harmony 鸿蒙Multimedia Subsystem ChangeLog

  • 2023-02-03
  • 浏览 (571)

Multimedia Subsystem ChangeLog

cl.multimedia.audio.001 Call Mode Change of getRoutingManager()

getRoutingManager() is changed from asynchronous to synchronous.

Change Impacts

If the new mode is not used, an error will be reported during compilation.

Key API/Component Changes

Before change:

getRoutingManager(callback: AsyncCallback<AudioRoutingManager>): void;
getRoutingManager(): Promise<AudioRoutingManager>;

After change:

getRoutingManager(): AudioRoutingManager;

cl.multimedia.audio.002 Call Mode Change of getStreamManager()

getStreamManager() is changed from asynchronous to synchronous.

Change Impacts

If the new mode is not used, an error will be reported during compilation.

Key API/Component Changes

Before change:

getStreamManager(callback: AsyncCallback<AudioStreamManager>): void;
getStreamManager(): Promise<AudioStreamManager>;

After change:

getStreamManager(): AudioStreamManager;

cl.multimedia.audio.003 Registration Mode Change of micStateChange

In the original AudioRoutingManager, the registration mode of the micStateChange listener of the on() function is changed.

Change Impacts

If the new mode is not used, an error will be reported during compilation.

Key API/Component Changes

Before change:

interface AudioRoutingManager {
   on(type: 'micStateChange', callback: Callback<MicStateChangeEvent>): void;

After change:

interface AudioVolumeGroupManager {
  on(type: 'micStateChange', callback: Callback<MicStateChangeEvent>): void;

cl.multimedia.audio.004 Call Mode Change of getVolumeGroups()

The call mode of getVolumeGroups() is changed.

Change Impacts

If the new mode is not used, an error will be reported during compilation.

Key API/Component Changes

Before change:

getVolumeGroups(networkId: string, callback:AsyncCallback<VolumeGroupInfos>): void;
getVolumeGroups(networkId: string): Promise<VolumeGroupInfos>;

After change:

getVolumeManager(): AudioVolumeManager;
interface AudioVolumeManager{
  getVolumeGroupInfos(networkId: string, callback: AsyncCallback<VolumeGroupInfos>): void;
  getVolumeGroupInfos(networkId: string): Promise<VolumeGroupInfos>;

cl.multimedia.audio.005 Call Mode Change of getGroupManager()

The call mode of getGroupManager() is changed.

Change Impacts

If the new mode is not used, an error will be reported during compilation.

Key API/Component Changes

Before change:

getGroupManager(groupId: number, callback: AsyncCallback<AudioGroupManager>): void;
getGroupManager(groupId: number): Promise<AudioGroupManager>;

After change:

getVolumeManager(): AudioVolumeManager;
interface AudioVolumeManager{
  getVolumeGroupManager(groupId: number, callback: AsyncCallback<AudioVolumeGroupManager>): void;
  getVolumeGroupManager(groupId: number): Promise<AudioVolumeGroupManager>;

cl.multimedia.audio.006 FocusType Member Name Change


Change Impacts

If the new name is not used, an error will be reported during compilation.

Key API/Component Changes

Before change:

enum FocusType {

After change:

enum InterruptRequestType {

cl.multimedia.audio.007 Listener Registration Name Change of interrupt

The listener registration name of interrupt of the on() function in AudioRenderer is changed.

Change Impacts

If the new name is not used, an error will be reported during compilation.

Key API/Component Changes

Before change:

interface AudioRenderer {
    on(type: 'interrupt', callback: Callback<InterruptEvent>): void;

After change:

interface AudioRenderer {
    on(type: 'audioInterrupt', callback: Callback<InterruptEvent>): void;

cl.multimedia.media.001 Change of VideoRecorder APIs to System APIs

In the MR version, the formal AVRecorder APIs (integrating audio and video) will be provided for external use. VideoRecorder APIs in API version 9 are changed to system APIs, which are available only to system users. In the future, VideoRecorder APIs will be deprecated after system users switch to AVRecorder.

Change Impacts

If the VideoRecorder caller is not a system user, the call will fail.

Involved APIs and enumerations:

function createVideoRecorder(callback: AsyncCallback): void;

function createVideoRecorder(): Promise;

type VideoRecordState = ‘idle’|‘prepared’|‘playing’|‘paused’|‘stopped’|‘error’;

interface VideoRecorder{

​ prepare(config: VideoRecorderConfig, callback: AsyncCallback): void;

​ prepare(config: VideoRecorderConfig): Promise;

​ getInputSurface(callback: AsyncCallback): void;

​ getInputSurface(): Promise;

​ start(callback: AsyncCallback): void;

​ start(): Promise;

​ pause(callback: AsyncCallback): void;

​ pause(): Promise;

​ resume(callback: AsyncCallback): void;

​ resume(): Promise;

​ stop(callback: AsyncCallback): void;

​ stop(): Promise;

​ release(callback: AsyncCallback): void;

​ release(): Promise;

​ reset(callback: AsyncCallback): void;

​ reset(): Promise;

​ on(type: ‘error’, callback: ErrorCallback): void;

​ readonly state: VideoRecordState;


interface VideoRecorderProfile {

​ readonly audioBitrate: number;

​ readonly audioChannels: number;

​ readonly audioCodec: CodecMimeType;

​ readonly audioSampleRate: number;

​ readonly fileFormat: ContainerFormatType;

​ readonly videoBitrate: number;

​ readonly videoCodec: CodecMimeType;

​ readonly videoFrameWidth: number;

​ readonly videoFrameHeight: number;

​ readonly videoFrameRate: number;


enum AudioSourceType {




enum VideoSourceType {




enum VideoRecorderConfig {

​ audioSourceType?: AudioSourceType;

​ videoSourceType: VideoSourceType;

​ profile: VideoRecorderProfile;

​ url: string;

​ rotation?: number;

​ location?: Location;


cl.multimedia.media.002 No Externally Provided Bit Rate Selection API in VideoPlayer

In API version 9, VideoPlayer does not externally provide the bit rate selection API. Such an API will be provided by AVPlayer in the MR version.

Change Impacts

Bit rate selection cannot be performed in the multi-bit rate scenario of VideoPlayer. Relevant functions will be provided by AVPlayer.

Key API/Component Changes

Deleted APIs:

interface VideoPlayer {

​ selectBitrate(bitrate: number): Promise;

​ selectBitrate(bitrate: number, callback: AsyncCallback): void;

​ on(type: ‘availableBitratesCollect’, callback: (bitrates: Array) => void): void;


cl.multimedia.media.003 Error Information Change of VideoRecorder

Original error codes of VideoRecorder are changed because they do not comply with the error code specifications.

Change Impacts

Error codes returned from VideoRecorder are changed.

Key API/Component Changes

VideoRecorder APIs remain unchanged, but the returned error codes are changed.

Adaptation Guide

For details about exception handling, see the following documents: Media Media Error Codes


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