greenplumn CXformUtils 源码
greenplumn CXformUtils 代码
// Greenplum Database
// Copyright 2012 EMC Corp.
// @filename:
// CXformUtils.h
// @doc:
// Utility functions for xforms
#ifndef GPOPT_CXformUtils_H
#define GPOPT_CXformUtils_H
#include "gpos/base.h"
#include "gpopt/base/CCastUtils.h"
#include "gpopt/base/CColRef.h"
#include "gpopt/base/COptCtxt.h"
#include "gpopt/base/CUtils.h"
#include "gpopt/operators/CLogicalDML.h"
#include "gpopt/operators/CLogicalDynamicIndexGet.h"
#include "gpopt/operators/CLogicalIndexGet.h"
#include "gpopt/operators/CLogicalJoin.h"
#include "gpopt/operators/CPhysicalJoin.h"
#include "gpopt/operators/CPredicateUtils.h"
#include "gpopt/xforms/CXform.h"
#include "naucrates/md/IMDIndex.h"
#include "naucrates/md/IMDScalarOp.h"
namespace gpopt
using namespace gpos;
// forward declarations
class CGroupExpression;
class CColRefSet;
class CExpression;
class CLogical;
class CLogicalDynamicGet;
class CPartConstraint;
class CTableDescriptor;
// map of expression to array of expressions
using ExprToExprArrayMap =
CHashMap<CExpression, CExpressionArray, CExpression::HashValue,
CUtils::Equals, CleanupRelease<CExpression>,
// iterator of map of expression to array of expressions
using ExprToExprArrayMapIter =
CHashMapIter<CExpression, CExpressionArray, CExpression::HashValue,
CUtils::Equals, CleanupRelease<CExpression>,
// array of array of expressions
using CExpressionArrays = CDynamicPtrArray<CExpressionArray, CleanupRelease>;
// @class:
// CXformUtils
// @doc:
// Utility functions for xforms
class CXformUtils
// enum marking the index column types
enum EIndexCols
// create a logical assert for the not nullable columns of the given table
// on top of the given child expression
static CExpression *PexprAssertNotNull(CMemoryPool *mp,
CExpression *pexprChild,
CTableDescriptor *ptabdesc,
CColRefArray *colref_array);
// create a logical assert for the check constraints on the given table
static CExpression *PexprAssertCheckConstraints(CMemoryPool *mp,
CExpression *pexprChild,
CTableDescriptor *ptabdesc,
CColRefArray *colref_array);
// helper for extracting foreign key
static CColRefSet *PcrsFKey(CMemoryPool *mp, CExpressionArray *pdrgpexpr,
CColRefSet *prcsOutput, CColRefSet *pcrsKey);
// return the set of columns from the given array of columns which appear
// in the index included / key columns
static CColRefSet *PcrsIndexColumns(CMemoryPool *mp,
CColRefArray *colref_array,
const IMDIndex *pmdindex,
const IMDRelation *pmdrel,
EIndexCols eic);
// return the ordered array of columns from the given array of columns which appear
// in the index included / key columns
static CColRefArray *PdrgpcrIndexColumns(CMemoryPool *mp,
CColRefArray *colref_array,
const IMDIndex *pmdindex,
const IMDRelation *pmdrel,
EIndexCols eic);
// lookup join keys in scalar child group
static void LookupJoinKeys(CMemoryPool *mp, CExpression *pexpr,
CExpressionArray **ppdrgpexprOuter,
CExpressionArray **ppdrgpexprInner,
IMdIdArray **join_opfamilies);
// cache join keys on scalar child group
static void CacheJoinKeys(CExpression *pexpr,
CExpressionArray *pdrgpexprOuter,
CExpressionArray *pdrgpexprInner,
IMdIdArray *join_opfamilies);
// helper to extract equality from a given expression
static BOOL FExtractEquality(
CExpression *pexpr,
CExpression **
ppexprEquality, // output: extracted equality expression, set to NULL if extraction failed
CExpression **
ppexprOther // output: sibling of equality expression, set to NULL if extraction failed
// check if given xform id is in the given array of xforms
static BOOL FXformInArray(CXform::EXformId exfid,
const CXform::EXformId rgXforms[],
ULONG ulXforms);
// check whether the given join type is swapable
static BOOL FSwapableJoinType(COperator::EOperatorId op_id);
#endif // GPOS_DEBUG
// helper function for adding hash join alternative
template <class T>
static void AddHashOrMergeJoinAlternative(CMemoryPool *mp,
CExpression *pexprJoin,
CExpressionArray *pdrgpexprOuter,
CExpressionArray *pdrgpexprInner,
IMdIdArray *join_opfamilies,
CXformResult *pxfres);
// helper for transforming SubqueryAll into aggregate subquery
static void SubqueryAllToAgg(
CMemoryPool *mp, CExpression *pexprSubquery,
CExpression *
*ppexprNewSubquery, // output argument for new scalar subquery
CExpression *
*ppexprNewScalar // output argument for new scalar expression
// helper for transforming SubqueryAny into aggregate subquery
static void SubqueryAnyToAgg(
CMemoryPool *mp, CExpression *pexprSubquery,
CExpression *
*ppexprNewSubquery, // output argument for new scalar subquery
CExpression *
*ppexprNewScalar // output argument for new scalar expression
// create the Gb operator to be pushed below a join
static CLogicalGbAgg *PopGbAggPushableBelowJoin(CMemoryPool *mp,
CLogicalGbAgg *popGbAggOld,
CColRefSet *prcsOutput,
CColRefSet *pcrsGrpCols);
// check if the preconditions for pushing down Group by through join are satisfied
static BOOL FCanPushGbAggBelowJoin(CColRefSet *pcrsGrpCols,
CColRefSet *pcrsJoinOuterChildOutput,
CColRefSet *pcrsJoinScalarUsedFromOuter,
CColRefSet *pcrsGrpByOutput,
CColRefSet *pcrsGrpByUsed,
CColRefSet *pcrsFKey);
// construct an expression representing a new access path using the given functors for
// operator constructors and rewritten access path
static CExpression *PexprBuildBtreeIndexPlan(
CMemoryPool *mp, CMDAccessor *md_accessor, CExpression *pexprGet,
ULONG ulOriginOpId, CExpressionArray *pdrgpexprConds,
CColRefSet *pcrsReqd, CColRefSet *pcrsScalarExpr,
CColRefSet *outer_refs, const IMDIndex *pmdindex,
const IMDRelation *pmdrel);
// create a dynamic operator for a btree index plan
static CLogical *
PopDynamicBtreeIndexOpConstructor(CMemoryPool *mp, const IMDIndex *pmdindex,
CTableDescriptor *ptabdesc,
ULONG ulOriginOpId, CName *pname,
ULONG ulPartIndex,
CColRefArray *pdrgpcrOutput,
CColRef2dArray *pdrgpdrgpcrPart,
IMdIdArray *partition_mdids)
return GPOS_NEW(mp) CLogicalDynamicIndexGet(
mp, pmdindex, ptabdesc, ulOriginOpId, pname, ulPartIndex,
pdrgpcrOutput, pdrgpdrgpcrPart, partition_mdids);
// create a static operator for a btree index plan
static CLogical *
PopStaticBtreeIndexOpConstructor(CMemoryPool *mp, const IMDIndex *pmdindex,
CTableDescriptor *ptabdesc,
ULONG ulOriginOpId, CName *pname,
CColRefArray *pdrgpcrOutput)
return GPOS_NEW(mp) CLogicalIndexGet(
mp, pmdindex, ptabdesc, ulOriginOpId, pname, pdrgpcrOutput);
// produce an expression representing a new btree index path
static CExpression *
PexprRewrittenBtreeIndexPath(CMemoryPool *mp, CExpression *pexprIndexCond,
CExpression *pexprResidualCond,
const IMDIndex *, // pmdindex
CTableDescriptor *, // ptabdesc
COperator *popLogical)
// create the expression containing the logical index get operator
return CUtils::PexprSafeSelect(
mp, GPOS_NEW(mp) CExpression(mp, popLogical, pexprIndexCond),
// construct a bitmap index path expression for the given predicate
// out of the children of the given expression
static CExpression *PexprBitmapLookupWithPredicateBreakDown(
CMemoryPool *mp, CMDAccessor *md_accessor,
CExpression *pexprOriginalPred, CExpression *pexprPred,
CTableDescriptor *ptabdesc, const IMDRelation *pmdrel,
CColRefArray *pdrgpcrOutput, CColRefSet *outer_refs,
CColRefSet *pcrsReqd, CExpression **ppexprRecheck,
CExpression **ppexprResidual);
// compute the residual predicate for a bitmap table scan
static void ComputeBitmapTableScanResidualPredicate(
CMemoryPool *mp, BOOL fConjunction, CExpression *pexprOriginalPred,
CExpression **ppexprResidual, CExpressionArray *pdrgpexprResidualNew);
// construct a bitmap index path expression for the given predicate coming
// from a condition without outer references
static CExpression *PexprBitmapSelectBestIndex(
CMemoryPool *mp, CMDAccessor *md_accessor, CExpression *pexprPred,
CTableDescriptor *ptabdesc, const IMDRelation *pmdrel,
CColRefArray *pdrgpcrOutput, CColRefSet *pcrsReqd,
CColRefSet *pcrsOuterRefs, CExpression **ppexprRecheck,
CExpression **ppexprResidual, BOOL alsoConsiderBTreeIndexes);
// iterate over given hash map and return array of arrays of project elements sorted by the column id of the first entries
static CExpressionArrays *PdrgpdrgpexprSortedPrjElemsArray(
CMemoryPool *mp, ExprToExprArrayMap *phmexprdrgpexpr);
// comparator used in sorting arrays of project elements based on the column id of the first entry
static INT ICmpPrjElemsArr(const void *pvFst, const void *pvSnd);
CXformUtils(const CXformUtils &) = delete;
// helper function for implementation xforms on binary operators
// with predicates (e.g. joins)
template <class T>
static void TransformImplementBinaryOp(CXformContext *pxfctxt,
CXformResult *pxfres,
CExpression *pexpr);
// helper function for implementation of hash joins
template <class T>
static void ImplementHashJoin(CXformContext *pxfctxt, CXformResult *pxfres,
CExpression *pexpr);
// helper function for implementation of merge joins
template <class T>
static void ImplementMergeJoin(CXformContext *pxfctxt, CXformResult *pxfres,
CExpression *pexpr);
// helper function for implementation of nested loops joins
template <class T>
static void ImplementNLJoin(CXformContext *pxfctxt, CXformResult *pxfres,
CExpression *pexpr);
// helper for removing IsNotFalse join predicate for GPDB anti-semi hash join
static BOOL FProcessGPDBAntiSemiHashJoin(CMemoryPool *mp,
CExpression *pexpr,
CExpression **ppexprResult);
// check the applicability of logical join to physical join xform
static CXform::EXformPromise ExfpLogicalJoin2PhysicalJoin(
CExpressionHandle &exprhdl);
// check the applicability of semi join to cross product
static CXform::EXformPromise ExfpSemiJoin2CrossProduct(
CExpressionHandle &exprhdl);
// check the applicability of N-ary join expansion
static CXform::EXformPromise ExfpExpandJoinOrder(CExpressionHandle &exprhdl,
const CXform *xform);
// extract foreign key
static CColRefSet *PcrsFKey(CMemoryPool *mp, CExpression *pexprOuter,
CExpression *pexprInner,
CExpression *pexprScalar);
// compute a swap of the two given joins
static CExpression *PexprSwapJoins(CMemoryPool *mp,
CExpression *pexprTopJoin,
CExpression *pexprBottomJoin);
// push a Gb, optionally with a having clause below the child join
static CExpression *PexprPushGbBelowJoin(CMemoryPool *mp,
CExpression *pexpr);
// check if the the array of aligned input columns are of the same type
static BOOL FSameDatatype(CColRef2dArray *pdrgpdrgpcrInput);
// helper function to separate subquery predicates in a top Select node
static CExpression *PexprSeparateSubqueryPreds(CMemoryPool *mp,
CExpression *pexpr);
// helper for creating inverse predicate for unnesting subquery ALL
static CExpression *PexprInversePred(CMemoryPool *mp,
CExpression *pexprSubquery);
// helper for creating a null indicator expression
static CExpression *PexprNullIndicator(CMemoryPool *mp, CExpression *pexpr);
// helper for creating a logical DML on top of a project
static CExpression *PexprLogicalDMLOverProject(
CMemoryPool *mp, CExpression *pexprChild,
CLogicalDML::EDMLOperator edmlop, CTableDescriptor *ptabdesc,
CColRefArray *colref_array, CColRef *pcrCtid, CColRef *pcrSegmentId);
// check whether there are any BEFORE or AFTER triggers on the
// given table that match the given DML operation
static BOOL FTriggersExist(CLogicalDML::EDMLOperator edmlop,
CTableDescriptor *ptabdesc, BOOL fBefore);
// does the given trigger type match the given logical DML type
static BOOL FTriggerApplies(CLogicalDML::EDMLOperator edmlop,
const IMDTrigger *pmdtrigger);
// construct a trigger expression on top of the given expression
static CExpression *PexprRowTrigger(CMemoryPool *mp,
CExpression *pexprChild,
CLogicalDML::EDMLOperator edmlop,
IMDId *rel_mdid, BOOL fBefore,
CColRefArray *colref_array);
// construct a trigger expression on top of the given expression
static CExpression *PexprRowTrigger(CMemoryPool *mp,
CExpression *pexprChild,
CLogicalDML::EDMLOperator edmlop,
IMDId *rel_mdid, BOOL fBefore,
CColRefArray *pdrgpcrOld,
CColRefArray *pdrgpcrNew);
// construct a logical partition selector for the given table descriptor on top
// of the given child expression. The partition selection filters use columns
// from the given column array
static CExpression *PexprLogicalPartitionSelector(
CMemoryPool *mp, CTableDescriptor *ptabdesc, CColRefArray *colref_array,
CExpression *pexprChild);
// return partition filter expressions given a table
// descriptor and the given column references
static CExpressionArray *PdrgpexprPartEqFilters(
CMemoryPool *mp, CTableDescriptor *ptabdesc,
CColRefArray *pdrgpcrSource);
// helper for creating Agg expression equivalent to quantified subquery
static void QuantifiedToAgg(CMemoryPool *mp, CExpression *pexprSubquery,
CExpression **ppexprNewSubquery,
CExpression **ppexprNewScalar);
// helper for creating Agg expression equivalent to existential subquery
static void ExistentialToAgg(CMemoryPool *mp, CExpression *pexprSubquery,
CExpression **ppexprNewSubquery,
CExpression **ppexprNewScalar);
// create a logical assert for the check constraints on the given table
static CExpression *PexprAssertConstraints(CMemoryPool *mp,
CExpression *pexprChild,
CTableDescriptor *ptabdesc,
CColRefArray *colref_array);
// return true if stats derivation is needed for this xform
static BOOL FDeriveStatsBeforeXform(CXform *pxform);
// return true if xform is a subquery decorrelation xform
static BOOL FSubqueryDecorrelation(CXform *pxform);
// return true if xform is a subquery unnesting xform
static BOOL FSubqueryUnnesting(CXform *pxform);
// return true if xform should be applied to the next binding
static BOOL FApplyToNextBinding(CXform *pxform,
CExpression *pexprLastBinding);
// return a formatted error message for the given exception
static CWStringConst *PstrErrorMessage(CMemoryPool *mp, ULONG major,
ULONG minor, ...);
// return the array of key columns from the given array of columns which appear
// in the index key columns
static CColRefArray *PdrgpcrIndexKeys(CMemoryPool *mp,
CColRefArray *colref_array,
const IMDIndex *pmdindex,
const IMDRelation *pmdrel);
// return the set of key columns from the given array of columns which appear
// in the index key columns
static CColRefSet *PcrsIndexKeys(CMemoryPool *mp,
CColRefArray *colref_array,
const IMDIndex *pmdindex,
const IMDRelation *pmdrel);
// return the set of key columns from the given array of columns which appear
// in the index included columns
static CColRefSet *PcrsIndexIncludedCols(CMemoryPool *mp,
CColRefArray *colref_array,
const IMDIndex *pmdindex,
const IMDRelation *pmdrel);
// check if an index is applicable given the required, output and scalar
// expression columns
static BOOL FIndexApplicable(
CMemoryPool *mp, const IMDIndex *pmdindex, const IMDRelation *pmdrel,
CColRefArray *pdrgpcrOutput, CColRefSet *pcrsReqd,
CColRefSet *pcrsScalar, IMDIndex::EmdindexType emdindtype,
IMDIndex::EmdindexType altindtype = IMDIndex::EmdindSentinel);
// check whether a CTE should be inlined
static BOOL FInlinableCTE(ULONG ulCTEId);
// return the column reference of the n-th project element
static CColRef *PcrProjectElement(CExpression *pexpr,
ULONG ulIdxProjElement);
// create an expression with "row_number" window function
static CExpression *PexprRowNumber(CMemoryPool *mp);
// create a logical sequence project with a "row_number" window function
static CExpression *PexprWindowWithRowNumber(CMemoryPool *mp,
CExpression *pexprWindowChild,
CColRefArray *pdrgpcrInput);
// generate a logical Assert expression that errors out when more than one row is generated
static CExpression *PexprAssertOneRow(CMemoryPool *mp,
CExpression *pexprChild);
// helper for adding CTE producer to global CTE info structure
static CExpression *PexprAddCTEProducer(CMemoryPool *mp, ULONG ulCTEId,
CColRefArray *colref_array,
CExpression *pexpr);
// does transformation generate an Apply expression
static BOOL
FGenerateApply(CXform::EXformId exfid)
return CXform::ExfSelect2Apply == exfid ||
CXform::ExfProject2Apply == exfid ||
CXform::ExfGbAgg2Apply == exfid ||
CXform::ExfSubqJoin2Apply == exfid ||
CXform::ExfSubqNAryJoin2Apply == exfid ||
CXform::ExfSequenceProject2Apply == exfid;
// helper for creating IndexGet/DynamicIndexGet expression
static CExpression *
PexprLogicalIndexGet(CMemoryPool *mp, CMDAccessor *md_accessor,
CExpression *pexprGet, ULONG ulOriginOpId,
CExpressionArray *pdrgpexprConds, CColRefSet *pcrsReqd,
CColRefSet *pcrsScalarExpr, CColRefSet *outer_refs,
const IMDIndex *pmdindex, const IMDRelation *pmdrel)
return PexprBuildBtreeIndexPlan(
mp, md_accessor, pexprGet, ulOriginOpId, pdrgpexprConds, pcrsReqd,
pcrsScalarExpr, outer_refs, pmdindex, pmdrel);
// helper for creating bitmap bool op expressions
static CExpression *PexprScalarBitmapBoolOp(
CMemoryPool *mp, CMDAccessor *md_accessor,
CExpression *pexprOriginalPred, CExpressionArray *pdrgpexpr,
CTableDescriptor *ptabdesc, const IMDRelation *pmdrel,
CColRefArray *pdrgpcrOutput, CColRefSet *outer_refs,
CColRefSet *pcrsReqd, BOOL fConjunction, CExpression **ppexprRecheck,
CExpression **ppexprResidual, BOOL isAPartialPredicate);
// construct a bitmap bool op given the left and right bitmap access
// path expressions
static CExpression *PexprBitmapBoolOp(CMemoryPool *mp,
IMDId *pmdidBitmapType,
CExpression *pexprLeft,
CExpression *pexprRight,
BOOL fConjunction);
// given an array of predicate expressions, construct a bitmap access path
// expression for each predicate and accumulate it in the pdrgpexprBitmap array
static void CreateBitmapIndexProbeOps(
CMemoryPool *mp, CMDAccessor *md_accessor,
CExpression *pexprOriginalPred, CExpressionArray *pdrgpexprPreds,
CTableDescriptor *ptabdesc, const IMDRelation *pmdrel,
CColRefArray *pdrgpcrOutput, CColRefSet *outer_refs,
CColRefSet *pcrsReqd, BOOL fConjunction,
CExpressionArray *pdrgpexprBitmap, CExpressionArray *pdrgpexprRecheck,
CExpressionArray *pdrgpexprResidual, BOOL isAPartialPredicate);
static void CreateBitmapIndexProbesWithOrWithoutPredBreakdown(
CMemoryPool *mp, CMDAccessor *md_accessor,
CExpression *pexprOriginalPred, CExpression *pexprPred,
CTableDescriptor *ptabdesc, const IMDRelation *pmdrel,
CColRefArray *pdrgpcrOutput, CColRefSet *outer_refs,
CColRefSet *pcrsReqd, CExpression **pexprBitmapResult,
CExpression **pexprRecheckResult,
CExpressionArray *pdrgpexprResidualResult, BOOL isAPartialPredicate);
// check if expression has any scalar node with ambiguous return type
static BOOL FHasAmbiguousType(CExpression *pexpr, CMDAccessor *md_accessor);
// construct a Bitmap(Dynamic)TableGet over BitmapBoolOp for the given
// logical operator if bitmap indexes exist
static CExpression *PexprBitmapTableGet(CMemoryPool *mp, CLogical *popGet,
ULONG ulOriginOpId,
CTableDescriptor *ptabdesc,
CExpression *pexprScalar,
CColRefSet *outer_refs,
CColRefSet *pcrsReqd);
// transform a Select over a (dynamic) table get into a bitmap table scan
// over bitmap bool op
static CExpression *PexprSelect2BitmapBoolOp(CMemoryPool *mp,
CExpression *pexpr);
// remap the expression from the old columns to the new ones
static CExpression *PexprRemapColumns(CMemoryPool *mp,
CExpression *pexprScalar,
CColRefArray *pdrgpcrA,
CColRefArray *pdrgpcrRemappedA,
CColRefArray *pdrgpcrB,
CColRefArray *pdrgpcrRemappedB);
// create a new CTE consumer for the given CTE id
static CExpression *PexprCTEConsumer(CMemoryPool *mp, ULONG ulCTEId,
CColRefArray *pdrgpcrConsumer);
// return a new array containing the columns from the given column array 'colref_array'
// at the positions indicated by the given ULONG array 'pdrgpulIndexesOfRefs'
// e.g., colref_array = {col1, col2, col3}, pdrgpulIndexesOfRefs = {2, 1}
// the result will be {col3, col2}
static CColRefArray *PdrgpcrReorderedSubsequence(
CMemoryPool *mp, CColRefArray *colref_array,
ULongPtrArray *pdrgpulIndexesOfRefs);
// check if given xform is an Agg splitting xform
static BOOL FSplitAggXform(CXform::EXformId exfid);
// check if given xform is an Agg CXformSplitDQA
static BOOL FAggGenBySplitDQAXform(CExpression *pexprAgg);
// check if given expression is a multi-stage Agg based on origin xform
static BOOL FMultiStageAgg(CExpression *pexprAgg);
static BOOL FLocalAggCreatedByEagerAggXform(CExpression *pexprAgg);
// check if expression handle is attached to a Join with a predicate that uses columns from only one child
static BOOL FJoinPredOnSingleChild(CMemoryPool *mp,
CExpressionHandle &exprhdl);
// add a redundant SELECT node on top of Dynamic (Bitmap) IndexGet to be able to use index
// predicate in partition elimination
static CExpression *PexprRedundantSelectForDynamicIndex(CMemoryPool *mp,
CExpression *pexpr);
// convert an Agg window function into regular Agg
static CExpression *PexprWinFuncAgg2ScalarAgg(CMemoryPool *mp,
CExpression *pexprWinFunc);
// create a map from the argument of each Distinct Agg to the array of project elements that define Distinct Aggs on the same argument
static void MapPrjElemsWithDistinctAggs(
CMemoryPool *mp, CExpression *pexprPrjList,
ExprToExprArrayMap **pphmexprdrgpexpr, ULONG *pulDifferentDQAs);
// convert GbAgg with distinct aggregates to a join
static CExpression *PexprGbAggOnCTEConsumer2Join(CMemoryPool *mp,
CExpression *pexprGbAgg);
// combine the individual bitmap access paths to form a bitmap bool op expression
static void JoinBitmapIndexProbes(CMemoryPool *pmp,
CExpressionArray *pdrgpexprBitmapOld,
CExpressionArray *pdrgpexprRecheckOld,
BOOL fConjunction,
CExpression **ppexprBitmap,
CExpression **ppexprRecheck);
static CExpression *AddALinearStackOfUnaryExpressions(
CMemoryPool *mp, CExpression *lowerPartOfExpr, CExpression *topOfStack,
CExpression *exclusiveBottomOfStack);
}; // class CXformUtils
// @function:
// CXformUtils::TransformImplementBinaryOp
// @doc:
// Helper function for implementation xforms on binary operators
// with predicates (e.g. joins)
template <class T>
CXformUtils::TransformImplementBinaryOp(CXformContext *pxfctxt,
CXformResult *pxfres,
CExpression *pexpr)
GPOS_ASSERT(nullptr != pxfctxt);
GPOS_ASSERT(nullptr != pexpr);
CMemoryPool *mp = pxfctxt->Pmp();
// extract components
CExpression *pexprLeft = (*pexpr)[0];
CExpression *pexprRight = (*pexpr)[1];
CExpression *pexprScalar = (*pexpr)[2];
// addref all children
// assemble physical operator
CExpression *pexprBinary = GPOS_NEW(mp)
CExpression(mp, GPOS_NEW(mp) T(mp), pexprLeft, pexprRight, pexprScalar);
COperator::EOperatorId op_id = pexprBinary->Pop()->Eopid();
#endif // GPOS_DEBUG
GPOS_ASSERT(COperator::EopPhysicalInnerNLJoin == op_id ||
COperator::EopPhysicalLeftOuterNLJoin == op_id ||
COperator::EopPhysicalLeftSemiNLJoin == op_id ||
COperator::EopPhysicalLeftAntiSemiNLJoin == op_id ||
COperator::EopPhysicalLeftAntiSemiNLJoinNotIn == op_id);
// add alternative to results
template <class T>
CXformUtils::AddHashOrMergeJoinAlternative(CMemoryPool *mp,
CExpression *pexprJoin,
CExpressionArray *pdrgpexprOuter,
CExpressionArray *pdrgpexprInner,
IMdIdArray *opfamilies,
CXformResult *pxfres)
GPOS_ASSERT(3 == pexprJoin->Arity());
GPOS_ASSERT(nullptr != pdrgpexprOuter);
GPOS_ASSERT(nullptr != pdrgpexprInner);
GPOS_ASSERT(nullptr != pxfres);
for (ULONG ul = 0; ul < 3; ul++)
CLogicalJoin *popLogicalJoin = CLogicalJoin::PopConvert(pexprJoin->Pop());
T *op = GPOS_NEW(mp) T(mp, pdrgpexprOuter, pdrgpexprInner, opfamilies,
CExpression *pexprResult = GPOS_NEW(mp)
CExpression(mp, op, (*pexprJoin)[0], (*pexprJoin)[1], (*pexprJoin)[2]);
// @function:
// CXformUtils::ImplementHashJoin
// @doc:
// Helper function for implementation of hash joins
template <class T>
CXformUtils::ImplementHashJoin(CXformContext *pxfctxt, CXformResult *pxfres,
CExpression *pexpr)
GPOS_ASSERT(nullptr != pxfctxt);
// if there are outer references, then we cannot build a hash join
if (CUtils::HasOuterRefs(pexpr))
CMemoryPool *mp = pxfctxt->Pmp();
CExpressionArray *pdrgpexprOuter = nullptr;
CExpressionArray *pdrgpexprInner = nullptr;
IMdIdArray *join_opfamilies = nullptr;
// check if we have already computed hash join keys for the scalar child
LookupJoinKeys(mp, pexpr, &pdrgpexprOuter, &pdrgpexprInner,
if (nullptr != pdrgpexprOuter)
GPOS_ASSERT(nullptr != pdrgpexprInner);
if (0 == pdrgpexprOuter->Size())
GPOS_ASSERT(0 == pdrgpexprInner->Size());
// we failed before to find hash join keys for scalar child,
// no reason to try to do the same again
// we have computed hash join keys on scalar child before, reuse them
AddHashOrMergeJoinAlternative<T>(mp, pexpr, pdrgpexprOuter,
pdrgpexprInner, join_opfamilies,
CExpression *pexprOuter = (*pexpr)[0];
CExpression *pexprInner = (*pexpr)[1];
CExpression *pexprScalar = (*pexpr)[2];
// split the predicate into arrays of conjuncts based on if they are
// output from inner or outer child
pdrgpexprOuter = GPOS_NEW(mp) CExpressionArray(mp);
pdrgpexprInner = GPOS_NEW(mp) CExpressionArray(mp);
if (GPOS_FTRACE(EopttraceConsiderOpfamiliesForDistribution))
join_opfamilies = GPOS_NEW(mp) IMdIdArray(mp);
CExpressionArray *pdrgpexpr =
CCastUtils::PdrgpexprCastEquality(mp, pexprScalar);
ULONG ulPreds = pdrgpexpr->Size();
for (ULONG ul = 0; ul < ulPreds; ul++)
CExpression *pexprPred = (*pdrgpexpr)[ul];
if (CPhysicalJoin::FHashJoinCompatible(pexprPred, pexprOuter,
CExpression *pexprPredInner;
CExpression *pexprPredOuter;
IMDId *mdid_scop;
CPhysicalJoin::AlignJoinKeyOuterInner(pexprPred, pexprOuter,
pexprInner, &pexprPredOuter,
&pexprPredInner, &mdid_scop);
if (GPOS_FTRACE(EopttraceConsiderOpfamiliesForDistribution))
CMDAccessor *mda = COptCtxt::PoctxtFromTLS()->Pmda();
IMDId *hash_opfamily =
GPOS_ASSERT(nullptr != hash_opfamily &&
GPOS_ASSERT(pdrgpexprInner->Size() == pdrgpexprOuter->Size());
pdrgpexprInner->Size() == join_opfamilies->Size());
// construct new HashJoin expression using explicit casting, if needed
CExpression *pexprResult = GPOS_NEW(mp)
CExpression(mp, pexpr->Pop(), pexprOuter, pexprInner,
CPredicateUtils::PexprConjunction(mp, pdrgpexpr));
// cache hash join keys on scalar child group
CacheJoinKeys(pexprResult, pdrgpexprOuter, pdrgpexprInner, join_opfamilies);
// Add an alternative only if we found at least one hash-joinable predicate
if (0 != pdrgpexprOuter->Size())
AddHashOrMergeJoinAlternative<T>(mp, pexprResult, pdrgpexprOuter,
pdrgpexprInner, join_opfamilies,
// clean up
template <class T>
CXformUtils::ImplementMergeJoin(CXformContext *pxfctxt, CXformResult *pxfres,
CExpression *pexpr)
GPOS_ASSERT(nullptr != pxfctxt);
// if there are outer references, then we cannot build a merge join
if (CUtils::HasOuterRefs(pexpr))
CMemoryPool *mp = pxfctxt->Pmp();
CExpressionArray *pdrgpexprOuter = nullptr;
CExpressionArray *pdrgpexprInner = nullptr;
IMdIdArray *join_opfamilies = nullptr;
// check if we have already computed join keys for the scalar child
LookupJoinKeys(mp, pexpr, &pdrgpexprOuter, &pdrgpexprInner,
if (nullptr != pdrgpexprOuter)
GPOS_ASSERT(nullptr != pdrgpexprInner);
if (0 == pdrgpexprOuter->Size())
GPOS_ASSERT(0 == pdrgpexprInner->Size());
// we failed before to find join keys for scalar child,
// no reason to try to do the same again
// we have computed join keys on scalar child before, reuse them
AddHashOrMergeJoinAlternative<T>(mp, pexpr, pdrgpexprOuter,
pdrgpexprInner, join_opfamilies,
CExpression *pexprOuter = (*pexpr)[0];
CExpression *pexprInner = (*pexpr)[1];
CExpression *pexprScalar = (*pexpr)[2];
// split the predicate into arrays of conjuncts based on if they are
// output from inner or outer child
pdrgpexprOuter = GPOS_NEW(mp) CExpressionArray(mp);
pdrgpexprInner = GPOS_NEW(mp) CExpressionArray(mp);
if (GPOS_FTRACE(EopttraceConsiderOpfamiliesForDistribution))
join_opfamilies = GPOS_NEW(mp) IMdIdArray(mp);
CExpressionArray *pdrgpexpr =
CPredicateUtils::PdrgpexprConjuncts(mp, pexprScalar);
ULONG ulPreds = pdrgpexpr->Size();
for (ULONG ul = 0; ul < ulPreds; ul++)
CExpression *pexprPred = (*pdrgpexpr)[ul];
if (CPhysicalJoin::FMergeJoinCompatible(pexprPred, pexprOuter,
CExpression *pexprPredInner;
CExpression *pexprPredOuter;
IMDId *mdid_scop;
CPhysicalJoin::AlignJoinKeyOuterInner(pexprPred, pexprOuter,
pexprInner, &pexprPredOuter,
&pexprPredInner, &mdid_scop);
if (GPOS_FTRACE(EopttraceConsiderOpfamiliesForDistribution))
CMDAccessor *mda = COptCtxt::PoctxtFromTLS()->Pmda();
IMDId *hash_opfamily =
GPOS_ASSERT(nullptr != hash_opfamily &&
// In case of FULL merge joins, all the merge clauses must be merge
// compatible or we cannot create a merge join.
GPOS_ASSERT(pdrgpexprInner->Size() == pdrgpexprOuter->Size());
pdrgpexprInner->Size() == join_opfamilies->Size());
// construct new MergeJoin expression using explicit casting, if needed
CExpression *pexprResult = GPOS_NEW(mp)
CExpression(mp, pexpr->Pop(), pexprOuter, pexprInner,
CPredicateUtils::PexprConjunction(mp, pdrgpexpr));
// cache hash join keys on scalar child group
CacheJoinKeys(pexprResult, pdrgpexprOuter, pdrgpexprInner, join_opfamilies);
// Add an alternative only if we found at least one merge-joinable predicate
if (0 != pdrgpexprOuter->Size())
AddHashOrMergeJoinAlternative<T>(mp, pexprResult, pdrgpexprOuter,
pdrgpexprInner, join_opfamilies,
// clean up
// @function:
// CXformUtils::ImplementNLJoin
// @doc:
// Helper function for implementation of nested loops joins
template <class T>
CXformUtils::ImplementNLJoin(CXformContext *pxfctxt, CXformResult *pxfres,
CExpression *pexpr)
GPOS_ASSERT(nullptr != pxfctxt);
CMemoryPool *mp = pxfctxt->Pmp();
CColRefArray *pdrgpcrOuter = GPOS_NEW(mp) CColRefArray(mp);
CColRefArray *pdrgpcrInner = GPOS_NEW(mp) CColRefArray(mp);
TransformImplementBinaryOp<T>(pxfctxt, pxfres, pexpr);
// clean up
} // namespace gpopt
#endif // !GPOPT_CXformUtils_H
// EOF
greenplumn CJoinOrderGreedy 源码
greenplumn CJoinOrderMinCard 源码
greenplumn CSubqueryHandler 源码
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