harmony 鸿蒙Native API Differences

  • 2023-10-30
  • 浏览 (380)

Native API Differences

Compared with earlier versions, OpenHarmony has the following API changes in its native APIs: *

Standard System API Changes

Module API Change Type Change Description
avmuxer OH_AVMuxer *OH_AVMuxer_Create(int32_t fd, OH_AVOutputFormat format); Added This API is added to create an OH_AVMuxer instance.
avmuxer OH_AVErrCode OH_AVMuxer_SetRotation(OH_AVMuxer *muxer, int32_t rotation); Added This API is added to set the rotation angle of an output video.
avmuxer OH_AVErrCode OH_AVMuxer_AddTrack(OH_AVMuxer *muxer, int32_t *trackIndex, OH_AVFormat *trackFormat); Added This API is added to add a media track.
avmuxer OH_AVErrCode OH_AVMuxer_Start(OH_AVMuxer *muxer); Added This API is added to start encapsulation.
avmuxer OH_AVErrCode OH_AVMuxer_WriteSample(OH_AVMuxer *muxer, uint32_t trackIndex, OH_AVMemory *sample, OH_AVCodecBufferAttr info); Added This API is added to write data to the muxer.
avmuxer OH_AVErrCode OH_AVMuxer_Stop(OH_AVMuxer *muxer); Added This API is added to stop encapsulation.
avmuxer OH_AVErrCode OH_AVMuxer_Destroy(OH_AVMuxer *muxer); Added This API is added to destroy an OH_AVMuxer instance.
avsource OH_AVSource *OH_AVSource_CreateWithURI(char *uri); Added This API is added to create an OH_AVSource instance based on a URI.
avsource OH_AVSource *OH_AVSource_CreateWithFD(int32_t fd, int64_t offset, int64_t size); Added This API is added to create an OH_AVSource instance based on a file descriptor (FD).
avsource OH_AVErrCode OH_AVSource_Destroy(OH_AVSource *source); Added This API is added to destroy an OH_AVSource instance.
avsource OH_AVFormat *OH_AVSource_GetSourceFormat(OH_AVSource *source); Added This API is added to obtain source information.
avsource OH_AVFormat *OH_AVSource_GetTrackFormat(OH_AVSource *source, uint32_t trackCount); Added This API is added to obtain track information.
avdemuxer OH_AVDemuxer *OH_AVDemuxer_CreateWithSource(OH_AVSource *source); Added This API is added to create an OH_AVDemuxer instance based on source information.
avdemuxer OH_AVErrCode OH_AVDemuxer_Destroy(OH_AVDemuxer *demuxer); Added This API is added to destroy an OH_AVDemuxer instance.
avdemuxer OH_AVErrCode OH_AVDemuxer_SelectTrackByID(OH_AVDemuxer *demuxer, uint32_t trackIndex); Added This API is added to select a track, from which the demuxer reads data.
avdemuxer OH_AVErrCode OH_AVDemuxer_UnselectTrackByID(OH_AVDemuxer *demuxer, uint32_t trackIndex); Added This API is added to deselect a track.
avdemuxer OH_AVErrCode OH_AVDemuxer_ReadSample(OH_AVDemuxer *demuxer, uint32_t trackIndex, OH_AVMemory *sample, OH_AVCodecBufferAttr *info); Added This API is added to read the frame from a track specified by trackIndex.
avdemuxer OH_AVErrCode OH_AVDemuxer_SeekToTime(OH_AVDemuxer *demuxer, int64_t millisecond, OH_AVSeekMode mode); Added This API is added to seek to the specified time.
avcapability OH_AVCapability *OH_AVCodec_GetCapability(const char *mime, bool isEncoder); Added This API is added to obtain a handle to the codec capability recommended by the system.
avcapability OH_AVCapability *OH_AVCodec_GetCapabilityByCategory(const char *mime, bool isEncoder, OH_AVCodecCategory category); Added This API is added to obtain a handle to the codec capability by category, which can be a hardware codec or software codec.
avcapability bool OH_AVCapability_IsHardware(OH_AVCapability *capability); Added This API is added to check whether a codec capability instance describes a hardware codec.
avcapability const char *OH_AVCapability_GetName(OH_AVCapability *capability); Added This API is added to obtain the codec name.
avcapability int32_t OH_AVCapability_GetMaxSupportedInstances(OH_AVCapability *capability); Added This API is added to obtain the maximum number of codec instances supported by a codec.
avcapability OH_AVErrCode OH_AVCapability_GetEncoderBitrateRange(OH_AVCapability *capability, OH_AVRange *bitrateRange); Added This API is added to obtain the bit rate range supported by an encoder.
avcapability bool OH_AVCapability_IsEncoderBitrateModeSupported(OH_AVCapability *capability, OH_BitrateMode bitrateMode); Added This API is added to check whether a specific bit rate mode is supported.
avcapability OH_AVErrCode OH_AVCapability_GetEncoderQualityRange(OH_AVCapability *capability, OH_AVRange *qualityRange); Added This API is added to obtain the quality range supported by an encoder.
avcapability OH_AVErrCode OH_AVCapability_GetEncoderComplexityRange(OH_AVCapability *capability, OH_AVRange *complexityRange); Added This API is added to obtain the complexity range supported by an encoder.
avcapability OH_AVErrCode OH_AVCapability_GetAudioSupportedSampleRates(OH_AVCapability *capability, const int32_t **sampleRates, uint32_t *sampleRateNum); Added This API is added to obtain the sampling rates supported by an audio codec.
avcapability OH_AVErrCode OH_AVCapability_GetAudioChannelCountRange(OH_AVCapability *capability, OH_AVRange *channelCountRange); Added This API is added to obtain the count range of audio channels supported by an audio codec.
avcapability OH_AVErrCode OH_AVCapability_GetVideoWidthAlignment(OH_AVCapability *capability, int32_t *widthAlignment); Added This API is added to obtain the video width alignment.
avcapability OH_AVErrCode OH_AVCapability_GetVideoHeightAlignment(OH_AVCapability *capability, int32_t *heightAlignment); Added This API is added to obtain the video height alignment.
avcapability OH_AVErrCode OH_AVCapability_GetVideoWidthRangeForHeight(OH_AVCapability *capability, int32_t height, OH_AVRange *widthRange); Added This API is added to obtain the video width range based on a given height.
avcapability OH_AVErrCode OH_AVCapability_GetVideoHeightRangeForWidth(OH_AVCapability *capability, int32_t width, OH_AVRange *heightRange); Added This API is added to obtain the video height range based on a given width.
avcapability OH_AVErrCode OH_AVCapability_GetVideoWidthRange(OH_AVCapability *capability, OH_AVRange *widthRange); Added This API is added to obtain the video width range.
avcapability OH_AVErrCode OH_AVCapability_GetVideoHeightRange(OH_AVCapability *capability, OH_AVRange *heightRange); Added This API is added to obtain the video height range.
avcapability bool OH_AVCapability_IsVideoSizeSupported(OH_AVCapability *capability, int32_t width, int32_t height); Added This API is added to check whether a video size is supported.
avcapability OH_AVErrCode OH_AVCapability_GetVideoFrameRateRange(OH_AVCapability *capability, OH_AVRange *frameRateRange); Added This API is added to obtain the video frame rate range.
avcapability OH_AVErrCode OH_AVCapability_GetVideoFrameRateRangeForSize(OH_AVCapability *capability, int32_t width, int32_t height, OH_AVRange *frameRateRange); Added This API is added to obtain the video frame rate range based on a given size.
avcapability bool OH_AVCapability_AreVideoSizeAndFrameRateSupported(OH_AVCapability *capability, int32_t width, int32_t height, int32_t frameRate); Added This API is added to check whether the combination of a video size and frame rate is supported.
avcapability OH_AVErrCode OH_AVCapability_GetVideoSupportedPixelFormats(OH_AVCapability *capability, const int32_t **pixFormats, uint32_t *pixFormatNum); Added This API is added to obtain the video pixel formats supported.
avcapability OH_AVErrCode OH_AVCapability_GetSupportedProfiles(OH_AVCapability *capability, const int32_t **profiles, uint32_t *profileNum); Added This API is added to obtain the profiles supported.
avcapability OH_AVErrCode OH_AVCapability_GetSupportedLevelsForProfile(OH_AVCapability *capability, int32_t profile, const int32_t **levels,uint32_t *levelNum); Added This API is added to obtain the codec levels supported by a profile.
avcapability bool OH_AVCapability_AreProfileAndLevelSupported(OH_AVCapability *capability, int32_t profile, int32_t level); Added This API is added to check whether the combination of a profile and level is supported.
avformat struct OH_AVFormat *OH_AVFormat_CreateAudioFormat(const char *mimeType, int32_t sampleRate, int32_t channelCount); Added This API is added to create an OH_AVFormat instance for an audio track (used in avmuxer).
avformat struct OH_AVFormat *OH_AVFormat_CreateVideoFormat(const char *mimeType, int32_t width, int32_t height); Added This API is added to create an OH_AVFormat instance for a video track (used in avmuxer).
avmemory OH_AVMemory *OH_AVMemory_Create(int32_t size); Added This API is added to create an OH_AVMemory instance.
avmemory OH_AVErrCode OH_AVMemory_Destroy(struct OH_AVMemory *mem); Added This API is added to destroy an OH_AVMemory instance.
avcodec OH_AVErrCode OH_AudioDecoder_IsValid(OH_AVCodec *codec, bool *isValid); Added This API is added to check whether a codec instance is valid. It is used for fault rectification.
avcodec OH_AVErrCode OH_AudioEncoder_IsValid(OH_AVCodec *codec, bool *isValid); Added This API is added to check whether a codec instance is valid. It is used for fault rectification.
avcodec OH_AVErrCode OH_VideoDecoder_IsValid(OH_AVCodec *codec, bool *isValid); Added This API is added to check whether a codec instance is valid.
avcodec OH_AVErrCode OH_VideoEncoder_IsValid(OH_AVCodec *codec, bool *isValid); Added This API is added to check whether a codec instance is valid.
avcodec OH_AVErrCode OH_VideoEncoder_PushInputData(OH_AVCodec *codec, uint32_t index, OH_AVCodecBufferAttr attr); Added This API is added to push the input buffer filled with data to a video encoder.
avcodec OH_AVFormat *OH_VideoEncoder_GetInputDescription(OH_AVCodec *codec); Added This API is added to obtain the description received by a video encoder.


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