tidb schema_validator 源码

  • 2022-09-19
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tidb schema_validator 代码


// Copyright 2016 PingCAP, Inc.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
//     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.

package domain

import (


type checkResult int

const (
	// ResultSucc means schemaValidator's check is passing.
	ResultSucc checkResult = iota
	// ResultFail means schemaValidator's check is fail.
	// ResultUnknown means schemaValidator doesn't know the check would be success or fail.

// SchemaValidator is the interface for checking the validity of schema version.
type SchemaValidator interface {
	// Update the schema validator, add a new item, delete the expired deltaSchemaInfos.
	// The latest schemaVer is valid within leaseGrantTime plus lease duration.
	// Add the changed table IDs to the new schema information,
	// which is produced when the oldSchemaVer is updated to the newSchemaVer.
	Update(leaseGrantTime uint64, oldSchemaVer, newSchemaVer int64, change *transaction.RelatedSchemaChange)
	// Check is it valid for a transaction to use schemaVer and related tables, at timestamp txnTS.
	Check(txnTS uint64, schemaVer int64, relatedPhysicalTableIDs []int64, needCheckSchema bool) (*transaction.RelatedSchemaChange, checkResult)
	// Stop stops checking the valid of transaction.
	// Restart restarts the schema validator after it is stopped.
	// Reset resets SchemaValidator to initial state.
	// IsStarted indicates whether SchemaValidator is started.
	IsStarted() bool

type deltaSchemaInfo struct {
	schemaVersion  int64
	relatedIDs     []int64
	relatedActions []uint64

type schemaValidator struct {
	isStarted          bool
	mux                sync.RWMutex
	lease              time.Duration
	latestSchemaVer    int64
	latestInfoSchema   infoschema.InfoSchema
	do                 *Domain
	latestSchemaExpire time.Time
	// deltaSchemaInfos is a queue that maintain the history of changes.
	deltaSchemaInfos []deltaSchemaInfo

// NewSchemaValidator returns a SchemaValidator structure.
func NewSchemaValidator(lease time.Duration, do *Domain) SchemaValidator {
	return &schemaValidator{
		isStarted:        true,
		lease:            lease,
		deltaSchemaInfos: make([]deltaSchemaInfo, 0, variable.DefTiDBMaxDeltaSchemaCount),
		do:               do,

func (s *schemaValidator) IsStarted() bool {
	isStarted := s.isStarted
	return isStarted

func (s *schemaValidator) Stop() {
	logutil.BgLogger().Info("the schema validator stops")
	defer s.mux.Unlock()
	s.isStarted = false
	s.latestSchemaVer = 0
	s.deltaSchemaInfos = s.deltaSchemaInfos[:0]

func (s *schemaValidator) Restart() {
	logutil.BgLogger().Info("the schema validator restarts")
	defer s.mux.Unlock()
	s.isStarted = true

func (s *schemaValidator) Reset() {
	defer s.mux.Unlock()
	s.isStarted = true
	s.latestSchemaVer = 0
	s.deltaSchemaInfos = s.deltaSchemaInfos[:0]

func (s *schemaValidator) Update(leaseGrantTS uint64, oldVer, currVer int64, change *transaction.RelatedSchemaChange) {
	defer s.mux.Unlock()

	if !s.isStarted {
		logutil.BgLogger().Info("the schema validator stopped before updating")

	// Renew the lease.
	s.latestSchemaVer = currVer
	if s.do != nil {
		s.latestInfoSchema = s.do.InfoSchema()
	leaseGrantTime := oracle.GetTimeFromTS(leaseGrantTS)
	leaseExpire := leaseGrantTime.Add(s.lease - time.Millisecond)
	s.latestSchemaExpire = leaseExpire

	// Update the schema deltaItem information.
	if currVer != oldVer {
		s.enqueue(currVer, change)
		var tblIDs []int64
		var actionTypes []uint64
		if change != nil {
			tblIDs = change.PhyTblIDS
			actionTypes = change.ActionTypes
		for idx, ac := range actionTypes {
			// NOTE: ac is not an action type, it is (1 << action type).
			if ac == 1<<model.ActionUnlockTable {
		logutil.BgLogger().Debug("update schema validator", zap.Int64("oldVer", oldVer),
			zap.Int64("currVer", currVer), zap.Int64s("changedTableIDs", tblIDs), zap.Uint64s("changedActionTypes", actionTypes))

// isRelatedTablesChanged returns the result whether relatedTableIDs is changed
// from usedVer to the latest schema version.
// NOTE, this function should be called under lock!
func (s *schemaValidator) isRelatedTablesChanged(currVer int64, tableIDs []int64) (transaction.RelatedSchemaChange, bool) {
	res := transaction.RelatedSchemaChange{}
	if len(s.deltaSchemaInfos) == 0 {
		logutil.BgLogger().Info("schema change history is empty", zap.Int64("currVer", currVer))
		return res, true
	newerDeltas := s.findNewerDeltas(currVer)
	if len(newerDeltas) == len(s.deltaSchemaInfos) {
		logutil.BgLogger().Info("the schema version is much older than the latest version", zap.Int64("currVer", currVer),
			zap.Int64("latestSchemaVer", s.latestSchemaVer), zap.Reflect("deltas", newerDeltas))
		return res, true

	changedTblMap := make(map[int64]uint64)
	changedSchemaVers := make([]int64, 0)
	for _, item := range newerDeltas {
		affected := false
		for i, tblID := range item.relatedIDs {
			for _, relatedTblID := range tableIDs {
				if tblID == relatedTblID {
					changedTblMap[tblID] |= item.relatedActions[i]
					affected = true
		if affected {
			changedSchemaVers = append(changedSchemaVers, item.schemaVersion)
	if len(changedTblMap) > 0 {
		tblIds := make([]int64, 0, len(changedTblMap))
		actionTypes := make([]uint64, 0, len(changedTblMap))
		for id := range changedTblMap {
			tblIds = append(tblIds, id)
		for _, tblID := range tblIds {
			actionTypes = append(actionTypes, changedTblMap[tblID])
		res.PhyTblIDS = tblIds
		res.ActionTypes = actionTypes
		res.Amendable = true
		logutil.BgLogger().Info("schema of tables in the transaction are changed", zap.Int64s("conflicted table IDs", tblIds),
			zap.Int64("transaction schema", currVer), zap.Int64s("schema versions that changed the tables", changedSchemaVers))
		return res, true
	return res, false

func (s *schemaValidator) findNewerDeltas(currVer int64) []deltaSchemaInfo {
	q := s.deltaSchemaInfos
	pos := len(q)
	for i := len(q) - 1; i >= 0 && q[i].schemaVersion > currVer; i-- {
		pos = i
	return q[pos:]

// Check checks schema validity, returns true if use schemaVer and related tables at txnTS is legal.
func (s *schemaValidator) Check(txnTS uint64, schemaVer int64, relatedPhysicalTableIDs []int64, needCheckSchema bool) (*transaction.RelatedSchemaChange, checkResult) {
	defer s.mux.RUnlock()
	if !s.isStarted {
		logutil.BgLogger().Info("the schema validator stopped before checking")
		return nil, ResultUnknown
	if s.lease == 0 {
		return nil, ResultSucc

	// Schema changed, result decided by whether related tables change.
	if schemaVer < s.latestSchemaVer {
		// When a transaction executes a DDL and got an error, it should manually call this method to check if it is caused by schema change.
		// And then it will pass a nil for relatedPhysicalTableIDs to indicate just check schema version.
		// When a transaction only contains DML on temporary tables, relatedPhysicalTableIDs is [].
		if relatedPhysicalTableIDs == nil {
			logutil.BgLogger().Info("the related physical table ID is empty", zap.Int64("schemaVer", schemaVer),
				zap.Int64("latestSchemaVer", s.latestSchemaVer))
			return nil, ResultFail

		// When disabling MDL -> enabling MDL, the old transaction's needCheckSchema is true, we need to check it.
		// When enabling MDL -> disabling MDL, the old transaction's needCheckSchema is false, so still need to check it, and variable EnableMDL is false now.
		if needCheckSchema || !variable.EnableMDL.Load() {
			relatedChanges, changed := s.isRelatedTablesChanged(schemaVer, relatedPhysicalTableIDs)
			if changed {
				if relatedChanges.Amendable {
					relatedChanges.LatestInfoSchema = s.latestInfoSchema
					return &relatedChanges, ResultFail
				return nil, ResultFail
		return nil, ResultSucc

	// Schema unchanged, maybe success or the schema validator is unavailable.
	t := oracle.GetTimeFromTS(txnTS)
	if t.After(s.latestSchemaExpire) {
		return nil, ResultUnknown
	return nil, ResultSucc

func (s *schemaValidator) enqueue(schemaVersion int64, change *transaction.RelatedSchemaChange) {
	maxCnt := int(variable.GetMaxDeltaSchemaCount())
	if maxCnt <= 0 {
		logutil.BgLogger().Info("the schema validator enqueue", zap.Int("delta max count", maxCnt))

	delta := deltaSchemaInfo{schemaVersion, []int64{}, []uint64{}}
	if change != nil {
		delta.relatedIDs = change.PhyTblIDS
		delta.relatedActions = change.ActionTypes
	if len(s.deltaSchemaInfos) == 0 {
		s.deltaSchemaInfos = append(s.deltaSchemaInfos, delta)

	lastOffset := len(s.deltaSchemaInfos) - 1
	// The first item we needn't to merge, because we hope to cover more versions.
	if lastOffset != 0 && containIn(s.deltaSchemaInfos[lastOffset], delta) {
		s.deltaSchemaInfos[lastOffset] = delta
	} else {
		s.deltaSchemaInfos = append(s.deltaSchemaInfos, delta)

	if len(s.deltaSchemaInfos) > maxCnt {
		logutil.BgLogger().Info("the schema validator enqueue, queue is too long",
			zap.Int("delta max count", maxCnt), zap.Int64("remove schema version", s.deltaSchemaInfos[0].schemaVersion))
		s.deltaSchemaInfos = s.deltaSchemaInfos[1:]

// containIn is checks if lasteDelta is included in curDelta considering table id and action type.
func containIn(lastDelta, curDelta deltaSchemaInfo) bool {
	if len(lastDelta.relatedIDs) > len(curDelta.relatedIDs) {
		return false

	var isEqual bool
	for i, lastTblID := range lastDelta.relatedIDs {
		isEqual = false
		for j, curTblID := range curDelta.relatedIDs {
			if lastTblID == curTblID && lastDelta.relatedActions[i] == curDelta.relatedActions[j] {
				isEqual = true
		if !isEqual {
			return false

	return true


tidb 源码目录


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