harmony 鸿蒙Bundle Manager Subsystem ChangeLog

  • 2023-02-03
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Bundle Manager Subsystem ChangeLog

cl.bundlemanager.1 Bundle Manager API Changes

The bundle manager APIs use service logic return values to indicate the error information, which does not comply with the API error code specifications of OpenHarmony. APIs in API version 8 and earlier are deprecated. Replace them with APIs in API version 9 instead.

Change Impacts

The application developed based on the SDK versions of OpenHarmony and later needs to adapt the modules and APIs (version 9) and their method for returning API error information. Otherwise, the original service logic will be affected.

Key API/Component Changes

The new APIs are classified by module. The original d.ts file is divided into multiple ones. You can import the d.ts files as required. The newly added APIs support unified error code handling specifications and function the same as the original APIs. APIs whose functions are changed or added are listed separately.

For adaptation to the unified API exception handling mode, bundle manager APIs (version 8 and earlier) are deprecated (original APIs in the following table) and corresponding new APIs (version 9) in the following table are added.

Original API (Deprecated) New API (Added)
@ohos.bundle.d.ts @ohos.bundle.bundleManager.d.ts
@ohos.bundle.d.ts @ohos.bundle.freeInstall.d.ts
@ohos.bundle.d.ts @ohos.bundle.installer.d.ts
@ohos.bundle.innerBundleManager.d.ts @ohos.bundle.launcherBundleManager.d.ts
@ohos.bundle.innerBundleManager.d.ts @ohos.bundle.bundleMonitor.d.ts
@ohos.bundle.defaultAppManager.d.ts @ohos.bundle.defaultAppManager.d.ts
@ohos.distributedBundle.d.ts @ohos.bundle.distributedBundleManager.d.ts
N/A @ohos.bundle.appControl.d.ts
@system.package.d.ts N/A

Adaptation Guide 1. Call the bundle manager query API.

import bundle form '@ohos.bundle.bundleManager'
  1. Call the bundle manager installation and uninstallation API. import installer form '@ohos.bundle.installer'
  2. Call the bundle manager installation-free API. import freeInstall form '@ohos.bundle.freeInstall'
  3. Call the bundle manager launcher APIs. import launcherBundleManager form '@ohos.bundle.launcherBundleManager' import bundleMonitor form '@ohos.bundle.bundleMonitor'
  4. Call the bundle manager API for the default application. import defaultAppManager form '@ohos.bundle.defaultAppManager'
  5. Call the distributed bundle manager API. import distributedBundle form '@ohos.bundle.distributedBundle' In addition, exception handling is needed. For details, see the API reference for the new APIs.

cl.bundlemanager.1 Bundle Manager API Structure Changes

The bundle manager APIs use service logic return values to indicate the error information, which does not comply with the API error code specifications of OpenHarmony. The structures of APIs in API version 8 and earlier are deprecated. Use the structures of APIs in API version 9 instead.

Change Impacts

The application developed based on the SDK versions of OpenHarmony and later needs to adapt new structures. Otherwise, the original service logic will be affected. The export function of original level-2 modules will also be deprecated. Instead, the level-2 modules’ export function of new APIs will be used, and new level-1 d.ts modules are imported.

Key API/Component Changes

The structures of APIs in API version 8 and earlier are sorted out and deprecated, and those of new APIs in API version 9 are added. The following table lists the comparison before and after the change. Some structures are combined. For example, replace moduleInfo.d.ts with hapModuleInfo.d.ts and customizeData.d.ts with metadata.d.ts. The structures’ functions are the same as those of the original ones. Structures whose attributes are changed or added are listed separately. |Original Structure (Deprecated) |New Structure (Added) | |——————————–|————————————————————| |bundle/abilityInfo.d.ts |bundleManager/AbilityInfo.d.ts| |bundle/applicationInfo.d.ts |bundleManager/ApplicationInfo.d.ts| |bundle/bundleInfo.d.ts |bundleManager/BundleInfo.d.ts| |bundle/bundleInstaller.d.ts |@ohos.bundle.installer.d.ts| |bundle/bundleStatusCallback.d.ts|@ohos.bundle.bundleMonitor.d.ts| |bundle/customizeData.d.ts |bundleManager/Metadata.d.ts| |bundle/dispatchInfo.d.ts |bundleManager/DispatchInfo.d.ts| |bundle/elementName.d.ts |bundleManager/ElementName.d.ts| |bundle/extensionAbilityInfo.d.ts|bundleManager/ExtensionAbilityInfo.d.ts| |bundle/hapModuleInfo.d.ts |bundleManager/HapModuleInfo.d.ts| |bundle/launcherAbilityInfo.d.ts|bundleManager/LauncherAbilityInfo.d.ts| |bundle/metadata.d.ts |bundleManager/Metadata.d.ts| |bundle/moduleInfo.d.ts |bundleManager/HapModuleInfo.d.ts| |bundle/PermissionDef.d.ts |bundleManager/PermissionDef.d.ts| |bundle/remoteAbilityInfo.d.ts |bundleManager/RemoteAbilityInfo.d.ts| |bundle/shortcutInfo.d.ts |bundleManager/ShortcutInfo.d.ts|

Adaptation Guide 1. Replace the code of original structures with the code of new ones. 2. Deprecate the export function of original level-2 modules. Instead, use the level-2 modules’ export function of new APIs, and import new level-1 d.ts modules.

cl.bundlemanager.3 Bundle Manager Query API Changes

Bundle manager query APIs are changed as follows: APIs of version 8 and earlier in @ohos.bundle are deprecated, and APIs of version 9 in @ohos.bundle are changed to @ohos.bundle.bundleManager, @ohos.bundle.freeInstall, and @ohos.bundle.installer. Most deprecated APIs are added to @ohos.bundle.bundleManager and changed to system APIs, and the exception handling capability is added.

API call mode: APIs are now used by the @ohos.bundle.bundleManager, @ohos.bundle.freeInstall, and @ohos.bundle.installer modules, instead of the @ohos.bundle module.

The system capability of the @ohos.bundle.bundleManager and @ohos.bundle.installer modules is SystemCapability.BundleManager.BundleFramework.Core, and that of @ohos.bundle.freeInstall is SystemCapability.BundleManager.BundleFramework.FreeInstall.

Change Impacts

There is no impact on applications that use the APIs of versions earlier than 9. The applications that use the APIs of version 9 need to adapt new modules and APIs. APIs of version 9 in @ohos.bundle are moved to the new @ohos.bundle.bundleManager.d.ts, @ohos.bundle.freeInstall, and @ohos.bundle.installer files.

Key API/Component Changes

The following table lists the deprecated and changed APIs involved in @ohos.bundle.d.ts. The APIs not listed in the table have no change in API names and input parameters, and they have new exception handling and import modules. The APIs can be directly used after being imported to @ohos.bundle.bundleManager.d.ts, @ohos.bundle.freeInstall, and @ohos.bundle.installer. The APIs listed in the table are changed in API version 9, and those marked with “N/A” are deprecated in API version 9.

Original API (Deprecated) New API (Changed or Added) System API New File Name
BundleFlag BundleFlag No @ohos.bundle.bundleManager.d.ts
N/A ApplicationFlag Yes @ohos.bundle.bundleManager.d.ts
N/A AbilityFlag Yes @ohos.bundle.bundleManager.d.ts
ExtensionFlag ExtensionAbilityFlag Yes @ohos.bundle.bundleManager.d.ts
ColorMode N/A No N/A
GrantStatus PermissionGrantState No @ohos.bundle.bundleManager.d.ts
AbilityType AbilityType No @ohos.bundle.bundleManager.d.ts
AbilitySubType N/A No N/A
DisplayOrientation DisplayOrientation No @ohos.bundle.bundleManager.d.ts
LaunchMode LaunchType No @ohos.bundle.bundleManager.d.ts
ExtensionAbilityType ExtensionAbilityType Yes @ohos.bundle.bundleManager.d.ts
BundleOptions N/A No N/A
InstallErrorCode N/A No N/A
UpgradeFlag UpgradeFlag Yes @ohos.bundle.freeInstall.d.ts
SupportWindowMode SupportWindowMode No @ohos.bundle.bundleManager.d.ts
getBundleInfo getBundleInfo Yes @ohos.bundle.bundleManager.d.ts
getBundleInstaller getBundleInstaller Yes @ohos.bundle.installer.d.ts
getAbilityInfo queryAbilityInfo Yes @ohos.bundle.bundleManager.d.ts
getApplicationInfo getApplicationInfo Yes @ohos.bundle.bundleManager.d.ts
queryAbilityByWant queryAbilityInfo Yes @ohos.bundle.bundleManager.d.ts
getAllBundleInfo getAllBundleInfo Yes @ohos.bundle.bundleManager.d.ts
getAllApplicationInfo getAllApplicationInfo Yes @ohos.bundle.bundleManager.d.ts
getNameForUid getBundleNameByUid Yes @ohos.bundle.bundleManager.d.ts
getBundleArchiveInfo getBundleArchiveInfo Yes @ohos.bundle.bundleManager.d.ts
getLaunchWantForBundle getLaunchWantForBundle Yes @ohos.bundle.bundleManager.d.ts
cleanBundleCacheFiles cleanBundleCacheFiles Yes @ohos.bundle.bundleManager.d.ts
setApplicationEnabled setApplicationEnabled Yes @ohos.bundle.bundleManager.d.ts
setAbilityEnabled setAbilityEnabled Yes @ohos.bundle.bundleManager.d.ts
queryExtensionAbilityInfos queryExtensionAbilityInfo Yes @ohos.bundle.bundleManager.d.ts
getPermissionDef getPermissionDef Yes @ohos.bundle.bundleManager.d.ts
getAbilityLabel getAbilityLabel Yes @ohos.bundle.bundleManager.d.ts
getAbilityIcon getAbilityIcon Yes @ohos.bundle.bundleManager.d.ts
isAbilityEnabled isAbilityEnabled Yes @ohos.bundle.bundleManager.d.ts
isApplicationEnabled isApplicationEnabled Yes @ohos.bundle.bundleManager.d.ts
setModuleUpgradeFlag setHapModuleUpgradeFlag Yes @ohos.bundle.freeInstall.d.ts
isModuleRemovable isHapModuleRemovable Yes @ohos.bundle.freeInstall.d.ts
getBundlePackInfo getBundlePackInfo Yes @ohos.bundle.freeInstall.d.ts
getDispatcherVersion getDispatchInfo Yes @ohos.bundle.freeInstall.d.ts
getProfileByAbility getProfileByAbility No @ohos.bundle.bundleManager.d.ts
getProfileByExtensionAbility getProfileByExtensionAbility No @ohos.bundle.bundleManager.d.ts
setDisposedStatus setDisposedStatus Yes @ohos.bundle.appControl.d.ts
getDisposedStatus getDisposedStatus Yes @ohos.bundle.appControl.d.ts
N/A deleteDisposedStatus Yes @ohos.bundle.appControl.d.ts
getBundleInfoSync getBundleInfoSync Yes @ohos.bundle.bundleManager.d.ts
getApplicationInfoSync getApplicationInfoSync Yes @ohos.bundle.bundleManager.d.ts
N/A getBundleInfoForSelf No @ohos.bundle.bundleManager.d.ts

Adaptation Guide

Replace the original APIs with new ones of version 9 and import related modules.

Old import module:

import bundle form '@ohos.bundle'

New import module:

import bundle form '@ohos.bundle.bundleManager'
import freeInstall form '@ohos.bundle.freeInstall'
import installer form '@ohos.bundle.installer'
import appControl form '@ohos.bundle.appControl'

cl.bundlemanager.4 BundleInfo Structure Changes

All bundle/bundleInfo.d.ts fields in the bundle manager are deprecated. bundle/bundleInfo.d.ts) is changed to bundleManager/BundleInfo.d.ts, involving field type changes.

Change Impacts

There is no impact on applications that use the APIs of versions earlier than 9. The applications that use the APIs of version 9 need to adapt new modules and APIs. When a level-2 module is used to export BundleInfo, the @ohos.bundle.bundleManager module needs to be imported.

Key API/Component Changes

The following table describes the changed fields in the BundleInfo structure. After other fields are deprecated in bundle/bundleInfo.d.ts, they have corresponding values in the new bundleManager/BundleInfo.d.ts. If corresponding fields do not exist, the fields have been deprecated in API version 9.

Deprecated Added or Changed in API Version 9 Type
type N/A string
appId N/A string
N/A signatureInfo SignatureInfo
uid N/A number
abilityInfos N/A Array<AbilityInfo>
reqPermissions N/A Array
compatibleVersion N/A number
isCompressNativeLibs N/A boolean
entryModuleName N/A string
cpuAbi N/A string
isSilentInstallation N/A string
entryInstallationFree N/A boolean
reqPermissionStates permissionGrantStates Array<bundleManager.PermissionGrantState>
extensionAbilityInfo N/A Array<ExtensionAbilityInfo>
hapModuleInfos hapModulesInfo Array<HapModuleInfo>

The SignatureInfo structure is added to API version 9 as follows.

Field Type
appId string
fingerprint string

Adaptation Guide

Use the BundleInfo structure of API version 9 for modules imported for bundle manager query. The following module needs to be imported when a level-2 module is used for export.

import bundle form '@ohos.bundle.bundleManager'

cl.bundlemanager.5 ApplicationInfo Structure Changes

The ApplicationInfo structure is changed. The original bundle/applicationInfo.d.ts fields in the bundle manager are deprecated, and the file is changed from bundle/applicationInfo.d.ts to bundleManager/ApplicationInfo.d.ts, involving field type changes.

Change Impacts

There is no impact on applications that use the APIs of versions earlier than 9. The applications that use the APIs of version 9 need to adapt new modules and APIs. When a level-2 module is used to export ApplicationInfo, the @ohos.bundle.bundleManager module needs to be imported.

Key API/Component Changes

The following table describes the changed fields in the ApplicationInfo structure. After other fields are deprecated in bundle/applicationInfo.d.ts, they have corresponding values in the new bundleManager/ApplicationInfo.d.ts. If corresponding fields do not exist, the fields have been deprecated in API version 9.

Deprecated Added or Changed in API Version 9 Type
systemApp N/A boolean
labelId N/A string
labelIndex labelId number
iconId N/A string
iconIndex iconId number
supportedModes N/A number
moduleSourceDirs N/A Array<string>
moduleInfos N/A Array<ModuleInfo>
metaData N/A Map<string,Array<CustomizeData>>
entityType N/A string
fingerprint N/A string

Adaptation Guide

Use the ApplicationInfo structure of API version 9 for modules imported for bundle manager query.

cl.bundlemanager.6 HapModuleInfo Structure Changes

The HapModuleInfo structure is changed. The original bundle/hapModuleInfo.d.ts and moduleInfo.d.ts fields in the bundle manager are deprecated, and the files are changed to bundleManager/HapModuleInfo.d.ts, involving field type changes.

Change Impacts

There is no impact on applications that use the APIs of versions earlier than 9. The applications that use the APIs of version 9 need to adapt new modules and APIs. When a level-2 module is used to export HapModuleInfo, the @ohos.bundle.bundleManager module needs to be imported.

Key API/Component Changes

The following table describes the changed fields in the HapModuleInfo structure. After other fields are deprecated in bundle/hapModuleInfo.d.ts, they have corresponding values in the new bundleManager/HapModuleInfo.d.ts file.

Deprecated Added or Changed in API Version 9 Type
abilityInfo abilitiesInfo Array
N/A moduleSourceDir string
backgroundImg N/A string
supportedModes N/A string
reqCapabilities N/A Array<string>
moduleName N/A string
mainAbilityName N/A string
extensionAbilityInfo extensionAbilitiesInfo Array<ExtensionAbilityInfo>

Adaptation Guide

Use the HapModuleInfo structure of API version 9 for modules imported for bundle manager query.

cl.bundlemanager.7 ModuleInfo Structure Changes

The original bundle/hapModuleInfo.d.ts and moduleInfo.d.ts fields in the bundle manager are deprecated, and the files are changed to bundleManager/HapModuleInfo.d.ts, involving field changes.

The ModuleInfo structure is deprecated and replaced by HapModuleInfo in bundleManager/HapModuleInfo.d.ts.

Change Impacts

There is no impact on applications that use the APIs of versions earlier than 9. The applications that use the APIs of version 9 need to adapt new modules and APIs. The ModuleInfo structure is deprecated and replaced by HapModuleInfo.

Key API/Component Changes

The ModuleInfo structure is deprecated and replaced by HapModuleInfo.

Adaptation Guide

Use the HapModuleInfo structure of API version 9.

cl.bundlemanager.8 AbilityInfo Structure Changes

The AbilityInfo structure is changed. The original bundle/abilityInfo.d.ts file is deprecated and changed to bundleManager/AbilityInfo.d.ts, involving field type changes.

Change Impacts

There is no impact on applications that use the APIs of versions earlier than 9. The applications that use the APIs of version 9 need to adapt new modules and APIs.

Key API/Component Changes

The following table lists the field changes in the AbilityInfo structure for the bundle manager. Fields that are not listed in the table exist in the new AbilityInfo structure after being deprecated. Fields marked with “N/A” have been deprecated in API version 9 and do not exist in the new AbilityInfo structure.

Deprecated Added or Changed in API Version 9 Type
launchMode launchType number
supportWindowMode supportWindowModes Array<number>
targetAbility N/A string
backgroundModes N/A number
formEnabled N/A boolean
subType N/A AbilitySubType
deviceCapabilities N/A Array<string>
metaData N/A Array<CustomizeData>
maxWindowRatio N/A number
minWindowRatio N/A number
maxWindowWidth N/A number
minWindowWidth N/A number
maxWindowHeight N/A number
minWindowHeight N/A number
N/A windowSize WindowSize

The fields of the new structure WindowSize of API version 9 are as follows.

Field Type
maxWindowRatio number
minWindowRatio number
maxWindowWidth number
minWindowWidth number
maxWindowHeight number
minWindowHeight number

Adaptation Guide

Use the AbilityInfo structure of API version 9.

cl.bundlemanager.9 BundleFlag Changes

BundleFlag is changed to BundleFlag, ApplicationFlag, and AbilityFlag in @ohos.bundle.bundleManager. Different types of flags are passed based on the input parameters of new APIs.

Change Impacts

BundleFlag is changed to BundleFlag, ApplicationFlag, and AbilityFlag in @ohos.bundle.bundleManager. Different types of flags are passed based on the input parameters of new APIs. If BundleFlag of a version earlier than API version 9 is directly used, the query may fail.

Key API/Component Changes

BundleFlag in the original @ohos.bundle is deprecated and replaced by BundleFlag, ApplicationFlag, and AbilityFlag in the new @ohos.bundle.bundleManager.

The following table describes BundleFlag of API version 9.

BundleFlag Value Description
GET_BUNDLE_INFO_DEFAULT 0x00000000 Obtains the default BundleInfo. The obtained BundleInfo does not contain signatureInfo, hapModuleInfo, appInfo, reqPermissionDetails, or permissionGrantStates.
GET_BUNDLE_INFO_WITH_APPLICATION 0x00000001 Obtains appInfos with the default BundleInfo.
GET_BUNDLE_INFO_WITH_HAP_MODULE 0x00000002 Obtains hapModulesInfo with the default BundleInfo.
GET_BUNDLE_INFO_WITH_ABILITY 0x00000004 Indicates whether abilitiesInfo is obtained with hapModulesInfo. This flag must be used together with GET_BUNDLE_INFO_WITH_HAP_MODULE and cannot be used independently.
GET_BUNDLE_INFO_WITH_EXTENSION_ABILITY 0x00000008 Indicates whether extensionAbilitiesInfo is obtained with hapModulesInfo. This flag must be used together with GET_BUNDLE_INFO_WITH_HAP_MODULE and cannot be used independently.
GET_BUNDLE_INFO_WITH_REQUESTED_PERMISSION 0x00000010 Obtains reqPermissionDetails and permissionGrantStates with the default BundleInfo.
GET_BUNDLE_INFO_WITH_METADATA 0x00000020 Indicates whether the returned ApplicationInfo, AbilityInfo, and ExtensionAbilityInfo contain metadata. This flag cannot be used independently.
GET_BUNDLE_INFO_WITH_DISABLE 0x00000040 Obtains BundleInfo of a disabled application and disabled ability information in abilitiesInfo.
GET_BUNDLE_INFO_WITH_SIGNATURE_INFO 0x00000080 Obtains signatureInfo with the default BundleInfo.

The following table describes ApplicationFlag of API version 9.

ApplicationFlag Value Description
GET_APPLICATION_INFO_DEFAULT 0x00000000 Obtains the default ApplicationInfo. The obtained ApplicationInfo does not contain permission or metadata information.
GET_APPLICATION_INFO_WITH_PERMISSION 0x00000001 Obtains permissions with the default ApplicationInfo.
GET_APPLICATION_INFO_WITH_METADATA 0x00000002 Obtains metadata with the default ApplicationInfo.
GET_APPLICATION_INFO_WITH_DISABLE 0x00000004 Obtains disabled application information.

The following table describes AbilityFlag of API version 9. |AbilityFlag |Value |Description | |———————————|———-|————————————————————| |GET_ABILITY_INFO_DEFAULT |0x00000000|Obtains the default AbilityInfo. The obtained AbilityInfo does not contain permission, metadata, or disabled ability information.| |GET_ABILITY_INFO_WITH_PERMISSION|0x00000001|Obtains AbilityInfo with permission information. | |GET_ABILITY_INFO_WITH_APPLICATION|0x00000002|Obtains AbilityInfo with the ApplicationInfo structure. | |GET_ABILITY_INFO_WITH_METADATA |0x00000004|Obtains AbilityInfo with metadata information. | |GET_ABILITY_INFO_WITH_DISABLE |0x00000008|Obtains all AbilityInfo, including disabled abilities. | |GET_ABILITY_INFO_ONLY_SYSTEM_APP|0x00000010|Obtains AbilityInfo for system applications. |

Adaptation Guide

Use various flags according to the called API in @ohos.bundle.bundleManager.d.ts.

cl.bundlemanager.10 ApplicationType Enumerated Value Changes in the Default Application Module

For the @ohos.bundle.defaultApp module, both API functions and usage remain unchanged, but only the enumerated values of ApplicationType are changed.

Change Impacts

There is no impact on applications that use the APIs of versions earlier than 9. The applications that use the APIs of version 9 need to adapt new enumerated values.

Key API/Component Changes

The enumerated values of ApplicationType are changed as follows.

ApplicationType Added or Changed in API Version 9 API Version 8 and Earlier
IMAGE “Image Gallery” “IMAGE”
AUDIO “Audio Player” “AUDIO”
VIDEO “Video Player” “VIDEO”
PDF “PDF Viewer” “PDF”
WORD “Word Viewer” “WORD”
EXCEL “Excel Viewer” “EXCEL”
PPT “PPT Viewer” “PPT”

Adaptation Guide

Import the default application module and call related APIs.

import defaultApp form '@ohos.bundle.defaultAppManager'

cl.bundlemanager.11 Distributed Bundle Manager Changes

API exception handling is rectified. The distributed bundle manager module is changed. The original @ohos.distributedBundle.d.ts APIs are deprecated, and the @ohos.distributedBundle.d.ts file is changed to @ohos.bundle.distributedBundleManager.d.ts. The getRemoteAbilityInfos API is changed to getRemoteAbilityInfo. The export function of a level-2 module in the RemoteAbilityInfo structure can be used only after a new module is imported.

Change Impacts

Applications using APIs earlier than version 9 are not affected. The names of the distributed module and the getRemoteAbilityInfos API are changed. As a result, applications using APIs of version 9 may fail to be compiled using the new SDK.

Key API/Component Changes

All APIs in @ohos.distributedBundle.d.ts are deprecated. The @ohos.bundle.distributedBundleManager.d.ts file is added. The functions of some APIs are the same as those of the original ones. New APIs support exception handling. The API changes are as follows.

Deprecated Added or Changed in API Version 9 System API
getRemoteAbilityInfos getRemoteAbilityInfo Yes

Adaptation Guide

Import a new distributed module.

import distributedBundle form '@ohos.bundle.distributedBundle'

cl.bundlemanager.12 Installation-Free Module and API Changes

APIs support exception handling rectification. The installation-free module is moved from @ohos.bundle.d.ts to @ohos.bundle.freeInstall.d.ts, involving module and API changes. The system capability is SystemCapability.BundleManager.BundleFramework.FreeInstall. 1. The imported @ohos.bundle module needs to be changed to @ohos.bundle.freeInstall. 2. The setModuleUpgradeFlag API is changed to setHapModuleUpgradeFlag. 3. The isModuleRemovable API is changed to isHapModuleRemovable. 4. The getDispatcher API is changed to getDispatchInfo.

Change Impacts

Applications using APIs earlier than version 9 are not affected. Applications using APIs of version 9 will fail to be compiled.

Key API/Component Changes

The following table lists the installation-free API changes. For APIs not listed in the table, their names and usage are unchanged, but the module name is changed.

Deprecated Added or Changed in API Version 9 System API
setModuleUpgradeFlag setHapModuleUpgradeFlag Yes
isModuleRemovable isHapModuleRemovable Yes
getDispatcher getDispatchInfo Yes

Adaptation Guide

To use installation-free APIs, import a new module and modify the APIs according to their mappings.

import freeInstall from '@ohos.bundle.freeInstall'

cl.bundlemanager.13 Installation-Free Structure Field Changes

The fields of the DisPatchInfo, AbilityFormInfo, ModuleDistroInfo, and ModuleConfigInfo structures are changed as follows: 1. The name of the dispatchAPI field in DispatchInfo is changed to dispatchAPIVersion, and the type is string, which is unchanged. The field indicates the version of the installation-free API. The meaning remains unchanged. 2. The type of the supportDimensions field in the AbilityFormInfo structure is changed from Array<number> to Array<string>. 3. The type of the defaultDimension field in the AbilityFormInfo structure is changed from number to string. 4. The mainAbility field is deprecated in the ModuleDistroInfo structure and moved to the ModuleConfigInfo structure. 5. The mainAbility field is added to the ModuleConfigInfo structure.

Change Impacts

Applications using APIs earlier than version 9 are not affected. The value type of certain fields in the structures is changed. As a result, applications using APIs of version 9 may fail to be compiled using the new SDK.

Key API/Component Changes

  1. DispatchInfo
Deprecated Added or Changed in API Version 9 Type
dispatchAPI dispatchAPIVersion string
  1. AbilityFormInfo
Field Type in API Version 9 Original Type
supportDimensions Array<string> Array<number>
defaultDimension string number
  1. ModuleDistroInfo
Field Added or Changed in API Version 9 Type
mainAbility N/A string
  1. MooduleConfigInfo
Field Added or Changed in API Version 9 Type
N/A mainAbility string

Adaptation Guide

To use installation-free APIs, import a new module and modify the structures according to their mappings.

import freeInstall from '@ohos.bundle.freeInstall'

cl.bundlemanager.14 Structure Changes

The structure GrantStatus is changed to PermissionGrantState. The enumeration type and values remain unchanged.

Change Impacts

Applications using APIs earlier than version 9 are not affected. The structure name is changed. As a result, applications using APIs of version 9 may fail to be compiled using the new SDK.

Key API/Component Changes

The GrantStatus structure indicating the authorization status is changed to PermissionGrantState in @ohos.bundle.bundleManager.d.ts.

Name Value

Adaptation Guide

Import a new module and change the structure name to PermissionGrantState.

import bundle form '@ohos.bundle.bundleManager'

cl.bundlemanager.15 Bundle Manager ShortcutInfo Structure Field Changes

Fields in the ShortcutInfo structure of the bundle manager are changed. The bundle/shortcutInfo.d.ts fields are deprecated, and the file is changed to bundleManager/ShortcutInfo.d.ts. The ShortcutInfo and ShortWant structures are changed to system APIs.

Change Impacts

Applications using APIs earlier than version 9 are not affected. The value type of certain fields in the structures is changed. As a result, applications using APIs of version 9 may fail to be compiled using the new SDK.

Key API/Component Changes

The ShortcutInfo and ShortcutWant structures are involved. To use the level-2 module export function, import the new module @ohos.bundle.launcherBundleManager. The following table lists the field changes of the ShortcutInfo structure. Fields that are not listed in the table still exist in API version 9.

Deprecated Added or Changed in API Version 9 Type
disableMessage N/A string
isStatic N/A boolean
isHomeShortcut N/A boolean
isEnabled N/A boolean
disableMessage N/A boolean

The following table lists the field changes of the ShortcutWant structure. Fields that are not listed in the table still exist in API version 9. |Deprecated |Added or Changed in API Version 9|Type| |———–|————–|——| |targetClass|targetAbility|string|

Adaptation Guide

To use installation-free APIs, import a new module and modify the structures according to their mappings.

import launcherBundleManager form '@ohos.bundle.launcherBundleManager'

cl.bundlemanager.16 getBundleInstaller API Changes

The getBundleInstaller API of the bundle manager is moved from @ohos.bundle.d.ts to @ohos.bundle.installer.d.ts. The system capability is SystemCapability.BundleManager.BundleFramework.Core.

Change Impacts

Applications using APIs earlier than version 9 are not affected. Applications that use APIs of version 9 need to adapt the new module and APIs.

Key API/Component Changes 1. For getBundleInstaller, the import module is changed from @ohos.bundle to @ohos.bundle.installer.

Adaptation Guide

Import the new bundle manager installation module and call getBundleInstaller.

import installer form '@ohos.bundle.installer'

cl.bundlemanager.17 Bundle Manager Installation API Changes

The bundle manager installation API is moved from bundle/bundleInstaller.d.ts to @ohos.bundle.installer.d.ts. The system capability is SystemCapability.BundleManager.BundleFramework.Core.

Change Impacts

Applications using APIs earlier than version 9 are not affected. Applications that use APIs of version 9 need to adapt the new module and APIs.

Key API/Component Changes

  1. The exception handling capability is added to the install, uninstall, and recover APIs. The API names and input parameters remain unchanged, and only the module name is changed.
  2. Fields are added to the HashParam structure as follows.
Added in API Version 9 Type
moduleName string
hashValue string
  1. Fields are added to the InstallParam structure as follows.
Added in API Version 9 Type
userId number
installFlag number
isKeepData boolean
hashParams Array<HashParam>
crowdtestDeadline number
  1. The InstallStatus structure is deprecated.

Adaptation Guide

Import the new bundle manager installation module and call getBundleInstaller.

import installer form '@ohos.bundle.installer'

cl.bundlemanager.18 Bundle Manager Installation Function Changes

The installation specifications of the bundle manager module are changed, in which whether the application deviceType setting matches the device type is verified. If they do not match, the installation fails.

Change Impacts

Applications developed in earlier versions are affected. Applications can be successfully installed in the image of the new version only after adaptation.

Key API/Component Changes


Adaptation Guide

Configure device types in the application configuration file config.json or module.json.

    "module": {
        "name": "entry",
        "type": "entry",
        // ...
            // In this example, default and tablet are configured. In this case, the application can be installed on default and tablet.
        // ...

cl.bundlemanager.19 innerBundleManger Module API Changes

innerBundleManager API functions are unchanged, but API usage is changed. The @ohos.bundle.launcherBundleManager.d.ts module needs to be imported to use innerBundleManager APIs. The system capability is SystemCapability.BundleManager.BundleFramework.Core.

Change Impacts

There is no impact on applications that use the APIs of versions earlier than 9. Applications that use the innerBundleManager API capabilities need to adapt the new module and APIs.

Key API/Component Changes

The functions and input parameters of the following APIs remain unchanged, and API exception handling is added. When a level-2 module is used to export ShortcutInfo and ShortcutWant, the @ohos.bundle.launcherBundleManager module needs to be imported. The on and off APIs are deprecated from @ohos.bundle.innerBundleManger.d.ts and moved to @ohos.bundle.bundleMonitor.d.ts.

  1. getLauncherAbilityInfos
  2. getAllLauncherAbilityInfos
  3. getShortcutInfos

Adaptation Guide

Import the new module @ohos.bundle.launcherBundleManage.

import launcherBundleManager form '@ohos.bundle.launcherBundleManage'

cl.bundlemanager.20 innerBundleManagr Module Changes

innerBundleManager API functions are unchanged, but API usage is changed. The @ohos.bundle.bundleMonitor.d.ts module needs to be imported to use innerBundleManager APIs, which are system APIs. The system capability is SystemCapability.BundleManager.BundleFramework.Core.

Change Impacts

There is no impact on applications that use the APIs of versions earlier than 9. Applications that use the innerBundleManager API capabilities need to adapt the new module and APIs.

Key API/Component Changes

The on and off APIs are changed to @ohos.bundle.bundleMonitor.d.ts. The input parameters are different from those of the original APIs. The function prototype of the APIs of version 9 is as follows:

function on(type: BundleChangedEvent, callback: Callback<BundleChangedInfo>): void;
function off(type: BundleChangedEvent, callback?: Callback<BundleChangedInfo>): void;


type BundleChangedEvent = 'add'|'update'|'remove';

Callback function of BundleChangedInfo:

  interface BundleChangedInfo {
    readonly bundleName: string;
    readonly userId: number;

After obtaining BundleChangedInfo, perform related operations (that is, the add, update, and remove functions in BundleStatusCallback of the original API).

Adaptation Guide

Import the bundleMonitor module and call related APIs.

import bundleMonitor form '@ohos.bundle.bundleMonitor'

cl.bundlemanager.21 bundleStatusCallback.d.ts API Changes

The bundleStatusCallback.d.ts APIs of the bundle manager are deprecated and moved to @ohos.bundle.bundleMonitor.d.ts. The add, update, and remove functions in BundleStatusCallback are deprecated and changed to BundleChangedEvent, which is a system API. The system capability is SystemCapability.BundleManager.BundleFramework.Core.

Change Impacts

There is no impact on applications that use the APIs of versions earlier than 9. Applications that use the BundleStatusCallback API capabilities need to adapt the new module and APIs.

Key API/Component Changes

All the following functions are deprecated. The BundleChangedEvent API is added to @ohos.bundle.bundleMonitor.d.ts.

  1. add
  2. update
  3. remove

Adaptation Guide

Import the bundleMonitor module and call related APIs. Different from the previous BundleStatusCallback, BundleStatusCallback passes the add, update, and remove functions to the on and off APIs. The BundleMonitor uses the on or off API of version 9 to return BundleChangedInfo to the caller through the callback.

import bundleMonitor form '@ohos.bundle.bundleMonitor'

cl.bundlemanager.22 Zlib Module API Changes

The Zlib module APIs of the bundle manager are changed. Certain APIs in @ohos.zlib.d.ts are deprecated and changed. The system capability is SystemCapability.BundleManager.Zlib.

Change Impacts

There is no impact on applications that use the APIs of versions earlier than 9. Applications that use APIs of version 9 need to adapt the new module and APIs.

Key API/Component Changes

The following table lists the changed APIs in @ohos.zlib.d.ts. The usage of the new APIs of version 9 is the same, and API exception handling is supported.

Deprecated Added or Changed in API Version 9 System API
zipFile compressFile Yes
unzipFile decompressFile Yes
ErrorCode N/A Yes

Adaptation Guide

The import module does not change. The new API is directly used to adapt exception handling.

import zlib form '@ohos.zlib'


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