tidb errname 源码
tidb errname 代码
// Copyright 2020 PingCAP, Inc.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
package errno
import "github.com/pingcap/tidb/parser/mysql"
// MySQLErrName maps error code to MySQL error messages.
// Note: all ErrMessage to be added should be considered about the log redaction
// by setting the suitable configuration in the second argument of mysql.Message.
// See https://github.com/pingcap/tidb/blob/master/errno/logredaction.md
var MySQLErrName = map[uint16]*mysql.ErrMessage{
ErrHashchk: mysql.Message("hashchk", nil),
ErrNisamchk: mysql.Message("isamchk", nil),
ErrNo: mysql.Message("NO", nil),
ErrYes: mysql.Message("YES", nil),
ErrCantCreateFile: mysql.Message("Can't create file '%-.200s' (errno: %d - %s)", nil),
ErrCantCreateTable: mysql.Message("Can't create table '%-.200s' (errno: %d)", nil),
ErrCantCreateDB: mysql.Message("Can't create database '%-.192s' (errno: %d)", nil),
ErrDBCreateExists: mysql.Message("Can't create database '%-.192s'; database exists", nil),
ErrDBDropExists: mysql.Message("Can't drop database '%-.192s'; database doesn't exist", nil),
ErrDBDropDelete: mysql.Message("Error dropping database (can't delete '%-.192s', errno: %d)", nil),
ErrDBDropRmdir: mysql.Message("Error dropping database (can't rmdir '%-.192s', errno: %d)", nil),
ErrCantDeleteFile: mysql.Message("Error on delete of '%-.192s' (errno: %d - %s)", nil),
ErrCantFindSystemRec: mysql.Message("Can't read record in system table", nil),
ErrCantGetStat: mysql.Message("Can't get status of '%-.200s' (errno: %d - %s)", nil),
ErrCantGetWd: mysql.Message("Can't get working directory (errno: %d - %s)", nil),
ErrCantLock: mysql.Message("Can't lock file (errno: %d - %s)", nil),
ErrCantOpenFile: mysql.Message("Can't open file: '%-.200s' (errno: %d - %s)", nil),
ErrFileNotFound: mysql.Message("Can't find file: '%-.200s' (errno: %d - %s)", nil),
ErrCantReadDir: mysql.Message("Can't read dir of '%-.192s' (errno: %d - %s)", nil),
ErrCantSetWd: mysql.Message("Can't change dir to '%-.192s' (errno: %d - %s)", nil),
ErrCheckread: mysql.Message("Record has changed since last read in table '%-.192s'", nil),
ErrDiskFull: mysql.Message("Disk full (%s); waiting for someone to free some space... (errno: %d - %s)", nil),
ErrDupKey: mysql.Message("Can't write; duplicate key in table '%-.192s'", nil),
ErrErrorOnClose: mysql.Message("Error on close of '%-.192s' (errno: %d - %s)", nil),
ErrErrorOnRead: mysql.Message("Error reading file '%-.200s' (errno: %d - %s)", nil),
ErrErrorOnRename: mysql.Message("Error on rename of '%-.210s' to '%-.210s' (errno: %d - %s)", nil),
ErrErrorOnWrite: mysql.Message("Error writing file '%-.200s' (errno: %d - %s)", nil),
ErrFileUsed: mysql.Message("'%-.192s' is locked against change", nil),
ErrFilsortAbort: mysql.Message("Sort aborted", nil),
ErrFormNotFound: mysql.Message("View '%-.192s' doesn't exist for '%-.192s'", nil),
ErrGetErrno: mysql.Message("Got error %d from storage engine", nil),
ErrIllegalHa: mysql.Message("Table storage engine for '%-.192s' doesn't have this option", nil),
ErrKeyNotFound: mysql.Message("Can't find record in '%-.192s'", nil),
ErrNotFormFile: mysql.Message("Incorrect information in file: '%-.200s'", nil),
ErrNotKeyFile: mysql.Message("Incorrect key file for table '%-.200s'; try to repair it", nil),
ErrOldKeyFile: mysql.Message("Old key file for table '%-.192s'; repair it!", nil),
ErrOpenAsReadonly: mysql.Message("Table '%-.192s' is read only", nil),
ErrOutofMemory: mysql.Message("Out of memory; restart server and try again (needed %d bytes)", nil),
ErrOutOfSortMemory: mysql.Message("Out of sort memory, consider increasing server sort buffer size", nil),
ErrUnexpectedEOF: mysql.Message("Unexpected EOF found when reading file '%-.192s' (errno: %d - %s)", nil),
ErrConCount: mysql.Message("Too many connections", nil),
ErrOutOfResources: mysql.Message("Out of memory; check if mysqld or some other process uses all available memory; if not, you may have to use 'ulimit' to allow mysqld to use more memory or you can add more swap space", nil),
ErrBadHost: mysql.Message("Can't get hostname for your address", nil),
ErrHandshake: mysql.Message("Bad handshake", nil),
ErrDBaccessDenied: mysql.Message("Access denied for user '%-.48s'@'%-.255s' to database '%-.192s'", nil),
ErrAccessDenied: mysql.Message("Access denied for user '%-.48s'@'%-.255s' (using password: %s)", nil),
ErrNoDB: mysql.Message("No database selected", nil),
ErrUnknownCom: mysql.Message("Unknown command", nil),
ErrBadNull: mysql.Message("Column '%-.192s' cannot be null", nil),
ErrBadDB: mysql.Message("Unknown database '%-.192s'", nil),
ErrTableExists: mysql.Message("Table '%-.192s' already exists", nil),
ErrBadTable: mysql.Message("Unknown table '%-.100s'", nil),
ErrNonUniq: mysql.Message("Column '%-.192s' in %-.192s is ambiguous", nil),
ErrServerShutdown: mysql.Message("Server shutdown in progress", nil),
ErrBadField: mysql.Message("Unknown column '%-.192s' in '%-.192s'", nil),
ErrFieldNotInGroupBy: mysql.Message("Expression #%d of %s is not in GROUP BY clause and contains nonaggregated column '%s' which is not functionally dependent on columns in GROUP BY clause; this is incompatible with sql_mode=only_full_group_by", nil),
ErrWrongGroupField: mysql.Message("Can't group on '%-.192s'", nil),
ErrWrongSumSelect: mysql.Message("Statement has sum functions and columns in same statement", nil),
ErrWrongValueCount: mysql.Message("Column count doesn't match value count", nil),
ErrTooLongIdent: mysql.Message("Identifier name '%-.100s' is too long", nil),
ErrDupFieldName: mysql.Message("Duplicate column name '%-.192s'", nil),
ErrDupKeyName: mysql.Message("Duplicate key name '%-.192s'", nil),
ErrDupEntry: mysql.Message("Duplicate entry '%-.64s' for key '%-.192s'", []int{0}),
ErrWrongFieldSpec: mysql.Message("Incorrect column specifier for column '%-.192s'", nil),
ErrParse: mysql.Message("%s %s", nil),
ErrEmptyQuery: mysql.Message("Query was empty", nil),
ErrNonuniqTable: mysql.Message("Not unique table/alias: '%-.192s'", nil),
ErrInvalidDefault: mysql.Message("Invalid default value for '%-.192s'", nil),
ErrMultiplePriKey: mysql.Message("Multiple primary key defined", nil),
ErrTooManyKeys: mysql.Message("Too many keys specified; max %d keys allowed", nil),
ErrTooManyKeyParts: mysql.Message("Too many key parts specified; max %d parts allowed", nil),
ErrTooLongKey: mysql.Message("Specified key was too long; max key length is %d bytes", nil),
ErrKeyColumnDoesNotExits: mysql.Message("Key column '%-.192s' doesn't exist in table", nil),
ErrBlobUsedAsKey: mysql.Message("BLOB column '%-.192s' can't be used in key specification with the used table type", nil),
ErrTooBigFieldlength: mysql.Message("Column length too big for column '%-.192s' (max = %d); use BLOB or TEXT instead", nil),
ErrWrongAutoKey: mysql.Message("Incorrect table definition; there can be only one auto column and it must be defined as a key", nil),
ErrReady: mysql.Message("%s: ready for connections.\nVersion: '%s' socket: '%s' port: %d", nil),
ErrNormalShutdown: mysql.Message("%s: Normal shutdown\n", nil),
ErrGotSignal: mysql.Message("%s: Got signal %d. Aborting!\n", nil),
ErrShutdownComplete: mysql.Message("%s: Shutdown complete\n", nil),
ErrForcingClose: mysql.Message("%s: Forcing close of thread %d user: '%-.48s'\n", nil),
ErrIpsock: mysql.Message("Can't create IP socket", nil),
ErrNoSuchIndex: mysql.Message("Table '%-.192s' has no index like the one used in CREATE INDEX; recreate the table", nil),
ErrWrongFieldTerminators: mysql.Message("Field separator argument is not what is expected; check the manual", nil),
ErrBlobsAndNoTerminated: mysql.Message("You can't use fixed rowlength with BLOBs; please use 'fields terminated by'", nil),
ErrTextFileNotReadable: mysql.Message("The file '%-.128s' must be in the database directory or be readable by all", nil),
ErrFileExists: mysql.Message("File '%-.200s' already exists", nil),
ErrLoadInfo: mysql.Message("Records: %d Deleted: %d Skipped: %d Warnings: %d", nil),
ErrAlterInfo: mysql.Message("Records: %d Duplicates: %d", nil),
ErrWrongSubKey: mysql.Message("Incorrect prefix key; the used key part isn't a string, the used length is longer than the key part, or the storage engine doesn't support unique prefix keys", nil),
ErrCantRemoveAllFields: mysql.Message("You can't delete all columns with ALTER TABLE; use DROP TABLE instead", nil),
ErrCantDropFieldOrKey: mysql.Message("Can't DROP '%-.192s'; check that column/key exists", nil),
ErrInsertInfo: mysql.Message("Records: %d Duplicates: %d Warnings: %d", nil),
ErrUpdateTableUsed: mysql.Message("You can't specify target table '%-.192s' for update in FROM clause", nil),
ErrNoSuchThread: mysql.Message("Unknown thread id: %d", nil),
ErrKillDenied: mysql.Message("You are not owner of thread %d", nil),
ErrNoTablesUsed: mysql.Message("No tables used", nil),
ErrTooBigSet: mysql.Message("Too many strings for column %-.192s and SET", nil),
ErrNoUniqueLogFile: mysql.Message("Can't generate a unique log-filename %-.200s.(1-999)\n", nil),
ErrTableNotLockedForWrite: mysql.Message("Table '%-.192s' was locked with a READ lock and can't be updated", nil),
ErrTableNotLocked: mysql.Message("Table '%-.192s' was not locked with LOCK TABLES", nil),
ErrBlobCantHaveDefault: mysql.Message("BLOB/TEXT/JSON column '%-.192s' can't have a default value", nil),
ErrWrongDBName: mysql.Message("Incorrect database name '%-.100s'", nil),
ErrWrongTableName: mysql.Message("Incorrect table name '%-.100s'", nil),
ErrTooBigSelect: mysql.Message("The SELECT would examine more than MAXJOINSIZE rows; check your WHERE and use SET SQLBIGSELECTS=1 or SET MAXJOINSIZE=# if the SELECT is okay", nil),
ErrUnknown: mysql.Message("Unknown error", nil),
ErrUnknownProcedure: mysql.Message("Unknown procedure '%-.192s'", nil),
ErrWrongParamcountToProcedure: mysql.Message("Incorrect parameter count to procedure '%-.192s'", nil),
ErrWrongParametersToProcedure: mysql.Message("Incorrect parameters to procedure '%-.192s'", nil),
ErrUnknownTable: mysql.Message("Unknown table '%-.192s' in %-.32s", nil),
ErrFieldSpecifiedTwice: mysql.Message("Column '%-.192s' specified twice", nil),
ErrInvalidGroupFuncUse: mysql.Message("Invalid use of group function", nil),
ErrUnsupportedExtension: mysql.Message("Table '%-.192s' uses an extension that doesn't exist in this MySQL version", nil),
ErrTableMustHaveColumns: mysql.Message("A table must have at least 1 column", nil),
ErrRecordFileFull: mysql.Message("The table '%-.192s' is full", nil),
ErrUnknownCharacterSet: mysql.Message("Unknown character set: '%-.64s'", nil),
ErrTooManyTables: mysql.Message("Too many tables; MySQL can only use %d tables in a join", nil),
ErrTooManyFields: mysql.Message("Too many columns", nil),
ErrTooBigRowsize: mysql.Message("Row size too large. The maximum row size for the used table type, not counting BLOBs, is %d. This includes storage overhead, check the manual. You have to change some columns to TEXT or BLOBs", nil),
ErrStackOverrun: mysql.Message("Thread stack overrun: Used: %d of a %d stack. Use 'mysqld --threadStack=#' to specify a bigger stack if needed", nil),
ErrWrongOuterJoin: mysql.Message("Cross dependency found in OUTER JOIN; examine your ON conditions", nil),
ErrNullColumnInIndex: mysql.Message("Table handler doesn't support NULL in given index. Please change column '%-.192s' to be NOT NULL or use another handler", nil),
ErrCantFindUdf: mysql.Message("Can't load function '%-.192s'", nil),
ErrCantInitializeUdf: mysql.Message("Can't initialize function '%-.192s'; %-.80s", nil),
ErrUdfNoPaths: mysql.Message("No paths allowed for shared library", nil),
ErrUdfExists: mysql.Message("Function '%-.192s' already exists", nil),
ErrCantOpenLibrary: mysql.Message("Can't open shared library '%-.192s' (errno: %d %-.128s)", nil),
ErrCantFindDlEntry: mysql.Message("Can't find symbol '%-.128s' in library", nil),
ErrFunctionNotDefined: mysql.Message("Function '%-.192s' is not defined", nil),
ErrHostIsBlocked: mysql.Message("Host '%-.255s' is blocked because of many connection errors; unblock with 'mysqladmin flush-hosts'", nil),
ErrHostNotPrivileged: mysql.Message("Host '%-.255s' is not allowed to connect to this MySQL server", nil),
ErrPasswordAnonymousUser: mysql.Message("You are using MySQL as an anonymous user and anonymous users are not allowed to change passwords", nil),
ErrPasswordNotAllowed: mysql.Message("You must have privileges to update tables in the mysql database to be able to change passwords for others", nil),
ErrPasswordNoMatch: mysql.Message("Can't find any matching row in the user table", nil),
ErrUpdateInfo: mysql.Message("Rows matched: %d Changed: %d Warnings: %d", nil),
ErrCantCreateThread: mysql.Message("Can't create a new thread (errno %d); if you are not out of available memory, you can consult the manual for a possible OS-dependent bug", nil),
ErrWrongValueCountOnRow: mysql.Message("Column count doesn't match value count at row %d", nil),
ErrCantReopenTable: mysql.Message("Can't reopen table: '%-.192s'", nil),
ErrInvalidUseOfNull: mysql.Message("Invalid use of NULL value", nil),
ErrRegexp: mysql.Message("Got error '%-.64s' from regexp", nil),
ErrMixOfGroupFuncAndFields: mysql.Message("Mixing of GROUP columns (MIN(),MAX(),COUNT(),...) with no GROUP columns is illegal if there is no GROUP BY clause", nil),
ErrNonexistingGrant: mysql.Message("There is no such grant defined for user '%-.48s' on host '%-.255s'", nil),
ErrTableaccessDenied: mysql.Message("%-.128s command denied to user '%-.48s'@'%-.255s' for table '%-.64s'", nil),
ErrColumnaccessDenied: mysql.Message("%-.16s command denied to user '%-.48s'@'%-.255s' for column '%-.192s' in table '%-.192s'", nil),
ErrIllegalGrantForTable: mysql.Message("Illegal GRANT/REVOKE command; please consult the manual to see which privileges can be used", nil),
ErrGrantWrongHostOrUser: mysql.Message("The host or user argument to GRANT is too long", nil),
ErrNoSuchTable: mysql.Message("Table '%-.192s.%-.192s' doesn't exist", nil),
ErrNonexistingTableGrant: mysql.Message("There is no such grant defined for user '%-.48s' on host '%-.255s' on table '%-.192s'", nil),
ErrNotAllowedCommand: mysql.Message("The used command is not allowed with this MySQL version", nil),
ErrSyntax: mysql.Message("You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use", nil),
ErrDelayedCantChangeLock: mysql.Message("Delayed insert thread couldn't get requested lock for table %-.192s", nil),
ErrTooManyDelayedThreads: mysql.Message("Too many delayed threads in use", nil),
ErrAbortingConnection: mysql.Message("Aborted connection %d to db: '%-.192s' user: '%-.48s' (%-.64s)", nil),
ErrNetPacketTooLarge: mysql.Message("Got a packet bigger than 'max_allowed_packet' bytes", nil),
ErrNetReadErrorFromPipe: mysql.Message("Got a read error from the connection pipe", nil),
ErrNetFcntl: mysql.Message("Got an error from fcntl()", nil),
ErrNetPacketsOutOfOrder: mysql.Message("Got packets out of order", nil),
ErrNetUncompress: mysql.Message("Couldn't uncompress communication packet", nil),
ErrNetRead: mysql.Message("Got an error reading communication packets", nil),
ErrNetReadInterrupted: mysql.Message("Got timeout reading communication packets", nil),
ErrNetErrorOnWrite: mysql.Message("Got an error writing communication packets", nil),
ErrNetWriteInterrupted: mysql.Message("Got timeout writing communication packets", nil),
ErrTooLongString: mysql.Message("Result string is longer than 'maxAllowedPacket' bytes", nil),
ErrTableCantHandleBlob: mysql.Message("The used table type doesn't support BLOB/TEXT columns", nil),
ErrTableCantHandleAutoIncrement: mysql.Message("The used table type doesn't support AUTOINCREMENT columns", nil),
ErrDelayedInsertTableLocked: mysql.Message("INSERT DELAYED can't be used with table '%-.192s' because it is locked with LOCK TABLES", nil),
ErrWrongColumnName: mysql.Message("Incorrect column name '%-.100s'", nil),
ErrWrongKeyColumn: mysql.Message("The used storage engine can't index column '%-.192s'", nil),
ErrWrongMrgTable: mysql.Message("Unable to open underlying table which is differently defined or of non-MyISAM type or doesn't exist", nil),
ErrDupUnique: mysql.Message("Can't write, because of unique constraint, to table '%-.192s'", nil),
ErrBlobKeyWithoutLength: mysql.Message("BLOB/TEXT column '%-.192s' used in key specification without a key length", nil),
ErrPrimaryCantHaveNull: mysql.Message("All parts of a PRIMARY KEY must be NOT NULL; if you need NULL in a key, use UNIQUE instead", nil),
ErrTooManyRows: mysql.Message("Result consisted of more than one row", nil),
ErrRequiresPrimaryKey: mysql.Message("This table type requires a primary key", nil),
ErrNoRaidCompiled: mysql.Message("This version of MySQL is not compiled with RAID support", nil),
ErrUpdateWithoutKeyInSafeMode: mysql.Message("You are using safe update mode and you tried to update a table without a WHERE that uses a KEY column", nil),
ErrKeyDoesNotExist: mysql.Message("Key '%-.192s' doesn't exist in table '%-.192s'", nil),
ErrCheckNoSuchTable: mysql.Message("Can't open table", nil),
ErrCheckNotImplemented: mysql.Message("The storage engine for the table doesn't support %s", nil),
ErrCantDoThisDuringAnTransaction: mysql.Message("You are not allowed to execute this command in a transaction", nil),
ErrErrorDuringCommit: mysql.Message("Got error %d during COMMIT", nil),
ErrErrorDuringRollback: mysql.Message("Got error %d during ROLLBACK", nil),
ErrErrorDuringFlushLogs: mysql.Message("Got error %d during FLUSHLOGS", nil),
ErrErrorDuringCheckpoint: mysql.Message("Got error %d during CHECKPOINT", nil),
ErrNewAbortingConnection: mysql.Message("Aborted connection %d to db: '%-.192s' user: '%-.48s' host: '%-.255s' (%-.64s)", nil),
ErrDumpNotImplemented: mysql.Message("The storage engine for the table does not support binary table dump", nil),
ErrIndexRebuild: mysql.Message("Failed rebuilding the index of dumped table '%-.192s'", nil),
ErrFtMatchingKeyNotFound: mysql.Message("Can't find FULLTEXT index matching the column list", nil),
ErrLockOrActiveTransaction: mysql.Message("Can't execute the given command because you have active locked tables or an active transaction", nil),
ErrUnknownSystemVariable: mysql.Message("Unknown system variable '%-.64s'", nil),
ErrCrashedOnUsage: mysql.Message("Table '%-.192s' is marked as crashed and should be repaired", nil),
ErrCrashedOnRepair: mysql.Message("Table '%-.192s' is marked as crashed and last (automatic?) repair failed", nil),
ErrWarningNotCompleteRollback: mysql.Message("Some non-transactional changed tables couldn't be rolled back", nil),
ErrTransCacheFull: mysql.Message("Multi-statement transaction required more than 'maxBinlogCacheSize' bytes of storage; increase this mysqld variable and try again", nil),
ErrTooManyUserConnections: mysql.Message("User %-.64s already has more than 'maxUserConnections' active connections", nil),
ErrSetConstantsOnly: mysql.Message("You may only use constant expressions with SET", nil),
ErrLockWaitTimeout: mysql.Message("Lock wait timeout exceeded; try restarting transaction", nil),
ErrLockTableFull: mysql.Message("The total number of locks exceeds the lock table size", nil),
ErrReadOnlyTransaction: mysql.Message("Update locks cannot be acquired during a READ UNCOMMITTED transaction", nil),
ErrDropDBWithReadLock: mysql.Message("DROP DATABASE not allowed while thread is holding global read lock", nil),
ErrCreateDBWithReadLock: mysql.Message("CREATE DATABASE not allowed while thread is holding global read lock", nil),
ErrWrongArguments: mysql.Message("Incorrect arguments to %s", nil),
ErrNoPermissionToCreateUser: mysql.Message("'%-.48s'@'%-.255s' is not allowed to create new users", nil),
ErrUnionTablesInDifferentDir: mysql.Message("Incorrect table definition; all MERGE tables must be in the same database", nil),
ErrLockDeadlock: mysql.Message("Deadlock found when trying to get lock; try restarting transaction", nil),
ErrTableCantHandleFt: mysql.Message("The used table type doesn't support FULLTEXT indexes", nil),
ErrCannotAddForeign: mysql.Message("Cannot add foreign key constraint", nil),
ErrNoReferencedRow: mysql.Message("Cannot add or update a child row: a foreign key constraint fails", nil),
ErrRowIsReferenced: mysql.Message("Cannot delete or update a parent row: a foreign key constraint fails", nil),
ErrErrorWhenExecutingCommand: mysql.Message("Error when executing command %s: %-.128s", nil),
ErrWrongUsage: mysql.Message("Incorrect usage of %s and %s", nil),
ErrWrongNumberOfColumnsInSelect: mysql.Message("The used SELECT statements have a different number of columns", nil),
ErrCantUpdateWithReadlock: mysql.Message("Can't execute the query because you have a conflicting read lock", nil),
ErrMixingNotAllowed: mysql.Message("Mixing of transactional and non-transactional tables is disabled", nil),
ErrDupArgument: mysql.Message("Option '%s' used twice in statement", nil),
ErrUserLimitReached: mysql.Message("User '%-.64s' has exceeded the '%s' resource (current value: %d)", nil),
ErrSpecificAccessDenied: mysql.Message("Access denied; you need (at least one of) the %-.128s privilege(s) for this operation", nil),
ErrLocalVariable: mysql.Message("Variable '%-.64s' is a SESSION variable and can't be used with SET GLOBAL", nil),
ErrGlobalVariable: mysql.Message("Variable '%-.64s' is a GLOBAL variable and should be set with SET GLOBAL", nil),
ErrNoDefault: mysql.Message("Variable '%-.64s' doesn't have a default value", nil),
ErrWrongValueForVar: mysql.Message("Variable '%-.64s' can't be set to the value of '%-.200s'", nil),
ErrWrongTypeForVar: mysql.Message("Incorrect argument type to variable '%-.64s'", nil),
ErrVarCantBeRead: mysql.Message("Variable '%-.64s' can only be set, not read", nil),
ErrCantUseOptionHere: mysql.Message("Incorrect usage/placement of '%s'", nil),
ErrNotSupportedYet: mysql.Message("This version of TiDB doesn't yet support '%s'", nil),
ErrIncorrectGlobalLocalVar: mysql.Message("Variable '%-.192s' is a %s variable", nil),
ErrWrongFkDef: mysql.Message("Incorrect foreign key definition for '%-.192s': %s", nil),
ErrKeyRefDoNotMatchTableRef: mysql.Message("Key reference and table reference don't match", nil),
ErrOperandColumns: mysql.Message("Operand should contain %d column(s)", nil),
ErrSubqueryNo1Row: mysql.Message("Subquery returns more than 1 row", nil),
ErrUnknownStmtHandler: mysql.Message("Unknown prepared statement handler (%.*s) given to %s", nil),
ErrCorruptHelpDB: mysql.Message("Help database is corrupt or does not exist", nil),
ErrCyclicReference: mysql.Message("Cyclic reference on subqueries", nil),
ErrAutoConvert: mysql.Message("Converting column '%s' from %s to %s", nil),
ErrIllegalReference: mysql.Message("Reference '%-.64s' not supported (%s)", nil),
ErrDerivedMustHaveAlias: mysql.Message("Every derived table must have its own alias", nil),
ErrSelectReduced: mysql.Message("Select %d was reduced during optimization", nil),
ErrTablenameNotAllowedHere: mysql.Message("Table '%s' from one of the %ss cannot be used in %s", nil),
ErrNotSupportedAuthMode: mysql.Message("Client does not support authentication protocol requested by server; consider upgrading MySQL client", nil),
ErrSpatialCantHaveNull: mysql.Message("All parts of a SPATIAL index must be NOT NULL", nil),
ErrCollationCharsetMismatch: mysql.Message("COLLATION '%s' is not valid for CHARACTER SET '%s'", nil),
ErrTooBigForUncompress: mysql.Message("Uncompressed data size too large; the maximum size is %d (probably, length of uncompressed data was corrupted)", nil),
ErrZlibZMem: mysql.Message("ZLIB: Not enough memory", nil),
ErrZlibZBuf: mysql.Message("ZLIB: Not enough room in the output buffer (probably, length of uncompressed data was corrupted)", nil),
ErrZlibZData: mysql.Message("ZLIB: Input data corrupted", nil),
ErrCutValueGroupConcat: mysql.Message("Some rows were cut by GROUPCONCAT(%s)", []int{0}),
ErrWarnTooFewRecords: mysql.Message("Row %d doesn't contain data for all columns", nil),
ErrWarnTooManyRecords: mysql.Message("Row %d was truncated; it contained more data than there were input columns", nil),
ErrWarnNullToNotnull: mysql.Message("Column set to default value; NULL supplied to NOT NULL column '%s' at row %d", nil),
ErrWarnDataOutOfRange: mysql.Message("Out of range value for column '%s' at row %d", nil),
WarnDataTruncated: mysql.Message("Data truncated for column '%s' at row %d", nil),
ErrWarnUsingOtherHandler: mysql.Message("Using storage engine %s for table '%s'", nil),
ErrCantAggregate2collations: mysql.Message("Illegal mix of collations (%s,%s) and (%s,%s) for operation '%s'", nil),
ErrDropUser: mysql.Message("Cannot drop one or more of the requested users", nil),
ErrRevokeGrants: mysql.Message("Can't revoke all privileges for one or more of the requested users", nil),
ErrCantAggregate3collations: mysql.Message("Illegal mix of collations (%s,%s), (%s,%s), (%s,%s) for operation '%s'", nil),
ErrCantAggregateNcollations: mysql.Message("Illegal mix of collations for operation '%s'", nil),
ErrVariableIsNotStruct: mysql.Message("Variable '%-.64s' is not a variable component (can't be used as XXXX.variableName)", nil),
ErrUnknownCollation: mysql.Message("Unknown collation: '%-.64s'", nil),
ErrServerIsInSecureAuthMode: mysql.Message("Server is running in --secure-auth mode, but '%s'@'%s' has a password in the old format; please change the password to the new format", nil),
ErrWarnFieldResolved: mysql.Message("Field or reference '%-.192s%s%-.192s%s%-.192s' of SELECT #%d was resolved in SELECT #%d", nil),
ErrUntilCondIgnored: mysql.Message("SQL thread is not to be started so UNTIL options are ignored", nil),
ErrWrongNameForIndex: mysql.Message("Incorrect index name '%-.100s'", nil),
ErrWrongNameForCatalog: mysql.Message("Incorrect catalog name '%-.100s'", nil),
ErrWarnQcResize: mysql.Message("Query cache failed to set size %d; new query cache size is %d", nil),
ErrBadFtColumn: mysql.Message("Column '%-.192s' cannot be part of FULLTEXT index", nil),
ErrUnknownKeyCache: mysql.Message("Unknown key cache '%-.100s'", nil),
ErrWarnHostnameWontWork: mysql.Message("MySQL is started in --skip-name-resolve mode; you must restart it without this switch for this grant to work", nil),
ErrUnknownStorageEngine: mysql.Message("Unknown storage engine '%s'", nil),
ErrWarnDeprecatedSyntax: mysql.Message("'%s' is deprecated and will be removed in a future release. Please use %s instead", nil),
ErrNonUpdatableTable: mysql.Message("The target table %-.100s of the %s is not updatable", nil),
ErrFeatureDisabled: mysql.Message("The '%s' feature is disabled; you need MySQL built with '%s' to have it working", nil),
ErrOptionPreventsStatement: mysql.Message("The MySQL server is running with the %s option so it cannot execute this statement", nil),
ErrDuplicatedValueInType: mysql.Message("Column '%-.100s' has duplicated value '%-.64s' in %s", []int{1}),
ErrTruncatedWrongValue: mysql.Message("Truncated incorrect %-.64s value: '%-.128s'", []int{1}),
ErrTooMuchAutoTimestampCols: mysql.Message("Incorrect table definition; there can be only one TIMESTAMP column with CURRENTTIMESTAMP in DEFAULT or ON UPDATE clause", nil),
ErrInvalidOnUpdate: mysql.Message("Invalid ON UPDATE clause for '%-.192s' column", nil),
ErrUnsupportedPs: mysql.Message("This command is not supported in the prepared statement protocol yet", nil),
ErrGetErrmsg: mysql.Message("Got error %d '%-.100s' from %s", nil),
ErrGetTemporaryErrmsg: mysql.Message("Got temporary error %d '%-.100s' from %s", nil),
ErrUnknownTimeZone: mysql.Message("Unknown or incorrect time zone: '%-.64s'", nil),
ErrWarnInvalidTimestamp: mysql.Message("Invalid TIMESTAMP value in column '%s' at row %d", nil),
ErrInvalidCharacterString: mysql.Message("Invalid %s character string: '%.64s'", []int{1}),
ErrWarnAllowedPacketOverflowed: mysql.Message("Result of %s() was larger than max_allowed_packet (%d) - truncated", nil),
ErrConflictingDeclarations: mysql.Message("Conflicting declarations: '%s%s' and '%s%s'", nil),
ErrSpNoRecursiveCreate: mysql.Message("Can't create a %s from within another stored routine", nil),
ErrSpAlreadyExists: mysql.Message("%s %s already exists", nil),
ErrSpDoesNotExist: mysql.Message("%s %s does not exist", nil),
ErrSpDropFailed: mysql.Message("Failed to DROP %s %s", nil),
ErrSpStoreFailed: mysql.Message("Failed to CREATE %s %s", nil),
ErrSpLilabelMismatch: mysql.Message("%s with no matching label: %s", nil),
ErrSpLabelRedefine: mysql.Message("Redefining label %s", nil),
ErrSpLabelMismatch: mysql.Message("End-label %s without match", nil),
ErrSpUninitVar: mysql.Message("Referring to uninitialized variable %s", nil),
ErrSpBadselect: mysql.Message("PROCEDURE %s can't return a result set in the given context", nil),
ErrSpBadreturn: mysql.Message("RETURN is only allowed in a FUNCTION", nil),
ErrSpBadstatement: mysql.Message("%s is not allowed in stored procedures", nil),
ErrUpdateLogDeprecatedIgnored: mysql.Message("The update log is deprecated and replaced by the binary log; SET SQLLOGUPDATE has been ignored.", nil),
ErrUpdateLogDeprecatedTranslated: mysql.Message("The update log is deprecated and replaced by the binary log; SET SQLLOGUPDATE has been translated to SET SQLLOGBIN.", nil),
ErrQueryInterrupted: mysql.Message("Query execution was interrupted", nil),
ErrSpWrongNoOfArgs: mysql.Message("Incorrect number of arguments for %s %s; expected %d, got %d", nil),
ErrSpCondMismatch: mysql.Message("Undefined CONDITION: %s", nil),
ErrSpNoreturn: mysql.Message("No RETURN found in FUNCTION %s", nil),
ErrSpNoreturnend: mysql.Message("FUNCTION %s ended without RETURN", nil),
ErrSpBadCursorQuery: mysql.Message("Cursor statement must be a SELECT", nil),
ErrSpBadCursorSelect: mysql.Message("Cursor SELECT must not have INTO", nil),
ErrSpCursorMismatch: mysql.Message("Undefined CURSOR: %s", nil),
ErrSpCursorAlreadyOpen: mysql.Message("Cursor is already open", nil),
ErrSpCursorNotOpen: mysql.Message("Cursor is not open", nil),
ErrSpUndeclaredVar: mysql.Message("Undeclared variable: %s", nil),
ErrSpWrongNoOfFetchArgs: mysql.Message("Incorrect number of FETCH variables", nil),
ErrSpFetchNoData: mysql.Message("No data - zero rows fetched, selected, or processed", nil),
ErrSpDupParam: mysql.Message("Duplicate parameter: %s", nil),
ErrSpDupVar: mysql.Message("Duplicate variable: %s", nil),
ErrSpDupCond: mysql.Message("Duplicate condition: %s", nil),
ErrSpDupCurs: mysql.Message("Duplicate cursor: %s", nil),
ErrSpCantAlter: mysql.Message("Failed to ALTER %s %s", nil),
ErrSpSubselectNyi: mysql.Message("Subquery value not supported", nil),
ErrStmtNotAllowedInSfOrTrg: mysql.Message("%s is not allowed in stored function or trigger", nil),
ErrSpVarcondAfterCurshndlr: mysql.Message("Variable or condition declaration after cursor or handler declaration", nil),
ErrSpCursorAfterHandler: mysql.Message("Cursor declaration after handler declaration", nil),
ErrSpCaseNotFound: mysql.Message("Case not found for CASE statement", nil),
ErrFparserTooBigFile: mysql.Message("Configuration file '%-.192s' is too big", nil),
ErrFparserBadHeader: mysql.Message("Malformed file type header in file '%-.192s'", nil),
ErrFparserEOFInComment: mysql.Message("Unexpected end of file while parsing comment '%-.200s'", nil),
ErrFparserErrorInParameter: mysql.Message("Error while parsing parameter '%-.192s' (line: '%-.192s')", nil),
ErrFparserEOFInUnknownParameter: mysql.Message("Unexpected end of file while skipping unknown parameter '%-.192s'", nil),
ErrViewNoExplain: mysql.Message("EXPLAIN/SHOW can not be issued; lacking privileges for underlying table", nil),
ErrFrmUnknownType: mysql.Message("File '%-.192s' has unknown type '%-.64s' in its header", nil),
ErrWrongObject: mysql.Message("'%-.192s.%-.192s' is not %s", nil),
ErrNonupdateableColumn: mysql.Message("Column '%-.192s' is not updatable", nil),
ErrViewSelectDerived: mysql.Message("View's SELECT contains a subquery in the FROM clause", nil),
ErrViewSelectClause: mysql.Message("View's SELECT contains a '%s' clause", nil),
ErrViewSelectVariable: mysql.Message("View's SELECT contains a variable or parameter", nil),
ErrViewSelectTmptable: mysql.Message("View's SELECT refers to a temporary table '%-.192s'", nil),
ErrViewWrongList: mysql.Message("In definition of view, derived table or common table expression, SELECT list and column names list have different column counts", nil),
ErrWarnViewMerge: mysql.Message("View merge algorithm can't be used here for now (assumed undefined algorithm)", nil),
ErrWarnViewWithoutKey: mysql.Message("View being updated does not have complete key of underlying table in it", nil),
ErrViewInvalid: mysql.Message("View '%-.192s.%-.192s' references invalid table(s) or column(s) or function(s) or definer/invoker of view lack rights to use them", nil),
ErrSpNoDropSp: mysql.Message("Can't drop or alter a %s from within another stored routine", nil),
ErrSpGotoInHndlr: mysql.Message("GOTO is not allowed in a stored procedure handler", nil),
ErrTrgAlreadyExists: mysql.Message("Trigger already exists", nil),
ErrTrgDoesNotExist: mysql.Message("Trigger does not exist", nil),
ErrTrgOnViewOrTempTable: mysql.Message("Trigger's '%-.192s' is view or temporary table", nil),
ErrTrgCantChangeRow: mysql.Message("Updating of %s row is not allowed in %strigger", nil),
ErrTrgNoSuchRowInTrg: mysql.Message("There is no %s row in %s trigger", nil),
ErrNoDefaultForField: mysql.Message("Field '%-.192s' doesn't have a default value", nil),
ErrDivisionByZero: mysql.Message("Division by 0", nil),
ErrTruncatedWrongValueForField: mysql.Message("Incorrect %-.32s value: '%-.128s' for column '%.192s' at row %d", []int{0, 1}),
ErrIllegalValueForType: mysql.Message("Illegal %s '%-.192s' value found during parsing", []int{1}),
ErrViewNonupdCheck: mysql.Message("CHECK OPTION on non-updatable view '%-.192s.%-.192s'", nil),
ErrViewCheckFailed: mysql.Message("CHECK OPTION failed '%-.192s.%-.192s'", nil),
ErrProcaccessDenied: mysql.Message("%-.16s command denied to user '%-.48s'@'%-.255s' for routine '%-.192s'", nil),
ErrRelayLogFail: mysql.Message("Failed purging old relay logs: %s", nil),
ErrPasswdLength: mysql.Message("Password hash should be a %d-digit hexadecimal number", nil),
ErrUnknownTargetBinlog: mysql.Message("Target log not found in binlog index", nil),
ErrIoErrLogIndexRead: mysql.Message("I/O error reading log index file", nil),
ErrBinlogPurgeProhibited: mysql.Message("Server configuration does not permit binlog purge", nil),
ErrFseekFail: mysql.Message("Failed on fseek()", nil),
ErrBinlogPurgeFatalErr: mysql.Message("Fatal error during log purge", nil),
ErrLogInUse: mysql.Message("A purgeable log is in use, will not purge", nil),
ErrLogPurgeUnknownErr: mysql.Message("Unknown error during log purge", nil),
ErrRelayLogInit: mysql.Message("Failed initializing relay log position: %s", nil),
ErrNoBinaryLogging: mysql.Message("You are not using binary logging", nil),
ErrReservedSyntax: mysql.Message("The '%-.64s' syntax is reserved for purposes internal to the MySQL server", nil),
ErrWsasFailed: mysql.Message("WSAStartup Failed", nil),
ErrDiffGroupsProc: mysql.Message("Can't handle procedures with different groups yet", nil),
ErrNoGroupForProc: mysql.Message("Select must have a group with this procedure", nil),
ErrOrderWithProc: mysql.Message("Can't use ORDER clause with this procedure", nil),
ErrLoggingProhibitChangingOf: mysql.Message("Binary logging and replication forbid changing the global server %s", nil),
ErrNoFileMapping: mysql.Message("Can't map file: %-.200s, errno: %d", nil),
ErrWrongMagic: mysql.Message("Wrong magic in %-.64s", nil),
ErrPsManyParam: mysql.Message("Prepared statement contains too many placeholders", nil),
ErrKeyPart0: mysql.Message("Key part '%-.192s' length cannot be 0", nil),
ErrViewChecksum: mysql.Message("View text checksum failed", nil),
ErrViewMultiupdate: mysql.Message("Can not modify more than one base table through a join view '%-.192s.%-.192s'", nil),
ErrViewNoInsertFieldList: mysql.Message("Can not insert into join view '%-.192s.%-.192s' without fields list", nil),
ErrViewDeleteMergeView: mysql.Message("Can not delete from join view '%-.192s.%-.192s'", nil),
ErrCannotUser: mysql.Message("Operation %s failed for %.256s", nil),
ErrGrantRole: mysql.Message("Unknown authorization ID %.256s", nil),
ErrXaerNota: mysql.Message("XAERNOTA: Unknown XID", nil),
ErrXaerInval: mysql.Message("XAERINVAL: Invalid arguments (or unsupported command)", nil),
ErrXaerRmfail: mysql.Message("XAERRMFAIL: The command cannot be executed when global transaction is in the %.64s state", nil),
ErrXaerOutside: mysql.Message("XAEROUTSIDE: Some work is done outside global transaction", nil),
ErrXaerRmerr: mysql.Message("XAERRMERR: Fatal error occurred in the transaction branch - check your data for consistency", nil),
ErrXaRbrollback: mysql.Message("XARBROLLBACK: Transaction branch was rolled back", nil),
ErrNonexistingProcGrant: mysql.Message("There is no such grant defined for user '%-.48s' on host '%-.255s' on routine '%-.192s'", nil),
ErrProcAutoGrantFail: mysql.Message("Failed to grant EXECUTE and ALTER ROUTINE privileges", nil),
ErrProcAutoRevokeFail: mysql.Message("Failed to revoke all privileges to dropped routine", nil),
ErrDataTooLong: mysql.Message("Data too long for column '%s' at row %d", nil),
ErrSpBadSQLstate: mysql.Message("Bad SQLSTATE: '%s'", nil),
ErrStartup: mysql.Message("%s: ready for connections.\nVersion: '%s' socket: '%s' port: %d %s", nil),
ErrLoadFromFixedSizeRowsToVar: mysql.Message("Can't load value from file with fixed size rows to variable", nil),
ErrCantCreateUserWithGrant: mysql.Message("You are not allowed to create a user with GRANT", nil),
ErrWrongValueForType: mysql.Message("Incorrect %-.32s value: '%-.128s' for function %-.32s", nil),
ErrTableDefChanged: mysql.Message("Table definition has changed, please retry transaction", nil),
ErrSpDupHandler: mysql.Message("Duplicate handler declared in the same block", nil),
ErrSpNotVarArg: mysql.Message("OUT or INOUT argument %d for routine %s is not a variable or NEW pseudo-variable in BEFORE trigger", nil),
ErrSpNoRetset: mysql.Message("Not allowed to return a result set from a %s", nil),
ErrCantCreateGeometryObject: mysql.Message("Cannot get geometry object from data you send to the GEOMETRY field", nil),
ErrFailedRoutineBreakBinlog: mysql.Message("A routine failed and has neither NO SQL nor READS SQL DATA in its declaration and binary logging is enabled; if non-transactional tables were updated, the binary log will miss their changes", nil),
ErrBinlogUnsafeRoutine: mysql.Message("This function has none of DETERMINISTIC, NO SQL, or READS SQL DATA in its declaration and binary logging is enabled (you *might* want to use the less safe logBinTrustFunctionCreators variable)", nil),
ErrBinlogCreateRoutineNeedSuper: mysql.Message("You do not have the SUPER privilege and binary logging is enabled (you *might* want to use the less safe logBinTrustFunctionCreators variable)", nil),
ErrExecStmtWithOpenCursor: mysql.Message("You can't execute a prepared statement which has an open cursor associated with it. Reset the statement to re-execute it.", nil),
ErrStmtHasNoOpenCursor: mysql.Message("The statement (%d) has no open cursor.", nil),
ErrCommitNotAllowedInSfOrTrg: mysql.Message("Explicit or implicit commit is not allowed in stored function or trigger.", nil),
ErrNoDefaultForViewField: mysql.Message("Field of view '%-.192s.%-.192s' underlying table doesn't have a default value", nil),
ErrSpNoRecursion: mysql.Message("Recursive stored functions and triggers are not allowed.", nil),
ErrTooBigScale: mysql.Message("Too big scale %d specified for column '%-.192s'. Maximum is %d.", nil),
ErrTooBigPrecision: mysql.Message("Too big precision %d specified for column '%-.192s'. Maximum is %d.", nil),
ErrMBiggerThanD: mysql.Message("For float(M,D), double(M,D) or decimal(M,D), M must be >= D (column '%-.192s').", nil),
ErrWrongLockOfSystemTable: mysql.Message("You can't combine write-locking of system tables with other tables or lock types", nil),
ErrConnectToForeignDataSource: mysql.Message("Unable to connect to foreign data source: %.64s", nil),
ErrQueryOnForeignDataSource: mysql.Message("There was a problem processing the query on the foreign data source. Data source : %-.64s", nil),
ErrForeignDataSourceDoesntExist: mysql.Message("The foreign data source you are trying to reference does not exist. Data source : %-.64s", nil),
ErrForeignDataStringInvalidCantCreate: mysql.Message("Can't create federated table. The data source connection string '%-.64s' is not in the correct format", nil),
ErrForeignDataStringInvalid: mysql.Message("The data source connection string '%-.64s' is not in the correct format", nil),
ErrCantCreateFederatedTable: mysql.Message("Can't create federated table. Foreign data src : %-.64s", nil),
ErrTrgInWrongSchema: mysql.Message("Trigger in wrong schema", nil),
ErrStackOverrunNeedMore: mysql.Message("Thread stack overrun: %d bytes used of a %d byte stack, and %d bytes needed. Use 'mysqld --threadStack=#' to specify a bigger stack.", nil),
ErrTooLongBody: mysql.Message("Routine body for '%-.100s' is too long", nil),
ErrWarnCantDropDefaultKeycache: mysql.Message("Cannot drop default keycache", nil),
ErrTooBigDisplaywidth: mysql.Message("Display width out of range for column '%-.192s' (max = %d)", nil),
ErrXaerDupid: mysql.Message("XAERDUPID: The XID already exists", nil),
ErrDatetimeFunctionOverflow: mysql.Message("Datetime function: %-.32s field overflow", nil),
ErrCantUpdateUsedTableInSfOrTrg: mysql.Message("Can't update table '%-.192s' in stored function/trigger because it is already used by statement which invoked this stored function/trigger.", nil),
ErrViewPreventUpdate: mysql.Message("The definition of table '%-.192s' prevents operation %.192s on table '%-.192s'.", nil),
ErrPsNoRecursion: mysql.Message("The prepared statement contains a stored routine call that refers to that same statement. It's not allowed to execute a prepared statement in such a recursive manner", nil),
ErrSpCantSetAutocommit: mysql.Message("Not allowed to set autocommit from a stored function or trigger", nil),
ErrMalformedDefiner: mysql.Message("Definer is not fully qualified", nil),
ErrViewFrmNoUser: mysql.Message("View '%-.192s'.'%-.192s' has no definer information (old table format). Current user is used as definer. Please recreate the view!", nil),
ErrViewOtherUser: mysql.Message("You need the SUPER privilege for creation view with '%-.192s'@'%-.255s' definer", nil),
ErrNoSuchUser: mysql.Message("The user specified as a definer ('%-.64s'@'%-.255s') does not exist", nil),
ErrForbidSchemaChange: mysql.Message("Changing schema from '%-.192s' to '%-.192s' is not allowed.", nil),
ErrRowIsReferenced2: mysql.Message("Cannot delete or update a parent row: a foreign key constraint fails (%.192s)", nil),
ErrNoReferencedRow2: mysql.Message("Cannot add or update a child row: a foreign key constraint fails (%.192s)", nil),
ErrSpBadVarShadow: mysql.Message("Variable '%-.64s' must be quoted with `...`, or renamed", nil),
ErrTrgNoDefiner: mysql.Message("No definer attribute for trigger '%-.192s'.'%-.192s'. The trigger will be activated under the authorization of the invoker, which may have insufficient privileges. Please recreate the trigger.", nil),
ErrOldFileFormat: mysql.Message("'%-.192s' has an old format, you should re-create the '%s' object(s)", nil),
ErrSpRecursionLimit: mysql.Message("Recursive limit %d (as set by the maxSpRecursionDepth variable) was exceeded for routine %.192s", nil),
ErrSpProcTableCorrupt: mysql.Message("Failed to load routine %-.192s. The table mysql.proc is missing, corrupt, or contains bad data (internal code %d)", nil),
ErrSpWrongName: mysql.Message("Incorrect routine name '%-.192s'", nil),
ErrTableNeedsUpgrade: mysql.Message("Table upgrade required. Please do \"REPAIR TABLE `%-.32s`\"", nil),
ErrSpNoAggregate: mysql.Message("AGGREGATE is not supported for stored functions", nil),
ErrMaxPreparedStmtCountReached: mysql.Message("Can't create more than maxPreparedStmtCount statements (current value: %d)", nil),
ErrViewRecursive: mysql.Message("`%-.192s`.`%-.192s` contains view recursion", nil),
ErrNonGroupingFieldUsed: mysql.Message("Non-grouping field '%-.192s' is used in %-.64s clause", nil),
ErrTableCantHandleSpkeys: mysql.Message("The used table type doesn't support SPATIAL indexes", nil),
ErrNoTriggersOnSystemSchema: mysql.Message("Triggers can not be created on system tables", nil),
ErrRemovedSpaces: mysql.Message("Leading spaces are removed from name '%s'", nil),
ErrAutoincReadFailed: mysql.Message("Failed to read auto-increment value from storage engine", nil),
ErrUsername: mysql.Message("user name", nil),
ErrHostname: mysql.Message("host name", nil),
ErrWrongStringLength: mysql.Message("String '%-.70s' is too long for %s (should be no longer than %d)", nil),
ErrNonInsertableTable: mysql.Message("The target table %-.100s of the %s is not insertable-into", nil),
ErrAdminWrongMrgTable: mysql.Message("Table '%-.64s' is differently defined or of non-MyISAM type or doesn't exist", nil),
ErrTooHighLevelOfNestingForSelect: mysql.Message("Too high level of nesting for select", nil),
ErrNameBecomesEmpty: mysql.Message("Name '%-.64s' has become ''", nil),
ErrAmbiguousFieldTerm: mysql.Message("First character of the FIELDS TERMINATED string is ambiguous; please use non-optional and non-empty FIELDS ENCLOSED BY", nil),
ErrForeignServerExists: mysql.Message("The foreign server, %s, you are trying to create already exists.", nil),
ErrForeignServerDoesntExist: mysql.Message("The foreign server name you are trying to reference does not exist. Data source : %-.64s", nil),
ErrIllegalHaCreateOption: mysql.Message("Table storage engine '%-.64s' does not support the create option '%.64s'", nil),
ErrPartitionRequiresValues: mysql.Message("Syntax : %-.64s PARTITIONING requires definition of VALUES %-.64s for each partition", nil),
ErrPartitionWrongValues: mysql.Message("Only %-.64s PARTITIONING can use VALUES %-.64s in partition definition", []int{1}),
ErrPartitionMaxvalue: mysql.Message("MAXVALUE can only be used in last partition definition", nil),
ErrPartitionSubpartition: mysql.Message("Subpartitions can only be hash partitions and by key", nil),
ErrPartitionSubpartMix: mysql.Message("Must define subpartitions on all partitions if on one partition", nil),
ErrPartitionWrongNoPart: mysql.Message("Wrong number of partitions defined, mismatch with previous setting", nil),
ErrPartitionWrongNoSubpart: mysql.Message("Wrong number of subpartitions defined, mismatch with previous setting", nil),
ErrWrongExprInPartitionFunc: mysql.Message("Constant, random or timezone-dependent expressions in (sub)partitioning function are not allowed", nil),
ErrNoConstExprInRangeOrList: mysql.Message("Expression in RANGE/LIST VALUES must be constant", nil),
ErrFieldNotFoundPart: mysql.Message("Field in list of fields for partition function not found in table", nil),
ErrListOfFieldsOnlyInHash: mysql.Message("List of fields is only allowed in KEY partitions", nil),
ErrInconsistentPartitionInfo: mysql.Message("The partition info in the frm file is not consistent with what can be written into the frm file", nil),
ErrPartitionFuncNotAllowed: mysql.Message("The %-.192s function returns the wrong type", nil),
ErrPartitionsMustBeDefined: mysql.Message("For %-.64s partitions each partition must be defined", nil),
ErrRangeNotIncreasing: mysql.Message("VALUES LESS THAN value must be strictly increasing for each partition", nil),
ErrInconsistentTypeOfFunctions: mysql.Message("VALUES value must be of same type as partition function", nil),
ErrMultipleDefConstInListPart: mysql.Message("Multiple definition of same constant in list partitioning", nil),
ErrPartitionEntry: mysql.Message("Partitioning can not be used stand-alone in query", nil),
ErrMixHandler: mysql.Message("The mix of handlers in the partitions is not allowed in this version of MySQL", nil),
ErrPartitionNotDefined: mysql.Message("For the partitioned engine it is necessary to define all %-.64s", nil),
ErrTooManyPartitions: mysql.Message("Too many partitions (including subpartitions) were defined", nil),
ErrSubpartition: mysql.Message("It is only possible to mix RANGE/LIST partitioning with HASH/KEY partitioning for subpartitioning", nil),
ErrCantCreateHandlerFile: mysql.Message("Failed to create specific handler file", nil),
ErrBlobFieldInPartFunc: mysql.Message("A BLOB field is not allowed in partition function", nil),
ErrUniqueKeyNeedAllFieldsInPf: mysql.Message("A %-.192s must include all columns in the table's partitioning function", nil),
ErrNoParts: mysql.Message("Number of %-.64s = 0 is not an allowed value", []int{0}),
ErrPartitionMgmtOnNonpartitioned: mysql.Message("Partition management on a not partitioned table is not possible", nil),
ErrForeignKeyOnPartitioned: mysql.Message("Foreign key clause is not yet supported in conjunction with partitioning", nil),
ErrDropPartitionNonExistent: mysql.Message("Error in list of partitions to %-.64s", nil),
ErrDropLastPartition: mysql.Message("Cannot remove all partitions, use DROP TABLE instead", nil),
ErrCoalesceOnlyOnHashPartition: mysql.Message("COALESCE PARTITION can only be used on HASH/KEY partitions", nil),
ErrReorgHashOnlyOnSameNo: mysql.Message("REORGANIZE PARTITION can only be used to reorganize partitions not to change their numbers", nil),
ErrReorgNoParam: mysql.Message("REORGANIZE PARTITION without parameters can only be used on auto-partitioned tables using HASH PARTITIONs", nil),
ErrOnlyOnRangeListPartition: mysql.Message("%-.64s PARTITION can only be used on RANGE/LIST partitions", nil),
ErrAddPartitionSubpart: mysql.Message("Trying to Add partition(s) with wrong number of subpartitions", nil),
ErrAddPartitionNoNewPartition: mysql.Message("At least one partition must be added", nil),
ErrCoalescePartitionNoPartition: mysql.Message("At least one partition must be coalesced", nil),
ErrReorgPartitionNotExist: mysql.Message("More partitions to reorganize than there are partitions", nil),
ErrSameNamePartition: mysql.Message("Duplicate partition name %-.192s", nil),
ErrNoBinlog: mysql.Message("It is not allowed to shut off binlog on this command", nil),
ErrConsecutiveReorgPartitions: mysql.Message("When reorganizing a set of partitions they must be in consecutive order", nil),
ErrReorgOutsideRange: mysql.Message("Reorganize of range partitions cannot change total ranges except for last partition where it can extend the range", nil),
ErrPartitionFunctionFailure: mysql.Message("Partition function not supported in this version for this handler", nil),
ErrPartState: mysql.Message("Partition state cannot be defined from CREATE/ALTER TABLE", nil),
ErrLimitedPartRange: mysql.Message("The %-.64s handler only supports 32 bit integers in VALUES", nil),
ErrPluginIsNotLoaded: mysql.Message("Plugin '%-.192s' is not loaded", nil),
ErrWrongValue: mysql.Message("Incorrect %-.32s value: '%-.128s'", []int{1}),
ErrNoPartitionForGivenValue: mysql.Message("Table has no partition for value %-.64s", []int{0}),
ErrFilegroupOptionOnlyOnce: mysql.Message("It is not allowed to specify %s more than once", nil),
ErrCreateFilegroupFailed: mysql.Message("Failed to create %s", nil),
ErrDropFilegroupFailed: mysql.Message("Failed to drop %s", nil),
ErrTablespaceAutoExtend: mysql.Message("The handler doesn't support autoextend of tablespaces", nil),
ErrWrongSizeNumber: mysql.Message("A size parameter was incorrectly specified, either number or on the form 10M", nil),
ErrSizeOverflow: mysql.Message("The size number was correct but we don't allow the digit part to be more than 2 billion", nil),
ErrAlterFilegroupFailed: mysql.Message("Failed to alter: %s", nil),
ErrBinlogRowLoggingFailed: mysql.Message("Writing one row to the row-based binary log failed", nil),
ErrEventAlreadyExists: mysql.Message("Event '%-.192s' already exists", nil),
ErrEventStoreFailed: mysql.Message("Failed to store event %s. Error code %d from storage engine.", nil),
ErrEventDoesNotExist: mysql.Message("Unknown event '%-.192s'", nil),
ErrEventCantAlter: mysql.Message("Failed to alter event '%-.192s'", nil),
ErrEventDropFailed: mysql.Message("Failed to drop %s", nil),
ErrEventIntervalNotPositiveOrTooBig: mysql.Message("INTERVAL is either not positive or too big", nil),
ErrEventEndsBeforeStarts: mysql.Message("ENDS is either invalid or before STARTS", nil),
ErrEventExecTimeInThePast: mysql.Message("Event execution time is in the past. Event has been disabled", nil),
ErrEventOpenTableFailed: mysql.Message("Failed to open mysql.event", nil),
ErrEventNeitherMExprNorMAt: mysql.Message("No datetime expression provided", nil),
ErrObsoleteColCountDoesntMatchCorrupted: mysql.Message("Column count of mysql.%s is wrong. Expected %d, found %d. The table is probably corrupted", nil),
ErrObsoleteCannotLoadFromTable: mysql.Message("Cannot load from mysql.%s. The table is probably corrupted", nil),
ErrEventCannotDelete: mysql.Message("Failed to delete the event from mysql.event", nil),
ErrEventCompile: mysql.Message("Error during compilation of event's body", nil),
ErrEventSameName: mysql.Message("Same old and new event name", nil),
ErrEventDataTooLong: mysql.Message("Data for column '%s' too long", nil),
ErrDropIndexNeededInForeignKey: mysql.Message("Cannot drop index '%-.192s': needed in a foreign key constraint", nil),
ErrWarnDeprecatedSyntaxWithVer: mysql.Message("The syntax '%s' is deprecated and will be removed in MySQL %s. Please use %s instead", nil),
ErrCantWriteLockLogTable: mysql.Message("You can't write-lock a log table. Only read access is possible", nil),
ErrCantLockLogTable: mysql.Message("You can't use locks with log tables.", nil),
ErrForeignDuplicateKeyOldUnused: mysql.Message("Upholding foreign key constraints for table '%.192s', entry '%-.192s', key %d would lead to a duplicate entry", nil),
ErrColCountDoesntMatchPleaseUpdate: mysql.Message("Column count of mysql.%s is wrong. Expected %d, found %d. Created with MySQL %d, now running %d. Please use mysqlUpgrade to fix this error.", nil),
ErrTempTablePreventsSwitchOutOfRbr: mysql.Message("Cannot switch out of the row-based binary log format when the session has open temporary tables", nil),
ErrStoredFunctionPreventsSwitchBinlogFormat: mysql.Message("Cannot change the binary logging format inside a stored function or trigger", nil),
ErrNdbCantSwitchBinlogFormat: mysql.Message("The NDB cluster engine does not support changing the binlog format on the fly yet", nil),
ErrPartitionNoTemporary: mysql.Message("Cannot create temporary table with partitions", nil),
ErrPartitionConstDomain: mysql.Message("Partition constant is out of partition function domain", nil),
ErrPartitionFunctionIsNotAllowed: mysql.Message("This partition function is not allowed", nil),
ErrDdlLog: mysql.Message("Error in DDL log", nil),
ErrNullInValuesLessThan: mysql.Message("Not allowed to use NULL value in VALUES LESS THAN", nil),
ErrWrongPartitionName: mysql.Message("Incorrect partition name", nil),
ErrCantChangeTxCharacteristics: mysql.Message("Transaction characteristics can't be changed while a transaction is in progress", nil),
ErrDupEntryAutoincrementCase: mysql.Message("ALTER TABLE causes autoIncrement resequencing, resulting in duplicate entry '%-.192s' for key '%-.192s'", nil),
ErrEventModifyQueue: mysql.Message("Internal scheduler error %d", nil),
ErrEventSetVar: mysql.Message("Error during starting/stopping of the scheduler. Error code %d", nil),
ErrPartitionMerge: mysql.Message("Engine cannot be used in partitioned tables", nil),
ErrCantActivateLog: mysql.Message("Cannot activate '%-.64s' log", nil),
ErrRbrNotAvailable: mysql.Message("The server was not built with row-based replication", nil),
ErrBase64Decode: mysql.Message("Decoding of base64 string failed", nil),
ErrEventRecursionForbidden: mysql.Message("Recursion of EVENT DDL statements is forbidden when body is present", nil),
ErrEventsDB: mysql.Message("Cannot proceed because system tables used by Event Scheduler were found damaged at server start", nil),
ErrOnlyIntegersAllowed: mysql.Message("Only integers allowed as number here", nil),
ErrUnsuportedLogEngine: mysql.Message("This storage engine cannot be used for log tables\"", nil),
ErrBadLogStatement: mysql.Message("You cannot '%s' a log table if logging is enabled", nil),
ErrCantRenameLogTable: mysql.Message("Cannot rename '%s'. When logging enabled, rename to/from log table must rename two tables: the log table to an archive table and another table back to '%s'", nil),
ErrWrongParamcountToNativeFct: mysql.Message("Incorrect parameter count in the call to native function '%-.192s'", nil),
ErrWrongParametersToNativeFct: mysql.Message("Incorrect parameters in the call to native function '%-.192s'", nil),
ErrWrongParametersToStoredFct: mysql.Message("Incorrect parameters in the call to stored function '%-.192s'", nil),
ErrNativeFctNameCollision: mysql.Message("This function '%-.192s' has the same name as a native function", nil),
ErrDupEntryWithKeyName: mysql.Message("Duplicate entry '%-.64s' for key '%-.192s'", nil),
ErrBinlogPurgeEmFile: mysql.Message("Too many files opened, please execute the command again", nil),
ErrEventCannotCreateInThePast: mysql.Message("Event execution time is in the past and ON COMPLETION NOT PRESERVE is set. The event was dropped immediately after creation.", nil),
ErrEventCannotAlterInThePast: mysql.Message("Event execution time is in the past and ON COMPLETION NOT PRESERVE is set. The event was not changed. Specify a time in the future.", nil),
ErrNoPartitionForGivenValueSilent: mysql.Message("Table has no partition for some existing values", nil),
ErrBinlogUnsafeStatement: mysql.Message("Unsafe statement written to the binary log using statement format since BINLOGFORMAT = STATEMENT. %s", nil),
ErrBinlogLoggingImpossible: mysql.Message("Binary logging not possible. Message: %s", nil),
ErrViewNoCreationCtx: mysql.Message("View `%-.64s`.`%-.64s` has no creation context", nil),
ErrViewInvalidCreationCtx: mysql.Message("Creation context of view `%-.64s`.`%-.64s' is invalid", nil),
ErrSrInvalidCreationCtx: mysql.Message("Creation context of stored routine `%-.64s`.`%-.64s` is invalid", nil),
ErrTrgCorruptedFile: mysql.Message("Corrupted TRG file for table `%-.64s`.`%-.64s`", nil),
ErrTrgNoCreationCtx: mysql.Message("Triggers for table `%-.64s`.`%-.64s` have no creation context", nil),
ErrTrgInvalidCreationCtx: mysql.Message("Trigger creation context of table `%-.64s`.`%-.64s` is invalid", nil),
ErrEventInvalidCreationCtx: mysql.Message("Creation context of event `%-.64s`.`%-.64s` is invalid", nil),
ErrTrgCantOpenTable: mysql.Message("Cannot open table for trigger `%-.64s`.`%-.64s`", nil),
ErrCantCreateSroutine: mysql.Message("Cannot create stored routine `%-.64s`. Check warnings", nil),
ErrNoFormatDescriptionEventBeforeBinlogStatement: mysql.Message("The BINLOG statement of type `%s` was not preceded by a format description BINLOG statement.", nil),
ErrLoadDataInvalidColumn: mysql.Message("Invalid column reference (%-.64s) in LOAD DATA", nil),
ErrLogPurgeNoFile: mysql.Message("Being purged log %s was not found", nil),
ErrXaRbtimeout: mysql.Message("XARBTIMEOUT: Transaction branch was rolled back: took too long", nil),
ErrXaRbdeadlock: mysql.Message("XARBDEADLOCK: Transaction branch was rolled back: deadlock was detected", nil),
ErrNeedReprepare: mysql.Message("Prepared statement needs to be re-prepared", nil),
ErrDelayedNotSupported: mysql.Message("DELAYED option not supported for table '%-.192s'", nil),
WarnOptionIgnored: mysql.Message("<%-.64s> option ignored", nil),
WarnPluginDeleteBuiltin: mysql.Message("Built-in plugins cannot be deleted", nil),
WarnPluginBusy: mysql.Message("Plugin is busy and will be uninstalled on shutdown", nil),
ErrVariableIsReadonly: mysql.Message("%s variable '%s' is read-only. Use SET %s to assign the value", nil),
ErrWarnEngineTransactionRollback: mysql.Message("Storage engine %s does not support rollback for this statement. Transaction rolled back and must be restarted", nil),
ErrNdbReplicationSchema: mysql.Message("Bad schema for mysql.ndbReplication table. Message: %-.64s", nil),
ErrConflictFnParse: mysql.Message("Error in parsing conflict function. Message: %-.64s", nil),
ErrExceptionsWrite: mysql.Message("Write to exceptions table failed. Message: %-.128s\"", nil),
ErrTooLongTableComment: mysql.Message("Comment for table '%-.64s' is too long (max = %d)", nil),
ErrTooLongFieldComment: mysql.Message("Comment for field '%-.64s' is too long (max = %d)", nil),
ErrFuncInexistentNameCollision: mysql.Message("FUNCTION %s does not exist. Check the 'Function Name Parsing and Resolution' section in the Reference Manual", nil),
ErrDatabaseName: mysql.Message("Database", nil),
ErrTableName: mysql.Message("Table", nil),
ErrPartitionName: mysql.Message("Partition", nil),
ErrSubpartitionName: mysql.Message("Subpartition", nil),
ErrTemporaryName: mysql.Message("Temporary", nil),
ErrRenamedName: mysql.Message("Renamed", nil),
ErrTooManyConcurrentTrxs: mysql.Message("Too many active concurrent transactions", nil),
WarnNonASCIISeparatorNotImplemented: mysql.Message("Non-ASCII separator arguments are not fully supported", nil),
ErrDebugSyncTimeout: mysql.Message("debug sync point wait timed out", nil),
ErrDebugSyncHitLimit: mysql.Message("debug sync point hit limit reached", nil),
ErrDupSignalSet: mysql.Message("Duplicate condition information item '%s'", nil),
ErrSignalWarn: mysql.Message("Unhandled user-defined warning condition", nil),
ErrSignalNotFound: mysql.Message("Unhandled user-defined not found condition", nil),
ErrSignalException: mysql.Message("Unhandled user-defined exception condition", nil),
ErrResignalWithoutActiveHandler: mysql.Message("RESIGNAL when handler not active", nil),
ErrSignalBadConditionType: mysql.Message("SIGNAL/RESIGNAL can only use a CONDITION defined with SQLSTATE", nil),
WarnCondItemTruncated: mysql.Message("Data truncated for condition item '%s'", nil),
ErrCondItemTooLong: mysql.Message("Data too long for condition item '%s'", nil),
ErrUnknownLocale: mysql.Message("Unknown locale: '%-.64s'", nil),
ErrQueryCacheDisabled: mysql.Message("Query cache is disabled; restart the server with queryCacheType=1 to enable it", nil),
ErrSameNamePartitionField: mysql.Message("Duplicate partition field name '%-.192s'", nil),
ErrPartitionColumnList: mysql.Message("Inconsistency in usage of column lists for partitioning", nil),
ErrWrongTypeColumnValue: mysql.Message("Partition column values of incorrect type", nil),
ErrTooManyPartitionFuncFields: mysql.Message("Too many fields in '%-.192s'", nil),
ErrMaxvalueInValuesIn: mysql.Message("Cannot use MAXVALUE as value in VALUES IN", nil),
ErrTooManyValues: mysql.Message("Cannot have more than one value for this type of %-.64s partitioning", nil),
ErrRowSinglePartitionField: mysql.Message("Row expressions in VALUES IN only allowed for multi-field column partitioning", nil),
ErrFieldTypeNotAllowedAsPartitionField: mysql.Message("Field '%-.192s' is of a not allowed type for this type of partitioning", nil),
ErrPartitionFieldsTooLong: mysql.Message("The total length of the partitioning fields is too large", nil),
ErrBinlogRowEngineAndStmtEngine: mysql.Message("Cannot execute statement: impossible to write to binary log since both row-incapable engines and statement-incapable engines are involved.", nil),
ErrBinlogRowModeAndStmtEngine: mysql.Message("Cannot execute statement: impossible to write to binary log since BINLOGFORMAT = ROW and at least one table uses a storage engine limited to statement-based logging.", nil),
ErrBinlogUnsafeAndStmtEngine: mysql.Message("Cannot execute statement: impossible to write to binary log since statement is unsafe, storage engine is limited to statement-based logging, and BINLOGFORMAT = MIXED. %s", nil),
ErrBinlogRowInjectionAndStmtEngine: mysql.Message("Cannot execute statement: impossible to write to binary log since statement is in row format and at least one table uses a storage engine limited to statement-based logging.", nil),
ErrBinlogStmtModeAndRowEngine: mysql.Message("Cannot execute statement: impossible to write to binary log since BINLOGFORMAT = STATEMENT and at least one table uses a storage engine limited to row-based logging.%s", nil),
ErrBinlogRowInjectionAndStmtMode: mysql.Message("Cannot execute statement: impossible to write to binary log since statement is in row format and BINLOGFORMAT = STATEMENT.", nil),
ErrBinlogMultipleEnginesAndSelfLoggingEngine: mysql.Message("Cannot execute statement: impossible to write to binary log since more than one engine is involved and at least one engine is self-logging.", nil),
ErrBinlogUnsafeLimit: mysql.Message("The statement is unsafe because it uses a LIMIT clause. This is unsafe because the set of rows included cannot be predicted.", nil),
ErrBinlogUnsafeInsertDelayed: mysql.Message("The statement is unsafe because it uses INSERT DELAYED. This is unsafe because the times when rows are inserted cannot be predicted.", nil),
ErrBinlogUnsafeAutoincColumns: mysql.Message("Statement is unsafe because it invokes a trigger or a stored function that inserts into an AUTOINCREMENT column. Inserted values cannot be logged correctly.", nil),
ErrBinlogUnsafeSystemFunction: mysql.Message("Statement is unsafe because it uses a system function that may return a different value on the slave", nil),
ErrBinlogUnsafeNontransAfterTrans: mysql.Message("Statement is unsafe because it accesses a non-transactional table after accessing a transactional table within the same transaction.", nil),
ErrMessageAndStatement: mysql.Message("%s Statement: %s", nil),
ErrInsideTransactionPreventsSwitchBinlogFormat: mysql.Message("Cannot modify @@session.binlogFormat inside a transaction", nil),
ErrPathLength: mysql.Message("The path specified for %.64s is too long.", nil),
ErrWarnDeprecatedSyntaxNoReplacement: mysql.Message("'%s' is deprecated and will be removed in a future release.", nil),
ErrWrongNativeTableStructure: mysql.Message("Native table '%-.64s'.'%-.64s' has the wrong structure", nil),
ErrWrongPerfSchemaUsage: mysql.Message("Invalid performanceSchema usage.", nil),
ErrWarnISSkippedTable: mysql.Message("Table '%s'.'%s' was skipped since its definition is being modified by concurrent DDL statement", nil),
ErrInsideTransactionPreventsSwitchBinlogDirect: mysql.Message("Cannot modify @@session.binlogDirectNonTransactionalUpdates inside a transaction", nil),
ErrStoredFunctionPreventsSwitchBinlogDirect: mysql.Message("Cannot change the binlog direct flag inside a stored function or trigger", nil),
ErrSpatialMustHaveGeomCol: mysql.Message("A SPATIAL index may only contain a geometrical type column", nil),
ErrTooLongIndexComment: mysql.Message("Comment for index '%-.64s' is too long (max = %d)", nil),
ErrLockAborted: mysql.Message("Wait on a lock was aborted due to a pending exclusive lock", nil),
ErrDataOutOfRange: mysql.Message("%s value is out of range in '%s'", []int{1}),
ErrWrongSpvarTypeInLimit: mysql.Message("A variable of a non-integer based type in LIMIT clause", nil),
ErrBinlogUnsafeMultipleEnginesAndSelfLoggingEngine: mysql.Message("Mixing self-logging and non-self-logging engines in a statement is unsafe.", nil),
ErrBinlogUnsafeMixedStatement: mysql.Message("Statement accesses nontransactional table as well as transactional or temporary table, and writes to any of them.", nil),
ErrInsideTransactionPreventsSwitchSQLLogBin: mysql.Message("Cannot modify @@session.sqlLogBin inside a transaction", nil),
ErrStoredFunctionPreventsSwitchSQLLogBin: mysql.Message("Cannot change the sqlLogBin inside a stored function or trigger", nil),
ErrFailedReadFromParFile: mysql.Message("Failed to read from the .par file", nil),
ErrValuesIsNotIntType: mysql.Message("VALUES value for partition '%-.64s' must have type INT", nil),
ErrAccessDeniedNoPassword: mysql.Message("Access denied for user '%-.48s'@'%-.255s'", nil),
ErrSetPasswordAuthPlugin: mysql.Message("SET PASSWORD has no significance for user '%-.48s'@'%-.255s' as authentication plugin does not support it.", nil),
ErrGrantPluginUserExists: mysql.Message("GRANT with IDENTIFIED WITH is illegal because the user %-.*s already exists", nil),
ErrTruncateIllegalForeignKey: mysql.Message("Cannot truncate a table referenced in a foreign key constraint (%.192s)", nil),
ErrPluginIsPermanent: mysql.Message("Plugin '%s' is forcePlusPermanent and can not be unloaded", nil),
ErrStmtCacheFull: mysql.Message("Multi-row statements required more than 'maxBinlogStmtCacheSize' bytes of storage; increase this mysqld variable and try again", nil),
ErrMultiUpdateKeyConflict: mysql.Message("Primary key/partition key update is not allowed since the table is updated both as '%-.192s' and '%-.192s'.", nil),
ErrTableNeedsRebuild: mysql.Message("Table rebuild required. Please do \"ALTER TABLE `%-.32s` FORCE\" or dump/reload to fix it!", nil),
WarnOptionBelowLimit: mysql.Message("The value of '%s' should be no less than the value of '%s'", nil),
ErrIndexColumnTooLong: mysql.Message("Index column size too large. The maximum column size is %d bytes.", nil),
ErrErrorInTriggerBody: mysql.Message("Trigger '%-.64s' has an error in its body: '%-.256s'", nil),
ErrErrorInUnknownTriggerBody: mysql.Message("Unknown trigger has an error in its body: '%-.256s'", nil),
ErrIndexCorrupt: mysql.Message("Index %s is corrupted", nil),
ErrUndoRecordTooBig: mysql.Message("Undo log record is too big.", nil),
ErrPluginNoUninstall: mysql.Message("Plugin '%s' is marked as not dynamically uninstallable. You have to stop the server to uninstall it.", nil),
ErrPluginNoInstall: mysql.Message("Plugin '%s' is marked as not dynamically installable. You have to stop the server to install it.", nil),
ErrBinlogUnsafeInsertTwoKeys: mysql.Message("INSERT... ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE on a table with more than one UNIQUE KEY is unsafe", nil),
ErrTableInFkCheck: mysql.Message("Table is being used in foreign key check.", nil),
ErrUnsupportedEngine: mysql.Message("Storage engine '%s' does not support system tables. [%s.%s]", nil),
ErrBinlogUnsafeAutoincNotFirst: mysql.Message("INSERT into autoincrement field which is not the first part in the composed primary key is unsafe.", nil),
ErrCannotLoadFromTableV2: mysql.Message("Cannot load from %s.%s. The table is probably corrupted", nil),
ErrOnlyFdAndRbrEventsAllowedInBinlogStatement: mysql.Message("Only FormatDescriptionLogEvent and row events are allowed in BINLOG statements (but %s was provided)", nil),
ErrPartitionExchangeDifferentOption: mysql.Message("Non matching attribute '%-.64s' between partition and table", nil),
ErrPartitionExchangePartTable: mysql.Message("Table to exchange with partition is partitioned: '%-.64s'", nil),
ErrPartitionExchangeTempTable: mysql.Message("Table to exchange with partition is temporary: '%-.64s'", nil),
ErrPartitionInsteadOfSubpartition: mysql.Message("Subpartitioned table, use subpartition instead of partition", nil),
ErrUnknownPartition: mysql.Message("Unknown partition '%-.64s' in table '%-.64s'", nil),
ErrTablesDifferentMetadata: mysql.Message("Tables have different definitions", nil),
ErrRowDoesNotMatchPartition: mysql.Message("Found a row that does not match the partition", nil),
ErrBinlogCacheSizeGreaterThanMax: mysql.Message("Option binlogCacheSize (%d) is greater than maxBinlogCacheSize (%d); setting binlogCacheSize equal to maxBinlogCacheSize.", nil),
ErrWarnIndexNotApplicable: mysql.Message("Cannot use %-.64s access on index '%-.64s' due to type or collation conversion on field '%-.64s'", nil),
ErrPartitionExchangeForeignKey: mysql.Message("Table to exchange with partition has foreign key references: '%-.64s'", nil),
ErrNoSuchKeyValue: mysql.Message("Key value '%-.192s' was not found in table '%-.192s.%-.192s'", nil),
ErrRplInfoDataTooLong: mysql.Message("Data for column '%s' too long", nil),
ErrNetworkReadEventChecksumFailure: mysql.Message("Replication event checksum verification failed while reading from network.", nil),
ErrBinlogReadEventChecksumFailure: mysql.Message("Replication event checksum verification failed while reading from a log file.", nil),
ErrBinlogStmtCacheSizeGreaterThanMax: mysql.Message("Option binlogStmtCacheSize (%d) is greater than maxBinlogStmtCacheSize (%d); setting binlogStmtCacheSize equal to maxBinlogStmtCacheSize.", nil),
ErrCantUpdateTableInCreateTableSelect: mysql.Message("Can't update table '%-.192s' while '%-.192s' is being created.", nil),
ErrPartitionClauseOnNonpartitioned: mysql.Message("PARTITION () clause on non partitioned table", nil),
ErrRowDoesNotMatchGivenPartitionSet: mysql.Message("Found a row not matching the given partition set", nil),
ErrNoSuchPartitionunused: mysql.Message("partition '%-.64s' doesn't exist", nil),
ErrChangeRplInfoRepositoryFailure: mysql.Message("Failure while changing the type of replication repository: %s.", nil),
ErrWarningNotCompleteRollbackWithCreatedTempTable: mysql.Message("The creation of some temporary tables could not be rolled back.", nil),
ErrWarningNotCompleteRollbackWithDroppedTempTable: mysql.Message("Some temporary tables were dropped, but these operations could not be rolled back.", nil),
ErrMtsUpdatedDBsGreaterMax: mysql.Message("The number of modified databases exceeds the maximum %d; the database names will not be included in the replication event metadata.", nil),
ErrMtsCantParallel: mysql.Message("Cannot execute the current event group in the parallel mode. Encountered event %s, relay-log name %s, position %s which prevents execution of this event group in parallel mode. Reason: %s.", nil),
ErrMtsInconsistentData: mysql.Message("%s", nil),
ErrFulltextNotSupportedWithPartitioning: mysql.Message("FULLTEXT index is not supported for partitioned tables.", nil),
ErrDaInvalidConditionNumber: mysql.Message("Invalid condition number", nil),
ErrInsecurePlainText: mysql.Message("Sending passwords in plain text without SSL/TLS is extremely insecure.", nil),
ErrForeignDuplicateKeyWithChildInfo: mysql.Message("Foreign key constraint for table '%.192s', record '%-.192s' would lead to a duplicate entry in table '%.192s', key '%.192s'", nil),
ErrForeignDuplicateKeyWithoutChildInfo: mysql.Message("Foreign key constraint for table '%.192s', record '%-.192s' would lead to a duplicate entry in a child table", nil),
ErrTableHasNoFt: mysql.Message("The table does not have FULLTEXT index to support this query", nil),
ErrVariableNotSettableInSfOrTrigger: mysql.Message("The system variable %.200s cannot be set in stored functions or triggers.", nil),
ErrVariableNotSettableInTransaction: mysql.Message("The system variable %.200s cannot be set when there is an ongoing transaction.", nil),
ErrGtidNextIsNotInGtidNextList: mysql.Message("The system variable @@SESSION.GTIDNEXT has the value %.200s, which is not listed in @@SESSION.GTIDNEXTLIST.", nil),
ErrCantChangeGtidNextInTransactionWhenGtidNextListIsNull: mysql.Message("When @@SESSION.GTIDNEXTLIST == NULL, the system variable @@SESSION.GTIDNEXT cannot change inside a transaction.", nil),
ErrSetStatementCannotInvokeFunction: mysql.Message("The statement 'SET %.200s' cannot invoke a stored function.", nil),
ErrGtidNextCantBeAutomaticIfGtidNextListIsNonNull: mysql.Message("The system variable @@SESSION.GTIDNEXT cannot be 'AUTOMATIC' when @@SESSION.GTIDNEXTLIST is non-NULL.", nil),
ErrSkippingLoggedTransaction: mysql.Message("Skipping transaction %.200s because it has already been executed and logged.", nil),
ErrMalformedGtidSetSpecification: mysql.Message("Malformed GTID set specification '%.200s'.", nil),
ErrMalformedGtidSetEncoding: mysql.Message("Malformed GTID set encoding.", nil),
ErrMalformedGtidSpecification: mysql.Message("Malformed GTID specification '%.200s'.", nil),
ErrGnoExhausted: mysql.Message("Impossible to generate Global Transaction Identifier: the integer component reached the maximal value. Restart the server with a new serverUuid.", nil),
ErrCantDoImplicitCommitInTrxWhenGtidNextIsSet: mysql.Message("Cannot execute statements with implicit commit inside a transaction when @@SESSION.GTIDNEXT != AUTOMATIC or @@SESSION.GTIDNEXTLIST != NULL.", nil),
ErrGtidMode2Or3RequiresEnforceGtidConsistencyOn: mysql.Message("@@GLOBAL.GTIDMODE = ON or UPGRADESTEP2 requires @@GLOBAL.ENFORCEGTIDCONSISTENCY = 1.", nil),
ErrCantSetGtidNextToGtidWhenGtidModeIsOff: mysql.Message("@@SESSION.GTIDNEXT cannot be set to UUID:NUMBER when @@GLOBAL.GTIDMODE = OFF.", nil),
ErrCantSetGtidNextToAnonymousWhenGtidModeIsOn: mysql.Message("@@SESSION.GTIDNEXT cannot be set to ANONYMOUS when @@GLOBAL.GTIDMODE = ON.", nil),
ErrCantSetGtidNextListToNonNullWhenGtidModeIsOff: mysql.Message("@@SESSION.GTIDNEXTLIST cannot be set to a non-NULL value when @@GLOBAL.GTIDMODE = OFF.", nil),
ErrFoundGtidEventWhenGtidModeIsOff: mysql.Message("Found a GtidLogEvent or PreviousGtidsLogEvent when @@GLOBAL.GTIDMODE = OFF.", nil),
ErrGtidUnsafeNonTransactionalTable: mysql.Message("When @@GLOBAL.ENFORCEGTIDCONSISTENCY = 1, updates to non-transactional tables can only be done in either autocommitted statements or single-statement transactions, and never in the same statement as updates to transactional tables.", nil),
ErrGtidUnsafeCreateSelect: mysql.Message("CREATE TABLE ... SELECT is forbidden when @@GLOBAL.ENFORCEGTIDCONSISTENCY = 1.", nil),
ErrGtidUnsafeCreateDropTemporaryTableInTransaction: mysql.Message("When @@GLOBAL.ENFORCEGTIDCONSISTENCY = 1, the statements CREATE TEMPORARY TABLE and DROP TEMPORARY TABLE can be executed in a non-transactional context only, and require that AUTOCOMMIT = 1.", nil),
ErrGtidModeCanOnlyChangeOneStepAtATime: mysql.Message("The value of @@GLOBAL.GTIDMODE can only change one step at a time: OFF <-> UPGRADESTEP1 <-> UPGRADESTEP2 <-> ON. Also note that this value must be stepped up or down simultaneously on all servers; see the Manual for instructions.", nil),
ErrCantSetGtidNextWhenOwningGtid: mysql.Message("@@SESSION.GTIDNEXT cannot be changed by a client that owns a GTID. The client owns %s. Ownership is released on COMMIT or ROLLBACK.", nil),
ErrUnknownExplainFormat: mysql.Message("Unknown EXPLAIN format name: '%s'", nil),
ErrCantExecuteInReadOnlyTransaction: mysql.Message("Cannot execute statement in a READ ONLY transaction.", nil),
ErrTooLongTablePartitionComment: mysql.Message("Comment for table partition '%-.64s' is too long (max = %d)", nil),
ErrInnodbFtLimit: mysql.Message("InnoDB presently supports one FULLTEXT index creation at a time", nil),
ErrInnodbNoFtTempTable: mysql.Message("Cannot create FULLTEXT index on temporary InnoDB table", nil),
ErrInnodbFtWrongDocidColumn: mysql.Message("Column '%-.192s' is of wrong type for an InnoDB FULLTEXT index", nil),
ErrInnodbFtWrongDocidIndex: mysql.Message("Index '%-.192s' is of wrong type for an InnoDB FULLTEXT index", nil),
ErrInnodbOnlineLogTooBig: mysql.Message("Creating index '%-.192s' required more than 'innodbOnlineAlterLogMaxSize' bytes of modification log. Please try again.", nil),
ErrUnknownAlterAlgorithm: mysql.Message("Unknown ALGORITHM '%s'", nil),
ErrUnknownAlterLock: mysql.Message("Unknown LOCK type '%s'", nil),
ErrMtsResetWorkers: mysql.Message("Cannot clean up worker info tables. Additional error messages can be found in the MySQL error log.", nil),
ErrColCountDoesntMatchCorruptedV2: mysql.Message("Column count of %s.%s is wrong. Expected %d, found %d. The table is probably corrupted", nil),
ErrDiscardFkChecksRunning: mysql.Message("There is a foreign key check running on table '%-.192s'. Cannot discard the table.", nil),
ErrTableSchemaMismatch: mysql.Message("Schema mismatch (%s)", nil),
ErrTableInSystemTablespace: mysql.Message("Table '%-.192s' in system tablespace", nil),
ErrIoRead: mysql.Message("IO Read : (%d, %s) %s", nil),
ErrIoWrite: mysql.Message("IO Write : (%d, %s) %s", nil),
ErrTablespaceMissing: mysql.Message("Tablespace is missing for table '%-.192s'", nil),
ErrTablespaceExists: mysql.Message("Tablespace for table '%-.192s' exists. Please DISCARD the tablespace before IMPORT.", nil),
ErrTablespaceDiscarded: mysql.Message("Tablespace has been discarded for table '%-.192s'", nil),
ErrInternal: mysql.Message("Internal : %s", nil),
ErrInnodbImport: mysql.Message("ALTER TABLE '%-.192s' IMPORT TABLESPACE failed with error %d : '%s'", nil),
ErrInnodbIndexCorrupt: mysql.Message("Index corrupt: %s", nil),
ErrInvalidYearColumnLength: mysql.Message("Supports only YEAR or YEAR(4) column", nil),
ErrNotValidPassword: mysql.Message("Your password does not satisfy the current policy requirements", nil),
ErrMustChangePassword: mysql.Message("You must SET PASSWORD before executing this statement", nil),
ErrFkNoIndexChild: mysql.Message("Failed to add the foreign key constraint. Missing index for constraint '%s' in the foreign table '%s'", nil),
ErrForeignKeyNoIndexInParent: mysql.Message("Failed to add the foreign key constraint. Missing index for constraint '%s' in the referenced table '%s'", nil),
ErrFkFailAddSystem: mysql.Message("Failed to add the foreign key constraint '%s' to system tables", nil),
ErrForeignKeyCannotOpenParent: mysql.Message("Failed to open the referenced table '%s'", nil),
ErrFkIncorrectOption: mysql.Message("Failed to add the foreign key constraint on table '%s'. Incorrect options in FOREIGN KEY constraint '%s'", nil),
ErrFkDupName: mysql.Message("Duplicate foreign key constraint name '%s'", nil),
ErrPasswordFormat: mysql.Message("The password hash doesn't have the expected format. Check if the correct password algorithm is being used with the PASSWORD() function.", nil),
ErrFkColumnCannotDrop: mysql.Message("Cannot drop column '%-.192s': needed in a foreign key constraint '%-.192s'", nil),
ErrFkColumnCannotDropChild: mysql.Message("Cannot drop column '%-.192s': needed in a foreign key constraint '%-.192s' of table '%-.192s'", nil),
ErrForeignKeyColumnNotNull: mysql.Message("Column '%-.192s' cannot be NOT NULL: needed in a foreign key constraint '%-.192s' SET NULL", nil),
ErrDupIndex: mysql.Message("Duplicate index '%-.64s' defined on the table '%-.64s.%-.64s'. This is deprecated and will be disallowed in a future release.", nil),
ErrForeignKeyColumnCannotChange: mysql.Message("Cannot change column '%-.192s': used in a foreign key constraint '%-.192s'", nil),
ErrForeignKeyColumnCannotChangeChild: mysql.Message("Cannot change column '%-.192s': used in a foreign key constraint '%-.192s' of table '%-.192s'", nil),
ErrFkCannotDeleteParent: mysql.Message("Cannot delete rows from table which is parent in a foreign key constraint '%-.192s' of table '%-.192s'", nil),
ErrMalformedPacket: mysql.Message("Malformed communication packet.", nil),
ErrReadOnlyMode: mysql.Message("Running in read-only mode", nil),
ErrVariableNotSettableInSp: mysql.Message("The system variable %.200s cannot be set in stored procedures.", nil),
ErrCantSetGtidPurgedWhenGtidModeIsOff: mysql.Message("@@GLOBAL.GTIDPURGED can only be set when @@GLOBAL.GTIDMODE = ON.", nil),
ErrCantSetGtidPurgedWhenGtidExecutedIsNotEmpty: mysql.Message("@@GLOBAL.GTIDPURGED can only be set when @@GLOBAL.GTIDEXECUTED is empty.", nil),
ErrCantSetGtidPurgedWhenOwnedGtidsIsNotEmpty: mysql.Message("@@GLOBAL.GTIDPURGED can only be set when there are no ongoing transactions (not even in other clients).", nil),
ErrGtidPurgedWasChanged: mysql.Message("@@GLOBAL.GTIDPURGED was changed from '%s' to '%s'.", nil),
ErrGtidExecutedWasChanged: mysql.Message("@@GLOBAL.GTIDEXECUTED was changed from '%s' to '%s'.", nil),
ErrBinlogStmtModeAndNoReplTables: mysql.Message("Cannot execute statement: impossible to write to binary log since BINLOGFORMAT = STATEMENT, and both replicated and non replicated tables are written to.", nil),
ErrAlterOperationNotSupported: mysql.Message("%s is not supported for this operation. Try %s.", nil),
ErrAlterOperationNotSupportedReason: mysql.Message("%s is not supported. Reason: %s. Try %s.", nil),
ErrAlterOperationNotSupportedReasonCopy: mysql.Message("COPY algorithm requires a lock", nil),
ErrAlterOperationNotSupportedReasonPartition: mysql.Message("Partition specific operations do not yet support LOCK/ALGORITHM", nil),
ErrAlterOperationNotSupportedReasonFkRename: mysql.Message("Columns participating in a foreign key are renamed", nil),
ErrAlterOperationNotSupportedReasonColumnType: mysql.Message("Cannot change column type INPLACE", nil),
ErrAlterOperationNotSupportedReasonFkCheck: mysql.Message("Adding foreign keys needs foreignKeyChecks=OFF", nil),
ErrAlterOperationNotSupportedReasonIgnore: mysql.Message("Creating unique indexes with IGNORE requires COPY algorithm to remove duplicate rows", nil),
ErrAlterOperationNotSupportedReasonNopk: mysql.Message("Dropping a primary key is not allowed without also adding a new primary key", nil),
ErrAlterOperationNotSupportedReasonAutoinc: mysql.Message("Adding an auto-increment column requires a lock", nil),
ErrAlterOperationNotSupportedReasonHiddenFts: mysql.Message("Cannot replace hidden FTSDOCID with a user-visible one", nil),
ErrAlterOperationNotSupportedReasonChangeFts: mysql.Message("Cannot drop or rename FTSDOCID", nil),
ErrAlterOperationNotSupportedReasonFts: mysql.Message("Fulltext index creation requires a lock", nil),
ErrDupUnknownInIndex: mysql.Message("Duplicate entry for key '%-.192s'", nil),
ErrIdentCausesTooLongPath: mysql.Message("Long database name and identifier for object resulted in path length exceeding %d characters. Path: '%s'.", nil),
ErrAlterOperationNotSupportedReasonNotNull: mysql.Message("cannot silently convert NULL values, as required in this SQLMODE", nil),
ErrMustChangePasswordLogin: mysql.Message("Your password has expired. To log in you must change it using a client that supports expired passwords.", nil),
ErrRowInWrongPartition: mysql.Message("Found a row in wrong partition %s", []int{0}),
ErrGeneratedColumnFunctionIsNotAllowed: mysql.Message("Expression of generated column '%s' contains a disallowed function.", nil),
ErrGeneratedColumnRowValueIsNotAllowed: mysql.Message("Expression of generated column '%s' cannot refer to a row value", nil),
ErrDefValGeneratedNamedFunctionIsNotAllowed: mysql.Message("Default value expression of column '%s' contains a disallowed function: `%s`.", nil),
ErrUnsupportedAlterInplaceOnVirtualColumn: mysql.Message("INPLACE ADD or DROP of virtual columns cannot be combined with other ALTER TABLE actions.", nil),
ErrWrongFKOptionForGeneratedColumn: mysql.Message("Cannot define foreign key with %s clause on a generated column.", nil),
ErrBadGeneratedColumn: mysql.Message("The value specified for generated column '%s' in table '%s' is not allowed.", nil),
ErrUnsupportedOnGeneratedColumn: mysql.Message("'%s' is not supported for generated columns.", nil),
ErrGeneratedColumnNonPrior: mysql.Message("Generated column can refer only to generated columns defined prior to it.", nil),
ErrDependentByGeneratedColumn: mysql.Message("Column '%s' has a generated column dependency.", nil),
ErrGeneratedColumnRefAutoInc: mysql.Message("Generated column '%s' cannot refer to auto-increment column.", nil),
ErrAccountHasBeenLocked: mysql.Message("Access denied for user '%s'@'%s'. Account is locked.", nil),
ErrWarnConflictingHint: mysql.Message("Hint %s is ignored as conflicting/duplicated.", nil),
ErrUnresolvedHintName: mysql.Message("Unresolved name '%s' for %s hint", nil),
ErrInvalidFieldSize: mysql.Message("Invalid size for column '%s'.", nil),
ErrInvalidArgumentForLogarithm: mysql.Message("Invalid argument for logarithm", nil),
ErrAggregateOrderNonAggQuery: mysql.Message("Expression #%d of ORDER BY contains aggregate function and applies to the result of a non-aggregated query", nil),
ErrIncorrectType: mysql.Message("Incorrect type for argument %s in function %s.", nil),
ErrFieldInOrderNotSelect: mysql.Message("Expression #%d of ORDER BY clause is not in SELECT list, references column '%s' which is not in SELECT list; this is incompatible with %s", nil),
ErrAggregateInOrderNotSelect: mysql.Message("Expression #%d of ORDER BY clause is not in SELECT list, contains aggregate function; this is incompatible with %s", nil),
ErrInvalidJSONData: mysql.Message("Invalid JSON data provided to function %s: %s", nil),
ErrInvalidJSONText: mysql.Message("Invalid JSON text: %-.192s", []int{0}),
ErrInvalidJSONPath: mysql.Message("Invalid JSON path expression. The error is around character position %d.", []int{0}),
ErrInvalidJSONCharset: mysql.Message("Cannot create a JSON value from a string with CHARACTER SET '%s'.", nil),
ErrInvalidTypeForJSON: mysql.Message("Invalid data type for JSON data in argument %d to function %s; a JSON string or JSON type is required.", nil),
ErrInvalidJSONPathWildcard: mysql.Message("In this situation, path expressions may not contain the * and ** tokens.", nil),
ErrInvalidJSONContainsPathType: mysql.Message("The second argument can only be either 'one' or 'all'.", nil),
ErrJSONUsedAsKey: mysql.Message("JSON column '%-.192s' cannot be used in key specification.", nil),
ErrJSONDocumentTooDeep: mysql.Message("The JSON document exceeds the maximum depth.", nil),
ErrJSONDocumentNULLKey: mysql.Message("JSON documents may not contain NULL member names.", nil),
ErrSecureTransportRequired: mysql.Message("Connections using insecure transport are prohibited while --require_secure_transport=ON.", nil),
ErrBadUser: mysql.Message("User %s does not exist.", nil),
ErrUserAlreadyExists: mysql.Message("User %s already exists.", nil),
ErrInvalidJSONPathArrayCell: mysql.Message("A path expression is not a path to a cell in an array.", nil),
ErrInvalidEncryptionOption: mysql.Message("Invalid encryption option.", nil),
ErrTooLongValueForType: mysql.Message("Too long enumeration/set value for column %s.", nil),
ErrPKIndexCantBeInvisible: mysql.Message("A primary key index cannot be invisible", nil),
ErrWindowNoSuchWindow: mysql.Message("Window name '%s' is not defined.", nil),
ErrWindowCircularityInWindowGraph: mysql.Message("There is a circularity in the window dependency graph.", nil),
ErrWindowNoChildPartitioning: mysql.Message("A window which depends on another cannot define partitioning.", nil),
ErrWindowNoInherentFrame: mysql.Message("Window '%s' has a frame definition, so cannot be referenced by another window.", nil),
ErrWindowNoRedefineOrderBy: mysql.Message("Window '%s' cannot inherit '%s' since both contain an ORDER BY clause.", nil),
ErrWindowFrameStartIllegal: mysql.Message("Window '%s': frame start cannot be UNBOUNDED FOLLOWING.", nil),
ErrWindowFrameEndIllegal: mysql.Message("Window '%s': frame end cannot be UNBOUNDED PRECEDING.", nil),
ErrWindowFrameIllegal: mysql.Message("Window '%s': frame start or end is negative, NULL or of non-integral type", nil),
ErrWindowRangeFrameOrderType: mysql.Message("Window '%s' with RANGE N PRECEDING/FOLLOWING frame requires exactly one ORDER BY expression, of numeric or temporal type", nil),
ErrWindowRangeFrameTemporalType: mysql.Message("Window '%s' with RANGE frame has ORDER BY expression of datetime type. Only INTERVAL bound value allowed.", nil),
ErrWindowRangeFrameNumericType: mysql.Message("Window '%s' with RANGE frame has ORDER BY expression of numeric type, INTERVAL bound value not allowed.", nil),
ErrWindowRangeBoundNotConstant: mysql.Message("Window '%s' has a non-constant frame bound.", nil),
ErrWindowDuplicateName: mysql.Message("Window '%s' is defined twice.", nil),
ErrWindowIllegalOrderBy: mysql.Message("Window '%s': ORDER BY or PARTITION BY uses legacy position indication which is not supported, use expression.", nil),
ErrWindowInvalidWindowFuncUse: mysql.Message("You cannot use the window function '%s' in this context.'", nil),
ErrWindowInvalidWindowFuncAliasUse: mysql.Message("You cannot use the alias '%s' of an expression containing a window function in this context.'", nil),
ErrWindowNestedWindowFuncUseInWindowSpec: mysql.Message("You cannot nest a window function in the specification of window '%s'.", nil),
ErrWindowRowsIntervalUse: mysql.Message("Window '%s': INTERVAL can only be used with RANGE frames.", nil),
ErrWindowNoGroupOrderUnused: mysql.Message("ASC or DESC with GROUP BY isn't allowed with window functions; put ASC or DESC in ORDER BY", nil),
ErrWindowExplainJSON: mysql.Message("To get information about window functions use EXPLAIN FORMAT=JSON", nil),
ErrWindowFunctionIgnoresFrame: mysql.Message("Window function '%s' ignores the frame clause of window '%s' and aggregates over the whole partition", nil),
ErrRoleNotGranted: mysql.Message("%s is not granted to %s", nil),
ErrMaxExecTimeExceeded: mysql.Message("Query execution was interrupted, max_execution_time exceeded.", nil),
ErrLockAcquireFailAndNoWaitSet: mysql.Message("Statement aborted because lock(s) could not be acquired immediately and NOWAIT is set.", nil),
ErrNotHintUpdatable: mysql.Message("Variable '%s' cannot be set using SET_VAR hint.", nil),
ErrForeignKeyCannotDropParent: mysql.Message("Cannot drop table '%s' referenced by a foreign key constraint '%s' on table '%s'.", nil),
ErrForeignKeyCannotUseVirtualColumn: mysql.Message("Foreign key '%s' uses virtual column '%s' which is not supported.", nil),
ErrForeignKeyNoColumnInParent: mysql.Message("Failed to add the foreign key constraint. Missing column '%s' for constraint '%s' in the referenced table '%s'", nil),
ErrDataTruncatedFunctionalIndex: mysql.Message("Data truncated for expression index '%s' at row %d", nil),
ErrDataOutOfRangeFunctionalIndex: mysql.Message("Value is out of range for expression index '%s' at row %d", nil),
ErrFunctionalIndexOnJSONOrGeometryFunction: mysql.Message("Cannot create an expression index on a function that returns a JSON or GEOMETRY value", nil),
ErrFunctionalIndexRefAutoIncrement: mysql.Message("Expression index '%s' cannot refer to an auto-increment column", nil),
ErrCannotDropColumnFunctionalIndex: mysql.Message("Cannot drop column '%s' because it is used by an expression index. In order to drop the column, you must remove the expression index", nil),
ErrFunctionalIndexPrimaryKey: mysql.Message("The primary key cannot be an expression index", nil),
ErrFunctionalIndexOnBlob: mysql.Message("Cannot create an expression index on an expression that returns a BLOB or TEXT. Please consider using CAST", nil),
ErrFunctionalIndexFunctionIsNotAllowed: mysql.Message("Expression of expression index '%s' contains a disallowed function", nil),
ErrFulltextFunctionalIndex: mysql.Message("Fulltext expression index is not supported", nil),
ErrSpatialFunctionalIndex: mysql.Message("Spatial expression index is not supported", nil),
ErrWrongKeyColumnFunctionalIndex: mysql.Message("The used storage engine cannot index the expression '%s'", nil),
ErrFunctionalIndexOnField: mysql.Message("Expression index on a column is not supported. Consider using a regular index instead", nil),
ErrFKIncompatibleColumns: mysql.Message("Referencing column '%s' and referenced column '%s' in foreign key constraint '%s' are incompatible.", nil),
ErrFunctionalIndexRowValueIsNotAllowed: mysql.Message("Expression of expression index '%s' cannot refer to a row value", nil),
ErrDependentByFunctionalIndex: mysql.Message("Column '%s' has an expression index dependency and cannot be dropped or renamed", nil),
ErrCannotConvertString: mysql.Message("Cannot convert string '%.64s' from %s to %s", nil),
ErrInvalidJSONValueForFuncIndex: mysql.Message("Invalid JSON value for CAST for expression index '%s'", nil),
ErrJSONValueOutOfRangeForFuncIndex: mysql.Message("Out of range JSON value for CAST for expression index '%s'", nil),
ErrFunctionalIndexDataIsTooLong: mysql.Message("Data too long for expression index '%s'", nil),
ErrFunctionalIndexNotApplicable: mysql.Message("Cannot use expression index '%s' due to type or collation conversion", nil),
ErrUnsupportedConstraintCheck: mysql.Message("%s is not supported", nil),
ErrDynamicPrivilegeNotRegistered: mysql.Message("Dynamic privilege '%s' is not registered with the server.", nil),
ErrIllegalPrivilegeLevel: mysql.Message("Illegal privilege level specified for %s", nil),
ErrCTERecursiveRequiresUnion: mysql.Message("Recursive Common Table Expression '%s' should contain a UNION", nil),
ErrCTERecursiveRequiresNonRecursiveFirst: mysql.Message("Recursive Common Table Expression '%s' should have one or more non-recursive query blocks followed by one or more recursive ones", nil),
ErrCTERecursiveForbidsAggregation: mysql.Message("Recursive Common Table Expression '%s' can contain neither aggregation nor window functions in recursive query block", nil),
ErrCTERecursiveForbiddenJoinOrder: mysql.Message("In recursive query block of Recursive Common Table Expression '%s', the recursive table must neither be in the right argument of a LEFT JOIN, nor be forced to be non-first with join order hints", nil),
ErrInvalidRequiresSingleReference: mysql.Message("In recursive query block of Recursive Common Table Expression '%s', the recursive table must be referenced only once, and not in any subquery", nil),
ErrCTEMaxRecursionDepth: mysql.Message("Recursive query aborted after %d iterations. Try increasing @@cte_max_recursion_depth to a larger value", nil),
ErrTableWithoutPrimaryKey: mysql.Message("Unable to create or change a table without a primary key, when the system variable 'sql_require_primary_key' is set. Add a primary key to the table or unset this variable to avoid this message. Note that tables without a primary key can cause performance problems in row-based replication, so please consult your DBA before changing this setting.", nil),
// MariaDB errors.
ErrOnlyOneDefaultPartionAllowed: mysql.Message("Only one DEFAULT partition allowed", nil),
ErrWrongPartitionTypeExpectedSystemTime: mysql.Message("Wrong partitioning type, expected type: `SYSTEM_TIME`", nil),
ErrSystemVersioningWrongPartitions: mysql.Message("Wrong Partitions: must have at least one HISTORY and exactly one last CURRENT", nil),
ErrSequenceRunOut: mysql.Message("Sequence '%-.64s.%-.64s' has run out", nil),
ErrSequenceInvalidData: mysql.Message("Sequence '%-.64s.%-.64s' values are conflicting", nil),
ErrSequenceAccessFail: mysql.Message("Sequence '%-.64s.%-.64s' access error", nil),
ErrNotSequence: mysql.Message("'%-.64s.%-.64s' is not a SEQUENCE", nil),
ErrUnknownSequence: mysql.Message("Unknown SEQUENCE: '%-.300s'", nil),
ErrWrongInsertIntoSequence: mysql.Message("Wrong INSERT into a SEQUENCE. One can only do single table INSERT into a sequence object (like with mysqldump). If you want to change the SEQUENCE, use ALTER SEQUENCE instead.", nil),
ErrSequenceInvalidTableStructure: mysql.Message("Sequence '%-.64s.%-.64s' table structure is invalid (%s)", nil),
// TiDB errors.
ErrMemExceedThreshold: mysql.Message("%s holds %dB memory, exceeds threshold %dB.%s", nil),
ErrForUpdateCantRetry: mysql.Message("[%d] can not retry select for update statement", nil),
ErrAdminCheckTable: mysql.Message("TiDB admin check table failed.", nil),
ErrOptOnTemporaryTable: mysql.Message("`%s` is unsupported on temporary tables.", nil),
ErrDropTableOnTemporaryTable: mysql.Message("`drop global temporary table` can only drop global temporary table", nil),
ErrTxnTooLarge: mysql.Message("Transaction is too large, size: %d", nil),
ErrWriteConflictInTiDB: mysql.Message("Write conflict, txnStartTS %d is stale", nil),
ErrInvalidPluginID: mysql.Message("Wrong plugin id: %s, valid plugin id is [name]-[version], both name and version should not contain '-'", nil),
ErrInvalidPluginManifest: mysql.Message("Cannot read plugin %s's manifest", nil),
ErrInvalidPluginName: mysql.Message("Plugin load with %s but got wrong name %s", nil),
ErrInvalidPluginVersion: mysql.Message("Plugin load with %s but got %s", nil),
ErrDuplicatePlugin: mysql.Message("Plugin [%s] is redeclared", nil),
ErrInvalidPluginSysVarName: mysql.Message("Plugin %s's sysVar %s must start with its plugin name %s", nil),
ErrRequireVersionCheckFail: mysql.Message("Plugin %s require %s be %v but got %v", nil),
ErrUnsupportedReloadPlugin: mysql.Message("Plugin %s isn't loaded so cannot be reloaded", nil),
ErrUnsupportedReloadPluginVar: mysql.Message("Reload plugin with different sysVar is unsupported %v", nil),
ErrTableLocked: mysql.Message("Table '%s' was locked in %s by %v", nil),
ErrNotExist: mysql.Message("Error: key not exist", nil),
ErrTxnRetryable: mysql.Message("Error: KV error safe to retry %s ", []int{0}),
ErrCannotSetNilValue: mysql.Message("can not set nil value", nil),
ErrInvalidTxn: mysql.Message("invalid transaction", nil),
ErrEntryTooLarge: mysql.Message("entry too large, the max entry size is %d, the size of data is %d", nil),
ErrNotImplemented: mysql.Message("not implemented", nil),
ErrInfoSchemaExpired: mysql.Message("Information schema is out of date: schema failed to update in 1 lease, please make sure TiDB can connect to TiKV", nil),
ErrInfoSchemaChanged: mysql.Message("Information schema is changed during the execution of the statement(for example, table definition may be updated by other DDL ran in parallel). If you see this error often, try increasing `tidb_max_delta_schema_count`", nil),
ErrBadNumber: mysql.Message("Bad Number", nil),
ErrCastAsSignedOverflow: mysql.Message("Cast to signed converted positive out-of-range integer to it's negative complement", nil),
ErrCastNegIntAsUnsigned: mysql.Message("Cast to unsigned converted negative integer to it's positive complement", nil),
ErrInvalidYearFormat: mysql.Message("invalid year format", nil),
ErrInvalidYear: mysql.Message("invalid year", nil),
ErrIncorrectDatetimeValue: mysql.Message("Incorrect datetime value: '%s'", []int{0}),
ErrInvalidTimeFormat: mysql.Message("invalid time format: '%v'", []int{0}),
ErrInvalidWeekModeFormat: mysql.Message("invalid week mode format: '%v'", nil),
ErrFieldGetDefaultFailed: mysql.Message("Field '%s' get default value fail", nil),
ErrIndexOutBound: mysql.Message("Index column %s offset out of bound, offset: %d, row: %v", []int{2}),
ErrUnsupportedOp: mysql.Message("operation not supported", nil),
ErrRowNotFound: mysql.Message("can not find the row: %s", []int{0}),
ErrTableStateCantNone: mysql.Message("table %s can't be in none state", nil),
ErrColumnStateCantNone: mysql.Message("column %s can't be in none state", nil),
ErrColumnStateNonPublic: mysql.Message("can not use non-public column", nil),
ErrIndexStateCantNone: mysql.Message("index %s can't be in none state", nil),
ErrInvalidRecordKey: mysql.Message("invalid record key", nil),
ErrUnsupportedValueForVar: mysql.Message("variable '%s' does not yet support value: %s", nil),
ErrUnsupportedIsolationLevel: mysql.Message("The isolation level '%s' is not supported. Set tidb_skip_isolation_level_check=1 to skip this error", nil),
ErrInvalidDDLWorker: mysql.Message("Invalid DDL worker", nil),
ErrUnsupportedDDLOperation: mysql.Message("Unsupported %s", nil),
ErrNotOwner: mysql.Message("TiDB server is not a DDL owner", nil),
ErrCantDecodeRecord: mysql.Message("Cannot decode %s value, because %v", nil),
ErrInvalidDDLJob: mysql.Message("Invalid DDL job", nil),
ErrInvalidDDLJobFlag: mysql.Message("Invalid DDL job flag", nil),
ErrWaitReorgTimeout: mysql.Message("Timeout waiting for data reorganization", nil),
ErrInvalidStoreVersion: mysql.Message("Invalid storage current version: %d", nil),
ErrUnknownTypeLength: mysql.Message("Unknown length for type %d", nil),
ErrUnknownFractionLength: mysql.Message("Unknown length for type %d and fraction %d", nil),
ErrInvalidDDLJobVersion: mysql.Message("Version %d of DDL job is greater than current one: %d", nil),
ErrInvalidSplitRegionRanges: mysql.Message("Failed to split region ranges: %s", nil),
ErrReorgPanic: mysql.Message("Reorg worker panic", nil),
ErrInvalidDDLState: mysql.Message("Invalid %s state: %v", nil),
ErrCancelledDDLJob: mysql.Message("Cancelled DDL job", nil),
ErrRepairTable: mysql.Message("Failed to repair table: %s", nil),
ErrLoadPrivilege: mysql.Message("Load privilege table fail: %s", nil),
ErrInvalidPrivilegeType: mysql.Message("unknown privilege type %s", nil),
ErrUnknownFieldType: mysql.Message("unknown field type", nil),
ErrInvalidSequence: mysql.Message("invalid sequence", nil),
ErrInvalidType: mysql.Message("invalid type", nil),
ErrCantGetValidID: mysql.Message("Cannot get a valid auto-ID when retrying the statement", nil),
ErrCantSetToNull: mysql.Message("cannot set variable to null", nil),
ErrSnapshotTooOld: mysql.Message("snapshot is older than GC safe point %s", nil),
ErrInvalidTableID: mysql.Message("invalid TableID", nil),
ErrInvalidAutoRandom: mysql.Message("Invalid auto random: %s", nil),
ErrInvalidHashKeyFlag: mysql.Message("invalid encoded hash key flag", nil),
ErrInvalidListIndex: mysql.Message("invalid list index", nil),
ErrInvalidListMetaData: mysql.Message("invalid list meta data", nil),
ErrWriteOnSnapshot: mysql.Message("write on snapshot", nil),
ErrInvalidKey: mysql.Message("invalid key", nil),
ErrInvalidIndexKey: mysql.Message("invalid index key", nil),
ErrDataInconsistent: mysql.Message("data inconsistency in table: %s, index: %s, handle: %s, index-values:%#v != record-values:%#v", []int{2, 3, 4}),
ErrDDLReorgElementNotExist: mysql.Message("DDL reorg element does not exist", nil),
ErrDDLJobNotFound: mysql.Message("DDL Job:%v not found", nil),
ErrCancelFinishedDDLJob: mysql.Message("This job:%v is finished, so can't be cancelled", nil),
ErrCannotCancelDDLJob: mysql.Message("This job:%v is almost finished, can't be cancelled now", nil),
ErrUnknownAllocatorType: mysql.Message("Invalid allocator type", nil),
ErrAutoRandReadFailed: mysql.Message("Failed to read auto-random value from storage engine", nil),
ErrInvalidIncrementAndOffset: mysql.Message("Invalid auto_increment settings: auto_increment_increment: %d, auto_increment_offset: %d, both of them must be in range [1..65535]", nil),
ErrDataInconsistentMismatchCount: mysql.Message("data inconsistency in table: %s, index: %s, index-count:%d != record-count:%d", nil),
ErrDataInconsistentMismatchIndex: mysql.Message("data inconsistency in table: %s, index: %s, col: %s, handle: %#v, index-values:%#v != record-values:%#v, compare err:%#v", []int{3, 4, 5, 6}),
ErrInconsistentRowValue: mysql.Message("writing inconsistent data in table: %s, expected-values:{%s} != record-values:{%s}", []int{1, 2}),
ErrInconsistentHandle: mysql.Message("writing inconsistent data in table: %s, index: %s, index-handle:%#v != record-handle:%#v, index: %#v, record: %#v", []int{2, 3, 4, 5}),
ErrInconsistentIndexedValue: mysql.Message("writing inconsistent data in table: %s, index: %s, col: %s, indexed-value:{%s} != record-value:{%s}", []int{3, 4}),
ErrAssertionFailed: mysql.Message("assertion failed: key: %s, assertion: %s, start_ts: %v, existing start ts: %v, existing commit ts: %v", []int{0}),
ErrInstanceScope: mysql.Message("modifying %s will require SET GLOBAL in a future version of TiDB", nil),
ErrNonTransactionalJobFailure: mysql.Message("non-transactional job failed, job id: %d, total jobs: %d. job range: [%s, %s], job sql: %s, err: %v", []int{2, 3, 4}),
ErrSettingNoopVariable: mysql.Message("setting %s has no effect in TiDB", nil),
ErrGettingNoopVariable: mysql.Message("variable %s has no effect in TiDB", nil),
ErrCannotMigrateSession: mysql.Message("cannot migrate the current session: %s", nil),
ErrLazyUniquenessCheckFailure: mysql.Message("transaction aborted because lazy uniqueness check is enabled and an error occurred: %s", nil),
ErrWarnOptimizerHintInvalidInteger: mysql.Message("integer value is out of range in '%s'", nil),
ErrWarnOptimizerHintUnsupportedHint: mysql.Message("Optimizer hint %s is not supported by TiDB and is ignored", nil),
ErrWarnOptimizerHintInvalidToken: mysql.Message("Cannot use %s '%s' (tok = %d) in an optimizer hint", nil),
ErrWarnMemoryQuotaOverflow: mysql.Message("Max value of MEMORY_QUOTA is %d bytes, ignore this invalid limit", nil),
ErrWarnOptimizerHintParseError: mysql.Message("Optimizer hint syntax error at %v", nil),
ErrSequenceUnsupportedTableOption: mysql.Message("Unsupported sequence table-option %s", nil),
ErrColumnTypeUnsupportedNextValue: mysql.Message("Unsupported sequence default value for column type '%s'", nil),
ErrAddColumnWithSequenceAsDefault: mysql.Message("Unsupported using sequence as default value in add column '%s'", nil),
ErrUnsupportedType: mysql.Message("Unsupported type %T", nil),
ErrAnalyzeMissIndex: mysql.Message("Index '%s' in field list does not exist in table '%s'", nil),
ErrAnalyzeMissColumn: mysql.Message("Column '%s' in ANALYZE column option does not exist in table '%s'", nil),
ErrCartesianProductUnsupported: mysql.Message("Cartesian product is unsupported", nil),
ErrPreparedStmtNotFound: mysql.Message("Prepared statement not found", nil),
ErrWrongParamCount: mysql.Message("Wrong parameter count", nil),
ErrSchemaChanged: mysql.Message("Schema has changed", nil),
ErrUnknownPlan: mysql.Message("Unknown plan", nil),
ErrPrepareMulti: mysql.Message("Can not prepare multiple statements", nil),
ErrPrepareDDL: mysql.Message("Can not prepare DDL statements with parameters", nil),
ErrResultIsEmpty: mysql.Message("Result is empty", nil),
ErrBuildExecutor: mysql.Message("Failed to build executor", nil),
ErrBatchInsertFail: mysql.Message("Batch insert failed, please clean the table and try again.", nil),
ErrGetStartTS: mysql.Message("Can not get start ts", nil),
ErrPrivilegeCheckFail: mysql.Message("privilege check for '%s' fail", nil), // this error message should begin lowercased to be compatible with the test
ErrInvalidWildCard: mysql.Message("Wildcard fields without any table name appears in wrong place", nil),
ErrMixOfGroupFuncAndFieldsIncompatible: mysql.Message("In aggregated query without GROUP BY, expression #%d of SELECT list contains nonaggregated column '%s'; this is incompatible with sql_mode=only_full_group_by", nil),
ErrUnsupportedSecondArgumentType: mysql.Message("JSON_OBJECTAGG: unsupported second argument type %v", nil),
ErrColumnNotMatched: mysql.Message("Load data: unmatched columns", nil),
ErrLockExpire: mysql.Message("TTL manager has timed out, pessimistic locks may expire, please commit or rollback this transaction", nil),
ErrTableOptionUnionUnsupported: mysql.Message("CREATE/ALTER table with union option is not supported", nil),
ErrTableOptionInsertMethodUnsupported: mysql.Message("CREATE/ALTER table with insert method option is not supported", nil),
ErrUserLockDeadlock: mysql.Message("Deadlock found when trying to get user-level lock; try rolling back transaction/releasing locks and restarting lock acquisition.", nil),
ErrUserLockWrongName: mysql.Message("Incorrect user-level lock name '%s'.", nil),
ErrBRIEBackupFailed: mysql.Message("Backup failed: %s", nil),
ErrBRIERestoreFailed: mysql.Message("Restore failed: %s", nil),
ErrBRIEImportFailed: mysql.Message("Import failed: %s", nil),
ErrBRIEExportFailed: mysql.Message("Export failed: %s", nil),
ErrInvalidTableSample: mysql.Message("Invalid TABLESAMPLE: %s", nil),
ErrJSONObjectKeyTooLong: mysql.Message("TiDB does not yet support JSON objects with the key length >= 65536", nil),
ErrPartitionStatsMissing: mysql.Message("Build table: %s global-level stats failed due to missing partition-level stats", nil),
ErrPartitionColumnStatsMissing: mysql.Message("Build table: %s global-level stats failed due to missing partition-level column stats, please run analyze table to refresh columns of all partitions", nil),
ErrDDLSetting: mysql.Message("Error happened when enable/disable DDL: %s", nil),
ErrNotSupportedWithSem: mysql.Message("Feature '%s' is not supported when security enhanced mode is enabled", nil),
ErrPlacementPolicyCheck: mysql.Message("Placement policy didn't meet the constraint, reason: %s", nil),
ErrMultiStatementDisabled: mysql.Message("client has multi-statement capability disabled. Run SET GLOBAL tidb_multi_statement_mode='ON' after you understand the security risk", nil),
ErrAsOf: mysql.Message("invalid as of timestamp: %s", nil),
ErrVariableNoLongerSupported: mysql.Message("option '%s' is no longer supported. Reason: %s", nil),
ErrInvalidAttributesSpec: mysql.Message("Invalid attributes: %s", nil),
ErrPlacementPolicyExists: mysql.Message("Placement policy '%-.192s' already exists", nil),
ErrPlacementPolicyNotExists: mysql.Message("Unknown placement policy '%-.192s'", nil),
ErrPlacementPolicyWithDirectOption: mysql.Message("Placement policy '%s' can't co-exist with direct placement options", nil),
ErrPlacementPolicyInUse: mysql.Message("Placement policy '%-.192s' is still in use", nil),
ErrOptOnCacheTable: mysql.Message("'%s' is unsupported on cache tables.", nil),
ErrColumnInChange: mysql.Message("column %s id %d does not exist, this column may have been updated by other DDL ran in parallel", nil),
// TiKV/PD errors.
ErrPDServerTimeout: mysql.Message("PD server timeout", nil),
ErrTiKVServerTimeout: mysql.Message("TiKV server timeout", nil),
ErrTiKVServerBusy: mysql.Message("TiKV server is busy", nil),
ErrTiFlashServerTimeout: mysql.Message("TiFlash server timeout", nil),
ErrTiFlashServerBusy: mysql.Message("TiFlash server is busy", nil),
ErrResolveLockTimeout: mysql.Message("Resolve lock timeout", nil),
ErrRegionUnavailable: mysql.Message("Region is unavailable", nil),
ErrGCTooEarly: mysql.Message("GC life time is shorter than transaction duration, transaction starts at %v, GC safe point is %v", nil),
ErrWriteConflict: mysql.Message("Write conflict, txnStartTS=%d, conflictStartTS=%d, conflictCommitTS=%d, key=%s, reason=%s", []int{3}),
ErrTiKVStoreLimit: mysql.Message("Store token is up to the limit, store id = %d", nil),
ErrPrometheusAddrIsNotSet: mysql.Message("Prometheus address is not set in PD and etcd", nil),
ErrTiKVStaleCommand: mysql.Message("TiKV server reports stale command", nil),
ErrTiKVMaxTimestampNotSynced: mysql.Message("TiKV max timestamp is not synced", nil),
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