harmony 鸿蒙native_avformat.h

  • 2023-06-24
  • 浏览 (616)



The native_avformat.h file declares the format-related functions and enums.



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Name Description
OH_AVPixelFormat Defines an enum that enumerates the video pixel formats.


Name Description
OH_AVPixelFormat {
Enumerates the video pixel formats.


Name Description
*OH_AVFormat_Create (void) Creates an OH_AVFormat instance for reading data.
*OH_AVFormat_CreateAudioFormat (const char *mimeType, int32_t sampleRate, int32_t channelCount) Creates an audio OH_AVFormat instance for reading and writing data.
*OH_AVFormat_CreateVideoFormat (const char *mimeType, int32_t width, int32_t height) Creates a video OH_AVFormat instance for reading and writing data.
OH_AVFormat_Destroy (struct OH_AVFormat *format) Destroys an OH_AVFormat instance.
OH_AVFormat_Copy (struct OH_AVFormat *to, struct OH_AVFormat *from) Copies an OH_AVFormat instance.
OH_AVFormat_SetIntValue (struct OH_AVFormat *format, const char *key, int32_t value) Writes data of the int type to an OH_AVFormat instance.
OH_AVFormat_SetLongValue (struct OH_AVFormat *format, const char *key, int64_t value) Writes data of the long type to an OH_AVFormat instance.
OH_AVFormat_SetFloatValue (struct OH_AVFormat *format, const char *key, float value) Writes data of the float type to an OH_AVFormat instance.
OH_AVFormat_SetDoubleValue (struct OH_AVFormat *format, const char *key, double value) Writes data of the double type to an OH_AVFormat instance.
OH_AVFormat_SetStringValue (struct OH_AVFormat *format, const char *key, const char *value) Writes data of the string type to an OH_AVFormat instance.
OH_AVFormat_SetBuffer (struct OH_AVFormat *format, const char *key, const uint8_t *addr, size_t size) Writes data blocks of a specified length to an OH_AVFormat instance.
OH_AVFormat_GetIntValue (struct OH_AVFormat *format, const char *key, int32_t *out) Reads data of the int type from an OH_AVFormat instance.
OH_AVFormat_GetLongValue (struct OH_AVFormat *format, const char *key, int64_t *out) Reads data of the long type from an OH_AVFormat instance.
OH_AVFormat_GetFloatValue (struct OH_AVFormat *format, const char *key, float *out) Reads data of the float type from an OH_AVFormat instance.
OH_AVFormat_GetDoubleValue (struct OH_AVFormat *format, const char *key, double *out) Reads data of the double type from an OH_AVFormat instance.
OH_AVFormat_GetStringValue (struct OH_AVFormat *format, const char *key, const char **out) Reads data of the string type from an OH_AVFormat instance.
OH_AVFormat_GetBuffer (struct OH_AVFormat *format, const char *key, uint8_t **addr, size_t *size) Reads data blocks of a specified length from an OH_AVFormat instance.
*OH_AVFormat_DumpInfo (struct OH_AVFormat *format) Dumps the information contained in an OH_AVFormat instance as a string.


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