tidb interface 源码

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tidb interface 代码


// Copyright 2021 PingCAP, Inc.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
//     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.

package sessiontxn

import (


// EnterNewTxnType is the type to enter a new txn
type EnterNewTxnType int

const (
	// EnterNewTxnDefault means to enter a new txn. Its behavior is more straight-forward
	// just starting a new txn right now without any scenario assumptions.
	EnterNewTxnDefault EnterNewTxnType = iota
	// EnterNewTxnWithBeginStmt indicates to enter a new txn when execute 'BEGIN' or 'START TRANSACTION'
	// EnterNewTxnBeforeStmt indicates to enter a new txn before each statement when the txn is not present
	// If `EnterNewTxnBeforeStmt` is used, the new txn will always act as the 'lazy' mode. That means the inner transaction
	// is only activated when needed to reduce unnecessary overhead.
	// EnterNewTxnWithReplaceProvider indicates to replace the current provider. Now only stale read are using this

// EnterNewTxnRequest is the request when entering a new transaction
type EnterNewTxnRequest struct {
	// Type is the type for new entering a new txn
	Type EnterNewTxnType
	// provider is the context provider
	Provider TxnContextProvider
	// txnMode is the transaction mode for the new txn. It has 3 values: `ast.Pessimistic` ,`ast.Optimistic` or empty/
	// When the value is empty, it means the value will be determined from sys vars.
	TxnMode string
	// causalConsistencyOnly means whether enable causal consistency for transactions, default is false
	CausalConsistencyOnly bool
	// staleReadTS indicates the read ts for the stale read transaction.
	//The default value is zero which means not a stale read transaction.
	StaleReadTS uint64

// StmtErrorHandlePoint is where the error is being handled
type StmtErrorHandlePoint int

const (
	// StmtErrAfterQuery means we are handling an error after the query failed
	StmtErrAfterQuery StmtErrorHandlePoint = iota
	// StmtErrAfterPessimisticLock means we are handling an error after pessimistic lock failed.

// StmtErrorAction is the next action advice when an error occurs when executing a statement
type StmtErrorAction int

const (
	// StmtActionError means the error should be returned directly without any retry
	StmtActionError StmtErrorAction = iota
	// StmtActionRetryReady means the error is caused by this component, and it is ready for retry.
	// StmtActionNoIdea means the error is not caused by this component, and whether retry or not should be determined by other components.
	// If the user do not know whether to retry or not, it is advised to return the original error.

// ErrorAction returns StmtActionError with specified error
func ErrorAction(err error) (StmtErrorAction, error) {
	return StmtActionError, err

// RetryReady returns StmtActionRetryReady, nil
func RetryReady() (StmtErrorAction, error) {
	return StmtActionRetryReady, nil

// NoIdea returns StmtActionNoIdea, nil
func NoIdea() (StmtErrorAction, error) {
	return StmtActionNoIdea, nil

// TxnAdvisable providers a collection of optimizations within transaction
type TxnAdvisable interface {
	// AdviseWarmup provides warmup for inner state
	AdviseWarmup() error
	// AdviseOptimizeWithPlan providers optimization according to the plan
	AdviseOptimizeWithPlan(plan interface{}) error

// OptimizeWithPlanAndThenWarmUp first do `AdviseOptimizeWithPlan` to optimize the txn with plan
// and then do `AdviseWarmup` to do some tso fetch if necessary
func OptimizeWithPlanAndThenWarmUp(sctx sessionctx.Context, plan interface{}) error {
	txnManager := GetTxnManager(sctx)
	if err := txnManager.AdviseOptimizeWithPlan(plan); err != nil {
		return err
	return txnManager.AdviseWarmup()

// TxnContextProvider provides txn context
type TxnContextProvider interface {
	// GetTxnInfoSchema returns the information schema used by txn
	GetTxnInfoSchema() infoschema.InfoSchema
	// SetTxnInfoSchema sets the information schema used by txn.
	SetTxnInfoSchema(is infoschema.InfoSchema)
	// GetTxnScope returns the current txn scope
	GetTxnScope() string
	// GetReadReplicaScope returns the read replica scope
	GetReadReplicaScope() string
	//GetStmtReadTS returns the read timestamp used by select statement (not for select ... for update)
	GetStmtReadTS() (uint64, error)
	// GetStmtForUpdateTS returns the read timestamp used by update/insert/delete or select ... for update
	GetStmtForUpdateTS() (uint64, error)
	// GetSnapshotWithStmtReadTS gets snapshot with read ts
	GetSnapshotWithStmtReadTS() (kv.Snapshot, error)
	// GetSnapshotWithStmtForUpdateTS gets snapshot with for update ts
	GetSnapshotWithStmtForUpdateTS() (kv.Snapshot, error)

	// OnInitialize is the hook that should be called when enter a new txn with this provider
	OnInitialize(ctx context.Context, enterNewTxnType EnterNewTxnType) error
	// OnStmtStart is the hook that should be called when a new statement started
	OnStmtStart(ctx context.Context, node ast.StmtNode) error
	// OnStmtErrorForNextAction is the hook that should be called when a new statement get an error
	OnStmtErrorForNextAction(point StmtErrorHandlePoint, err error) (StmtErrorAction, error)
	// OnStmtRetry is the hook that should be called when a statement is retried internally.
	OnStmtRetry(ctx context.Context) error
	// OnLocalTemporaryTableCreated is the hook that should be called when a local temporary table created.
	// ActivateTxn activates the transaction.
	ActivateTxn() (kv.Transaction, error)

// TxnManager is an interface providing txn context management in session
type TxnManager interface {
	// GetTxnInfoSchema returns the information schema used by txn
	// If the session is not in any transaction, for example: between two autocommit statements,
	// this method will return the latest information schema in session that is same with `sessionctx.GetDomainInfoSchema()`
	GetTxnInfoSchema() infoschema.InfoSchema
	// SetTxnInfoSchema sets the information schema used by txn.
	// GetTxnScope returns the current txn scope
	GetTxnScope() string
	// GetReadReplicaScope returns the read replica scope
	GetReadReplicaScope() string
	// GetStmtReadTS returns the read timestamp used by select statement (not for select ... for update)
	GetStmtReadTS() (uint64, error)
	// GetStmtForUpdateTS returns the read timestamp used by update/insert/delete or select ... for update
	GetStmtForUpdateTS() (uint64, error)
	// GetContextProvider returns the current TxnContextProvider
	GetContextProvider() TxnContextProvider
	// GetSnapshotWithStmtReadTS gets snapshot with read ts
	GetSnapshotWithStmtReadTS() (kv.Snapshot, error)
	// GetSnapshotWithStmtForUpdateTS gets snapshot with for update ts
	GetSnapshotWithStmtForUpdateTS() (kv.Snapshot, error)

	// EnterNewTxn enters a new transaction.
	EnterNewTxn(ctx context.Context, req *EnterNewTxnRequest) error
	// OnTxnEnd is the hook that should be called after transaction commit or rollback
	// OnStmtStart is the hook that should be called when a new statement started
	OnStmtStart(ctx context.Context, node ast.StmtNode) error
	// OnStmtErrorForNextAction is the hook that should be called when a new statement get an error
	// This method is not required to be called for every error in the statement,
	// it is only required to be called for some errors handled in some specified points given by the parameter `point`.
	// When the return error is not nil the return action is 'StmtActionError' and vice versa.
	OnStmtErrorForNextAction(point StmtErrorHandlePoint, err error) (StmtErrorAction, error)
	// OnStmtRetry is the hook that should be called when a statement retry
	OnStmtRetry(ctx context.Context) error
	// OnLocalTemporaryTableCreated is the hook that should be called when a local temporary table created.
	// ActivateTxn activates the transaction.
	ActivateTxn() (kv.Transaction, error)
	// GetCurrentStmt returns the current statement node
	GetCurrentStmt() ast.StmtNode

// NewTxn starts a new optimistic and active txn, it can be used for the below scenes:
// 1. Commit the current transaction and do some work in a new transaction for some specific operations, for example: DDL
// 2. Some background job need to do something in a transaction.
// In other scenes like 'BEGIN', 'START TRANSACTION' or prepare transaction in a new statement,
// you should use `TxnManager`.`EnterNewTxn` and pass the relevant to it.
func NewTxn(ctx context.Context, sctx sessionctx.Context) error {
	return GetTxnManager(sctx).EnterNewTxn(ctx, &EnterNewTxnRequest{
		Type:    EnterNewTxnDefault,
		TxnMode: ast.Optimistic,

// NewTxnInStmt is like `NewTxn` but it will call `OnStmtStart` after it.
// It should be used when a statement already started.
func NewTxnInStmt(ctx context.Context, sctx sessionctx.Context) error {
	if err := NewTxn(ctx, sctx); err != nil {
		return err
	txnManager := GetTxnManager(sctx)
	return txnManager.OnStmtStart(ctx, txnManager.GetCurrentStmt())

// GetTxnManager returns the TxnManager object from session context
var GetTxnManager func(sctx sessionctx.Context) TxnManager


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