tidb storage 源码
tidb storage 代码
// Copyright 2020 PingCAP, Inc. Licensed under Apache-2.0.
package storage
import (
backuppb "github.com/pingcap/kvproto/pkg/brpb"
berrors "github.com/pingcap/tidb/br/pkg/errors"
// Permission represents the permission we need to check in create storage.
type Permission string
const (
// AccessBuckets represents bucket access permission
// it replace the origin skip-check-path.
AccessBuckets Permission = "AccessBucket"
// ListObjects represents listObjects permission
ListObjects Permission = "ListObjects"
// GetObject represents GetObject permission
GetObject Permission = "GetObject"
// PutObject represents PutObject permission
PutObject Permission = "PutObject"
// WalkOption is the option of storage.WalkDir.
type WalkOption struct {
// walk on SubDir of specify directory
SubDir string
// ObjPrefix used fo prefix search in storage.
// it can save lots of time when we want find specify prefix objects in storage.
// For example. we have 10000 <Hash>.sst files and 10 backupmeta.(\d+) files.
// we can use ObjPrefix = "backupmeta" to retrieve all meta files quickly.
ObjPrefix string
// ListCount is the number of entries per page.
// In cloud storages such as S3 and GCS, the files listed and sent in pages.
// Typically a page contains 1000 files, and if a folder has 3000 descendant
// files, one would need 3 requests to retrieve all of them. This parameter
// controls this size. Note that both S3 and GCS limits the maximum to 1000.
// Typically you want to leave this field unassigned (zero) to use the
// default value (1000) to minimize the number of requests, unless you want
// to reduce the possibility of timeout on an extremely slow connection, or
// perform testing.
ListCount int64
// ReadSeekCloser is the interface that groups the basic Read, Seek and Close methods.
type ReadSeekCloser interface {
// Uploader upload file with chunks.
type Uploader interface {
// UploadPart upload part of file data to storage
UploadPart(ctx context.Context, data []byte) error
// CompleteUpload make the upload data to a complete file
CompleteUpload(ctx context.Context) error
// Writer is like io.Writer but with Context, create a new writer on top of Uploader with NewUploaderWriter.
type Writer interface {
// Write writes to buffer and if chunk is filled will upload it
Write(ctx context.Context, p []byte) (int, error)
// Close writes final chunk and completes the upload
Close(ctx context.Context) error
// ExternalStorage represents a kind of file system storage.
type ExternalStorage interface {
// WriteFile writes a complete file to storage, similar to os.WriteFile, but WriteFile should be atomic
WriteFile(ctx context.Context, name string, data []byte) error
// ReadFile reads a complete file from storage, similar to os.ReadFile
ReadFile(ctx context.Context, name string) ([]byte, error)
// FileExists return true if file exists
FileExists(ctx context.Context, name string) (bool, error)
// DeleteFile delete the file in storage
DeleteFile(ctx context.Context, name string) error
// Open a Reader by file path. path is relative path to storage base path
Open(ctx context.Context, path string) (ExternalFileReader, error)
// WalkDir traverse all the files in a dir.
// fn is the function called for each regular file visited by WalkDir.
// The argument `path` is the file path that can be used in `Open`
// function; the argument `size` is the size in byte of the file determined
// by path.
WalkDir(ctx context.Context, opt *WalkOption, fn func(path string, size int64) error) error
// URI returns the base path as a URI
URI() string
// Create opens a file writer by path. path is relative path to storage base path
Create(ctx context.Context, path string) (ExternalFileWriter, error)
// Rename file name from oldFileName to newFileName
Rename(ctx context.Context, oldFileName, newFileName string) error
// ExternalFileReader represents the streaming external file reader.
type ExternalFileReader interface {
// ExternalFileWriter represents the streaming external file writer.
type ExternalFileWriter interface {
// Write writes to buffer and if chunk is filled will upload it
Write(ctx context.Context, p []byte) (int, error)
// Close writes final chunk and completes the upload
Close(ctx context.Context) error
// ExternalStorageOptions are backend-independent options provided to New.
type ExternalStorageOptions struct {
// SendCredentials marks whether to send credentials downstream.
// This field should be set to false if the credentials are provided to
// downstream via external key managers, e.g. on K8s or cloud provider.
SendCredentials bool
// NoCredentials means that no cloud credentials are supplied to BR
NoCredentials bool
// HTTPClient to use. The created storage may ignore this field if it is not
// directly using HTTP (e.g. the local storage).
HTTPClient *http.Client
// CheckPermissions check the given permission in New() function.
// make sure we can access the storage correctly before execute tasks.
CheckPermissions []Permission
// S3Retryer is the retryer for create s3 storage, if it is nil,
// defaultS3Retryer() will be used.
S3Retryer request.Retryer
// CheckObjectLockOptions check the s3 bucket has enabled the ObjectLock.
// if enabled. it will send the options to tikv.
CheckS3ObjectLockOptions bool
// Create creates ExternalStorage.
// Please consider using `New` in the future.
func Create(ctx context.Context, backend *backuppb.StorageBackend, sendCreds bool) (ExternalStorage, error) {
return New(ctx, backend, &ExternalStorageOptions{
SendCredentials: sendCreds,
HTTPClient: nil,
// New creates an ExternalStorage with options.
func New(ctx context.Context, backend *backuppb.StorageBackend, opts *ExternalStorageOptions) (ExternalStorage, error) {
switch backend := backend.Backend.(type) {
case *backuppb.StorageBackend_Local:
if backend.Local == nil {
return nil, errors.Annotate(berrors.ErrStorageInvalidConfig, "local config not found")
return NewLocalStorage(backend.Local.Path)
case *backuppb.StorageBackend_Hdfs:
if backend.Hdfs == nil {
return nil, errors.Annotate(berrors.ErrStorageInvalidConfig, "hdfs config not found")
return NewHDFSStorage(backend.Hdfs.Remote), nil
case *backuppb.StorageBackend_S3:
if backend.S3 == nil {
return nil, errors.Annotate(berrors.ErrStorageInvalidConfig, "s3 config not found")
return newS3Storage(backend.S3, opts)
case *backuppb.StorageBackend_Noop:
return newNoopStorage(), nil
case *backuppb.StorageBackend_Gcs:
if backend.Gcs == nil {
return nil, errors.Annotate(berrors.ErrStorageInvalidConfig, "GCS config not found")
return newGCSStorage(ctx, backend.Gcs, opts)
case *backuppb.StorageBackend_AzureBlobStorage:
return newAzureBlobStorage(ctx, backend.AzureBlobStorage, opts)
return nil, errors.Annotatef(berrors.ErrStorageInvalidConfig, "storage %T is not supported yet", backend)
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