greenplumn runaway_cleaner 源码

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greenplumn runaway_cleaner 代码


 * runaway_cleaner.c
 *	 Implementation of the runaway cleaner that checks if a session is marked
 *	 as runaway (i.e., consuming too much vmem) by the red-zone handler
 *	 (redzone_handler.c). The runaway cleaner cleans up such session by triggering
 *	 an elog(ERROR, ...) which rolls back transaction and releases memory. Once
 *	 cleanup is finished, the runaway cleaner also informs the red zone handler
 *	 so that a new runaway session can be chosen if necessary.
 * Copyright (c) 2014-Present VMware, Inc. or its affiliates.
 *	    src/backend/utils/mmgr/runaway_cleaner.c

#include "postgres.h"

#include "access/xact.h"
#include "cdb/cdbvars.h"
#include "miscadmin.h"
#include "port/atomics.h"
#include "utils/faultinjector.h"
#include "utils/resgroup.h"
#include "utils/resource_manager.h"
#include "utils/session_state.h"
#include "utils/vmem_tracker.h"

/* External dependencies within the runaway cleanup framework */
extern bool vmemTrackerInited;
extern bool isProcessActive;
extern EventVersion activationVersion;
extern EventVersion deactivationVersion;
extern volatile uint32 *isRunawayDetector;
extern volatile EventVersion *latestRunawayVersion;

 * The cleanupCountdown in the SessionState determines how many
 * processes we need to cleanup to declare a session clean. If it
 * reaches 0, we mark the session clean. However, -1 indicates
 * that the session is either done cleaning previous runaway event
 * or it never started a cleaning.

/* The runaway version for which this process started cleaning up */
static EventVersion beginCleanupRunawayVersion = 0;

/* The runaway version for which this process finished cleaning up */
static EventVersion endCleanupRunawayVersion = 0;

void RunawayCleaner_Init(void);
void RunawayCleaner_StartCleanup(void);
bool RunawayCleaner_IsCleanupInProgress(void);

 * Initializes the per-process states of the runaway cleaner.
	beginCleanupRunawayVersion = 0;
	endCleanupRunawayVersion = 0;

/* Returns true if the current process should start a runaway cleanup */
static bool
	if (NULL != MySessionState && MySessionState->runawayStatus != RunawayStatus_NotRunaway &&
			beginCleanupRunawayVersion != *latestRunawayVersion)
		AssertImply(isProcessActive, activationVersion >= deactivationVersion);
		AssertImply(!isProcessActive, deactivationVersion >= activationVersion);

		 * We are marked as runaway. Therefore, if the runaway event happened before deactivation,
		 * we must have a version counter increment
		AssertImply(*latestRunawayVersion < deactivationVersion && !isProcessActive, activationVersion < deactivationVersion);

		if (isProcessActive && *latestRunawayVersion > activationVersion)
			/* Active process and the runaway event came after the activation */
			return true;
		else if (!isProcessActive && *latestRunawayVersion < deactivationVersion &&
				*latestRunawayVersion > activationVersion)
			 * The process is deactivated, but there is a pending runaway event before
			 * the deactivation for which this process never cleaned up
			return true;

	return false;

 * Determine if the runaway cleanup should be handled by aborting the current
 * query or must be ignored. Since the cleanup can be attempted from multiple
 * places, it is important to first validate if calling elog(ERROR) is safe and
 * of value.
static bool
	/* VMEM tracker not being used */
	if (!vmemTrackerInited)
		return false;

	/* In critical section or when holding off on handling interrupts */
	if (CritSectionCount != 0 || InterruptHoldoffCount != 0)
		return false;

	 * Cleaning up QEs that are not executing a valid command may cause the QD to
	 * get stuck [MPP-24950]
	if (gp_command_count <= 0)
		return false;

	 * If not currently executing a transaction, aborting it won't release any
	 * more resources.
	if (!IsTransactionState())
		return false;

	/* Ok, we are actively executing a query */

	if (MySessionState->runawayStatus == RunawayStatus_PrimaryRunawaySession)
		 * Abort the query if it is actively executing and has been flagged as
		 * consuming the most memory
		return true;
		Assert(MySessionState->runawayStatus == RunawayStatus_SecondaryRunawaySession);

		 * If this process was flagged as a runaway session inspite another session
		 * using more memory, only abort this query if the current user is not a
		 * superuser. This is to ensure that critical administrative commands (such
		 * as database restarts), which are done as superuser, are not interrupted
		 * by the runaway cleaner.
		return !superuser();

 * Starts a runaway cleanup by triggering an ERROR if the VMEM tracker is active
 * and a commit is not already in progress. Otherwise, it marks the process as clean
	 * Cleanup can be attempted from multiple places, such as before deactivating
	 * a process (if a pending runaway event) or periodically from CHECK_FOR_INTERRUPTS
	 * (indirectly via RedZoneHandler_DetectRunaway). We don't carry multiple cleanup
	 * for a single runaway event. Every time we *start* a cleanup process, we set the
	 * beginCleanupRunawayVersion to the runaway version for which we started cleaning
	 * up. Later on, if we reenter this method (e.g., another CHECK_FOR_INTERRUPTS()
	 * during cleanup), we can observe that the cleanup already started from this runaway
	 * event, and therefore we skip duplicate cleanup
	if (RunawayCleaner_ShouldStartRunawayCleanup())
		Assert(beginCleanupRunawayVersion < *latestRunawayVersion);
		Assert(endCleanupRunawayVersion < *latestRunawayVersion);

		/* We don't want to cleanup multiple times for same runaway event */
		beginCleanupRunawayVersion = *latestRunawayVersion;

		if (RunawayCleaner_ShouldCancelQuery())

			if (IsResGroupEnabled())
				StringInfoData    str;
				LWLockAcquire(ResGroupLock, LW_SHARED);
				ereport(ERROR, (errmsg("Canceling query because of high VMEM usage. %s",;
				ereport(ERROR, (errmsg("Canceling query because of high VMEM usage. Used: %dMB, available %dMB, red zone: %dMB",
					VmemTracker_ConvertVmemChunksToMB(MySessionState->sessionVmem), VmemTracker_GetAvailableVmemMB(),
					RedZoneHandler_GetRedZoneLimitMB()), errprintstack(true)));

		 * If we cannot error out because of a critical section or because we are a super user
		 * or for some other reason (such as the QE is not running any valid command, i.e.,
		 * gp_command_count is not positive) simply declare this process as clean
		RunawayCleaner_RunawayCleanupDoneForProcess(true /* ignoredCleanup */);

 * Resets the runaway flag and enables runaway detector.
 * Note: this method should not need any additional locks.
 * Either the MySessionState entry is being released, and
 * we already have a lock on SessionState, and therefore,
 * no new runaway detector can run until the lock is released.
 * Alternatively, we may reset this while still in a live
 * session. In such case, our runaway event versioning should
 * ensure that every process of this session would do another round
 * of cleanup if it is detected as a runaway session again.
	Assert(NULL != MySessionState);
	if (MySessionState->runawayStatus != RunawayStatus_NotRunaway)
		/* The last runaway cleanup should have finished */
		Assert(endCleanupRunawayVersion == beginCleanupRunawayVersion);
		Assert(endCleanupRunawayVersion == *latestRunawayVersion);
		Assert(CLEANUP_COUNTDOWN_BEFORE_RUNAWAY == MySessionState->cleanupCountdown);

		MySessionState->runawayStatus = RunawayStatus_NotRunaway;
		MySessionState->sessionVmemRunaway = 0;
		MySessionState->commandCountRunaway = 0;

		 * Reset the exclusive runaway detector flag so that
		 * another runaway detector can be chosen
		*isRunawayDetector = 0;

 * Marks the current process as clean. If all the processes are marked
 * as clean for this session (i.e., cleanupCountdown == 0 in the
 * MySessionState) then we reset session's runaway status as well as
 * the runaway detector flag (i.e., a new runaway detector can run).
 * Parameters:
 * 		ignoredCleanup: whether the cleanup was ignored, i.e., no elog(ERROR, ...)
 * 		was thrown. In such case a deactivated process is not reactivated as the
 * 		deactivation didn't get interrupted.
RunawayCleaner_RunawayCleanupDoneForProcess(bool ignoredCleanup)
	 * We don't do anything if we don't have an ongoing cleanup, or we already finished
	 * cleanup once for the current runaway event
	if (beginCleanupRunawayVersion != *latestRunawayVersion ||
			endCleanupRunawayVersion == beginCleanupRunawayVersion)
		/* Either we never started cleanup, or we already finished */

	/* Disable repeating call */
	endCleanupRunawayVersion = beginCleanupRunawayVersion;

	Assert(NULL != MySessionState);
	 * As the current cleanup holds leverage on the  cleanupCountdown,
	 * the session must stay as runaway at least until the current
	 * process marks itself clean
	Assert(MySessionState->runawayStatus != RunawayStatus_NotRunaway);

	/* We only cleanup if we were active when the runaway event happened */
	Assert((!isProcessActive && *latestRunawayVersion < deactivationVersion &&
			*latestRunawayVersion > activationVersion) ||
			(*latestRunawayVersion > activationVersion &&
			(activationVersion >= deactivationVersion && isProcessActive)));

	 * We don't reactivate if the process is already active or a deactivated
	 * process never errored out during deactivation (i.e., failed to complete
	 * deactivation)
	if (!isProcessActive && !ignoredCleanup)
		Assert(1 == *isRunawayDetector);
		Assert(0 < MySessionState->cleanupCountdown);
		 * As the process threw ERROR instead of going into ReadCommand() blocking
		 * state, we have to reactivate the process from its current Deactivated
		 * state

	Assert(0 < MySessionState->cleanupCountdown);
	int cleanProgress =
			pg_atomic_add_fetch_u32((pg_atomic_uint32 *)&MySessionState->cleanupCountdown, -1);
	Assert(0 <= cleanProgress);

	uint32 expected = 0;
	bool finalCleaner = pg_atomic_compare_exchange_u32((pg_atomic_uint32 *) &MySessionState->cleanupCountdown,

	if (finalCleaner)
		 * The final cleaner is responsible to reset the runaway flag,
		 * and enable the runaway detection process.

	 * Finally we are done with all critical cleanup, which includes releasing all our memory and
	 * releasing our cleanup counter so that another session can be marked as runaway, if needed.
	 * Now, we have some head room to actually record our usage.
	write_stderr("Logging memory usage because of runaway cleanup. Note, this is a post-cleanup logging and may be incomplete.");

 * Returns true if a cleanup is in progress (i.e., endCleanupRunawayVersion
 * is smaller than beginCleanupRunawayVersion).
	Assert(endCleanupRunawayVersion <= beginCleanupRunawayVersion);
	return endCleanupRunawayVersion < beginCleanupRunawayVersion;


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