greenplumn CSchedulerContext 源码

  • 2022-08-18
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greenplumn CSchedulerContext 代码


//	Greenplum Database
//	Copyright (C) 2008-2011 Greenplum, Inc.
//	@filename:
//		CSchedulerContext.h
//	@doc:
//		Container for objects associated with scheduling context of a job
#ifndef GPOPT_CSchedulerContext_H
#define GPOPT_CSchedulerContext_H

#include "gpos/base.h"

#define GPOPT_SCHED_CTXT_MEM_POOL_SIZE (64 * 1024 * 1024)

namespace gpopt
using namespace gpos;

// prototypes
class CJobFactory;
class CScheduler;
class CEngine;

//	@class:
//		CSchedulerContext
//	@doc:
//		Scheduling context
class CSchedulerContext
	// memory pool used by all workers
	CMemoryPool *m_pmpGlobal{nullptr};

	// memory pool used by only by current worker (scratch space)
	CMemoryPool *m_pmpLocal{nullptr};

	// job factory
	CJobFactory *m_pjf;

	// scheduler
	CScheduler *m_psched{nullptr};

	// optimization engine
	CEngine *m_peng;

	// flag indicating if context has been initialized
	BOOL m_fInit{false};

	FInit() const
		return m_fInit;

	CSchedulerContext(const CSchedulerContext &) = delete;

	// ctor

	// dtor

	// initialization
	void Init(CMemoryPool *pmpGlobal, CJobFactory *pjf, CScheduler *psched,
			  CEngine *peng);

	// global memory pool accessor
	CMemoryPool *
	GetGlobalMemoryPool() const
		GPOS_ASSERT(FInit() && "Scheduling context is not initialized");
		return m_pmpGlobal;

	// local memory pool accessor
	CMemoryPool *
	PmpLocal() const
		GPOS_ASSERT(FInit() && "Scheduling context is not initialized");
		return m_pmpLocal;

	// job factory accessor
	CJobFactory *
	Pjf() const
		GPOS_ASSERT(FInit() && "Scheduling context is not initialized");
		return m_pjf;

	// scheduler accessor
	CScheduler *
	Psched() const
		GPOS_ASSERT(FInit() && "Scheduling context is not initialized");
		return m_psched;

	// engine accessor
	CEngine *
	Peng() const
		GPOS_ASSERT(FInit() && "Scheduling context is not initialized");
		return m_peng;

};	// class CSchedulerContext
}  // namespace gpopt

#endif	// !GPOPT_CSchedulerContext_H

// EOF


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