harmony 鸿蒙@ohos.convertxml (XML-to-JavaScript Conversion)

  • 2022-08-09
  • 浏览 (1069)

@ohos.convertxml (XML-to-JavaScript Conversion)

The convertxml module provides APIs for converting XML text into JavaScript objects.


The initial APIs of this module are supported since API version 8. Newly added APIs will be marked with a superscript to indicate their earliest API version.

Modules to Import

import convertxml from '@ohos.convertxml';



convertToJSObject(xml: string, options?: ConvertOptions) : Object

Converts an XML text into a JavaScript object.

System capability: SystemCapability.Utils.Lang


Name Type Mandatory Description
xml string Yes XML text to convert.
options ConvertOptions No Options for conversion. The default value is a ConvertOptions object, which consists of the default values of the attributes in the object.

Return value

Type Description
Object JavaScript object.

Error codes

For details about the error codes, see Utils Error Codes.

ID Error Message
10200002 Invalid xml string.


try {
  let xml =
    '<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>' +
      '<note importance="high" logged="true">' +
      '    <title>Happy</title>' +
      '    <todo>Work</todo>' +
      '    <todo>Play</todo>' +
  let conv = new convertxml.ConvertXML()
  let options: convertxml.ConvertOptions = {
    trim: false, declarationKey: "_declaration",
    instructionKey: "_instruction", attributesKey: "_attributes",
    textKey: "_text", cdataKey: "_cdata", doctypeKey: "_doctype",
    commentKey: "_comment", parentKey: "_parent", typeKey: "_type",
    nameKey: "_name", elementsKey: "_elements"
  let result = JSON.stringify(conv.convertToJSObject(xml, options));
} catch (e) {
  console.log((e as Object).toString());
// Output (non-compact)
// {"_declaration":{"_attributes":{"version":"1.0","encoding":"utf-8"}},"_elements":[{"_type":"element","_name":"note","_attributes":{"importance":"high","logged":"true"},"_elements":[{"_type":"element","_name":"title","_elements":[{"_type":"text","_text":"Happy"}]},{"_type":"element","_name":"todo","_elements":[{"_type":"text","_text":"Work"}]},{"_type":"element","_name":"todo","_elements":[{"_type":"text","_text":"Play"}]}]}]}


convert(xml: string, options?: ConvertOptions) : Object

Converts an XML text into a JavaScript object.


This API is supported since API version 8 and deprecated since API version 9. You are advised to use convertToJSObject9+ instead.

System capability: SystemCapability.Utils.Lang


Name Type Mandatory Description
xml string Yes XML text to convert.
options ConvertOptions No Options for conversion. The default value is a ConvertOptions object, which consists of the default values of the attributes in the object.

Return value

Type Description
Object JavaScript object.


let xml =
  '<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>' +
    '<note importance="high" logged="true">' +
    '    <title>Happy</title>' +
    '    <todo>Work</todo>' +
    '    <todo>Play</todo>' +
let conv = new convertxml.ConvertXML();
let options: convertxml.ConvertOptions = {trim : false, declarationKey:"_declaration",
  instructionKey : "_instruction", attributesKey : "_attributes",
  textKey : "_text", cdataKey:"_cdata", doctypeKey : "_doctype",
  commentKey : "_comment", parentKey : "_parent", typeKey : "_type",
  nameKey : "_name", elementsKey : "_elements"}
let result = JSON.stringify(conv.convert(xml, options));
// Output (non-compact)
// {"_declaration":{"_attributes":{"version":"1.0","encoding":"utf-8"}},"_elements":[{"_type":"element","_name":"note","_attributes":{"importance":"high","logged":"true"},"_elements":[{"_type":"element","_name":"title","_elements":[{"_type":"text","_text":"Happy"}]},{"_type":"element","_name":"todo","_elements":[{"_type":"text","_text":"Work"}]},{"_type":"element","_name":"todo","_elements":[{"_type":"text","_text":"Play"}]}]}]}


Options for conversion.

System capability: SystemCapability.Utils.Lang

Name Type Mandatory Description
trim boolean Yes Whether to trim the whitespace characters before and after the text. The default value is false.
ignoreDeclaration boolean No Whether to ignore the XML declaration. The default value is false.
ignoreInstruction boolean No Whether to ignore the XML processing instruction. The default value is false.
ignoreAttributes boolean No Whether to print attributes across multiple lines and indent attributes. The default value is false.
ignoreComment boolean No Whether to ignore element comments. The default value is false.
ignoreCDATA boolean No Whether to ignore the element’s CDATA information. The default value is false.
ignoreDoctype boolean No Whether to ignore the element’s Doctype information. The default value is false.
ignoreText boolean No Whether to ignore the element’s text information. The default value is false.
declarationKey string Yes Name of the attribute key for declaration in the output object. The default value is _declaration.
instructionKey string Yes Name of the attribute key for instruction in the output object. The default value is _instruction.
attributesKey string Yes Name of the attribute key for attributes in the output object. The default value is _attributes.
textKey string Yes Name of the attribute key for text in the output object. The default value is _text.
cdataKey string Yes Name of the attribute key for CDATA in the output object. The default value is _cdata.
doctypeKey string Yes Name of the attribute key for Doctype in the output object. The default value is _doctype.
commentKey string Yes Name of the attribute key for comment in the output object. The default value is _comment.
parentKey string Yes Name of the attribute key for parent in the output object. The default value is _parent.
typeKey string Yes Name of the attribute key for type in the output object. The default value is _type.
nameKey string Yes Name of the attribute key for name in the output object. The default value is _name.
elementsKey string Yes Name of the attribute key for elements in the output object. The default value is _elements.


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