harmony 鸿蒙Access Control Error Codes

  • 2022-12-05
  • 浏览 (793)

Access Control Error Codes


This topic describes only module-specific error codes. For details about universal error codes, see Universal Error Codes.

12100001 Invalid Parameters

Error Message

Parameter invalid, message is ${messageInfo}.

Possible Causes

This error code is reported if an error occurs during parameter verification. The possible causes are as follows: - The value of tokenId is 0. - The permission name is empty or exceeds 256 characters. - The flag value in the permission authorization or revocation request is invalid. - The input parameters specified for registering a listener are incorrect.


Correct the invalid parameter values.

12100002 TokenId Does Not Exist

Error Message

TokenId does not exist.

Possible Causes

  • The specified tokenId does not exist.
  • The process of the specified tokenId is not an application process.


Set tokenId correctly.

12100003 Permission Does Not Exist

Error Message

Permission does not exist.

Possible Causes

  • The specified permissionName does not exist.
  • The specified permissionName does not match the tokenId in the permission authorization or revocation scenario.
  • The specified permissionName is not a sensitive permission that requires user authorization.


Set the permissionName parameter correctly. For details, see Application Permission List.

12100004 Listener APIs Not Used in Pairs

Error Message

The interface is not used together.

Possible Causes

This error code is reported if listener APIs are not used in pairs. The possible causes are as follows: 1. The listener APIs that need to be used in pairs are repeatedly called. 2. The listener APIs that need to be used in pairs are independently called.


  1. Check whether the API needs to be used in pairs. That is, if an API is called to enable listening, an API with the same input parameters cannot be called unless an API is called to stop listening first.
  2. Check whether the API needs to be used in pairs. That is, an API for disabling listening or unregistering a listener can only be called after the API for enabling listening or registering a listener is called.

12100005 Listener Overflow

Error Message

The number of listeners exceeds the limit.

Possible Causes

The number of listeners exceeds 200 (the upper limit).


Release unused listeners in a timely manner.

12100006 Permission Granting or Revocation Not Supported for the Specified Application

Error Message

The specified application does not support the permissions granted or ungranted as specified.

Possible Causes

  1. The specified tokenId is the identity of the remote device. Distributed permission granting and revocation are not yet supported.
  2. The specified tokenId belongs to a sandbox application, which is not allowed to apply for the specified permission.


  1. Check whether the method of obtaining tokenId is correct.
  2. Check whether the sandbox application works in restrictive mode. Most permissions cannot be granted to a sandbox application in restrictive mode.

12100007 System Services Not Working Properly

Error Message

Service is abnormal.

Possible Causes

This error code is reported if system services are not working properly. The possible causes are as follows: - The permission management service cannot start properly. - The read or write of IPC data fails.


System services do not work properly. Try again later or restart the device.

12100008 Out of Memory

Error Message

Out of memory.

Possible Causes

The system memory is insufficient.


Try again later or restart the device.


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