harmony 鸿蒙@ohos.ability.wantConstant (wantConstant)

  • 2022-08-09
  • 浏览 (943)

@ohos.ability.wantConstant (wantConstant)

The wantConstant module provides the actions, entities, and flags used in Want objects.


The APIs of this module are supported since API version 6 and deprecated since API version 9. You are advised to use @ohos.app.ability.wantConstant instead. Newly added APIs will be marked with a superscript to indicate their earliest API version.

Modules to Import

import wantConstant from '@ohos.ability.wantConstant';


Enumerates the action constants of the Want object. action specifies the operation to execute.

System capability: SystemCapability.Ability.AbilityBase

Name Value Description
ACTION_HOME ohos.want.action.home Action of returning to the home page.
ACTION_DIAL ohos.want.action.dial Action of launching the numeric keypad.
ACTION_SEARCH ohos.want.action.search Action of launching the search function.
ACTION_WIRELESS_SETTINGS ohos.settings.wireless Action of launching the UI that provides wireless network settings, for example, Wi-Fi options.
ACTION_MANAGE_APPLICATIONS_SETTINGS ohos.settings.manage.applications Action of launching the UI for managing installed applications.
ACTION_APPLICATION_DETAILS_SETTINGS ohos.settings.application.details Action of launching the UI that displays the details of an application.
ACTION_SET_ALARM ohos.want.action.setAlarm Action of launching the UI for setting the alarm clock.
ACTION_SHOW_ALARMS ohos.want.action.showAlarms Action of launching the UI that displays all alarms.
ACTION_SNOOZE_ALARM ohos.want.action.snoozeAlarm Action of launching the UI for snoozing an alarm.
ACTION_DISMISS_ALARM ohos.want.action.dismissAlarm Action of launching the UI for deleting an alarm.
ACTION_DISMISS_TIMER ohos.want.action.dismissTimer Action of launching the UI for dismissing a timer.
ACTION_SEND_SMS ohos.want.action.sendSms Action of launching the UI for sending an SMS message.
ACTION_CHOOSE ohos.want.action.choose Action of launching the UI for opening a contact or picture.
ACTION_IMAGE_CAPTURE8+ ohos.want.action.imageCapture Action of launching the UI for photographing.
ACTION_VIDEO_CAPTURE8+ ohos.want.action.videoCapture Action of launching the UI for shooting a video.
ACTION_SELECT ohos.want.action.select Action of launching the UI for application selection.
ACTION_SEND_DATA ohos.want.action.sendData Action of launching the UI for sending a single data record.
ACTION_SEND_MULTIPLE_DATA ohos.want.action.sendMultipleData Action of launching the UI for sending multiple data records.
ACTION_SCAN_MEDIA_FILE ohos.want.action.scanMediaFile Action of requesting a media scanner to scan a file and add the file to the media library.
ACTION_VIEW_DATA ohos.want.action.viewData Action of viewing data.
ACTION_EDIT_DATA ohos.want.action.editData Action of editing data.
INTENT_PARAMS_INTENT ability.want.params.INTENT Action of displaying selection options with an action selector.
INTENT_PARAMS_TITLE ability.want.params.TITLE Title of the character sequence dialog box used with the action selector.
ACTION_FILE_SELECT7+ ohos.action.fileSelect Action of selecting a file.
PARAMS_STREAM7+ ability.params.stream URI of the data stream associated with the target when the data is sent. The value must be an array of the string type.
ACTION_APP_ACCOUNT_OAUTH 8+ ohos.account.appAccount.action.oauth Action of providing the OAuth service.


Enumerates the entity constants of the Want object. entity specifies additional information of the target ability.

System capability: SystemCapability.Ability.AbilityBase

Name Value Description
ENTITY_DEFAULT entity.system.default Default entity. The default entity is used if no entity is specified.
ENTITY_HOME entity.system.home Home screen entity.
ENTITY_VOICE entity.system.voice Voice interaction entity.
ENTITY_BROWSABLE entity.system.browsable Browser type entity.
ENTITY_VIDEO entity.system.video Video type entity.


Enumerates the flags that specify how the Want will be handled.

System capability: SystemCapability.Ability.AbilityBase

Name Value Description
FLAG_AUTH_READ_URI_PERMISSION 0x00000001 Grants the permission to read the URI.
FLAG_AUTH_WRITE_URI_PERMISSION 0x00000002 Grants the permission to write data to the URI.
FLAG_ABILITY_FORWARD_RESULT 0x00000004 Returns the result to the ability.
FLAG_ABILITY_CONTINUATION 0x00000008 Indicates whether the ability on the local device can be continued on a remote device.
FLAG_NOT_OHOS_COMPONENT 0x00000010 Indicates that a component does not belong to OHOS.
FLAG_ABILITY_FORM_ENABLED 0x00000020 Indicates that an ability is enabled.
FLAG_AUTH_PERSISTABLE_URI_PERMISSION 0x00000040 Grants the permission to make the URI persistent.
System API: This is a system API and cannot be called by third-party applications.
FLAG_AUTH_PREFIX_URI_PERMISSION 0x00000080 Grants the permission to verify URIs by prefix matching.
System API: This is a system API and cannot be called by third-party applications.
FLAG_ABILITYSLICE_MULTI_DEVICE 0x00000100 Indicates the support for cross-device startup in the distributed scheduler.
FLAG_START_FOREGROUND_ABILITY 0x00000200 Indicates that the ServiceAbility is started regardless of whether the host application has been started.
FLAG_ABILITY_CONTINUATION_REVERSIBLE 0x00000400 Indicates that ability continuation is reversible.
System API: This is a system API and cannot be called by third-party applications.
FLAG_INSTALL_ON_DEMAND 0x00000800 Indicates that the specific ability will be installed if it has not been installed.
FLAG_INSTALL_WITH_BACKGROUND_MODE 0x80000000 Indicates that the specific ability will be installed in the background if it has not been installed.
FLAG_ABILITY_CLEAR_MISSION 0x00008000 Clears other operation missions. This flag can be set for Want in the startAbility API passed to the FeatureAbility module. It must be used together with flag_ABILITY_NEW_MISSION.
FLAG_ABILITY_NEW_MISSION 0x10000000 Creates a mission on the history mission stack.
FLAG_ABILITY_MISSION_TOP 0x20000000 Reuses an ability instance if it is on the top of an existing mission stack; creates an ability instance otherwise.


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