harmony 鸿蒙Vibrator Overview
Vibrator Overview
The vibrator service is built on the native vibrator service, bolstered by the latest capabilities of the vibrator hardware. By innovatively integrating vibration and interaction, the service takes user interaction efficiency and usability to the next level.
Working Principles
The vibrator is a Misc device that consists of four modules: Vibrator API, Vibrator Framework, Vibrator Service, and HDF layer.
Figure 1 Vibrator in Misc devices
Vibrator API: provides basic vibrator APIs, including the APIs for obtaining the vibrator list, querying the vibrator by effect, and triggering and stopping vibration.
Vibrator Framework: manages the framework layer of the vibrator and communicates with the Misc Device Service.
Vibrator Service: manages services of vibrators.
HDF layer: adapts to different devices.
When using a vibrator, you must declare the ohos.permission.VIBRATE permission before you can control the vibration effect.
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10、 Vue中input框自动聚焦