hadoop AbstractINodeDiffList 源码

  • 2022-10-20
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haddop AbstractINodeDiffList 代码


 * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
 * or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
 * distributed with this work for additional information
 * regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
 * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
 * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
 * with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
 *     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 * limitations under the License.
package org.apache.hadoop.hdfs.server.namenode.snapshot;

import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.List;

import org.apache.hadoop.hdfs.server.namenode.INode;
import org.apache.hadoop.hdfs.server.namenode.INodeAttributes;
import org.apache.hadoop.hdfs.server.namenode.INodeDirectory;

 * A list of snapshot diffs for storing snapshot data.
 * @param <N> The {@link INode} type.
 * @param <D> The diff type, which must extend {@link AbstractINodeDiff}.
abstract class AbstractINodeDiffList<N extends INode,
                                     A extends INodeAttributes,
                                     D extends AbstractINodeDiff<N, A, D>> 
    implements Iterable<D> {

  /** Diff list sorted by snapshot IDs, i.e. in chronological order.
    * Created lazily to avoid wasting memory by empty lists. */
  private DiffList<D> diffs;

  /** @return this list as a unmodifiable {@link List}. */
  public final DiffList<D> asList() {
    return diffs != null ?
        DiffList.unmodifiableList(diffs) : DiffList.emptyList();

  public boolean isEmpty() {
    return diffs == null || diffs.isEmpty();
  /** Clear the list. */
  public void clear() {
    diffs = null;

  /** @return an {@link AbstractINodeDiff}. */
  abstract D createDiff(int snapshotId, N currentINode);

  /** @return a snapshot copy of the current inode. */  
  abstract A createSnapshotCopy(N currentINode);

   * Delete a snapshot. The synchronization of the diff list will be done 
   * outside. If the diff to remove is not the first one in the diff list, we 
   * need to combine the diff with its previous one.
   * @param reclaimContext blocks and inodes that need to be reclaimed
   * @param snapshot The id of the snapshot to be deleted
   * @param prior The id of the snapshot taken before the to-be-deleted snapshot
   * @param currentINode the inode where the snapshot diff is deleted
  public final void deleteSnapshotDiff(INode.ReclaimContext reclaimContext,
      final int snapshot, final int prior, final N currentINode) {
    if (diffs == null) {
    final int snapshotIndex = diffs.binarySearch(snapshot);
    // DeletionOrdered: only can remove the element at index 0 and no prior
    //                  check snapshotIndex <= 0 since the diff may not exist
    assert !SnapshotManager.isDeletionOrdered()
        || (snapshotIndex <= 0 && prior == Snapshot.NO_SNAPSHOT_ID);

    D removed;
    if (snapshotIndex == 0) {
      if (prior != Snapshot.NO_SNAPSHOT_ID) { // there is still snapshot before
        // set the snapshot to latestBefore
      } else { // there is no snapshot before
        removed = diffs.remove(0);
        if (diffs.isEmpty()) {
          diffs = null;
        removed.destroyDiffAndCollectBlocks(reclaimContext, currentINode);
    } else if (snapshotIndex > 0) {
      final AbstractINodeDiff<N, A, D> previous = diffs.get(snapshotIndex - 1);
      if (previous.getSnapshotId() != prior) {
      } else {
        // combine the to-be-removed diff with its previous diff
        removed = diffs.remove(snapshotIndex);
        if (previous.snapshotINode == null) {
          previous.snapshotINode = removed.snapshotINode;

        previous.combinePosteriorAndCollectBlocks(reclaimContext, currentINode,

  /** Add an {@link AbstractINodeDiff} for the given snapshot. */
  final D addDiff(int latestSnapshotId, N currentINode) {
    return addLast(createDiff(latestSnapshotId, currentINode));

  /** Append the diff at the end of the list. */
  private D addLast(D diff) {
    final D last = getLast();
    if (last != null) {
    return diff;
  /** Add the diff to the beginning of the list. */
  final void addFirst(D diff) {
    final D first = diffs.isEmpty()? null : diffs.get(0);

  /** @return the first diff. */
  final D getFirst() {
    return diffs == null || diffs.isEmpty()? null: diffs.get(0);

  /** @return the first snapshot INode. */
  final A getFirstSnapshotINode() {
    final D first = getFirst();
    return first == null? null: first.getSnapshotINode();

  /** @return the last diff. */
  public final D getLast() {
    if (diffs == null) {
      return null;
    int n = diffs.size();
    return n == 0 ? null : diffs.get(n - 1);

  DiffList<D> newDiffs() {
    return new DiffListByArrayList<>(

  private void createDiffsIfNeeded() {
    if (diffs == null) {
      diffs = newDiffs();

  /** @return the id of the last snapshot. */
  public final int getLastSnapshotId() {
    final AbstractINodeDiff<N, A, D> last = getLast();
    return last == null ? Snapshot.CURRENT_STATE_ID : last.getSnapshotId();
   * Find the latest snapshot before a given snapshot.
   * @param anchorId The returned snapshot's id must be &lt;= or &lt; this
   *                 given snapshot id.
   * @param exclusive True means the returned snapshot's id must be &lt; the
   *                  given id, otherwise &lt;=.
   * @return The id of the latest snapshot before the given snapshot.
  public final int getPrior(int anchorId, boolean exclusive) {
    if (diffs == null) {
      return Snapshot.NO_SNAPSHOT_ID;
    if (anchorId == Snapshot.CURRENT_STATE_ID) {
      int last = getLastSnapshotId();
      if (exclusive && last == anchorId) {
        return Snapshot.NO_SNAPSHOT_ID;
      return last;
    final int i = diffs.binarySearch(anchorId);
    if (exclusive) { // must be the one before
      if (i == -1 || i == 0) {
        return Snapshot.NO_SNAPSHOT_ID;
      } else {
        int priorIndex = i > 0 ? i - 1 : -i - 2;
        return diffs.get(priorIndex).getSnapshotId();
    } else { // the one, or the one before if not existing
      if (i >= 0) {
        return diffs.get(i).getSnapshotId();
      } else if (i < -1) {
        return diffs.get(-i - 2).getSnapshotId();
      } else { // i == -1
        return Snapshot.NO_SNAPSHOT_ID;
  public final int getPrior(int snapshotId) {
    return getPrior(snapshotId, false);
   * Update the prior snapshot.
  final int updatePrior(int snapshot, int prior) {
    int p = getPrior(snapshot, true);
    if (p != Snapshot.CURRENT_STATE_ID
        && Snapshot.ID_INTEGER_COMPARATOR.compare(p, prior) > 0) {
      return p;
    return prior;
  public final D getDiffById(final int snapshotId) {
    if (snapshotId == Snapshot.CURRENT_STATE_ID || diffs == null) {
      return null;
    final int i = diffs.binarySearch(snapshotId);
    if (i >= 0) {
      // exact match
      return diffs.get(i);
    } else {
      // Exact match not found means that there were no changes between
      // given snapshot and the next state so that the diff for the given
      // snapshot was not recorded. Thus, return the next state.
      final int j = -i - 1;
      return j < diffs.size() ? diffs.get(j) : null;
   * Search for the snapshot whose id is 1) no less than the given id, 
   * and 2) most close to the given id.
  public final int getSnapshotById(final int snapshotId) {
    D diff = getDiffById(snapshotId);
    return diff == null ? Snapshot.CURRENT_STATE_ID : diff.getSnapshotId();

  public final int getDiffIndexById(final int snapshotId) {
    int diffIndex = diffs.binarySearch(snapshotId);
    diffIndex = diffIndex < 0 ? (-diffIndex - 1) : diffIndex;
    return diffIndex;

  final int[] changedBetweenSnapshots(Snapshot from, Snapshot to) {
    if (diffs == null) {
      return null;
    Snapshot earlier = from;
    Snapshot later = to;
    if (Snapshot.ID_COMPARATOR.compare(from, to) > 0) {
      earlier = to;
      later = from;

    final int size = diffs.size();
    int earlierDiffIndex = getDiffIndexById(earlier.getId());
    int laterDiffIndex = later == null ? size
        : getDiffIndexById(later.getId());
    if (earlierDiffIndex == size) {
      // if the earlierSnapshot is after the latest SnapshotDiff stored in
      // diffs, no modification happened after the earlierSnapshot
      return null;
    if (laterDiffIndex == -1 || laterDiffIndex == 0) {
      // if the laterSnapshot is the earliest SnapshotDiff stored in diffs, or
      // before it, no modification happened before the laterSnapshot
      return null;
    return new int[]{earlierDiffIndex, laterDiffIndex};

   * @return the inode corresponding to the given snapshot.
   *         Note that the current inode is returned if there is no change
   *         between the given snapshot and the current state. 
  public A getSnapshotINode(final int snapshotId, final A currentINode) {
    final D diff = getDiffById(snapshotId);
    final A inode = diff == null? null: diff.getSnapshotINode();
    return inode == null? currentINode: inode;

   * Check if the latest snapshot diff exists.  If not, add it.
   * @return the latest snapshot diff, which is never null.
  final D checkAndAddLatestSnapshotDiff(int latestSnapshotId, N currentINode) {
    final D last = getLast();
    return (last != null && Snapshot.ID_INTEGER_COMPARATOR
        .compare(last.getSnapshotId(), latestSnapshotId) >= 0) ?
        last : addDiff(latestSnapshotId, currentINode);

  /** Save the snapshot copy to the latest snapshot. */
  public D saveSelf2Snapshot(int latestSnapshotId, N currentINode,
      A snapshotCopy) {
    D diff = null;
    if (latestSnapshotId != Snapshot.CURRENT_STATE_ID) {
      diff = checkAndAddLatestSnapshotDiff(latestSnapshotId, currentINode);
      if (diff.snapshotINode == null) {
        if (snapshotCopy == null) {
          snapshotCopy = createSnapshotCopy(currentINode);
    return diff;

  public Iterator<D> iterator() {
    return diffs != null ? diffs.iterator() : Collections.emptyIterator();

  public String toString() {
    if (diffs != null) {
      final StringBuilder b =
          new StringBuilder(getClass().getSimpleName()).append("@")
              .append(Integer.toHexString(hashCode())).append(": ");
      for (D d : diffs) {
        b.append(d).append(", ");
      b.setLength(b.length() - 2);
      return b.toString();
    } else {
      return "";


hadoop 源码目录


hadoop AbstractINodeDiff 源码

hadoop DiffList 源码

hadoop DiffListByArrayList 源码

hadoop DiffListBySkipList 源码

hadoop DirectoryDiffListFactory 源码

hadoop DirectorySnapshottableFeature 源码

hadoop DirectoryWithSnapshotFeature 源码

hadoop FSImageFormatPBSnapshot 源码

hadoop FileDiff 源码

hadoop FileDiffList 源码

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