave some cycles when looking up values.
typedef struct
* Array containing all the values. Only one of chars16 or chars32 is
* used, depending on how wide the values we need to represent are.
const uint16 *chars16;
const uint32 *chars32;
/* Radix tree for 1-byte inputs */
uint32 b1root; /* offset of table in the chars[16|32] array */
uint8 b1_lower; /* min allowed value for a single byte input */
uint8 b1_upper; /* max allowed value for a single byte input */
/* Radix tree for 2-byte inputs */
uint32 b2root; /* offset of 1st byte's table */
uint8 b2_1_lower; /* min/max allowed value for 1st input byte */
uint8 b2_1_upper;
uint8 b2_2_lower; /* min/max allowed value for 2nd input byte */
uint8 b2_2_upper;
/* Radix tree for 3-byte inputs */
uint32 b3root; /* offset of 1st byte's table */
uint8 b3_1_lower; /* min/max allowed value for 1st input byte */
uint8 b3_1_upper;
uint8 b3_2_lower; /* min/max allowed value for 2nd input byte */
uint8 b3_2_upper;
uint8 b3_3_lower; /* min/max allowed value for 3rd input byte */
uint8 b3_3_upper;
/* Radix tree for 4-byte inputs */
uint32 b4root; /* offset of 1st byte's table */
uint8 b4_1_lower; /* min/max allowed value for 1st input byte */
uint8 b4_1_upper;
uint8 b4_2_lower; /* min/max allowed value for 2nd input byte */
uint8 b4_2_upper;
uint8 b4_3_lower; /* min/max allowed value for 3rd input byte */
uint8 b4_3_upper;
uint8 b4_4_lower; /* min/max allowed value for 4th input byte */
uint8 b4_4_upper;
} pg_mb_radix_tree;
* UTF-8 to local code conversion map (for combined characters)
typedef struct
uint32 utf1; /* UTF-8 code 1 */
uint32 utf2; /* UTF-8 code 2 */
uint32 code; /* local code */
} pg_utf_to_local_combined;
* local code to UTF-8 conversion map (for combined characters)
typedef struct
uint32 code; /* local code */
uint32 utf1; /* UTF-8 code 1 */
uint32 utf2; /* UTF-8 code 2 */
} pg_local_to_utf_combined;
* callback function for algorithmic encoding conversions (in either direction)
* if function returns zero, it does not know how to convert the code
typedef uint32 (*utf_local_conversion_func) (uint32 code);
* Support macro for encoding conversion functions to validate their
* arguments. (This could be made more compact if we included fmgr.h
* here, but we don't want to do that because this header file is also
* used by frontends.)
#define CHECK_ENCODING_CONVERSION_ARGS(srcencoding,destencoding) \
check_encoding_conversion_args(PG_GETARG_INT32(0), \
(srcencoding), \
* These functions are considered part of libpq's exported API and
* are also declared in libpq-fe.h.
extern int pg_char_to_encoding(const char *name);
extern const char *pg_encoding_to_char(int encoding);
extern int pg_valid_server_encoding_id(int encoding);
* Remaining functions are not considered part of libpq's API, though many
* of them do exist inside libpq.
extern int pg_mb2wchar(const char *from, pg_wchar *to);
extern int pg_mb2wchar_with_len(const char *from, pg_wchar *to, int len);
extern int pg_encoding_mb2wchar_with_len(int encoding,
const char *from, pg_wchar *to, int len);
extern int pg_wchar2mb(const pg_wchar *from, char *to);
extern int pg_wchar2mb_with_len(const pg_wchar *from, char *to, int len);
extern int pg_encoding_wchar2mb_with_len(int encoding,
const pg_wchar *from, char *to, int len);
extern int pg_char_and_wchar_strcmp(const char *s1, const pg_wchar *s2);
extern int pg_wchar_strncmp(const pg_wchar *s1, const pg_wchar *s2, size_t n);
extern int pg_char_and_wchar_strncmp(const char *s1, const pg_wchar *s2, size_t n);
extern size_t pg_wchar_strlen(const pg_wchar *wstr);
extern int pg_mblen(const char *mbstr);
extern int pg_dsplen(const char *mbstr);
extern int pg_encoding_mblen(int encoding, const char *mbstr);
extern int pg_encoding_dsplen(int encoding, const char *mbstr);
extern int pg_encoding_verifymb(int encoding, const char *mbstr, int len);
extern int pg_mule_mblen(const unsigned char *mbstr);
extern int pg_mic_mblen(const unsigned char *mbstr);
extern int pg_mbstrlen(const char *mbstr);
extern int pg_mbstrlen_with_len(const char *mbstr, int len);
extern int pg_mbcliplen(const char *mbstr, int len, int limit);
extern int pg_encoding_mbcliplen(int encoding, const char *mbstr,
int len, int limit);
extern int pg_mbcharcliplen(const char *mbstr, int len, int imit);
extern int pg_encoding_max_length(int encoding);
extern int pg_database_encoding_max_length(void);
extern mbcharacter_incrementer pg_database_encoding_character_incrementer(void);
extern int PrepareClientEncoding(int encoding);
extern int SetClientEncoding(int encoding);
extern void InitializeClientEncoding(void);
extern int pg_get_client_encoding(void);
extern const char *pg_get_client_encoding_name(void);
extern void SetDatabaseEncoding(int encoding);
extern int GetDatabaseEncoding(void);
extern const char *GetDatabaseEncodingName(void);
extern void SetMessageEncoding(int encoding);
extern int GetMessageEncoding(void);
extern int pg_bind_textdomain_codeset(const char *domainname);
extern int pg_valid_client_encoding(const char *name);
extern int pg_valid_server_encoding(const char *name);
extern unsigned char *unicode_to_utf8(pg_wchar c, unsigned char *utf8string);
extern pg_wchar utf8_to_unicode(const unsigned char *c);
extern int pg_utf_mblen(const unsigned char *);
extern unsigned char *pg_do_encoding_conversion(unsigned char *src, int len,
int src_encoding,
int dest_encoding);
extern char *pg_client_to_server(const char *s, int len);
extern char *pg_server_to_client(const char *s, int len);
extern char *pg_custom_to_server(const char *s, int len, int src_encoding, void *cep); /* Obsolete? */
extern char *pg_server_to_custom(const char *s, int len, int dest_encoding, void *cep); /* Obsolete? */
extern char *pg_any_to_server(const char *s, int len, int encoding);
extern char *pg_server_to_any(const char *s, int len, int encoding);
extern unsigned short BIG5toCNS(unsigned short big5, unsigned char *lc);
extern unsigned short CNStoBIG5(unsigned short cns, unsigned char lc);
extern void UtfToLocal(const unsigned char *utf, int len,
unsigned char *iso,
const pg_mb_radix_tree *map,
const pg_utf_to_local_combined *cmap, int cmapsize,
utf_local_conversion_func conv_func,
int encoding);
extern void LocalToUtf(const unsigned char *iso, int len,
unsigned char *utf,
const pg_mb_radix_tree *map,
const pg_local_to_utf_combined *cmap, int cmapsize,
utf_local_conversion_func conv_func,
int encoding);
extern bool pg_verifymbstr(const char *mbstr, int len, bool noError);
extern bool pg_verify_mbstr(int encoding, const char *mbstr, int len,
bool noError);
extern int pg_verify_mbstr_len(int encoding, const char *mbstr, int len,
bool noError);
extern void check_encoding_conversion_args(int src_encoding,
int dest_encoding,
int len,
int expected_src_encoding,
int expected_dest_encoding);
extern void report_invalid_encoding(int encoding, const char *mbstr, int len) pg_attribute_noreturn();
extern void report_untranslatable_char(int src_encoding, int dest_encoding,
const char *mbstr, int len) pg_attribute_noreturn();
extern void local2local(const unsigned char *l, unsigned char *p, int len,
int src_encoding, int dest_encoding, const unsigned char *tab);
extern void pg_ascii2mic(const unsigned char *l, unsigned char *p, int len);
extern void pg_mic2ascii(const unsigned char *mic, unsigned char *p, int len);
extern void latin2mic(const unsigned char *l, unsigned char *p, int len,
int lc, int encoding);
extern void mic2latin(const unsigned char *mic, unsigned char *p, int len,
int lc, int encoding);
extern void latin2mic_with_table(const unsigned char *l, unsigned char *p,
int len, int lc, int encoding,
const unsigned char *tab);
extern void mic2latin_with_table(const unsigned char *mic, unsigned char *p,
int len, int lc, int encoding,
const unsigned char *tab);
extern bool pg_utf8_islegal(const unsigned char *source, int length);
#ifdef WIN32
extern WCHAR *pgwin32_message_to_UTF16(const char *str, int len, int *utf16len);
#endif /* PG_WCHAR_H */
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