tidb builtin_regexp 源码
tidb builtin_regexp 代码
// Copyright 2022 PingCAP, Inc.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
package expression
import (
type empty struct{}
const patternIdx = 1
const regexpLikeMatchTypeIdx = 2
const regexpSubstrMatchTypeIdx = 4
const regexpInstrMatchTypeIdx = 5
const regexpReplaceMatchTypeIdx = 5
// Valid flags in match type
const (
flagI = "i"
flagC = "c"
flagM = "m"
flagS = "s"
const (
invalidMatchType = "Invalid match type"
invalidIndex = "Index out of bounds in regular expression search"
invalidReturnOption = "Incorrect arguments to regexp_instr: return_option must be 1 or 0"
binaryCollateErr = "Not support binary collation so far"
var validMatchType = set.NewStringSet(
flagI, // Case-insensitive matching
flagC, // Case-sensitive matching
flagM, // Multiple-line mode
flagS, // The . character matches line terminators
type regexpBaseFuncSig struct {
once sync.Once
// check binary collation, not xxx_bin collation!
func (re *regexpBaseFuncSig) isBinaryCollation() bool {
return re.collation == charset.CollationBin && re.charset == charset.CharsetBin
func (re *regexpBaseFuncSig) clone() *regexpBaseFuncSig {
newSig := ®expBaseFuncSig{once: sync.Once{}}
if re.memorizedRegexp != nil {
newSig.memorizedRegexp = re.memorizedRegexp
newSig.memorizedErr = re.memorizedErr
return newSig
// If characters specifying contradictory options are specified
// within match_type, the rightmost one takes precedence.
func (re *regexpBaseFuncSig) getMatchType(userInputMatchType string) (string, error) {
flag := ""
matchTypeSet := set.NewStringSet()
if collate.IsCICollation(re.baseBuiltinFunc.collation) {
for _, val := range userInputMatchType {
c := string(val)
// Check validation of the flag
_, err := validMatchType[c]
if !err {
return "", ErrRegexp.GenWithStackByArgs(invalidMatchType)
if c == flagC {
// re2 is case-sensitive by default, so we only need to delete 'i' flag
// to enable the case-sensitive for the regexp
delete(matchTypeSet, flagI)
matchTypeSet[c] = empty{} // add this flag
// generate flag
for key := range matchTypeSet {
flag += key
return flag, nil
// To get a unified compile interface in initMemoizedRegexp, we need to process many things in genCompile
func (re *regexpBaseFuncSig) genCompile(matchType string) (func(string) (*regexp.Regexp, error), error) {
matchType, err := re.getMatchType(matchType)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return func(pat string) (*regexp.Regexp, error) {
if len(matchType) == 0 {
return regexp.Compile(pat)
return regexp.Compile(fmt.Sprintf("(?%s)%s", matchType, pat))
}, nil
func (re *regexpBaseFuncSig) genRegexp(pat string, matchType string) (*regexp.Regexp, error) {
if re.isMemorizedRegexpInitialized() {
return re.memorizedRegexp, re.memorizedErr
var err error
// Generate compiler first
compile, err := re.genCompile(matchType)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return compile(pat)
// we can memorize the regexp when:
// 1. pattern and match type are constant
// 2. pattern is const and there is no match type argument
// return true: need, false: needless
func (re *regexpBaseFuncSig) canMemorize(matchTypeIdx int) bool {
return re.args[patternIdx].ConstItem(re.ctx.GetSessionVars().StmtCtx) && (len(re.args) <= matchTypeIdx || re.args[matchTypeIdx].ConstItem(re.ctx.GetSessionVars().StmtCtx))
func (re *regexpBaseFuncSig) initMemoizedRegexp(params []*regexpParam, matchTypeIdx int) error {
// Generate compile
compile, err := re.genCompile(params[matchTypeIdx].getStringVal(0))
if err != nil {
return ErrRegexp.GenWithStackByArgs(err)
// Compile this constant pattern, so that we can avoid this repeatable work
re.memorize(compile, params[patternIdx].getStringVal(0))
return re.memorizedErr
// As multiple threads may memorize regexp and cause data race, only the first thread
// who gets the lock is permitted to do the memorization and others should wait for him
// until the memorization has been finished.
func (re *regexpBaseFuncSig) tryToMemorize(params []*regexpParam, matchTypeIdx int, n int) error {
// Check memorization
if n == 0 || !re.canMemorize(matchTypeIdx) {
return nil
var err error
memorize := func() {
if re.isMemorizedRegexpInitialized() {
err = nil
err = re.initMemoizedRegexp(params, matchTypeIdx)
return err
// https://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/8.0/en/regexp.html#function_regexp-like
type regexpLikeFunctionClass struct {
func (c *regexpLikeFunctionClass) getFunction(ctx sessionctx.Context, args []Expression) (builtinFunc, error) {
if err := c.verifyArgs(args); err != nil {
return nil, err
argTp := []types.EvalType{types.ETString, types.ETString}
if len(args) == 3 {
argTp = append(argTp, types.ETString)
bf, err := newBaseBuiltinFuncWithTp(ctx, c.funcName, args, types.ETInt, argTp...)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
sig := builtinRegexpLikeFuncSig{
regexpBaseFuncSig: regexpBaseFuncSig{baseBuiltinFunc: bf},
return &sig, nil
type builtinRegexpLikeFuncSig struct {
func (re *builtinRegexpLikeFuncSig) Clone() builtinFunc {
newSig := &builtinRegexpLikeFuncSig{}
newSig.regexpBaseFuncSig = *re.regexpBaseFuncSig.clone()
return newSig
func (re *builtinRegexpLikeFuncSig) vectorized() bool {
return true
func (re *builtinRegexpLikeFuncSig) evalInt(row chunk.Row) (int64, bool, error) {
expr, isNull, err := re.args[0].EvalString(re.ctx, row)
if isNull || err != nil {
return 0, true, err
pat, isNull, err := re.args[1].EvalString(re.ctx, row)
if isNull || err != nil {
return 0, true, err
matchType := ""
if len(re.args) == 3 {
matchType, isNull, err = re.args[2].EvalString(re.ctx, row)
if isNull || err != nil {
return 0, true, err
memorize := func() {
compile, err := re.genCompile(matchType)
if err != nil {
re.memorizedErr = err
re.memorize(compile, pat)
if re.canMemorize(regexpLikeMatchTypeIdx) {
re.once.Do(memorize) // Avoid data race
if !re.isMemorizedRegexpInitialized() {
compile, err := re.genCompile(matchType)
if err != nil {
return 0, true, ErrRegexp.GenWithStackByArgs(err)
reg, err := compile(pat)
if err != nil {
return 0, true, ErrRegexp.GenWithStackByArgs(err)
return boolToInt64(reg.MatchString(expr)), false, nil
if re.memorizedErr != nil {
return 0, true, ErrRegexp.GenWithStackByArgs(re.memorizedErr)
return boolToInt64(re.memorizedRegexp.MatchString(expr)), false, nil
// REGEXP_LIKE(expr, pat[, match_type])
func (re *builtinRegexpLikeFuncSig) vecEvalInt(input *chunk.Chunk, result *chunk.Column) error {
n := input.NumRows()
params := make([]*regexpParam, 0, 3)
defer releaseBuffers(&re.baseBuiltinFunc, params)
for i := 0; i < 2; i++ {
param, isConstNull, err := buildStringParam(&re.baseBuiltinFunc, i, input, false)
if err != nil {
return ErrRegexp.GenWithStackByArgs(err)
if isConstNull {
result.ResizeInt64(n, true)
return nil
params = append(params, param)
// user may ignore match type parameter
hasMatchType := (len(re.args) == 3)
param, isConstNull, err := buildStringParam(&re.baseBuiltinFunc, 2, input, !hasMatchType)
params = append(params, param)
if err != nil {
return ErrRegexp.GenWithStackByArgs(err)
if isConstNull {
result.ResizeInt64(n, true)
return nil
err = re.tryToMemorize(params, regexpLikeMatchTypeIdx, n)
if err != nil {
return err
result.ResizeInt64(n, false)
i64s := result.Int64s()
for i := 0; i < n; i++ {
if result.IsNull(i) {
matchType := params[2].getStringVal(i)
re, err := re.genRegexp(params[1].getStringVal(i), matchType)
if err != nil {
return ErrRegexp.GenWithStackByArgs(err)
i64s[i] = boolToInt64(re.MatchString(params[0].getStringVal(i)))
return nil
// https://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/8.0/en/regexp.html#function_regexp-substr
type regexpSubstrFunctionClass struct {
func (c *regexpSubstrFunctionClass) getFunction(ctx sessionctx.Context, args []Expression) (builtinFunc, error) {
if err := c.verifyArgs(args); err != nil {
return nil, err
argTp := []types.EvalType{types.ETString, types.ETString}
switch len(args) {
case 3:
argTp = append(argTp, types.ETInt)
case 4:
argTp = append(argTp, types.ETInt, types.ETInt)
case 5:
argTp = append(argTp, types.ETInt, types.ETInt, types.ETString)
bf, err := newBaseBuiltinFuncWithTp(ctx, c.funcName, args, types.ETString, argTp...)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
argType := args[0].GetType()
sig := builtinRegexpSubstrFuncSig{
regexpBaseFuncSig: regexpBaseFuncSig{baseBuiltinFunc: bf},
if sig.isBinaryCollation() {
return nil, ErrRegexp.GenWithStackByArgs(binaryCollateErr)
return &sig, nil
type builtinRegexpSubstrFuncSig struct {
func (re *builtinRegexpSubstrFuncSig) vectorized() bool {
return true
func (re *builtinRegexpSubstrFuncSig) Clone() builtinFunc {
newSig := &builtinRegexpSubstrFuncSig{}
newSig.regexpBaseFuncSig = *re.regexpBaseFuncSig.clone()
return newSig
func (re *builtinRegexpSubstrFuncSig) findString(reg *regexp.Regexp, expr string, occurrence int64) (string, bool, error) {
matches := reg.FindAllString(expr, -1)
length := int64(len(matches))
if length == 0 || occurrence > length {
return "", true, nil
return matches[occurrence-1], false, nil
func (re *builtinRegexpSubstrFuncSig) findBinString(reg *regexp.Regexp, bexpr []byte, occurrence int64) (string, bool, error) {
matches := reg.FindAll(bexpr, -1)
length := int64(len(matches))
if length == 0 || occurrence > length {
return "", true, nil
return fmt.Sprintf("0x%s", strings.ToUpper(hex.EncodeToString(matches[occurrence-1]))), false, nil
func (re *builtinRegexpSubstrFuncSig) evalString(row chunk.Row) (string, bool, error) {
expr, isNull, err := re.args[0].EvalString(re.ctx, row)
if isNull || err != nil {
return "", true, err
pat, isNull, err := re.args[1].EvalString(re.ctx, row)
if isNull || err != nil {
return "", true, err
occurrence := int64(1)
matchType := ""
argNum := len(re.args)
var bexpr []byte
if re.isBinaryCollation() {
bexpr = []byte(expr)
if argNum >= 3 {
pos, isNull, err := re.args[2].EvalInt(re.ctx, row)
if isNull || err != nil {
return "", true, err
// Check position and trim expr
if re.isBinaryCollation() {
if pos < 1 || pos > int64(len(bexpr)) {
if checkOutRangePos(len(bexpr), pos) {
return "", true, ErrRegexp.GenWithStackByArgs(invalidIndex)
bexpr = bexpr[pos-1:] // Trim
} else {
if pos < 1 || pos > int64(utf8.RuneCountInString(expr)) {
if checkOutRangePos(len(expr), pos) {
return "", true, ErrRegexp.GenWithStackByArgs(invalidIndex)
stringutil.TrimUtf8String(&expr, pos-1) // Trim
if argNum >= 4 {
occurrence, isNull, err = re.args[3].EvalInt(re.ctx, row)
if isNull || err != nil {
return "", true, err
if occurrence < 1 {
occurrence = 1
if argNum == 5 {
matchType, isNull, err = re.args[4].EvalString(re.ctx, row)
if isNull || err != nil {
return "", true, err
memorize := func() {
compile, err := re.genCompile(matchType)
if err != nil {
re.memorizedErr = err
re.memorize(compile, pat)
if re.canMemorize(regexpSubstrMatchTypeIdx) {
re.once.Do(memorize) // Avoid data race
if !re.isMemorizedRegexpInitialized() {
compile, err := re.genCompile(matchType)
if err != nil {
return "", true, ErrRegexp.GenWithStackByArgs(err)
reg, err := compile(pat)
if err != nil {
return "", true, ErrRegexp.GenWithStackByArgs(err)
if re.isBinaryCollation() {
return re.findBinString(reg, bexpr, occurrence)
return re.findString(reg, expr, occurrence)
if re.memorizedErr != nil {
return "", true, ErrRegexp.GenWithStackByArgs(re.memorizedErr)
if re.isBinaryCollation() {
return re.findBinString(re.memorizedRegexp, bexpr, occurrence)
return re.findString(re.memorizedRegexp, expr, occurrence)
// REGEXP_SUBSTR(expr, pat[, pos[, occurrence[, match_type]]])
func (re *builtinRegexpSubstrFuncSig) vecEvalString(input *chunk.Chunk, result *chunk.Column) error {
n := input.NumRows()
params := make([]*regexpParam, 0, 5)
defer releaseBuffers(&re.baseBuiltinFunc, params)
for i := 0; i < 2; i++ {
param, isConstNull, err := buildStringParam(&re.baseBuiltinFunc, i, input, false)
if err != nil {
return err
if isConstNull {
fillNullStringIntoResult(result, n)
return nil
params = append(params, param)
paramLen := len(re.args)
// Handle position parameter
hasPosition := (paramLen >= 3)
param, isConstNull, err := buildIntParam(&re.baseBuiltinFunc, 2, input, !hasPosition, 1)
params = append(params, param)
if err != nil {
return ErrRegexp.GenWithStackByArgs(err)
if isConstNull {
fillNullStringIntoResult(result, n)
return nil
// Handle occurrence parameter
hasOccur := (paramLen >= 4)
param, isConstNull, err = buildIntParam(&re.baseBuiltinFunc, 3, input, !hasOccur, 1)
params = append(params, param)
if err != nil {
return ErrRegexp.GenWithStackByArgs(err)
if isConstNull {
fillNullStringIntoResult(result, n)
return nil
// Handle match type
hasMatchType := (paramLen == 5)
param, isConstNull, err = buildStringParam(&re.baseBuiltinFunc, 4, input, !hasMatchType)
params = append(params, param)
if err != nil {
return ErrRegexp.GenWithStackByArgs(err)
if isConstNull {
fillNullStringIntoResult(result, n)
return nil
// Check memorization
err = re.tryToMemorize(params, regexpSubstrMatchTypeIdx, n)
if err != nil {
return err
buffers := getBuffers(params)
// Start to calculate
for i := 0; i < n; i++ {
if isResultNull(buffers, i) {
expr := params[0].getStringVal(i)
var bexpr []byte
if re.isBinaryCollation() {
bexpr = []byte(expr)
// Check position and trim expr
pos := params[2].getIntVal(i)
if re.isBinaryCollation() {
if pos < 1 || pos > int64(len(bexpr)) {
if checkOutRangePos(len(bexpr), pos) {
return ErrRegexp.GenWithStackByArgs(invalidIndex)
bexpr = bexpr[pos-1:] // Trim
} else {
if pos < 1 || pos > int64(utf8.RuneCountInString(expr)) {
if checkOutRangePos(len(expr), pos) {
return ErrRegexp.GenWithStackByArgs(invalidIndex)
stringutil.TrimUtf8String(&expr, pos-1) // Trim
// Get occurrence
occurrence := params[3].getIntVal(i)
if occurrence < 1 {
occurrence = 1
// Get match type and generate regexp
matchType := params[4].getStringVal(i)
reg, err := re.genRegexp(params[1].getStringVal(i), matchType)
if err != nil {
return err
// Find string
if re.isBinaryCollation() {
matches := reg.FindAll(bexpr, -1)
length := int64(len(matches))
if length == 0 || occurrence > length {
result.AppendString(fmt.Sprintf("0x%s", strings.ToUpper(hex.EncodeToString(matches[occurrence-1]))))
} else {
matches := reg.FindAllString(expr, -1)
length := int64(len(matches))
if length == 0 || occurrence > length {
return nil
// https://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/8.0/en/regexp.html#function_regexp-instr
type regexpInStrFunctionClass struct {
func (c *regexpInStrFunctionClass) getFunction(ctx sessionctx.Context, args []Expression) (builtinFunc, error) {
if err := c.verifyArgs(args); err != nil {
return nil, ErrRegexp.GenWithStackByArgs(err)
argTp := []types.EvalType{types.ETString, types.ETString}
switch len(args) {
case 3:
argTp = append(argTp, types.ETInt)
case 4:
argTp = append(argTp, types.ETInt, types.ETInt)
case 5:
argTp = append(argTp, types.ETInt, types.ETInt, types.ETInt)
case 6:
argTp = append(argTp, types.ETInt, types.ETInt, types.ETInt, types.ETString)
bf, err := newBaseBuiltinFuncWithTp(ctx, c.funcName, args, types.ETInt, argTp...)
if err != nil {
return nil, ErrRegexp.GenWithStackByArgs(err)
sig := builtinRegexpInStrFuncSig{
regexpBaseFuncSig: regexpBaseFuncSig{baseBuiltinFunc: bf},
if sig.isBinaryCollation() {
return nil, ErrRegexp.GenWithStackByArgs(binaryCollateErr)
return &sig, nil
type builtinRegexpInStrFuncSig struct {
func (re *builtinRegexpInStrFuncSig) Clone() builtinFunc {
newSig := &builtinRegexpInStrFuncSig{}
newSig.regexpBaseFuncSig = *re.regexpBaseFuncSig.clone()
return newSig
func (re *builtinRegexpInStrFuncSig) vectorized() bool {
return true
func (re *builtinRegexpInStrFuncSig) findBinIndex(reg *regexp.Regexp, bexpr []byte, pos int64, occurrence int64, returnOption int64) (int64, bool, error) {
matches := reg.FindAllIndex(bexpr, -1)
length := int64(len(matches))
if length == 0 || occurrence > length {
return 0, false, nil
if returnOption == 0 {
return int64(matches[occurrence-1][0]) + pos, false, nil
return int64(matches[occurrence-1][1]) + pos, false, nil
func (re *builtinRegexpInStrFuncSig) findIndex(reg *regexp.Regexp, expr string, pos int64, occurrence int64, returnOption int64) (int64, bool, error) {
matches := reg.FindAllStringIndex(expr, -1)
length := int64(len(matches))
if length == 0 || occurrence > length {
return 0, false, nil
if returnOption == 0 {
return stringutil.ConvertPosInUtf8(&expr, int64(matches[occurrence-1][0])) + pos - 1, false, nil
return stringutil.ConvertPosInUtf8(&expr, int64(matches[occurrence-1][1])) + pos - 1, false, nil
func (re *builtinRegexpInStrFuncSig) evalInt(row chunk.Row) (int64, bool, error) {
expr, isNull, err := re.args[0].EvalString(re.ctx, row)
if isNull || err != nil {
return 0, true, err
pat, isNull, err := re.args[1].EvalString(re.ctx, row)
if isNull || err != nil {
return 0, true, err
pos := int64(1)
occurrence := int64(1)
returnOption := int64(0)
matchType := ""
argNum := len(re.args)
var bexpr []byte
if re.isBinaryCollation() {
bexpr = []byte(expr)
if argNum >= 3 {
pos, isNull, err = re.args[2].EvalInt(re.ctx, row)
if isNull || err != nil {
return 0, true, err
// Check position and trim expr
if re.isBinaryCollation() {
bexprLen := int64(len(bexpr))
if (pos < 1 || pos > bexprLen) && bexprLen != 0 {
return 0, true, ErrRegexp.GenWithStackByArgs(invalidIndex)
if bexprLen != 0 {
bexpr = bexpr[pos-1:] // Trim
} else {
exprLen := int64(len(expr))
if pos < 1 || pos > int64(utf8.RuneCountInString(expr)) && exprLen != 0 {
return 0, true, ErrRegexp.GenWithStackByArgs(invalidIndex)
if exprLen != 0 {
stringutil.TrimUtf8String(&expr, pos-1) // Trim
if argNum >= 4 {
occurrence, isNull, err = re.args[3].EvalInt(re.ctx, row)
if isNull || err != nil {
return 0, true, err
if occurrence < 1 {
occurrence = 1
if argNum >= 5 {
returnOption, isNull, err = re.args[4].EvalInt(re.ctx, row)
if isNull || err != nil {
return 0, true, err
if returnOption != 0 && returnOption != 1 {
return 0, true, ErrRegexp.GenWithStackByArgs(invalidReturnOption)
if argNum == 6 {
matchType, isNull, err = re.args[5].EvalString(re.ctx, row)
if isNull || err != nil {
return 0, true, err
memorize := func() {
compile, err := re.genCompile(matchType)
if err != nil {
re.memorizedErr = err
re.memorize(compile, pat)
if re.canMemorize(regexpInstrMatchTypeIdx) {
re.once.Do(memorize) // Avoid data race
if !re.isMemorizedRegexpInitialized() {
compile, err := re.genCompile(matchType)
if err != nil {
return 0, true, ErrRegexp.GenWithStackByArgs(err)
reg, err := compile(pat)
if err != nil {
return 0, true, ErrRegexp.GenWithStackByArgs(err)
if re.isBinaryCollation() {
return re.findBinIndex(reg, bexpr, pos, occurrence, returnOption)
return re.findIndex(reg, expr, pos, occurrence, returnOption)
if re.memorizedErr != nil {
return 0, true, ErrRegexp.GenWithStackByArgs(re.memorizedErr)
if re.isBinaryCollation() {
return re.findBinIndex(re.memorizedRegexp, bexpr, pos, occurrence, returnOption)
return re.findIndex(re.memorizedRegexp, expr, pos, occurrence, returnOption)
// REGEXP_INSTR(expr, pat[, pos[, occurrence[, return_option[, match_type]]]])
func (re *builtinRegexpInStrFuncSig) vecEvalInt(input *chunk.Chunk, result *chunk.Column) error {
n := input.NumRows()
params := make([]*regexpParam, 0, 5)
defer releaseBuffers(&re.baseBuiltinFunc, params)
for i := 0; i < 2; i++ {
param, isConstNull, err := buildStringParam(&re.baseBuiltinFunc, i, input, false)
if err != nil {
return ErrRegexp.GenWithStackByArgs(err)
if isConstNull {
result.ResizeInt64(n, true)
return nil
params = append(params, param)
paramLen := len(re.args)
// Handle position parameter
hasPosition := (paramLen >= 3)
param, isConstNull, err := buildIntParam(&re.baseBuiltinFunc, 2, input, !hasPosition, 1)
params = append(params, param)
if err != nil {
return ErrRegexp.GenWithStackByArgs(err)
if isConstNull {
result.ResizeInt64(n, true)
return nil
// Handle occurrence parameter
hasOccur := (paramLen >= 4)
param, isConstNull, err = buildIntParam(&re.baseBuiltinFunc, 3, input, !hasOccur, 1)
params = append(params, param)
if err != nil {
return ErrRegexp.GenWithStackByArgs(err)
if isConstNull {
result.ResizeInt64(n, true)
return nil
// Handle return_option parameter
hasRetOpt := (paramLen >= 5)
param, isConstNull, err = buildIntParam(&re.baseBuiltinFunc, 4, input, !hasRetOpt, 0)
params = append(params, param)
if err != nil {
return ErrRegexp.GenWithStackByArgs(err)
if isConstNull {
result.ResizeInt64(n, true)
return nil
// Handle match type
hasMatchType := (paramLen == 6)
param, isConstNull, err = buildStringParam(&re.baseBuiltinFunc, 5, input, !hasMatchType)
params = append(params, param)
if err != nil {
return ErrRegexp.GenWithStackByArgs(err)
if isConstNull {
result.ResizeInt64(n, true)
return nil
err = re.tryToMemorize(params, regexpInstrMatchTypeIdx, n)
if err != nil {
return err
// Start to calculate
result.ResizeInt64(n, false)
i64s := result.Int64s()
for i := 0; i < n; i++ {
if result.IsNull(i) {
expr := params[0].getStringVal(i)
var bexpr []byte
if re.isBinaryCollation() {
bexpr = []byte(expr)
// Check position and trim expr
pos := params[2].getIntVal(i)
if re.isBinaryCollation() {
bexprLen := int64(len(bexpr))
if pos < 1 || pos > bexprLen {
return ErrRegexp.GenWithStackByArgs(invalidIndex)
if bexprLen != 0 {
bexpr = bexpr[pos-1:] // Trim
} else {
if pos < 1 || pos > int64(utf8.RuneCountInString(expr)) {
return ErrRegexp.GenWithStackByArgs(invalidIndex)
if len(expr) != 0 {
stringutil.TrimUtf8String(&expr, pos-1) // Trim
// Get occurrence
occurrence := params[3].getIntVal(i)
if occurrence < 1 {
occurrence = 1
returnOption := params[4].getIntVal(i)
if returnOption != 0 && returnOption != 1 {
return ErrRegexp.GenWithStackByArgs(invalidReturnOption)
// Get match type and generate regexp
matchType := params[5].getStringVal(i)
reg, err := re.genRegexp(params[1].getStringVal(i), matchType)
if err != nil {
return ErrRegexp.GenWithStackByArgs(err)
// Find index
if re.isBinaryCollation() {
matches := reg.FindAllIndex(bexpr, -1)
length := int64(len(matches))
if length == 0 || occurrence > length {
i64s[i] = 0
if returnOption == 0 {
i64s[i] = int64(matches[occurrence-1][0]) + pos
} else {
i64s[i] = int64(matches[occurrence-1][1]) + pos
} else {
matches := reg.FindAllStringIndex(expr, -1)
length := int64(len(matches))
if length == 0 || occurrence > length {
i64s[i] = 0
if returnOption == 0 {
i64s[i] = stringutil.ConvertPosInUtf8(&expr, int64(matches[occurrence-1][0])) + pos - 1
} else {
i64s[i] = stringutil.ConvertPosInUtf8(&expr, int64(matches[occurrence-1][1])) + pos - 1
return nil
// https://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/8.0/en/regexp.html#function_regexp-replace
type regexpReplaceFunctionClass struct {
func (c *regexpReplaceFunctionClass) getFunction(ctx sessionctx.Context, args []Expression) (builtinFunc, error) {
if err := c.verifyArgs(args); err != nil {
return nil, ErrRegexp.GenWithStackByArgs(err)
argTp := []types.EvalType{types.ETString, types.ETString}
switch len(args) {
case 3:
argTp = append(argTp, types.ETString)
case 4:
argTp = append(argTp, types.ETString, types.ETInt)
case 5:
argTp = append(argTp, types.ETString, types.ETInt, types.ETInt)
case 6:
argTp = append(argTp, types.ETString, types.ETInt, types.ETInt, types.ETString)
bf, err := newBaseBuiltinFuncWithTp(ctx, c.funcName, args, types.ETString, argTp...)
if err != nil {
return nil, ErrRegexp.GenWithStackByArgs(err)
argType := args[0].GetType()
sig := builtinRegexpReplaceFuncSig{
regexpBaseFuncSig: regexpBaseFuncSig{baseBuiltinFunc: bf},
if sig.isBinaryCollation() {
return nil, ErrRegexp.GenWithStackByArgs(binaryCollateErr)
return &sig, nil
type builtinRegexpReplaceFuncSig struct {
func (re *builtinRegexpReplaceFuncSig) vectorized() bool {
return true
func (re *builtinRegexpReplaceFuncSig) Clone() builtinFunc {
newSig := &builtinRegexpReplaceFuncSig{}
newSig.regexpBaseFuncSig = *re.regexpBaseFuncSig.clone()
return newSig
func (re *builtinRegexpReplaceFuncSig) getReplacedBinStr(reg *regexp.Regexp, bexpr []byte, trimmedBexpr []byte, repl string, pos int64, occurrence int64) (string, bool, error) {
count := occurrence
repFunc := func(matchedStr []byte) []byte {
if occurrence == 0 {
return []byte(repl)
if count == 0 {
return []byte(repl)
return matchedStr
replacedBStr := reg.ReplaceAllFunc(trimmedBexpr, repFunc)
return fmt.Sprintf("0x%s", strings.ToUpper(hex.EncodeToString(append(bexpr[:pos-1], replacedBStr...)))), false, nil
func (re *builtinRegexpReplaceFuncSig) getReplacedStr(reg *regexp.Regexp, expr string, trimmedExpr string, repl string, trimmedLen int64, occurrence int64) (string, bool, error) {
count := occurrence
repFunc := func(matchedStr string) string {
if occurrence == 0 {
return repl
if count == 0 {
return repl
return matchedStr
replacedStr := reg.ReplaceAllStringFunc(trimmedExpr, repFunc)
return expr[:trimmedLen] + replacedStr, false, nil
func (re *builtinRegexpReplaceFuncSig) evalString(row chunk.Row) (string, bool, error) {
expr, isNull, err := re.args[0].EvalString(re.ctx, row)
trimmedExpr := expr
if isNull || err != nil {
return "", true, err
pat, isNull, err := re.args[1].EvalString(re.ctx, row)
if isNull || err != nil {
return "", true, err
repl, isNull, err := re.args[2].EvalString(re.ctx, row)
if isNull || err != nil {
return "", true, err
pos := int64(1)
occurrence := int64(0)
matchType := ""
argNum := len(re.args)
var bexpr []byte
var trimmedBexpr []byte
if re.isBinaryCollation() {
bexpr = []byte(expr)
trimmedBexpr = bexpr
trimmedLen := int64(0)
if argNum >= 4 {
pos, isNull, err = re.args[3].EvalInt(re.ctx, row)
if isNull || err != nil {
return "", true, err
// Check position and trim expr
if re.isBinaryCollation() {
if pos < 1 || pos > int64(len(trimmedBexpr)) {
if checkOutRangePos(len(trimmedBexpr), pos) {
return "", true, ErrRegexp.GenWithStackByArgs(invalidIndex)
trimmedBexpr = bexpr[pos-1:] // Trim
} else {
if pos < 1 || pos > int64(utf8.RuneCountInString(trimmedExpr)) {
if checkOutRangePos(len(trimmedExpr), pos) {
return "", true, ErrRegexp.GenWithStackByArgs(invalidIndex)
trimmedLen = stringutil.TrimUtf8String(&trimmedExpr, pos-1) // Trim
if argNum >= 5 {
occurrence, isNull, err = re.args[4].EvalInt(re.ctx, row)
if isNull || err != nil {
return "", true, err
if occurrence < 0 {
occurrence = 1
if argNum == 6 {
matchType, isNull, err = re.args[5].EvalString(re.ctx, row)
if isNull || err != nil {
return "", true, err
memorize := func() {
compile, err := re.genCompile(matchType)
if err != nil {
re.memorizedErr = err
re.memorize(compile, pat)
if re.canMemorize(regexpReplaceMatchTypeIdx) {
re.once.Do(memorize) // Avoid data race
if !re.isMemorizedRegexpInitialized() {
compile, err := re.genCompile(matchType)
if err != nil {
return "", true, ErrRegexp.GenWithStackByArgs(err)
reg, err := compile(pat)
if err != nil {
return "", true, ErrRegexp.GenWithStackByArgs(err)
if re.isBinaryCollation() {
return re.getReplacedBinStr(reg, bexpr, trimmedBexpr, repl, pos, occurrence)
return re.getReplacedStr(reg, expr, trimmedExpr, repl, trimmedLen, occurrence)
if re.memorizedErr != nil {
return "", true, ErrRegexp.GenWithStackByArgs(re.memorizedErr)
if re.isBinaryCollation() {
return re.getReplacedBinStr(re.memorizedRegexp, bexpr, trimmedBexpr, repl, pos, occurrence)
return re.getReplacedStr(re.memorizedRegexp, expr, trimmedExpr, repl, trimmedLen, occurrence)
// REGEXP_REPLACE(expr, pat, repl[, pos[, occurrence[, match_type]]])
func (re *builtinRegexpReplaceFuncSig) vecEvalString(input *chunk.Chunk, result *chunk.Column) error {
n := input.NumRows()
params := make([]*regexpParam, 0, 6)
defer releaseBuffers(&re.baseBuiltinFunc, params)
for i := 0; i < 2; i++ {
param, isConstNull, err := buildStringParam(&re.baseBuiltinFunc, i, input, false)
if err != nil {
return ErrRegexp.GenWithStackByArgs(err)
if isConstNull {
fillNullStringIntoResult(result, n)
return nil
params = append(params, param)
paramLen := len(re.args)
// Handle repl parameter
hasRepl := (paramLen >= 3)
param, isConstNull, err := buildStringParam(&re.baseBuiltinFunc, 2, input, !hasRepl)
params = append(params, param)
if err != nil {
return ErrRegexp.GenWithStackByArgs(err)
if isConstNull {
fillNullStringIntoResult(result, n)
return nil
// Handle position parameter
hasPosition := (paramLen >= 4)
param, isConstNull, err = buildIntParam(&re.baseBuiltinFunc, 3, input, !hasPosition, 1)
params = append(params, param)
if err != nil {
return ErrRegexp.GenWithStackByArgs(err)
if isConstNull {
fillNullStringIntoResult(result, n)
return nil
// Handle occurrence parameter
hasOccur := (paramLen >= 5)
param, isConstNull, err = buildIntParam(&re.baseBuiltinFunc, 4, input, !hasOccur, 0)
params = append(params, param)
if err != nil {
return ErrRegexp.GenWithStackByArgs(err)
if isConstNull {
fillNullStringIntoResult(result, n)
return nil
// Handle match type
hasMatchType := (paramLen == 6)
param, isConstNull, err = buildStringParam(&re.baseBuiltinFunc, 5, input, !hasMatchType)
params = append(params, param)
if err != nil {
return ErrRegexp.GenWithStackByArgs(err)
if isConstNull {
fillNullStringIntoResult(result, n)
return nil
err = re.tryToMemorize(params, regexpReplaceMatchTypeIdx, n)
if err != nil {
return err
buffers := getBuffers(params)
// Start to calculate
for i := 0; i < n; i++ {
if isResultNull(buffers, i) {
expr := params[0].getStringVal(i)
trimmedExpr := expr
var bexpr []byte
var trimmedBexpr []byte
if re.isBinaryCollation() {
bexpr = []byte(expr)
trimmedBexpr = bexpr
repl := params[2].getStringVal(i)
// Check position and trim expr
pos := params[3].getIntVal(i)
trimmedLen := int64(0)
if re.isBinaryCollation() {
if pos < 1 || pos > int64(len(trimmedBexpr)) {
if checkOutRangePos(len(trimmedBexpr), pos) {
return ErrRegexp.GenWithStackByArgs(invalidIndex)
trimmedBexpr = bexpr[pos-1:] // Trim
} else {
if pos < 1 || pos > int64(utf8.RuneCountInString(trimmedExpr)) {
if checkOutRangePos(len(trimmedExpr), pos) {
return ErrRegexp.GenWithStackByArgs(invalidIndex)
trimmedLen = stringutil.TrimUtf8String(&trimmedExpr, pos-1) // Trim
// Get occurrence
occurrence := params[4].getIntVal(i)
if occurrence < 0 {
occurrence = 1
// Get match type and generate regexp
matchType := params[5].getStringVal(i)
reg, err := re.genRegexp(params[1].getStringVal(i), matchType)
if err != nil {
return ErrRegexp.GenWithStackByArgs(err)
// Start to replace
count := occurrence
if re.isBinaryCollation() {
repFunc := func(matchedStr []byte) []byte {
if occurrence == 0 {
return []byte(repl)
if count == 0 {
return []byte(repl)
return matchedStr
replacedBStr := reg.ReplaceAllFunc(trimmedBexpr, repFunc)
result.AppendString(fmt.Sprintf("0x%s", strings.ToUpper(hex.EncodeToString(append(bexpr[:pos-1], replacedBStr...)))))
} else {
repFunc := func(matchedStr string) string {
if occurrence == 0 {
return repl
if count == 0 {
return repl
return matchedStr
replacedStr := reg.ReplaceAllStringFunc(trimmedExpr, repFunc)
result.AppendString(expr[:trimmedLen] + replacedStr)
return nil
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