harmony 鸿蒙RDB Development

  • 2022-08-09
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RDB Development

When to Use

A relational database (RDB) store allows you to operate local data with or without native SQL statements based on SQLite.

Available APIs

Creating and Deleting an RDB Store

The table below describes the APIs for creating and deleting an RDB store.

Table 1 APIs for creating and deleting an RDB store

Class API Description
RdbStoreConfig RdbStoreConfig(const std::string &path,
StorageMode storageMode = StorageMode::MODE_DISK,
bool readOnly = false,
const std::vector &encryptKey = std::vector(),
const std::string &journalMode = “”,
const std::string &syncMode = “”,
const std::string &databaseFileType = “”,
const std::string &databaseFileSecurityLevel = “”)
Configures an RDB store, including setting the RDB store name, storage mode, log mode, synchronization mode, and read-only mode, and whether to encrypt the RDB store.
- path: path of the RDB store.
- readOnly: whether the RDB store is read-only.
- storageMode: storage mode.
- encryptKey: key used to encrypt the RDB store.
- journalMode: logging mode.
- syncMode: data synchronization mode.
- databaseFileType: RDB store type.
- databaseFileSecurityLevel: security level of the RDB store.
RdbOpenCallback int OnCreate(RdbStore &rdbStore) Called when an RDB store is created. You can add the method for initializing the table structure and data used by your application in this callback.
RdbOpenCallback int OnUpgrade(RdbStore &rdbStore, int currentVersion, int targetVersion) Called when the RDB store is upgraded.
RdbOpenCallback int OnDowngrade(RdbStore &rdbStore, int currentVersion, int targetVersion) Called when the RDB store is downgraded.
RdbHelper std::shared_ptr<RdbStore> GetRdbStore(const RdbStoreConfig &config, int version, RdbOpenCallback &openCallback, int &errCode) Creates or obtains an RDB store.
RdbHelper int DeleteRdbStore(const std::string &path) Deletes an RDB store.

Using Predicates

The RDB store provides AbsRdbPredicates for you to set database operation conditions. The AbsRdbPredicates class has the following child classes:

  • RdbPredicates: allows you to combine SQL statements by simply calling methods in this class, such as equalTo, notEqualTo, groupBy, orderByAsc, and beginsWith. With this class, you do not need to write complex SQL statements.
  • RawRdbPredicates: allows you to write complex SQL statements, such as setting whereClause and whereArgs. However, this class does not support APIs such as equalTo.

Table 2 APIs for setting RDB predicates |Class|API|Description| | —-| —-| —-| |RdbPredicates|AbsPredicates *EqualTo(std::string field, std::string value)|Sets an AbsPredicates to match the field that is equal to the specified value.| |RdbPredicates|AbsPredicates *NotEqualTo(std::string field, std::string value)|Sets an AbsPredicates to match the field that is not equal to the specified value.| |RdbPredicates|AbsPredicates *BeginsWith(std::string field, std::string value)|Sets an AbsPredicates to match the field that starts with the specified value.| |RdbPredicates|AbsPredicates *Between(std::string field, std::string low, std::string high)|Sets an AbsPredicates to match the field that is within the range specified by low and high.| |RdbPredicates|AbsPredicates *OrderByAsc(std::string field)|Sets an AbsPredicates that sorts values in ascending order.| |RdbPredicates|void SetWhereClause(std::string whereClause)|Sets whereClause.| |RdbPredicates|void SetWhereArgs(std::vector<std::string> whereArgs)|Sets whereArgs, which indicates the value of the placeholder in whereClause.| |RdbPredicates|AbsRdbPredicates *InDevices(std::vectorstd::string& devices)|Sets an AbsPredicates to specify the remote devices on the network with databases to be synchronized.| |RdbPredicates|AbsRdbPredicates *InAllDevices()|Sets an AbsPredicates to connect to all remote devices on the network when synchronizing distributed databases.|

Managing Data in an RDB Store

You can use the APIs provided by the RDB to insert, delete, update, and query local data.

  • Inserting data

Call int Insert() to insert data through ValuesBucket. If data is inserted, the row number of the data inserted is returned; otherwise, -1 is returned.

Table 3 API for inserting data

Class API Description
RdbStore int Insert(int64_t &outRowId, const std::string &table, const ValuesBucket &initialValues) Inserts data based on the passed table name and data in ValuesBucket.
- table: name of the target table.
- initialValues: data to insert. The data is stored in ValuesBucket. A series of put() methods, such as PutString(const std::string &columnName, const std::string &value) and PutDouble(const std::string &columnName, double value), are provided to add data to ValuesBucket.
  • Deleting data

Call delete() to delete the data that meets the conditions specified by AbsRdbPredicates. If data is deleted, the row number of the deleted data is returned; otherwise, 0 is returned.

Table 4 API for deleting data |Class|API|Description| | —-| —-| —-| |RdbStore|int Delete(int &deletedRows, const AbsRdbPredicates &predicates)|Deletes data.
- deletedRows: number of rows to delete.
- predicates: table name and conditions for deleting the data. AbsRdbPredicates has the following classes:
- RdbPredicates: specifies query conditions by calling its methods, such as equalTo.
- RawRdbPredicates: specifies the table name, whereClause, and whereArgs only.|

  • Updating data

Call update() to update data based on the passed data and the conditions specified by AbsRdbPredicates. If data is updated, the row number of the updated data is returned; otherwise, 0 is returned.

Table 5 API for updating data |Class|API|Description| | —-| —-| —-| |RdbStore|int Update(int &changedRows, const ValuesBucket &values, const AbsRdbPredicates &predicates)|Updates the data that meets the conditions specified by predicates.
- changedRows: number of rows to update.
- values: new data stored in ValuesBucket.
- predicates: table name and conditions for the update operation. AbsRdbPredicates has the following classes:
- RdbPredicates: specifies update conditions by calling its methods, such as equalTo.
- RawRdbPredicates: specifies the table name, whereClause, and whereArgs only.|

  • Querying data

You can query data in an RDB store in either of the following ways:

  • Call the query() method to query data based on the predicates, without passing any SQL statement.
  • Run the native SQL statement.

Table 6 APIs for querying data |Class|API|Description| | —-| —-| —-| |RdbStore|std::unique_ptr Query(const AbsRdbPredicates &predicates, const std::vector<std::string> columns)|Queries data.
- predicates: query conditions. AbsRdbPredicates has the following classes:
- RdbPredicates: specifies query conditions by calling its methods, such as equalTo.
- RawRdbPredicates: specifies the table name, whereClause, and whereArgs only.
- columns: number of columns returned.| |RdbStore|std::unique_ptr QuerySql(const std::string &sql, const std::vector<std::string> &selectionArgs = std::vector<std::string>())|Executes the native SQL statements to query data.
- sql: native SQL statement.
- selectionArgs: parameter values corresponding to the placeholders in the SQL statements. Set it to null if the select statement has no placeholder.|

Obtaining the Query Result

You can use the APIs provided by ResultSet to traverse and access the data you have queried. A result set can be regarded as a row of data in the queried result. The table below describes the APIs of ResultSet.

Table 7 APIs of ResultSet |Class|API|Description| | —-| —-| —-| |ResultSet|int GoTo(int offset)|Moves forwards or backwards by the specified offset relative to its current position.| |ResultSet|int GoToRow(int position)|Moves to the specified row.| |ResultSet|int GoToNextRow()|Moves to the next row.| |ResultSet|int GoToPreviousRow()|Moves to the previous row.| |ResultSet|int IsStarted(bool &result)|Checks whether the result set has been moved.| |ResultSet|int IsEnded(bool &result)|Checks whether the result set is moved after the last line.| |ResultSet|int IsAtFirstRow(bool &result)|Checks whether the result set is located in the first row.| |ResultSet|int IsAtLastRow(bool &result)|Checks whether the result set is located in the last row.| |ResultSet|int GetRowCount(int &count)|Obtains the number of rows of this result set.| |ResultSet|int GetColumnCount(int &count)|Obtains the number of columns of this result set.| |ResultSet|int GetString(int columnIndex, std::string &value)|Obtains the value in the specified column of the current row, in strings.| |ResultSet|int GetBlob(int columnIndex, std::vector<uint8_t> &blob)|Obtains the value in the specified column of the current row, in a byte array.| |ResultSet|int GetDouble(int columnIndex, double &value)|Obtains the value in the specified column of the current row, in double.|

Setting Distributed Tables

Call bool SetDistributedTables() to set distributed tables for data operations across devices.

Table 8 API for setting distributed tables |Class|API|Description| | —-| —-| —-| |RdbStore|bool SetDistributedTables(const std::vectorstd::string& tables)|Sets distributed tables.
tables: names of the distributed tables to set.|

Obtaining the Distributed Table Name for a Remote Device

You can obtain the distributed table name for a remote device based on the local table name. The distributed table name can be used to query the RDB store of the remote device.

Table 9 API for obtaining the distributed table name of a remote device |Class|API|Description| | —-| —-| —-| |RdbStore|std::string ObtainDistributedTableName(const std::string& device, const std::string& table)|Obtains the distributed table name of a remote device based on the local table name. The distributed table name can be used to query the RDB store of the remote device.
- device: ID of the remote device.
- table: name of the local table.|

Synchronizing Data Between Devices

Table 10 API for synchronizing data between devices |Class|API|Description| | —-| —-| —-| |RdbStore|bool Sync(const SyncOption& option, const AbsRdbPredicates& predicate, const SyncCallback& callback)|Synchronizes data between devices.
- option: synchronization options, which include mode and isBlock. mode specifies how data is synchronized. The value push means to push data from the local device to the remote device; the value pull means to pull data from the remote device to the local device. isBlock specifies whether the invocation of this function is blocked.
- callback: callback used to return the result.|

Registering an RDB Store Observer

Table 11 API for registering an observer |Class|API|Description| | —-| —-| —-| |RdbStore|bool Subscribe(const SubscribeOption& option, RdbStoreObserver *observer)|Registers an observer for this RDB store to listen for distributed data changes. When data in the RDB store changes, a callback will be invoked to return the data changes.
- option: subscription type.
- observer: observer that listens for data changes in the RDB store.|

Unregistering an RDB Store Observer

Table 12 API for unregistering an observer |Class|API|Description| | —-| —-| —-| |RdbStore|bool UnSubscribe(const SubscribeOption& option, RdbStoreObserver *observer)|Unregisters the observer of the specified type.
- option: subscription type to unregister.
- observer: observer to unregister.|

Backing Up and Restoring an RDB Store

You can use the APIs provided by rdbStore to back up and restore local database files.

  • Backing up an RDB store

Call int Backup() to back up the current database file. databasePath specifies the name or path of the backup file to be generated. If the backup is successful, 0 is returned; otherwise, an error code is returned.

Table 13 API for backing up an RDB store

Class API Description
RdbStore int Backup(const std::string databasePath, const std::vector&lt;uint8_t&gt; destEncryptKey) Backs up the current database file.
- databasePath: name or path of the backup file to generate.
- destEncryptKey: key used to encrypt the RDB store. Currently, only non-encrypted RDB stores can be backed up.
  • Restoring an RDB store

Call int Restore() to restore an RDB from the backup file. backupPath specifies the name or path of the backup file. If the restore is successful, 0 is returned; otherwise, an error code is returned.

Table 14 API for restoring an RDB store

Class API Description
RdbStore int Restore(const std::string backupPath, const std::vector&lt;uint8_t&gt; &newKey) Restore an RDB store.
- backupPath: name or path of the backup file.
- newKey: key used to encrypt the RDB store. Currently, only non-encrypted RDB stores can be restored.


A transaction is a unit of work performed in a database. If a transaction is successful, 0 is returned. Otherwise, an error code is returned.

Table 15 Transaction APIs

Class API Description
RdbStore int BeginTransaction() Starts a transaction.
RdbStore int Commit() Commits the changes.
RdbStore int RollBack() Rolls back the changes.



How to Develop

  1. Create an RDB store.

    a. Configure the RDB store attributes, including the RDB store name, storage mode, and read-only mode.

    b. Initialize the table structure and related data in the RDB store.

    c. Create an RDB store.

    The sample code is as follows:

    const std::string DATABASE_NAME = RDB_TEST_PATH + "RdbStoreTest.db";
    class OpenCallback : public RdbOpenCallback {
        int OnCreate(RdbStore &rdbStore) override;
        int OnUpgrade(RdbStore &rdbStore, int oldVersion, int newVersion) override;
    int OpenCallback::OnCreate(RdbStore &store)
        return store.ExecuteSql(CREATE_TABLE_TEST);
    RdbStoreConfig config(DATABASE_NAME);
    OpenCallback callback;
    std::shared_ptr<RdbStore> store = RdbHelper::GetRdbStore(config, 1, callback, 0); 
  2. Insert data.

    a. Create a ValuesBucket to store the data you need to insert.

    b. Call the insert() method to insert data into the RDB store.

    c. Create an RDB store.

    The sample code is as follows:

    ValuesBucket values;
    values.PutInt("id", 1);
    values.PutString("name", std::string("Tom"));
    values.PutInt("age", 18);
    values.PutDouble("salary", 100.5);
    values.PutBlob("blobType", std::vector<uint8_t>{ 1, 2, 3 });
    store->Insert(id, "test", values);
  3. Query data.

    a. Create a predicate that specifies query conditions.

    b. Specify the data columns to return in the result set.

    c. Call the query() method to query data.

    d. Call the ResultSet APIs to traverse data in the result set.

    The sample code is as follows:

    std::vector<std::string> columns = {"id", "name", "age", "salary"};
    RdbPredicates predicates("test");
    predicates.EqualTo("age", "25")->OrderByAsc("salary");
    std::unique_ptr<ResultSet> resultSet  = store->Query(predicates, columns)
  4. Set the distributed tables to be synchronized.

    Call the SetDistributedTables() method to set the distributed tables to be synchronized.

    The sample code is as follows:

  5. Synchronize data.

    a. Set the data synchronization mode and block status.

    b. Constructs an AbsPredicates object to specify remote devices within the network to be synchronized.

    c. Call the Sync() method to synchronize data.

    The sample code is as follows:

    SyncOption option;
    option.mode = PUSH;
    option.isBlock = true;
    AbsRdbPredicates predicate("test");
    store->Sync(option, predicate, [] (const SyncResult& result) {
        for (const auto& [device, status] : result) {
            LogI("device=%s status=%d", device.c_str(), status);
  6. Subscribe to distributed data.

    a. Override the OnChange() function.

    b. Define the distributed data subscription type.

    c. Call APIs to subscribe to or unsubscribe from distributed data.

    The sample code is as follows:

    class MyObserver : public RdbStoreObserver {
        void OnChange(const std::vector<std::string>& devices) override {
            for (const auto& device : devices) {
                LOGI("device=%s data change", device.c_str());
    SubscribeOption option;
    option.mode = SubscribeMode::REMOTE;
    MyObserver observer;
    store->Subscribe(option, &observer); // Subscribe to distributed data.
    store->UnSubscribe(option, &observer); // Unsubscribe from distributed data.
  7. Query data across devices.

a. Obtain the distributed table name for a remote device based on the local table name.

b. Run SQL statements to query data in the RDB store of the remote device.

The sample code is as follows:

    std::string tableName = store->ObtainDistributedTableName("123456789abcd", "test");
    auto resultSet = store->QuerySql("SELECT * from ?;", tableName);
  1. Back up and restore an RDB store.

a. Back up the current RDB store.

b. Restore the RDB store from the specified backup file.

The sample code is as follows:

    std::string backupName = "backup.db"; // Name of the database backup file to generate.
    std::vector<uint8_t> key; // Key used to encrypt the RDB store.
    int errno = store->Backup(backupName, key);
    errno = store->Restore(backupName, key);


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