harmony(鸿蒙)JS API Changes of the Web Subsystem

  • 2022-10-28
  • 浏览 (672)

JS API Changes of the Web Subsystem

The table below lists the APIs changes of the web subsystem in OpenHarmony 3.2 Beta3 over OpenHarmony 3.2 Beta2.

API Changes

Module Class Method/Attribute/Enumeration/Constant Change Type
ohos.web.webview WebCookieManager static deleteSessionCookie(): void; Added
ohos.web.webview WebCookieManager static deleteEntireCookie(): void; Added
ohos.web.webview WebCookieManager static existCookie(): boolean; Added
ohos.web.webview WebCookieManager static putAcceptThirdPartyCookieEnabled(accept: boolean): void; Added
ohos.web.webview WebCookieManager static isThirdPartyCookieAllowed(): boolean; Added
ohos.web.webview WebCookieManager static putAcceptCookieEnabled(accept: boolean): void; Added
ohos.web.webview WebCookieManager static isCookieAllowed(): boolean; Added
ohos.web.webview WebCookieManager static saveCookieAsync(): Promise<boolean>;
static saveCookieAsync(callback: AsyncCallback<boolean>): void;
ohos.web.webview WebCookieManager static saveCookieSync(): boolean; Added
ohos.web.webview WebCookieManager static setCookie(url: string, value: string): boolean; Added
ohos.web.webview WebCookieManager static getCookie(url: string): string; Added
ohos.web.webview GeolocationPermissions static getStoredGeolocation() : Promise<Array<string>>;
static getStoredGeolocation(callback : AsyncCallback<Array<string>>): void;
ohos.web.webview GeolocationPermissions static getAccessibleGeolocation(origin: string): Promise<boolean>;
static getAccessibleGeolocation(origin: string, callback: AsyncCallback<boolean>): void;
ohos.web.webview GeolocationPermissions static deleteAllGeolocation(): void; Added
ohos.web.webview GeolocationPermissions static deleteGeolocation(origin: string): void; Added
ohos.web.webview GeolocationPermissions static allowGeolocation(origin: string): void; Added
ohos.web.webview WebAsyncController storeWebArchive(baseName: string, autoName: boolean): Promise<string>;
storeWebArchive(baseName: string, autoName: boolean, callback : AsyncCallback<string>): void;
ohos.web.webview WebAsyncController constructor(controller: WebController); Added
ohos.web.webview WebDataBase static saveHttpAuthCredentials(host: string, realm: string, username: string, password: string): void; Added
ohos.web.webview WebDataBase static getHttpAuthCredentials(host: string, realm: string): Array<string>; Added
ohos.web.webview WebDataBase static deleteHttpAuthCredentials(): void; Added
ohos.web.webview WebDataBase static existHttpAuthCredentials(): boolean; Added
ohos.web.webview WebStorage static getOriginUsage(origin : string) : Promise<number> ;
static getOriginUsage(origin : string, callback : AsyncCallback<number>) : void;
ohos.web.webview WebStorage static getOriginQuota(origin : string) : Promise<number>;
static getOriginQuota(origin : string, callback : AsyncCallback<number>) : void;
ohos.web.webview WebStorage static getOrigins() : Promise<Array<WebStorageOrigin>>;
static getOrigins(callback: AsyncCallback<Array<WebStorageOrigin>>) : void;
ohos.web.webview WebStorage static deleteOrigin(origin : string): void; Added
ohos.web.webview WebStorage static deleteAllData() : void; Added
ohos.web.webview WebStorageOrigin quota: number; Added
ohos.web.webview WebStorageOrigin usage: number; Added
ohos.web.webview WebStorageOrigin origin: string; Added
ohos.web WebDataBase static saveHttpAuthCredentials(host: string, realm: string, username: string, password: string): void; Deleted
ohos.web WebDataBase static getHttpAuthCredentials(host: string, realm: string): Array<string>; Deleted
ohos.web WebDataBase static deleteHttpAuthCredentials(): void; Deleted
ohos.web WebDataBase static existHttpAuthCredentials(): boolean; Deleted
ohos.web WebStorage static getOriginUsage(origin : string) : Promise<number> ;
static getOriginUsage(origin : string, callback : AsyncCallback<number>) : void;
ohos.web WebStorage static getOriginQuota(origin : string) : Promise<number>;
static getOriginQuota(origin : string, callback : AsyncCallback<number>) : void;
ohos.web WebStorage static getOrigins() : Promise<Array<WebStorageOrigin>>;
static getOrigins(callback: AsyncCallback<Array<WebStorageOrigin>>) : void;
ohos.web WebStorage static deleteOrigin(origin : string): void; Deleted
ohos.web WebStorage static deleteAllData() : void; Deleted
ohos.web WebStorageOrigin quota: number; Deleted
ohos.web WebStorageOrigin usage: number; Deleted
ohos.web WebStorageOrigin origin: string; Deleted



harmony(鸿蒙)Updates (OpenHarmony 3.2 Beta2 -> OpenHarmony 3.2 Beta3)

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