harmony 鸿蒙帐号子系统changeLog
cl.account_os_account.1 变更错误码定义及其返回方式
- 异步接口:错误信息通过AsyncCallback或Promise的error对象返回。其中,参数类型和数量错误信息,通过抛出异常的方式返回。
- 同步接口:错误信息通过抛出异常的方式返回。
以下接口涉及新错误码和错误信息返回方式变更: - class AccountManager - activateOsAccount(localId: number, callback: AsyncCallback<void>): void; - removeOsAccount(localId: number, callback: AsyncCallback<void>): void; - setOsAccountConstraints(localId: number, constraints: Array<string>, enable: boolean, callback: AsyncCallback<void>): void; - setOsAccountName(localId: number, localName: string, callback: AsyncCallback<void>): void; - queryMaxOsAccountNumber(callback: AsyncCallback<number>): void; - queryAllCreatedOsAccounts(callback: AsyncCallback<Array<OsAccountInfo>>): void; - createOsAccount(localName: string, type: OsAccountType, callback: AsyncCallback<OsAccountInfo>): void; - createOsAccountForDomain(type: OsAccountType, domainInfo: DomainAccountInfo, callback: AsyncCallback<OsAccountInfo>): void; - queryOsAccountById(localId: number, callback: AsyncCallback<OsAccountInfo>): void; - getOsAccountProfilePhoto(localId: number, callback: AsyncCallback<string>): void; - setOsAccountProfilePhoto(localId: number, photo: string, callback: AsyncCallback<void>): void; - on(type: ‘activate’|‘activating’, name: string, callback: Callback<number>): void; - off(type: ‘activate’|‘activating’, name: string, callback?: Callback<number>): void; - isMainOsAccount(callback: AsyncCallback<boolean>): void; - queryOsAccountConstraintSourceTypes(localId: number, constraint: string, callback: AsyncCallback<Array<ConstraintSourceTypeInfo>>): void; - class UserAuth - constructor(); - getVersion(): number; - getAvailableStatus(authType: AuthType, authTrustLevel: AuthTrustLevel): number; - getProperty(request: GetPropertyRequest, callback: AsyncCallback<ExecutorProperty>): void; - setProperty(request: SetPropertyRequest, callback: AsyncCallback<number>): void; - auth(challenge: Uint8Array, authType: AuthType, authTrustLevel: AuthTrustLevel, callback: IUserAuthCallback): Uint8Array; - authUser(userId: number, challenge: Uint8Array, authType: AuthType, authTrustLevel: AuthTrustLevel, callback: IUserAuthCallback): Uint8Array; - cancelAuth(contextID: Uint8Array): number; - class PINAuth - constructor(); - registerInputer(inputer: IInputer): boolean; - unregisterInputer(authType: AuthType): void; - class UserIdentityManager - constructor(); - openSession(callback: AsyncCallback<Uint8Array>): void; - addCredential(credentialInfo: CredentialInfo, callback: IIdmCallback): void; - updateCredential(credentialInfo: CredentialInfo, callback: IIdmCallback): void; - closeSession(): void; - cancel(challenge: Uint8Array): number; - delUser(token: Uint8Array, callback: IIdmCallback): void; - delCred(credentialId: Uint8Array, token: Uint8Array, callback: IIdmCallback): void; - getAuthInfo(callback: AsyncCallback<Array<EnrolledCredInfo>>): void; - interface IInputData - onSetData: (authSubType: AuthSubType, data: Uint8Array) => void;
import account_osAccount from "@ohos.account.osAccount"
let accountMgr = account_osAccount.getAccountManager()
let callbackFunc = (err) => {
if (err != null) { // handle the bussiness error
console.log("account_osAccount failed, error: " + JSON.stringify(err));
} else {
console.log("account_osAccount successfully");
try {
accountMgr.activateOsAccount("100", callbackFunc);
} catch (err) { // handle the parameter type error
console.log("account_osAccount failed for incorrect parameter type, error: " + JSON.stringify(err));
try {
} catch (err) { // handle the parameter number error
console.log("account_osAccount failed for incorrect parameter number, error: " + JSON.stringify(err));
import account_osAccount from "@ohos.account.osAccount"
let pinAuth = new account_osAccount.PINAuth()
try {
} catch (err) { // handle the parameter type error
console.log("account_osAccount failed for incorrect parameter type, error: " + JSON.stringify(err));
try {
} catch (err) { // handle the parameter number error
console.log("account_osAccount failed for incorrect parameter number, error: " + JSON.stringify(err));
- 所属分类: 后端技术
- 本文标签:
2、 - 优质文章
3、 gate.io
8、 golang
9、 openharmony
10、 Vue中input框自动聚焦